Your texting has room for improvement.
You should not be giving away power with ball-in-court texts. The way you're structuring them you are, however.
Ball-in-her-court text you sent her:
First off, reread the article this concept's from and look how it's framed:
“The ball’s in your court.” You either love uttering that line, or you never utter it. It’s a truly liberating line when you’re using it right – some girl you think likes you, or you think might like you, but who is being coy or difficult about coming out... you’re just going to fire that text...
If you have
my texting book sold on Amazon, reread that chapter in particular; it's the article above, but it has examples specifically for text.
A good ball-in-her-court message sets several vital frames:
- "I'm chill and unaffected by your unavailability"
- "My time is valuable though and I don't chase"
- "You are being silly and flakey and indecisive"
- "Whenever you're being less silly, get in touch"
(probably also reread
this article for good measure, come to think of it. Because that thinking underlies how you frame the text. You also need to thoroughly understand
Note that last part though:
you are giving her an instruction.
Not just any instruction; a ball-in-her-court instruction is a clear, conditional instruction: you tell her "when X happens, do Y", that way when X happens, it pops into her mind "Oh! X has happened! Now I must do Y" and you hear back.
The text you're sending is worded in such a way that it communicates the opposite of what a good ball-in-her-court text communicates, gives no real or clear instructions, and has some other bad frames:
- "You're in control and I accept your frame" ("I understand")
- "It's your choice whether to accept or deny me" (meeting up tomorrow to "see how she feels")
- "You need to make a decision; the power is yours" ("if you're sure...")
- "I will be here or not, whichever you want from me" ("I won't contact you anymore if that's what you want")
You also propose a random meeting tomorrow (is she free tomorrow? Was this discussed or planned? You're 2x-3x more likely to get a rejection asking girls out for specific times than checking their schedules first, and on top of that she just said she's too busy with some other dude and your response was "Let's meet up tomorrow" -- looks way tone-deaf). "Let's meet tomorrow" is the only instruction in there, kind of, but you give her an out to it, so not really.
Then you tell her you are "throwing the ball in her court" -- that's the name of the tactic, it's not the words you send her. "I'll throw the ball in your court" is how you talk to men you don't particularly care to hear from again. She's not a man, and you do (presumably) want to hear from her again. "I'm throwing the ball in your court" is a weird message for a woman to get.
Women need clear instructions. You did not give her an instruction to text you here; it is vague and non-specific ("you decide what to do, at a time you decide to do it").
Here's what a proper ball-in-your-court exchange would look like with this girl:
She said:
You say:
Geez, that sounds like a real clusterfuck! Well you better get that situ sorted out then. Tell you what when things calm down a bit and you're ready to meet up, shoot me a text & we'll figure things out then 
See how different that is from what you sent?
She's telling you all this garbage about how she's seeing another dude and now they're getting close and also she's so busy at work, blah blah blah... when people start giving you multiple reasons for something they are trying to come up with excuses that cannot easily be broken. So you know right away the real reason is probably actually something like "I'm just not really that attracted to you."
She's not monogamous with this guy; she comes out and says right here that she does FB / open relationships. She is talking about past experiences doing them, and is NOT telling you "I'm in an exclusive relationship right now" -- really what she is saying here is "I don't want to do this with YOU (because of a lack of attraction)."
So your #1 priority here is resetting the frame, which you do by framing yourself as a high value guy who passes judgment
in a cool way on her girly flakey silly indecision.
She just told you her life is a mess, so you unabashedly tell her her life sounds like a mess,
then give her an instruction.
Usually I think it's good form to avoid swearing with girls unless you know they're cool with it, but when she's writing you this long bullshit excuse about what a clusterfuck her life is, telling her "Geez, that's a real clusterfuck!" and then giving her an instruction to sort that out does a couple things for you:
- It implies your life is NOT a clusterfuck, and that you have your shit on lock in ways she does not
- It tells her you aren't pussyfooting around and aren't going to try to be all nice guy understanding ("Oh, I see, that makes total sense" etc.)
- You take a bit of a fatherly tone then and tell her in essence it's not good to have a fucked up life and she need to fix that
- The implication there is that you are doing a takeaway until her life is sorted out
That's very different framing. Can you feel that? You are the high value one; it is now a
takeaway where you are taking yourself away until her clusterfuck life is sorted; she now has to sort all her crap out before she can hope to see you.
Then finally you give her CLEAR CONDITIONS ("when things calm down a bit and you're ready to meet up") followed by CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS ("shoot me a text & we'll figure things out then").
Texting is not just a game of writing words.
It is a game of figuring out what framing you want, THEN attaching words to it that get those frames across.
She was already in "I'm not really attracted to Shawn... I don't really want to make room in my life for him" mode when she sent that text.
If you sent her a ball-in-her-court text like the one I just laid out for you, I guarantee you it would've stuck in her mind and bothered her and made her start thinking about you over and over: "I feel embarrassed now to look so disorganized to a guy who seems like he has his shit together. I mean he even told me I need to sort things out. He's probably got his life a lot more on lock than I do. I feel like a kid now! I feel like I don't know what's going on... He's probably judging me as a mess right now. And how could he just walk away? But he said I could contact him when it's straightened out. I feel like maybe I just messed up."
Then you will just keep popping up into her head over and over, and she will feel embarrassed, until at last she contacts you to try to alleviate the embarrassment she feels + contact a guy who has framed himself in her mind as being a high-value guy who is willing to meet her if she can be a little more reliable but isn't going to hang around forever while she flakes about and waffles.
That's ball-in-her-court texting.
On your other texting:
This doesn't read like you've read my guides on texting at all. You're being the RIWIG text banterer guy.
Not terrible, but not optimal, either.
My three primary texting articles are here:
This guide will show you exactly how to text a girl. Including: Texting a girl examples Copy-paste texting templates Emerging texting trends Must-read resources Lots more If you want to go from novice to 'textpert', this guide is for you. Let's begin. About the Author Chase Amante here. I'm an...
In the article on second dates, Todd comments on a girl he's met and some of the texting they've done between their first date and second, and finishes up with the questions below: “What's the next step? I don't want her to lose interest, but I'm gone for this entire week. We said we'd get...
Don't know how to text a girl you like? Copy these texts and send them to her to get her excited and ready to go out with you. Contents 1. Icebreaker Text 2. Same Day Date Text 3. Next Day Date Text 4. Standard Scheduler Text 5. Proposal Text 6. No Worries Text 7. Scheduler II Text 8. Scheduler...
If you felt like you did not build a strong enough first impression with her that you can jump right to logistical "set the date up" texting, then call her or video message her first:
The bonding phone call lets you build a stronger emotional connection with a girl you’ve just met. If you need a boost before the date, this is it. Contents 1. Do Phone Calls Work? 2. Role of the Bonding Call 3. How to Make a Bonding Phone Call Pitfalls to Avoid What to Discuss 4. What to Do...
How do you send a woman video messages that draw her in and get a response? There's a science to it… and it includes what you weave into the message, as well as the tone. Hey guys, and welcome to part 2 of my two-part series on video messaging. You can read Part 1 (on why video messaging girls...
(you can also use an alternate texting method... I know
@Skills and
@Warped Mindless are fans of more text banter. If you're doing that, I would study their stuff and what they are doing for their text banter convos; you don't have to use my stuff if you like theirs better)
Anyway, I would look hard at how I am framing the things I am sending. Because right now I'm seeing a bunch of framing in your texts you do not want to have, and lacking are most/all the frames you do.
Clean that up and you should start seeing more dividends from your texting.