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Do or Die


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I am running into so much bad luck, this happened despite condom and pills.

I can deal with breaking a girls heart but they get pregnant and start to think of me as husband.

Its crazy I feel like a murderer.
You're not! If you used condom and pills, you did all that you could.

Are you sure this is for real? Maybe the girl is a bit crazy? I mean it's technically possible I guess, but there are also many many people trying to get pregnant and can't... it's not so easy apparently!

Thanks for the link!!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
You're not! If you used condom and pills, you did all that you could.

Are you sure this is for real? Maybe the girl is a bit crazy? I mean it's technically possible I guess, but there are also many many people trying to get pregnant and can't... it's not so easy apparently!

Thanks for the link!!
I knocked up 2 separate girls

First one 2 times. Went with her for abortion and paid for it.

2nd time girl didn't get periods went to doctor they said either she got some complications due to takin pills or she is pregnant.

Latee this 2nd girl told me she went to doctor alone to terminate the pregnancy because she thought I am (empath) is not ready for a kid/ can't take responsibility as a father, she thought empath and girl 2 will marry and can have kid later, so it's important for him to get settled in career.

She aborted caring about me, she wanted to have kid and she could very well make me marry her if she wanted.

She never told be about terminating her pregnancy and she started having depression because of it.

Yesterday I told her I cheated on her, because she was pestering me about why we broke up. Then she started crying and told me all this.

So, that's the reason I feel like a murderer.

Yet some part of me still wants to bed new girl. I hate myself because of this. I don't know how to redeem myself.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I knocked up 2 separate girls

First one 2 times. Went with her for abortion and paid for it.

2nd time girl didn't get periods went to doctor they said either she got some complications due to takin pills or she is pregnant.

Latee this 2nd girl told me she went to doctor alone to terminate the pregnancy because she thought I am (empath) is not ready for a kid/ can't take responsibility as a father, she thought empath and girl 2 will marry and can have kid later, so it's important for him to get settled in career.

She aborted caring about me, she wanted to have kid and she could very well make me marry her if she wanted.

She never told be about terminating her pregnancy and she started having depression because of it.

Yesterday I told her I cheated on her, because she was pestering me about why we broke up. Then she started crying and told me all this.

So, that's the reason I feel like a murderer.

Yet some part of me still wants to bed new girl. I hate myself because of this. I don't know how to redeem myself.
Damn, what a string of bad luck :(


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Damn, what a string of bad luck :(
Yeah I wish I would have sticked to only one night stands, 2 pregnancies happened in with my first relationship.

Both girls were very romantic and sort of broken, I first fixed them, then left them more broken, most cruel thing I did, while both were very clear they want relationships and are dating for marrying the person. Nothing casual. First girl took me 6-7 dates to lay, she vetted me properly and then I baited and switched.

I wish I could be strong and leave them after sleeping with them for first time only.

I totally used both of them.

I would be happy if they find good husbands and have beautiful kids.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Still feeling blues and couldn't bring myself to pick other girls.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Fuck my ex is texting me and keeps talking to me I need to give her therapy i hate it.

Now I have learnt my lesson if I lose interest from someone I lose it forever and can't keep my ex as friends also or maybe both were clingy af.

The girl I Ig closed in club sent me text herself, built similarity over Ig and casually dropped that I am free on xyz date.

She said why i am sharing this information, so I said just forget I said anything, she took the hint and said we can meet, if her schedule permits

Lastly, i matched a girl online created a vibe over the app and moved to phone on 10 mins, we were supposed to go on date and she agreed but suddenly her female state control kicked in and said its too soon. So i said whatever you are comfortable in.

Then next day she herself asked whether we are meeting.

I was buys so declined

I texted her Today, she was chatting happily suddenly vibe became cold, I said i need to sleep but i kept texting and went overboard

I shoot myself with the girls i like

She left me on read and now i am feeling disappointed af and sad.

When will I lay quality girls i hate it

How i can be so dumbfuck


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Anyways good part is I went to gym and reduced my weight by 3 kg following chase advice of cutting portion size


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I will not overanalyze girl not more than 3 times in early interaction, esp. over calls the girl I really wanted asked me why I am trying to deconstruct her. This could be done in late game to make her feel more understood or addressees her objections or minimally in early game to build rapport but rest of the conversation should be jokes or talking about topics normally.

Plus, I need to play the game from perspective of enjoying myself rather than fear of losing the girl


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Was texting a girl online, need to make her laugh, a girl said shy I sound so serious. Gotta review her chat.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Went to similar venue as last friday.

I was alone and my friend was to come in next 15 minutes.

Quickly went to the bar and grabbed a beer because I didn't wanted to look like I am there without any purpose. It feels very weird to be in a club alone.

Everyone was sitting in the venue with few people standing near bar table.

Then I quickly went to a look for a chair to sit.

A couple was sitting so pulled a chair from their table and sat, while not facing them and started smoking cig and drinking beer while using phone to look busy.

Later someone from their group asked me to move, it was their table so I moved.

Finally my friend arrived, felt relief, danced with him and got relaxed.

Couldn't figure out a way to approach girls.

So used my standard opener asking for a lighter.

To a set of 2, there was a girl I liked.

This time I wanted to move conversation a bit more forward from opener.

So, they couldn't find the lighter, so I took their ciggerate from the girl I liked lighted it and in meantime her friend got her lighter from her purse (i said too late laughing)

- here I should have paced her reality as in its tough carrying bag, bantered with her.

- Since i wanted to move Conversation beyond opener, I complimented her (the girl I liked) on her dress, her friend responded that I have gifted her, I said cool.

But I should have instead asked what on what occasion.

The girl I wanted to talk didn't looked interested but her friend was.

Then I said thanks and went away.

Instead I should have said see you around. (Would have acted as an seed to re-open)

Because I saw her a lot, later in night but kept robotic face because I lost momentum

I made 2 more approaches, same ciggerate but couldn't move beyond opener, 1 didn't had

Made another approach at a food joint

Indirect, Kept yapping until they started contributing to the conversation

My friend tried one to approach one girl for me but girl shot it down, she was too drowned on attention

There was one more 2 set who was in our vicinity, they were screaming loud as if seeking attention but were taking about some other guy

Most guys approach with direct here I guess in night clubs - I should try it too


I am facing huge AA in club
I am stuck mostly in my head
My fundamentals must be crappy
I fucking need a wing man


- pace her reality
- talk to person who is responding nicely
- dig more info on the same thing to move conversation forward until you get comfortable with the set
- Always leave while saying see you around
- always smile
- I need to persist more in my approaches
- keep making approaches until the venue is burned
- Go direct if nothing is coming to mind but make the damn approach
- Or atleast walk up a girl say just wanted to say hi, do a high five and come back


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Went on date from online

Flaked first on her

Now this day I set her move by using a yes ladder over text and good ol' persistence.


Near her hostel

Vibe she was comfortable wirh


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Went on date from online

Flaked first on her

Now this day I set her move by using a yes ladder over text and good ol' persistence.


Near her hostel

Vibe she was comfortable with my touch.

I was not too much into her

Reason her face (good 6) and personality. ( From rural/unsophisticated part, like my exs )
Right now I want a sophisticated girl as gf and a 8 or above.
But Still she would make a good fuck decent body slim and Petit.

So we are walking on the road and decide to go for a sunset.

Checked if she has a plan later, she said yes

Weird overall

In park she showed me around

Topic came around sex

She wanted to leave I said you can leave if you want I am staying

She was below my building but refused to enter inside

Right now tired not even in mood of writing but still i want to dump my feelings for calming myself

I want instant sex god what do I do

I ended up kissing her impulsively

Fuck it we are texting, she is playing hard to get


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I will separate girls in 3 camps for purpose of getting laid and create stacks for it

1) Needs romances, talk about relationship etc. maybe need fo stretch them till 2nd date - they are generally aiming for a bf

2) need sex talk - horny and escalate, either twist what they are saying or use a gambit, open up about their own sexual experience, need to be laid on the same day, you present yourself as a lover

3) not much talk is required except isolation, they themselves are dtf and horny
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Went on date from online

Flaked first on her

Now this day I set her move by using a yes ladder over text and good ol' persistence.


Near her hostel

Vibe she was comfortable with my touch.

I was not too much into her

Reason her face (good 6) and personality. ( From rural/unsophisticated part, like my exs )
Right now I want a sophisticated girl as gf and a 8 or above.
But Still she would make a good fuck decent body slim and Petit.

So we are walking on the road and decide to go for a sunset.

Checked if she has a plan later, she said yes

Weird overall

In park she showed me around

Topic came around sex

She wanted to leave I said you can leave if you want I am staying

She was below my building but refused to enter inside

Right now tired not even in mood of writing but still i want to dump my feelings for calming myself

I want instant sex god what do I do

I ended up kissing her impulsively

Fuck it we are texting, she is playing hard to get
I ended up giving my interest over text to her thinking I don't want to decrease my attainability.

But now I have a thought maybe I have given her the climax needed in seduction where it will go.

Maybe Gotta bait her with a possibility of relationship or not to lay her


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Lot of unpack to in my mind, this is my first date where I wanted girl in terms of looks category.

She looked very sweet and someone who is very innocent, seemed she will not be receptive to touch, kept it to minimal except some poking here but it also felt forced.

We meet on beach and to make her invest from starting, I ask who she is when infact I know and then she says turn around.

The issue I had was, I was tired so I didn't had any game like focus

So, mostly I was confident and fun guy where she was poking me

So no sexual innuendos. (Have to make this in next date)

Ramp up touch

Reverse some frames she has set

Like one I have to set is how can meeting and connecting with someone would be right

Her state was also not one that she could he picked up was in bad mood due to fight at office

Her logistics are perfect she lives alone


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Having fucking adhd to write even a proper post fuck it will attempt once more, idk where the fuck is edit icon


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Been on dates after dates this week.

Texting girls online now I am feeling burnout

At this point I am fine losing girls by not responding back.

If they want to come to fine but I am done applying my mind for sometime

I will do work, watch movies, spend time with friends but this online dating is overwhelming on my senses now

Had a really good date though

2, 8 ish chicks including looks nd personality

2 more I can line up


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Went on to another date makes 4 in whole week.

1 st average girl, busy in exams. (Kissed her manhandle, playing hard to get) gave me hard time coming in my apartment

2nd prettty girl, innocent type (one you wanna wife up)

3rd came to my room. (Inexperienced, seemed someone who needs a bit of emotional connection, suffering from breakup) could have escalated but she had to go back

4th today's about whom I want to detail, young crazy girl on a sex spree, no touch full sex talk and gambit game.
(Again time was up before curfew) Spent around 3 hrs with her.

Now these are giving hard time coming home

Can schedule 2 more new dates for next 2 days


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I transitioned by saying things might be explicit.... 2-3 times until she said she don't mind

Then I started with periods gambit mixed it with how baboons sexualize...
Then later had some normal conversation ... Then mixed it again with ... Self control gambit .....

She was a psychology grad so she was eating it

Then told my sexual experience nd asked her ....

- Can use more rich language next time when describing my sexual experiences .... need to sit next to her though

Bounced in 3 venues if she ends up coming tomorrow it will be lit


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Also, I have realised sex talk works well on experienced and young girls in my country because they are part of hook up culture.

Especially who seem like wanting something casual

Inexperienced girl won't have much experience anyways so romance and touch works for them