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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR; Low momentum day. 1 cutie on the beach, failed to open.

I did a few "hello"s in the city center because the reaction always amuses me. Then went to the beach.

The first girl I saw sitting there seemed kind of cute. She was sitting by the seaside wearing a white jacket. I walked by in front of her and said hello, and she greeted me back without smiling. Also she had her phone on speaker and a male voice was coming from it, which kept me from chatting her up.

There were more single girls on the beach today, but they were all chubby/unattractive.

There were also two Asians taking photos of each other, one of which was cute and wearing a very short skirt. I smiled at her and she smiled back for an instant only. However I didn't open them in any way.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Weather wasn't great, and I saw no approachable girls.

I'd love to try out some new openers, like "Taking pictures for Tinder?" for girls taking photos of each other :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Weather wasn't great, and I saw no approachable girls.

I'd love to try out some new openers, like "Taking pictures for Tinder?" for girls taking photos of each other :)
try other venues. Box stores, grocery stores, clothing stores, coffee shops. Especially on days when the beach weather is glum


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
There were more single girls on the beach today, but they were all chubby/unattractive
While it is not reccomended to spend too much time on girls/sets You are not interested in, there is still some value of approaching people you are not trying to smash and just exercising your social skills. Seeing how much of a conversation you really generate. What sort of connections you can make. It's just good practice. Good for warm ups, good to get the juices flowing. Don't linger too long, then bounce off of that social momentum and approach the next HB you see.

Eventually you can sort bypass these sort of approaches and just switch into gear with the women you really want to chat up, but at the same time. It rarely hurts to be sociable in general


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
While it is not reccomended to spend too much time on girls/sets You are not interested in, there is still some value of approaching people you are not trying to smash and just exercising your social skills. Seeing how much of a conversation you really generate. What sort of connections you can make. It's just good practice. Good for warm ups, good to get the juices flowing. Don't linger too long, then bounce off of that social momentum and approach the next HB you see.

Eventually you can sort bypass these sort of approaches and just switch into gear with the women you really want to chat up, but at the same time. It rarely hurts to be sociable in general
Makes sense, gonna keep that in mind! Thanks!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 5, 2023
I have been tr
Weather wasn't great, and I saw no approachable girls.

I'd love to try out some new openers, like "Taking pictures for Tinder?" for girls taking photos of each other :)
I have been trying to tell you that


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 5, 2023
Seeing how much of a conversation you really generate
Although this drill is not too bad for beginners. In the long term you only realize seduction is less about conversation and words and more about other stuff. Talking from my own experience coz is exactly what I went through in my journey for long time. You just want to see a long conversation happening to you Lol Dead wrong. However, no doubt that a long conversation quite often reflects the success of the important variables involved in a successful seduction


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Although this drill is not too bad for beginners. In the long term you only realize seduction is less about conversation and words and more about other stuff. Talking from my own experience coz is exactly what I went through in my journey for long time. You just want to see a long conversation happening to you Lol Dead wrong. However, no doubt that a long conversation quite often reflects the success of the important variables involved in a successful seduction
true, but you have to start somewhere and assemble the pieces from various angles until it all begins to click together.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today I chatted up 3 different single girls on the beach. All of them were friendly, and none was ugly, but I wasn't genuinely attracted to any of them. So I kept it platonic (i.e. didn't try to seduce them in any way) and after a while I told them I'll be going.

One of the girls actually seemed hesitant to leave until I said to her "Have a good day, it was nice to meet you!" and walked off. In hindsight, that was actually the most attractive girl of the three.

It seems like my sex drive is a bit low... might be my age... or might be the season, Christmas is really the worst time for pickup I assume. Few hot chicks around, and most people hanging out with their families. Also the weather is quite cold currently.

Another thing is, I don't really know yet how to escalate properly. If I had a clear idea how to switch from "platonic small talk mode" to "I want to take you home with me mode", I might have done it just for fun with that girl. She had a good body and seemed happy to talk to me... local girl from around here, which I find more attractive than most tourist girls...
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Got no approaches in today. The city center was almost empty, and I didn't see any hot girls. There was a pretty good violinist playing on the street though.


On the beach, the stars weren't aligned today:

- Bench Girl

There was one girl that I found really hot today, at least from a distance. She was sitting on a bench. I walked over, but just as I was near her I saw a couple sitting directly behind her on a wall, looking at me. Also the girl had gotten up meanwhile and was turning her back to me... not exactly an approach invitation. I think she was at least as tall as me. I walked by without saying anything... main reason was this couple staring that made me feel awkward.

- Red Lipstick Girl

There was another girl standing on the beach taking photos. She was wearing huge sunglasses and bright red lipstick. Both are turnoffs for me. She seemed to have nice legs though. I think she was smiling at me, but I didn't open her. There was also some guy walking around near her that might or might not have been with her.

- Girl On Phone

Saw another girl sitting by herself but as I walked by in front of her, she was talking on the phone. She looked pretty. But I didn't open her because she was on the phone.

- Young Chick

As it got dark I came across a girl that was half lying down on the beach, near the shore. She looked really young though, and a bit chubby with her winter clothes. I would have opened her anyway but I felt she looked too young... also I had 0 momentum due to not having opened anyone all day

I should have found out if she's fun to talk to. Actually I just set myself a reminder on my phone: "Find out if she's fun to talk to." I think that's a great frame to have to get over AA. Though I wouldn't call it "anxiety" what I'm feeling, it's more like... I don't want to bother her?

Yes. That's exactly it. I'm afraid of bothering the girls.


As for yesterday, today I'm kind of kicking myself that I didn't try a bit more with the 3 girls I talked to. #1 was a Palestinian student, #2 a German psychologist, and #3 a local who seemed to be a runner judging by her outfit, though I met her walking.

#1 I kind of bailed when she said she was Palestinian. She was polite but gave me the impression she wanted to go back to reading whatever she was reading. Also, I feel reluctant to hook up with girls from current conflict zones.

#2 seemed really happy to talk to me, and it was her last day in town. Should have really asked her what she was up to tonight, and AT LEAST grabbed her number. Or told her to walk with me. Worst case she'd give me her number and then flake on me, or we'd become texting buddies. Even that would be way better than just walking away from her for no good reason! Okay, I wasn't really feeling it with her. But who cares? Stuff can change. Or she might make a great platonic friend for whatever reason. Now I'll never find out.

#3 I'm not sure about if she was interested or not. She seemed kind of hesitant to leave, but maybe she was just being polite. I opened her informational so no seductive vibe going on. I asked her name in the end and shook her hand, but then left. Honestly I didn't know how to transition from informational to seductive. I also didn't find her hot, so I wouldn't have known what to compiment her on except that she seemed quite friendly.

This was also the first girl I opened (since I'm doing this journal) that was not sitting down. I came across her while she was walking towards me on the shore.

In hindsight, I could've teased her: "Wow you're the only local girl on the beach today! How come you're immune to the cold?" (It's not cold for us expats, but the locals tend to not go to the beach after October or so) - to get away from the platonic vibe.


I'm making a rule now: When I'm in a good conversation with a girl but feel like leaving, I have to ask her for her phone number before I get to exit. Strategies for this could be: "Hey you seem quite nice but I have to go, would you like to go for a coffee with me some day?" Or if she's a tourist and leaving soon: "How about we keep in touch? Let me give you my number real quick" and then get her to ring me so I have hers.

Of course ideally I wouldn't leave but go for an insta-date with her. But yesterday I wasn't feeling it for whatever reason. So should have at least gone for the #close.

Other ideas: I can ask her "Got any plans for tonight?" to gauge her interest. Or ask/tell her to walk with me.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
No openers today. I didn't see approachable girls anywhere. The beach was like a Kindergarten, lots of families with small children.

In the center, I saw a few hotties but they looked like teenagers. Also, they were walking in groups so not easy to open at all, even if I were Ok with their age which honestly I wasn't haha.

But it still seems like a failure!

Yesterday I at least tried to open a girl. She was really cute, sitting on the beach by herself for a long time. It took me a while to open her, and when I did, she answered in a very small voice, barely looking at me. I walked somewhere else, and when I came back 10 minutes later, she was still there so I said in a very loud voice "Hello!" "You allright?" But she had huge headphones on, and ignored me. Seemed kind of sad to be honest. Christmas seems to be a time of sadness for some people, myself included...

Even though she didn't give me much of a reaction, it felt like a win to have tried to open this beautiful girl several times!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
when I came back 10 minutes later, she was still there so I said in a very loud voice "Hello!" "You allright?" But she had huge headphones on, and ignored me. Seemed kind of sad to be honest. Christmas seems to be a time of sadness for some people, myself included...

Even though she didn't give me much of a reaction, it felt like a win to have tried to open this beautiful girl several times!
best way to handle girls with headphones is nonverbally. trying to talk over their audio isnt effective

simply tap your ear a couple times while making eye contact. and watch as the phones come off

its like magic!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
3 openers today, one of which was walk-by admittedly.


I spotted a girl with bright blue hair which I thought looked kind of cool. She was older and not necessairly my type, but without even thinking much, I said "nice hair!" in a loud voice while she walked by. She kind of looked at me from the corner of her eye and said thank you.

I'm kinda proud how i did that in an instinctual way. This is who I want to be. When I see something about a girl that pleases my eye, I want to let her know.


Waiting before me in line at the bus stop was a girl who I thought had very cool fashion. She was very attractive, maybe in her early 20s. I spotted a ring on her finger that I liked, it was shaped in the form of a large sun symbol. So I told her "Wow that's a cool ring!" - no reply, she didn't even look at me. I asked "Is that a sun?" and she went like "hm", again without looking. Clearly not interested, so I left it at that.

This was my first opener in public transport! (Ok, technically, waiting for public transport.) There were lots of people close by standing in line, but I didn't care. This girl was really attractive and I had to open her :)

Even though it went nowhere, this is a nice achievement for me. Gotta do that more often.

As a bonus, when we were on the bus she sat several row behinds me, but we were facing each other as I had a backward-facing seat. At one point during the journey we had eye contact for couple of seconds. It was this "getting-lost-in-the-infinity-of-your-eyes" kind of look, if you know what I mean... I think she realized I'm not that unattractive of an older guy after all :)


On the beach I only approached one girl, and she was quite the bitch lol. She had already given me a weird look before, when I was checking out the area. I walked around a bit, and coming back she was still sitting there all by herself. So I said "hi" when I was close enough. She looked at me for a split second, then went on to inspect her fingernails without saying anything lol. I said "How's it going", chuckling already because i found her reaction so hilarious. She didn't reply so I moved on.


Even though I wasn't feeling my best today, I think I did decently. Especially proud of the bus stop approach because that's something I haven't been able to do before.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023

The week between Christmas and New Year was terrible. I saw no suitable girls anywhere. But today, the weather was lovely, the beach was packed, and Gameboy started the new year out doing a couple of approaches on the beach.


Just after I picked a spot to sit, these two tall blonde girls sat down right behind me and started taking pictures of each other. Both were wearing tight summer dresses (it was very warm today for this time of year) that showed the curves of their slender but feminine bodies. At least one of them wasn't wearing a bra, and her nipples were clearly visible through her dress.

INTERLUDE - I can't bring myself to approach any girl

I took my time with approaching. I was very rusty because I hadn't done any approaches at all for a number of days. I bathed in the sun for a while, got my feed wet in the water (it was very cold), then wandered around and saw another hottie in a bikini that I wanted to approach (see below). However, I couldn't bring myself to do it, so I kept walking. Saw a third girl that looked really sexy: She had long dark hair, and she had opened her jeans and pulled it down just a little, showing her red panties from behind... man, girls nowadays really are some cockteases! Do they do this on purpose?! I guess so... haha... I love them for it, but it's also kind of cruel if you can't pick them up.

I debated with myself for a while then walked by in front of the red panties girl. She was deep in conversation with a fatty friend, and I couldn't bring myself to open the two.

I decided that I'm not going home without getting any approaches in, because I would be kicking myself all evening. I looked for the bikini girl I mentioned before, but couldn't see her. So I went back to where my towel and my stuff was.

POLISH GIRLS - Indirect opener

The two girls in their cute tight dresses were still taking pictures of each other, so I took my phone out and asked them "Excuse me, you look like you like taking pictures. Could you take some photos of me?"

One of them got up to take a couple of shots of me. I checked the pictures, then asked her to take some more photos, from a different angle. When she was done, I thanked her and chatted the girls up a bit. They told me they're from Poland, and are staying here for three days. They had just arrived. I told them they got lucky with the weather, and that I lived here. Then i went back to my towel because I didn't really have a good plan of how to proceed with the set after the pictures were taken.

ROMANIAN BIKINI GIRL - got blown out

I walked around some more and came across the girl that I had seen in a bikini before. She had an awesome body but looked a bit young, maybe around 20. Almost too young for me, but she was hot so I had to talk to her anyways. I asked her something like "Hello, how's it going?" in several languages, but she didn't seem to understand. So I asked in English "Where are you from?" and she said "Romania". I said "Oh Romania, how nice! Are you on holiday here?" I think she said yes, but she wasn't smiling and kind of looking down and mumbling. I got the impression that she didn't want to talk to me so I said "Enjoy your stay!" and left.

Later I came across the cocktease red panties girl and her friend once more, but some dudes were already talking to them. Well actually only one of them was talking to the girls, his buddy was just standing there. Guess they beat me to it lol.


I'm glad to have started the new year off with some approaches! Even though they didn't go anywhere. I wonder if I could have done more with the Polish girls, but I had the feeling that they were talking to me out of politeness and not really hooked. Anyway, 2-sets are still hard for me, is it even possible to hook them? (I guess anything is possible, but not for me at this stage yet)


I'm going to try and post here every day from now on, even if there is not much to report. I don't want to be slacking off. I wanna be a pro approacher (and closer!) in a couple of months and get some lays by spring at the latest! And a girlfriend later on, maybe around summer/autumn. Unless I meet a super awesome girl before then.

Happy New Year to all you fellow seducers (and aspiring seducers). May all your desires come true!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
2-sets are still hard for me, is it even possible to hook them?

Hmm i never approach 2-sets myself, but this is a good thought experiment.

One way id approach this is by being friendly, flirty and playful, and deep-dive them both, all the while showing great fundamentals. Then id sorta soft-close with sth like, hey you guys are a lotta fun, im sure you know all the best places/you would be great guides here/you know where all the cool people go, i still dont know all of those places myself (showing them that youd need to be guided). And then id take both their numbers if they bite the soft-close.

After that, id send them both an icebreaker and id engage the one i liked with, btw i didnt tell you earlier, but i love your eyes/smile/...



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Good interaction with a blonde nurse, but failed to close

Today I was feeling very social, and said Hi to and smiled at many girls. Many of them returned my smile, waved back, or said hi back. But there was only one girl that I actually chatted up. It went more or less like this:


I saw her sitting on the beach and walked by in front of her (standard procedure). All I remember was that she had long blond curly hair, and was wearing sunglasses. I thought she looked attactive, even though I don't even remember much of her face. I said "Hi how's it going" when I was just in front of her, she said "good" without looking up much. I then asked her "Are you from here?" and she said yes, looking at me in a friendly way. So I sat down next to her, introduced myself and shook her hand.

Then I tried to give her a direct compliment, but completely botched it up. I started with "I wanted to tell you that..." but then something in me resisted the idea of giving her a compliment. So I finished with a reality pace: "...it's really relaxing and quiet here on the beach".

Even though that came out a bit weird, she agreed with me. I asked her whether she was on holiday, and she said no, but it's her day off. I asked what she does and she said she's a nurse. I found out she lives in another part of town that also has a beach, but she told me she comes to this beach to "disconnect". (Now in hindsight, maybe she comes here to be able to hook up with guys without all of her neighbours judging her?)

I went back to chatting with her about her work, probably far more than I should have. I tried to find out whether she likes it, and she just said "it is what it is" which should have given me a clue to change the subject. Unfortunately I didn't.

At first, she did seem attracted, smiling at me and giving off a bit of a nervous vibe. (I have to say I was nervous myself, and fidgeted a bit with my hands when they accidentally touched the sand and I got sand between my fingers.) But after maybe 5 minutes of talking about her job, she went "all right..." in a way that suggested she'd like to end the conversation.

I asked what she was planning to do today, and he said she was going to get back to her book and relax. I looked at her book and saw it was written by someone named Satoshi, so I asked her "Is that the guy who invented Bitcoin?" which probably was too nerdy for this girl... Should have asked what the book was about.

Instead I said "nice to meet you", shook her hand again and left.


Probably everything? Lol. Just kidding. I think I did the opener well because she did seem attracted initially. But my big mistake was going on far too long about her work and not being more seductive.

- Should have tried hand clasp instead of handshake
- Could have said something like "Oh I love nurses!" when she told me what she does, to go into a more flirtatious vibe
- Could have delivered a direct compliment about her hair, which is the thing I remember best about her
- She told me she had long work hours, sometimes up to 17 hours. I could have mentioned that my last gf was a doctor, and she sometimes had 24h shifts. Could have worked as a DHV.

It was also a bit weird that she didn't ask me anything about myself, where I'm from, what I do, etc.

Any other thoughts/feedback?
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 15, 2023
It's possible no amount of game would have gotten you to pull - she's just not in that place, ASD, etc. Maybe asking for her phone number earlier in the interaction would have been better? Hindsight is 20/20. I do think when you did ask for her phone number when this interaction was winding down was an organic time to do it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I never asked her for her number. Maybe I should have, but it didn't feel congruent to me in the moment.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Weird day. No approaches. Not even "hi"

For some reason I wasn't in a good mood today. Even though the weather was great, and there were plenty of people on the beach, I didn't open or say "hi" to a single girl.

I had some technical difficulties with my phone that wouldn't connect to the internet for hours, and I tried sorting that out which put me in an analytical mood. I couldn't solve the problem, I assume it was on the provider side because after a while it just started working again.

As for girls, there were quite a few today on the beach, but I made internal excuses for all of them. Either I found them not attractive enough, or they were in 2-sets/groups, or there were too many people close by... The weirdest internal excuse, that I really need to get rid of, was "she looks too young". It so happens that I am most attracted by young looking girls... why wouldn't I want to talk to them and see if they like me back? If I don't, I will never find out.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Talked to two girls on the beach today.

The first one was a local, she was actually really nice, but when I asked her how old she was it turns out she was under 18. So I bailed. I had her guess my age first though, and she said 30 :D

The second girl was from Switzerland. She was by herself on the beach but said she was visiting her boyfriend who lives here. I chatted with her a bit more since she was nice, but again no opportunity to escalate unfortunately.

Oh well at least I tried! 2 chats isn't too bad.
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