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Gameboy's Journal


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
That's a great idea, thanks @Smirk!

Yeah I think summing it up, and also as per @StrayDog's feedback, I want to get away from the boring "cold hard facts" questions and answers style, and move toward more emotional and playful interactions.

I wonder if I can do that with someone I just met. I can banter and be super funny with friends, provided they have a sense of humor and get my jokes. Which not everyone does apparently, but if they don't then they don't tend to end up being friends of mine anyways.

Sounds tricky incorporating that in a cold approach situation, but I will see what I can do :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
That's a great idea, thanks @Smirk!

Yeah I think summing it up, and also as per @StrayDog's feedback, I want to get away from the boring "cold hard facts" questions and answers style, and move toward more emotional and playful interactions.

I wonder if I can do that with someone I just met. I can banter and be super funny with friends, provided they have a sense of humor and get my jokes. Which not everyone does apparently, but if they don't then they don't tend to end up being friends of mine anyways.

Sounds tricky incorporating that in a cold approach situation, but I will see what I can do :)
You are definitely on to something there. Letting more of your natural personality come through is crucial to seduction.

That said, be careful with using too much humor as a means of eliciting reactions. Humor is just a tool. It is used to build connection, or release tension. Too much of it and you become the funny friendly guy, but not the seductive one. Things look they they are going well cause the girl is laughing and what not. But then when you ask for compliance, there is none.

Also, misplaced humor can really fall flat and you can come across as try hard.

That said, yes. Start with this. Let your personality shine through. Be generous with yourself.

I would also like to note that, going on a number of posts you have posted, you seem to be observant and thoughtful. Those are other aspects of your personality you can use as tools.

Just find ways to use them technically, and move things forward smoothly.

I want to refer you to this post again just so you can maybe glean some material. Or come up with your own

Post in thread 'Gameboy's Journal' https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/gameboys-journal.28251/post-169873

Also, as @Smirk you should have some material memorized. Just so you can pull it out on command when you are in field.

And once again I want to remind you of the power of "sounds like..."

Net time you are in field. Remember those two simple words

"sounds like you are having an adventurous day"

"sounds like you travel a lot"

"sounds like you really value creativity"

"sounds like"

fill in the blank


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Yeah definitely not planning to run around playing the Jolly Joker, haha. But a bit more playfulness after the opener would probably do more good than harm.

"Sounds like" sounds like a good idea too... ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Rainy day today, few cute girls.

I came across one though that was wearing a shirt of one of my favorite bands. She had long curly hair and looked really cute. We were crossing the street in opposite directions, so I shouted the name of the band at her and did the \m/ salute. She looked at me, giggled in a sweet way and saluted back.

In retrospect I could have opened her for sure. I think I should have asked her to let me have a look at the t-shirt and complimented her on her good musical taste. Compliance and compliment opener rolled into one! But I didn't think of that fast enough. I was kind of in a hurry going somewhere. But at least I made her smile :)

Later in a coffee shop there were a number of cute girls too, but they were all in 2-sets or groups and the place was rather packed. I don't have confidence to approach in a situation where there are so many stationary people around. Seems like more trouble than it's worth...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Seems like more trouble than it's worth...
not more trouble than its worth. Rather simple if you come in indirect in a calibrated manner.

Coffee shops are some of the best places to meet women. One set, two set, and beyond.

Not saying all the conditions were right in this particular moment. But keep your senses sharp in these environments and you will see more and more opportunity.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
come to think of it. you don't even have to go completely indirect as genuine compliments can work well, so long as they are suited to the environment.

I get feeling overwhelmed with the notion of making an approach while in close proximity with a bunch of strangers though. Especially when you are just getting your legs in this whole endeavor.

Just wanted to assure you that the potential is there. And once you get the hang of it all, coffee shops are great.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Low energy day, just 2 simple hi's

I didn't get much sleep last night and as a result I was super tired and low energy all day. I still went to the beach and saw a few girls. One of them was looking at me while I walked by, she was actually in the process of putting on her tights or something but still looked. So I said Hi and she said hi back smiling. She was just okay looking and with a fatty friend who was helping her get dressed or something, so I walked on. They seemed a bit drunk or clumsy, or maybe both.

A few steps later I came across a cute little brown Indian girl dressed in black, wearing black sneakers with white stripes. I smiled at her as I walked by, she smiled back and we said hi to each other. I could have and should have definitely chatted with this one! But I felt like I didn't have the energy (excuses...) Nevertheless I think I could have given her a great experience. When I saw her smiling at me, she was actually prettier than I thought. She was wandering around the beach aimlessly for a while too...

I'm happy that I'm at least saying something to these girls, but still I need much more of a killer instinct.

Incidentally I also saw 2 Asian looking dudes with teleobjectives on their camera, who seemed to be photographing several girls on the beach from a distance. Including the one I said hi to first (the clumsy one putting her stockings on). I felt a bit sorry for these guys that can't approach girls that they like, but have to secretly take pictures of them to jerk off to at home! (presumably)

Saw another Asian looking girl who was sitting on the beach by herself for a long time, and seemed to be looking in my direction several times. I could have chatted that one up for sure, but her face wasn't attractive, just average. Also she was wearing rather baggy clothes so not sure about her body either.

Need to get better sleep, and I have a feeling I'll be taking some cute tourist chick or other home soon!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: FU - Saw exactly one cute girl today, but didn't approach

I had better energy today than the last two days, so that's good. It was a very rainy day though so I hardly saw any interesting girls. Except one that was sitting on the beach right by the seaside. I saw her from behind, so I walked by close in front of her. When I was in front of her we made eye contact. I looked away, then looked at her again, then smiled and said "hello". She smiled back and said "hello" too. However I kept walking.


At that time I was texting a girl I met online that seemed interested in me and I was kind of hoping I might set up a date with her for today. I got the online girl qualifying to me. (Thanks to this forum btw for teaching me some text game. My texts used to be really lame before.)

I had told the online girl that I don't like girls with her ancestry because they can very big, and that I am instinctually attracted to thin girls. She replied to me "I am very slim :) :) :)", literally with 3 smley faces. Then my phone's battery died so I couldn't reply to that.


Anyway, I walked around once more and saw the girl I had said hello to before walking around. I noticed she had beautiful long hair, I think it was a color between red and blonde.

I took a path that I knew would make us run into each other at some point with a high probability. However I was still thinking about the online girl. I walked around a corner and there the red-blonde girl was coming toward me. I had to walk around a huge puddle though and when I looked up again she was already right next to me. I looked at her in a surprised way and said "hey" again smiling. She had a cute face and was smiling at me too and said "hey" as well! But I just kept walking again. I didn't have any opener ready. Big faux pas on my part!

Why are girls so passive? She could have said something more... haha... just kidding. Why am *I* so passive???

It was because I was thinking of online girl, for sure. I need to get my priorities straight. Online rarely ever works for me, and anyway, I want to learn day game not some stupid Tinder bs. So I am hereby making a resolution to ALWAYS prioritize the girl that I can talk to physically - RIGHT NOW. As long as she is attractive to me in some way.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Had one chance today with a static bike girl, but blew it

Another rainy day. The mood on the beach was awesome, with dark clouds and waves crashing, but it was almost empty. The only decent girl I came across today was one pedalling on one of these ridiculous static bicycle machines. We have some fitness machines here on the beach that anyone can use for free.

She looked okay from afar, so I went to the machine next to her and did some triceps exercizes. From my angle I got a look at her from the side. She seemed to have a good body, wearing fitness clothes, and had long blonde hair tied to a bun which looked good. However I believe her lips looked a bit swollen, so if she was one of those silicone injected gals then that would be a turnoff. I wasn't sure though from the short glances I got.

She was also wearing huge headphones, which was a psychological barrier to approaching, and she was glued to her phone. So at first I couldn't make up my mind to talk to her. My idea was to ask her "Isn't that bike machine too easy?", then wait for an answer and follow up with "It needs gears or something" but I wasn't warmed up socially at all today and I couldn't bring myself to approach.

I did a few more exercises, then hovered around nearby in the rain. When I finally made up my mind to talk to her, two cockblocking creeps appeared from out of nowhere and posted themselves right behind her. Probably checking out her butt, I suppose. Of course she got creeped out and left after less than a minute. The two creeps left right afterwards so it was clear there were standing there just to stare at the girl.

(I think I said this before, but it's really lame to be in scarcity... hopefully I'll level up soon. I don't wanna be like those losers haha)

I guess I could have walked after the girl, but she was walking really fast and I didn't want to creep her out even more by following her so I left it at that.

So in summary, gotta move faster. It's hard when you're not warmed up. I'm not sure if this girl was my type. She a bit of a bitchy air to herself to be honest, but I should have tried anyway to strengthen my mental approach muscles.

The last couple days were a bit lame but I hope to post some success stories here soon, so stay tuned :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Bit of a half-ass day

Today was good, my energy was good and the weather was alternating between sunny and cloudy. I did better than yesterday, but still no solid approach.

First cute girl I came across was walking towards me, at a bus stop in the city center. I walked towards her (almost frontal approach) and said "Hello!" in a loud voice. I think she had headphones in but it seemed like she looked at me. She just kept walking though, and as I didn't have an opener ready I left it at that. I know "hello" doesn't go far, but it still felt better than not saying anything at all.

On the beach I saw 2 girls today that I found interesting enough to walk up to them. Both of them I enced up not opening, for similar reasons. There were people nearby that would have overheard me, and in both cases when I got close enough to see their faces, I wasn't as impressed as I hoped I would be. I'm not a huge fan of make-up, and both had bright red lipstick which I dislike. I know this is counterproductive because girls put make-up on to attract guys, but personally I'm just into more natural looking girls.


- As for people nearby overhearing: They probably won't even care, but if they do they'll just think what a cool sociable dude I am. Much more calibrated than e.g. the two creeps in my last post.
- When I see a girl that I find interesting enough to walk up to, but then for some reason I don't really want to open her, I will talk to her anyway. The bare minimum is to find out, in a charming way, where she is from. From this interaction, I will gauge if I want to keep talking to her or not. I'm not allowed to walk away before I know where she's from, or I've at least tried to find out.

Also, I *kind of* have an idea of an opener to use in street approaches (non-beach), but I want to try it out first before I share it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Slow start, then had a very good approach with a super nice and cute girl and her dog. Unfortunately I ejected to early and didn't #close. Later approached another woman who was very nice, but was married. Tried one or two more approaches in the street on my way home but got ignored.


Another fine day on the beach. However at first AA hit hard. I couldn't approach at all.

First girl I walked up to, was sitting near the shore wearing a nice looking green sweater. Her long hair was tied to a bun. I positioned myself close, a few meters down the shore. Looked around for a while, then after a half minute had passed I looked at her. She was checking me out but her face looked kind of grim, so I didn't approach. Later I realized that this was probably because she was looking in the direction of the setting sun... anyone looks grim when the sun is shining them right in the eyes.

My next two approaches got borderline ignored. The first girl was sitting reading a book, I walked by in front of her and said "hello". She barely looked at me, just nodded frowning. Not exactly a warm reception. But at this point, I had the sun in my face myself so I may have looked grim this time. Not easy to get the angle of approach right when the sun is setting so that both me and the girl can see each other, and neither has the sun in their eyes.

Further along I came across two girls eating. I said "Enjoy your meal" (it sounds cooler in the local language here) but didn't get a reaction. Maybe they didn't understand me. I walked on because 2-sets aren't ideal anyway when you can find single girls.


Walking along I came across a young black girl with a dog. Both were cute, and I smiled at them as I walked by. The girl was leaning against a palm tree, and actually smiled back at me. First positive reaction of the day :) But I foolishly decided she looked to young to open, also I wasn't in a good mood yet because of the previous failed interactions.


Near the end of the beach there were a number of people sitting around, both solo and in groups. One of them was a very attractive black girl sitting by herself and checking her phone. She didn't look up at all though as I walked around the area. There were many people in earshot, and the girl looked a little more posh than I'm comfortable with. So again, no open.

I walked back and made a point of walking in front of a blonde girl that I had seen sitting on a bench before. Walked into her field of view, looked around a bit, then casually turned toward her. She looked up but I didn't like her face all that much. So again no opener. I know I made a resolution yesterday to at least find out where the girl is from even though she's not my type, but I just couldn't do it...


...until I came across the girl with the dog again. This time I stopped and said "What a beautiful dog!" Turns out this girl was super friendly and talkative. Also very attractive, with long black hair, great body... I somehow managed to get her in a photo as we both were taking pictures of the scenario a bit later into the interaction.

The girl didn't really speak the local language, so I asked her in English where she's from and turns out she's from England. She's visiting here and staying with some friends for a couple of days. A minute into our conversation, her dog suddenly starts barking at me. So I crouch down and let it sniff my hand, and he immediately loves me. I play with the dog the whole time while I'm talking to this girl, which probably helped me gain points with her but also distracted me a bit.

Actually it's not her dog but her friends' dog, and she is taking care of it while her friends are at university.

This girl was super open and told me how she skipped school to come here. Her mom doesn't know she's here. She's staying with some friends that she met online, playing video gams like Fortnite. An attractive gamer girl! Cute, hot and single! And she's going to school so probably in her early twenties or so.

She asked me what games I play, I said I don't play online but I like strategy games and shooters. She says she like shooters but she's really bad at them, so I tell her a cool story of how I learned to play shooters at a job I once had in a call center where they actually let us play video games on the company LAN when there weren't any incoming calls.

At one point she turns around and remarks how beautiful the scenery behind her is, and takes some pictures. I take some pictures too and she's in one of them, so I have a reminder and I can tell you she could be a model...

She asks me to take a few pictures of her with her phone, which I do. She also gave me the dog's leash to hold onto, which was a bit complicated while I took the photos. I do get a number of good shots of her though. Unfortunately on her phone haha

I showed her the pictures I took and used the opportunity to get close to her. I can't capitalize on the proximity though, I don't really remember why but the interaction was quite chaotic between playing with the dog, talking to the girl, taking pictures with both our phones etc.

I tried to remember some seduction tech and remembered I should get compliance somehow, however the conversation unfolded rather fast and I didn't really find a good way in for it. I have to admit I was definitely nervous, I remember feeling hot and taking my jacket off.

I ask her what plans she has for the evening, but I don't think she really answered, or else I forgot the answer. She mentions she hasn't heard from her friends yet and that she's getting hungry. I could have suggested to her to grab a bite together, but unfortunately I didn't think of it at the moment. I'm kind of winding down the interaction and saying I'll get going. Why? I don't really know, except that I was nervous. I should have kept my cool, be present, see if she's down to walk with me. Or at least grab her number. But instead I said to her, "Maybe I'll see you around here one of these days" -- how lame is that??

On my way home I was both happy about this great interaction (young girls seem to be really into me for some reason!), and angry at myself for completely messing up the close.


I did approach another woman later on, she was sitting by herself and I chatted with her for a while. She was a Russian living in Germany. After a while her husband joined her, he looked a bit scary but they were friendly. However the woman was actually much older than I thought at first glance. She mentioned having children at home, the oldest of which was 21. Nice interaction, but I cut it short at some point.


Even though I was disappointed about not closing the cute gamer chick, I had high momentum on my way back and tried to open two more girls on the street. One was wearing very tight jeans and had great legs and ass, I just said "hello" as she walked by because I couldn't think of anything else quick enough. Got ignored though.

The other girl was wearing a very sexy gothic-style dress, and I said "So pretty!" at her as she walked by. (Might sound retarded in English, but over here it's a legit compliment) She had a very serious face though and was also a bit old for my taste. She completely ignored me too, seems she didn't even hear me even though I spoke in a loud voice.


So that's it for today. Great day in total! Takeaway: ABC - Always be closing, I guess!
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
TLDR: Slow start, then had a very good approach with a super nice and cute girl and her dog. Unfortunately I ejected to early and didn't #close. Later approached another woman who was very nice, but was married. Tried one or two more approaches in the street on my way home but got ignored.


Another fine day on the beach. However at first AA hit hard. I couldn't approach at all.

First girl I walked up to, was sitting near the shore wearing a nice looking green sweater. Her long hair was tied to a bun. I positioned myself close, a few meters down the shore. Looked around for a while, then after a half minute had passed I looked at her. She was checking me out but her face looked kind of grim, so I didn't approach. Later I realized that this was probably because she was looking in the direction of the setting sun... anyone looks grim when the sun is shining them right in the eyes.

My next two approaches got borderline ignored. The first girl was sitting reading a book, I walked by in front of her and said "hello". She barely looked at me, just nodded frowning. Not exactly a warm reception. But at this point, I had the sun in my face myself so I may have looked grim this time. Not easy to get the angle of approach right when the sun is setting so that both me and the girl can see each other, and neither has the sun in their eyes.

Further along I came across two girls eating. I said "Enjoy your meal" (it sounds cooler in the local language here) but didn't get a reaction. Maybe they didn't understand me. I walked on because 2-sets aren't ideal anyway when you can find single girls.


Walking along I came across a young black girl with a dog. Both were cute, and I smiled at them as I walked by. The girl was leaning against a palm tree, and actually smiled back at me. First positive reaction of the day :) But I foolishly decided she looked to young to open, also I wasn't in a good mood yet because of the previous failed interactions.


Near the end of the beach there were a number of people sitting around, both solo and in groups. One of them was a very attractive black girl sitting by herself and checking her phone. She didn't look up at all though as I walked around the area. There were many people in earshot, and the girl looked a little more posh than I'm comfortable with. So again, no open.

I walked back and made a point of walking in front of a blonde girl that I had seen sitting on a bench before. Walked into her field of view, looked around a bit, then casually turned toward her. She looked up but I didn't like her face all that much. So again no opener. I know I made a resolution yesterday to at least find out where the girl is from even though she's not my type, but I just couldn't do it...


...until I came across the girl with the dog again. This time I stopped and said "What a beautiful dog!" Turns out this girl was super friendly and talkative. Also very attractive, with long black hair and big boobs... I somehow managed to get her in a photo as we both were taking pictures of the scenario a bit later into the interaction.

The girl didn't really speak the local language, so I asked her in English where she's from and turns out she's from England. She's visiting here and staying with some friends for a couple of days. A minute into our conversation, her dog suddenly starts barking at me. So I crouch down and let it sniff my hand, and he immediately loves me. I play with the dog the whole time while I'm talking to this girl, which probably helped me gain points with her but also distracted me a bit.

Actually it's not her dog but her friends' dog, and she is taking care of it hile her friends are at university.

This girl was super open and told me how she skipped school to come here. Her mom doesn't know she's here. She's staying with some friends that she met online, playing video gams like Fortnite. An attractive gamer girl! Cute, hot and single! And she's going to school so probably in her early twenties or so.

She asked me what games I play, I said I don't play online but I like strategy games and shooters. She says she like shooters but she's really bad at them, so I tell her a cool story of how I learned to play shooters at a job I once had in a call center we had where they actually let us play video games on the company LAN when there weren't any incoming calls.

At one point she turns around and remarks how beautiful the scenery behind her is, and takes some pictures. I take some pictures too and she's in one of them, so I have a reminder and I can tell you she could be a model...

She asks me to take a few pictures of her with her phone, which I do. She also gave me the dog's leash to hold onto, which was a bit complicated while I took the photos. I do get a number of good shots of her though. Unfortunately on her phone haha

I showed her the pictures I took and used the opportunity to get close to her. I can't capitalize on the proximity though, I don't really remember why but the interaction was quite chaotic between playing with the dog, talking to the girl, taking pictures with both our phones etc.

I tried to remember some seduction tech and remembered I should get compliance somehow, however the conversation unfolds rather fast and I didn't really find a good way in for it. I have to admit was definitely nervous, I remember feeling hot and taking my jacket off.

I ask her what plans she has for the evening, but I don't think she really answered, or else I forgot the answer. She mentions she hasn't heard from her friends yet and that she's getting hungry. I could have suggested to her to grab a bite together, but unfortunately I didn't think of it at the moment. I'm kind of winding down the interaction and saying I'll get going. Why? I don't really know, except that I was nervous. I should have kept my cool, be present, see if she's down to walk with me. Or at least grab her number. But instead I said to her, "Maybe I'll see you around here one of these days" -- how lame is that??

On my way home I was both happy about this great interaction (young girls seem to be really into me for some reason!), and angry at myself for completely messing up the close.


I did approach another woman later on, she was sitting by herself and I chatted with her for a while. She was a Russian living in Germany. After a while her husband joined her, he looked a bit scary but they were friendly. However the woman was actually much older than I thought at first glance. She mentioned having children at home, the oldest of which was 21. Nice interaction, but I cut it short at some point.


Even though I was disappointed about not closing the cute gamer chick, I had high momentum on my way back and tried to open two more girls on the street. One was wearing very tight jeans and had great legs and ass, I just said "hello" as she walked by because I couldn't think of anything else quick enough. Got ignored though.

The other girl was wearing a very sexy gothic-style dress, and I said "So pretty!" at her as she walked by. (Might sound retarded in English, but over here it's a legit compliment) She had a very serious face though and was actually also a bit old for my taste. She completely ignored me too, seems she didn't even hear me even though I spoke in a loud voice.


So that's it for today. Great day in total! Takeaway: ABC - Always be closing, I guess!
Heck yeah. Tons of action today.

First off, and with all due respect for dedication and hard work. Maybe consider dropping "hi" and "hello" from your repertoire. It is great for an absolute beginner who can't bring himself to approach. But you are well beyond that, and it is hardly doing you any favors at this point. It seems to be a bit of a crutch that allows you to just barely touch the surface. Most of these women who barely pay you any mind are doing so because you are giving them no good reason to invest any more than a "hi" back, or a shrug. You are basically getting out what you put in. The function of a good opener if to pattern interrupt just enough for her to make an initial investment in an interaction with a stranger. It opens the door to further interaction. Swap out "hi" with other more dynamic openers that give her more opportunity to engage with you.

Seems like you had a decent start with the dog girl, some major missed opportunities though.

For one, while it is a good thing that you won the dog over, it sounds like you have way too much attention to the dog and that contributed a good amount to the lack of focus in the interaction. Also, it gives a subtle subcommunication that you are just a friendly guy, just chatting. Like a friend. Better to have won the dog over than basically ignored it. Focus on your interaction with the girl. If the dog is moderately asking for attention you maybe casually pet it, but don't really give it your attention. If it is super full of energy and won't quit, you use that as excuse to move her and suggest the two of you walk together. Still focusing on her. You are making the interaction man to woman. Not man to dog to woman. The dog is merely a means to an end. Not a key player.

In fact, probably could have moved the interaction by suggesting a walk pretty soon after the hook. It is a high energy day by the beach, the dog is full of energy. Why not calibrate to that and move. This is similar to that two set where the girl was handstanding. You basically downturn the energy (though not as dramatically here as wit the two set), but just standing around talking when all of the forces of nature are saying move. Obviously good to stand and chat for a bit, but there is no need to dwell. Once she has hooked, I reason not to move.

She actually senses this herself, and kind starts to move things by mentioning what a beautiful day it is and taking pictures. She basically made the move before you. Which actually put her a bit in front of the frame, and now she is asking for compliance from you. She wants you to snap pictures for her, and you oblige. Which basically solidifies the whole friendly stranger sort of frame you set by hanging out with the dog a little too much (at least this is my read on things).

This was a real missed opportunity because you could have totally milked the whole photo taking thing. Used it to switch the frame up. Basically coming with a "what's in it for me" kind of approach. Or rather, getting her to invest in a proper seductive dynamic.

There are a number of ways you could have done this but here is one approach I have taken when a girl asks me to snap photos after we have been talking for a bit. Basically I will frame things like "okay, but if we are going to collaborate we have to be on the same page here" as you can see, I am setting a frame that we are collaborating, plus it's not just willy nilly. I am making her work for it a bit. Teasing her. Than I will lead a little discussion about what side of her we really want to capture and how are we going to go about it. Basically positioning myself in a pseudo directors position. Then before we actually take the photo, I move her around a bit to find the right position. "stand here, no over here" basically teasing her the whole time, making observations, getting small compliances. Then I snap a picture and or two and move the interaction away from the whole endeavor. I have encountered this a number of times.

Obviously you don't want to over do it, and get too dramatic with it or drag it on too long
The whole routine can happen fairly quickly. Basically you are just capitalizing on her request and not just giving it all away, only to be her photography assistant.

Overall though the idea is that Gotta milk it, make her work for it, tease her, get her to invest, use the moment to bring up other adjacent convo, set some flirtatious frames. Then, once shes earned it by investing enough. Then you snap a quick pic and move on.

Plus when she hands you the dog leash. No good. If you had been infront of the frame and making her work for it you could have even insisted she play with the dog in the photo. The dog is her responsibility not yours.

But honestly, her even focusing on taking pictures instead of the interaction between you two was an indication that you were maybe teetering on losing her attention.

I think that part of the reason these interactions are only going so far for you is that you aren't quite entering with a motivation to get infront of the frame and lead things. Rather than getting capitalizing on the opportunities you are given you become somewhat passive and let the chips fall where they may.

Aim to get infront of the frame and always be moving things forward where you can. If you hit a roadblock that is okay, you can adjust. But you need to be making moves.

If you had basically been making moves from the get go, by the time all the logistics came out you would have been in a far better position to invite her to a food truck or what not. Logistically speaking she was clearly in a prime position to be picked up. (although, the fact it was her friends dog could have been a logistical challenge when it was actually time to pull)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Focus on your interaction with the girl. If the dog is moderately asking for attention you maybe casually pet it, but don't really give it your attention. If it is super full of energy and won't quit, you use that as excuse to move her and suggest the two of you walk together. Still focusing on her. You are making the interaction man to woman. Not man to dog to woman. The dog is merely a means to an end. Not a key player.
Makes sense. I never lost focus on the girl though, was just playing with the dog while talking and looking at her. I asked her lots of questions also, probed into whether she was skipping school, teased her for being a naughty girl, things like that. Forgot to go into all the details as the report is already rather long as it is.
In fact, probably could have moved the interaction by suggesting a walk pretty soon after the hook. It is a high energy day by the beach, the dog is full of energy. Why not calibrate to that and move. This is similar to that two set where the girl was handstanding. You basically downturn the energy (though not as dramatically here as wit the two set), but just standing around talking when all of the forces of nature are saying move. Obviously good to stand and chat for a bit, but there is no need to dwell. Once she has hooked, I reason not to move.
I actually sat down next to her pretty quick, wasn't standing there for all this time. But yes, it would have definitely been good to move her somewhere.
She actually senses this herself, and kind starts to move things by mentioning what a beautiful day it is and taking pictures. She basically made the move before you. Which actually put her a bit in front of the frame, and now she is asking for compliance from you.
True, I noticed that too and didn't like it

There are a number of ways you could have done this but here is one approach I have taken when a girl asks me to snap photos after we have been talking for a bit. Basically I will frame things like "okay, but if we are going to collaborate we have to be on the same page here" as you can see, I am setting a frame that we are collaborating, plus it's not just willy nilly. I am making her work for it a bit. Teasing her. Than I will lead a little discussion about what side of her we really want to capture and how are we going to go about it. Basically positioning myself in a pseudo directors position.
Very good point! Will do that next time. I've done some model photography as a hobby and it's a lot of fun direction the girls around, plus gives a ton of compliance.

Plus when she hands you the dog leash. No good.
Indeed. I didn't handle that well, and it was virtually impossible handling the dog leash and taking pictures at the same time

She told me she wanted pictures without the dog in it though. So maybe I should have told her ok then tie it to that tree for a minute, and then focussed on directing her to do some sexy poses for me.

But honestly, her even focusing on taking pictures instead of the interaction between you two was an indication that you were maybe teetering on losing her attention.

It didn't feel like that at all, we had quite a lively conversation all the time.
I think that part of the reason these interactions are only going so far for you is that you aren't quite entering with a motivation to get infront of the frame and lead things. Rather than getting capitalizing on the opportunities you are given you become somewhat passive and let the chips fall where they may.

That makes sense. As it was my first major interaction in a long time (first girl that hooked in at least a week, I think?), I was mainly focussed on getting a conversation going at all, and too little focus on actually taking it somewhere.

I don't think I ever had a chance with the handstanding girls, they never hooked and were just being polite. But with the girl today, she really hooked and seemed into me. I think she may even have been a bit disappointed when I left.

Hopefully, as I become more accostumed to be in this type of situation, I will be less nervous and more able to lead the interaction. I don't think my nervousness showed, but I notice that I start to feel hot in the presence of hot girls. And it impedes my ability to be present and lead.

Aim to get infront of the frame and always be moving things forward where you can. If you hit a roadblock that is okay, you can adjust. But you need to be making moves.

If you had basically been making moves from the get go, by the time all the logistics came out you would have been in a far better position to invite her to a food truck or what not. Logistically speaking she was clearly in a prime position to be picked up. (although, the fact it was her friends dog could have been a logistical challenge when it was actually time to pull)
Yes, I'm still kicking myself for this lost opportunity. This girl was as green as they get. Should have taken her to grab a bite when she mentioned she was hungry.

I'll definitely know to do better next time!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Very good point! Will do that next time. I've done some model photography as a hobby and it's a lot of fun direction the girls around, plus gives a ton of compliance.
They key being that you are kind of just messing around. Have to be careful that it doesn't become too much of a you being her personal photographer vibe. You are teasing her, and getting her to comply with seductive frames. The photo taking is just a surface level excuse to do it. When you actually take the picture you kind of just brush the whole thing off. It was never really about the photo.
She told me she wanted pictures without the dog in it though. So maybe I should have told her ok then tie it to that tree for a minute, and then focussed on directing her to do some sexy poses for me.
Again, this happened because you were behind the frame, not in front of it.

If, when she asked you to snap a photo you had been like "now hold on, if we're gonna collaborate we gotta do this right" and ran that whole routine. By the time the dog even came up you would already be leading the thing, and even if she insisted he was not in the pic, you could have HER tie him up.

Also this whole photo taking routine is one of many ways you could have played it.

The main point being that when she hits you with a request like this you can milk it.
I was mainly focussed on getting a conversation going at all, and too little focus on actually taking it somewhere.
Always keep your eye on the prize. You approached her for a reason, after all.

Go in with the intent, that if things are going well, you will be sure to move things to the next phase, and the next one, and the next one.

Go in with a purpose (not an agenda), and execute that purpose to the greatest degree that the moment allows.

I am telling you. All it takes is one girl that you really hit it off with. With the only caveat being that it is up to you to move things forward.

Once you hook a girl, and the logistics permit it, it really isn't all that complicated. Just keep it moving along.

That's why it is important to have a sense of where you can move things to. How do you get her closer and closer to your place, so that when the moment is ripe you can simply be like "well hey, we can pop over to mine for such and such plausible deniability."

Hopefully, as I become more accostumed to be in this type of situation, I will be less nervous and more able to lead the interaction. I don't think my nervousness showed, but I notice that I start to feel hot in the presence of hot girls. And it impedes my ability to be present and lead.
You'll get the hang. And of course not every seduction goes the distance.

Just go in with a purpose, and the intent to move things forward and you'll land it sooner than later.

Once you land the first seduction you'll see how simple it can all be, when everything lines up and you are on top of the escalation windows.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
After giving it some thought, I think it's very possible that the girl just viewed me as a kind stranger. I guess I focussed too much on touching the dog and not her, and didnt get much beyond small talk.

I didnt do much seduction at all, except a light tease here and there. So there's no way to know if I would have had a chance.

Going to test for compliance next time! Also will aim to incorporate some qualifying and screening like someone (I think @topcat) advised in another thread.

Main objective for today: Get a girl to hook, then move her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: 3 approachs, no hooks. Trying to get rid of "Hello" (66% success)

So my aim for today was to hook a girl and move her. But I didn't hook. I also decided to try and come up with better approaches than "hello" as suggested by @StrayDog.


First girl was sitting by herself, taking selfies. I checked her out for a while and decided that she wasn't really my type, lots of makeup and took selfies for like 10 minutes. So a bit of a poser. But she did look fine, so I decided I'd take a chance and guess where she was from.

I was going to say Romania, but when I walked over I saw she was drinking mate tea so I switched it to Argentina last second. Of course I was right.

My opener was "Excuse me, are you from Argentina?" She smiled and nodded, but didn't give any verbal reply. I then said "It's too easy with the mate... (pointing to tea)" - no reply - "So, do you live here in xxx?" - She nodded again but didn't say anything. So I said "Right nice to meet you!" and walked off. Could have stayed in set, but she didn't give me a feeling of being welcome. May have been wrong of course... but hey, first approach of the day... I was proud to even have walked over there haha.


Second girl I kind of stumbled upon. I had seen her before studying actually, but she gave me vibes of not wanting to be approached.

After opening the Argentinian, I walked around and I suddenly saw her sitting right next to me. She had long hair tied to a bun and was actually quite attractive. I didn't have time to come up with something better, so I just said "hello". Yeah, I know, lame. Her eyes shifted around nervously, but she didn't acknowledge me. Not really a surprise with this opener I guess, even though on the beach I've had success with it with girls who were more open to being approached. But this one clearly wasn't, so I just said "...and goodbye" and walked. I think she said "bye" in a small voice but couldn't really hear her.


The third girl I approached was Asian. I wasn't really into her face but she was wearing tight jeans and had a nice ass. She was all by herself so I decided to go for it. I asked her "Excuse me, can I guess where you're from?" She said "Hmm, okay". I guessed Korea and was right! I then chatted with her for a while and found out where she lived, how long she was staying here (1 day only) and that she liked travelling. I introduced myself and we shook hands, however she gave me the weakest of handshakes, just with 2 fingers. When she told me she likes travelling I asked her if she's adventurous? She kind of hesitated and said, just a little. I then said "Well when you're travelling that's a form of adventure" and she agreed.

I was planning to ask her to walk along the beach with me just for practice, but turns out she was waiting for a friend (a girl). When the friend arrived she said "pleased to meet you" and ran off, so that was that.

This last girl seemed nice enough, but I don't know if she really liked me or was just being polite. Asians are still a bit of a mystery to me, I find it hard to read them.


Quite happy with how the day went. Girl 2 was actually the one I found most attractive of the three. Pity I didn't come up with a better opener for her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Not much action today. I only saw one attractive single girl, ablondie, as I arrived on the beach. She turned around as I walked behind her, but I wanted to chill a bit first before starting to approach. I sat down by the water, and I actually saw her looking in my dirction as I was chilling. But she left soon after, giving me another glance as she walked by. This girl seemed to be ready to approached, but for some reason I wasn't feeling it today.

Later, I walked around a bit but didn't come across any hotties. As the sun was drawing to a close I come across two Asians taking photos of each other. There seem to be Asian girls taking pictures of each other every single day. Actually, one of them looked pretty good, with full long hair and a tight black dress that hugged her lean body. Both were making silly poses and I thought to myself, "girls are just so silly and cute".

I positioned myself near the two, enjoying the view of the rising full moon and the beautiful sunset. When they were done taking photos after about 5 minutes, they had to walk by me to leave the beach and I opened them saying "You are from Korea?" The pretty one took her earpiece out, and I repeated the question. She didn't understand. I asked her if she speaks English and she said yes, so I asked again and she said no, from China. I said "Wow, so how long are you here for?" and she answered "Yes" :)

I tried to chat a little more, but communication wasn't easy with those two. Anyway, I had really just approached them to stay in the habit. I love how easy it is for me now :)

But I was feeling a bit lazy today, and I'm not at a level where I can pick up a Chinese two-set who don't speak my language... yet, hehe! So I told them "Enjoy your holiday!" and they went happily on their way.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Quick update: I haven't been posting for a few days because I decided to take it easy for a while with approaching. I've been pushing myself to approach every day now for over 2 months, and it was starting to feel like a chore.

I still did a few approaches but mostly low-key, giving compliments or teasing girls in 2-sets without actually trying to hook.

Here's the two girls that did hook during the last couple days:


A couple of days ago, I saw this black girl on the beach smiling at me, so I just had to go and open her. She was quite friendly so I sat next to her and chatted a bit about where she's from, how long she's staying et cetera (logistics). She had an ebook reader so I tried to get compliance by asking her what book she's reading, having her tell me about it and getting her to show me the reader. However I was rather tired that day and zoned out a bit while she was trying to tell me about the book (also it was rather boring, lol). So I don't know it this actually counts as compliance... probably not.

I did use a bit of touch too but it didn't go anywhere. At some point she asked me if I had any plans for the night, I didn't. Neither did she, so I took this as investment from her part, and decided to take a gamble and asked her "Do you want to walk for a bit?" to see if I could get some major compliance from her. She denied though, saying she'll be leaving soon.

Shortly after she gently soft-nexted me by saying "Well Gameboy it was nice talking to you!" and I took the hint and said pleasure to meet you, shook her hand and said goodbye. This is the first time I stuck out a set until the end so I was happy about that.

I didn't find this girl particularly attractive, nor unattractive. So I guess she reflected my ambiguous attitude back to me.


Today this was the most attractive girl I saw on the beach. First time I walked by her she was lying down and seemed to be chilling and checking her phone, and I didn't open. I just wasn't in the zone at that moment.

I did turn around though after walking by her, she was lying on her side facing the other way. I could see she had a great figure even though she was wearing jeans.

I walked around a bit and did other things, relaxing and meditating a bit. I hadn't opened anyone at all that day so I was feeling a bit like I was slacking off. That didn't feel good.

About half an hour later when I walked back, she was still lying in the same spot, and I decided to open this time. When I got close, she was actually looking at me with big dark eyes. I said "Hello, how are you?" in our local language here. She didn't seem to understand, so I asked her in English where she's from.

Turns out she was from Algeria! Which I found quite interesting because I've met few people from Algeria, and I don't think I ever talked to one. So I sat down next to her. She was super friendly, and answered all my questions about her country, its culture, what she was doing here (studying), where she lives (UK) and so on.

I didn't use much seduction tech on her for several reasons: First, I wanted to get a natural conversation going, just being myself and see what happens. Second, I asked her early on how old she was, she said 19. So that's a little young for me. And third, towards the end of the conversation I found out she had a boyfriend.

Things I found notable about her:

- When I asked her her age, she was like "19! Why, do you think I look old?" - I found this funny. I assured her she didn't look old at all, and that she looked very nice (I said that in a bit of an ambiguous way to not seem like an old dirtbag hahaha). She was fine with that, and never asked me my age back.
- At one point I told her how I had been in Morocco and found it weird that women can't go to cafes there. As it is an Islamic country, you will only see men in the cafes and most public places (if you see any women without a veil, they are tourists). She seemed completely OK with that though and explained to me that in Islam, these spaces are for men, and if a women goes there everyone will look at her.
- She was totally friendly all along, but didn't give me any flirty vibes. So I just kept it on a friendly level. At some point I asked her whether she is married, and she said "No, I have a boyfriend though." She said they had been together for 5 years, and were planning to get engaged this year. I asked if the relationship was set up by her parents, but she said no, they've known each other since their childhood. I asked her if she was happy with the relationship, and she said yes.
- She seemed surprised when I said that I wasn't married

Shortly after I told her it was very nice talking to her, and she said the same about me. I shook her hand and went on my way.

I love being able to do this! Even though the interaction went "nowhere", it was fascinating to find out about the viewpoint of an intelligent, very attractive girl from a totally different cultural domain.

I also love the energy I get from these interactions. I'm sure it was fun for her as well.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Wow, my last FR is from almost a week ago? So I haven't been hooking any girls since the Algerian one. This can't go on like that...

Today I seriously didn't see any girls I wanted to open. Maybe one or two semi-cute ones, but invariably in sets with friends. Which I didn't have the balls to open. Oh and there was one single girl I saw sitting leaning against a tree, she was wearing yoga pants and dark sunglasses. I walked by her but she didn't even look up. And I failed to open again.

Something's not right here. I did much better last year. I think tomorrow I'm going to go back to saying Hi to every reasonably attractive looking girl and her sister. I know some of you here think it's bullshit, but it worked for me. It puts me in a positive mood and makes it easier to deliver a real opener to the chicks that I really want to talk to. Some girls may be weirded out for sure, but screw those. Others give me a big smile, so I know I can open them if I want to. So what's not to love?

EDIT: Oh and I'm also going to post an update here every evening again, like I did before, for at least a week. (So until Saturday Feb 10, minimum.) No matter whether I approached or not. Committing to one post per day did wonders for my motivation, because I didn't want to come home and have to post a report where I didn't approach anyone.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today was tough. I hardly got any good reactions. Also had some inner game issues that kept me from approaching in some cases.

Said a few "hello"s to random girls just to warm up a bit, but today I mainly got ignored or maybe got a surprised look. No smiles, even though I was in a pretty good mood initially.

Once I got to the beach, I found it rather hard to approach again. Like I was a complete beginner all over again.


The first set I did open, and the only one I used a "real" opener on today, was a group of 3 girls that had been swimming. I walked up to them and asked, "was it nice in the water?" At first I just got bewildered looks. I think my angle of approach may have been a bit too heads-on. I said "It feels very cold" (I had been testing the water with my feet). Then they replied to me "it is", another one said "yes but a bit dirty". I was like "You are really brave though" but didn't get a reply.


I walked around some, but didn't get comfortable approaching. I saw one girl with black and red dyed hair, walked up close but she was looking down eating something. I said "hello" and she looked up. She looked very young, and just looked at me without saying anything, not smiling. I was like "Enjoy your salad!" and she smiled and said thanks.


Somehow, I felt like a complete bum today, walking around begging for attention from the girls. Not a good mindset to be in. Technically, I know I have a lot to offer to any girl I am with. I am witty, funny, intelligent, positive, have lots of experience, and I think I am also quite good looking for my age. But there's the problem... my age. I'll be 50 this year... and there's no way to go back in time. When I look at my phone, the reflection I see of my face is of a much older guy than I feel internally...


#1: Nice ass in tight jeans

I saw a few more girls that probably would have been worth approaching, but I didn't because of inner game issues. 1st one was a girl lying by herself, I checked out her face from up close and wasn't a huge fan. Can't really say why, she wasn't ugly. But not quite my type. Later I saw her from behind, and she had an awesome ass and nice body. Walked close to her once more and hovered a bit, but couldn't get myself to open. When I got another glimpse of her face, I thought "leave it be" and walked away.

#2: Blondie touristy girl, awesome long hair

There was this blonde girl with very long hair which looked great from behind. All the way down to her hips. A tourist for sure. I had seen her the day before, but with a female friend. Today she was solo, but lying very close to a 2-set that would have overheard the interacion if I had opened. I thought about it for a while, but when I was close she was lying down, wearing sunglasses and wouldn't look at me. Seemed a bit young, too. A bit big maybe, but not fat... at the least I should have asked her where she was from, to see if she was up for a chat.

#4: Dark haired girl, bit older but great body and tight jeans

The 3rd girl I could have opened, but didn't, was dark haired and seemd to have a very nice slim body. I sat close to her for a while and checked her out of the corner of my eye. She wasn't bad looking at all. A bit older than the other girls. So *possibly* a better match for me, haha.

But again, I just couldn't pull the trigger... Maybe I'm afraid of success? I remember thinking, what if she wants to be my girlfriend? I mean I liked her looks, but not *that* much... am I even making sense? Probably not. But that was more or less my train of thoughts at the time.


I walked around a bit more, and came across one more interesting looking girl. She was wearing a bikini, and had tats all over her body, including on her breasts. I checked her out as I walked by. She was takling on the phone, in Russian (or Ukrainian). She looked at me so I said Hi, and gave her a half-wave. She smiled back at me. That was the most positive reaction I got all day today :) But hell, she was talking on the phone, so I didn't open. She also had a male fan sitting right next to her, much too close for it to be a coincidence. He was facing her, one of these hoverers that I always see (and that I can sometimes be myself when I don't have the balls to open, except that I don't do it quite as obviously sitting right next to the girl without talking to her). The girl didn't seem to mind though, probably enjoyed the attention... I remember thinking, she looks like an Onlyfans girl haha. She had nice boobs, and the tattoos weren't all bad. Patchwork style. Oh well, at least I got a smile from her lol. Sounds pathetic... I should have come back later and opened her when she finished the call. Just to piss her fan-boy off... lol


Okay that's it for today. I'm not sure what's wrong. In hindsight, I had at least 3 great opportunities that I missed. I don't know what I'm afraid of, really?

I really need some kind of win.
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