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Curiosity Killed The Cat


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 5 girls on campus
Girl #1: Approach under umbrella in rainy day.
I went indirect, then I transitioned to direct at the end to give her the choice.
Bad voice.
Girl #3:
Up to Introduction
Should have go for repartee.
My weakness: No repartee
Repartee can be something like this:
"You're eating alone, lucky for you I'm here"
Girl #5: Approach in library
Bad voice

- When I approached in novel situation, I had bad voice
- My biggest problem was not catching approach invitations. Most approach invitations happened in novel environment.
=> need to approach in novel environment

Tomorrow: Practice "Window of opportunity"
Only count ones that I do through AI, otherwise not count.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 5 girls on campus.
Practice: Catch approach invitations.
Opener: "Are you single?"
All 5 girls said no.

=> Problem: I couldn't read approach invitations.
I need to approach more, because "It's not an approach invitation" is not testable. "It's an approach invitation" is testable.
Tomorrow: Approach 10 girls, only count the one with approach invitations (based on my guess).

Meeting with the class's groups and chat with them.
Practice: Law of Least Effort, relating.
I exerted least effort, also I related to other group's members


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Girl #6: Catch approach invitation. Aim for instant date.
Me: Are you single?
Her: Yes (timid voice) Why do you ask?
Me: You're lucky. I see you're eating alone, so I come here
I used chase frame.
Me: Anyways, what's your name?
Profile: The good student.
She was biology major. I went into ambition topic, she responded well. I went into free time topic, she had no interesting hobby, so I cut this thread.
Me: You ever been to any crazy adventure before?
Her: I'm travelling. I'm not that crazy.
Me: You're too much of a nice girl for me
This repartee is proven.
Me: What's your plan tonight?
Her: Just back to my room, then just talk to my roommate.
Me: That's boring. Let's grab a coffee with me.
This logistics allowed an instant date.
She gave a "I'm tired" objection. I addressed it, but she continued to object, so I transitioned back to comfort building.
Me: Anyways, you're a coffee or tea person.
But then I didn't close on time. I should quickly asked her out again, but I let attraction expired.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Girl #7: Test viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15652
Use situational opener.
In the library. She was studying for midterm, so I pushed for close after 2 topics, "major," and "free time."
Me: Let's grab a coffee tomorrow.
Her: I have work.
Me: Relax after work.
Her: I have a boyfriend.
Note: She didn't use "boyfriend" objection right away. That meant attraction was the factor, not the boyfriend.
What I was doing wrong was investment imbalance. I talked more than her.
Also, when I pre-opened, I shouldn't look at her. Girl #6 today, I did correctly in pre-opening: touched her arm, waited for her looking at me, then looked back at her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 4 girls.
Up to close.
Good repartee.
Not enough rapport.
Note: Next time, when meeting a girl like this, ask all the Chase's question. I didn't have enough information for this profile.
Bad position, but it was the best position I could found.
Vibe problem, but let's not focus on that today. Just catch the AI.
Also probably needs more repartee.
Investment imbalance.
Aim for instant date
"What are you doing tonight?" => check interest and logistics.
Personality: The ambitious.
With this personality, direct works better than indirect
4.1: Why did I look down on another guy approaching girl at the library?
Because he was a pussy, no intent, his voice was nervous.
So my approach should be confident, full of intent, and projecting my voice.

Note: There were girls that I should approach. There was a girl staring hard at me. I should also approach ambiguous AI, like the girl staring hard at me but also closing her body language. Also approach passive AI: try-to-get-attention clothes, quite revealing clothes.
I need reference points, so if I just slightly guess it's an AI, approach.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 4 girls at different school.
Practice: Window of opportunity
Opener: Are you single?
They all said no, but I can get away with it

Trivia club.
Practice: 4 Rules of Cool
Aim: Make female friends + natural friends.
I had perfect position. Next to a cute girl and opposite of a natural.
=> always come early. High chance that it will become one-on-one situation, I can use pickup as my strength.
Things I did right:
- When she accidentally touched my hand, I didn't take it back => show that I was comfortable with sexual tension
- Deep dive her: She had the "blonde teacher" profile, and I had picked up girls with this profile before. Deep dive at every approach. The more familiar with a profile I am, the easier I can pick up that profile.
- Turn on sexual vibe a few times.
- Give social value + least effort.
- Attune to the group's opinion, and the group's need. Note that it's different from cold approach. Cold approach requires I don't care about the opinions of the group. Social circle requires me to attune.
Things I should have done:
- When the guy offered me the ride, I should say something reasonable, e.g. Pasadena College, so I can take a small investment
What is the purpose of female friends? Do I need to take phone number?
Purpose: To be familiar with a personality profile. The more I understand a profile, the better. No need for phone number.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 8 girls at the bar.
Practice: Window of opportunity, "Wanna do something crazy?"
Aim: Sex

Pickup blitz: 3-5 minutes per girl. Ask "Are you single?", and just approach as many girls as possible.
One scan: Scan once in the venue, approach every girl in range. Then exit. No circling around.

Girl #5: Yes => should transition to introduction
Girl #7: Positive, but her friend cockblocked
Girl #8: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15542&p=78552#p78552
It was possible to transition to fingerbang, then sex right then and there.

My mistake was "rigidity." I planned to approach 20, so I skipped her.
I should change the rule. Instead of "Approach X number of girls," I should use this rule:
"Approach until a girl say yes."


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
It's best to mix day game, night game, and social circle game.
Social circle game is very good for collecting reference points, understanding, and making friends.
Day game is good for interacting with girlfriend-quality girls.
Night game is good for quick lay (as fast as possible).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 28 girls at the bar, over 1 hour.
Opener: Are you single?

What I did correctly?
When the girl said no, I said "Okay, just curious," and exited positively => minimize negative preselection

Girl #5:
She moved with me.
Her primary wall of resistance is kissing.
I focused on building compliance, and persistence. Every time I pushed for the kiss, she turned her cheek, I danced with het a bit, then tried again.
I failed to move past the wall at the end.
Girl #25:
Me: Are you single?
Her: Where do you live?
=> good sign
Her friend cockblocked
Girl #28:
After the fail approached, a guy approached me to make friends.
Note that from the outside, it looked like I was socializing the the girl even though she said no.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 8 girls on the street, under 1 hour
Rules: Approach until a girl says yes, blitz, one pass.
Practice: Windows of opportunity
Aim: Instant date

Girl #1:
Up to rapport.
Other guys went in.
=> need to get investment/compliance, then move her. If I had compliance/investment other guys shouldn't be a problem. Note that the other guys move the girls 2 minutes in. I should have done that.
Girl #8:
Up to close.
Good Cold Read. I guessed she was a singer.
I needed to move her immediately. When I opened her, she stopped a while, signaling that I should move her somewhere.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 10 girls on campus.
Goal: Practice Window of Opportunity
Aim: Phone number / Instant date
Turn out I could mass approach in my own school just fine.
Up to rapport
Have some repartee
Can't relate.
Should have explore more her personality
=> this is the problem. Need female friends to relate
Up to close
Good repartee.
Can't relate
Should have ask why she's a tutor though.
Catch AI
Library approach
Good repartee
Can't relate.
She's a writer.
How to solve this problem?
Approach, approach, approach. If next time I see this personality again, I can relate with her.
Doing right: Locked in
Library approach.
Bad. I should have transitioned to genuine interest.
Aim: Instant date
Ask for too much compliance too soon.
For instant date, I need compliance.
There's a seat nearby, I should invite her to sit down.
From now on: Move her a bit every time I did standing approach.
Move fail.
Should do repartee before moving.
But doing move test is good.

Approach at Anderson. I didn't approach business/law major => I was intimidated. So mass approach at business/law school will solve that problem.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Outing: Film club
Terminated. They watched movies, I couldn't collect reference points this way.
My goal for outings was to improve Social fundamental.
Next time, pick a club with lots of socializing (e.g. Trivia club, S&M club, karaoke club).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 13 girls at business school.
I hit on every hot blondes => turn out the chance a hot blonde said yes was 1/11.
All I needed was one girl saying yes. Didn't matter how low the ratio was.

Girl #11:
At the hallway.
Catch AI.
Pre-law stat major => not familiar with this type.
Persistence worked well.

Me: Hey quick question ... are you single?
Her: Yes ... why?
Me: I found you cute. I'm _____
Her: I'm _____
We shook hands, I squeezed her hands a bit.
Next time, using the hand-holding as described in: https://www.girlschase.com/content/why-c ... thing-else
Me: What are you doing?
Her: I'm study for the midterm
Me: What're you doing in free time?
Should have a small repartee then get investment.
... dived into free time topic, ambition topic. She said: "I didn't expect to be hit on here," with a slightly scared tone. Usually it was a better sign than indifference.
Me: Have you ever going to any crazy adventure before?
Her: Not in LA. How about you?
Me: Sometimes ... you're too much of a nice girl for me
Her: True.
Me: Let's go on one tonight
Her: I have to study
Me: What are you studying?
Her: I have a midterm in 15 minutes
Me: Relax after midterm
Her: I have midterm after that.
Me: What's your schedule this week?
Her: bla bla bla
Me: Great. You're free this weekend
Her: Thanks for the determination
Me: Okay
I ejected.
I should have touch her more. Also, warm/elegance/sexual vibe helps


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Outing: Spiritual class
Why many girls are into this?
- They feel special => note that the whole mysticism verse was to make the listener feel special
- They feel relaxed
- Escape from real world
Also, if I can create this state in girls, it feels good.
How? "Token resistance" state
(remember the girl on the dance floor)

Why did I have trouble making female friends?
Deep diving skill was the problem. Need to improve that skill.
Why did I have trouble making natural friends?
Not being sociable enough. Also 4 Rules of Cool was important. I applied it in the trivia outing, and the natural guy offered me a ride.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 12 girls, at my school, on bus, at another school. Rotating between different schools to avoid over-sarging.
Up to introduction.
But she gave an excuse before I locked in.
Voice problem => need to have a warm/sexy tone.
Fail to locked in
=> rate increase: niche selection
Up to close.
Personality: ???
Outlandish outfit
Ran out of things to say
Note: Even if I know nothing about a personality, I should still deep dived her => know more about it.
Also I backed down after she resisted the close => not good.
Good voice. I keep a sexy intimate tone.
Investment imbalance. I should make her talk more.
Up to close, number.
Personality: Well travelled, spontaneous
=> should have go for instant date
Should have gone after her

Problem is persistence. From now on, for the girls saying "yes", I have to persist.

Meditation club.
Goal: Practice sexual vibe, cross-socialization.
Aim: Make natural friends / female friends.
Good group, although the male: female ratio was poor.
Turn out there was a natural there. Talkative type. Note his fashion: had a gold chain, so the girl commented on it.
He knew how to tool. I countered but all fail.
Also note that he was inclusive, so he made friends with everyone. He had a "life of the party" vibe. He also knew how to target a girl.
Also note that he gave social value. He also could cut out competitor (me), by giving the phone number. Note that it was a compliance/investment.
Next time, copy him. Rather copy him and fail than do it myself.

Also, what is a "friend"? Female friends helped me understand. Natural friends helped me copy his behavior. As long as I could achieve this objective, it was considered a successful outing.
Criteria for a good group: Lots of socializing, .), having naturals, decent male: female ratio, no favorable to female (e.g. male pay female don't, girls-only, etc.)

The Uber driver was a natural. Note that he had an adventurous lifestyle.
He complained a lot, didn't know why.
He made fun of other drivers.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 10 girls on campus.
Practice: Wild card style.
Example: I went to the clinic. I brushed my teeth. Then I opened the girl. She won't bite. I took out the book and read it for next class. The nurse called. I hit on the nurse.
=> make it unpredictable
Genuine interest opener
Up to close
"Are you single?" opener
She laughed
I defuse tension too quick
Indirect opener
Up to close.
Good persistence. Sexual vibe and tone was good.
Hard push failed. Note that she only used the boyfriend objection at the very end => it was attraction problem.
Should have some repartee.
Catch AI
Are you single?: Yes
Too aggressive. Sexual vibe wasn't enough.
Note that her tone was hesitating. Need warm vibe.
Warm vibe: Make small talk, but just imagine she is a little girl.

Tomorrow: Alternating between warm and sexual vibe


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Acting club
Goal: Practice "adding emotion to my voice"
Aim: Make natural friends / female friends
This club was good. More females than males, and the guy there were naturals. Also I could role play to add emotion to my voice.
- The Russian guy: This guy was aggressive with girls, and he got away with it. He grabbed the girl by the hip. He had decent fashion. He could deflect compliance in a joking way. He gave social value: his expression when he raised his hand to acknowledge someone, and he clapped his hand when a girl finished her performance, and he gave the girls attention when one of them was playing with the dog. He also knew how to pick a good position.
I copied this behavior when I got back to my dorm, got good reactions from the girls.
- The guy in relationship: He had good body language. His girl played the "girl cheating on boyfriend" role on stage, very likely it was a shit test.
- The old guy: This guy personalized the compliment. He talked to a girl, "I like how you play the XXXXX role,......" I copied his behavior immediately, "I like how you play the mom role,.....", and a girl there got aggressive on me.
- The prez: This guy used meta-frame a lot. He said to a girl, "You're talking to _____ (the Russian guy) because he's handsome, but _____ (another girl) is onstage, don't speak."
- When the dog got out, the girls fawned over it, "It's so cute." => motivation???
- I picked the office boss role, because it was the thing I want to emulate after. I was try-hard, and it turned out to be comedic, and I became the "comedy guy". This exactly the Jester kind I wanted, because if I practiced this role enough, it would become me.
- When a girl got slightly aggressive on me: There was a girl, she came talking to me, and she touched my hand. I broke eye contact to look at my hand (bad). Then I ended the conversation a few sentence later (BAD, I punished her for being sexual aggressive on me. I should have REWARDED her). After the meeting, I was talking with her again and she was at an arm's length distance from me. Probably I should move the interaction forward as in cold approach pickup. Note that I this time I used the "Reward and Punishment" correctly. When she touched my arm, I touched her arm. At least if I used this principle I could still befriend her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 5 girls on campus
Up to Locked In
Me: Hey, quick question
Her: Yes (Very receptive. She had big grin)
Me: Are you single?
Her: Yes
Me: Lucky for you, I'm here. (chase frame repartee)
Then introduction. When I sat down, she used the "Just got out of relationship" excuse.
Try to use Chase's over the top romance, fail. Need a few approaches to use it properly.
Psychology major => this major is quite open to approach
Profile: "Just broke up" girls
Meta-framing approach invitation. Fail.
Need to use the sexual tone when meta-framing.

Tomorrow: Practice Reward & Punishment


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Singing club (2nd meeting)
Practice: Cross-socialization
Aim: Make female friends / natural friends
Successfully make female friends.

Doing correctly:
- I came early, so I could talk 1-on-1
- Isolation: Isolate a girl out of the group after talking for a while, by telling her to find somewhere to sit down. After isolating, it was the same as cold approach pickup
- Weave sexual topic into the conversation: The "S&M club" story
- Out of topic (Using Chase's 6 topics). I solved this by moving the interaction forward (tell her to go to different places). But what if it's guy's talking
- Reintegration: After isolating a girl, how to integrate back to the crowd? Try solution: Join with someone I talk to earlier. It worked, but I was already "out of topic". I tried to get another girl sitting down (isolating) but she exited the conversation first. Actually, I should have isolated right after the "How is it going so far"?
- Pulling girls had to be subtle. I couldn't be as blatant as cold approach pickup.
Next time:
- At the beginning, talk with a lot of people, so I had "reintegration points". After I isolate a girl but fail to pull, I can come back and talk with a person I speak to earlier, and reintegrate.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Approach 16 girls at the bar.
Practice: Reward and punishment
Aim: Sex
Heavy rain. This is my advantage, because the girls still going out are more motivated for men.
I asked a girl to shared the umbrella with me.
I rewarded her with touch after she has done
However, her friends returned. I should have got compliance/investment BEFORE building rapport.
I rewarded her for lean in
Wrong target. Should have gone for the redhead.
Still reward her with touch.
I picked the "follower" female, probably I should have talk to the "leader" female.
I asked for compliance too soon. Should make her laugh before to lower her guard before getting compliance.