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Curiosity Killed The Cat


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Shit test from guy. Apply Rule of Cool.

(loud noise from above).
Me: It's interesting. (Rule of Cool #1: Give value)
Guy #1 (laugh): Yeah interesting. (Rule of Cool #3: Least Effort)
Guy #2 (loud voice): Interesting? You go up, see it, then tell us what's interesting
Me (click my tongue, ignore). (Rule of Cool #2: Remains cool and unflappable; always control)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 11 girls at the square.
First 3 girls, I had bad indirect tone, the ​"try to get attention voice." I feared that if I used the "bedroom voice", women didn't like me anymore. So for next 8 girls, I practice using "bedroom voice" all the time. Turn out the opening rate with "bedroom voice" was 1/7, compared to 2/3 if I opened direct with normal voice.
And the girl I opened didn't have a boyfriend.
Also I started to screen for investment.

Also, I noticed a problem when I approach.
Problem: Persist when I shouldn't, and not persist when I should.
Solution: Screen for investment / compliance. Then persist according to her investment / compliance
Persist when I shouldn't will creep out women. Not persist when I should will make me miss out opportunity. So tomorrow I'll practice screening for investment / compliance.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
First date from cold approach pickup. Congratulations!

Things I did correctly:
I picked Kerchoff coffee house. Why? It was close to her place and my place, so it was convenient for her to come. At the same time, it was far enough for discretion. (Lesson from the girl #800).
Deep diving, and she was talking more than me. Using Chase's 8 questions, and I cut the thread if she wasn't interested, amplify the thread if she was interested. Using 3 Favorite Animals Game.
Getting investment and compliance early on. I told her to show me her earrings. She took it off, and gave it to me. Later on I told her to come with me to the Boelter Hall, and she complied.
Picking the seat next to her at the beginning (positioning). Her bag was at the seat next to her, she motioned to the seat opposite of her, but I took the bag away (taken compliance).
Notice something unusual about her (the big earrings).
I disagreed with her and coming out winning. She told me most Hispanics wear big earrings. I pointed out to the room, showing no one was wearing big earrings. At the poetry hall she pointed out a girl wearing big earrings => she tried to prove something to me.

Things that could have gone wrong, but I fixed it in time:
Originally I picked Physics and Astronomy building as the second location. However, it was too far from the coffee house. I changed my plan and picked 9th floor balcony Boelter Hall. Perfect for kissing, and we can escalate nearby, for public sex.
It was raining right before the day, but I reframed positively. I said: "It's good," she laughed: "No, it's not good." Also when we went to the balcony, it was still light raining, but I said: "Disney experience, everyone should have it" (refered to a moment before when a girl told her story about going to Disney in the rain), and she happily came along with me.

What I could have done:
Seeding Boelter Hall mid conversation. So she had a vague idea what the second date location look like.
Kissing her on the rooftop. I chicked out, and 5 minutes later we ended the date.

What happened:
She went to the date location 10 minutes early. Good sign. I showed up in fashionable clothes. We chatted a little bit, I deep dived her. She laughed a little bit, so I started getting compliance. I noticed her earrings, and I told her "Let me see it." She took her earrings out, and gave it to me. Then she wore the ring back => lots of investment.
But then she asked me if I would like to go to the poetry hall with her, she loved poetry. I complied (not sure if it was good or bad). At the poetry hall she sat close to me. Her roommate showed up => not good, but I chilled and just enjoyed the poetry.
Off the poetry hall, I told her about the 9th floor Boelter Hall. She asked if her roommate could come with us. Her roommate said she was tired (thanks bff), she said she would accompany me a bit.
The we came to the 9th floor Boelter Hall. Perfect setup. I tried to use the "Cat Nudge" (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=11390), but then I chicked out before going for the kiss.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
"Fat and complacent" problem: This morning, there were 3 girls alone with me, and I didn't approach them. Probably because I got a date yesterday, so I was complacent. Chase said this problem would happen when I got into relationships. I still have to approach. I need to nail down the Mission. Leave no room for error.
Absolutely, positively win.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
A girl flaked. The problem wasn't the text, but in-person. I didn't have any compliance in-person. So from now on, I should screen for compliance/investment, and persist accordingly.
After 30 min, I knew she flaked for sure, so I switched my plan and went cold approach pickup.
Discovered new pickup location: Universal Studio City Walk. Good from 5 to 8.

Approach 3 girls.
Girl #1: At the dining hall. She gave approach invitation, so I approached. I got near her, using Chase's approach girls eating. She had to leave for class. I built a little rapport with topic "What are you doing in free time?" then closed. Her phone were broken, so I took the email.
Girl #2: At the bar. I opened direct. Then I introduced myself, and tested out cheek kiss: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=54
She was receptive. Then I deep dived with topic "What are you doing in free time?". Then I invited her to the dance floor. She resisted. I still have basic compliance from her, so I persisted (I should persist when there was compliance/investment, and I shouldn't otherwise).
I got more investment by examining her earrings, she leaned in. Then I transitioned to "Cat Routine" (yes, I invented it). It went like this:
- I asked what her number one favorite animal.
- Then I related, and said my number one favorite animal was cat.
- Later on, I transitioned to "Cat Nudge".
I gained good compliance, I invited her to the dance floor again. She resisted again. I backed to building rapport. But then she said I should invite another girl to the dance floor, so I ended the interaction.

What I did right:
When the guy friend showed up, I didn't acknowledge him until she acknowledge him.
I ended the interaction with "Cat Nudge". When I ended the interaction positively, I still gained positive preselection from her.

What I did wrong:
I didn't lock in. I was standing while she and her guy friend sitting.

Girl #3: On Uber. Bad setup. I opened with "Do you think Uber is a good place to meet new people?". She answered negatively. At least I tried.
What I did right:
Wait for her to look at me first.
Pre-open her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 9 girls.

I practiced screening for compliance/investment. I've learned that if I have no compliance/investment from a girl, it doesn't mean shit.
All of them failed compliance/investment test, meaning I need a smoother compliance ladder.
Generally, what I'm doing right: Catching approach invitations, making her looking at me first.
Girl #5:
Up to opener
Pair of girl
Should transition to Singular Flow
Her (talking to her friend): One day...
2 seconds pause:
Me: What happen one day?
Her: Oh, nothing.
Should say next:
Me: One day, I meet a cute girl
Correct: Position myself near her

Why screening for investment/compliance is absolutely important
The girl #9 threatened to call security, so as a safety procedure I exited the venue immediately. Note that these were rare. The "security" threat only happened to me twice over 900 approaches, and the first one wasn't from the girl but by her mother.
As Chase said in "How to Handle Confrontational Women and Scenario", these people are disastrous. So how to avoid it happen to me?
By screening.
Screening for investment/compliance. Persist or not persist, relatively based on the level of investment/compliance from her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 8 girls at the square.
Practice: Persist according to the level of investment/compliance from her.

Before approaching: Eliminate pedestal - Her life is probably ordinary (remember Date #1).
Obsess less and scan more
Girl #4:
Up to close.
At the bookstore, she looked at me => approach invitation. I executed Step 3: Position myself near her, and looked accidentally.
Then pre-opened, and opened indirectly, "Which book you're reading?"
(I should have transitioned to direct, but actually it's optional.)
Then introduced myself. I squeezed her hand a bit.
Some teasing, then I went for Compliance 2: I told her to see her hand.
I found out that seeing her hand had good success rate for Compliance 2.
Then I deep dived. Then I transitioned to 3 Animal Game for Compliance 3. After I asked her first favorite animal, I pulled a chair, and locking in.
=> since she was curious, waiting would be investment from her.
Then I continuted deep dived. Then I closed for instant date, for coffee on the 3rd floor. She said no, reluctantly. She also was up to Compliance 3, so I persisted.
After the 3rd time she said no, I ended the interaction.

Next time: Add "Cat Nudge" as Compliance 4. I needed more compliance for the instant date close.
Also: Use her name more often.
Girl #5, #6:
Asymmetric return was "betting on the unexpected." The bookstore had an outtage. When I went out, I used that to opening, and opening rate was 100%.
Girl #7:
Up to opening.
Doing correct: I approach a girl trying to get attention, she looked at me first. ​When I looked at her and smile, she smiled back


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 4 girls in my school + 8 girls in the mall.
Practice: Compliance Ladder.

Girl #1: At the dining hall. ​
Pass Compliance 2.
Note that she was up to Compliance 3, but the level of compliance was low.
Based on deep diving, she had "high personality achievement.
Girl #2: What I did correctly: Catch AI

Dilemma in social circle: Girls asked for compliance request. Should I agree or decline.
Since I'm learning, the answer is: random. 50%
Then see for myself the effects.
=> If in doubt, the answer is: Random.
Do something.

Next was in the mall. Actually, Westfield Culver City was a good venue. Black girls were receptive, but shit tested very hard => so go here to train dealing with shit tests.
Girl #4:
Pair of girl. Her friend constantly interrupted.
What I was doing right: Focused on the girl I was interested in. But, I still talked to her friend a bit.
Girl #5:
Up to Compliance 2.
Doing right: Waited for her to acknowledge her male friend before I acknowledged him.
Pre-open sequence: Surprise > Curious > Decision > Action => she was receptive.
Test Chase's cheek kiss.
Bad rapport.
Girl #6:
Girl approached me with compliance request.
"Can you take us a picture?"
Bad: I complied, then asked for compliance back by asking her name. She complied, but then go away.
Let's try counteroffer next time: "Sure, with a kiss."
I need to polarize.

My problem is more fundamental than tactical. I need to do Strength & Endurance training, as well as training my voice. So no need to approach more than 10 girls a day. Focus on the fundamental.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
I decided to install 2 new habits this month:
Habit 1- Deflect compliance request: I complied with girls too much => kill attraction.
Also, today I noticed: when a girl made a compliance request, my default mode was "comply." So after 1 month of this habit, I expected my default mode would be "deflect"
1. Delect compliance request failed. But nice try.
2. Success, but too much effort + fazed.
Method: "Deflect", "Challege back", "Solution", "Counteroffer"
Also "You gotta kidding me" facial expression would shut down the challenger immediately.
3. Success
Used "You gotta kidding me"
4. Fail
5. Success. Counteroffered
6,7. Success.
Habit 2 - When I see an approach invitation, catch

​Approach 5 girls.
Girl #1: Blatant approach invitation
At the study room in Physics building. The girl was next 2 seats from me. In my peripheral, she glanced at me. I thought I should wait (big mistake). After a while, she glanced at me again. Then after a while, she glanced at a guy passing by. I thought, "It's over, the window had passed." Then after a while, she glanced at me frustratingly. So I opened:
"What're you studying?"
Her: Oh, physics 143B
Then I chatted with her a bit. Surprisingly, she talked with me despite I missed the escalation window. ​
It was MUCH easier.
Next time, catch it sooner.
Girl #2. #3: I catched the approach invitation, but I didn't go direct.
Girl #4:
On the street.
I opened directly. Compliance Ladder was extremely smooth:
Compliance 1: Handshake
Compliance 2: Take her hand
Compliance 3: Move her a few feet
It happened in less than 1 min. But then I missed escation window, she went cold.
=> this girl had extremely fast escalation ladder. ​I should have kissed her right after I moved her.
=> these "freak accidents" happen more than I think.
Common theme: Needy
Needy girls are more common than I think. Capitalize on it
Other things I did right: I deflected all of her compliance requests.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approached 6 girls on campus.
Between Girl #1 and Girl #2: I met a girl previously approached. I smiled, said "Long time no see," and I went off. She said "Hi" back.
It was important to have good interaction with girls I picked up before => free preselection
=> also showing that I wasn't bitter.
Very important because: bitter = history of rejection = negative preselection.
So never show it.

The venue was dead. I approached one girl, she wasn't receptive.
Picking a venue
Empty venue = creepy on the girl => opening rate went down.
Crowded venue = "social pressure" on me
Better it was me than her, since I could control my state but I couldn't control her state.

Then I tried the "Can I borrow your pen?" opener on campus, then transition to direct. Good for several reasons:
- She complied
- She invested while I'm holding the pen
Girl #6: Up to close
I catched approach invitation. Since I was installing "Catch approach invitation" habit, I caught it immediately.
I used "borrowing pen" opener, then I transitioned to Introduction (Compliance 1), then genuine interest.
I should have use "Singular Flow" after that to make it smooth, then made a repartee.
But I transitioned to "free time" topic. I related a bit, then transitioned to "career topic". I found out she wanted to be a vet because she loved animals. I related a bit, then transitioned to "3 Favorite Animals". Her #3 was dog. I transitioned to Compliance 2:
Me: Give me your hand
Her: Why?
3 seconds silence, then she tentatively gave me her hand.
Me (joking voice): Good dog.
Her (laugh)
I should have take her number there, since it's the high point, and she just complied with me. But I transitioned to another topic then taking the number.
She didn't response to the radar text.

Tomorrow: Using the "pen opener" with the girls in class. I sit in the front row. So tomorrow sit next to a girl and open her.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Yo dude, I think it's dope how many approaches you regularly do. Respect.

Where do you approach girls on your campus? And are you at a big/medium/small university?
Other than the classroom, I think there are a lot of places that I could approach girls on my campus, but it's really shitty outside with midwest winter. I've thought about the main library but feel as though it might be obtrusive if I didn't have IOI's beforehand. I go to a large university.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Yo Hueman,

I'm on a big university, and I just started approaching girls on my own school. Before I approached girls at different school. Mostly I approached in the dining halls, study lounges, and the library.
This opener worked really good in these situation.
Me: "Can I borrow your pen?"
Then took her pen, did something with it for a minute. Usually I watched her body languages, if she was closed off meaning she didn't want to be approached. I just returned the pen, and moving on. If she was open, it was on. I returned the pen, and transitioned.
You can transition to direct, situational, or asking for her name.
Also, first you'll position yourself near her. If she glances at you, it's on.

As for today:
Approach 12 girls. Practice getting compliance/investment
Girl #1 - #7 from a different school.
Girl #1: She studied Child Development, I couldn't relate. ​
I should approach a lot. If I approach enough number of such girls, I can know them and relate to them.
Girl #2: This girl was financial needy. First time I approached this type.
Again, if I approach enough number of such girls, I can know how to take advantage of the situation.
Girl #3: ​How to end a potentially bad interaction, without incurring negative preselection?
Should just ask one question then go
Girl #4: Catch approach invitation.
Up to close.
This was a good interaction. She talked a lot => investing.
I use "pen borrowing opener." I tapped her lightly on the arm. She turned and looked at me with surprising look.
Me: Can I borrow your pen?
Her: Sure. Pen or pencil?
This was when I looking for indicator of interest. If she took a lot of effort to find a pen, or otherwise ask a question, it was a good sign.
Me: Pen
She took her pen. I took it, and I did a question on my homework. 30 seconds later, I tapped lightly on her arm.
Me: Here
Her: That was fast
Me: What are you studying?
Her: Chemistry. There's too many homeworks.
Me: By the way, what's your name? I'm _____
Her: _____. Nice to meet you.
I extended my hand (Compliance 1). I took her hand, and I squeezed it a bit. I chatted with her a while. "Free time" topic failed, as she had no free time and she studied all day. I should have use "childhood" topic, it seemed like she had a lot of childhood memories.
I should have escalate to Compliance 2 before taking her number, but I didn't, so she deflected the request.
Girl #7: I experimented a bit of "Aloof Game."
Verbal-Nonverbal mismatch: When she told a story about the murder in her neighborhood (negative topic), I said "That's awful" in a boring tone. She seemed to chase after that.
Position Neutral: When she made her leg touch me, I don't move away (uncomfortable with sexual tension) nor push forward (chasing).
The problem with "Aloof Game": it was impossible to close.
Girl #8 - #12 from my school.
Girl #10: ​
Up to Introduction. She closed her body language, so I didn't continue.
Note: If I see bad signs, I should still persist until Introduction => so that I didn't cause negative preselection. From the outside it looked like I was being social.
Girl #11:
Up to close, after Compliance 2.
I used Chase's approach girls eating. Using "free time" topic, "ambition" topic, "3 Favorite Animal". Note that I number closed near high point => good.
Girl #12:
Up to Compliance 2. Pen opener:
Me: I'm _____
Her: I'm _____. Nice to meet you.
I took her hand, squeezed it a bit.
I touched her earrings, because her earrings were unique => notice something unusual about her. She weared something unique to attract men => give her an illusion of "it works." She lowered her head and smile.
"Free time" topic, "ambition topic", "3 Favorite Animal". Lots of shit test. I tried to closed near high point.
Her: Are you going to buy dinner for me?
Me: If you are good.
Her: I'm taken
Me: I'm going to take you (​I persisted a bit because she pass Compliance 2)
Her: I'm taken, sorry.
Note that she was saying it at the close, not before. That meant my closing was not smooth. I should be closing more, especially on high point.

Setting up dates
I set up a date tomorrow, 1:30 pm. I should have set up at 7 pm, because it is easier to work out logistics at night. But anyways, let's try to make it work.
My rough plan could be:
Kerchoff Coffee House (20-30 min) -> Move her to Boelter Hall -> 9th floor -> Kiss -> Public sex at nearby place.

Deflecting compliance requests
It went well today. The last one was from 2 blondes. I felt heavy in the stomach as I deflected their requests => I still felt fazed => need to do it more.
It need to be reach the level that "deflecting compliance requests" becomes default. That means, I make it automatically without thinking about it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Going on date. Compared to the first girl, I did better this time.

Things I did right
- "Wrong Often, Never in Doubt": I made a lot of decisions.
  • When we first met, the coffee shop was full. I saw an empty seat, so I motioned for her to follow me. Turned out it was the microwave table. I motioned for her to come with me outside.
    When we come near the elevator, I pressed the button. Looked like the elevator will take long. I said: "The elevator will be long. Let's go." and motioned to the stairs.
- Profiling her personality, using Chase's 8 questions. Turned out she wasn't ambitious, wasn't travelling much, had average hobby, had a normal childhood, and quite spontaneous => "the bored girl" profile => she was looking for something out of ordinary => that's why moving fast worked so well with this girl.
- Moving fast. This date was under 40 minutes. I moved her to the next location by 30 minutes mark.
- I persisted. When I seeded the next location at 20 minutes, she was uncomfortable.
  • Me: This place is boring
    Her: Why?
    Me: It's so normal ... Over there
    I motioned my hand to the top of the building nearby, which was the next date location. She followed. I oversold it.
    Me: The top of Boelter Hall. It has the best view.
    She nodded her head.
    Me: Let's go there
    Her: This place is quite good.
    Me: By the way, you born here?
I didn't argue with her. Instead, I change topics, so that I didn't acknowledge her objection. I built comfort a bit, then at the 30 minute mark:

  • Me: Let's go.
    Her: Where?
    Me: To the top of Boelter Hall.
    Her: Umm...
    Me: It changes your life. Let's go.
    Her: Okay
    But then she looked at her phone, saying: "But just a bit, I can't stay for too long."
She didn't want to look easy. It was the same as the first girl, "I'll only go with him a bit."
- Lots and lots of compliance, and I moved her. She followed me.
- When we first met, she was uncomfortable. So I just made small talk at the beginning to make her comfortable, while escalating compliance and getting investment.
- At least I tried to kiss her.

Things that could have gone wrong, but I fixed it in time
- When she moved with me outside, she put her bag in her chest => clearly she was uncomfortable. I tell her "... and by the way, put your bag down." She complied

Things that I should have done
- Set the sexual frame: Why did she say no at the end despite she followed all of my compliance requests. Because I didn't set the sexual frame. Next time, I should have a sexual vibe BEFORE getting the number.

Things I'm not sure
- Fashion: I tried the bright neon polo, with navy jacket, black dress pants, and black/white sport shoes. It made me stand out, but not too outlandish, for college setting.
- When I moved her, I was talking to diffuse the tension.

Verdict: I'll ignore her text from now on, but when I meet her, I'll say "Long time no see" with a smile, be friendly, and go off. Better to avoid negative preselection.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
I change learning strategy. Adding social circle game.

Several choices I made before a social outing:
- Pick an outing from Meetup rather than in my school. Why? Because the folks in the the outings will be older and have higher social skills => better for me to learn.
- Practice one item of a time. This time: "Giving social value." Next few times will center around "4 Rules of Cool"
- Pick a different social circle each time, to diversify my relatability

This outing was the karaoke group.
- Male:female ratio was 4:6 => good ratio.
- ​There would be someone want something. These people want something. What is it? Find it out and give it to them.
- ​This room want something. What is it? Someone out of the stage and singing. I sang for one song. But then too many people wanted to sing too. This niche is saturated. What do people singing want? They want approval. I gave them approval. Some other people (mainly girls) gave the singer approval too. What do the approval-giving people want. They want the approval from the singer.
Also there was girls seemingly wanting to join. So I came and say hi to them. Some of them closed off, some of them were receptive (similar to cold approach pickup).
- Why do people do what they do. Some people sit. Some people sing. Some people dance. Some people stand. Some people play table football.
- There are some guys the girls like. What are the commonalities?

Approach 4 girls en route to the social outing.
Girl #1: Dining hall. Up to close.
Doing correctly: She had mismatched earrings. I touched one of her earrings, and said: "They're different." She said, in a slight embarassing tone: "I'm too lazy to pick matching earrings, so I just pick two different ones." => she qualified herself. Reason: I found something unique about her => made her feel special.
For rapport, I used ambition topic, free time topic, childhood topic, "3 favorite animal." Turned out she like animal => nice girl profile.
She talked a lot. There was many times I was about to interrupt, but she talked over. I shouldn't have done it.
Then I got the phone number, on the high note.
She didn't respond to initial text, but this case was worth persisting for another text.
Girl #2: Dining hall.
Up to Introduction.
​She closed off, but I sensed attainability problem based on the voice tone. She was less attractive than the girl I normally approach.
Doing correctly: I persisted up to Introduction, so I could exit without negative preselection
Next time, just ask for more compliance. If she complied, it was attainability problem. Otherwise she wasn't in the mood or I messed up.
Girl #3: On bus
Girl #4: On train
Up to Introduction.
Doing correctly: I persisted up to Introduction. Both of us exited the interaction at Introduction.
Also: I need to open more in these situations (people around) => increase resistance to social pressure.

Observation: Most of the wasting time problem is due to fear. Note that if I approache girls in the dining hall, bus, train, classroom, I could save a lot of time instead of going to somewhere far to approach girls.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 2 girls.

Both rejected, but I detected the rejection through non-verbals.
Girl #1:
Up to opener
I practiced "Asymmetric return principle": Bet on the unexpected => unexpected events would cause higher opening rate.
When I nearly tripped over, I opened.
Better if I used "Are you single?" as direct opener, rather than Chase's opener on campus.
Girl #2:
Up to opener
This girl had identical face, hairstyle, and height of my second crush, so I decided to approach.
Practice: Opening when people were around => increase resistance to social pressure.
Opener: "Are you single?"

What Chase said, 3 important elements of a good approach:
1. Positioning: Position is king. Bad position = failed approach.
2. Process: What to say and do.
3. Escape: How can I save face for both me and the girl should she reject.
"Are you single?" is the best opener on campus, because I can escape. As I tested with Girl #2, she said no, and I could withdraw, and I still looked cool. Some guy in the group tried to tool me, but I ignored him, and this clown looked lame.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 5 girls on campus
Practice: "Are you single?" opener

Girl #2:
Up to rapport.
Profile: "The passive thrill-seeking girl"
She dressed revealing dress
Very receptive to open
Easy to get compliance
"Ambition" and "Free time" was poor choice of topic. I shouldn't amplify the "ambition" topic.
For this kind, "travel" and "adventure" was a better choice. Then transition to "wanna doing something crazy?" as Compliance 3, and used "You're too much of a nice girl for me" as a tease if she backed down.
Also, "3 Favorite Animal" failed, so I should switch topic. Be more flexible, sleep with more girls.

Girl #4: Up to close.
In the study lounge. Very good position, since I was studying, and this girl came next to me. I captured on this opportunity:
Me: "Are you single?"
Her (scared look): "Can you speak again?"
Me (bored tone): "I ask if you're single."
Her: I'm _____.
Me: I'm _____. Nice to meet you.
Very strange reaction, probably because this opener broke her out of autopilot. I chatted with her for 2-3 minutes, and I noticed this girl was the "bored average girl." So I transition to "adventure" topic, then propose a same-day date but fail, so I grabbed the phone number. Easy to get compliance.
Note: For "bored average girl" profile, the key was to make quick connection, then move fast. She needed something different. Escalating compliance/investment, moving fast, fearlessness were the key to success with this profile.

Girl #5:
When I was going to eject because she was ugly, I did it after Introduction. I remained friendly. From the outside, I was socially butterflying.
Principle of Reward & Punishment: If the girl was friendly with me, I would be friendly with her back even if I didn't interest.

I noticed ​I was doing surprisingly well with "bored average girl" profile. This could be my niche.
She's bored. She wanted something different.
"Are you single?" had a success rate of 1/3, pretty good for a direct opener. Plus it allowed an easy escape.
"Are you single?" was very polarizing. GIrls opened by this one had a scared reaction, but if she opened, she opened well. Very good with "bored average girl", since they encountered too much indirects or clumsy directs. => "Are you single?" was something unexpected, since it broke her out of autopilot completely.
​Pick someone sit in the center. She was open to meet new people.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Outings: Go to Debate Club.
Practice: 4 Rules of Cool

Rule of Cool 1: Giving social value
Apparently I needed to figure out what do the people in this room wanted.
Personalities profiles:
"I'll stay aloof and he'll chase me" - the ugly girl
"I'll try a bit harder, but not too much, and good things will happen to me" - the revealing girl => position myself near her was a good choice
"I'll follow the alpha male and he'll give me what I want" - the brown hair girl
"I'll win against him" - the Chinese girl
"I'll befriend this girl, and this guy will talk with me" - the blonde girl
"This group is cool. I'll stay at periphery, and the coolest guy will come talk with me." - the black girl
Conclusion after the outings:
I'd better differentiate myself from the guys she met in social circle, when I cold approached
Befriend naturals. Should pick a social circle with good naturals like acting club for example.

Approach 6 girls on campus.
​Girl #6: Easy approach. I noticed she positioned herself in the aisle, and she had a bright yellow coat to attract attention. She was receptive. But I should have use genuine interest to balance out the repartee I used earlier.
I should move her as Compliance 2. Because we were standing, moving her would be natural.

Biggest problem: I didn't use direct opener on campus (all I used indirect opener).
Tomorrow: All 5 approaches must be direct with "Are you single?" opener. Approaches without direct opener will not count.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 6 girls on campus.
Practice: "Are you single?"

Girl #3: In the classroom.
Me: Are you single?
Her (laugh): Yes
Me: By the way, I'm _____
Her: I'm _____, nice to meet you
Shaking hands.
Me: ______, right (her name was a bit long). What are you doing in free time?
Her: I play violin .... I hang out .... (the rest are boring activities)
I noticed violin was interesting, so I related on it. Then I proposed a date, got a number, and got out.

Girl #5: In the library.
I caught approach invitation.
Me: Do you have a pencil?
Her: Yes
She went into her bag, searching for a pencil, and also giving me a big eraser => good sign, she invested a lot.
Me: Thanks.
Her: Okay.
Me: By the way, are you single?
At this point a few people nearby looked at us.
Her: What're you saying? (Bad sign.)
Me: I need to borrow your pen real quick.
When people looked at us, I crumbled under the social pressure => I need to approach more in this situation, to train my resistance to social pressure.

Girl #6: The librarian. She gave me approach invitation when I came in. I borrowed a laptop, then I returned 2 hours later.
Me: Here's the laptop.
Her: Thanks.
Me: By the way, are you single?
Her (laugh): Yes ... and no.
It could have worked. I should open her when I borrowed the laptop, not when I was returning it.
Also, another librarian this morning was responding well with my sexual vibe, but she went cold later when I returned the laptop => missing window of opportunity.

My problem: Vibe.
I need to cultivate a warm/elegance/sexual vibe.
Window of opportunity. I should escalate when the window of opportunity opens, not sooner, not later.

Tomorrow: Practice "Window of opportunity"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
First lay: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15660
At Male Dominant S&M club.
Practice: 4 Rules of Cool
Aim: Make natural friends

This group had about 5.5 males : 4.5 females ratio.
This group allowed me to observe "the naughty girl" side.
This group had quite a number of naturals. They were a good example of elegant vibe that I needed to emulate.
I was mingling with various groups. I tried to learn the group's taste, and what they were talking about. I maintained a warm vibe (that meant: I didn't judge). Later when I met that girl, I switched to sexual vibe
I was conforming.
I observed the naturals.

The lay - What I was doing correctly.
I maintained elegance vibe the whole night. I also tried to maintain a warm vibe. I also shifted to sexual vibe when necessary. I caught the window of opportunity when necessary.
I had good fashion. At least I was the upper 20% of the venue.
I utilized the "new comer advantage." Since I was there for the first time, I didn't have to worry about attraction expiring.
I was talking with another girl (nice having some pre-selection). She left, and this girl started introduce herself.
When I saw she was naked, and she was drunk, and she was just sucking the cock of another guy. But then this guy kissed her and left. I immediately thought I have to cashed in this window of opportunity.
I positioned myself in her way. She walked by, naked. I extended my arm. She stopped, and looking at me.
Me (speaking loudly): This is fun. I wanna try that.
Why I was speaking loudly. At this point, the old guys nearby was looking at me. I knew a moment of hesitation would cost me a lay, and those guys would think I was a pussy.
She threw herself on me.
Her (seductive voice): What do you want?
Me: Call me Daddy
Her: Daddy
Me: Good girl (pat her head).
We made out. I was sitting on the chair, she was outside (I was locked in). She had a glass of wine, and she started feeding me her wine.
I touched her over her belly (I didn't go down there. It might be a good thing to tease her, but it might be a bad thing because I was too hesitant to bring my hands down). After 1-2 minutes.
Her (looking at me): Let me see that.
I unzipped my pants. She sucked my cock. Then she jumped on top, and started going reverse cow girl.
(I didn't use a condom. I should go to the doctor tomorrow.)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 5 girls on the street.
Practice: "Are you single?"
Aim: Instant date
Girl #4:
Me: Are you single?
Her: Why? You want to date?
Shit test. I touched her chin
Me: Of course I do
She laughed out loud, but turned away.
I should have been unfazed.
Also: This opener had success rate of 1/5 on the street.

Social outing
At hanging out club.
Aim: Make female friends
Failed, bad position.
If my aim is either making female friends or natural friends, come early and pick a good position.