TLDR: Slow start, then had a very good approach with a super nice and cute girl and her dog. Unfortunately I ejected to early and didn't #close. Later approached another woman who was very nice, but was married. Tried one or two more approaches in the street on my way home but got ignored.
Another fine day on the beach. However at first AA hit hard. I couldn't approach at all.
First girl I walked up to, was sitting near the shore wearing a nice looking green sweater. Her long hair was tied to a bun. I positioned myself close, a few meters down the shore. Looked around for a while, then after a half minute had passed I looked at her. She was checking me out but her face looked kind of grim, so I didn't approach. Later I realized that this was probably because she was looking in the direction of the setting sun... anyone looks grim when the sun is shining them right in the eyes.
My next two approaches got borderline ignored. The first girl was sitting reading a book, I walked by in front of her and said "hello". She barely looked at me, just nodded frowning. Not exactly a warm reception. But at this point, I had the sun in my face myself so I may have looked grim this time. Not easy to get the angle of approach right when the sun is setting so that both me and the girl can see each other, and neither has the sun in their eyes.
Further along I came across two girls eating. I said "Enjoy your meal" (it sounds cooler in the local language here) but didn't get a reaction. Maybe they didn't understand me. I walked on because 2-sets aren't ideal anyway when you can find single girls.
Walking along I came across a young black girl with a dog. Both were cute, and I smiled at them as I walked by. The girl was leaning against a palm tree, and actually smiled back at me. First positive reaction of the day

But I foolishly decided she looked to young to open, also I wasn't in a good mood yet because of the previous failed interactions.
Near the end of the beach there were a number of people sitting around, both solo and in groups. One of them was a very attractive black girl sitting by herself and checking her phone. She didn't look up at all though as I walked around the area. There were many people in earshot, and the girl looked a little more posh than I'm comfortable with. So again, no open.
I walked back and made a point of walking in front of a blonde girl that I had seen sitting on a bench before. Walked into her field of view, looked around a bit, then casually turned toward her. She looked up but I didn't like her face all that much. So again no opener. I know I made a resolution yesterday to at least find out where the girl is from even though she's not my type, but I just couldn't do it...
...until I came across the girl with the dog again. This time I stopped and said "What a beautiful dog!" Turns out this girl was super friendly and talkative. Also very attractive, with long black hair and big boobs... I somehow managed to get her in a photo as we both were taking pictures of the scenario a bit later into the interaction.
The girl didn't really speak the local language, so I asked her in English where she's from and turns out she's from England. She's visiting here and staying with some friends for a couple of days. A minute into our conversation, her dog suddenly starts barking at me. So I crouch down and let it sniff my hand, and he immediately loves me. I play with the dog the whole time while I'm talking to this girl, which probably helped me gain points with her but also distracted me a bit.
Actually it's not her dog but her friends' dog, and she is taking care of it hile her friends are at university.
This girl was super open and told me how she skipped school to come here. Her mom doesn't know she's here. She's staying with some friends that she met online, playing video gams like Fortnite. An attractive gamer girl! Cute, hot and single! And she's going to school so probably in her early twenties or so.
She asked me what games I play, I said I don't play online but I like strategy games and shooters. She says she like shooters but she's really bad at them, so I tell her a cool story of how I learned to play shooters at a job I once had in a call center we had where they actually let us play video games on the company LAN when there weren't any incoming calls.
At one point she turns around and remarks how beautiful the scenery behind her is, and takes some pictures. I take some pictures too and she's in one of them, so I have a reminder and I can tell you she could be a model...
She asks me to take a few pictures of her with her phone, which I do. She also gave me the dog's leash to hold onto, which was a bit complicated while I took the photos. I do get a number of good shots of her though. Unfortunately on her phone haha
I showed her the pictures I took and used the opportunity to get close to her. I can't capitalize on the proximity though, I don't really remember why but the interaction was quite chaotic between playing with the dog, talking to the girl, taking pictures with both our phones etc.
I tried to remember some seduction tech and remembered I should get compliance somehow, however the conversation unfolds rather fast and I didn't really find a good way in for it. I have to admit was definitely nervous, I remember feeling hot and taking my jacket off.
I ask her what plans she has for the evening, but I don't think she really answered, or else I forgot the answer. She mentions she hasn't heard from her friends yet and that she's getting hungry. I could have suggested to her to grab a bite together, but unfortunately I didn't think of it at the moment. I'm kind of winding down the interaction and saying I'll get going. Why? I don't really know, except that I was nervous. I should have kept my cool, be present, see if she's down to walk with me. Or at least grab her number. But instead I said to her, "Maybe I'll see you around here one of these days" -- how lame is that??
On my way home I was both happy about this great interaction (young girls seem to be really into me for some reason!), and angry at myself for completely messing up the close.
I did approach another woman later on, she was sitting by herself and I chatted with her for a while. She was a Russian living in Germany. After a while her husband joined her, he looked a bit scary but they were friendly. However the woman was actually much older than I thought at first glance. She mentioned having children at home, the oldest of which was 21. Nice interaction, but I cut it short at some point.
Even though I was disappointed about not closing the cute gamer chick, I had high momentum on my way back and tried to open two more girls on the street. One was wearing very tight jeans and had great legs and ass, I just said "hello" as she walked by because I couldn't think of anything else quick enough. Got ignored though.
The other girl was wearing a very sexy gothic-style dress, and I said "So pretty!" at her as she walked by. (Might sound retarded in English, but over here it's a legit compliment) She had a very serious face though and was actually also a bit old for my taste. She completely ignored me too, seems she didn't even hear me even though I spoke in a loud voice.
So that's it for today. Great day in total! Takeaway: ABC - Always be closing, I guess!