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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Could be one reason now keeping my texts shorts and going for number ASAP.

Whatever they text replying with less than 1 line.

Going for number close.

If we don't meet in next 3 days of number exchange telling them I am losing my interest and after 2nd day of this deleting their number.

Only exception to non-meeting rule is I was busy. At this point I will be fucking inconsiderate to them will make plan if I am going to be busy.

Another exception is they are out of town.

Every other shit is manageable for any girl.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Matched with 3 girls. Took number of 1. Took number of another girl with whom I Matched yesterday.

Yesterday one's by asking out for an event. When she asked for details I said I will share over the text.

Another one felt conversation is good so gave my number to her.

She texted me


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I guess i had 60-70 matches in last 15 days and maybe 10-12 numbers out of those. None was converted to date


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I find your writing rather hard to parse. An example:

"Yesterday one's by asking out for an event." - what is that supposed to mean?

Are you texting these girls in English? If so, taking care to use proper grammar and spelling would probably help to get some girls to meet you.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I find your writing rather hard to parse. An example:

"Yesterday one's by asking out for an event." - what is that supposed to mean?

Are you texting these girls in English? If so, taking care to use proper grammar and spelling would probably help to get some girls to meet you.
@gameboy I meant what @Spyce D said.

I use proper proper grammar when texting girls and after I get comfortable, I start using both a blend of hindi and english so the conversation become more natural.

But I have noted your point and I will be extra careful from now on.

P.S. I wrote above post when feeling a bit overwhelmed.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Made 3 approaches today.

1st in train. She was listening to the music/watching reels in the phone. Her hands were covered in the tattoos. There is something sexy about tattoos. I soaked her beauty while waiting for her eyes to wander, when her eyes drifted away from her phone I motioned her to remove her earphones. When she removed her earphone I said your tattoos are really pretty, she said thank you and wore her earphones again.

2nd one was at beach. I saw a set of ,2 passing by and ran behind her I said excuse me, your face is really pretty, she smiled and said. I asked her, her name, to which she replied. I moved my hand forward and she took my hand in her hand, we handclasped.
I said enjoying the night on the beach she said yes. I ejected.

There was no sign of distress on her face. I should have stayed in the approach but I didn't liked the girl to stay in approach.

Last one I will write tomorrow. I IG closed her.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
The last approach of yesterday turned out to be false lead. A group of girls entered the beach. I was with ny friends on the beach. We were thinking of approaching this group but they went out of the beach. We followed them and I did my 2nd approach from above the post. Warmed up feelings nice I ran towards her and said hi (don't remember thr exact words) then turned conversation toward the tattoo on her back. She told me she got it from xyz place. I said nice. Asked when and then said going to relax on the beach they said yes. I asked for her number. She said why. I replied coz, I have found you interesting. She said to have her insta. I said ok. Asked for her phone. Somehow my username didn't showed up in her phone. I took her insta. Her profile turned out to be a public profile later. She is a wannabe influencer. Not pursuing.

Yesterday i read chase article on negative spiral and used it successfully.

There was a girl I texting on bumble. She suddenly stopped replying. So I texted her maybe it's time to unmatch. She replied in late evening. Objecting she wants to date someone local even if its a fling.

Posting exact text
So we will be unmatching each other now?

So the thing is I'm looking for someone from XYZ itself, better to keep in touch even if it's a fling otherwise I have to use this app forever.

My replies
Yeah better to be transparent

You want to be in touch with that person forever?
Her reply
Not forever
But if a person is from XYZ, You know he's here, At least.
My reply
You think I am going to disappear in one day leaving my career aside?
But you never know ya
My reply
Do you know how to read minds? Maybe I want to settle here
Her reply
That's good
My reply
So how does grabbing a beer or ice cream sounds?
Grabbing a beer won't give u babies or who knows 😂
Beer is my fav

Let's see now. I really appreciate chase articles it was well timed and seduction really takes efforts and needs to be well thought.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Finally fucked a girl from bumble.

She had stopped responding to me. Then one day I said I am losing interest in you. She connected me on insta. I kept pressing for phone call.

When we had a phone call built some connection. Texted on WhatsApp. Then one day I was pushing her to come to my flat because it was empty. She refused and gave stupid excuses. Then I deleted her number from my phone. Texted on insta about it said I have lost all my interest. She asked why?

I said doesn't matter.

She then to tell once more to which I brushed off.

Then she said ok.

I asked her to call me as I don't have her number.

She called me at the moment. She said I am hot and cold and all because I was super warm on call with her.

Feeling sleepy will write more later
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Honestly she was a 4. I didn't liked the sex with her. I felt a bit of calm after laying her. But it was more like ok finally I laid someone.
She was already a dtf but made me invest like shit. She resisted so many invitations.

Still as soon as I saw her my boner was dead.

I was thinking after fucking her is the sleeping with lots of girls in the name of experience worth it?

Like my last girlfriend was 6 but I was fine with her.

Only I had ambition to become a great seducer so I was never able to be comfortable in relationship with her.

But after fucking this girl 1 thing I am certain is I am not fucking a fatty it's not fun.

She had bad breath I didn't wanted to kiss her.

She wanted me to lick down her. I hate it and she had crazy hair.

As soon as I nutted I lost all my interest in her. ( This will be my criteria going onwards for gfs)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
This fuck is making me question my sanity. I wanted to fuck someone so badly. That's how most men recover from theri break up. But fuck it. I am feeling shittiest. Idk if it was the girl or I am still in love with my ex. Who has not been with anyone else.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I Just texted her my ex. She is even not in city. So it's not because I am horny. There is attachment love and emotional bonds for sure.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
After having sex with this ugly fatty yesterday I think I don't want to fuck/PU anymore.

I also realised, I was motivated to learn pick up for dominating other man, more than doing it for love of the women.

I had some inferiority complex due to my high school life but now I have overcame them somewhat.

Fucking uglies doesn't make sense anymore.

As per gunwitch system of look nd effort matrix, I should be getting 8/8.5 if I put efforts of 10. I consider myself a solid 7.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
I don't want to fuck/PU anymore
I should be getting 8/8.5 if I put efforts of 10

I feel your pain, man. It can be a grind. I also try to stay away from girls im not really attracted to.

How many approaches do you make lets say per week?

And how many of these interactions would you say are "good"?
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Whoa. So, umm...

  1. Decides to learn PU.
  2. Gets really horny.
  3. Fucks a warpig.
  4. Feels bad about.
  5. Texts ex in another city.
  6. Decides sex & PU just not the right fit.
  7. Joins monastery and exits samsara??

Just speculating on that last step.

But yeah, I mean, if you fuck a warpig, you're gonna feel bad.

Unless, like, you're into that or something.

Personally I wouldn't consider fucking warpigs "PU."

That's more like charity... or something.

It's what dudes do who don't PU.

(I mean... the point is debatable. I know plenty of PUAs who will take the odd warpig here and there. BUT that is usually mixed in with a bunch of hotties, too. If all you're slamming is big girls, then... yeah. That sucks)


Anyway, my suggestion, @empath, next time you're really horny:

  1. Delete Bumble / all the other dating apps. UNLESS you are going to get serious about getting good on those: professional photos (from a dating app photographer; not a wedding/dog/babies photographer), expert profile, etc.
  2. Go out into the real world.
  3. Use that sexual motivation to talk to women YOU find attractive.
  4. Keep doing that and getting better at doing that over time until you can close.

I also realised, I was motivated to learn pick up for dominating other man, more than doing it for love of the women.

Well, there's a lot of things you can do to accomplish that goal.

You could rent a sports car and drive around staring other men in the eyes going, "YEEEAHH!"

Learn kickboxing and go beat some dudes up in amateur MMA matches or random bar fights.

Get really good at a video game and kick ass in online tournaments.


You don't need PU for that.

PU is for getting girls you couldn't ordinarily get.

A warpig, generally speaking, is a girl you could ordinarily get.

Keep at it, homie. And just say "no" to fatties... until you're slamming enough hot girls that a fattie or too isn't going to slow your roll.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Thanks @Higher and @Chase for the advice.

But I am now confused will casual sex with every other girl will feel like this? Even if she is hot.

Can't get over the disgust I felt yesterday.

I don't but still something in me can't give up becoming a MPua. That's something I have fantasized a lot going in a room and pulling the hottest chick, leaving everyone in awe.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 3, 2020
Hey, just read some of your last posts.

I get it man. Personally, I'd say don't fuck fatties. Basically, don't fuck a girl who isn't an "acceptable fuck" in your eyes, just for the sake of fucking. Sure, if you had a thing for fatties, go for 'em. But if you find them unattractive, stay clear.

It won't make you feel good, or accomplished in pickup either, as you experienced.

But I am now confused will casual sex with every other girl will feel like this? Even if she is hot.
You have to like them at some level, find them attractive, then the casual sex will be good. Of course, sex with someone who you connect with on a deeper level will feel better. You just had this experience coz you basically didn't find her even a bit attractive.

That's something I have fantasized a lot going in a room and pulling the hottest chick, leaving everyone in awe.
It might be good to reflect on why you want to do pickup, coz it shouldn't be about just impressing your friends, though that definitely gives an ego boost. Pickup should be mainly because you wanna fuck hot girls, period.

Also, it seems from your posts that you might have a lot of anger and bitterness in you. Could be something to explore, perhaps with a therapist. Apologies if I sound too direct or rude.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Will probably shift to an area with lots of clubs nearby. I think it will make going out easy and pulling girls easy. Just I will have a logistics issue of living in a hall but that I will sort once I am able to pull consistently.

Another problem is I will be living with some chodes. Don't drink and praty type and no game obviously. I hope I find some natural in that area and get to share my place with him.

First focus will be on making female friends in that area I need at least 5-6 different female friends who are outgoing and who will like to hangout at my place.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Texted with 2 girls on bumble without any agenda and coz I was bored and man they starred texting themselves when I stopped texting them back.

I wish I could put this things into a process lol

Also, my sticking point is converting bumble chicks into dates. Once I am done with that life will be super sorted.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Note to myself

Childhood cartoons, shows make a good topic to hook in

So do chick shows like vampire diaries

If she ask to guess something ask for a prize.

If she says what then say a drink.

Then say to make it fair if I lose I owe you a drink.

Call back this for date later.

Need to experiment this

Whenever she says something you like its a green flag.

After you say it 2-3 times

Say after I collect 10 I will get serious
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake