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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 23.05

Time flies! Had another 3 tinder lays, had HBGeorgia visit me, and visited NYC for two weeks to see the real mains (you know who you are <3). Lots of debauchery, and sometimes we went out as well. Jk. Got laid twice, one from daygame and one from nightgame, where I pulled a hot brunette in dark red skirt within 15minutes and smashed directly. She gave me a hickey, and the last night I spent just fucking the DG lay at her place all night, who obviously saw it but didn't say anything. Wild!

Then came back home, caught up on important things, got some daygame in as well and then... had a sports injury that slapped me straight into a cast and crutches. Made me miss the culmination of previous weeks efforts. Still got lucky and while I could not walk properly for 2 weeks, now I have my cast removed and can walk normally. HBGeorgia visited me for the second time as well luckily just as I could walk again.

Also, my main goal now was to find an internship and... I did! However, it will make me move to a smaller city starting this summer, although hopefully have better logistics there. And is not so far away from my current (still small in international perspective) city so if needed I'll commute for gaming. Is for 6 months to a year but can give me good opportunities for future.

Now am busy studying for exams, going on occasional dates, and healing my foot. For this I got really interested in healing meditation, inspired by a book I read referenced in The Game called The Huna Way 2 years ago. Fascinating stuff, and I genuinely did take the three maxims (1. Bless the moment; 2. Trust yourself; 3. Expect the best) to heart and very useful for strong mindset building. One thing mentioned is healing trance and because I had nothing else to do and was before my MRI when you are in the daze of confusion and apprehension, I started doing healing meditation as much as I knew how (not much).

One interesting thing that happened was that my wrist was hurting slightly, so I visualized pushing out energy through my wrist and fingers into the air to clear it.

Next day, I wake up, and my wrist is in so much pain I can not even squeeze toothpaste anymore. Can't even hold my phone. Yes the crutches did not help and for sure triggered it, but how the hell does this happen exactly after the one time I do it like this!! So I meditated on it and my subconscious symbolized that it was because I stuffed the energy in my wrist and congested it, as in it doesn't flow out from fingertips. So I made it ebb and flow instead and a few days later it cleared.

Now I am not so knowledgeable here but I do believe these things may be possible. And much more is possible than we'd think. Your subconscious mind is incredibly more powerful than you think - Placebo effect is so widespread and well knwon it is not even disputed. But isn't it crazy that if your mind thinks you will be healthy, you become effectively healthy on the spot? Furthermore, quantum mechanics alone proves that we interact with our reality and change it. Who's to say we can't do it more targeted? Energy follows thought is a phrase even Major Mark repeats. Super interesting to play around and discover more in this.

Now I am busy studying, and hopefully my foot will be good enough to be able to run after girls for approaching as fast as possible. I am very optimistic.

Also want to be more diligent about riffing, doing polarity exercise from Major Mark, and making time for planning and self reflection. This is currently my biggest obstacle holding me back. And feel driven to become better even faster. Already crazy how far I've come.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 28.12.2024

Oh boy. How time has flown! Haven't updated this in a while, although have been active. So, here we go:
  • Moved to smaller city (half the size of my original one, which was already small) for an internship

  • Had several lays, one of which was from work SC - HBFrenchie
  • HBFrenchie we started off friends, her coming from a breakup, and basically she didn’t want anything with me. But I stayed sexual and didnt let her strong LJBF attempts faze me. She had two separate talks with me where she said she ‘can’t handle it’… and in the end, 3 weeks after meeting each other, a week after I basically gave up on her, she texted me something at night and I just turned it sexual as usual on a whim. To which she didn’t back down… and ended up inviting me over and told me to ‘bring condoms’. Great sex ensues. We are basically best friends and I make sure not to sleep with her much bc don’t want her too attached, and she also says she doesn’t want a relationship with me.
    • Another girl in our sc, SHBVenezuelan, also came from a big breakup, and in end asked HBFrenchie if she could sleep with me. HBFrenchie then tells her she already is sleeping with me. She calls me and tells this, apologetic she ‘ruined a good thing’, to which I kinda agree, but then later she says things like ‘how can I react that way’ and actually never forgets it.
    • Then had "breakup" with HBGeorgia and I let HBFrenchie, who noticed me being affected, know (I just tell her my ex contacted me)
    • HBGeorgia, who I was going to visit actually for a week since was also curious about the city I’d never otherwise visit, and who I honestly did not contact so much since she last visited me and left for her country (because of her type), got noticeably more distant a month before. She had first gone through a period of missing me a lot and in general being rather depressed at being back in her country forcefully. Then, two weeks before I would have visited, she texts me saying she met up with and slept with her ex since she was feeling so lonely. I was first guy she had sex with, but she had been with this dude for a year until she found out he had 10 girlfriends (how does he find the time?). I am pretty strongly affected, not by the ‘cheating’ per se (I was with 24 girls since meeting her a year ago at that time) but also bummed by the fact I couldn’t travel there anymore. And in general surprisingly affected, I cried a lot, called @Skippy the moment it happened and infinitely grateful for the support…
    • And then, that weekend, HBFrenchie noticed I was off, so I told her some version. Then, on Tuesday, she calls me and wants to talk, but never really says what it really is bothering her/making her sad, I do lots of don’t-want-relationship-frames and she exclaims that why am I talking about relationships. Ends it with saying she wants distance between us. I say ok.
    • Next day I text her… AND SHE BLOCKS ME!!! I realize this two days later. Call her, she picks up… I ask if she blocked me, she says yes, we just said distance, and you write me next day? I of course have no way of knowing she meant this extreme…
    • Then I go to Istanbul for a week with HBTurkishDancer and have amazing time. Come back, call HBFrenchie, unfortunate miscommunication bc when she called back I did not stay somber as I wanted, she completely gets triggered it seems, and then writes me a long message saying she will block me everywhere and not see me again.
    • We are in the same friend group… we see each other once, feels normal, but after a few days she LEAVES our group chat. To not see me again…
    • This all hits me way stronger than HBGeorgia even, because have so many anchors with her in my life here. Took me way longer to get over it and also build new friend group. It really hurt. She basically really was my closest friend in this new place. Which is why it sucked, since all the anchors to rewire.
      So… was basically out if commission for a month.
  • So, had two basically simultaneous breakups -HBGeorgia and HBFrenchie

  • Then when I go out again for DG first time in a while I get laid off a lead from my first outing! A hot 19 year old.

  • I also do a Poland jaunt for a week and smash two girls.

  • Come back, get laid off of a lead from sc, then from a daygame approach which was really funny as I was being stalked by this crazy woman and I stand next to a hot tall blonde and tell her if the woman comes to pretend we know each other. She agrees, we keep talking, we take the tram together since actually live close to each other, get her number, we meet up for drinks the next week and pull within 30minutes, and we end up having hot sex! This marked lay #49. Then, with a lead from 2 months ago, from online, the girl happens to visit my city and I meet her close to mine and pull directly to mine since it was so freezing outside. But then for 2 hours, I cannot really get any sexual tension really going although I still manage to set good pro-sex frames and some 2nd gen stuff. And then when I want to basically kick her out already, since she has to leave and I have another date not to long after, she is not leaving, I am already eating something quickly to leave, she goes to bathroom, comes back and asks me where my washing machine is. I show it to her, and while doing so because we were now standing and in motion notice… that she was suddenly receptive!! So, I pounce on it, and manage to in short order get… my 50th lay!!! Hit a big milestone!!

  • End of June I was at 40 lays, now hit 50 a full half year before schedule… because I wanted to hit 50 before a certain age and now fully managed it!

  • Also spent a month in military service, was pretty grueling, lack of sleep again, but took this opportunity to practice mindsets. Specifically, curiosity, play and happiness are the ones I am currently promoting to the next level the most. Additionally, I started listening to Igor’s Course “Beyond Self Hypnosis”, which is very interesting but very long and slow-paced at the start. So will take me a while to finish.
So, overall... it has been a crazy year!!

I checked at realized that at the start of the year I was at 25 lays, and now hit 50... so I legit doubled my laycount in one year. Pretty crazy... the highlights were Spain, where I got laid 6 times in 2 weeks (with 3 lays in the first week in Madrid and then 3 lays in the second week in Barcelona); Visiting NY for the mains (<3) and getting laid twice in the two weeks (DG and NG respectively, the NG one being a literal 15 minute pull!), then moving cities, keeping a pretty constant pace higher than my targeted 1/month, from DG, online, and social circle.

Visiting Istanbul with HBDancer was also suuuper nice, really enjoyed it, and amazing food! Will see her again in Feb. And HBGeorgia, been in touch with her still, she is still chasing me (especially triggered more by all the chaos happening there right now I think), telling me she loves me, etc. But she was also mentioning marriage often before since is most realistic way for us to be together, but of course I avoid such talks and frames because I'm young and no way I entertain those thoughts. Is a shame though, she really is a great strike (from Chase's rule of 3 strikes before you can get a gf), beautiful and smart (is 26yo and senior lawyer already), and I should not continue this train of thought xd

The point is, isn't it so wonderful, having all these experiences, moments, connections, and memories...

Future Outlook
Will have busy next half year, with travel planned (If you know, you know), internship, academics, and figuring out what I will be doing after. I would love to go travel for 2 months in Asia, and then go to a job that is in some larger international city, like London, Paris, NY in the future is the goal, but also would be open to a position that is in a more exotic location as long as large enough city and open enough culture. So, (East-West) Europe or South America. We will see what will happen and what I can make happen.

In terms of game (and actually many aspects in life), Goldratts "It's Not Luck" is highly recommended and Skippy and I have been having a lot of fun drawing up Current Reality Trees. And Game should definitely be treated, if you value progress and efficiency, with the view of Sticking Point Analysis. The original idea of doing this was picked up in a book by CaptianJack, the legend who managed 16 lays a month once.

We further divided game into three aspects. Exposure, Infield, and Learning. And my sticking points currently are for one exposure (being able to go out enough) and getting girls to come home with me. And another things that's also interesting is how my best language for seduction is English, but often have to game in other languages. Which adds nuance to things.

Overall, many great achievements this year, and excited and ambitious to make even more to come.


the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015

In Brazil, Sao Paolo, for one week.

Got 5 lays in this week!

4 of them from Daygame: Two instadate SDLs, and two meetups for date after approach. And a tinder girl in between.

Highlight: One day with two lays! First an instadate SDL from the park, then go on date with girl I approached days before and lay her as well.

First time laying girls I speak no common language with.

Amazing week with @Skippy , @Kvothe , @alleniverson , @POB

Chilling in Rio next.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
In Rio, I layed two girls. Was honestly just really chill and did not do very much. Really enjoyed the water and the sunsets.

One lay was insane though!

We were coming back to our airbnb, it was right after sunset. @Kvothe had already entered few minutes before while Skippy and I were shaking off the sand from our sandals.

Then, a hot brunette in a cap walks past in a fast but confident manner. I stare after her, and then something within me makes me just rush after. "I'm doing this one," I tell Skippy, and he is a bit surprised because I was not doing many before. But for some reason I found myself running after her.

There is a big group of people between us now on this narrow sidewalk, I jog and overtake them, and get close to the girl.

Then I open, tap her on the shoulder, and she stops.

"Hey, I just saw you walking past," I say, and there is a voice inside of me that is saying, be masculine, be masculine! So I change from my normal intimate sensual tone to a more assertive one, "and I thought you had a beautiful energy".

She does not speak English, or Spanish, but it does not matter. Our nonverbal communication is blooming. Her light, sparkling eyes lock eyes with mine from under her cap. She is young - I find out later she is 18.

Within a few moments I get the strong sense that she wants to kiss, also provoked by my proximity tests. And if there is anything I learned in Brazilian Carneval, it is that when you get this feeling, and even if you don't fully, you go for it.

Then we are making out on the street, right outside my airbnb, and she is a good kisser. Many brazilian girls said I am a good kisser actually, which counts for something because kissing is very normal here. (Also brazilian girls all give head, and quite good - @Skippy can confirm ;) ).

Then I build it a bit, break off and invite her up to my airbnb that is right there, to 'listen to some music'.

She is hesitant. "I have to go home," she says, some kind of appointment or so. She speaks very clear and beautiful Portuguese so I understand it even with my Spanish, which she understands fully. I persist, "Just 5 minutes, it's right here," and she stands there indecisive. But this is not a no, so I grab her hand and lead her to the lobby.

Here there is a potential roadblock - the lobby has a concierge and their policy is to check all guest ID's. But I just walk a few steps ahead of her and go straight to the elevators, she follows, and the lobby dude doesn't care. Phew! Because the next girl I bring they did check, and here it would have probably cost me the lay.

"PULLING" I text to the boys and hope they see it in time. We go up elevators and Kvothe is there waiting to go down, luckily.

Bring to room, go upstairs, sit on couch, and use bathroom, she washes her sandy feet in shower. Then I go back to escalating, she is down and sucks my dick quickly but then resists sex because is 'on her period'.

"Oh, I don't mind at all - we'll use a towel," I say, and she has same indecisiveness as before so I just lead and undress her. Bring her to bed, put on condom, and start having sex.

It has been like 5 minutes since we met!!

Then after another 5 minutes she suddenly, despite enjoying the sex, starts shivering a bit and asking me to stop. She's scared, she says. It really hit her what was happening.

"Oh, of course!!" I say, get off her, and use extremely warm tonality and smiles. "Is super important to me," I keep repeating. Hold her in my arms and my warmth is contagious, she smiles and laughs as well. I tell her some random story about the applause by the beach at sunset, saying how beautiful I found it, and say all of this with extreme expressiveness and warmth, positivity. It completely assuages her, and then we keep fucking - really good this time. Her body is incredible.

After 10 minutes she realizes she has her appointment though, so I play the "5 more minutes" card, we smash another 10 minutes, and then I let her get dressed and we walk out together. Here I get her name and number, and also find out she's 18. Very pretty lovely girl, coming from a rich family judging by where they live.


This means I got 7 lays this trip, but honestly if I had hit Rio as hard as Sao Paolo it could have been double digit I feel. This also marks me at 59 lays, and I had a girl I could have smashed on last day but wasn't super into her so didn't go for it, rather wanting to chill with my real mains <3. But guess this shows I'm more of a quality than quantity guy.

Is also funny because last year had 6 in two weeks in Spain, now was 7 in two weeks.

Then came back home, and basically drained my balls a lot into HBLisboa who is super sexy, has like perfect body, super beautiful, and I can smash her raw - big oof there.

Life is great.
