TLDR: One approach today: Attractive Colombian traveller
I'd seen her before while biking along the beach. A girl with long, curly dark hair, taking pictures with her phone on a selfie stick. Unfortunately, she was at a very sandy part of the beach where I couldn't get with my bike. So I kept riding, planning to come back later.
Today I was kind of tired because daylight savings time started here yesterday. I hadn't seen any interesting girls all day, there were a few solo ones but the most attractive one of them was just plain looking. The others had rather unattractive faces. So I hadn't done any approaches all day except saying "hi" to one or two 2-sets.
I didn't come across any intersting girls elsewhere, either, so after 5 or 10 minutes, I went back the way I came. Photo Girl had gotten up and was walking in my general direction. I could see she was wearing tight black leggings, sneakers, and a black-blue top. She was actually quite attractive, except her ass was just a little bit too big for my taste. I like them tiny. That said, she was easily an 8. Would have been a 9 with a better ass. (I know many guys prefer big asses, so this is obviously super subjective.) I would have thought she's a bit out of my league actually, which made me really want to approach her to practice.
She seemed to be looking at me and generally open for an approach. Then she took another picture with her phone. I got off of my bike to make it easier for me to approach her slowly. Pushing the bike, I got close, then just said to her: "Selfie time?"
I'm quite proud of this opener! Came up with it on the spot. It's very low effort, and also ever so slightly negging her as being one of those girls that take selfies all the time. Without being openly offensive.
And lo and behold, my girl actually qualified herself: "No, I'm taking a picture of the shadow of this palm tree." I was like "of the shadow?" and she said "yes, I like it!"
Changing the subject, I asked where she was from. Turns out she was visiting from Colombia. I told her where I'm from, and she replied "so how come you're wearing a jacket?" She said she'd seen people from my country wearing shorts. I said I live here, so I'm used to a better climate
She was reallly friendly, but she was standing on a little hill, a bit higher up than me. So I kind of had to talk up to her. Also, I was holding the bike in my hands, and while we were talking I couldn't really figure out what to do with it. I should have just parked it, walked over to her, and shaken her hand doing Chase's patent handclasp. But unfortunately I couldn't come up with that simple idea in the moment.
So we talked a bit about rather boring subjects, like the weather, and how much it rained the last couple days and she didn't have suitable clothing. She told me how her shoes (trainers) got all soaked.
I did find out that she was staying here for a week, and had arrived two days ago. Didn't manage to introduce any interesting subjects though, or get closer to her and touch her or at least shake her hand. So after a couple of minutes of mainly smalltalk, she said "Well nice meeting you!" and waved me goodbye.
- Really proud of the opener and how smoothly I delivered it
- I was surprised how well she hooked (and looked)
- She was a fast talker and I found it hard to lead the conversation, except when I asked her questions about where she was from and how long she was staying
- I didn't manage to transition to SOT in time so she bid me goodbye
- Kicked myself a bit afterwards. A solo travelling Colombian! Damn, it doesn't get much better than that. Had I been a bit more on top of my game... oh well, gotta keep practicing and improving!
- Still happy I did the approach in the first place though.
The only thing I did really well was the opener. I think I was a bit surprised and overwhelmed by the fact that she was talking to me so easily, haha. I'm defo a bit rusty after not having approached for so long!
Her standing on that hill talking down to me didn't help. Should have absolutely gotten closer to her, and let go of the bike. Standing there with the bike in my hands probably made it feel like I'd have preferred to keep on riding.
Another idea: I could have asked her if she'd taken any cool photos today, and maybe asked her to show me some. I think this might be a routine worth testing with girls taking pictures, which I seem to be encountering all the time.