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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Idk what weird wiring i have. Even though i am not feeling horny body wise. I want to seduce girls maybe I am procrastinating from the task i have to get done idk.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I made a friends with a girl from bumble. Thought will keep her as a female friend, she can help me to recognise IOIs and groom well and in general boost confidence. She is a virgin so anyways will have high level of guilt fucking her.

Could have made another girl a female friend but ruined it.

Need to fix friendly vibe on date but. I want them to see me as a fuckboi


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Note to self

Writing cause high and creative

For the girl who went cold on me (this is more fun to seduce a new girl; since approch is now warm gives me more room for experimentation and error)

I need to figure out 2 things what happened that day and why she can't come now

(What happened on that day)

Bring her objection by cold reading her
She is pissed off cause she was horny (objective is it frame it like this whatever is the reason and then blame things on situation)

In a relationship

Thinks I am creep

I can't satisfy her

I think she is a slut

(Why she can't come)

Anything from above or something else

Like too much efforts

It will be boring etc.

And then deal with the objection in a fun manner and re-frame myself as a cool and fun guy.

Now I need either frame our meet as friendly and say to her I love you more than your body etc. and romantic shit build emotional connection ( had to do this with fat warpig to lay her)

Other alternative is making her horny once friendly frame is set then with innuendos and sex jokes make her horny and then do a fantasy with her (same sequence)

Then when we meet bam kino, fun convo and sex


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I befriended an online date we both didn't got romantic/sexual Vibes when we first met .... Idk or maybe she was looking for a friend so she didn't gave me those vibes ... Or I do have a type dumb romantic broken fools and my game will work on those only who know but the bottom line is we went to a karaoke for fun ... And she bought her friend ( this is my plan to access better girls lolz)

Now the thing is this chick and I had a bit of communication gap so she thought I am flirting with her and (i did an obvious flirting) buf when she clarified my friend said and I didn't do it and I also decided to frame her being delusional and wanting that I flirt with her and she is interpreting my every action in this light ( Chase framing basically you want that i flirt with you and I not flirting with you)

I couldn't do much conversation with her it was chaotic Venue .... I guess only trouble I am having is coming sexy .... i come as a fun social guy.... earlier I was very anti social but sexy one on one ... More time I am spending with normal people maybe I unconsciously picking their normy behaviour..... idk but I want to lay her

Gotta work on myself I don't to feel all my success is random luck only way is increasing notches and quality of notches and I think even average looking virgin is a difficult lay ... Because need to build higher level of comfort and arousal for them ...(Unless she is curious dtf kind rare but there are who are looking to lose virginity when they leave their hometown)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
A post to myself...

What has worked for me in past is

*Touch *... Just be forceful with it ... It become natural... Aim for shoulder nd waist... Nd hold hands ...

* Care * in small stuff... Like tying shoelaces or getting her shoes off in beaches... If overall interaction was dominant and loaded with touch it comes off as romantic... Let her have the first sip of drink .... Etc

*Romance* walking with hands in hands ... Twirling etc. watching moon

*Discussing relationships* just discuss about her past and don't reveals your past ... Be vague about it


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I was going through Alek's gambit compilation...

Worked for me?

Seducing men vs women

Serial orgasam

Not worked for me

Female submissions - was interested initially but did not agreed in last

Purity - hit or miss ( mostly miss don't relate)

Read not tried yet

Mental G-Spot ( seems tough to make it work)

Sex objects (seems tough to make it work)

Sex therapist (can work)

Independent women (can work)

I think these topics are not discussed a lot here, west specific topics


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Stranger vs lover (can make this work)
Tequila (can make this work, will be good for pull)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Reading nd thinking about sex talk ... I have come with my own gambit...
Erotica writer ... Need to field test it ... When the girl ask what you do ... Its a risky job.... I don't think I should talk about it ... Her tell, do u want to know ... I am an erotica writer.... Wait for her reaction.... Then start narrating an Erotic story' (to be delivered one on one) can add ameture erotica writer .... Instantly slots in lover category (and have amps up arousal)

Another spin is do u want read a story.... To escape from boredom.... Its explicit but .... Ok here then narrate a sex story


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I watched lush tease presentation.

The things I want to remember.

1) girls see you teasing other people and seeing them laughing re affirms their attraction towards you. ( Don't be afraid of groups)

2) Get the girl laughing at herself

3) light unexpected sensual High points

Does not work for situations other than wooing women.

I think I will think can I get my point through with humor and positivity.

The more I practice the better I get.

Also, read a bit of FRs nd LRs

Was having trouble to exactly put what is frame control so for me in very simple words it means.

If I put out an opinion someone should agree with me.

If they don't agree with what I am saying?

Then I need say it in some way there is no disagreement with us.

Agreeing good

Not agreed try another way ( agree with the idea I am proposing ie. The subtext of idea in one more way)

2nd tire

Put something, a spin on idea where there is not disagreement

I am right at my place you at your.


They don't agree with me

If i trust my idea, yet I am not able to get other party it could be due to my weak communication work on it.

Unless i figure out that other party is closed off no one will change their opinion so then move on.

Lastly, i might be wrong change my world view (not for girls but in general)

One more in my other lays apart from what I mentioned teasing and laughter was a part of seduction and push pull to which I forgot on my lastest date where I just let them speak their hearts out. Not good.

When girls speak too much first way to take control of conversation is by carefully teasing and making them laugh.

Ex. A girl was going telling how certain guy is angling for her. Stopped mischievous smile, you have got a guy problem... (She Curious now)

See like how guys think every girl is interested in them, you think every guy is interested in you.

Also, I did not used a barrier why can't be we together. Which i have used in my previous lay.

Will add more points as I analyse my successful seduction and non successful.

Basis girls and the things i did.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
The game plan now is this.

First I want to really put an Year in this to see what I can achieve. Unless i shag the girls the way i have idealized there will always be lament remaining in my heart.

First thing is to switch into a job with more less time constraints.

The one that allows me 2 days wfh and free weekends.

This will allow me to practice both day game on wfh days and night game so I can game 5 days.

I need to see this as hobby first not lifestyle, otherwise i will always find myself troubled and job is eating my time away or money is eating time away.

So first 2 goals 1) change job 2) focus on losing weight.

Untill these 2 happens I will keep my online dating profiles up for easy lays and preferably a fuck buddy.

And I will keep reading & reflecting nd updating my journal to keep my thoughts in one place.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
For my game i need to put structure.

I will use SAC model for it.

For me easily remembering i will add R for rewards

+Ve compliance reward with interest, - negative compliance punish disinterest

Specific techniques 1st date

For Similarity - eliciting values & deep dive - parent, friendship and relationships and hobbies

For arousal - humour & teasing, push & pull, later game -> physical escalation (touching accessories, thumb war, palm reading, smelling scent, hand holding while crossing roads, still have trouble with putting hands on waist), sex stories real or fictional (have not tried this one so need to see irl)

Compliance- yes ladder, moving around and seduction forward, prime her before pull for sex. 2 lays had kiss before pulling nd other 2 kiss after getting them home.

Screen for dtf, if that just don't fuck up otherwise bring Game on A level.

Hook with humor.. after approaching get her laughing and moving tease her or any situation around


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Damm! Can't stop my creative juices flowing.

I have this idea what if there is sufficient compliance and arousal ( I don't know for now what is threshold will need to test)

I start flipping the script on girl acting in a way aloof and mock disappointment about I wish I had ever met a temptress like a lot of girls are just passive in seductions, how I will truly fall for a seductress moving things forward.

To make work pick up on me.

With crazy sex talk and repeating suggestions that the girl should seduce me.

You know it will be fun to play role of girl in seduction once a while.

I think it will work girl friends definately to initiate sex more often by saying i like direct girls who initiate sex.

Basically whole idea is to make girls seduce me after I getting sufficient compliance and arousal by using suggestions as to how to do it and explicitly telling her what I want as well i.e. I want to he seduced and how should a girl seduce me


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Idk what to do, I am in despair

My second girlfriend told me now that she was pregnant and she decided to abort because of me cribbing constantly about my situation.

Why i end up knocking girls, 3 pregnancies dammit i am a scum.

I wish i never knew how to seduce girls


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
i just wish I could die. Maybe get hit by a truck or something


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I was going through Alek's gambit compilation...
Is there a link somewhere?

I keep reading about all these gambits, but I have no idea where to find them. I mean I can use the search function of course but is there a list somewhere?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Idk what to do, I am in despair

My second girlfriend told me now that she was pregnant and she decided to abort because of me cribbing constantly about my situation.

Why i end up knocking girls, 3 pregnancies dammit i am a scum.

I wish i never knew how to seduce girls
Damn that's rough, sorry to read that dude...

I've had pregnancy scares with some girls, it's horrible.

Always take care to use condoms... With my last ex, we had an app that measured her fertile days, I always took care to ask her before we fucked (she would forget)... it was annoying but if she was fertile we used a condom. Never had a pregnancy scare in 6 years...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Damn that's rough, sorry to read that dude...

I've had pregnancy scares with some girls, it's horrible.

Always take care to use condoms... With my last ex, we had an app that measured her fertile days, I always took care to ask her before we fucked (she would forget)... it was annoying but if she was fertile we used a condom. Never had a pregnancy scare in 6 years...
I am running into so much bad luck, this happened despite condom and pills.

I can deal with breaking a girls heart but they get pregnant and start to think of me as husband.

Its crazy I feel like a murderer.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Is there a link somewhere?

I keep reading about all these gambits, but I have no idea where to find them. I mean I can use the search function of course but is there a list somewhere?

Here is the compilation
