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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Man props tho, for those balls... First set of the day, implied direct on an all girl group...
Thanks! Tbh I didn't even think about it coz I wasn't going to approach the group untl I saw her smile
I'm guessing the girl that waved you away wasn't the one that had given you the IOI

True! Good read on the situation! Made me realize that just because one of the three was being a bitch, doesn't mean the other two weren't potentially into me.
Good job in my book let's keep going let's keep going let's keep going...
Will do!! It's too much fun to give up, even though it's tough some of the time :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Long day, almost no cute girls, 1 rejected approach

Walked around all day with annoying wind in my face most of the time, and saw almost no single girls I was interested in. There was one that looked really cute, but she was intenesly talking on the phone all the time (walked past her twice). Another one sitting close to me, but was too chubby for my taste. And one with beautiful hair that drew my attention when I saw her from behind, but when I saw her from the fron turns out she was a rather big momma.

A bit before sunset, I went to a restaurant to have some food. I was bummed out to go home with 0 approaches. It wasn't quite dark yet when I finished, so I decided to have one more walk around the beach to try my luck. And lo and behold, in the distance I spotted a lonely dark haired girl, sitting by the seaside taking selfies.

I walked a bit past her, looking at the rising moon. The sky was red from the setting sun, and the scenery was breathtaking. While having dinner, I had re-read Chase's article on pinging girls. I really need to improve my openers, as some of you guys have been advising me.

After a minute or so I turned around, and while walking past this girl (she was actually looking me in the eyes) I said in her direction, "Beautiful, isn't it?" she was a pretty one actually.

However she said "no, no" and made a defensive hand gesture (palm out). I had to laugh and said "Yes, it *is* beautiful!", but I kept walking as this one obviously didn't want to be approached.

Nonetheless I'm glad I tried! Feels much better to go home with a rejected approach under your belt, than with nothing.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Hey there gameboy,

I noticed you were looking for an opener for chicks taking pictures.

Here is one I use that works well for me:

Hey, I gotta tell you something [1]. I love your choice for a picture spot. While there are a bunch of good places around here to take pictures [2], what I love about your choice here is...the perfect view of the sunset...the deep green in the trees...and the warm breeze on your arms [3]

I adapted it from the "A Perspective on Public Parks" example seen in this thread.

Breaking down the basic elements:

1) Pre-open with intrigue bait
2A) Show a commonality and authority on picture-taking
2B) Refer to her decision making process
3) Describe what she's taking a picture of and her current reality

Not only does it get me in pretty quick initially, but it also allows me to reach the hook point faster. Something also worth noting is that it builds social frame with her, which is needed to get receptive numbers.

Feel free to try it out and see how it works for you...I typically use it on girls taking pictures of the environment
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Thanks @fog! Gonna give it a try when I get a chance.

Today's TLDR: Friendly chat with a super nice hippie architect girl

I read something the other day on here, I think it was in @Kvothe's journal, about befriending girls before attempting to get sexual with them. This resonated with me a lot. I realized that I pass up on a lot of approach opportunities because I find something about the girl that I dislike, and I'm thinking, do I really want to take this one home? She isn't *really* my type...

So I decided to go into it today with the intention of making friends. I can always use more female friends! And you never know, once you talk to the girl and get to know her better, something more might develop. Or she might have hot friends. Or just be a cool person to hang out with.

Unfortunately the weather wasn't playing along today, so I didn't see many girls on the beach. I saw one cute one sitting by herself, but she gave me a weird look from a distance, kind of with her chin raised up. Turned me off and I didn't approach. It might even be the same girl I approached yesterday and who rejected me with "no, no". I can't really say, but it's possible.

Much later I came across another girl sitting all by herself drinking a Coke. The moon was rising at that moment, it was almost full and looked spectacular. So I opened her with "Did you see the moon over there?" She was super into it. She replied "Oh no, I didn't see it! It's going to be full tomorrow, and it's gonna be some kind of special moon" and I said "Yeah but it's some kind of special moon every month, super moon, red moon, black moon..." she laughed...

I sat and chatted with her for maybe half an hour. She told me she's an architect, but currently unemployed. Also she has a camper van which she sleeps in when she isn't staying at her parent's place. Pretty cool chick. She had plans to meet up with a guy friend later so I didn't move her around or tried to pull or anything.

Turns out we go to the same bars, so there's a good chance I'll run into her sooner or later.

But seems like I accomplished my mission! I got the impression that she liked me, and I liked her too. Maybe she wasn't the hottest girl I've ever seen on the beach, but then again it was cold and everyone was wearing lots of clothes so who knows.

I'm going to approach my approaches (hehe) from this angle going forward. Makes it much easier for me to get over AA.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
I read something the other day on here, I think it was in Kvothe's journal, about befriending girls before attempting to get sexual with them. This resonated with me a lot. I realized that I pass up on a lot of approach opportunities because I find something about the girl that I dislike, and I'm thinking, do I really want to take this one home? She isn't *really* my type...
So that wasn't exactly what I meant... But there is quite a lot to be said for having female friends and learning from them about how women work.

The main thing I'm working on is making women feel extremely comfortable around me (so yes I am focusing on friendliness, but not because I want to be friends with them)-because then adding the sexual vibe can become much more powerful.

At the same time, if it helps you, I'm glad to hear that!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
So that wasn't exactly what I meant... But there is quite a lot to be said for having female friends and learning from them about how women work.
Yeah, I thought that that probably wasn't 100% what you meant. But it was kind of an epiphany I had reading what you wrote, so thank you for that!

The main thing I'm working on is making women feel extremely comfortable around me (so yes I am focusing on friendliness, but not because I want to be friends with them)-because then adding the sexual vibe can become much more powerful.

Makes sense. Where I live, "friends" can either mean platonic friends or sexual friends, so I'm okay with being friends with girls :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
All I know is that I can be quite picky with girls. When I talk to a girl, either I feel desire or I don't... and if I don't, I just can't be bothered

Gotcha. So if these girls offered themselves up to you, you would reject them?

Asking because for me initially it was a weird fear of success -- or at least that was my understanding.

She had plans to meet up with a guy friend later so I didn't move her around or tried to pull or anything.

Turns out we go to the same bars, so there's a good chance I'll run into her sooner or later.

Was a number-close possible you think?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Gotcha. So if these girls offered themselves up to you, you would reject them?

Good question. I think it depends very much on the girl, and on the situation and my horniness in the moment.

Asking because for me initially it was a weird fear of success -- or at least that was my understanding.
Could be my case too. I'm afraid of catching feelings for a girl that isn't great for me. Which has happened to me before.

Was a number-close possible you think?
I'm sure it was!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Similar approach to last time (Hippie Architect girl), hooked well but then she ran off.

The weather was nasty today and I almost didn't go out. But then I decided to go to the beach anyway to try my luck.

It was extremely windy, with intermittent clouds. The sun was already beginning to set as I arrived. There weren't many people around, and I walked around for quite a while before I spotted a girl sitting by herself reading a book. She was wearing a black jacket with hood, black baggy trousers and glasses.


I walked by in front of her twice, she didn't give me any IOIs but I decided to open anyway. There was a rainbow right behind her, so I said "Did you see the rainbow?" pointing. She was super excited about it, and also quite chatty. She told me she was from Ukraine and had only spent one week here, but was planning to stay long term. I said welcome to XXX and shook her hand, she took my hand for a split second but withdrew her hand first.

She said she comes to the beach every day because she likes it so much, also in the mornings to watch the sunrise. I told her we have something in common there, I also come to the beach all the time. She then wanted to walk towards the rainbow to take pictures, and asked me if I wanted to come along. I did walk with her a bit, thinking this should go the other way around, now the girl is leading me... haha but whatever.


We did chat a bit more while walking. She was nice, not super attractive, but it was fun talking to her. That said, I noticed how I was a bit too in my head and matter-of-factual and could have been flirtier at some occasions.

I did tell her that there's supposed to be a pot of gold hidden at the end of the rainbow, but it's in the sea. She replied "I can dive" so that was funny.

After 2 minutes or so we came to some rocks (breakwater) which she wanted to climb upon to take pictures of the rainbow. I couldn't be bothered to follow her on the rocks so I left it there. She thanked me for having pointed out the rainbow.


This opener (pointing something out that the girl hasn't seen) seems to work really well! Both girls thanked me for it later. Today's girl was far less interested in me than the last one though. She was more excited about the rainbow than about meeting me. That's fine though, because I wasn't really into her either, I opened her mainly to practice approaches.

Next time I get a connection as cool as with the hippie architect girl, I'm definitely going for the phone number though.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
It"s been really hard to find approachable girls recently. I"m still out and about every day, but at best I see 1 or 2 mediocre looking girls per day. I consider approaching but then decide it"s a waste of time and I"d rather lookl for a more attractive one.

On a side note, got a number from a girl I know from SC yesterday. I think she"s with an acquaintance of mine, but not sure. When i took her number she said she was sweating (even though it was cold). Is that an IOI?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Saw a few more cute girls today, so that seems to be improving. Or maybe it's because it is Sunday? We will see...

Approach wise, I seem to be back to square one. Said Hi to one girl, chickened out with the others for various reasons.

The ones I remember:

- A girl reading on the beach. I liked her fashion style and walked by in front of her. She looked up briefly when I was at her level. However, there were 2 other girls sitting very close by taking selfies. One of those girls was basically staring at me as I walked up to the one I liked. She would have overheard everything so I couldn't make myself talk to the reading girl.

- A blondie sitting by herself, but she was talking intently on the phone all the time. I walked close to her and it seemed to be Russian or Ukrainian.

- A woman sweeping the floor near a beach bar. She looked a bit older and not very attractive, but had an OK body nonetheless. I said "hi" as I walked by, and she smiled and greeted me back. Felt good and lifted my mood! I have a feeling I am making the world a bit better by saying hi to random strangers.

- A girl dressed all black, with what seemed to be a gothic style dress. I loved her style, so I walked in front of that bench. There was a song I like playing somewhere in the background, so I softly sang that melody (Dream On by Aerosmith) as I walked. As I got closer, turns out it was actually two girls! One of them looked a bit younger and had a streak of her hair dyed purple. Might have been mother and daughter? Or lesbians? They were sitting really close to each other. The one with the purple streak was kind of smiling at me, but it looked to me more like a "what's this guy about" kind of way than inviting. Also I hadn't really been expecting a two set so I didn't approach.

I guess I've been inactive for too long. But all the approaches today seemed hard.

Hopefully gonna do better next time!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: 1 approach, situational, but ejected too early

Today I did see several hotties on the beach, but mostly in 2-sets or groups. I didn't find myself confident enough (yet) to approach a 2-set.

Walking around a bit, I came across a single girl sitting and smoking. In front of her there was a rather elaborately built sand castle, so I opened situational:

"That's a beautiful castle!"
- (nothing)
" Is it yours?"
- Eh?
"The castle, is it yours?"
"No, it's not haha"
" It's really nice!"

Reception felt a bit luke warm. Plus, she was smoking, and since I quit I always find that kind of off-putting. Maybe I should get around that somehow since many of the girls that I find attractive seem to be smokers...

So, I ejected, hoping to find more girls later in the day (I didn't). I probably could have taken the interaction a bit further, since she was smiling when I asked if it was her castle. Guess I'll never know now!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: One coffee shop approach, rather platonic vibe but good fun

Saw 2 girls sitting near me in the coffee shop today. They seemed young, maybe early to mid 20s, and were giving me a relaxed vibe. There was an empty table between us, so I quickly switched to that table to be close enough to talk.

Took my time checking the phone and listening to them talk a bit, I couldn't really understand what they were saying but turns out they were actually from my home country. Which made opening super easy. After 5 minutes or so I asked them "Sorry are you from X country?", they said yes and we chatted away pretty well immediately. Turns out they are both from my region in X, and one of them lives here with her boyfriend, while the other was visiting her.

In a moment when the conversation had died off for a minute, they even reopened me asking me my name. We talked about various things especially how much nicer it is in the country were we are now, I asked them about where they live and what they do etc.

I didn't feel a real spark and didn't even think about seducing or closing. We were sitting side-by-side, and the hotter girl of the two (the one that was visiting) was the one sitting closer to me, but there was an empty chair in between us so touching wasn't really possible either.

In the end, at a point where the conversation had ebbed off naturally I decided to leave and told them "Ok I gotta get going, have a great day you two!"



It was nice to be opening again after such a long time of being stuck. I'm also happy about how well they hooked. 2-sets have been harder for me, but the fact that they're from my country so we are more or less in a similar situation living here, obviously helps immensely.

Also, I was once more impressed about how easy it can be to chat up girls once you pick up your balls and just open with something. If they are receptive.


I talked too much about technical/boring stuff like work and living situation. Could have deep dived them much more. The only thing that was remotely close to deep diving was when the girl told me she was living in a one bedroom apartment with her bf, I asked her "And how is that working out? Isn't it too little space to be living together with a partner?" She didn't seem to have a problem with it though.

Also, it would have been great to at least try and close them in some way. I wasn't really sexually interested, I mean the girl that was visiting was actually pretty good looking, but most girls from my home country don't really do it for me any more for some reason.

But a number close would have been nice. I didn't even think of it, and also think it would have been difficult because I'd have to have some reason to grab their number. Any ideas anyone? Would you just go "hey you guys seem cool, wanna trade numbers?"

Seems kind of uncalibrated to me especially if the girl has a bf.

Anyway, even if I didn't num close, I could still have said a better goodbye. Maybe asking them what they were up to for the rest of the day. And repeating their names to remember them. I feel I left a bit "in a rush", I mean not really, but could have taken more time saying goodbye since they were clearly friendly and open for making a connection.

So to sum it up:
- Could have done a bit more SOT (but wasn't really feeling it)
- Find a reason to #close
- Should have taken more time to say goodye, and found out a bit about their plans for today.
- It's good to be getting back into the game. I really missed it!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 16, 2023
But a number close would have been nice. I didn't even think of it, and also think it would have been difficult because I'd have to have some reason to grab their number. Any ideas anyone? Would you just go "hey you guys seem cool, wanna trade numbers?"
Good on you for consistently going out mate.
A few pointers that I think are missing in general which also applies to this interaction are:
- You're lacking a process. You need to have a step-by-step process of approach to lay. It includes macro and micro steps but you need to be constantly moving in the direction of the lay.
- There's missing polarization in your interactions. You should make it man to woman as quickly as possible. It can be by complimenting, vibe, teasing, flirting etc.

These two steps make it a lot easier.

If you had a process and polarized, you could've taken her number smoothly. There are a number of ways to do it like I mentioned above but you could've done something like this:

You: You say you're staying in a small house, hope your friend (single girl) is not staying at your place with you guys.. (said with a cheeky smirk)
Both: They both laugh (& Now you've established her as the target)
You: Give them some privacy.. Geez (directed at the single girl)
You: Is she a good guest so far? (To the married chic)
Married chic: Blah.. blah.. Blah
You: (turning to the single girl) I think you should give your friend a break.. let's get a drink sometime and your friend can have a breather at least for sometime.. poor thing..

Of course, this needs a build up (process) and the single girl needs to be hooked (polarizing helps)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
You: You say you're staying in a small house, hope your friend (single girl) is not staying at your place with you guys.. (said with a cheeky smirk)
Both: They both laugh (& Now you've established her as the target)
You: Give them some privacy.. Geez (directed at the single girl)
You: Is she a good guest so far? (To the married chic)
Married chic: Blah.. blah.. Blah
You: (turning to the single girl) I think you should give your friend a break.. let's get a drink sometime and your friend can have a breather at least for sometime.. poor thing..

Of course, this needs a build up (process) and the single girl needs to be hooked (polarizing helps)
Love it! Thanks for the suggestion!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
It's Sunday evening, and I feel frustrated today.

I haven't been approaching at all this week. I was a bit sick, with a runny nose and cough, so that was one reason. Maybe not the ideal health condition for spontaneous makeouts, but I could still have chatted up a girl or two if I had seen a chance.

I went out everyday anyway, but have been seeing few approachable girls around. Today the weather was great, it was warm and I saw quite a few hotties walking around in the center and on the beach. However almost all of them in 2-sets or families or groups. What the hell? This afternoon, I did a bike tour and chilled on the beach in the evening.

Usually, on Sunday evenings you have solo girls sitting on the beach, reading a book, looking at the sea or their phones or whatever. But not today. I spotted one girl that was sitting by herself, I got close but when she turned around she looked really young, probably under age. But even if she had been older I doubt I would have had the courage to approach as I have completely lost my momentum.

I'm gonna force myself to approach the first half decent solo girl that I come across tomorrow. And even if it's just to say "hi", ideally a better opener of course but my intention is to say something the second I see a girl that I like so my rational mind can't talk me out of it.

EDIT: Better idea: Say "Hi, I like your style/hair/jeans/shoes" (whatever comes to mind first) then if she gives me a chance, follow up with "how's your day going?"

I wonder if I will have the guts to pull it off.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: It took me a lot of effort, but I finally got a decent approach in which resulted in a friendly chat (nothing more)

I tried hard today to find interesting girls but still had a lot of AA. I saw several attractive girls on the beach today:


A girl lying by herself in a bikini. She had a great body and looked pretty good. I was walking around and stood in her field of vision for a while checking my phone before I realized she was there, so she must have seen me. When I walked by she didn't even look at me so I concluded she didn't want to be approached. I didn't say anything (should at least have said hi to ping her).


When I arrived on the beach I soon spotted a single girl who was writing in a book all the time. I sat nearby for a while but she didn't stop writing. I didn't want to interrupt her (mistake, should have casually walked by and said hello or something).

Later when I finally made up my mind to open her anyway, I walked over but she was actually on the phone by then. I probably would have opened her if she'd still been writing, but interrupting a phone call requires even more balls and I didn't do it.


I brought my bike today and rode around for a while to find more girls. I came across one that was sitting with her dog and had a bike of her own. I said "hi" to her and she said hi back, but in a disinterested polite way rather than in a friendly way. She also wasn't really attractive so I moved along and considered this my warmup (even though it was already quite late).

Saw another girl sitting by herself, but couldn't see her face. She soon got up and left, and I saw she looked quite young. She was in a sandy area of the beach where I couldn't easily get to with my bike, so I didn't get close.


I rode all the way to the other end of the beach on my bike, and at the end of the path there was a girl looking out at the sea. She had long brown hair and was dressed a bit hippiesque, with a good sense of fashion. I parked my bike behind her and thought about if and how to open her. Technically she opened me first: After a while, she turned around and asked "Am I bothering you?" (hard to translate, she probably meant if I ws trying to get past her with my bike) I had to laugh and answered "No not at all! Am I bothering you?". She didn't reply and turned back toward the sea.

After half a minute I reopened with a ping said in her direction: "It's so quiet here" She turned around and said "Yes indeed. But also a bit chilly" and we got into chatting. I found out she was actually from Poland. I told her where I'm from and she said "Oh you don't have an accent at all" in the local language.

I told her she looked and sounded like a local, which she liked a lot. She was visiting here and was waiting for her friends, who arrived soon after. Turns out they were two fat girls, I said hi to them but they looked at me in kind of a disdainful way. Probably jealous that her hottie friend got approached.

The 3 of them left soon after, and I said "nice to meet you" and shook her hand. Didn't do the hand clasp thing since they were leaving already.

When the girls were like 20m away, the cute one turned around and shouted back at me, in a flirty way: "Have a nice trip!" I was like "Trip to where? I live here! You have a nice trip!" and she smiled and said thanks.


Felt so good to finally get an approach in again, and to be well received by a cute girl! I need to do this much more often. At least once per day but ideally at least twice.

As for the conversation itself, I didn't really try to go for a seduction since she was visiting and with her 2 fatty friends. It was mainly friendly chit chat, small talk. Ideally I should have asked her how long she is staying (logistics) instead of where she is from. Then guessed (cold read) where she is from instead of asking to not be having the same conversation that she will be having with everyone else. Also have her guess where I'm from instead of telling her directly, in order to make the interaction a bit more playful.

I didn't find this girl super attractive for some reason, which was one reason why I hesitated to approach her at first. She was cute though and had a good slim body.

I found that she reacted very well to me, which surprised me since I was so rusty with approaching.

I'm feeling motivated to do this much more often, even with girls I'm not super sold on intially. I really need to remember that the first objective is to find out whether I enjoy talking to her or not. Nothing else, at least initially. Then if it turns out that she's cool, we can see where it goes and how far I want to take it.

At the level I'm at currenlty, every friendly chat is a win! Have to remember to close though.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today I only said "hi" to two girls. There were lots of girls in groups today, but few single ones. And only two that I found attractive enough to want to approach them.

The first one had headphones in and was staring intently at her phone, but when I said Hi she looked up and nodded, smiling. She didn't say anything though. It looked like she was in a call.

The second one was just lying there doing nothing as I walked by, she looked really young though. I said hi anyway, and she said hi back in kind fo a nervous way. I didn't stay to chat with her because I thought she might be too young... which was probably stupid. I could at least have asked her how her day was going, and then find out her age if the conversation goes well.

One problem I have is that when I'm not completely sold on a girl, I think that if I just keep walking, I'll come across a better/hotter/easier one.


I'm just reading Chase's article from today about opening moving girls, and I realized I actually tried one of the tactics described there without having read it before. The approach failed that's why I forgot to mention it before:

When I was walking home, this two cute petite girls suddenly walked in front of me. One of them was wearing a half-transparent little short black skirt that just barely let me intuit her ass and bikini bottom underneath. So sexy!! They would turn their head to the side at various points and I could see that they were both really young, but I still wanted to open them anyway because this girl had really hot legs and ass.

My plan was to follow them all the way to a traffic light that I knew was coming up. It was quite a long walk (which I admit I enjoyed due to the spectacular rear view of this girl, hehe).

When we finally got there, I maneuvered myself in front of the two girls so they could see me before I opened them. My plan was to casually turn around and come up with something to say, ideally something situationally relevant.

I waited two seconds but from out of nowhere, 3 more of their friends appeared and started talking to the two. Which ruined my plan. But now that I read the article, I realized I actually used (tried to use) one of those tactics intuitively.

Another thing that struck me reading that article: "Who are you?" (also mentioned there) used to be my standard opener back when I did night game in my 20s... and it actually got me quite a few makeouts and lays. I didn't use the claw though. Maybe I should recycle that opener? Sounds like a fun experiment!
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Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
I've been following your adventures for awhile now Gameboy. I find it hard to believe that you're not a native English speaker. Your writing is tight and has great flow. Very easy and fun to read. Quite a few laughs as well.

You've really inspired me to dig into daygame myself. I live in a small town, but on the upside we get a lot of tourists here. I'm going to tell myself that these girls are looking for a fun adventure with a sexy local man. It's happened (incidentally) a few times in the past, but I'm going to start being systematic.

Relying on online game is fine, but it's not nearly as romantic and it makes it much more difficult to set a "chasing" frame. I'll take a page from your playbook and start posting my experiences in my own "Limerance" journal. Keep it up!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Hey Casanova! Glad to read that I could inspire you.

And yeah, English is my second language. I was lucky enough to go to school for a year in an English speaking country at age 10, so that may have helped :)

Looking forward to read about your own daygame adventures!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers