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2022-08-12 (Fri)
It's a sunny, windy afternoon and I'm walking around. There's lots of tourists and cute girls.Girl #1
I see one such girl taking pics. She's tall, black-haired. Sunglasses and cute summer dress. I have to approach, although I'm not really in state yet. I'm thinking too much about the process and what to say. I open anyway:as is
hey, do you know where <place> is?
yeah, you see that <thing> down there? there's the place you're looking for
thanks, that's the old city no?
cool, i'll plunge into that
alright! good luck!
to be
hey, do you know where <place> is?
yeah, you see that <thing> down there? there's the place you're looking for
thanks, that's the old city no?
cool. you know, i'm always convinced i know this city, but sometimes i surprise myself (transition point)
haha well it happens
you from here?
bla bla bla
Girl #2 "GuideGirl"
I spot a brunette taking pics in the old city. She's got a white top, black pants. Long hair and sunglasses. From a distance I think "meh, nothing special", but then I get closer and she's actually cute.I open asking her where a certain place is. She explains me and shows me a map. She's cool, we have a brief chat about where she's from. Turns out she's following a strict route to visit the most popular sights in the old city, which sounds like something a hardcore planner would do (which I'm not).
I propose we walk a bit together. She suggest I join her on her tour. Of course I decline that and suggest she take me to the place I'm looking for instead, to which she agrees.
There's some deep diving about her with a couple touches here and there. She knows everything about the old city as she read up as much info as possible. I dig that and tell her she could be my guide. Girl is cool, but I can see she's got a bit of an attitude. Which I'm not necessarily annoyed about so far.
Anyway, we visit a couple places and I keep on deep diving a bit and touching, and at some point I ask her if she's got a boyfriend, to which she says no. Then she asks in turn what my status is, and we chat very briefly about that.
After a few minutes I seed a date. She doesn't seem against the idea, but she tells me her schedule is quite packed (no shit, she's a planner): she's meeting a friend in like 3 hours, she's meeting another friend tomorrow evening and she's gonna leave the city at an unspecified time on Sunday.
as is
Yeah, she's free for 3 hours, but I'm not really playing to win now. I'm not thinking clearly about how to use such a window. What I'm thinking is "crap, she's meeting a friend later, so there's not much we can do now" and "better eject now, otherwise i might end up saying something that'll fuck the interaction up". Basically playing not to lose. Therefore I tell her that I gotta go and, in a quite laid-back way, that "damn, i really wanna hang out with you", so I grab her number and leave, telling her we'll come up with something. I realize I probably bombed.
Anyway I drop a text to her Whatsapp an hour later:
cool to meet you earlier, <name>! enki
(still me) i've got a proposal for you if you feel adventurous (yes, i still wanna try this out, as i'm not sure what's the best way to handle her packed schedule without looking needy)
you too!
(still her) hahah i'm listening
(i'll reply tomorrow morning, i know she's with a friend now, plus i wanna play the intrigue card)
to be
She's free for 3 hours now, so I check her logistics: she's staying at a hotel not far from where we're at. Interesting. So I suggest we get a drink and sit somewhere.
Throughout the entire interaction I keep a sexual vibe: I get closer to her, I keep good eye contact and voice, I gently grab her arm or waist to lead her somewhere, I ask her to do things for me. While we're seated, I deep dive her a bit more while maintaining great eye contact. I reward her with touch and qualification whenever she invests in the interaction and I make sure I come across as non-judgemental and open. The rest is history...
Girl #3
I spot a cute, short blond girl who's not sure where to go. I open informational, she tells me she has no idea what I'm looking for as she's new here. Her accent prompts me to ask her if she's American, to which she says "yes!" with a smile, and then leaves.Girl #4
This was fun.I'm walking back to the train station. Tall, blonde girl with cute dress, waits for a green light at a crossroads.
I position myself near her without paying her attention. We then cross the street on green light. We're walking in the same direction, so I let her pass me. A few seconds later I open direct with my usual "'scuse me?" to make her turn and then a "you look great", said in a playful way.
She's utterly flabbergasted by my opener, like she stares at me speechless. After recollecting herself she thanks me. Probably her first time being approached, and to be fair I approached from behind.
Anyway, we chat briefly about this and that (she tells me she didn't see my approach coming), and then I ask her what she's doing. She's going to the train station, so we walk together and I deep dive her a bit. No touches though, I sense she's not super comfortable with me yet. I also don't ask her if she's single or not.
We reach the station. She asks me what train I'm taking. I tell her, and then she asks me why I'm taking that train instead of another train. Then she tells me she knows everything about the train schedule. Like, really? More than me? So I test her:
(her) other train leaves at :04
(me) ok, let's make a bet. i think the other train leaves at :05. if i win, you pay me a drink (good eye contact and smirk)
(we then check the schedule, turns out i win) so you owe me one
ok. you know, i'm usually familiar with this schedule because MY FIANCEE (she really stresses that while leaning in and staring at me) works in your city
oh cool (i'm a little taken aback by her body language and i'm thinking about dropping out here and now, but i keep my cool; better answer though would have been "ok cool, but you lost anyway", said in a matter-of-fact way)
so what do you wanna drink? wanna go there? (points to a nearby place)
sure, let's go
We then grab a coffee and sit. I still deep dive her a bit and play around, because why not. She's kinda fun in a quirky way, and she enjoys the free attention - well, not entirely free as she had to pay me a coffee. I also ask her questions about her fiancee, and she asks me about my status. She's got an bit of an attitude, but I kinda test her frame with a pause in the conversation where I slightly smile and give good eye contact, and she looks down a couple times.
Anyway, decent banter and eye contact. Chemistry is not too bad, but at some point I touch her on the arm, thank her for the coffee, and bounce.