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Curiosity Killed The Cat


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 5 girls in the mall.
Girl #1: Approach her from behind. She was startled.
I noticed that my standard opener "You're cute. Tell me your name." was bad when the girl was startled. Chase's opener worked better in this case.
I was broken when an old man behind looked at me. I need have more resistance to social pressure.
Girl #2: Approach her sitting down. Standard opener ​"You're cute. Tell me your name." She was receptive. Nice little chat, until this part:
Me: "What bring you out today?"
Her: "I'm with my brother. He's shopping a present for his girlfriend."
At this point, I was about to go for repartee: "A vibrator, I guess." But I chicked out, instead I said, "That's nice". I should use polarized statement more often.
Girl #3: I used Chase's opener this time. She was receptive. I had a bad repartee.
I've to practice teasing more.
Girl #4: She wasn't too receptive, however I processed normally. This time my repartee was too long.
Girl #5. She was receptive. Weak repartee. I should get some investment before going for rapport. I had a long chat with her, however it was too long.
The logistics weren't good, she was waiting for her friend. ​
So in rapport phase, finding logistics. If it's good, instant date. If it's bad, go for phone number.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 20 girls at the bar.
Girl #5: Make out. Happy new year.
Girl #13: It was smooth, we built rapport, until I found out she was a transgender. I still tried to move "her", because of practice mindset.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 10 girls at the mall
Between Girl #1 and Girl #2: ​
Very clear AI but I didn't catch. I should turn to her and smile
What happen with me internally?
I fear that I'll disappoint her.
=> need to resolve that fear
Mostly I failed at the Small Investment step. I was too depend on getting investment by Physical Compliance, which was sometimes not possible. I should use "Locking In" & "Deep Diving" for investment.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 3 girls at the mall.
Girl #3
Weak repartee. Repartee should be polarized / exaggerated, and positive.
Missing Small Investment step. I should also use her name more often.
At least I try to close (Step 10). I'm going for number close because she's waitng for her sister.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
When I approach girls sitting down, I always ask "May I sit here?"
Why? For "Yes Ladder"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 6 girls on the street.
Between girl #1 and girl #2: ​The blonde gave me AI. The plain girl didn't. But I approached the plain girl and got rejected.
My flaw belief: Ugly girls are easier. They don't.
When I approached girls in the bookstore, the first "lawyer chick" blonde chatted with me. The fat black girl rejected me.
In fact, maybe the indimidating looking girls are easier, because not many guys approach them.
Girl #6: Using Chase's 10 step up to close.
Use opener, introduce myself. I should use her name more often.
Fairly good rapport. I asked her "why" she likes science fiction, then related to her. I asked her "why" she chose mechanical engineering, not computer science, then related to her.
I closed for number because she's waiting for her dad, but she gave me an excuse. I should closed on high note (after she laugh), or after she shared something personal. I should also insisted her more.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 12 girls in the bookstore.
Girl #1: ​Up to introduction.
Me: "What bring you out today?"
Her: "I'm working here"
I had a weak repartee after that. Then I immediately closed, to practice dealing with this logistic: If she was working there, I should take her number.
She brought boyfriend objection.
Girl #7: ​
She was moving slow => "browsing mode"
Up to Repartee.
I closed to invoke boyfriend objection => practice "You gotta kidding me" expression.
Girl #12: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15439

Overall: I practiced "You gotta kidding me" expression. With good timing it'll be really good.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 10 girls at the square.
Between Girl #2 and #3: ​She's Asian. They have higher rejection chance, so I feared to approach her.
But think about it. I would bother a girl who don't like me, but the girl who liked me will miss out on me.
Girl #4:
Up to close.
Should have her show me the photo => investment.
No boyfriend objection => not 100% girls have a boyfriend.
I should use polarized repartee like "Specialized in nude picture?" => positive & sexual
Between Girl #4 and #5: ​She deliberately comes near me => AI
But I don't approach because she's black. Black girl? So what? I don't die sleeping with black girl.
Girl #9:
Weak repartee & investment.
At least I was closing within 5 minutes.
Should have done this:
Her: "I'm waiting for my family"
Me: "... and looking for men"

If "I'm waiting for my boyfriend"
Me: "... and looking for an affair"
Girl #10:
Up to repartee.
Use sexual repartee: "... and looking for men" => hook point immediately.
She started asking about me: "Where are you from?"


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

To be honest with you, there's not a whole lot to critique here for you, man! Need some details of the interactions (unless you're just doing this as like a super personal journal - in which case, rock on). But it does sound like you're approaching a lot which is good.

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Should have her show me the photo => investment.
No boyfriend objection => not 100% girls have a boyfriend.

Yep, two good things to notice.

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
I should use polarized repartee like "Specialized in nude picture?" => positive & sexual

Polarity is good. Definitely do that. Once you're comfortable going sexually explicit, then start to make it more subtle: "ah, so like, exciting young men on the internet?"



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
PrettyDecent said:
To be honest with you, there's not a whole lot to critique here for you, man! Need some details of the interactions (unless you're just doing this as like a super personal journal - in which case, rock on). But it does sound like you're approaching a lot which is good.
Wouldn't think someone would read my field report. Thanks for your observation.

Approach 10 girls in the mall.
Girl #3, #4, #6, #7, #8, #9: Up to repartee. Using "and you're looking for men". Usually it went like this:
Me: Hi. I saw you and you're ... cute
Her: Thank you.
Me: I'm _____
Her: I'm _____
Me: Nice to meet you (hold hand Chase's style)
Her: Nice to meet you (spoken at the same time)
Me: What bring you out today?
Her: I'm shopping / eating / going out with my family / ...
Me: and you're looking for men.
She would instantly bring boyfriend/husband objection.
Next outing: Practice dealing with boyfriend objection.
"and checking out men" => might be a better repartee
"and looking for men" is also good.
should be in the statement tone, not question tone.

Girl #8: Gave me AI. I reacted on time. She was sitting. It should have worked out.
Bad: I asked her "May I sit here" too soon. It was an Investment step. I should use repartee before that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 10 girls in the mall.
Test ""and checking out guys" repartee. Better reaction.
Girl #5:
After repartee, she have boyfriend objection. Deflect it. Then I should build a little rapport, and move her.
Girl #8:
Up to opener.
Note: She moved away from me.
If I close the gap, I'm chasing => bad.
I should have use "Come here" motion.
(if she doesn't comply, it would be a bad instance anyway)
Girl #9:
Up to repartee.
Using "come here" motion => she complies.
Should use her name more often.
Girl #10:
Use the "come here" motion => she won't comply. Bad instance.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 4 girls on campus. Approach 6 girls on the square. Approach 1 girl in the grocery store.
Girl #1: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15410
Girl #2:
Approach at library. Heavy AI. But bad approach. Went indirect, but no transition.
Need to use next time:
After I aborted my approach, she blatantly gave lots of AI. Actually when I leave, I should try to close. She was desperate.
Girl #11: In grocery store, I went indirect.
Me (holding the fish oil candy): Have you ever used fish oil candy?
Her: No, I never have. I have used calcium, vitamin C, zinc but not fish oil. I hate fish oil.
Me: I don't know. Fish oil candy. How would it taste (gross face)
Her (gross face, but smile).
Interaction ended. Next time try to do transition.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 11 girls in the mall.
​On campus, I played "sniper game". In the mall, I played "mass approach game".
Girl #1:
Objection: "I'm underage"
It was probably a shit test, to see how I would respond.
I should have used Pressure Flip: "No way. You're a baby."
Girl #2:
Escape because she was ugly. But she wasn't old.
I shouldn't. ​Even if she was ugly, sleeping with her would increase my preselection and reference points.
Chase said "Lower your standard, and date hotter girls." I shouldn't expect much at my level.
Next time, even if she's ugly, as long as she isn't old, process normally like a cute girl.
Between Girl #2 and Girl #3: I saw a couple where the guy was muscular, the girl was ugly. At least he had a girlfriend. I didn't. He would have reference points and he would sleep with hotter girls in the future.
GIrl #3:
I started indirectly, "On a shopping spree?" Then I transitioned into direct opener. Not good.
I found out that if I opened indirectly, I should transition into Repartee, like:
Me: "On a shopping spree?"
Her: "Yes"
Me: "and checking out guys"
Girl #4:
In the elevator, she was receptive. Up to repartee.
Girl #5:
She was old. She rejected. The rejection wasn't dangerous. Bitter was.
Girl #6:
I thought "​So you just let an old woman stop you.", and instantly approached another girl. She was old, but friendly. Husband objection.
Girl #7:
Up to Investment.
Correct. After Repartee should be Investment.
Her: I'm shopping a few things for my family ...
Me: and checking out guys (correct: I used statement tone, not question tone)
Her (laugh): Oh no.
Me: Anyway, let's grab a seat (grab a seat close by)
Her: I'm leaving anyway.
Me: Better if you get a rest.
Her: It's late already. Nice meeting you.
​This girl I saw several time in the mall, and she saw me a couple of times. I still approached, and she was receptive.
"3 seconds rule" is bullshit
Girl #9:
She rejected, but I reacted on time.
Chase said, "#1 mistake: Waiting for the perfect moment." So I don't need to wait for perfect moment until I reach 1000 approaches.
Girl #11:
I met her in the elevator. Standard opener. She laughed hard, because I met her in unexpected environment (the elevator). Same as girl #4. So approach in unexpected environment will get better opening rate.
Up to investment. Similar to Girl #8, but she gave boyfriend objection. At least I tried.
Me: Let's grab a seat.
Her: I have a boyfriend.
Me: He will never know.
Her: He knows. Have a good night.

My sticking point is Investment. I need to screen by getting a smaller investment, like examine a ring on her hand, or have her lean in.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

Solid on filling up the journal with details! Thanks man.

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Girl #1:
Objection: "I'm underage"
It was probably a shit test, to see how I would respond.
I should have used Pressure Flip: "No way. You're a baby."

Start finding out the cause of the objection, rather than how to overcome the objection. You'll save months of practice like that. So, see if you said something in the conversation that was uncalibrated and caused her to give you the objection.

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Girl #2:
Escape because she was ugly. But she wasn't old.
I shouldn't. ​Even if she was ugly, sleeping with her would increase my preselection and reference points.
Chase said "Lower your standard, and date hotter girls." I shouldn't expect much at my level.
Next time, even if she's ugly, as long as she isn't old, process normally like a cute girl.

Yep, long as she's not too ugly ;)

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
GIrl #3:
I started indirectly, "On a shopping spree?" Then I transitioned into direct opener. Not good.
I found out that if I opened indirectly, I should transition into Repartee, like:
Me: "On a shopping spree?"
Her: "Yes"
Me: "and checking out guys"

Indirect into repartee is generally the right strategy, yep. A slightly advanced technique is to go indirect, and then if she's only giving you a lukewarm response, then you polarise and go direct.

For now, if you go indirect, see if you can stay indirect. It'll train you to compensate going direct for telling her you're interested with your body language and voice tone. That's the definition of a sexy vibe.

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Girl #4:
In the elevator, she was receptive. Up to repartee.
CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Girl #7:
Up to Investment.
Correct. After Repartee should be Investment.
Her: I'm shopping a few things for my family ...
Me: and checking out guys (correct: I used statement tone, not question tone)
Her (laugh): Oh no.
Me: Anyway, let's grab a seat (grab a seat close by)
Her: I'm leaving anyway.
Me: Better if you get a rest.
Her: It's late already. Nice meeting you.
​This girl I saw several time in the mall, and she saw me a couple of times. I still approached, and she was receptive.

Alright, sounds like your repartee is uncalibrated. Which makes sense, because when you start repartee, you have to go too far. It's part of getting comfortable being subtly direct. But if you're wondering why you get the reactions you do, it's because of the repartee.

"and checking out guys", erase that from your repertoire entirely. It's not your voice tone that's off, trust me. Come up with a couple different lines and see which ones get better reception. Eventually you'll stumble on one that consistently gets good reception, and then your interactions progress quickly.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Thanks for the help. Definitely it's better to have someone outside look at the interaction.

I approached 1 girl on campus, 9 girls at the square. I practiced going indirect, but using body language and voice tone to convey intention.
Girl #1: In the dining hall. There was a table with food, but nobody was there. I sat at the table, eating my food. After sometimes a girl came.
=> This "preemptive approach" was good, because it was looking like she approached me, not I approached her.
Me (flirty tone): That pizza looked delicious
Her (smile): I got here before, but when I come back you're already there (good sign, she justified).
Me: What's your name?
Her: I'm ______
Me: I'm ______, nice to meet you.
I hold her hand, squeezed it a little bit. I found out she had been here for 3 month, and she was a freshman. I avoided the "What's your major?" path, because she looked tomboyish, so I went for the "What are you doing in free time?" path. I found out she was a hard party girl, I related a little bit. Turn point:
Her: Where do you get this shirt?
Me: Salvation Army.
Her (playful tone): Good morning Salvation Army. Your shirt is so cool.
Me: Of course it's cool (Agree & Amplify)
3 seconds silence.
Her (quiet tone): Are you single?
Me (think a little bit): Not now.
Her: I'm single too
Me (put my arm on her, looked in her eye, joking tone): Let's hook up.
3 seconds silence.
Her: What are you doing tonight?
Me: Why not going out with me and found out (Chase's Invitational Technique)
Her: I'm on birth control, we can't have sex tonight. (Probably a good sign, she was thinking about sex)
Me (slowed down, looking into space): You don't need to.
Her: Where are we going?

Now, from this point on I was going badly:
Me: Hollywood. I know a few cool place.
Her: It was too far, I can't go to Hollywood.
Me: How about Westwood, just a couple of walk.
She thought very hard, probably about 10 seconds.
Her: What are we going to do?
Me: Let's grab an ice cream.
Another 10 seconds
Her: I have homework tonight, let's do it tomorrow
Me: Homework can wait. You only live once.
Another 10 seconds.
Her: I'll go grab an ice cream.
Then she left, took an ice cream, and she return. From that point on it was going downhill. I tried polarizing as a pattern interrupt, then building rapport, then inviting her to my room, but it failed.

What I should have done:
This girl was clearly a thrill seeker, living in the moment. Therefore I should go for public sex in novel environment, like an empty classroom. Remember the black girl, near #600, I almost had sex with? I pulled her successfully to the back alley because it was a novel environment. Like:
Me: You know the Astronomy building?
Her: (some respond)
Me: (seed intrigue)
Then go to the Astronomy building, enter an empty classroom, and public sex.

Girl #3, #6: Up to introduction. When I did indirect correctly, she had the same reaction as direct.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Nice going, CKTC! First girl, too. Love it.

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Me (flirty tone): That pizza looked delicious
Her (smile): I got here before, but when I come back you're already there (good sign, she justified).
Me: What's your name?
Her: I'm ______
Me: I'm ______, nice to meet you.
I hold her hand, squeezed it a little bit. I found out she had been here for 3 month, and she was a freshman. I avoided the "What's your major?" path, because she looked tomboyish, so I went for the "What are you doing in free time?" path. I found out she was a hard party girl, I related a little bit. Turn point:
Her: Where do you get this shirt?
Me: Salvation Army.

Strong start here. Don't know what you said, but must've been calibrated!

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Her (playful tone): Good morning Salvation Army. Your shirt is so cool.
Me: Of course it's cool (Agree & Amplify)

Hmm. She's pulling you in, and you challenge her. Usually that's bad form (punishing good behavior), but it looks like you're practicing polarising with assholishness and sexual directness, so that's cool. She was obviously game for it. But that is why she went silent after and became meek.

Ideally, you'd just flirt with her back "see? someone else with good taste"

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Her (quiet tone): Are you single?
Me (think a little bit): Not now.
Her: I'm single too

This is particularly interesting. You're playing asshole game, which gets girls toward auto-rejection, but they're just aroused as fuck. She likes you, but her ego is depleting, so she's throwing out direct hints to see if she can just make it work.

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Me (put my arm on her, looked in her eye, joking tone): Let's hook up.
3 seconds silence.
Her: What are you doing tonight?

Again, continuing that cycle.

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Her: What are you doing tonight?
Me: Why not going out with me and found out (Chase's Invitational Technique)
Her: I'm on birth control, we can't have sex tonight.

Girls say this when they're extremely turned on by you.

CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Me (slowed down, looking into space): You don't need to.
Her: Where are we going?

"You don't need to" makes it sound like "You don't *have* to, but I'd be disappointed". It's important you sound dependent of the outcome. Especially with a girl who's chasing you this hard and is showing this much sexual intent - play it casual and she'll make sure sex happens.

Good response here is "hey, who said anything about sex! Just two cool, fashionable peeps enjoying each other's presence.(smile and pause) personally, I'm thinking ice cream - how's that sound to you?"

Good stuff here, CKTC. Keep it up! :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Nice comments, Nick.

Today I approached 8 girls in another school's campus.
Girl #1: Large group. I was chatting with some guys. A girl approached me, introducing herself:
Her: I'm _____
Me: I'm _____, nice to meet you.
We shaked hands, I squeezed her hand a little bit.
=> Tactic: Be social, and girls approach me.
Her: Are you Johnny's friend?
Johnny (butt in): No, we just met.
Her: Okay
=> Social proof
I chatted with her a bit, using "free time" topic. At one point I polarized a little bit,
Her: Where do you get this shirt?
Me: Salvation Army
Her: I got mine from Salvation Army too.
I leaned in, my face was very close to her, with skeptical look.
Her: ... but my shirt is in other shop too.
=> using social pressure
I used the "You gotta kidding me" expression: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8765&p=41912&hilit=you+gotta+kidding#p41912
Then I continued to chatted with her. It was too long. Her feet was pointing outside, she wanted to exit.
Me (point to a single empty seat): Let's grab a seat
Her: Yeah
But then only me sat down. Interaction ended.
Girl #3: ​Bad indirect. I had to transition to direct.
Good Repartee
Her: I'm journalism major
Me: I see, a future Cosmo writer
Then I decided to make a simple indirect, "Hi," so that I could focus on body language and tone.
​If I had to transition to direct: First go polarizing, then direct.
Girl #6: Up to close.
A girl was watching a video. I came to her.
Me (flirty tone): "Hi"
Her (smile): "Hi"
I slipped next to her, watching the video. I decided to polarize before going direct.
Me (point to the video): Do you want to be in that truck?
Her: I really want to. How about you?
Me: I have been in that truck.
Her: That's awesome.
Me: It's a lie.
She nodded her head.
Me: You're cute though. I'm _____
Her: _____
We shaked hands, I squeezed her hand a little bit.
Me: You just done class?
Her: I'm not from here.
Me (skeptical look): You're not a student here?
Her: No.
Me: So what bring you out tonight?
Her: I'm waiting for my boyfriend. He's still in class.
I was going to deflect it.
Me: Anyways, which school are you from?
Her: Moorpark College. It's an hour from here.
Me: Never heard of it.
Her: It's a junior college.
Then I deep dived. I found that she wanted to a teacher. I used the "Is that what you want forever?", then transitioned it to "childhood" topic, then "travel" topic. I also used the "And is that good?" and "What do you think of me so far?"
Me: "What do you think of me so far?"
Her: You're awesome
Her tone was enthusiastic, but it was more a friendly vibe than sexual vibe.
Me: Of course I'm awesome.
She looked away a little bit. I put my arm on her shoulders.
Me: You seem cool. Let's grab a coffee soon.
Her: Sure. I want you to meet my boyfriend.
She friendzoned me.
Me: I'm here every night.
Her: Do you have a phone number?
I entered my phone number on her phone. Then I left. She texted me shortly afterwards: "Hi this is ______! You can save my number! Nice talking with you! We can all grab a coffee soon!"
My vibe was too friendly. But I still need female friends for reference points.
Girl #8: Up to close
I met her in the grocery store near that school. Starting was bad.
Me (flirty tone): They're the same
Her (lukewarm): I'm vegan.
I should have polarizing, but I went direct anyway.
Me: You're cute though. I'm _____
Her: _____
We shaked hands, I squeezed her hand a little bit.
Then I chatted with her, using "free time" topic. She was into music. I touched her on the headphone, she was smiling. Then I closed:
Me: You seem cool. Let's grab a coffee soon.
Her: How about tomorrow? (good sign)
Me: My last class ended at 4.
Her: I have work the whole day tomorrow (bad sign)
Maybe something in my response was off. After that we decided to go in the weekend. I grabbed her phone number. High chance that she would flake.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 15 girls.

A few things I tried today:
What if I couldn't remember the girl's name, in social circle? I just threw in a name that was close.
"How's your first week, Gina?"
She responded: "Good, how about you."

Girl #1: In the dining hall. She gave me approach invitation, I just got food, then grabbed a seat next to her, using Chase's approach girls eating. I tried the Three Favorite Animals Game after I built some rapport: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=46
And I found out that it was so damn true:
Me: What's your most favorite animal?
Her: Dog.
Me (quizzically look): What about it?
Her: Because it interacts with people
Me: What's your second most favorite?
Her: Tiger.
Me (quizzically look):....
Her: It's fierce and beautiful
At this point, I though she wanted other people to see her interacted with people, that was why she gave me approach invitation. Also, she was a cute blonde, and she was in track team, so her friends probably viewed her as fierce and beautiful.
I continued.
Me: Third one
Her: Jellyfish
Me (surprise look): What's a surprise.
Her: It's cool and different.
So the 3 animal game was spot on.
Girl #2: This girl was ugly. Direct didn't work with ugly girls, so I went indirect.
On the bus. I sat next to her. I pre-opened by tapping her arm. She looked at me quizzically.
Me: Do you know how to get to Pierce College?
She gave a very long explaination. I occasionally spoke a little bit. Then,
Her: I'm going next stop. (repeat explaination). What's your name?
Me: I'm _____. You?
Her: I'm _____
Me: Nice to meet you.
I shaked her hand, squeezed it a little bit.
Her: Where do you get this shirt?
Me: Salvation Army.
Her: That's cool (pause a bit). It's my stop. See you.
With ugly girls, indirect then get investment.
Next girls were from the mall. I practiced Chase's swivel sequence to approach in front:
(https://boards.girlschase.com/viewto ... f=4&t=7103)
Surprise > Curious > Decide > Action
This sequence was successful for Girl #7, #10, #12, #13.
Approach would successful when: In Curious phase, I smiled a little bit, and she smiled back.
Approach would fail when: In Curious phase, I smiled a little bit, and she turned her head away.
Also I used this sequence when she gave a lurkwarm respond
Indirect > Polarizing > Direct
Also I used investment tactics, by examining her hand.
Things I did correctly:
Girl #6, 9: If I don't know what to do, polarize.
Better: If I don't know what to do, move the interaction forward. If she resist, polarize.
Girl #9: Amused (instead of fazed) in novel situation.
Problem: My indirect tone was bad, and I had to transition to direct. Also another problem was that generally my vibe was friendly, not sexual.
=> Tomorrow practice: Keep flirty tone on all the time.
Girl #15: Waiting in line for late night snack. From the conversation, she invested much more than me. I should have number close.
I've noticed that with Girl #2, Girl #15, I reached the hook point, where she started asking questions about me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 1 girl on campus
Girl #1:
Up to introduction
What I did right:
Using pre-open, waiting for her to check me out before open.
Some polarizing (gesture with the laptop plug)
Shaking hand, I squeezed a little bit
What I did wrong:
Waiting too long (5 min, where it should be 1 min).
Talking too much.
Fail "Compliance Shit Test": She gestured me to silence. I complied. I should have used tension before comply, like: waiting for 5 seconds, then started speaking more quiet.
No repartee after indirect.

All phone numbers were flake, one postponed the date. Tomorrow, I'll practice for instant date (if logistics allow) instead of number close.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 1 girl on campus. Approach 10 girls on the square.
Girl #1: In the dining hall, I used Chase's approach girls eating. I deep dived with
"What's your major"
It's an interesting one, so I amplified this topic

"What are you doing in free time"
Her pastime wasn't interesting, so I got off this topic quickly.

"What's the craziest adventure you have ever been."
Me: What's the craziest adventure you have ever been?
Her: I'm not very spontaneous. What's your craziest adventure?
Me: Hmm ... It's too crazy to tell (Intrigue). One thing I do is rollercoaster. (Make it relatable)
Her: I ride rollercoaster too
Me: Have you ever been to Six Flags?

Then I transition to Three Favorite Animal Game. I also mixed a bit of light teasing. After she told me her 3 favorite animals, I only told her: "The number 3 is actually you.", with a bit of cold reading. I didn't mention anything about number 1 and 2. But when I texted her, I used the number 1 => She would be intrigued ("Why did he call me a giraffe?"), she would look up online => Build investment.

Close: To anti-flake, I tried to get a specific date before getting number.
Me: You seem cool. We should grab a coffee sometimes.
Her: Okay
Me: What's your schedule?
Her: (blah blah blah, sounds like she's busy...). This Thursday I'm off at 2.
Me: Let's go Thursday then (take off my phone). Put your number here.
Her (put it in)
Me: Jackie like in Jackie Chan?
(Note: I'm talking to engage her logical mind.)
Her: Yeah. (talk a little bit).
Me: I'm off. See you then.
At least then she replied to my radar text, with 2 hours delay (probably she was playing hard to get). Good sign.

Girl #3:
Mistake: No polarizing after indirect
Opening: Indirect > Polarizing > Direct
Why polarizing step is important. Polarizing will snap her out of autopilot. Chances are she has been approached before. Be something different.

Girl #5:
Up to close.
What I did right:
Pre-open sequence: ​Surprise > Curious > Decision > Action
I used a polarizing comment after opening => she instantly snapped out of autopilot.
Note that the polarizing comment doesn't have to make sense. It can be anything. Then transition to direct.
What I did wrong:
I didn't make her invested before close. ​"Ask for Investment" is outside my comfort zone. Practice that.

Girl #9:
Same as Girl #5. I hesitated right before asking for her investment. She went away.

Girl #11:
Up to introduction.
What I did right:
Pre-open sequence: ​Surprise > Curious > Decision > Action
What I did wrong:
No repartee after opening.