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Does anyone think there's something bigger going on than the Covid-19 itself?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
nobody is questioning the fact that they are pushing so hard for this. if they are so hellbent on you getting this with the alternative being life as a second-class citizen, it is because this thing isn't good for you. the harder they push the vaccine, the more resistant i become to it. if there were no mandates, no nothing, completely up to yourself with no social consequences, i would be more likely to take it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
and the blood clot whatever argument against it is a meme at this point. nobody knows about the long term consequences of this.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
"i got aids but the symptoms arent so bad yet and i havent died, so im fine for the rest of my life"
^same logic.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
the harder they push the vaccine, the more resistant i become to it. if there were no mandates, no nothing, completely up to yourself with no social consequences, i would be more likely to take it.

That's the thing.

If they didn't politicize it, and censor it...... it would not have come to this situation where we are globally. Most people who don't take the vax. Most of their concerns were legit. Infact, most of them, based on what i have read, are open to take the vax.

Sure there are wacky ideas and conspiracy.
It's when they started to become hypocrites (US politics) where Trump vaccine becomes "all good". Then it is the same for other countries. When they started calling the other group of people as retarded. That's where it started growing. People who are 'pro choice' suddenly moves the goalpost. Fucking hell.

There's so many fucking tribes with different belief systems and definitions. Good luck to everyone. I don't see this turning back.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Just get it.
At this point, I rather inject myself with an unknown substance that has a pretty pretty small (although certainly nonzero) probability of side effects than suffering this pointless unending debate.

Get the jab and then ask everyone to just shut the fuck up and get on with their lives.


Feb 3, 2020
Just get it.
At this point, I rather inject myself with an unknown substance that has a pretty pretty small (although certainly nonzero) probability of side effects than suffering this pointless unending debate.

Get the jab and then ask everyone to just shut the fuck up and get on with their lives.

I considered taking it to just get it over with but the variants and need for boosters seems endless with no specific end criteria. At least for the US.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
just get it... and the next... and the next... and the next... had enough? dont want to have your 9th booster shot? you are no longer considered vaccinated. your immune system is not only compromised now but you also lost -10.000 social score. have fun as a second class citizen.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
but the variants and need for boosters seems endless with no specific end criteria. At least for the US.

Businesses, Corporations, Michael Malice and 'Mad Scientists' like me, discovered what was accidentally revealed in 2020.

To not scare everyone, I make this short.
I believe that they making everyone to be a kinda 'Business sales Funnel' with continuity.

Physical wars are less likely but if they can keep making money out of you in indirect ways, that's the simplest way to put it.

The jab is fine really. Everyone knows it. But we also know that there's something amiss. And what I explain is that something amiss.

Stay safe everyone. I have no answers, sincerely.



Feb 3, 2020
Businesses, Corporations, Michael Malice and 'Mad Scientists' like me, discovered what was accidentally revealed in 2020.

To not scare everyone, I make this short.
I believe that they making everyone to be a kinda 'Business sales Funnel' with continuity.

Physical wars are less likely but if they can keep making money out of you in indirect ways, that's the simplest way to put it.

The jab is fine really. Everyone knows it. But we also know that there's something amiss. And what I explain is that something amiss.

Stay safe everyone. I have no answers, sincerely.

Definitely, I do get the feeling I'm caught up in a bigger game between government, corporations, etc. When you see these entities as "living beings" on a macro level, it helps put things in perspective.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
When you see these entities as "living beings" on a macro level, it helps put things in perspective.

They just want 10 extra Avetandors. Each one of them. And they need someone to pay for it.

HAHA! *cries in helpless mode*



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Definitely, I do get the feeling I'm caught up in a bigger game between government, corporations, etc. When you see these entities as "living beings" on a macro level, it helps put things in perspective.

The bigger game is this:

the harder they push the vaccine, the more resistant i become to it.
If they didn't politicize it, and censor it...... it would not have come to this situation where we are globally.

All the powerful people -- the think tanks, the titans of industry, the heads of the media conglomerates, the owners of the banks -- are deep in Bernaysian crowd psychology. It's been their go-to tool for social control for the past 100 years.

The masses of the left and right had become increasingly fractious, and increasingly targeted the elite (media heads, government officials, big banks, corporate executives, think tank analysts), whom they are not 'supposed' to target, instead of each other.

You still have the die-hard 'capitalism or bust!' folks on the right who think anything a bank or corporation wants to do is within its right. And you still have the die-hard 'justice or make 'em hang!' folks on the left who view average people who don't agree with them as the primary obstacle to social change.

However, increasingly, people on the left were targeting the big corporations and government officials, no longer contented by displays of unity (rainbow flags, black power fists, kneeling, pretty words), and instead demanding REAL change: fire everyone who's the wrong color, sex, or orientation and replace him with a diversity hire at every level of the corporation; defund the police; free everything for everybody paid for by the government; etc. They were becoming increasingly immune to mere words/symbols and wanting big, bold, paradigm-shifting ACTION.

Meanwhile, people on the right were also targeting the elites, boycotting major corporations, which they saw as abandoning them, abandoning the political process (and when the people lose faith in the government, TRULY lose faith in it, you are not far from people refusing to pay taxes, then not long after that outright revolution), targeting government officials, corporate CEOs, and Wall Street in their "drain the swamp" talk, and so on. At the same time they were pushing aside as dinosaurs those old school conservatives who thought you should never criticize corporations, banks, or the rich. Again, these people were sick of inaction, and too wanted big, bold, paradigm-shifting action.

So you've got a situation where these two sides of the masses are supposed to be squabbling with each other, so both are off the elites' backs.

However, both sides had started wising up and were increasingly turning their attentions to the elites, and changing the paradigm, rather than each other, and being contented with words and symbolic displays that changed nothing.

The elites don't want to shift the paradigm though. Words and symbols are fine, because they don't change anything. But they are elites under the current paradigm. If you change the paradigm, there is no guarantee they will still be 'elites' in the new one -- in fact, very often elites end up on the guillotine when the paradigm shifts.

Then, presto! Coronavirus!

Suddenly, marching orders are coming down from the elite, and the left is snapping them right up and being good little soldiers, wearing their masks, staying indoors, doing their distancing, getting their shots, everything the news media tells them to do, and being PROUD to do it, gosh darn it!

Meanwhile, the right is petulantly shaking its head, saying that no siree! We're not wearing those masks, we're not staying indoors, we're not doing that distancing, we're not getting those shots -- not over our dead bodies! And they're proud of that defiance, too!

The left masses, following orders from the elites, fights with the right masses, and the right masses, pointing the finger at the elites but too busy defending against the left masses to really focus on the elites, fights back.

And you get this whole stupid mess where once again one chunk of the masses is fighting with the other chunk of the masses.

And during it all, the middle class lost $4 trillion, and the billionaire class gained $4 trillion, just in 2020 alone.

Does the vaccine actually do anything, either to protect you or to harm you?

I doubt it. Based on everything I have researched in both pro- and anti-vaccine information, all the claims of benefit and claims of harm are circumstantial and rely on heavy confirmation bias. People with the vaccine still get sick, go to the hospital, and get pneumonia at the same rates as people without it. However, despite the occasional side effect, for the most part they are not dying, being sterilized, paralyzed, or anything else either.

This vaccine in particular seems uniquely positioned to drive a wedge in society:

  • Completely new, untested technology (mRNA) -- people on the left, who love new advances, will be thrilled; people on the right, who are skeptical of new advances, will be paranoid

  • Skipping the normal testing process "because it's so urgently needed to save lives" -- people on the left, whose highest moral good is caring for others, will embrace this thinking; people on the right, who balance caring with other moral dimensions, such as personal autonomy and bodily integrity, are a lot less likely to

  • Big government mandates that everyone get vaccinated "for safety" -- people on the left, who LOVE the unity of big government, are all aboard this train; people on the right, who HATE the coercion of big government, find the idea revolting

You can find a bunch of other ways this vaccine seems to be ideal as a sociopolitical wedge.

But it is really well designed to perfectly appeal to leftist morality ("I'm doing my part to save lives!"), with the result being the left has fallen back in line.

Notice who is giving all these orders to mask up, distance, and get vaccinated, by the way:

  • Government officials
  • Corporations
  • Media personalities

It is all the SAME people the left was putting under a gigantic spotlight just two years ago and putting massive pressure on to get fully aboard the social justice train -- and not just words and symbols, they wanted action... massive action.

Now these people, whose throats they were at two years ago, are once again their noble leaders, commanders, heroes, and idols, championing the fight against a deadly enemy, and leading them in sallies against the oh-so-stupid people on the right who don't even realize how much danger they're putting themselves and others in by not doing what the elites tell them to.

It works as planned on the right, too. The level of extreme conspiracy theories I am hearing from my most right-leaning friends are as unhinged as the wild germaphobic terror I am hearing from my most left-leaning friends. The more general right-wing is in a continual state of paranoia about what is going on, and feels put-upon and hemmed in by the left/elite alliance. A cornered animal is not one capable of going on offense, and the right for now is effectively neutered.

Step into the shoes of a master of the universe though and think about his goals:

  • I want to make money
  • I want to collect power
  • I want to keep what I've gotten
  • I want to get more of what I've gotten
  • The only thing that's going to stop me is these regular people aligning and becoming too fractious/rebellious

What's your objective?

It's not "poison everyone with a subtle toxin", because that'll lead to real revolution quicker than anything else (and no subtle toxin, no matter how well engineered, is capable of doing enough damage to neuter an entire population). It's also not "kill everyone who opposes me" because there's no way to do that without open war, and open war is neither feasible nor desirable (no elite wants to be "King of Nothing", which is what you'll be if your society is destroyed in a war). Nor is it "save everyone from a deadly disease" -- these same people have no problem starting wars for riches that lead to millions of deaths (both their countrymen and others') and the destruction of entire outside societies. And however deadly you think this virus is, the morgues aren't full and no one's stepping over bodies on the streets, including in the regions that have no virus measures whatsoever.

Instead, your objective as a very powerful individual is simple:

"Keep enough of society following our marching orders that we have a base of supporters; meanwhile, keep the masses busy enough fighting each other their attention stays off us."

That is what is going on. It is the same trick they have pulled over and over for the past 100 years.

Every time mass movements on the left and right become too radical, and begin targeting the elite too much instead of each other, there is some new sudden thing that happens that leads to one side (and sometimes it is the right, and other times it is the left) aligning itself with the elite, following its marching orders to the letter, and castigating the other side that doesn't.

Edward Bernays has won again.

So far as I can tell, he is going to keep winning long into the future.

Of course, sooner or later, all this chaos is going to damage these countries' economies enough that no amount of trickery will be able to pull the wool over the common people's eyes. But so long as people aren't starving to death or pushing around wheelbarrows of cash to buy a loaf of bread, you aren't at that point yet, and you can still get people to believe whatever you want them to believe.

Just as a side note, what a sad time to live in, where everyone is beset with paranoia of one kind or another (whether fear of viral infection, or fear of government control). My advice to anyone who is sick of living in fear like this: find a way to build a life of heroic action for yourself, where you are constantly taking steps to perform deeds that are great or that lead you toward greatness, and shut out the paranoia of those timid souls too fearful to do anything other than cower in the dark, shuddering, waiting helplessly for the shadow of the predator they fear to fall upon them.


edit: I will add that this is why most political debates in a late-stage republic are dumb. At least in a monarchy you have one king and his supporters vs. a competing claimant to the throne and his supporters. In a late-stage republic you have a bunch of corrupt shadowy oligarchs and plutocrats hovering behind the scenes agitating the masses against each other to prolong their stay in power. All you're doing when you're arguing politics with Average Joes is wasting your breath being a grunt on the front lines for that.
Last edited:
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Feb 3, 2020
The bigger game is this:

All the powerful people -- the think tanks, the titans of industry, the heads of the media conglomerates, the owners of the banks -- are deep in Bernaysian crowd psychology. It's been their go-to tool for social control for the past 100 years.

The masses of the left and right had become increasingly fractious, and increasingly targeted the elite (media heads, government officials, big banks, corporate executives, think tank analysts), whom they are not 'supposed' to target, instead of each other.

You still have the die-hard 'capitalism or bust!' folks on the right who think anything a bank or corporation wants to do is within its right. And you still have the die-hard 'justice or make 'em hang!' folks on the left who view average people who don't agree with them as the primary obstacle to social change.

However, increasingly, people on the left were targeting the big corporations and government officials, no longer contented by displays of unity (rainbow flags, black power fists, kneeling, pretty words), and instead demanding REAL change: fire everyone who's the wrong color, sex, or orientation and replace him with a diversity hire at every level of the corporation; defund the police; free everything for everybody paid for by the government; etc. They were becoming increasingly immune to mere words/symbols and wanting big, bold, paradigm-shifting ACTION.

Meanwhile, people on the right were also targeting the elites, boycotting major corporations, which they saw as abandoning them, abandoning the political process (and when the people lose faith in the government, TRULY lose faith in it, you are not far from people refusing to pay taxes, then not long after that outright revolution), targeting government officials, corporate CEOs, and Wall Street in their "drain the swamp" talk, and so on. At the same time they were pushing aside as dinosaurs those old school conservatives who thought you should never criticize corporations, banks, or the rich. Again, these people were sick of inaction, and too wanted big, bold, paradigm-shifting action.

So you've got a situation where these two sides of the masses are supposed to be squabbling with each other, so both are off the elites' backs.

However, both sides had started wising up and were increasingly turning their attentions to the elites, and changing the paradigm, rather than each other, and being contented with words and symbolic displays that changed nothing.

The elites don't want to shift the paradigm though. Words and symbols are fine, because they don't change anything. But they are elites under the current paradigm. If you change the paradigm, there is no guarantee they will still be 'elites' in the new one -- in fact, very often elites end up on the guillotine when the paradigm shifts.

Then, presto! Coronavirus!

Suddenly, marching orders are coming down from the elite, and the left is snapping them right up and being good little soldiers, wearing their masks, staying indoors, doing their distancing, getting their shots, everything the news media tells them to do, and being PROUD to do it, gosh darn it!

Meanwhile, the right is petulantly shaking its head, saying that no siree! We're not wearing those masks, we're not staying indoors, we're not doing that distancing, we're not getting those shots -- not over our dead bodies! And they're proud of that defiance, too!

The left masses, following orders from the elites, fights with the right masses, and the right masses, pointing the finger at the elites but too busy defending against the left masses to really focus on the elites, fights back.

And you get this whole stupid mess where once again one chunk of the masses is fighting with the other chunk of the masses.

And during it all, the middle class lost $4 trillion, and the billionaire class gained $4 trillion, just in 2020 alone.

Does the vaccine actually do anything, either to protect you or to harm you?

I doubt it. Based on everything I have researched in both pro- and anti-vaccine information, all the claims of benefit and claims of harm are circumstantial and rely on heavy confirmation bias. People with the vaccine still get sick, go to the hospital, and get pneumonia at the same rates as people without it. However, despite the occasional side effect, for the most part they are not dying, being sterilized, paralyzed, or anything else either.

This vaccine in particular seems uniquely positioned to drive a wedge in society:

  • Completely new, untested technology (mRNA) -- people on the left, who love new advances, will be thrilled; people on the right, who are skeptical of new advances, will be paranoid

  • Skipping the normal testing process "because it's so urgently needed to save lives" -- people on the left, whose highest moral good is caring for others, will embrace this thinking; people on the right, who balance caring with other moral dimensions, such as personal autonomy and bodily integrity, are a lot less likely to

  • Big government mandates that everyone get vaccinated "for safety" -- people on the left, who LOVE the unity of big government, are all aboard this train; people on the right, who HATE the coercion of big government, find the idea revolting

You can find a bunch of other ways this vaccine seems to be ideal as a sociopolitical wedge.

But it is really well designed to perfectly appeal to leftist morality ("I'm doing my part to save lives!"), with the result being the left has fallen back in line.

Notice who is giving all these orders to mask up, distance, and get vaccinated, by the way:

  • Government officials
  • Corporations
  • Media personalities

It is all the SAME people the left was putting under a gigantic spotlight just two years ago and putting massive pressure on to get fully aboard the social justice train -- and not just words and symbols, they wanted action... massive action.

Now these people, whose throats they were at two years ago, are once again their noble leaders, commanders, heroes, and idols, championing the fight against a deadly enemy, and leading them in sallies against the oh-so-stupid people on the right who don't even realize how much danger they're putting themselves and others in by not doing what the elites tell them to.

It works as planned on the right, too. The level of extreme conspiracy theories I am hearing from my most right-leaning friends are as unhinged as the wild germaphobic terror I am hearing from my most left-leaning friends. The more general right-wing is in a continual state of paranoia about what is going on, and feels put-upon and hemmed in by the left/elite alliance. A cornered animal is not one capable of going on offense, and the right for now is effectively neutered.

Step into the shoes of a master of the universe though and think about his goals:

  • I want to make money
  • I want to collect power
  • I want to keep what I've gotten
  • I want to get more of what I've gotten
  • The only thing that's going to stop me is these regular people aligning and becoming too fractious/rebellious

What's your objective?

It's not "poison everyone with a subtle toxin", because that'll lead to real revolution quicker than anything else (and no subtle toxin, no matter how well engineered, is capable of doing enough damage to neuter an entire population). It's also not "kill everyone who opposes me" because there's no way to do that without open war, and open war is neither feasible nor desirable (no elite wants to be "King of Nothing", which is what you'll be if your society is destroyed in a war). Nor is it "save everyone from a deadly disease" -- these same people have no problem starting wars for riches that lead to millions of deaths (both their countrymen and others') and the destruction of entire outside societies. And however deadly you think this virus is, the morgues aren't full and no one's stepping over bodies on the streets, including in the regions that have no virus measures whatsoever.

Instead, your objective as a very powerful individual is simple:

"Keep enough of society following our marching orders that we have a base of supporters; meanwhile, keep the masses busy enough fighting each other their attention stays off us."

That is what is going on. It is the same trick they have pulled over and over for the past 100 years.

Every time mass movements on the left and right become too radical, and begin targeting the elite too much instead of each other, there is some new sudden thing that happens that leads to one side (and sometimes it is the right, and other times it is the left) aligning itself with the elite, following its marching orders to the letter, and castigating the other side that doesn't.

Edward Bernays has won again.

So far as I can tell, he is going to keep winning long into the future.

Of course, sooner or later, all this chaos is going to damage these countries' economies enough that no amount of trickery will be able to pull the wool over the common people's eyes. But so long as people aren't starving to death or pushing around wheelbarrows of cash to buy a loaf of bread, you aren't at that point yet, and you can still get people to believe whatever you want them to believe.

Just as a side note, what a sad time to live in, where everyone is beset with paranoia of one kind or another (whether fear of viral infection, or fear of government control). My advice to anyone who is sick of living in fear like this: find a way to build a life of heroic action for yourself, where you are constantly taking steps to perform deeds that are great or that lead you toward greatness, and shut out the paranoia of those timid souls too fearful to do anything other than cower in the dark, shuddering, waiting helplessly for the shadow of the predator they fear to fall upon them.


edit: I will add that this is why most political debates in a late-stage republic are dumb. At least in a monarchy you have one king and his supporters vs. a competing claimant to the throne and his supporters. In a late-stage republic you have a bunch of corrupt shadowy oligarchs and plutocrats hovering behind the scenes agitating the masses against each other to prolong their stay in power. All you're doing when you're arguing politics with Average Joes is wasting your breath being a grunt on the front lines for that.

Now that I think about it, the actions of the elite do betray what they say. Ex. All the instances where the emperor has been caught with "no clothes" by partying with no mask, getting hair cuts while no one else can, not social distancing, etc. And it keeps repeating while one side plays defense or plays blind and the other side points it out to little results.

I do wonder if this form of control is something the elite consciously conspire to attain or is it more instinctual or simple like "Oh this is a good opportunity to gain more political influence or line our pockets. Maybe they'll forget I didn't deliver on that promise or that I dumped those chemicals into the water supply." And collectively, this reflects as subjugation of the masses.

Then there's some powerful people that seem to have bigger, conscious agendas but might just be overhyped boogeymen (Gates or Soros). Some of the theories are wacky but these guys do seem to have some interest in affecting their countries/world at a mass scale.

Normally I'd comfort myself by thinking this sort of stuff doesn't affect me at my level. My regular, everyday life is quite normal and not apocalyptic at all but I am in a Red state. However, now it's starting to threaten job security (vax or fired) so I can see how paranoia amongst people is elevated.

In my company, the vast majority of people are vaccinated (whether coerced or voluntarily) so it seems the initial dissenters are willing to cave and compromise just to keep their career, creature comforts, or provide for their family.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Then there's some powerful people that seem to have bigger, conscious agendas but might just be overhyped boogeymen (Gates or Soros). Some of the theories are wacky but these guys do seem to have some interest in affecting their countries/world at a mass scale.

I'm not sure if it's ignorance, incompetence or they just really believe what they do, like Gates. He never shy away from sharing that the world is overpopulated.

On a smaller scale, this reaffirms my research work by what happened on Girlschase, where an old forum member thought that everyone was against him. It happened to me. It happened to that guy (I could not remember his name). Seems like it can happen to any social circle.

They called this phenomenon as "multiple individuals acting in the same way, creating the perception that there's a massive movement".

People getting cancelled on social media, is exactly that.

Funny how Bill Burr noted that he is laughing at the online world because no one in the real world actually said bad things to him.



Feb 3, 2020
I'm not sure if it's ignorance, incompetence or they just really believe what they do, like Gates. He never shy away from sharing that the world is overpopulated.

On a smaller scale, this reaffirms my research work by what happened on Girlschase, where an old forum member thought that everyone was against him. It happened to me. It happened to that guy (I could not remember his name). Seems like it can happen to any social circle.

They called this phenomenon as "multiple individuals acting in the same way, creating the perception that there's a massive movement".

People getting cancelled on social media, is exactly that.

Funny how Bill Burr noted that he is laughing at the online world because no one in the real world actually said bad things to him.

Bill Burr reminds me of what Dave Chapelle said in his latest controversial stand-up: "Twitter isn't a real place." Hahaha

Right, I think it's efficient to group masses of people into a group when in actuality each person has their individual combo of values. I just see "movements" or "systems" as the superposition or combination of the individuals' actions and beliefs.

The Emerald Archer

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2016
Here's what I don't understand: Donald Trump was still POTUS when COVID first hit the fan.

He is also the one who (according to Chase's analysis) started dismantling the International Banking Empire that the Elites were all part of by cutting funding to the CIA and getting rid of Isis, which caused the power vacuum for Russia and eventually led to the US Empire taking serious damage to the point where they had to rush to censorship and employ lockdowns/infringement on civil liberties to crush a populist uprising. Based on that, it seems safe to conclude that Trump and the Elites were not allies.

Yet he's also the one who proudly started developing the vax (I think he called Project Warp Speed or something) and while also being responsible for turning populism from a small campfire into a raging forest fire as Chase mentioned at the beginning of this thread.

My question is why did he go along with all of this Bernaysian crowd control psychology? Especially the vaccine, which is what is dividing people and getting them fighting with each other.

Wasn't he supposed to be the Populist who symbolized the ACTION and the paradigm shift on behalf of the masses?

Was Trump that scared of not getting re-elected if he rocked the boat that he went along with all of this and didn't take serious enough measures to prevent the Elites from getting the masses to fight with each other again? It's not like rocking the boat is out of character for him anyway...

Or did his inexperience in politics finally catch up with him in the end and ultimately lead to him getting played like a fiddle by the elites and corporations?

I'm slowly beginning to think that maybe he got played, even despite all his bully and bluster and rhetoric that makes him look like he's winning and on top of things, because of how hard the Elites have maligned him since he left office (impeachment #2 over Jan. 6, Jan. 6 committee, banned from social media, etc.).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Was Trump that scared of not getting re-elected if he rocked the boat that he went along with all of this and didn't take serious enough measures to prevent the Elites from getting the masses to fight with each other again? It's not like rocking the boat is out of character for him anyway...

because trump was part of the system

In case everyone have forgotten,

Point 1: "I never knew that Washington swamp was this deep"

Point 2: In his leaving speech, he made a few remarks that noted that give this sentiment that the country could have been salvaged if things were done better.

TLDR: He could not do anything.

To make it simple: You are excited to learn how to start a business. Zac shows Girlschase members the cool stuff.

Then you joined and realized that sometimes you feel like eating glass and smiling while running a business.

I'm sure anyone who joins MLM with a shit coach, knows this. :confused::confused::confused:


Headlines By Drake

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2021
Great to see the good discussion on this thread and I definitely learned something new. I guess a silver lining I have noticed since I do want to cultivate a positive attitude in my life, especially with a tough decision to make whether to keep my job or stay unvaccinated, is that here and there things do seem to show some promise.

For one, any of you reading this, go to the Instagram page of an establishment Democrat politician and see how much hatred there is towards them being upvoted. I see how "Let's Go Brandon" has gone viral but look at how much people are calling out Biden on his Instagram page and also getting upvoted en masse for it. The comments calling out the Bidens of the world are the ones receiving mass upvotes. Even with AOC who has gone out of her way to censor her page and limit comments, people are calling her out and getting massive support. You even see this with Youtube videos where the comments dissing the establishment politicians are massively upvoted.

Sure censorship exists but this is somewhat encouraging to see given how CNN is trying so hard to glorify Biden but the masses are speaking out saying "not a chance". As for my next point.

I am going to put the video at the end from Man In America but the speaker shows a Tweet by James Lindsay that says it seemed like we are entering a new Dark Age when really we had been in one all along and are just now starting to escape. Basically, the "normal" was never as good as we thought it was and the elites were always getting away without being noticed. It is in darkness where evil thrives but once the light shines on it, it can't.

The speaker goes on to say that it is actually a good sign that they are getting this desperate in enforcing mandates because it shows that they know they are starting to lose. It is the fact that they are doing it so much out in the open that shows that they are starting to weaken when in the past, they did it and got away with it unnoticed.

I'll also say, I have seen some things that look slightly promising although I won't fool myself into thinking the future is in our favor. It is good to see Southwest having to bend to their employees over the mandates and brands like In-N-Out push back.

You even notice it with how much traction and popularity the anti-mandate marches are gaining. In NYC, as liberal as it is, you saw people of all colors protesting against the marches, rarely the white conservative males. Then you notice the incident at Carmine where the black family assaulted the waitress and notice that a segment of the black community is pushing back against the mandates. One of the most liberal cities in the US elected a mayor who is a former cop and a former Republican.

I think we are not the only ones and while you do have the woke crowds and corporate drones, a number of people are indeed waking up. On a celebrity level you see it with Russell Brand, Nicki Minhaj, Kanye West, Kyrie Erving, and so many others who are seeing everything for what it truly is.

Here is the video as promised, an hour long but well worth the watch:

Headlines By Drake

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2021
I have also gotten into Astrology a bit and I know most guys don't like it but I don't mean the typical horoscope garbage. Astrologers, legit ones, believe that the USA is going through what's called a "Pluto Return". It is believed that Pluto transits to its original place every 247 years or so. Every country has its Pluto Return and every 250 or so years, things change in a big way. They say the average age of an empire's dominance is 250 years as well.

They say that America's Pluto goes exact on February 20, 2022 meaning it will be right where it was when the Declaration of Independence was supposedly born.

It just so happens that the US has a Pluto In Capricorn and Capricorn embodies the hierarchal structures of society such as big banks, corporate, big tech, etc. From Capricorn, the next sign is Aquarius which means that Pluto is supposed to leave it and then enter Aquarius. Aquarius embodies the people, society, and the community and masses.

Usually, Pluto returns are nasty as Pluto is the planet in Astrology that is kind of dark. It rules coercion, death, war, and the darkest parts of human nature. Once it tears down structures that no longer serve and need fixing, there is a renewal. In other words, it is unforgiving and if something is not serving you right, it forces it to be tore down or punishes you even more severely for having it.

Take the US's broken systems such as for voting and even government itself, we could live with how bad things were in the past. Now, we are being forced to change because we are starting to see how it cannot be ignored.

Most of you will dismiss it but it is an interesting read. I do encourage everyone to get past sun sign astrology and not waste their time with that because that's the kind of crap that chicks use when they say "oh ur this sign ur hot".


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Well, just got the announcement this past Friday that the company has mandated the jab for all employees since we have almost a 1,000 employees. This includes all remote employees who do not have any plans of coming into the office. I have a few months of savings to spend on rent plus living, did the month and it comes out to 6 months total before I run dry. At that point I will have to pull from my crypto investments in order to pay off the remainder of my rent. What makes it tough is that I built up such a successful career here and after almost 3 years, I am up for another promotion and pay bump.

I have had so much going on in my mind around this decision. What if the mandates get so bad, thankfully I am in a red state, to where I have to present proof of vaxx to eat inside like I would have to in NYC. It's like outside of the Southwest success story, which was actually not that significant since new employees still need the vaxx, I feel so outnumbered. It has gotten to the point where I have googled which vaccine is the safest.

They are not accepting negative COVID tests and it is highly unlikely that I qualify for an exemption.

It is so tough of a decision to make because I have read so much about how the vaccines bring on blood clots and people have actually died from taking them. The people close to me seemed to be fine but I feel like I am in a corner where I either lose or lose.

If I do not get it, I lose my job and a promotion, not to mention a jumpstart and huge jump in a very promising career.

If I do get it, not only do I put my health in danger, I feel like everything I stood for in the past has fallen apart.

This whole ordeal has made me empathize with politicians so much. It is tough to walk away from money, status, and glory that comes your way and actually do the right thing. Doing the right thing is so tough and so difficult that it makes so much sense why any politician is so easy to corrupt. Meanwhile, here I am.

If I do not take the vaccine then I have at most 6 months in my bank account to take care of my rent and living expenses before I run dry. All the while having no health insurance and getting off a great 401k plan. If I do take it, everything I stood for was a farce and I have to gulp down the idea that I compromised on my beliefs in a big way.
Just to share my two cents on the matter.I've done a lot of my own personal research on the vaccine and the worst outcomes i've read happen after taking the vaccine usually happened to either old people who were already vulnerable or women who were slightly middle age and even that is infrequent.

Johnson and Johnson is actually the vaccine I would avoid and say has the most risk because that is the one that gives people the most issues and was discontinued temporarily because 6 people got blood clots. If you had to choose one I would recommend pfizer. I think out of all these it would be the least risk. All the best