Fuck I messed up big time yesterday.
I matched with a women who was 31 on tinder.
It was night, I texted with usual opener asking how was her day, waited for an hour she didn't replied.
Then i eat some edible, and texted her that I am 24 and I like mature women this got her attention and our texting began.
She herself started telling a lot about herself over text and I vibed well made her laugh a lot ... She recently had a break up and wanted to talk to someone... Screened her for sopentenity and she said she is somewhat but crazy ... We mostly bantered a lot talking about relationships and a bit about her liking and disliking.
She told me she will give me she has been catfished before so she will give me her number after we meet.
It was far away and I was the one who had to travel so I told her, I can't come that far without number, only on the basis of tinder.
She said don't I told her I really want to meer her as an experience... nothing more or nothing less she can block me at best.
Also, I have a GF (broke-up, with her so technically my ex) so I am not gonna chase her or anything.
After building comfort again I asked if she would do it.
This went for some more time she said lets meet in the middle.
And we planned for meeting she asked me put up a pic one to more to see I am the real deal or not, I obliged.
Then again she went to saying number after meet and all and she is not ugly blah blah blah ... She had not put her pics too.
I said I understand... But I think meeting is actually a bad idea ( showing I will walk away)
In between I tried to say I want to hear her voice to get her number.
She figured out I am stoned while bantering and asked me to come stoned for the date as well.
Then again went to meeting is bad idea because she doesn't trust me.
Then I left convo and she texted me on whatsapp lo and behold. It worked
Then we texted more ironed out nitty gritties.
Built more compliance and intimacy by asking her to give me a nickname and said confidence this one is used by the family.
Then we planned we will get drinks and all.
Then things started going south ... Somehow conversation shifted to astrology and there was some miscommunication and she thought my sign matched with her abusive ex.
I ironed that out by first building positivity and reminding her of good experiences she had with other ex.
Letting her vent etc.
Then she said me good night.
I wanted more compliance and this is where I fucked up.
I asked her to send me a voice note saying good night.
She said no.
I pushed it for 2-3 time and last one was cavemanish.
I should have left things at that because I am someone who is willing to sacrifice sleep for fun but not everyone else is.
Also, I had streched her too far.
Our texting was 3+ hours.
Also, she had associated me with her abusive ex and I just got her marginally agree to meet by saying I am different.
So she ended up blocking me on WhatsApp.
Also she eneded up removing me from tinder.
I wish i could keep that convo 1) it was fun and 2) I am really proud of my conversation, I overcame a lot of her objection I was pretty chill over all.
Being stoned helped I guess.
But in the end I fucked up when she says good night and most of the plan was ready I should have ejected.
Now, only option left is I will get one shot at a call with her.
I am thinking first in very I will convince her to stay on call. Then tell her I was too my much stoned. If she is willing to give me another chance we can meet again. If she wants more comfort we can keep talking more and ask her to unblock my original number.
I am 100% sure she is soured right now and I am not expecting anything back but no harm trying.