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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Not much action today. I saw few single girls, mostly groups and couples.

Tried to open a hot young latina on the beach, but got ignored. I said "hi", but she would just stare at the sea and say nothing. I persisted and said "How's it going?" but still no reply, so I left her alone.

Second opener was a girl that upon approaching I had already decided wasn't really my type. I said "hi" anyway, just to keep my momentum going. She actually said "hi" back really warmly. Unfortunately I didn't stay to chat with her.

GOTTA BE MORE FLEXIBLE and adapt to a girl's reaction.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Opened 2, could have opened way more

I'm not too happy how today went. I was feeling kind of low energy. Still opened two cute girls on the beach, but I got IOIs (smiles) from at least two more so I'm kind of kicking myself that I didn't talk to those as well. My internal excuse was that there are people close by who would watch me talking to them.

FR #1: Russian girl who lived in my native country

Came across her on the beach, found her cute, said hi and she was responsive. So I sat next to her and found out where she was from, and how long she was staying. Turns out she lived in my native country but was born in Russia. Unfortunately she mentioned her boyfriend early in the interaction, so I bailed way too soon.

I could have chatted a bit more with her about life as an expat (I am an expat myself). I would be genuinely curious about her experiences. Could have deep dived her a bit, just for fun.

FR #2: Hot young girl in shorts

Later I saw a girl in shorts that looked very attractive. I went over and after saying hi I asked her, aren't you cold wearing that? She took her headphones out and I had to repeat the question. She said "no, not at all". I tried to converse with her a bit, she was polite but not very interested. Said she was waiting for a friend to arrive.

She kept putting her headphones back in and taking them out again when I talked to her. So I left after a couple of minutes


There were quite a few more attractive girls today on the beach. At least two of them smiled at me when I said "hi".
- One seemed quite tall, and had some noisy guys next to her
- One was writing in a notebook

The first I found too tall really, and I wasn't sure if she was a bit fat also. But hey she smiled, so why the hell didn't I at least ask her where she's from?

The one that was writing in a book, I walked by her, said hi, and she gave me a really nice smile. She didn't say anything though. I assumed I am disturbing her writing so I didn't start a conversation. I really should have...

And there was another cute blonde one sitting by herself a bit down the beach. I think she also smiled when I walked by, not 100% sure though. Much later I saw her leaving, alone.


I guess two girls opened is better than nothing, but I could have done better today.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Thick fog today on the beach, and I didn't see a single single girl. (see what I did there?) If I had met one, we could have had sex then and there and nobody would have noticed because of the fog hahaha... but no such luck!

So I just said a friendly "hi" to a few cute girls that I saw in public transport, but did not open any. I guess I should get into the habit of doing that too. Can't be on the beach all day lol.

For public transport I assume an informational opener would be best, unless you want to be super direct? Direct feels kind of inappropriate in a crowded space but maybe someone reading this has more experience. (Are people still reading this?)
  • Like
Reactions: fog


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Last night I didn't get much sleep, so I was tired today. Too tired to do any decent approaches.

There were a few cuties on the beach and I tried a half-assed low energy "hello" with two or three girls, but didn't get much of a reply. As usual the girls mirrored my internal state perfectly.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
For public transport I assume an informational opener would be best, unless you want to be super direct? Direct feels kind of inappropriate in a crowded space

What i do is either go situational -- eg. damn, is this train always this slow or are we being lucky? -- or come up with something to state about her -- eg. if its late in the evening and shes working on a laptop, ill be like, hey, they really keep you working late. I might also open info -- eg. you know how long it takes to X?

After the opener, i then go on with the convo somehow, maybe with "hows your day going?" followed by a bit of deep diving/playful tease.

But before all this ill glance at her a few times and see if her body language reacts to me. So i basically ping with a few glances and ping again with the opener.

In general this works for me, although its too careful. And if i dont get a clear green right away, i tend to eject -- and regret it later. This is what im working on right now.

EDIT: to answer your question about direct, i personally never use it on public transport as i feel itd lower my chances quite a bit. I dont think it would be inappropriate, I just imagine itd be too strong from her perspective, unless shes basically throwing herself at you. And even then, id probably still go indirect to play a bit.

Good luck!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Thanks Enki, gonna try that!

I also like Chase's line, "Going anywhere interesting?" Probably good to have various options available.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today I was feeling very low energy again, despite getting enough sleep. I didn't do any approaches.

Went to the beach and only saw one girl sitting by herself. I actually walked a big circle just to "casually" walk by in front of her. However she had headphones in, was eating, and staring the other way for at least a minute so definitely gave off vibes of not wanting to be opened. So I didn't even try.

This is the 3rd conescutive day without an approach, so I have to be a bit stricter with myself. If I don't chat with any girls on the beach tomorrow, it's gonna have to be street game. Or public transport. No going home until I talk to at least one girl.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just a few minimal interactions today, but better than nothing.

- Did my usual warmup saying hi to pretty girls. First one ignored me, but I loved the reaction of the second girl: She looked up from her phone in surprise, then saw me smiling at her, smiled back and said hello. I love this exercise when I get a warm reaction!

- There was a chill wind blowing on the beach, even though it was sunny. Everyone was wearing jackets. I walked around a bit looking for girls to approach, but didn't see any at first. Then spotted these two girls lying in a bikin. I wondered if they weren't cold, so I immediately walked over and asked them (in English) "Are you not cold?" One of them replied with a perfect British accent: "A little bit!" I laughed and said "Enjoy the sun", she said "thanks" and I left.

I was expecting them to answer "no, not at all" at which point I was going to say "You must be British!" - But since I didn't get the expected reaction I was thrown off a bit.


- I love the reaction I get from some girls when I say hello to them smiling. It really lifts up my mood!
- I like how I am able to approach most hot girls on the beach now without hesitating too much. This was my principal goal!


- I need to do more volume!
- I would like to be able to approach hot girls on the street as well. Just saying hi doesn't lead anywhere.
- Also would be nice to open girls in the supermarket. I often see quite the hotties there. The staff in the shop where I go every day know me though. Most of them are really nice, but I don't want to get a bad reputation there so I'd have to be discreet about it.
- I'd like to see some results, as in at least #closes or ideally pulling a girl home. The latter is still waaay out of my comfort zone. But I know I will get there eventually. Maybe even sooner than I thought!

I'm going to set myself an ambituous goal here:
KISS CLOSE at least one attractive girl before Christmas (Dec 24 at the latest), from daygame.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Just a few minimal interactions today, but better than nothing.

- Did my usual warmup saying hi to pretty girls. First one ignored me, but I loved the reaction of the second girl: She looked up from her phone in surprise, then saw me smiling at her, smiled back and said hello. I love this exercise when I get a warm reaction!
selling yourself short with these warm ups, go in with the intent of generating conversational momentum. Even if it falls flat. If it ends quickly that's okay. But aim to a little higher than you imagine you can hit.
- There was a chill wind blowing on the beach, even though it was sunny. Everyone was wearing jackets. I walked around a bit looking for girls to approach, but didn't see any at first. Then spotted these two girls lying in a bikin. I wondered if they weren't cold, so I immediately walked over and asked them (in English) "Are you not cold?" One of them replied with a perfect British accent: "A little bit!" I laughed and said "Enjoy the sun", she said "thanks" and I left.

I was expecting them to answer "no, not at all" at which point I was going to say "You must be British!" - But since I didn't get the expected reaction I was thrown off a bit.
Stick in your sets more, go in with no expectations and aim to be in it until everything is said and done. This girl was open to your approach and you could have done more

- I love the reaction I get from some girls when I say hello to them smiling. It really lifts up my mood!
- I like how I am able to approach most hot girls on the beach now without hesitating too much. This was my principal goal!
Congrats on reaching your first principle goal!

- I need to do more volume!
Volume? Perhaps. I'd say more so you aught to milk your sets for more. Stick with them longer and get deeper reference points. Right now your game is very touch and go. All it takes is one good set, seen through to the end, to level up.
- I would like to be able to approach hot girls on the street as well. Just saying hi doesn't lead anywhere.
Experiment with a diverse set of openers
- Also would be nice to open girls in the supermarket. I often see quite the hotties there. The staff in the shop where I go every day know me though. Most of them are really nice, but I don't want to get a bad reputation there so I'd have to be discreet about it.
1: Don't shit where you eat. That into say, don't hit on staff where you game. unless it is super super worth it. It usually isn't though. Way more opportunity to game shoppers than there is to game one staff memembers

2: https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/1-shopping-opener.28215/
- I'd like to see some results, as in at least #closes or ideally pulling a girl home. The latter is still waaay out of my comfort zone. But I know I will get there eventually. Maybe even sooner than I thought!
Stay in set longer
I'm going to set myself an ambituous goal here:
KISS CLOSE at least one attractive girl before Christmas (Dec 24 at the latest), from daygame.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
1: Don't shit where you eat. That into say, don't hit on staff where you game. unless it is super super worth it. It usually isn't though. Way more opportunity to game shoppers than there is to game one staff memembers
Yeah I was referring to customers, not the staff.

Stay in set longer

I think you are spot on with your feedback! Thank you!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Yeah I was referring to customers, not the staff
ah I see. As long as you are chill with the staff and don't get blown out by a set you will be fine. They don't know what your relation is to the gal or what y'all are talking about. A rejection at most will seem like you two just had a small chat in passing. No one will care. Just pace yourself and don't become mister spam approach to where the would be concerned you are harassing customers. You would need an obvious blowout for that to happen, to where a woman is visibly upset, or reports you. Super easy to avoid. Otherwise, what can they do, throw you out for chatting with other people?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Okay @gameboy reviewed a good deal of your reports here.

Seems like you have gotten pretty good at just bringing yourself to approach.

Congrats on making it over that first little hurtle.

That said

Most of these reports all read very similarly. I think this is because you are basically making the same approach again and again. Which is good to get used to approaching. But will only take you so far.

Judging by your posts on the forum I would wager you are a fairly sociable guy. You get social cues fairly well, and are generally positive and outgoing. Is this accurate?

Also you've had around 25 affairs or so, and have done decent with night game/social circle.

If all this is the case I'd say you are perhaps closer to success than you may feel that you are, and you might be able to. Or at least take your game a level deeper.

Shit man, my first same day lay was before I even knew pick up was a thing. Sure I had a little bit of success with women prior, but I was pretty damn shaky when it came to any game. If some dude like me could do it when I was just a dweeb. You can definitely do it, given your previous experience.

You just have to hit on the right connection/chemistry in the right conditions (logistically), and you'll be able to roll with it. One thing will lead to another.

While it is good to make small obtainable goals to keep you in the game, know that the limit of how far you can go might be further than you think. So just be open and flexible when you approach.

This is why I am saying stay in set. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far it will go.

As you've been doing it thus far you are basically bowing out right after the opener. Even sometimes when a gal is receptive to you (I still do it sometimes too. It happens). Stick in there. Give her the opportunity to hook. If she is not quite hooking throw a couple things out there before you are sure it is right to eject.

Go fishing for a common thread you two can hold onto.

You see, generating momentum in a conversation is like starting a lawn mower Sometimes, you have to pull the chord a few times before you get it started.

So, after you open throw out something else, then a other thing, and another. She where she bites and go from there.

I do this by throwing out a series of openers or opener adjacent threads.

Sometimes when I am going indirect and she isn't quite hooking, I'll switch to something more direct, or vice versa. That'll often change gears.

You (indirect): I can tell you are putting a lot of thought into this decision" (While she is considering which shampoo to buy)

Her: haha yeah so many choices. It's overwhelming

You: For real. they don't make it easy on us

Her: totally (the momentum is stalling, time to switch gears

You (going more direct): Well I just thought you were cute, figured I'd say hello

Her: Oh thanks, what's your name? (bingo, she just invested)

Now let's say she doesn't quite hook and invest yet, but she is also hanging around and hasn't really given "okay I'm done now" signals.

That's okay! just come at it from another angle.

Basically from opening to hook we are mixing and matching until it clicks (or is clearly over). Here is a bunch of material you can play with

-Direct/semi direct
"Hey you're cute I wanted to meet you really quick"

"Thought you were cute, figured I'd come say hi"

"Hey, you seem chill, I want to meet you really quick"

"You seem like someone I'd like to meet"

"you were totally reminding me of a former lover for a moment there. You have a totally different vibe though"

-Genuine compliment
"Wow, you're quite graceful when you walk" (direct)

"Do you always stand around looking so confident?"

"Wow, you really know how to put an outfit together"

"I just want to appreciate how happy(relaxed, bright, present, spirited, etc) you seem right now"

"congratulations on having the most colorful scarf in the store right now"

"Dang, you know how to pic the best spot on the beach" (indirect but still a compliment)

"Wow, that seems like a good spot to watch the seagulls"

"you get it all figured out?" (said to the woman at the cafe who just so happens to be closing her laptop as you pass)

"It looks like it's about to drive off into the sunset" (said to the woman examining a picture on the wall of the cafe)

"isn't it amazing how many choices there are" (said to the woman in the grocery isle

"Always feels good to be so close to finishing a book" (observational with a touch of reality pace)

In general you want to maintain an observational mind set, and find ways to sprinkle what you observe into the conversations in ways that feel meaningful and relevant.

-Observations/assumptions about her

"you seem chill"

"you always this kicked back?"

"you seem creative, are you an artist?"

"You in a band or something, you kind of have that vibe?"

"You seem like someone who's well traveled"

"You're not from around here, are you?"

"Let me guess, you're studying biology"

"you seem like someone who would be just at home in the mountains as you are in the city"

"you seem like someone with a sense of purpose" (talk about a way to catch a girl off guard, how many strangers approach you with a comment like this?)

"I can tell you're an honest person"

"uh oh you're trouble" (teasing when she mentions she mentions she's a musician)

"sounds like" (remember this phrase, it will be invaluable)

"it sounds like you are someone who really values downtime"

"I can tell that's something you enjoy"

-Reflecting what she tells you back at her

"Wow, sounds like a difficult choice" (can be said in sincerity, or as a playful tease. So much of conversation is about context)

"well that's exciting!"

-Reality Pacers
In general I think you could be reality pacing more.

Like instead of just going in a telling her an observation straight away be like "you know, there's something I've observed about you, I am curious what you think" (pacing the convo, building intrigue "what's he gonna say next?")

I am going to use two of your reports as example of how you can reality pace

The first is the girl in the purple slippers you met. Instead of just saying "I like your slippers" it could go something like this

You: Congrats on having the coziest slippers on the beach

Her:haha thanks I love em

You: What is it about the perfectly cozy pair of slippers, that makes life so much more relaxing (pacing the convo by setting a tone: life is relaxing)

Or another way that convo could have gone

You: Congratulations on having the most purple slippers I've seen all day

Her: Oh thanks, their my fave

You: What is it about purple that's so mysterious? It's such an evocative color (again setting a tone to the conversation, talk about evocative!)

The other example is when you asked that girl if she was cold and she said yes, you could have paced the tone of the convo with something like "isn't it amazing how being cold makes life a little more charged. Like you have to be more present. Keeps you on your toes" (pacing reality, implying that this moment is one to pay attention to, be present with, that adventure might be afoot)

There are many ways to pace reality, and many depths you can take reality pacing to. For the sake of opening and hooking though, keep your reality paces somewhat light and relatable. As opposed to more in depth and dynamic reality paces you might implement later in the seduction.

You are pacing to set the tone

-Logistical seeking questions that also allow for rapport

"What are you up today?"

"You always shop for shampoo on a Friday night?"

"You seem chill, is it your day off or something?"

"sounds like you're working a lot, these days"

"spending you're day shopping?"

"so what's a gal like you do when shes not deliberating which shampoo to buy?"

"So, it's dinner and Netflix tonight?" (said to woman grocery shopping)

"Hanging out at the beach all day?, don't you have to patients to take care of?" (said to girl who is studying to be a nurse)

"Okay, how many people are you cooking for tonight?" (said to woman with packed shopping cart)

You will find tons of low key ways to gather logistics that don't feel invasive. Logistic questions also can change the gear of the conversation towards that allows for some rapport building. Like now the conversation gets slightly more personal.

The thing with logistical questions is she will probably tell you important info in response. Like now you know she has the next day off and she is cooking dinner by herself ;)

-Relate something about self

Make sure this is
A: relevant to the situation
B: Moves the convo forward, ultimately back to her

otherwise it is just that weird thing strangers do sometimes where they tell you some irrelevant thing about themselves and you are like "okay why are you telling me this"

But yeah, if it feels like it moves things forward you can throw out personal stories/info

Like for example say she is a tourist visiting town, and this is her first time out of her home country. You can relate something like "right on, I remember the first time I left my country for the first time. It was such an experience. This feeling of unknown possibility (note the reality pace as well). So what's you're favorite part so far?(bringing it back to her"

Give her an opportunity to see a small piece of yourself. That can often hook a girl

-Asking for compliance

We've already discussed asking for compliance a bunch so I'm just gonna give a couple brief examples.

"let me see" (said to woman reading a book you two started discussing)

"That's a pretty good color, hold on put your arm out" (grabbing a shirt she is looking at off the rack and holding the sleeve to her arm)

Putting it together
Okay, there's a lot here and I'm running out of steam.

I just wanted to leave you with a lot of material so you can start mixing and matching to generate more momentum.

While a lot of these techniques can work in later stages of a seduction to get deeper, think of all these examples as first phase examples. So you are keeping things light and playful.

Some of these examples can work as openers. Some of the work better a couple moments into the convo. But you can make tweaks to all this material to make it fit in at different points. You can modify it to be an opener, come right after an opener, or switch gears.

A lot of this material can work from open to hook, but also can work well after hook.

Shuffle through a number of techniques and approaches until it clicks. Not in a manner that overwhelms her. You are not a machine gun here. But in a paced manner that feels relevant.

You are just ping ponging back and forth with her until there is some momentum. And she hooks.

It often doesn't take much before the engine turns. Just a couple turns of the key, so to speak.

Then once you find a good conversational thread to ride, hang with it until a high point and make a move (be it number close, or instant date, depending on logistics).

One last tip

Get in a sort of observational, flexible mindset and just adjust what material you use based on what she throws at you.

When you are not approaching, observe your surroundings. Think of interesting observations you could share. Reality paces you could make about the circumstances.

Think of things you could say to anybody, not just the pretty gals you see. Ways you might approach them. Things you could say to start a conversation.

Slow down and be present.

Let things come to you in a way that is free flowing. Have prepared material, but don't be hung up on it

Have predetermined goals, but don't let them be your limit.

Be in the flow, follow the inspiration.

You are ready to bring more spice to your conversations.

You got this man.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
How would you say your fundamentals are?

Your fashion
Your Voice/the way you pace your speech
The way you move
The way you hold yourself
Your presence
Your eye contact

Those sorts of things.

While a lot of the material I shared is verbal, the heart of it all is what you subcommunicate with your fundamentals.

So while it is important to have the conversational chops, what's more important is what is underneath it all.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Thanks @StrayDog for your very detailled feedback! It's going to take some time to absorb all this. But I already incorporated your advice to stay in set longer. Today I stayed longer than ever with a girl I met on the beach. FR incoming, but not sure if I will get around to it tonight as I am a bit tired.

Yeah I would say I am sociable and intuitive. I can usually read other people's feelings pretty well.

As for my fundamentals, I think they are Ok. I try to maintain good posture and a slow walk, but sometimes when talking to a girl I forget my posture and kind of slag off a bit. Once I notice, I pull myself up to a straight posture again.

I make eye contact a lot, did it again with the girl today. She had beautiful black eyes (a dark skinned Venezoelan chick).

I dress a bit edgy, but fashionable. I am a musician and have played in various bands, and like to look the part. Sometimes girls compliment me on my style, so I think it's not too bad.

I do have some visible health challenges though (that I'd rather not specify), so that's a negative. Most girls are cool with it but it tends to get me self-conscious a lot. Once I'm talking to a girl though, I tend to forget about any of this. When in conversation with a girl I like, I am normally quite present and not thinking about other stuff... Except today, I tried to remember the things I'm learning here but I really couldn't remember much while in set, haha!

One thing I figured out today: I think I know why I tend to get touchy with girls after a while. This is what I always used to do in night game! When I am in a club and talking with a girl about intimate stuff for half an hour or more, it is usually time to grab the girl and draw her in for a kiss. At least that's how I always did it, I know some people here will say "never kiss a girl in public". But personally, I used to pull a fair number of girls from night club makeouts to my place or to hers.

So I'm basically used to drunk club game. I don't drink any more and rarely go to clubs these days. For day game I may need to recalibrate...

I should probably attempt to move a girl instead of carressing her after having a good half hour of chat? Or can the night club technique also work on the beach? My sample size isn't big enough yet...
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
So here's the Field Report from yesterday: https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/crazy-waitress.28392/

This girl was very interesting. And I finally stayed in set until the girl left!

I could have probably number closed her, she was quite nice, but I saw too many red flags. I did enjoy talking to her though. I find it fascinating to talk to attractive girls even if nothing more happens... and the ones that are a bit crazy are definitely fascinating, if not necessarily the ones you want to get together with.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today I had one good interaction with a girl, and again I bailed too early. I'll post the report here instead of the Field Reports board, because I think I already know all there is too learn from it: "Always try to at least #close" haha


So I saw this girl on the beach that had a little kitten on a leash. I say "hello" as I walk by her, actually more to the kitten than to the girl lol, but she says "hello" back with a big friendly smile, so I decide to chat her up. The girl is slightly chubby, not fat, but I am normally more into the petite girls. She is really talkative and open though, so I stay for a good while.

I play with the kitten for a bit, and she tells me its name. I find out where she's from, and that she's only moved to my city like 2 weeks ago. She's here for work, tells me she works as a train steward (if that what it's called in English). We chat back and forth for a good 10-15 minutes, and again I completely forget about any pickup tech. I'm just being my usual self. She is smiling all the time and is very open and friendly, and is also playing with the kitten so she isn't completely focussed on me.


However after a while I decide she is not really my type, and tell her I've got to get going. Big mistake! I should have at least seeded the idea of having a coffee with her some day, and get her number. If not stayed in set altogether, because I didn't find any other approachable girls that day. But of course I didn't know that at the time.

This girl was definitely open to meet people as she was new in town. Even a platonic friendship would have been better than just walking away.

Gotta be a bit less picky, dear Gameboy!!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I got approached myself today. In a kind of weird way!

I read today's GC article about getting younger girls when you're older, which is very much what I'm about :) So I practiced walking around today like I'm some kind of star. Let's say George Clooney.


I must have done a good job at it, because a young girl kind of apporached me on the bus. I was getting off the bus, and this blonde blue-eyed girl smiled at me as I was standing in the bus door waiting for it to open. I smiled back, and she got up from her seat. Then she said to me "What a pity it's Monday!" so I was like "You don't like Mondays?" She shook her head. I asked her "why? work?" and she's like "I wish it was Friday!"

The bus doors opened and I got off. She stayed inside though, so I couldn't keep talking to her. I had assumed she would be getting off with me but she didn't. Oh well! But how weird is that? I literally never get opened by girls, especially not young ones haha. I guess all this approaching and doing "walking around like you're the prize" exercises really do work! Even though I didn't consciously do any of this on the bus. I merely remember smiling at the (female) driver when getting on the bus and saying hello to her (which is customary where I live).


As for approaching myself, I didn't do any today. On the beach there were 2 girls sitting by themselves, but they were only OK looking. The first one, I got the angle of approach wrong. I came up from behind, and she looked kind of scared when I walked by and glanced at her. I stopped for a while checking my phone, then slowly walked back. She looked at me a couple of times but I was a bit far away from her to open.

Girl 2 on the beach, I walked by her and she gave me a kind of weirded out look that didn't make me feel welcome.

Anyway, both of them were maybe ok looking but not really the type of girls I'm excited about. Talk about being too picky! Hehe


I decided to go to the mall and I really did see some way hotter girls there. However, there were all either with family, boyfriends, or a group of friends much younger than myself which would have made it extremely weird to approach them there.


I want to approach the hotties! The ones that make me excited when I talk to them. That make me feel like I'm out of my comfort zone.
  • The ones with jet black hair all the way down to the waist.
  • The ones with skin tight leggings and a perfect ass.
  • The ones with tight tops that show their nipples. (I'm seeing more and more girls dressed like that recently. LOVE it!! Today I saw two. The first one was in the street, and I actually was about to approach but her bf appeared from out of nowhere and put her arms around her. The second one was in the mall, and looked more like a lesbian actually and was a bit fat and with a female friend.)
  • The cockteases with the upper part of their tanga looking out from their low-sitting jeans. (Saw one of those today too. Just wow. But she was with her two friends, one male one female.)
That's what I want!

And I will make it work.
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