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Does anyone think there's something bigger going on than the Covid-19 itself?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2018
Just as a side note, what a sad time to live in, where everyone is beset with paranoia of one kind or another (whether fear of viral infection, or fear of government control). My advice to anyone who is sick of living in fear like this: find a way to build a life of heroic action for yourself, where you are constantly taking steps to perform deeds that are great or that lead you toward greatness, and shut out the paranoia of those timid souls too fearful to do anything other than cower in the dark, shuddering, waiting helplessly for the shadow of the predator they fear to fall upon them.

Actually, I began doing this since the beginning of the pandemic, While Romania was in a 2 month lockdown. I got up on a bridge near my parent's house and began planning, because I knew that these kinds of events are rare, huge events from which one can profit. Here is what I did so far?
  1. Increased my savings account size almost three-fold;
  2. Began studying Python more seriously. Built a website with Python backend as a home project;
  3. Found a girlfriend;
  4. Began learning Dutch on Duolingo (I shall finish the course on February 28th, 2022)
  5. Wrote all the course books for what I am teaching at the university
  6. Began investing in Crypto, mutual funds and stocks;
  7. Began freelancing two weeks ago;
  8. Travelled far and wide throughout the country and in Bulgaria.
Oh yeah: I keep watching news to a minimum. Because I like soccer very much, I almost always watch a soccer game in the evening. @Chase 's article about the glowing screens is spot on.

So far, the effort is paying off. My investments are increasing in value, it is far easier for me to teach now, with written course books (we teach online again), the relationship with my girlfriend is going great (and it would been greater, if it weren't for super high fears caused by both the virus and the vaccine) and I began receiving orders on Fiverr (and money), thing that surprised me because I was expecting a long drought until I get some social proof. And I cannot help noticing the look on other's faces when I tell them that the lockdown was one of the best times of my life.

On the other hand, I remembered that many years ago I read a book. It's called The Mental Game of Poker, written by Jared Tendler. A sentence that stuck to me was that tilt doesn't cause flaws in thinking, tilt reveals them. Which makes me wonder if this entire situation actually reveals that people are generally afraid, rather than causing this panic.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
i've read happen after taking the vaccine usually happened to either old people who were already vulnerable or women who were slightly middle age and even that is infrequent.

I would say India is the perfect example of what your analogy is.


Headlines By Drake

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2021
I have got to say that the decision is still not being made easy for me but it has made me think a bit more clearly about what really matters. The reason I want to stay is because I am up for a promotion and also a pay bump, it will be a critical promotion in my career and could open up a lot of open doors elsewhere. A job also provides you with health insurance, the 401k, and other benefits you sort of take for granted when you are unemployed.

On the other hand, outside of the nasty side effects of the vaccine, I have started to notice that I am not really that fulfilled in my job. I don't have any particular liking towards my coworkers. We have new leadership at the company and the CEO is a hardcore Democrat which makes me think it had a huge reason to do with the mandate, even though I am remote and still required to get the vaccine. The principles in me say that this is wrong and messed up.

I also got passed up for a promotion when it was clearly mines but now they are giving it to me for sticking it out. Thankfully I work remote because I could not see myself hanging out with most of my coworkers in real life.

Right now I am unfortunately leaning towards taking the vaccine and once I get the promotion just not giving that much of a fuck about work. I was a workaholic during the pandemic and it made me a good chunk of money but I also gained a good bit of weight.

I am thinking that maybe the smart and strategic move would be to take the vaccine but just do bare minimum work afterwards, spend that time working on my business while the paycheck comes in from work. Almost like spending that time coming up with an exit strategy of my own. I am kicking myself for not spending much time on coming up with a supplemental income idea, really really kicking myself.

Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
I got the second shot of the Moderna vaccine on 29th September, and I am happy I did.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I got the second shot of the Moderna vaccine on 29th September, and I am happy I did.
Happy for you brother.

Strip Infront of your government House.
They can't do shit :p

Headlines By Drake

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2021
Well, I have made my decision unless something changes in a big way. Going to get my J&J shot so I can keep my job, I can't fight this battle forever at this point.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Which vaccines had side effects that took years to show up?

Sidenote: Our food production and rise in 'special needs' children.

Now that I think about it, I realise I must have meet a decent number of them.


Headlines By Drake

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2021
After thinking about it a great deal, I got the J&J shot today about 6 hours ago from one of the few pharmacies in the city offering it as I missed the deadline to get the first doses of Pfizer and Moderna. I have a lot to say and I might not even able to say it coherently, this is going to be one long post. To start off, I can say that I do not feel right physically. As soon as the pharmacist, who in hindsight looked like some sketchy Indian dude, put the shot in me, I felt somewhat of a sting on the left side of the back of my neck.

They tell me to wait 15 minutes before I leave and I do before leaving. On the drive back, I did start to feel minor tingling sensations in my extremities (arms and legs). Somehow, I can hear my heart slightly pounding a bit and even now I feel some of those minor stings but now on my extremities. They say the common side effects are sore arm, headache, and a fever after you get the vaccine so I will keep you guys in the loop.

Now the question comes to whether I regret it and what is really going on in my mind right now.

I don't know if I regret it or not but I do know I regret being good at my job, being way too invested in it, and now on the cusp of another promotion and pay grade. Think about that for a second, I regret that I was doing my job well and I more importantly regret not investing any time in a side income (particularly starting a business on the side). I always wanted that supplemental income and the pandemic gave me a great chance at it since we were all working from home. Well, I spent that time hustling hard at my job which won me a lot of recognition to a degree but put me in a tough spot.

You see, if I sucked at my job, I could have just quit the day the mandates were announced. I would have quit with no regret because I had no promotion lined up and nothing to really look forward to at work. Better yet, if things were not working out then I would have invested more in my side business and getting that off the ground that I would have been set after quitting.

More so, I hate that it has all become so radical on both sides that I cannot find any good answer even when I did my research before getting vaccinated.

You ask one side and you're a Nazi for not getting the vaccine. You ask the other side and the vaccines will kill you on the spot or a few days later because they are all evil. Everyone has an agenda and worst of all, I do not even feel safe going to the doctor. I mean the times we live in where a man cannot even trust a doctor because doctors have agendas rather than wanting to genuinely help people. People were saying society is collapsing and it's one thing to read about it but something else to actually experience it.

The lack of trust not just in each other but in those meant to help us.

It is like those of us who just want the truth and no agenda at all cannot find any reasonable place to look for answers. Mainstream media is all pro-vaxx and anti-vaxx people are all Nazis but if you go to the other end, you find people claiming that the vaccines are designed to make it easier to track you since they have chips in them. It is impossible to find any place where you can find sane answers and talk to sane people who just want to make it through this without buying into everything the media tells them or saying that it is time for some "uprising" against the elites.

I feel as if the sane and moderates just kept their mouths shut on all of the big sites and let whichever side pull them in a given direction. It is the age of radicals, on both sides really.

Now I am not even sure what will happen to me. I am hoping that I am okay physically and this all works out. You can all assume that if you do not see me posting more than a week from now, something bad has certain happened to me.

I just thought I'd get this out since writing has always been my biggest outlet in life.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
After thinking about it a great deal, I got the J&J shot today about 6 hours ago from one of the few pharmacies in the city offering it as I missed the deadline to get the first doses of Pfizer and Moderna. I have a lot to say and I might not even able to say it coherently, this is going to be one long post. To start off, I can say that I do not feel right physically. As soon as the pharmacist, who in hindsight looked like some sketchy Indian dude, put the shot in me, I felt somewhat of a sting on the left side of the back of my neck.

They tell me to wait 15 minutes before I leave and I do before leaving. On the drive back, I did start to feel minor tingling sensations in my extremities (arms and legs). Somehow, I can hear my heart slightly pounding a bit and even now I feel some of those minor stings but now on my extremities. They say the common side effects are sore arm, headache, and a fever after you get the vaccine so I will keep you guys in the loop.

Now the question comes to whether I regret it and what is really going on in my mind right now.

I don't know if I regret it or not but I do know I regret being good at my job, being way too invested in it, and now on the cusp of another promotion and pay grade. Think about that for a second, I regret that I was doing my job well and I more importantly regret not investing any time in a side income (particularly starting a business on the side). I always wanted that supplemental income and the pandemic gave me a great chance at it since we were all working from home. Well, I spent that time hustling hard at my job which won me a lot of recognition to a degree but put me in a tough spot.

You see, if I sucked at my job, I could have just quit the day the mandates were announced. I would have quit with no regret because I had no promotion lined up and nothing to really look forward to at work. Better yet, if things were not working out then I would have invested more in my side business and getting that off the ground that I would have been set after quitting.

More so, I hate that it has all become so radical on both sides that I cannot find any good answer even when I did my research before getting vaccinated.

You ask one side and you're a Nazi for not getting the vaccine. You ask the other side and the vaccines will kill you on the spot or a few days later because they are all evil. Everyone has an agenda and worst of all, I do not even feel safe going to the doctor. I mean the times we live in where a man cannot even trust a doctor because doctors have agendas rather than wanting to genuinely help people. People were saying society is collapsing and it's one thing to read about it but something else to actually experience it.

The lack of trust not just in each other but in those meant to help us.

It is like those of us who just want the truth and no agenda at all cannot find any reasonable place to look for answers. Mainstream media is all pro-vaxx and anti-vaxx people are all Nazis but if you go to the other end, you find people claiming that the vaccines are designed to make it easier to track you since they have chips in them. It is impossible to find any place where you can find sane answers and talk to sane people who just want to make it through this without buying into everything the media tells them or saying that it is time for some "uprising" against the elites.

I feel as if the sane and moderates just kept their mouths shut on all of the big sites and let whichever side pull them in a given direction. It is the age of radicals, on both sides really.

Now I am not even sure what will happen to me. I am hoping that I am okay physically and this all works out. You can all assume that if you do not see me posting more than a week from now, something bad has certain happened to me.

I just thought I'd get this out since writing has always been my biggest outlet in life.
I understand your concerns,but I think you're being a bit dramatic as well. People rarely die after getting vaccinated. You just took it today so of course you're gonna feel the worst effects today and have some anxiety from it. A few days to a week from now you'll feel normal and it won't even cross your mind.
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Headlines By Drake

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2021
Now the other side of my body is starting to sting a bit and I noticed I woke up last night gasping for air. Have had a migraine all day though :(


Apr 4, 2018
Obviously "Great Reset" and "Operation Lockstep" which was a 2010 Rockefeller whitepaper are related.

Headlines By Drake

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2021
Almost day 3 of getting the vaccine, woke up with a migraine and when I stretched, I felt kind of a sting in my chest. Booking an appointment with a Cardiologist as soon as possible. Spending most weekends now away from game and all in on starting an internet business while I have money from my job coming in. Pretty sure they will stop considering those of us who got the J&J "fully vaccinated" and require us to get boosters a few months from now like they are doing in the NBA.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
What happened to this guy?

He contracted Covid.

Then we found out that he had a friend turned enemy, named Chris.

To make this worse, we found out that this is the UROBOROS variant. A Resident Evil like virus that was first found in the corners of the internet.

He started to chase everyone in the forums. Fortunately, Chris, his friend turned enemy was able to vanquish him.

The best part is that We manage to get a footage of what happened. ;)


Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
Almost day 3 of getting the vaccine, woke up with a migraine and when I stretched, I felt kind of a sting in my chest. Booking an appointment with a Cardiologist as soon as possible. Spending most weekends now away from game and all in on starting an internet business while I have money from my job coming in. Pretty sure they will stop considering those of us who got the J&J "fully vaccinated" and require us to get boosters a few months from now like they are doing in the NBA.
If there is a way to contact him, someone should find out if he is doing okay.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2018
4 years later: is something bigger than COVID-19 happening?