Interesting to see this brought up on a sex forum. In my country many people believe that the pandemic is a ruse for totalitarian control measures (especially younger generations). I work in a financial institution and covid has indeed been a massive boost for our business - which has been alarming. What Chase has been saying is right on the money (I can’t speak to the China/Russia/Middle East stuff) and there are certainly many conspicuous links between 20th century catastrophes and those privileged to write monetary policy. In my position it’s easy to see how COVID has been leveraged to distort asset prices (including cash) and the consequences that will arise in the not too distant future. Pro-tip, don’t load up on debt right now.I have a friend I met who keeps sending me these videos about how this is the plan of the "NWO".
A. They're killing the fiat currency to digital currency slowly in order for the govt to have control over your money (Ex. Digital Yuan)
B. Mandated Vaccine Passports (On the surface it's a choice, but in reality it's more like if you don't have vaccine, you can't do X)
C. Institutions mandating their stuff to get vaccines
D. Trying to make masks and lockdowns the 'new norm'
So he's hellbent on refusing to get vaccines, pulling money out of the bank into crypto, and finding a new passport
I found this interesting because I agree with
A. Fiat currency is dying.
B. I did find it odd that my college is mandating students to get vaccinated and not providing options for online coursework
C. I'm not sure about the other 2 yet.
I'm curious about what other people think.
Usually, historically, when countries start shutting their borders so people cannot leave, anyone too slow to get out while the getting was good is going to be stuck there for a few rough decades as it all goes to hell in a hand basket. Pick your favorite authoritarian revolution of the past 100 years and look what happened inside the country once the borders closed and the rush to emigrate was cut off. "Well we can't just let any old person leave! You have to be one of the approved citizens to go abroad!" is all you need to tell me to get me booked on a one-way flight outta dodge. Just me personally.
I feel strange being so hesitant to take this vaccine, like a conspiracy theorist. Iʼm far from anti‑vax — in fact, Iʼd ironically be hustling to get some tropical disease vaccines prior to leaving. I am just really sketched out by this particular vaccine
..."so far".took both shots and I am fine.
R.I.POn 22nd I shall take the third shot.
I caught covid twice... and they still want me to take the jab. Not happening. I am probably more immune than some Israeli with 4 doses.
Reminds me of my company saying to get vaccinated or I'm fired lol. And they don't count natural immunity either. I suspect I've caught covid a few times as well.
which makes it extremely suspect. Ofc you are more immune. So it isn't about immunity against covid. It isn't about health. It isn't about saving lives (you can still spread covid when you are vaccinated). It is solely about the vaccine and control. And if the vaccine is harmless (doubtful) then it is simply an extension of control. Then it is ONLY about control and nothing else. A compliance test.I caught covid twice... and they still want me to take the jab. Not happening. I am probably more immune than some Israeli with 4 doses.
which makes it extremely suspect. Ofc you are more immune. So it isn't about immunity against covid. It isn't about health. It isn't about saving lives (you can still spread covid when you are vaccinated). It is solely about the vaccine and control. And if the vaccine is harmless (doubtful) then it is simply an extension of control. Then it is ONLY about control and nothing else. A compliance test.
Same here.Yes in my case, that is clear. I have less chances of spreading Covid than most vaccinated... and regarding my own health... I caught covid twice and I was fine... and now with antibodies in my body, I am not at risk.
So yes, a compliance test - but more importantly, it is a pretext for mass-surveillance. Many countries in Europe have those covid-passes/green-passes where you have to be vaccinated or tested in order to be able to live normally (going to a bar, theater, concert, grab a coffee.. heck even see a doctor!). Now, once you take a test or the jab, you get a QR code which is scanned everywhere.
Basically the gouvernment knows which clubs I went to last week end.
I'm in the EXACT same boat as you as far as this vaccine is concerned. I don't trust it yet happily trust all the others. And for the EXACT same reasons. Just letting you know that you're not alone on that.Just reading this thread now.. some great info @Chase!
You probably donʼt want to say, but Iʼm guessing “approved” here might include “vaccinated”?
I have mere weeks before my quasi-socialist Western democracy starts strictly requiring that outbound travellers on planes, trains or ships are vaccinated, apart from narrow exemptions. This doesnʼt seem to cover crossing the borders outbound by car or foot, but that only gets you into another equally neurotic Western country. Inbound nationals (only) can still opt instead for testing and quarantine.
Iʼve been wanting to spend extended time in Africa, anyway, but Iʼm now faced with the choice of either:
- Going once it is convenient for me, probably not for several months at least — but then having to either submit to the “Covid” vaccine or pull off a tricky stunt to make it look like I did, in order to be allowed to board the plane; or
- Leaving quite quickly, before the vaccine travel requirement kicks in — but doing so ill‑prepared and having to sort out certain affairs after Iʼm gone rather awkwardly with the help of people back in my country and at greater expense and risk.
I feel strange being so hesitant to take this vaccine, like a conspiracy theorist. Iʼm far from anti‑vax — in fact, Iʼd ironically be hustling to get some tropical disease vaccines prior to leaving. I am just really sketched out by this particular vaccine. Iʼm wary of the whole sociopolitical climate and particular things that donʼt quite “add up” in the official narrative. And the more Western governments push us to take it, the more fearful of it I become.
Realists would argue that mandatory vaccinations in free nations — for instance, of school children — are not unprecedented.
Never before in my life have I been so challenged over just what to believe.
Suppose that “vaccine good, virus bad” is true. Where I live, Iʼm fairly safe even without the vaccine, because I work from home, donʼt socialize much, some 80% of people around me are vaccinated, and our numbers are doing ok. By contrast, going to Uganda unvaccinated, intending to socialize and hit on lots of women, would be of questionable wisdom when they only have 0.9% vaccinated. Now, their case numbers are much lower than ours, but transmission may be vastly underreported there. (Other explanations include weather, younger population, “Hygiene hypothesis”, and population genetics.) Itʼs possible they have more carriers and less people getting sick with it.
Either way, theyʼve also done lockdowns at Western levels, and are telling the same “weʼre dying of Covid” story. So Iʼm not sure that Iʼm not fleeing a shitstorm for a shitstorm.
I feel strange being so hesitant to take this vaccine, like a conspiracy theorist. Iʼm far from anti‑vax — in fact, Iʼd ironically be hustling to get some tropical disease vaccines prior to leaving. I am just really sketched out by this particular vaccine. Iʼm wary of the whole sociopolitical climate and particular things that donʼt quite “add up” in the official narrative. And the more Western governments push us to take it, the more fearful of it I become.
I'm in the EXACT same boat as you as far as this vaccine is concerned. I don't trust it yet happily trust all the others. And for the EXACT same reasons. Just letting you know that you're not alone on that.
On this:
There is are several big differences between the coronavirus vaccine and every other vaccine you have taken that puts it rather into a class of its own. Extreme government pushiness, the impressive product launch they did when they rolled the vaccine out, the level of media hoopla and the political polarization created around it. Most of those don't make for good reasons to avoid vaccination in the eyes of someone who is all aboard the vax train though. They'll just get you lumped in as 'another conspiracy theorist nutter' and dismissed.
However, one worth focusing on when you run into pushy people whom you don't want to get into a detailed immunology conversation with is its relatively untested (from a medical perspective) nature, which stands it quite apart from other vaccines.
Every other vaccine you've received has passed multi-year clinical studies before even being brought to market (generally it takes about 10-15 years for a vaccine to reach market). They perform these studies because vaccines sometimes have unforeseen side effects, sometimes emerging years after administration, that lead to those vaccines not being allowed on the market.
Many vaccines fail these trials and never make it to market, including ALL previously developed coronavirus vaccines, all of which were disapproved for being brought to the market as a result of side effects, some of which showed up years after administration, including increased sensitivity to infection with coronavirus, or infection with other coronavirus strains, or other deleterious effects on people's immune systems:
Immunization with inactivated Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus vaccine leads to lung immunopathology on challenge with live virus
(2016). Immunization with inactivated Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus vaccine leads to lung immunopathology on challenge with live virus. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics: Vol. 12, No. 9, pp.
Even after being brought to market, vaccines continue to be monitored for years, with various longitudinal studies performed. The 10-year longitudinal study is perhaps the most common.
Many vaccines have been removed from the market even AFTER years of extensive testing, including vaccines for Lyme disease, rotavirus, measles, hepatitis B, rabies, and others, due to side effects that pop up years down the line:
In other words, the vaccines you're accustomed to have all, without fail, enjoyed survivorship bias: vaccines seem safe, because all the vaccines you've had across your entire life, up until 2021, have been extensively tested and closely monitored over periods of years and found safe. Meanwhile the vaccines that weren't safe have always been eliminated via testing.
Then there's this one, rushed to market with unprecedented speed and minimal testing.
It's a bit like if every rocket goes through 7 days of safety inspections before launch, and then you have a rocket you decide to launch with half a day of safety inspections instead, because you dub it necessary. They tried that twice in The Martian and in one case it worked and in the other the rocket exploded. Because if you're not going to do the full safety inspection, then you're rolling the dice.
The last time there was a mass government/media vaccination push with a rushed-to-mass-production new vaccine, in 1976 after a swine flu scare, the vaccine ended up recalled after 50-60 million people in the US had already been vaccinated, due to unforeseen neurological disorders the vaccine caused, such as Guillain–Barré syndrome, which Wikipedia defines as "a rapid-onset muscle weakness caused by the immune system damaging the peripheral nervous system."
Now... that is not to say anything for or against this vaccine. I don't know much of anything about its long-term effects, and at this point no one much does (though curiously Wikipedia does note one of the COVID vaccines has already been found to sometimes cause Guillain–Barré). It might be mostly harmless, or it might have unforeseen deleterious effects. Who can know? It's a roll of the dice.
But a good retort for anyone asking after your vaccination status, one that completely avoids the "you must be an anti-vaxxer!" aspersion, while seeming perfectly reasonable to most people (because it is), is this:
"I'm just waiting for the 10-year longitudinal studies."
For every other vaccine you've ever had, they already have those studies' results, after all.
Extreme government pushiness, the impressive product launch they did when they rolled the vaccine out, the level of media hoopla and the political polarization created around it. Most of those don't make for good reasons to avoid vaccination in the eyes of someone who is all aboard the vax train though. They'll just get you lumped in as 'another conspiracy theorist nutter' and dismissed.
I feel strange being so hesitant to take this vaccine, like a conspiracy theorist. Iʼm far from anti‑vax — in fact, Iʼd ironically be hustling to get some tropical disease vaccines prior to leaving. I am just really sketched out by this particular vaccine. Iʼm wary of the whole sociopolitical climate and particular things that donʼt quite “add up” in the official narrative. And the more Western governments push us to take it, the more fearful of it I become.
So yes, a compliance test - but more importantly, it is a pretext for mass-surveillance. Many countries in Europe have those covid-passes/green-passes where you have to be vaccinated or tested in order to be able to live normally (going to a bar, theater, concert, grab a coffee.. heck even see a doctor!). Now, once you take a test or the jab, you get a QR code which is scanned everywhere.
Basically the gouvernment knows which clubs I went to last week end.
For every other vaccine you've ever had, they already have those studies' results, after all.
This is interesting man, especially in France with the elections coming up soon. I've seen plenty of talk amongst French folks regarding voting restrictions / voter profiling and such. Pretty crazy stuff, reg. the opinions on the pass sanitaire.Yes in my case, that is clear. I have less chances of spreading Covid than most vaccinated... and regarding my own health... I caught covid twice and I was fine... and now with antibodies in my body, I am not at risk.
So yes, a compliance test - but more importantly, it is a pretext for mass-surveillance. Many countries in Europe have those covid-passes/green-passes where you have to be vaccinated or tested in order to be able to live normally (going to a bar, theater, concert, grab a coffee.. heck even see a doctor!). Now, once you take a test or the jab, you get a QR code which is scanned everywhere.
Basically the gouvernment knows which clubs I went to last week end.