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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 19, 2018
Quick remark. Why don't you make it a bit easier for you by going somewhere where there is some kind on social context ? Something you like, where the ratio is favorable, and perhaps where you have some sort of authority (like knowledge, experience..) because you probably have some at 49. Random street stops can be hardcore for beginners, maybe you need some momentum first.

Even better, if you can, move to Koh Phangan (Thailand) for a month or two, there are incredible outdoor parties almost every single day with people all over the world coming there to have fun, and everybody speaks some english .. Pretty much sure you will score some hot tourist girls sooner or later. There, you will have instant 'context' to speak to everybody, and (almost) nobody will think why this guy is talking to me
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023

So today I was out pretty much all day, but didn't get past saying "hi" to random girls. I only got a positive reaction out of one group set.

WARMUP - city center

My plan was to walk around in the center for a while and just say hi to attractive girls to warm up. Later I would try some conversational approachers on the beach.

SET 1: 2 girls

They were walking down the street, talking excitedly with each other. When they were close enough, I said hi. There was no reaction, so I don't know if they even noticed me.

SET 2: PR girl from previous post

I came across the PR girl I mentioned in the 2nd or 3rd post of this thread. She was standing outside of her restaurant again and looked fucking awesome. Tight black jeans, Vans shoes, slender body... exactly my type. Now I got turned down last time, but decided to give it another shot. I didn't make eye contact while approaching and only turned to her when I was in speaking distance.

She was looking the other way though. I said hello, and she didn't react at first... pretty much the opposite of an IOI (IOD?). I was unfazed though, stopped for a moment in front of her, and asked "How are you?", smiling. Only then did she turn towards me, and without smiling said "hello".

I kept walking. This stung a little, it was definitely a rejection (not verbal, but her body language clearly rejected me lol). But hey, you gotta try don't you?

This was probably the most interesting approach of the day.

SET 3: Girl on phone

I said hi to a cute girl that was talking on the phone, just for the hell of it. I didn't expect an answer, and got none, but I did it anyway just to keep my momentum up.

BEACH: No interesting targets

In the afternoon the weather worsened and it was quite cloudy. The mood on the beach was gloomy and I didn't see any attractive single girls, only groups. Some of the groups were partying with loud music.

Said "hello" to a group of 3 girls having a picnic. Two of them said "hello" back, quite nicely. However they weren't terribly attractive, not ugly either, somewhere in between (maybe 5s or 6s). I didn't try to chat them up. Maybe I should have?

There was another group`of 5 or 6 girls that I could have opened, but didn't. Most of them were a bit chubby, but there was at least one cute one.


Since I didn't get any real approaches in on the beach, and the weather was gloomy, I decided to try my luck in the mall once more. First I went to have a coffee though.

The girl that took my order was quite cute, and in a good mood. After ordering I asked her "How's your day going?" -- Does that count? Haha!

She responded quite well and told me that she was just starting her shift, but that it had been quite busy apparently.


I decided to do a very slow walk around the whole mall. I don't really like it there, and today was no different. There are lots of attractive girls around, but most of them seem to be very young. They are either there with friends of the same age, or with their parents/family. I didn't do any approaches, except that I said "hi" to one girl walking by but didn't get a reaction.


Not much really. I'm proud I kept going though. I'm not gonna slack of until I have this handled!!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Quick remark. Why don't you make it a bit easier for you by going somewhere where there is some kind on social context ? Something you like, where the ratio is favorable, and perhaps where you have some sort of authority (like knowledge, experience..) because you probably have some at 49. Random street stops can be hardcore for beginners, maybe you need some momentum first.

Interesting suggestion. Are you saying I should rather try social circle at my age?

The short answer is, there are so many hot girls running around here, it would be a shame if I didn't at least try to learn how to chat them up! And at least at the beach, I am pretty sure that it is doable. Street game is definitely harder, that's true. I do it mainly to warm up.

Even better, if you can, move to Koh Phangan (Thailand) for a month or two, there are incredible outdoor parties almost every single day with people all over the world coming there to have fun, and everybody speaks some english .. Pretty much sure you will score some hot tourist girls sooner or later. There, you will have instant 'context' to speak to everybody, and (almost) nobody will think why this guy is talking to me

Moving to Thailand feels a bit like cheating to me, or like a cop-out. I am happy to live where I live. There are outdoor meetups here too, where I can meet people from all over the world. I met my last LTR at one of those. At the moment, I don't feel terribly drawn to those though.

And yes, I have been thinking about other ways to meet girls, such as setting up a group in which I am the leader for example. Maybe I will do that at one point. For now though, I've set myself the goal of learning day game (whether street or beach). I like walking around outside anyways, so I might as well approach some girls while I'm at it :)

I'm not even terribly desperate for a relationship. Hell, I don't even care if I meet girls and they friend zone me. It's always good to have female friends, and sometimes they introduce you to other girls who you then end up in bed with (happened to me before).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 19, 2018
Not social circle, just some place where a lot of strangers gather with some context that you can use to open with much less effort. It's up to you to see what you like, where you fit well and where if possible you could have some kind of authority role.

Thailand is maybe cheating when you go after uneducated Thai girls from villages .. But there are not many Thais on Koh Phangan .. It's just a destination where open-minded people from all over the world get together, so it is a very social spot. Not only you have evening/night outdoor parties, but also countless number of Yoga courses, nomad meetups open to everybody, meditation etc .. Even in 2023 it is still a hippie vibe, everybody fits there and nobody will give a shit about your age. I wasn't thinking that you should move permanently, but maybe take 1-2 months 'seduction vacation' get some momentum there, then come back to Europe with a more efficient mindset


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Not social circle, just some place where a lot of strangers gather with some context that you can use to open with much less effort. It's up to you to see what you like, where you fit well and where if possible you could have some kind of authority role.

Thailand is maybe cheating when you go after uneducated Thai girls from villages .. But there are not many Thais on Koh Phangan .. It's just a destination where open-minded people from all over the world get together, so it is a very social spot. Not only you have evening/night outdoor parties, but also countless number of Yoga courses, nomad meetups open to everybody, meditation etc .. Even in 2023 it is still a hippie vibe, everybody fits there and nobody will give a shit about your age. I wasn't thinking that you should move permanently, but maybe take 1-2 months 'seduction vacation' get some momentum there, then come back to Europe with a more efficient mindset
Oh I see. Yeah that sounds quite cool, however at the moment it's not possible because i have some personal things to attend to here.

And really, thinking about it, I don't even *want* to make it easier for me. I've always wanted to be able to approach girls on the beach, and I think it's very doable. Not easy, but I'm pretty sure I can get there.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: SLIGHT PROGRESS - Got my first compliment approach in


Today I started out sluggishly, but then gained momentum. To warm up, I forced myself to say "hello" to at least one girl in the center before I would allow myself to go to the beach. At first I didn't see any suitable targets (I dislike the word target, but can't think of a better word right now). But when I finally got started and got my first smile as a reaction, my state improved considerably and I said hi to a few more girls. I almost didn't want to go to the beach and rather keep gaming in the center. But on the other hand, the weather was great and I wanted to go for a swim also.


Later on the beach, I said "hi" to the girl sitting closest to where I put my towel. She seemed quite shy, and said a polite "hi" back in a very small voice. I'm not sure if she felt intimidated. Physically, she was tiny, but with large breasts under a tight top. Pretty hot.


While I got changed and jumped into the sea, the girl left, which was a pity. So I walked along the waterside after my swim. At one point, I was standing there looking at the ocean, and two girls came by, one of which was attractive and had very long hair. When they were close, I said to her "What beautiful hair you have!". She looked at me from the corner of her eye, smiled and said "Thank you." She kept walking.


I walked by one girl that looked really hot in her bikini, but just as I caught her eye I noticed a guy sitting about 4-5 meters apart, staring at me. That kind of threw me out of state so I didn't say hi to the hottie. They were clearly not together, the dude was just hovering there, checking out the girl but not approaching. (I can tell. I have been guilty of the very same thing, too many times!)

The guy was quite good looking, with a muscular tattooed body. However I can see how girls are creeped out by this kind of behaviour. The guy checks her out, is obviously interested, but won't approach. So what is she going to do, approach him herself? Invite him over to her towel? Not gonna happen with most girls.

Also, having a guy sitting there "pussyblocks" the girl from getting approached by other guys who *would* talk to her (i.e. me, in this case).


Now a bit later, I sat down next to a girl I found reasonabl attractive. I did not say "hi" or talk to her at all though. At first, she seemed quite immersed doing things with the sand and taking pictures of stuff with her phone. I'm pretty sure she was in her twenties or so. I found her cute, but something seemed off.

She had a good, slim body and a beautiful face though. So I could have talked her up. And I should have. But as usual, there all sorts of excuses came up in my mind. This time my inner excuse was: "Yeah she is cute, buy if something happens between you two, she might become too attached, and she isn't really so hot that I'd want her to be my girlfriend."

Finally, she left, looking at me with what I think might have been a mildly disappointed face. She walked close by me while leaving, maybe to give me a last chance of talking to her. She could have walked the other way without looking at me, but she didn't...


If a girl is cute enough that I care to look at her more than once or twice, I should really go and talk to her. At least find out where she's from and if it's fun to talk to her or not. If it is, then why not go for a date? It doesn't mean we will automatically be together until death do us part!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today I was feeling strangely demotivated, so I didn't do any approaches. Apart from saying "hi" to some random cute girls crossing my way.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Wow, what a day! I don't even know where to start. I'll try to keep it short and focus on the sticking points...

HESITATED TOO LONG - Cute business girl throwing IOIs

Did some "hello" warmups as usual, mostly got ignored today. Then on my way to the beach I stopped in a restaurant and ordered a sandwich. While I was waiting, this cute little girl in what looked like a business outfit walked in and ordered a coffee to take away. She was wearing a knee-long skirt and little boots. While ordering, she scratched her legs once or twice, moving her skirt higher and showing her beatiful legs...

I was looking at her of course, and she asked me if I was waiting in line. I was like, "no I've already ordered". She proceeded to pay. While she waited for her coffee I was checking her out trying not to be too obvious. At one point, she actually raised her eyebrows and then looked away, in a very flirty way. I smiled at her, but didn't do anything. Instead, I decided to say "enjoy your coffee" when she walked out. Lilke a complete dork!

When she got her coffee, she even took several sips while still in the restaurant instead of walking out with it immediately. But no, I stuck to my plan and waited for her to leave, only to deliver my phrase while she walked by. She said "thanks" politely and left.

In retrospect, I should have complimented her on her outfit. I'm not a huge fan of business attire, but she made it work. And that moving her skirt up scratching, it was like a move from the movies hahaha! But dorky old me didn't pull the trigger...


WARMUP - Pink Shoes Girl

I walked by a girl that I found attractive for some reason. She was lying on the beach, wearing pink trousers and pink and white sneakers. She was looking in my general direction, and I said "hi" as I passed her by. She looked the other way, saying nothing.

NON-OPEN - Black & white girls

I saw a 2-set of girls, one white blonde, the other black with a striking top that revealed a lot of her beautiful back. Both girls had great slim bodies and were very attractive, but they did look a bit young so I wasn't sure about hitting on them. I considered complimenting the black girl on her top as I walked by, but the blonde one looked at me in what I felt was a skeptical way and so I didn't approach.

SITUATIONAL OPENER - 2 exchange students in bikinis

While watching some dolphins swimming really close to the beach (a rare sight), I chatted up two petite girls in bikinis that were standing next to me. I asked them whether they had seen the dolphins, and they reacted quite warmly and told me that they had them in their phone. I was like, me too. I asked them where they were from, and they told me "from X country" and that they were Erasmus students here. We continued to chat a bit more and then they left to rejoin the group they were with.

Even though it didn't lead anywhere, I was quite pleased with this exchange. It's been my longest interaction from cold approach so far!

COMPLIMENT OPEN - Black & white girls

Walking after the dolphins, I came across the black and white girls from before again. This time I was like, screw it, and said to the black girl "That's a beautiful top you have!" She loved it and said thank you. Then I said "Nice view!" and she said thank you again, smiling. So that was fun!

LATER - Saw pink shoe girl again

As the sun went down I came across Pink Shoe Girl (the one I had said "hi" to before, but who ignored me) again. This time she was sitting next to a palm tree, all by herself. I considered talking to her, but didn't do it as she had not responded the first time. Also, there was a guy sitting very close to her, but not with her and not approaching. Typical pussyblock situation. The guy looked at me as I walked by. The way he was sitting felt very feminine to me, I was wondering if he was gay. But later Pink Shoe Girl left, and a minute later he left as well. So he was indeed hovering there, not daring to approach. I see this behaviour a lot on the beach.

I'm really glad that I'm not that type of guy any more!!!

CONCLUSION - I need to be more aggressive

While I'm happy how the day went and the two approaches I did do, I should have been much more aggressive with the business skirt girl. I guess I got too accustomed to these "drive-by-shooting" type of approaches, just saying something to a girl walking by, but not really allowing a real interaction to unfold.

That being said. At least I chatted up two sets on the beach, which is more than I've been able to do on other days so far. So it was a good day all in all.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 5, 2022
You are getting the feel and I can promise you that the mental switch from "drive by" to "engage" is very soon. I had a nearly identical coffee shop experience once.

What you are doing by writing this down is helping you resolve these unresolved endings and your powers of observation are increasing which allows you to be more fluid instead of rehearsing the interaction in your head first.

Next time at the coffee shop you will say something and engage her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Thank you Gram! You have been a big help. Doing the Newbie Challenge (as you suggested) was an enormous step forward for me, even if I mainly did the "say hi to attractive girls" exercise so far. I love how this makes me a more sociable person.

I'm starting to chat up people (especially girls) more than I ever did before. And yes, next time a girl flirts with me, I will be prepared and things will flow effortlessly :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today was a weird day. After yesterdays abundance, I don't recall seeing ANY interesting single girl around today. Even the beach was relatively empty although the weather was great.

I said hi to a few girls as usual, but most of them ignored me today. The only exception was a cute girl I smiled at in the coffee shop, and she smiled back warmly. She was there with an older, fat woman though (her mother, it looked like) so didn't approach.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
This exercise is so awesome, I almost don't want to proceed to the next level haha
Who knows, maybe you can get so good at the "hello" thing that eventually you just say hello and they panties melt or something? ;) lol
Probably gonna have to talk at least a bit to get more from girls, but your progress so far has been really great, kudos sir!

She answered "I like it", smiling at me. From where she was sitting, she was kind of looking up at me in a shy/submisse kind of way.-

I said "Well, it's beautiful for sure, but I don't think I could do that", laughing. Then I bailed, wishing her a nice day. I just couldn't continue any more... :)
Great one! With shy girls you really have to take control of the convo and let they slowly chime in, you have to absorb a lot of the pressure and just have some patience, but usually if they are into you, it's smooth (even if slow) sailing.

But no, I stuck to my plan and waited for her to leave, only to deliver my phrase while she walked by. She said "thanks" politely and left.

In retrospect, I should have complimented her on her outfit. I'm not a huge fan of business attire, but she made it work. And that moving her skirt up scratching, it was like a move from the movies hahaha! But dorky old me didn't pull the trigger...
Well, living and learning, it's good that you're aiming for something and actually sticking with your guns, but it can be better to let go of plans and go with the flow, adapt to the situation a bit more... I feel you because many times girls react way better to us than we imagine it's gonna happen, and then we're left dumbfolded like what do we do now? lol

Today was a weird day. After yesterdays abundance, I don't recall seeing ANY interesting single girl around today. Even the beach was relatively empty although the weather was great.

I said hi to a few girls as usual, but most of them ignored me today. The only exception was a cute girl I smiled at in the coffee shop, and she smiled back warmly.
Yup, some days are just not that great, but don't let that discourage you. Not many guys can say (more like very few) that a cute girl smiled for then in a given day, so you're doing really good work, keep it up!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today was looking rather bleak until just before sunset. I did my usual stroll through the center, but didn't see any attractive and approachable girls. Said hi to a select few, but no reactions.


I went for a coffee at a place where I'm a regular, and had a bit of banter with one of the waitresses. Made her laugh, which is always good. Then I headed to the beach.

Today was a cold day, and acoordingly there were no hot girls anywhere to be found. Walked by a number of girls sitting one by one, each leaning against her "own" palm tree. #1, too old... 2, too fat... 3, too ugly... 4, a couple... #5 seemed like she *might* be interesting even though she was by no means a stunner. I hovered around there for a bit to give her a chance to notice me and check me out, and hopefully decide I'm cool. Then I slowly walked by in front of her, but she wouldn't even look up from her pone. I didn't think she was terribly hot either, so I continued on my way.

I sat down for a while by the water, and got my feet wet. I left my stuff lying there and wandered around a bit, but no attractive girls anywhere to be seen. It was too cold to go swimming, either. So I had a snack that I brought with me and noticed that a really beautiful girl had decided to seat herself next to me (maybe 5-10 meters away, but the beach was relatively empty). The thing is, she had a little daughter with her. I'm not really into mothers, but you could say that this girl was a "MILF" in the very best sense of the word. The mother wasn't older than 30, probably closer to 20 or 25 at most. She had the most beautiful face but I don't consider myself advanced enough to approach a woman that has a little daughter with her.

Nevertheless I decided to wander around a bit and "accidentally" pass by close in front of her, but at the very moment I passed by and looked at her, she was speaking on the phone. Moreover, I could hear that she was probably talking to a guy. Mission aborted -- didn't approach.


I wandered around a bit more, and said hi to one or two women, but more to make myself feel better than because I found them particularly attractive. The sun was going down, and I dreaded to come home and have to write another uneventful day in this Journal. Then I spotted a girl.

She was sitting all by herself. From the distance I couldn't tell how she looked, she might have been fat or just be wearing a big jacket. I walked around very slowly, changing direction a couple of times and reading stuff on my phone. I made sure to give her ample time to see me and decide I'm cool and hopefully get a little wet already while hoping I would approach her.


As I've been practicing a lot by now, I walked by very slowly like I am the fashion police or something in front of her. When I was almost past her, I looked at her and saw she was actually really cute! She had long, curly, blond hair and a pretty face. So I I smiled at her and did my usual opener:

Me - Hi!
HB - Hi (with a big smile)
Me - How's it going?
HB - Good
Me - Are you studying? (looking at her like I'm completely weirded out)
HB - Yes! (laughing)
Me - So what are you studying?
HB (checks the cover of the papers she is holding) - Ummm... it's called... bla bla (I couldn't hear what she said)

I moved in closer and crouched next to her. I had seen this move from other guys who approached women on the beach. They always do this crouching thing first, and then as the conversation continues, at some point they sit down next to the girl.

Me - What? (from closer)
HB - Economical statistics (WTF)
Me - Oh! How do you make that work? I wouldn't be able to concentrate on a beach as beautiful as this
HB - It's okay

At this point I freaked out and didn't know how to continue. So I made the big mistake of bailing out too early.

Me - Okay, I'll leave you to it!
HB - (disappointed silence)
Me - Have a nice day! Bye!
HB - Thank you! (smiling at me)

I could actually feel her disappointment when I said I'll leave her too it. She had probably been fantasizing all day about a cool dude like me approaching her and having an adventure, and then I come along, get her all excited and then leave her to study effing economical statisics... LOL

So I left, feeling both triumphant (at my successful approach) and beating myself up (about having ejected way too soon). It's like, when I'm in the moment, my mind goes into overdrive. I don't have a routine for chatting up random chicks (yet), and I can't think of what I'm going to say.

In hindsight, I could obviously have asked her if she is from around here, if she comes here often, or if she's excited by the subject of economical statistics. The last option would probably have been the best :)

But hey, I got one step further than the last girl I found studying on the beach! I'm really, really proud I'm doing this.


I'll call this girl HB Yawn beacuse she looked cute sitting on a wall all by her own, and she was yawning at me when I looked at her. I had to laugh, and said "Hello!". I don't recall if she said anything back. I asked her "Are you tired?". She was like "what?" so I came closer and asked her again. She was like, "yeah, and cold!" so I said "Yeah it's frigging cold today isn't it?".

At this point her boyfriend came running up, at least I assume that he was. Some guy anyway who was with her. So I ejected and said "See you later!" She said bye too.

If they were a couple then I probably made their sex a lot better today, hehe

FR #3 - 3-set of tourist girls. Lowest effort opener ever

I left the beach and had another coffee. Standing around with my coffee in hand, I noticed these girls looking at me so I said "hi" to them. They laughed and one of them said "hi" back. For a moment, they looked like they were going to leave, but then *they* actually chatted *me* up! Turns out they were looking for the way to get to the city center, and to the cathedral. I showed them where to go, and they said "thank you" and "bye" very nicely. One of them actually was very attractive! But I only noticed that when she said thank you and they left, because I had been talking with another girl before.


Great day today after all! I felt really good after opening HB Blondie. I still can't believe that hot girls actually enjoy me approaching them -- I mean, I could fucking be their dad. But who cares? I know they are attracted to me anyway. Next time I'm going all the way! I need to find a way to chill and not be too impatient while talking to them.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Who knows, maybe you can get so good at the "hello" thing that eventually you just say hello and they panties melt or something? ;) lol
Probably gonna have to talk at least a bit to get more from girls, but your progress so far has been really great, kudos sir!

Maybe...! I know for most girls it's probably gone take some more effort, but as you can see set #3 above actually only needed a "hello" hahaha!

If I can make this work I'm actually gonna open a seduction school of my own before long lmao

(just kidding, I know I still have a long way to go but it's FUN!!)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Great one! With shy girls you really have to take control of the convo and let they slowly chime in, you have to absorb a lot of the pressure and just have some patience, but usually if they are into you, it's smooth (even if slow) sailing.

Well, living and learning, it's good that you're aiming for something and actually sticking with your guns, but it can be better to let go of plans and go with the flow, adapt to the situation a bit more... I feel you because many times girls react way better to us than we imagine it's gonna happen, and then we're left dumbfolded like what do we do now? lol

Yup, some days are just not that great, but don't let that discourage you. Not many guys can say (more like very few) that a cute girl smiled for then in a given day, so you're doing really good work, keep it up!
Thanks for your comments, and the kind words! I had a quick look at your journal, and I'm amazed at how many girls you seem to make out with in a single night :) Will I ever get there? I don't know, clubs aren't really my thing anymore... day game seems more fun to me now!

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I'm amazed at how many girls you seem to make out with in a single night :) Will I ever get there? I don't know, clubs aren't really my thing anymore... day game seems more fun to me now!
I know, I'm starting to feel at bit old for clubs, at least the ones around here... Bars are still chil though, but it's a different type of game, ofc, most people are in little mixed groups, so I would say it's way less efficient, but easier to transition, gamewise, for me.
I want to start daygaming as I go but I'm a bit lazy and now that I'm in LTR there's not thaaat much motivation to learn a whole new type of game, but guys like you inspire me to learn hehe

As far as making out, I was just going for it, getting some easy compliance and seeing what girls are responding to me... Some nights there were lots of attractive girls that wanted some guy for that, so I guess I just got lucky many times (ofc I was working on my fundamentals a lot and going out pretty much every weekend back then, some nights were just bad as well). I think it was also easier to make out with hotter and hotter girls the more I kissed, maybe it's momentum or just feeling more confident, preselection, idk, but ofc I didn't want to kiss the whole club lmao (some university parties back in the day I kissed some many girls I got sick afterwards, also some girls just kinda suck at kissing lol, so I'm a bit more selective nowadays)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Awesome man, you inspire me too :) I love kissing, kissing a whole club actually sounds fun but once I find a girl to kiss I usually stay with her at least or the rest of the night :)

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I love kissing, kissing a whole club actually sounds fun but once I find a girl to kiss I usually stay with her at least or the rest of the night :)
Hehe yeah, if I like her, I'll usually try to take her home hehe, maybe stay there if she's not ready, maybe just get her contact for a date afterwards. But back in the day I was just learning and trying to get exp, so sometimes I would approach some girls I wasn't all that much into, also some girls were just a bit too crazy lol, living & learning (and somedays I felt like some crazy greek god and didn't gave a shit and would just make out with every hot girl I could lmao)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 5, 2022
Yeah man! Great discussion with the economics girl! You got it dude. You got it! Keep doing those. By now you don't even think about the "hi" part. It's natural. Some reject. Some neutral. Some engage. You observe and decide what to do next.

It's up to you to drive the interaction where you want it to go. Fractionating, building compliance, building connection, these are next level techniques you should start reading about and trying out. Looking into her eyes. Creating tension. Give her a unique experience that pulls her out of the mundane.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Okay so today was rather uneventful in comparison. I said "hi" to a few girls as usual. The one positive reaction I do remember was a sort-of attractive girl on the beach. I liked her body and clothing style, and when I said hi to her she greeted me back softly, smiling. I wasn't too impressed with her face and hairstyle though, although she was definitely doable lol.

At that moment I had just bought a sandwich that I wanted to eat, so I didn't engage her further. Could probably have reopened her later, but wasn't feeling it. Are my standards already too high from the student girls I approached? Haha... Gotta find out where that leads me. I didn't see any studying ones today though.

Another interesting interaction was a group of tourist girls that were hovering around near me. They seemed lost and several of them were checking their phones. I did find them quite attractive even though some of them were taller than me. After waiting for 5-10 seconds, they were still hovering, so I decided to approach. I walked over and asked in a loud voice, "Are you looking for something?" They looked at me confused, without really answering, so I asked "Do you need help?" They were like "no, no". So I said "Okay" and left them to their business.

Even though it didn't lead anywhere, I found it felt good approaching this group of girls in an authoritative way. Have to try that more often.
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