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Do or Die


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
It took 6-7 hours and we jumped 5-6 places in total.

Had to make her very horny.

But she was attracted hugely.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
For virgin girls or anyone who brings topic of being chaste and inexp.


I am not really fond of virgins

I don't usually like virgins or I don't like virgins in general etc.

Her reacation could be curiosity if she is interested

Or meh

If she is curious you can set sexual frames.

If she is very interested she might qualify herself on not being virgin (while you were assuming she is)

Need to be dropped in a bored manner and if reaction is meh move to another topic so there is no ackwardness.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I think worst frame for seduction and PUA could be wanting to sleep with a girl or wanting her for a relationship.

I have had most successful seduction when I went fun route or trying to test my skills route.

Right now I was so deep into this wanting a relationship. I almost forgot what it means to have fun.

Interactions were based on doing things fast skipping important steps, they were devoid of drama, emotions and fun.

Now I just do things with frame of fun and lets where it goes what I can make best of it.

And I need cold approach lays.

Because online is not much skill as in it don't give you that absolute abundance confidence that cold approach gives.

Because of handling social frame which is given in an online interaction these days.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I thought I will analyse some LRs and FRs to improve my analytical skills.

This is what I liked and could understood.

First 2 approaches yield polite but non-interested responses.

3rd approach is a cute blonde bombshell who excitedly gave me her number, only for me to never hear from her again.

However, this positive interaction lifts my spirit (at that point in time, I didn't know she would disappear)

The Approach

I'm walking down a busy street, heading to a mall where I plan to get lunch and approach more chicks.

A beautiful, sexy girl is walking in my direction.

She's wearing an elegant black dress that wraps around her attractive body. Her breasts seem normal but her ass... tight waist, fat ass.

I can feel the blood rushing in my southern region.

As she gets closer, I bring my eyes to meet hers. She was already looking at me. Quickly, she averts her eyes and has this bitchy look of disgust.

With less than 5 metres between us, she swerves to the right (my left) and ups her speed, seemingly trying to avoid me.

Despite what I consider textbook fuck off signals, I open.

Because, why not? She was hot. That's reason enough.

With my left hand, I wave deliberately but subtly, enough to get her attention.

Once she slows down and starts turning her face toward me, I speak.

Me: Excuuuse me...

She stops.

Despite first 3 approach he didn't stopped. Still in a positive and upbeat mode. This I need to learn. I think being hopeful that a fun experience is around the corner is what I need to think.

I have anyways a big emotional response where something good makes happy more than a normal person and a minor things makes me sad.

I need to become my best friend for it and need to encourage to be upbeat and positive.

Like I positive right now that I am enhancing my analystical skills.

He does a small wave, a bit of pre-open

He waits for her to slow down. He is in no rush, same in the Bishops journal. Let them be excited enough then respond.

Me: Do you speak English?
Her: Uhm...yes.
Me: I mean... I saw you walking towards me...(I look over the path she had just walked and gesture)...and...damn... you look freaking gorgeous.
Her: Oh..uhm.. thank you!
Me: I mean...(I shake my head as if I'm confused and trying to make sense of this pretty girl)...look around (I gesture around, my eyes survering the surroundings but she keeps looking at me, as i can tell through my peripheral vision)...everyone just...blends in...and then there's...you (my eyes return to hers and I give her strong eye contact)

I did all of that a tad bit theatrically, which suits my vibe. The point is to make it slightly playful. It works.

Her: What about me? (she's smiling)
Me: I mean...(I look her up and down)...that dress...so elegant, so feminine you know? It stood out right away. You've got great fashion sense.
Her: Thank you! You know, I picked it randomly. But I didn't wanna attract too much attention, that wasn't my intention!
Me: I get you. It's a tough balance, right? You wanna stand out, that's normal, but you also don't wanna attract the wrong kind of attention.
Her: Exactly!
Me: You're doing a great job so far with that balance, tho, I must say.
Her: Apparently yes! (she's laughing now)

Again instead of just delivering opener he check about her language (relevant for Europe but still a bit of a pre open)

Now he delivers his opener with high energy. You need to keep your energy level high in day game to shake girls of rut.

He receives a positive response.

(Again this girl was already interested not busy in phone etc. looking for an adventure would be my read)

He then builds interigue with her while subtly drawing compliance / receives a strong sign of interest. Because he is showing her around, again not to desparate to rush interaction.

Now she is finally hooked. Now he paces her reality.

(Till now no similarty is built, but raw attraction is there so its not that much needed)

Will continue later


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Me: So, what's your name?
Her: Lucia
Me: Pleasure meeting you Lucia (I extend my hand and she takes it)
Her: And you?
Me: I'm James.
Her: Nice to meet you James!
Me: Let's stand over here, we don't wanna get run over.
Her: Sure!

Now he moves from intial banter and exchanges name, move her and gets inital compliance.

Good he gives reason for compliance ask.

When you are in intial interaction its always good to word the complaices as a request or at least give a reason for it even if it is superficial.

Less risk of decline.

We move a few feet away.

Her: Where are you from btw?
Me: Hmm can you guess?
Her: No idea! Never heard your accent before! It's cute tho.
Me: Thanks! Well, I'll give you a hint: it's not India (that's cuz I look Indian lol)
Her: I figured! You sound very different! Ok, uhm, America?
Me: Gosh don't insult me (facepalm myself dramatically).
Her: Why is that an insult? (she's laughing at my dramatic mannerisms)
Me: Well, I'm not obese or stupid, so...
Her: Omg you're so mean! (she's laughing)
Me: Just kidding though. Never been to the US but it's on my list! Got great friends from there.
Her: I've never been too!
Me: Really? Where are you from actually? Please don't tell me US tho or I'll have to kill myself.
Her: Hahaha no, told you I've never been! Cm'on, guess! (playful smile)
Me: Hmm... well, you do look like a young Monica Bellucci so my guess is...Italian?
Her: Omg you're good! So smart!
Me: Well, I'm not American (wink)
Her: Stooop! But seriously, yes, I'm from Italy.
Me: Cool, which part?
Her: Corleone, Sicily.
Me: Nice! So lemme guess, Americans get all excited and start making dumb Godfather references when you tell them where you're from, right?

She bursts in laughter.

Her: Exactly! You seem to really know Americans for someone who hates them (looks at me from corner of eyes, a small smirk)
Me: Cmon, I don't hate them. When they're not busy shooting each other, they can be nice.
Her: You're so bad (shakes her head, laughing)
Me: Anyway (I felt the busting on Americans had run its course) what are you doing here, so far from home?

Now its interesting, girl is also investing in conversation a good sign.

He makes conversation more fun by making her guess the city and build a bit more of conversation on it by bantering.

Girl continously laughing with him is strong sign of interest and it is buidling a lot of positive emotions in her.

He still don't revels where he is from but switch back on her, maintain mystery while knowing her.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Reading and analysing LRs had a positive impact on me.

Opened a girl in lift, later learned she is a small time b-movie actress

She was wearing an oversized jacket

I commented from whom have you brrowed this jacket.

She took sometime to understand then she laughed and said she is wearing something underneath thats why.

Anyways my floor came and I said goodbye.

2nd approach was in a shop for girls items. My friend wanted to buy something for her gf.

I saw a girl nearby and opend her with how would you feel if someone gifted this to you.

And then pulled her into our conversation.

It was a set of two and I had noticed earlier they giving me IOIs.

Even her friend tried to become part of our conversation

I need to work on closing the deal though.

I was in not right headspace.

I should have asked them what are they upto etc.

But I let conversation die.

Later saw this set at an ice cream parlour could have reopened them there but skipped.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Articles on her type



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Well I texted a girl I went to once.

She was sort of elusive about meeting once more but suddenly her frequency of texts has increased.

So, I thought I will either try to get her out let her blow me/ghost me properly.

I knew if I pique her curiosity enough it she might agree to it.

So I first started saying things like you made a strong first impression etc.

Basically trying to spiking her curiosity but baiting her to come out.

Text were a variation on I noticed something about you.

Eventually either vibe of texts shifted from playful to sappy or idk what she ended up sending me this text saying you are not my type lets be friends but a wall of text it.

I think I presisted at the wrong time or vibe mismatch over texts

Earlier till the time I was sending her me partying etc. she was nice etc.

Then I texted seems you are burnt in love etc.

She then explained me she is busy with work etc.

Now I want to fucking know how to turn this around

For now I texted in a way it lets me say I enjoy the convo.

So I said did I tried to attract you?

She no

Did I said I want to date you?
She no

Then why are saying about romance?

Intent was to make her think that I am rejecting her etc.

Now I know can lay her but I wonder what alternative I had over text.

I will write a proper post when my thoughts have more clarity


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Things I want to do, I have changed my texting to more flirty and fun rather than connection based better hook.

Now gotta see how to use this flirty and fun image I created irl too


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Another lay in 15-20 mins. Key was to recognise that this girl is dtf. Could have done even faster but setting mood led to better sex.

Another one after recognising that she is a dtf was to not take any unnessary steps in seduction just taking her directly at home.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Feeling tired to pick up another girl burrh what burnout


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Man I met this girl laid her on first night after of lot of efforts but still SNL.

Fuck she is caring and lovey dovey with me.

Now we meet again she is same afterwards.

Now I try meeting one more time but she is not available and later she tries meeting 3rd time but I can't.

Now we don't text much but I want to meet her.

So I try to create a curioisity in her by sending this emoji...💔

She replies huh after 3-4 hours

Then I send this text state of my heart again her reply is

Huh next day.

Now I am confounded.

So I say this all will be waste so I just send pic of what I am eating nd text enjoying my breakfast, wby.

No reply for whole day.

Idk she is frustated by my texts or whats in her mind but I want more commitment from her.

Now I don't know her views on relationship etc. but I know for sure I want a more emotianally avaliable girl.

I am hoping she will text me in few days.

Now I can act chill and understand why she acted the way she did.

Or I can just fire this text.

Hey pls don't contact me anymore.

Nothing wrong with you just trying to protect my heart.

Maybe she is more curious.

Or I can add more to make her recall the nights, the friday nights with you were best for me... Hopefully for you as well that I belive you remeber and smile to.

I want to leave things the way they are.

Probably she might start a bit chasing.

Or I can add more... My heart wanted to express a lot of my feelings but my brain is against that

I am doing this to inspire some chasing behaviour in her

If does it good if she don't I leave it

Or I can just he normal check what went in her life and try to seduce her once more.

She said she liked sex with me and was looking forward to it.

If anyone knows whats the best course of action lemme know I am more inclined towards first one though


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 10, 2017
She does not understand why you're broken hearted just because a couple of meets did not work out (and one of those she started). Phone her and talk!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
She does not understand why you're broken hearted just because a couple of meets did not work out (and one of those she started). Phone her and talk!
I will leave a simple text on friday.

Lets catch up its been a while. Miss drinking and fun friday nights, though I want to play vulnerable game it wont work with this girl. Hopefully i get a girl I like more than this by then. I laid another one but still I this one better.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
It sucks man falling for these emotinally unavailable career oriented busy with my fucking life girls.

I hate it bring crazy sadness to me.

No amount of lays help me when I can't get them to commit like I want
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
My sadness is affecting my motivation to work. Brhh all I want is to hit gym tire myself and sleep.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
i deleted this bitch number fuck.

Why the hell I got so attached why did I sent her that senti text.

I hate it falling for her.

These days I am falling so soon

I need some company of women some emotional support.

I want to do things for someone i love.

I wish i could love myself like i love girls

Now all i can wait for this bitch to respond which I know she wont.

She Is gone i lost my calm and non chalantness

She probably concluded I am not I seem like.

I need to focus on quality now.

Now more usless lays for sake of laying.

If I want a relationship lets screen for it

I know its a matter of time.

I have skills to get what i need.

I bring experience in girls life that i can only bring

But is she worth giving it

No more running for them

I cant let this momentary sadness affect me