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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Quick update about yesterday evening:

I left the house after dark to go to a supermarket. On my way I came across this incredibly hot girl dressed in a short skirt, high boots, and one of these tops that have a cut-out over the breasts (I'm not sure if this counts as cleavage, because they are closed around the neck). She looked like she was going out to party (it was Friday evening, around 8-9pm) but she was actually walking her dog.

She looked at me as I walked by, so I could easily have said at least "hello" or even gave her a compliment over her sexy style. But I was in "game-off" mode at the time, because it was already night.

Maybe a good opener would have been "Wow, you sure look sharp walking your dog!" or something like that. People walking dogs are usually in a social mood... at least I assume so? When I had a dog I was chatting with other dog owners all the time, as our dogs would sniff each other and do their thing.

EDIT: Also random people would come up and play with our dog a bit. Especially young girls and kids. But this was completely normal at the time, and it could've been an excellent avenue for an opener...

Just thinking out loud here! Gotta be prepared for the next time something like this happens :)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Got 2 decent beach approaches in, but not satisfied with the results

Today it was a bit warmer, and it's Saturday, so the beach was fuller than yesterday. I wanted to go for a swim before doing approaches, so I went to a quiet corner of the beach first.

The water was cold today, and jumping in was a bit like approaching a girl. It takes a lot of courage at first, but then it feels good. As I was standing in the waves, I noticed a single girl arriving and posting herself close to me. I'm coming to believe that there are no coincidences in pickup, so I assume she did that on purpose. She was wearing sunglasses, but she seemed to be looking at me quite often.

I thought she was Okay looking, but not super attractive. I probably should have opened her anyway, at least for practice. But I didn't.


Once I was dry, I walked over to a busier part of the beach to get some approaches in. I hadn't done any warmups today, and it was hard to get going. I noticed one super hot Asian-looking chick lying by herself, but didn't have the guts to approach. Not even to say "hi"! She was very slim, with small tits, but for me that's totally fine as long as the rest of the body is slim also. I'm very much into petite girls.

So I couldn't get myself to open her, and eventually she left. That took the pressure off me and I now said "hi" to cute girls all over the place (it was pretty crowded today). The reactions I got were all over the place, as well: Some ignored me, others smiled and said "hi" back. One girl (in a 3F-set) actually winked back at me while vaping, which I thought was a pretty sexy way of replying. I didn't yet feel confident enought to open a 3F set at that point though.


I walked to a less crowded area of the beach and saw a girl sitting by herself, taking pictures with her phone. At first I didn't open her, but then on my way back I walked past her again and thought screw it, it's time to get started. Here's how it went:

Me - Hi! (walking)
Girl - Hi
Me - (Stop walking) How's it going?
Girl - Good!
Me - Taking pictures?
Girl - Yes, the light is lovely!
Me - It is indeed at this time of day! (The sun was setting, which is the best time for taking photos)
Me - Are you from around here?
Girl - No, from G city
Me - Oh, very nice! Do you like it here?
Girl - Yes, but G is better
Me - Haha, but you don't have a beach there!
Girl - Yes we do! It's just a bit away from the city
Me - Ok a bit far

At this point I got a good look at her face, and felt she wasn't really all that attractive. I believe she must have read my reaction, because she picked up her phone again.

Me - All right... (turning away)
Girl - Bye! (starting to take pictures again)
Me - Bye, enjoy your stay

It's weird how much emotions are contagious, and how girls apparently can "read our mind"! Maybe not literally, but she must have interpreted some nonverbal, unconcious sign of mine and decided this isn't going anywhere. She picked up her phone at the exact moment that I felt I'm not that much into her really.


I sat down to put my shoes on (which takes a while because I have to get all the sand of my feet first). I noticed three girls close by who were taking pictures of each other. One of them was real hot, the 2nd one was cute, and the 3rd one not so much. I had actually said hi to the 3 before, and the cute one had smiled at me.

I was just looking at them and wondered where they were from. My old self wouldn't have approached and just stared. But my new self decided just go ahead and find out :) So I jogged over to them and asked "Excuse me, where are you from?"

Unfortunately the one to answer me was the non-cute one. She said "well I'm from X, and she is from Y" pointing at the cute one. The hot one was standing a bit apart taking pictures of the sea, and didn't even notice my approach unfortunately. I was like, "OK thanks, just curious! Btw you are very cute, all three of you!" and the cute one actually smiled and said thank you :)


So today I walked home with mixed feelings. On one hand I am proud that I got this far, but I also see that I still have to get much better at this.

Chase has an article about reactions versus results. It's nice to get positive reactions, and even just a smile or a wink can lift up my mood considerably. Which helps for future approaches. However, I'm going home alone again... and I could definitely use some nice female company here!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: No approaches today

Today was another uneventful day. I did my usual rounds in the city center and on the beach, but didn't approach any girls. I said "hi" to some and got a few smiles, but that was about it.

I saw a few girls that I found sort of attractive, but then for some reason or other didn't like all that much. Are my standards too high? Should you lower your standards a bit when starting out?


For instance, walking along the beach I saw one girl that looked hot from a distance and seemd to have a good body. Her hair was half-long and hid her face at first. As I walked by, I smiled at her from about 10-20m distance and I think she smiled back. At least she was looking at me several times which I would say is a clear IOI. It would have been a bit high-effort to walk over to her as I was walking along the shore and she was sitting higher up. Also, when I saw her face, I wasn't too impressed, I mean she wasn't ugly but also didn't strike me as a beauty. But maybe that's just bullshit, and my subconscious is making up excuses to not approach?


On my way back home, I saw a very beautiful girl waiting at a traffic light. She was quite young though, and was talking to a (female) friend. I actually walked back and pretended to look at the timetable of a nearby bus stop to get a couple better looks at her. I was thinking about telling her that I found her very attractive, but her being with a friend, plus our age difference, stopped me from doing it.

Any feedback would be appreciated!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 5, 2023
I don't want to be pessimistic with you but I never liked the idea of starting out by just saying hi to girls unless you are really an Asperger and I have many reasons for that:

1- Deep down we all (normal dudes) know that saying "hi" is not a big deal or a big challenge so be prepare later for when you don't see much progress and still struggling to have a decent conversation after months of saying hi

2- nail this in your head. Saying hi excircise won't liberate you from approach anxiety and other inner game issues. Nobody can't get rid of it. It is just that simple!

3- "Hi" is quite low quality opener which means that when approaching girls you wanna come across as someone who is intriguing and causes her to feel a range of emotions. It is not surprising you get a lot of rolled eyes or sort of confusion from girls because women are prepared to reject boring guys quite fast.

I can spot lots of inner game issues, confidence deficiencies and lot of social conditioning on you. You can say hi to warm up for couple times but spending an entire day or days and moths stuck in saying hi is just ridiculous.

Just stop saying hi. Ged rid of that opener


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I don't want to be pessimistic with you but I never liked the idea of starting out by just saying hi to girls unless you are really an Asperger and I have many reasons for that:

1- Deep down we all (normal dudes) know that saying "hi" is not a big deal or a big challenge so be prepare later for when you don't see much progress and still struggling to have a decent conversation after months of saying hi

2- nail this in your head. Saying hi excircise won't liberate you from approach anxiety and other inner game issues. Nobody can't get rid of it. It is just that simple!

3- "Hi" is quite low quality opener which means that when approaching girls you wanna come across as someone who is intriguing and causes her to feel a range of emotions. It is not surprising you get a lot of rolled eyes or sort of confusion from girls because women are prepared to reject boring guys quite fast.

I can spot lots of inner game issues, confidence deficiencies and lot of social conditioning on you. You can say hi to warm up for couple times but spending an entire day or days and moths stuck in saying hi is just ridiculous.

Just stop saying hi. Ged rid of that opener
Given that it is your first substantial post on this forum, I will just ignore your comments about being Asperger and your supposed ability to spot deficiencies in me.

Yes, saying "hi" is easy, but it wasn't for me when I started this exercise. Maybe you only read the first few posts of my journal, but by now I am using "hi" just as a warm up exercise. I've talked to more girls from cold approach in the last week than I have in all of my previous life, so that is a huge success.

How about some constructive criticism instead. What do *you* do to get in state and start conversations with attractive girls?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 5, 2023
Given that it is your first substantial post on this forum, I will just ignore your comments about being Asperger and your supposed ability to spot deficiencies in me.

Yes, saying "hi" is easy, but it wasn't for me when I started this exercise. Maybe you only read the first few posts of my journal, but by now I am using "hi" just as a warm up exercise. I've talked to more girls from cold approach in the last week than I have in all of my previous life, so that is a huge success.

How about some constructive criticism instead. What do *you* do to get in state and start conversations with attractive girls?
I don’t warm up mate. I don’t believe in that. I don’t think a high value man needs to warm up. It is ridiculous. Once I see a hot girl I go straight to the pickup. I don’t care if it is my first approach or whatever. I don’t know about you but I would kill myself (**figuratively) if I just say hi to an attractive girl and then tell myself I was just warming 😡
I would rather get a rejection. It is nicer lol 😉


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Approached more girls than ever today, and still walked home kicking myself

So today went great. Did my usual "hi"s to warm up, then on the beach did some real approaches.


Walking on the shore I came across these 2 really attractive girls that were taking selfes very close to each other. These were the type of girls that I would have been scared shitless to approach just a week or two ago.

At first I walked by, then stopped at a "safe" distance. They were really hot, so I couldn't help myself but keep checking them out as they did their silly poses for the selfies. After half a minute or so a old, fat guy appeared and planted themselves right in front of them. I thought, now I'm fucked. How am I gonna approach them with this dude standing in the way? But then I was like, fuck it. I just walked towards them, turned around just at the right moment (when I was in front of them) and said "What a beautiful couple you are!".

They stared at me in silence for a second. Then one of them said "Thank you!", smiling. I wanted to follow up, but I just had to burst out laughing. So I continued walking.

A bit later the crazy guy who sells drinks on the beach passed by them, and chatted them up for like 5 minutes. Granted, they bought a drink of him. But that guy defnitely has some game that I still have yet to learn. He is not attractive at all, and the people selling stuff on the beach are generally poor as fuck. And he still chatted with these two cuties for longer than I have ever been able to from cold approach.


There were quite a few attractive girls on the beach today. I walked around looking who to chat to, and one of them looked directly at me, so I said "Hi". She said "hi" back, smiling. I was like "How's your day going?" and she said "good". She wasn't immensely attractive, but OK looking, and she seemed quite open to my approach. So I crouched down in front of her and asked where she was from. She said "from X country". I tried to chat with her a bit, but it turned out she didn't speak the local language very well. Also as I tried to talk to her, she started looking down more and more, and in the end she said "I don't speak X very well, sorry". So I said "No worries, enjoy your stay!" and left.

A bit later her boyfriend came over and sat next to her, so that was why she was evasive :)


I came across another very attractive girl, taking pictures of the sea. (Seems like everyone does this here!) Something about her body language didn't strike me as very open to an approach. Nevertheless I walked by in front of her, turned my head at the right moment, smiled at her and just said "Beautiful!" in English. She said "Thank you!" I was like "You're welcome!", continuing to walk. She laughed :)

A moment later, this girls boyfriend came up to her from behind and started kissing her. Some narrow escapes today!

I walked around a bit more, and saw a girl who I wanted to approach. As I got closer though, that girls boyfriend appeared from out of nowhere. Is it couples' day today or something?

I think i said "hi" or talked to some more girls but don't remember the details.


I was quite happy with my performance today. I had opened a female couple (not sure if they were lesbians, but they were certainly cuddling and behaving like they might be) of HB10s, chatted with another girl until getting soft-rejected, and given a genuine compliment to a girl that looked rather closed-off but still gave me a good reaction.

In an almost empty part of the beach, I saw this hot girl in a black bikini and an oversized jeans jacket. She was - you guessed it! - taking selfies. However by her movements I was at first assuming she was talking to someone on video chat as I arrived, so I didn't say anything to her in the moment. Big mistake...

I placed myself close to her and got dressed, as the sun was setting and it was getting cold. She had a large backpack with her and looked like she was travelling. These are probably the easiest girls to get laid with, if you know what you are doing. However... I didn't. I thought about how and when to approach her constantly. She really had a good body, maybe 25 years old or so, nice dark hair, slim, good tits... cute face...

And I didn't approach. Once you think about it, you are pretty much screwed I guess... In the end, she got dressed (short skirt, yummy) and left the beach.

I could still have gone after her, because she was sitting around on the edge of the beach for quite a while, putting her shoes on. But let's face it, I was scared. Am I scared of getting results? After all, I haven't had a real date in ages...
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
It's weird how much emotions are contagious, and how girls apparently can "read our mind"! Maybe not literally, but she must have interpreted some nonverbal, unconcious sign of mine and decided this isn't going anywhere. She picked up her phone at the exact moment that I felt I'm not that much into her really.
She probably had other guys give her the same look before and then proceed to not do anything with her (because they weren't attracted), when a girl sees your lack of interest, they are quick to eject.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
After the excitement of the last two days, today was uneventful. I walked around all afternoon, but didn't see any attractive approachable women. I did say Hi to a few girls on the beach, but more out of boredom than because I found them incredibly attractive. Only one of them responded positively, smiling and waving back at me, but she was not my type at all unfortunately.

Oh and there was this one girl posing for photos, in a bikini. It was already late and everybody else was fully clothed, so she stood out. She had a good body. I stopped and looked at her from 5m distance, she looked back a bit defiantly (a bit like "what are you staring at?"). I said out very loud for all the people around us to hear, "How beautiful!" She threw her head back and laughed. She wasn't really my type either, but she had a good body and apparently loved my compliment :)

I didn't hear back from the girl from yesterday. I texted her yesterday night but she left me on read. Something must have put her off, I suppose it was my prolonged putting-my-arm-over-her-shoulder while watching the sunset. I really don't know why I did that, it has never worked with women (that I was not already together with) and probably never will.

Oh well, you live you learn. I'm still stoked how yesterday went, even if I never see that girl again. Who knows, maybe I'll ping her in a couple of days just in case. But my main focus now is on making more and better approaches.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Had good chats with 3 girls today. No closes though.

FR 1: Latin American model girl

This was one of the girls I just said "hi" to, walking along the beach, to warm up and get in state. As I learned later, she was from South America, but she looked very European, with ginger half-long hair, white skin, and a short summer dress. She was sexy, but not necessarily my type.

A bit later, she reopened me and asked me to take some pictures of her, standing with her feet in the ocean. I was happy to, and also directed her to look at the camera while turning her back and ass toward me so the photo looks much sexier than when we just see her from the back. (compliance) I have done some model photography before, and it's really fun directing the girls to do this sexy pose, and that sexy pose... maybe I should take that up again actually!

Later we looked at the pictures together and chatted for a while. I told her she looked sexy in the photos. I found out where she was from, and that she was travelling. She was learning a language that I speak fluently, and I offered her to chat with me for practice (attempted #close). However she declined and said she was leaving town.

It was a fun interaction nonetheless, and I hugged her goodbye.

FR 2: Tattooed hippie girl

I saw a girl sitting under a palm tree, looking at me. She had long, bare legs which was reason enough for me to check her out. I wandered past her to a trash can, getting a closer look at her walking by. She was blonde, and her bare legs were covered in tattoos. She was looking at me also, not smiling, her face was a bit serious actually.

Walking back from the trash can, I stopped inconspiciously beside her. Gave her some time to get accustomed to my presence, then opened her saying "hi". She said "hi" back. I asked "How's it going?" She answered very quietly, saying "good". I was considering whether to abort but decided to wait for a bit. After a second or so, she asked "and you?" so I was in.

I crouched next to her and asked her where she's from. She said X country. I said I'm from Y country, she acknowledged but without smiling. This girl was a bit serious in her demeanor.

I sat, and we chatted for a good half an hour or so. I found out she was looking for work (I could have offered her some... hehe... but I don't do it anymore for money, thank you very much). She had lived in hippie communes and done jobs such as picking fruit, taking care of sheep, and things like that. I found it fascinating to hear her experiences, as I'm very much a city guy myself.

I didn't find her very sexually appealing, I mean she had a good body but a bit thicc for my taste. Also she was quite serious, she did smile at me quite often during the conversation, but then she returned to her serious default. I am generally more attracted to girls that have this smily-flirty vibe if you know what I mean.

Afte a while I decided to move along, so I hugged her goodbye and said "See you around". I didn't try to get her number or close her in any way. I guess if I come across her again, she'll be good social proof. Let's just be friends :)

FR #3: Armenian coffee shop girl

On my way back home I went for a coffee. While waiting to be served I spotted a cute, small blond girl next to me who had some kind of green drink. (I think she was actually bleached blonde, as a darker hair color showed underneath. Looked good though.)

I asked her what she was drinking, turns out it was a matcha latte which I have never tried. I asked her about matcha and we chatted for a few minutes. Found out she was Armenian and living in another European country. She asked me what it's like to live here. When I got served my drink I asked where she was seated, she said upstairs. I asked whether she wanted company as we had a good vibe, but she said she's with a friend. So I said "nice to meet you" and went to sit on my own.


I love to be able to chat up all these girls. This is such an improvement over my previous life. I can now just go out and meet girls without having to go to night clubs or get drunk or going to events I'm not really interested in.

Of course, I'm not doing much seduction yet. But I feel I'm getting pretty good at opening, and even hooking is turning out easier than I imagined it to be! Most girls seem quite happy to talk to me. That is, if they let me open them at all.

In retrospect, I should have tried a cold read on the tattooed hippie girl. She looked like an artistic person, and I could have told her that.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Two compliment openers in the street. No luck on the beach today


I really wanted to practice some street game after my successes on the beach, so I looked out for girls to give a genuine compliment to. The first one was a woman that looked like she was in her 30s or maybe around 40. She was wearing some Western boots that seem to be fashionable right now, and I liked them. While she walked by me I said to her "I like your boots!". She laughed, but didn't stop or say anything back. Seemed to be busy with something on her phone.

Later I saw a girl chasing after a bus. She was dressed all in black, smaller than me, with a real good body and nice ass. Very slim, with a good figure. Her hair was long, brunette near the top, and dyed blonde below. She ran after a bus, but missed it. I was taking the bus to the beach, and she ended up in the same bus with me.

That woman happened to get off at the same stop as me. Judging from her face, she might actually be close to my age. But she had a really good body and looked attractive.

I let her get off first, and once outside said to her "You have beautiful hair!" She didn't hear me because she was wearing big headphones. She took them off and said "What?" and I repeated, "Your hair is very beautiful!" Seeming genuinely happy, she said "Oh, thank you so much!" and went on her way.

It felt really good to give that compliment and make a beautiful lady smile!


The weather wasn't great today, and I didn't find many approachable girls on the beach. There was one girl with long dark hair sitting on a wall, writing on a notepad. She looked attractive from behind.

I pre-opened her by walking by her, and after maybe 5 meters I stopped in her field of view to check my phone for a minute. Then I slowly walked back towards her her. i looked at her when close. She was good looking, but wouldn't look up from her writing. So I took that as an indication of indifference and didn't approach.

The only other girl I found attractive was a young black girl sitting on the shore. I liked her outfit, she was wearing a short skirt, black tights and black boots. She had black gloves on as it was cold, and also had a very pretty face.

I walked by in front of her, but there were people sitting very close to her both on her left and on her right. That made me much more self-concious about opening her. They would have heard every word. She also looked the other way as I walked by, which is not a good sign. Otherwise I would probably at least said "hello".

When I was getting ready to leave the beach, I saw she was leaving too so I called out to her from a short distance "Excuse me... Hello... sorry" but she completely ignored me. She also had earphones in... for plausible deniability, I guess...


I'm glad I got some direct compliment openers in on the street. I find approaching on the street much harder than on the beach, because most people seem to be in a rush going somewhere, talking on the phone, or whatever.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Getting good at eye-flirting. Three missed chances on the beach

WARMING UP: Smile, look a lady in the eye, say hello

I'm getting really good at this saying hi thing, apparently. The first girl today I smiled at, and she said "hi" at exactly the same moment that I did. Almost felt like she was opening me!

The 2nd girl replied in a very friendly way too. She was a bit older unfortunately, but good enough looking. I said hi as I passed by her, and she said "Hi how's it going?" back. I smiled at her but don't remember if I said anything back. Anyway, I came across her again a couple of minutes later, and she asked me if I had a lighter. I didn't. But it was almost as if she was reopening me. She wasn't really my type, but I proabably should have chatted with her more.

BEACH: Missed my chances, standards too high

On the beach there weren't too many people today, as it was very cold. I had at least two opportunities though, maybe three. One of them was a younger girl with glasses staring at the sea. I passed her by twice, but somehow didn't mange to open. I'm not sure why, maybe she wasn't *exactly* my type, but I didn't even say hi for some reason.

The second one was a girl reading a book. I passed by behind her instead of in front. This was a mistake because from behind she looked a bit older and fat. Later I saw her from a different angle, and saw that she was indeed young and not that fat after all. But I didn't feel like walking all the way back to her. She was also lying down on her back reading, and I found it difficult to approach in a situation like that.

The 3rd missed chance was a blonde girl who I also passed by twice, the first time she didn't make eye contact, but I said hi to her anyway. She had headphones in, so plausible deniability, but I think she did notice. (Actually, girls ALWAYS notice if your attention is focussed on them. Even if you're just looking at them from behind. I don't know how, but they ALWAYS seem to notice. They just don't always react.)

On my way back, she did look at me. I said hi and she said hi back in a friendly way. I asked "how are you", and she said "good". Though I did find her a bit aloof. I think that was why I didn't feel like talking to her.

BONUS: Supermarket eye-flirt with a cute girl with boyfriend

Waiting to be attended in the supermarket, I let an old bent over man go ahead of me. While waiting, I talked a bit to the man. I noticed a really cute girl smiling at me, and I smiled back. We made eye contact three times and smiled at each other, with her boyfriend standing right there! This stuff is magic...


I really need to lower my standards a bit if I want to get better at this. Even if it is just to find out where a girl is from, or if she seems interested or disinterested interesting or uninteresting when I talk to her.

I think next time I should force myself to try and make at least a couple of lines of smalltalk with any single girls I see sitting on the beach. After all, women love to talk! So why not give them an opportunity.

That said, I don't want to talk to old women or ugly ones... where would you draw the line?
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Tried a funny opener in the street, then chatted with a travelling girl on the beach

I only did two major approaches today. With "major", I mean the interesting ones. I'm still walking around saying "hi" to girls that catch my eye pretty much everywhere, because it's fun, many girls like it, and it's a great preopener. However I'm not going to list all of those here because I don't want to bore you to death.

WARMUP: Purple slipper girl

As soon as I walked out the house today, I saw a cute girl walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. I was on my way to grab a morning coffee and I have never approached a girl this quick after leaving my house, but I decided to try and open her anyway.

Preopen: I stood somewhere she would walk by and checked my phone. As she came closer, I glanced at her. She had long curly brown hair and was wearing a pullover and tight, shiny black pants. Also, she was wearing black socks and... purple slippers!

At first I couldn't make up my mind what to compliment her on, so I didn't say anything and walked behind her for a few seconds. She was walking quite slowly, looking at her phone. I had a chance to check out her perfect ass... hehe.... but I didn't want to compliment her on that. She seemed quite young, and I didn't want to come across as a dirty old man. The second most interesting thing about her were her slippers.

I overtook her and then said, kind of over my shoulder: "Your slippers are awesome!" The look on her face was priceless: A mixture of disbelief, and amusement. I could see she had braces. She didn't say anything, so I rephrased: "I like your slippers!" She laughed but didn't answer, instead signalled that she had to keep going. I let her go, laughing, and making my way to the coffee place. Great start to the day.

BEACH OPENER: Travelling girl

It's getting colder, and it's harder to find approachable girls on the beach. I think I saw the girl with glasses again today that I failed to open yesterday, and today I said hi to her. She didn't react at all though, just looked the other way. Seems like she wasn't interested.

I walked around for a while, and only saw one girl sitting by herself that looked like she might be attractive. So I walked by in front of her slowly, and looked at her. She had a hood on and was doing something on her phone, didn't even look up until I said "hi". Then she said "hi" back, I asked "how's it going?" and she said "fine".

There was a tent on the beach close by her, so I asked her if she lives there. She replied asking if I speak English? I said yes, and repeated the question in English. She laughed and said no, unfortunately not. I then crouched and later sat next to her and we chatted for about 5 to 10 minutes. She took her hood off, and I saw that she was actually quite pretty.

Like most women that I've decided I want to talk to, once I opened her, this one too was quite friendly and talkative.

I found out that she was travelling with a friend, and they had parted ways for an hour and were planning to meet up again later. She asked me for some information to visit a local tourist attraction where they were planning to meet.

At one point she talked about planning to visit some museums, and after talking about the museums here for a bit I used the chance to qualify her asking "Are you an artist?". She told me that she writes, and was actually doing some writing when I opened her. I asked her a bit about that, deep diving and asking her whether she plans to publish her writing (she didn't). I told her how I also do some writing i.e. this journal :) (I said it's private though).

After about 10 minutes had passed she told me she had to leave to meet her friend. I said "okay nice to meet you" and we shook hands.

I actually saw her again later, walking with her guy friend. I figured it's probably her bf if they are travelling together, so I didn't reopen.


It was good to get some practice in. Even if the convo with the traveller girl led nowhere, it was still fun. Also it's good to stay in the habit of approaching.

I should probably do more street game to get more volume in, but on the beach it's just so much easier to hook... if you can find someone to talk to, that is! It's becoming tricky at this time of the year.

In summer I will probably turn into an approach monster! :)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Not much to report today. The weather was gloomy, and I saw almost no attractive girls outside. Also, I read some depressing news (about one of the ongoing wars) just before going out, which didn't put me in the best mood.

Nevertheless, when I was almost home I saw a cute red-haired girl crossing my path. I changed direction to follow her, and just as I was close, she turned around. Her face was beautiful. I said "hello", she said "hello" back in a relaxed voice. Unfortunately my momentum was low at that point so I didn't start a conversation. But hey, even that little success lifted my mood.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today was another gloomy day, with low hanging clouds and cold wind. I saw almost no hot babes out and about. Where are they all hiding? Like it wasn't even raining. 0 approaches today, didn't even say "hi" to any strangers.

The only interaction I had was with an Italian girl in a coffee shop. She was the hottest one of a large group of early 20s-looking girls who sat around a table close to me. Two of them were hot, and the one I liked most came over to aks if she could grab a chair from my table. So she actually opened me. I seized the moment and asked her where they were from, and cold read them as Italian which was actually true. Chatted for half a minute then she re-joined her group.

I will try to keep posting here every day, to keep the pressure on and not slack off during winter. It's a difficult time for cold approach, but once it gets warmer I'll be killing it if I keep practicing!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Light rain today. I still went out on the prowl. Guess I must be hooked haha.

Few attractive girls out today, lots of families and older women. Didn't get to practice any real openers. At least I said "hi" to 4 girls. Most gave me surprised looks, and one answered "Hello" in a polite and rather cold way.

It's amazing how people are used to not interacting in big cities. I'm having fun breaking that social norm though. But now my feet are hurting from walking around for too many hours during too many consecutive days.

Maybe I can find a way to make this more efficient. My previous tactic of looking for single girls on the beach doesn't seem to work so well when the weather is bad.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TODAY'S TLDR: Tried to open 5 girls today, all on the beach.

The weather was better today, so there were several girls around. In the center, it was packed, everybody was in the christmas shopping craze. The only cute girls I saw were with there family's or moms. I said hi to one or two that were especially hot, just to overcome my inhibition. Got ignored though.

On the beach it was better.

FU #1: HBIndian

I was sitting leaning against a palm tree, chilling in the few rays of sun that made their way through the clouds. I turned around scanning the area, and saw one girl lying near the water that gave of vibes of being available. I don't really know how to explain this, but every once in a while I will see a girl on the beach that seems to be scanning the area and seems to be open to be approached.

I got up pretty much instantly, and walked over to her. (Good "killer instinct" here so far.) The girl looked Indian, and she was lying on her belly. She was slim, with a very juicy body. The way she was looking around gave me the impression that she was actually horny. I loved her mouth, it looked very sensual and sexy to me.

Unfortunately I got "cockblocked" (sort of) by a little girl and her mom, who walked over to that girl at the same time. When I got to my target, the little girl was smiling at me, so I said "hi" to her instead of to the girl I wanted to approach! This all happened rather unconsciously. Both the little girl and her mom where smiling at me, while the Indian girl was looking the other way.

I was confused and didn't know how to approach with this mom and daughter standing nearby. I hovered around for a while, but they wouldn't leave. So I decided to grab some foor and approach my target later. Of course, when I got back from the restaurant with a sandwich, HBIndian had already disappeared.

FU #2: Got ignored

I said hi to girl sitting by herself. She ignored me. She wasn't even pretty, I just said hi to keep the momentum going.

FR: HBPeru

Came by another girl sitting by herself staring at the sea. She had dark skin and some piercing in the nose. This one would at least talk to me, although she gave me mostly one word answers and was looking the other way most of the time, without smiling. Here's how that went:

Me: Hi
Her: Hi
Me: How's it going?
Her: Good
Me: Relaxing?
Her: Yeah
Me: Yeah it's really nice and quiet here on the beach?
Her: Yes
Me: Are you from here?
Her: No
Me: So where are you from?
Her: Peru
Me: Oh awesome! Are you travelling?
Her: Yes
Me: So how long are you staying?

and so on. I didn't even crouch or sit down next to her beause I got no indication whatsoever that she actually wanted to talk to me.

She only made eye contact and smiled at me when I said "Ok then, enjoy your stay!" and said bye. I take this as an indication she didn't want to be a complete cunt and appreciated me trying, but really wasn't in the mood to chat.

FU #3: Blondie

Saw a blond girl sitting by herself. I hovered around for a while, possibly too long, because there was another girl there that I also wanted to open. Kinda couldn't decide between the two. In the end I walked over to the blondie and said Hi. She gave me a flustered look, then looked at the sea again without replying.

FU #4: Girl in short dress and high boots

While I was sitting and putting my shoes back on, this girl walked by that was dressed in a sexy way. I took my shot and said "How pretty" while she walked by. Bitch just stuck her nose a bit higher in the air lol. She didn't reply anything, however I heard her laughing with her friends behind me as they walked away. Guess that's what they call a bitch shield.

FU #5: Girl I couldn't even see the face of

Walking home I saw another girl sitting on the beach, so I said Hi as I walked by. No reaction. Had headphones on. She didn't ever look up so I don't even know if she looked good. But I wanted to get one last try in.

I stopped a couple meters away, and looked around. She was actually looking in my direction.


Today wasn't the best day, but at least I got one solid approach in even if the girl wasn't interested.

I just saw it's been one month since I started this journal! Overall I'm happy with my progress so far, even though I still have a long way to go. One month ago, I wasn't able to approach any girls at all, let alone start a conversation.

Things I'm happy about:

- I like how I had that killer instinct to go for HBIndian.
- I also like how I'm finally getting some good numbers in when there are approachable girls around.

Things to improve:

- I'd like to be better at street game. It's a whole different beast than on the beach where people are sitting around and relaxed.
- I wonder if I should persist more with girls that ignore me when I say hi?
- I really want to expirement more with direct openers.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today was a very good day. Got more approaches in than I cared to count, even though I went out last night and am feeling pretty tired. (Didn't do any night game, just hanging with friends.)

WARMUP (city center) - genuine compliment

Saw a very attractive woman around 30-35 in the street. I said "hi", no reaction. I looked at her for a while because she was really cute, then said "Very pretty!" She gave me a genuinely surprised laugh, then said "Thank you!" I said "you're welcome", but she had already turned around.

A beautiful way to start the day!


The weather was good today, and there were many single girls around. I opened pretty much all of them today haha. I'll just log some of the highlights here:

I saw HBIndian from yesterday again today, however she was sleeping. So I decided to camp nearby and open her when she woke up.

FU - Shot down by purple hair girl

While I was enjoying the sun, I noticed a girl with half-long purple died hair sitting behind me. She seemed to be looking in my direction. She had a good petite body that I could picture myself fucking, so at one point I pinged her with a "hi". She wasn't interested at all though, I think she didn't even reply.

Girls with this hairstyle are often lesbians, so that might have been the case with this one.

FR/FU - HBIndian

Later HBIndian woke up. So I went over to her, walked a bit past her, hovered there for a bit, then walked back to her and said "hi". No reply, didn't even look. I said "How's it going?" in English. Still no reply. So I asked "You allright?" and got a sharp nod, but she still wouldn't look at me. Looks like this girl wasn't interested in me either.

FR with HBLifeguard - chatted her up a bit

There was another cute girl lying nearby, wearing short jeans that accentuated a perfect as, and a bright red "lifeguard" shirt. So at one point I wandered over and said "Hi lifeguard!" She was actually quite nice, and not as dismissive as the other two. We chatted for a while. I found out where she was from and how long she was staying here. It was a good chat all in all, but after a few minutes she told me she had to go home. I said "nice to meet you!" and shook her hand, then she left.

FU - 2 Chinese girls taking pictures

One of them was dressed really hot: Short black skirt, red tights, black boots, black top. She was quite attractive for a Chinese girl too (I'm not normally into Chinese, but this one was very doable.) Her friend was taking pictures of her all the time. At one point they walked past me, so I asked them "Are you Chinese?" - No reaction at all, they just kept walking.

FR with a girl from my country

Walked around a bit and pinged a girl sitting by herself with a "hi". She said "hi" back and seemed open to talk, so I sat next to her. Found out she was from my country, so we could speak in my native language which really makes things a lot easier.

We talked for a while and it turns out she is actually looking for a place to stay in my city. Unfortunately she wasn't my type. I even found her slightly ugly, though pleasant to chat with.

After a while I decided to leave. When I said goodbye, she actually asked me if I knew someone who had a couch to crash on?!

Lol I could definitely have taken this one home!! But I didn't find her attractive enough, so I lied and said "no, no idea sorry" or something like that.

If HBInidian or HBLifeguard had asked me, yes I would have had a couch for them to crash on... hahaha!

FR - random girl

I was getting hungry and a bit chilly so I walked back to where my stuff was to get dressed and have a snack. I came past another solitary girl so I said "hi" just out of habit (in the local language). She actually took her earphones out immediately and said "sorry I don't understand", smiling :) So I said in English "It's OK, I just said hello hahaha" and she was like "oh, hello! hahahah"

This one seemed really eager to talk to me. However I was in a bit of a rush. I can be quite stubborn when I have set plans, should really try and be more flexible especially if girls are involved :)

Can't really say if this one was attractive or not, I didn't pay too much attention. She had red hair and seemed friendly enough.

It's a pity I didn't talk more to her. This must be what true abundance feels like! More girls to talk to than you can handle :)


Very happy with how the day went. Except that I went home alone again, lol. But I know that sooner or later there will be a cute girl that is interested, and then it's GAME ON BABY


- When a girl seems interested in talking, be flexible and give her the time.
- Could have taken the phone number of the girl from my country, just for practice. Shoulda done that really.
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