Almost unsurprisingly, none of the dates I tried to line up last week ended up working out (lot of flakes). I took a break from pick-up and daygame over the weekend to visit family, and today I had a very busy day with work and personal matters I had to attend to. I have not done even one cold approach in 5 days.
It is the last day of September, which despite a lot of promise ended up being a below-average month pick-up wise. My approach number was higher than average, but my number-close rate was below average. Only two months are worse, March which was my beginner month, and July which had that disastrous Madrid trip.
I also ended up having no dates from any of the leads I got this month (though that could soon change, see below). I honestly blame the midwest trip in the middle of the month for fucking with my momentum, and leading to texting mistakes (at least with the personal trainer). But I also think mistakes were made with some of these other prospects that screwed up my chances. With the airport terminal girl, I turned up the heat way too fast in the middle of the terminal by kissing her, which then led to buyers remorse, especially when I was too available over text. I also blame this for the friendszone experience I had with the gym girl, as me kissing her and NOT inviting her home when she was expecting it put me squarely in the "boyfriend" box, which ended up being unattractive to her. I still punish myself mentally over this mistake especially, since it was SO on with her during the date. C'est la vie.
The rate at which the numbers I DID get responded to the initial "icebreaker text" was also lower than normal, at around 44%. Typically in past months it can be over 50%, which rounds out how crappy this month was overall.
I did get back into the pick-up literature by opening up my copy of "Mystery Method" and reading it again, and also perusing some material from Tony D (one of my favorite girlschase writers) and Tom Torero. Looking for inspiration for a better October, especially since I feel some weird feelings coming on with the Kazakh girl that can only come from lack of other immediate options.
Two other observations I want to make in this post:
It is proven to me, time and time again, that being bold and asking a woman to go home with you,
DOES NOT decrease attraction, and in fact may
INCREASE it. This is why the mistake with the gym girl still hurts.
I tried this again on Friday when I was out dancing - there is an older latina MILF that has been registering on my radar the past couple of times I have seen her out. She was easily one of the best dancers in the club that night, and I took her out on the dance floor several times. I was three drinks in, horny, and I noticed she was giving me a large amounts of IOIs - approaching, dancing with me, touching me, laughing at my jokes. I have taken older women straight home for sex from dancing before - I can name at least two times that it has happened, one from last year.
So, late in the night I just went for it - I asked if she wanted to go home with me and "learn a new dance" (a legitimate one, but which one is beyond the scope of this post). She was shocked for a bit, and said no. But then she got over it and started giving me IOIs again, but was dancing with other guys. I didn't feel like waiting around to ask her again, so I went home.
I sent her a text the next day and she immediately responded very positively. Then, when I run into her again (randomly) yesterday in my local neighborhood, again there is a wealth of IOIs from her and some deep diving in our conversation about her history (and how she was married for 20 years). She kept commenting on how young I was, and since I had been reading Mystery Method I knew exactly what to say in response to these shit tests.
Today, she texts me again inviting me out to another club for her friends birthday.
I might ask her out, The only snag here is that this woman does not drink, which fucks with my usual two-venue date model. I don't know what to do yet with women that don't drink.
But the point is, fortune favors the bold. I need to continue to get over this social programming that women do not want to be asked to go home - they honestly don't mind it.
One thing 7 months of data on number collecting and approaching has revealed is that, dancing overall is the crappiest method to meet women for me out in the field. The number to date ratio is in fact LOWER than daygame, despite how well I dance.
But the surprising finding is how good these "meetups" are (defined as any gathering in which I share a common interest with the attendees and can make "warm" approaches, such as the language happy hours). I have less numbers from meetups since I don't attend them as often, but the number:date ratio in the past 7 months is over 30%!!! 15 numbers and 5 dates, to be precise. That is crazy good. I will focus on going to more events like this in October and beyond, and less "dancing" events, just to see if I can meet more women this way.
Which brings me to this number I got on wednesday. I got this number from a happy hour I went to on wednesday, almost as an after-thought since she was just below the threshold of a woman I would normally consider banging. She responded warmly to the icebreaker text, then RE-INITIATED the conversation herself when it died down. That is when I knew this was a sure date if I wanted it. I asked her out and we are going to meet wednesday for drinks. So if this turns into something, I can add it to my "September" tally and rescue this overall crappy month