This post is my 'report' post dance-congress.
Brief recap:
Overall epic experience at this congress, meeting so many girls, and it was my first experience really swinging the bat hard and trying to get a girl back to my hotel room - which I succeeded in doing Saturday night! But, just like the rest of the cases in April, lost this one too to LMR despite about 1.5 - 2 hours of persistence and she left me with a serious case of blue balls. Despite this, I left the congress with a BIG smile on my face and overall very very positive vibes. Besides the bounce-back on Saturday, I flirted with many many girls, got 6 phone numbers, another kiss close/make-out, and two lunch 'dates' on Sunday (not to mention having an overall great time dancing and increasing my dance repertoire). I also learned a lot about how to leverage my knowledge of game, and pick-up, in this kind of setting with my high value to these girls that comes from 10+ years of dance experience.
More details:
My arrival to this congress was on Friday night. I had booked a hotel next door to the congress hotel to make it a proper weekend, and like I mentioned before, have perfect logistics for a bounce back. I prepare the room beforehand by buying alcohol (beer and cheap white wine) as well as setting up a speaker to play music with my computer, which would be ready to go as soon as I arrive.
There are three main components to a salsa congress - workshops during the day with instructors, performances after dinner, then partying all night until 6-7 am.
On Friday, my arrival coincided with when most people were watching the performances, around 9-10 pm. This is just a passive activity in which you sit and watch other people perform, which has never been my cup of tea. Luckily this congress had a room set up just for people like me that aren't into waiting for the performances to be over before they want to start dancing.
This dance room is barren with only a few people at this point in the night, but in the room is a cute MILF dancing with another dude, and I grab her as soon as she is done with him. She isnt super skilled but I have fun with her regardless, and conversation continues after the dance and after I dance with another woman in the same room. I suggest 'getting an adult beverage' at the hotel bar, which she accepts (applying the game principle of 'moving venues' to test compliance, something I do over and over and over again at this congress).
At the bar, we get drinks, and after sitting down lo and behold the other woman that was also in the room turns up - I invite her to sit with us. Thus, there I am having a drink with two cute ladies I just met. Not a bad start!
We hang out at the bar until the performances end and the party starts. During the course of the night on Friday I attempt 4 bounce-backs (two with the two women I had drinks with, plus two more I met/danced with throughout the night), roughly using the strategy of 1.) identifying a target that I am dancing with who seems "on" - (very flirty, sensual dancing), 2.) Moving her to another ballroom with different kinds of music playing (venue change within the same event, testing compliance), then 3.) suggesting 'a drink' in my hotel room. Unfortunately all four of these attempts are not successful - a combination of factors I feel led to these failures, either not enough comfort, not enough sexual tension building, or just plain lack of interest from the girl. Besides grabbing a number or two, I go back to my room exhausted at 4 am empty-handed.
Saturday was a much better day. During the day were the workshops. Highlight was meeting a very cute and very flirty/receptive Boricua (just like me) who was taking one of the same workshops. Her interest seemed obvious as we danced together in the beginning of one of the workshops which had easily over 100 attendees, and then split up as people rotated, but afterwards after the workshop ended and I went to grab my stuff she IMMEDIATELY made eye contact and grinned at me. I go right up to her to and chat, grab her number, and send her a short "good to meet" text. She replies with a high-investment text later in the day that is almost 10 times as long, and responsive to my pings later in the weekend. I am excited to get this one out on a date - but logistics are very very poor, unfortunately.
Saturday evening, same strategy - I skip the performances and go to the dance room that has people in it that would rather dance instead of watch performances. There I meet another friendly MILF who I strike up a conversation with, and again use the "lets get an adult beverage" bounce-to-hotel-bar strategy. This is effective and she comes with me - but then reveals she doesn't drink once there (LOL). Funny enough, she dismisses herself as she says she wants to go back to dancing, but then recruits another woman who had just arrived at the bar to take her place who is in fact cuter than she is. This new woman has no problem sitting with me, and I end up talking to her for about 2 hours, with mostly comfort and vibing with a few sexual spikes. She is also throwing back the alcohol and has a quirky personality - as the person reading this post can problably guess, this is the girl that ends up agreeing to the bounce back later.
Eventually around midnight I excuse myself from the girl at the bar (after getting her number) and make it to the party, which is now going on in full force. A lot of dancers, and a LOT of cute girls. With one girl after the other, I do my 1.), 2.), 3.) strategy outlined above, sometimes for the number close as #3 instead of the bounce-back, then literally (within seconds), often finding a brand new sexy girl to try it with. One girl is being particularly sensual, putting her face/mouth VERY close to mine - after her doing this 10-15 times, I just go straight for it (wasn't hard - I had to close a distance of only a few centimeters). She isn't particularly receptive to the ultra-fast escalation of kissing though, and this is the only number that actually doesn't respond to an ice-breaker text all weekend (overall, the numbers I was getting are generally responding, probably meaning my game was tighter than usual).
One girl I dance with had made sexy eye contact several times during the workshops or at the bar earlier, and when I finally ask her to dance she is ready for it, and very enthusiastic about giving me her number:
Me: Where are you coming from?
Her: *names town 3 hours away*, come visit me
Me: I don't know, that's far. You have to make it worth it for me.
Her: *Sexy voice* I will definitely make it worth it for you. (WHOA)
Eventually, I find the girl from the bar earlier that I spoke with for so long. She is very happy to see me and expresses her concern that she would never find me in such a big event, and was happy she finally did. Its already ~3 am, so I do the 'venue change', then suggest the bounce back....and she agrees! As we are walking out, the petite MILF from the other week that was at my place sees me leave with this new girl and reacts very jealous/cooly (LOL).
As we are walking to my hotel, this girls body language is distant (wont let me touch her that much), and outside of the hotel room the LMR starts - i.e., she pauses in the hallway and says "by the way, we are not hooking up". I use the standard anti-LMR role reversal for this, telling her she needs to get her mind out of the gutter and asking her "why are you thinking about sex all the time?". This gets her in the room. She grabs my cheap white wine and starts drinking it, then plops herself down next to the bed. She seems legitimately nervous and angsty, which later becomes a theme for this girl as the escalation progresses. I tell her to relax, and put my arm around her, and rest my head on her shoulder which seems to calm her. She tells me she will give me a massage, and starts to do so - I take off my shirt "to make it easier for her". Then I turn around and return the favor to her, eventually going up to her neck, then turning her head and giving her a big, full on kiss. She kisses back and very much enjoys it, but she wont let me escalate more, so I fractionate, put on some bullshit movie on Netflix and continue to kiss her, her neck, body, etc, with periods of me pulling back when she pushes away. Her resistance is firm and she never lets me continue escalating past the kissing - and unfortunately as it gets later her anxiety seems to return ("I dont think I can do this, I have to leave"), to the point where she seems very distressed and on the verge of crying. Still, despite her insistence that she needs to leave and that she isn't good company, it almost seems like she needs my permission to leave - she would not let me escalate and insisted on leaving constantly, but she also wouldn't leave as well. After over 30 minutes of this I let her go (giving her the "permission", instead of asking her to stay and relax), and she goes out into the hallway.
A bit confused, I consider what to do next. It is 4:30 am and I know the party is still going on, and I am not at all tired, so I put on clothes again and get back to the party LOL. In the lobby of the hotel I see the girl calling an uber and stay with her until her driver gets there, kissing her again and generally telling her its okay. Then I go back to the dance floor.
I get some dances in with some of the very serious, highly skilled bachateras that are still out dancing at that hour, but my instinct tells me the bounceback wouldnt be in the cards for most of those girls. As I'm ABOUT to call it quits and go back to my hotel room to crash and cure my blue-balls at around 5:30 am, a blonde, slightly overweight but still cute woman asks me to dance - and I can tell it's on right away. Again with the very sensual, face-centimeters-from-mine style. I do the 'venue-change', then again go for the kiss close in the other room in the same fashion as the last time - and this time she is into it, and kisses back. I ask for the bounce-back and she is seriously considering it, but also resisting, saying "I have to let my friend know" and looking for her. I tell her to just text her but to no avail - this is probably when I could have led a bit harder and said "I'm going right now, come with me" to prevent what happens next. When we DO eventually find the friend (a heavy-set girl), she in fact doesn't care that her friend might hook up with me, but gives her the option of going back with her with instead, which the blonde girl takes saying "yeah sorry, I dont hook up at congresses" then going back in to kiss me full on in the mouth.
After this, I do seriously call it quits and go back to wank and sleep.
Sunday morning, I send pings to all the numbers I got over the weekend. Something like 80% respond, including the Boricua I would love to meet again, and the "I will definitely make it worth it for you" girl. I ask the latter girl to get coffee with me, she tells me lets get lunch, and we meet. Its a great lunch date with a very cute and interesting girl, we vibe over many topics and she responds very well to my physical escalations. She lives far away, but this is another girl I would love to see again. I say goodbye to that girl, hit up one more workshop, find the blonde girl again that I kissed closed on the dance floor last night at 6 am and number close her properly (who clearly wanted me to kiss her again, LOL), then have a second food meet with a vegan dancer girl who I knew previously but had a failed date with back in December or January. Might be something to rekindle there but I would have to work at it.
Thus concludes an epic weekend. Lots of amazing interactions with gorgeous females and many leads for future dates.