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Gameboy's Journal


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Gotta be honest @gameboy not sure you are getting genuinely rejected enough. Playing it safe. Gotta shoot your shot dude. Starts asking these girls out and what not.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Gotta be honest @gameboy not sure you are getting genuinely rejected enough. Playing it safe. Gotta shoot your shot dude. Starts asking these girls out and what not.
I think you are right. I gotta take way more risks.

I was actually planning to do some mid-day approaches in the city center today, at least something basic like a compliment or something to get warmed up. But it started thundering and raining, so I'm trapped inside again for now...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
I think you are right. I gotta take way more risks.

I was actually planning to do some mid-day approaches in the city center today, at least something basic like a compliment or something to get warmed up. But it started thundering and raining, so I'm trapped inside again for now...
Waaaaay more.

Obviously you don't want to fall on your face so much that the practice becomes unpleasant. But you're not going to make quick progress if you aren't at least falling flat on your face every now and then. Gotta break out of your frame work of what is possible and that only happens when you make bold new moves

Otherwise you'll be walking around with the results you're getting pretty much indefinitely


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 24, 2024
Hey man, at least you are out there and taking action. That itself is pretty cool considering most guys would have given up. (I am guilty of it myself, making excuses because of shitty logistics and hot weather). You give me motivation to go out and do this.

May I suggest that you go out, not to approach but just to do something you want. Something you enjoy.

I'm a foodie so I like to visit all different kinds of restaurants and street food places. And along the way, try talking to everyone - not just chicks. Talk to guys, bartenders, waitresses, security guards, old people, kids etc.

Just ask them how's their day going or are you headed somewhere exciting. Give them a compliment. 'That's a nice tie sir. I wish I had one of those'.

You will get warmed up socially. Once you are warmed up and you see a hottie, you will have a hard time NOT saying hi to her.

Once she hooks, flirt right out of the gate. 'Hey I didn't notice it before, but you have amazing fashion sense. Attractive :)'

And always try to close, no matter how much you think she doesn't like me. You will be suprised sometimes. You ask her if she would like to go on a walk with you, and she says, 'Sure.'


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Hey man, at least you are out there and taking action. That itself is pretty cool considering most guys would have given up. (I am guilty of it myself, making excuses because of shitty logistics and hot weather). You give me motivation to go out and do this.
Hey, great to hear that I'm giving you motivation!

May I suggest that you go out, not to approach but just to do something you want. Something you enjoy.

I'm a foodie so I like to visit all different kinds of restaurants and street food places. And along the way, try talking to everyone - not just chicks. Talk to guys, bartenders, waitresses, security guards, old people, kids etc.

Just ask them how's their day going or are you headed somewhere exciting. Give them a compliment. 'That's a nice tie sir. I wish I had one of those'.

I'm in a big city here, so this is rather socially unusual. I wouldn't say unacceptable, but hardly anyone ever does that here. Most people seem to be in a rush to get somewhere, on their phones... The only people that approach you are the junkies, the beggars, and the street vendors. Sad reality of city life.

But nonetheless, I completely agree. I've been reading Chase's interview with Michael Chief today. Haven't finished it yet, but there are a lot of gems in there. Recommended. Michael is in the same vein, saying that if you have the opportunity to talk to someone, give them a quick compliment or just say hi, do it. Ignore the voice in your head that tells you not to bother them.

I think I'll start by going back to saying hi to girls on the street. Not only girls, but mainly girls or people I think look nice.

Some people here told me to stop doing that, but it really helped to get me in a social mood and I made way more approaches back when I did that than nowadays. Also, it was fun. And a significant part of the girls liked it too!

(I'm not saying that I count saying hi as an approach. It's just something I'm doing for myself, to loosen myself up. When there's a girl I find realy hot, I'll try and do a proper approach. But overhinking things more often than not has led to me not approaching at all.)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Since I decided to be less risk-averse, I did something a bit bolder than usual for me today. There was this girl with huge boobs and a very tight shirt, through which I could see her nipples. I looked at her tits instinctively, took half a second and then said "nice shirt!" at her while she was walking by. Unfortunately she was on the phone, which I only realized after I had said it. I don't think she even heard me, but I'm still happy I came up with something on the spot.

I got one more opportunity on the beach, with a very attractive girl sitting under a tree on the floor. She was wearing knee-high boots, and short jeans. Nice black hair, Asian looking face with quite a bit of makeup on. She looked like a model really.

I was walking towards her and was about to compliment her on the boots... however one of the guys selling stuff on the beach approached her first, and she waved him away. I didn't want to be "next in line" so I decided to wait for a better moment to approach her. Of course, shortly after, another guy sat down right next to her. I don't think he even talked to her, but I found it awkward to reapproach her in that situation.

EDIT: Almost forgot, I had another opportunity in the evening, when I came out of the mall after running some errands. While fetching my bike I came across a girl that was posing for photos with a professional camera and tripod. She looked at me, I smiled at her, she smiled back. I should have absolutely said something to her, even something like "selfie time?" (which worked great with that Columbian gal on the beach, couple of weeks ago) would have been better than nothing. But I guess I was caught too much by surprise, and my intentions to be bold had evaporated doing the day. Gotta be on the lokout always!
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Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
Keep at it @gameboy! You are developing your situational awareness, which will pay dividends.

It's something I struggle with. A few weeks ago at the bar I saw a modestly attractive woman with a younger, drunker man all over her. I figured they must have known each other. No. He was a pest and had to be escorted out by the bar owner. If I'd have been on my game, I could have swooped in and had fun teasing her and diverting him. I could have been a hero.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Keep at it @gameboy! You are developing your situational awareness, which will pay dividends.

It's something I struggle with. A few weeks ago at the bar I saw a modestly attractive woman with a younger, drunker man all over her. I figured they must have known each other. No. He was a pest and had to be escorted out by the bar owner. If I'd have been on my game, I could have swooped in and had fun teasing her and diverting him. I could have been a hero.
During day game you'll start to get an intuition as to whether a girl is shopping with her boyfriend or not, even if he is looking at something the next isle over from her. You'll see her and she just has a "vibe" to her like she is there with a dude, and then moments later sure enough he pops around the corner.

That "vibe" if course is really just a bunch of micro expressions you are picking up on. Like the way she keeps subtly looking up from the product she is considering as though she is expecting someone to show up at any moment.

You start to develop situational awareness for all sorts of different scenarios. and even though you might not be 100% spot on all the time, with your intuition. It becomes a pretty strong guiding factor in how to proceed.

One handy way it starts to crop up, is being able to tell, with reasonable accuracy, if the guy she is with is just a friend, or a stranger that approached her, or her BF


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
I didn't want to be "next in line" so I decided to wait for a better moment to approach her
This is what I am talking about when I say you gotta take more risks to she where the boundary is and what's possible. Why not be the "next in line" and shoot your shot. Why not come up with something situational and see how it sticks? Could have said something like "wow the merchants out here are super pushy these days". Shows some situational awareness and give you the chance to open her. Could have maybe even stuck the landing.

Instead you decided let some other dude who clearly didn't know what he was doing step in next

Sure, maybe you would have fallen straight on your face. But you also would have worked out the muscle that just acts when you see an opportunity, and rolls with it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Sure, maybe you would have fallen straight on your face. But you also would have worked out the muscle that just acts when you see an opportunity, and rolls with it.

Thanks for pointing it out. In retrospect, it couldn't have hurt to have gone in there regardless.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Not much to report this weekend, didn't do any approaches.

My allergies are still on and off, some days I'm fine and I feel on top of the world, other days I feel crap with a stuffy nose and teary eyes. Today is one of the latter.

At least I had a nice day on the beach. The weather is getting warmer and I had a couple of swims. Also I had a hot eye flirt with a cute girl lying some 20m away from me. She was there with a female friend and was looking over all the time, and I looked back. She had a nice thin body with an awesome ass, with a tiny black bikini that made it look even better. She had beautiful ong dark hair, but honestly looked too young for me. Probably not even twenty.

She really looked over at me a lot, even her friend did sometimes, and on one occasion they'd both look at me and giggle together. Typical female adolescent flirting behaviour :) Made me kind of proud that at my 50 years now, I still have cute young things who seem to be into me!

I considered approaching a couple of times, but they looked really young for me. After at least an hour, probably two, of casual glances back and forth and occasional eye contact, two boys (definitely teenagers by their looks) appeared and laid down with the girls. Not sure if they were boyfriends, but approaching was now definitely out of the question.

Instead, I gave the girl a little grin when I left a little later. She didn't return it and looked at me a bit nervously, but to be fair she was now with her guy friends so that's probably why.

There was another girl lying nearby who was all by herself, which was also quite attractive and not quite as young, but she was sleeping the whole time I was there. I really didn't want to wake her up to open her, felt like a rather rude thing to do.


Later at sunset, I came back to the beach because on Sunday evenings, there were often dozens of single girls sitting staring out at the ocean. Not so today though. I'm not sure if I'd have been in the mood for approaching anyway with my stuffy nose, I guess it would have depended on the attractivity of the girl. But today the single girls were strangely absent.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 24, 2024
I hate to reiterate @StrayDog's point. You are missing opportunity after opportunity.
It's like you are in your head a lot.

Just take a look at my FR after not having approached in a long time. My game was lame, and in a bad venue but I decided to do it cause why not?
I was blown out, outright ignored by the first two girls. I managed to hook the last one before I got cockblocked.
Even with crappy game.

I'd suggest meditation and practising mindfulness before going out. At least 30 minutes. This will help you tremendously. I'm not kidding.
You gotta play to win.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I hate to reiterate @StrayDog's point. You are missing opportunity after opportunity.
It's like you are in your head a lot.

Just take a look at my FR after not having approached in a long time. My game was lame, and in a bad venue but I decided to do it cause why not?
I was blown out, outright ignored by the first two girls. I managed to hook the last one before I got cockblocked.
Even with crappy game.

I'd suggest meditation and practising mindfulness before going out. At least 30 minutes. This will help you tremendously. I'm not kidding.
You gotta play to win.
Thank you. Deep down, I know it's a numbers game. But somehow I can't get myself to approach recently.

I'll do a meditation as you suggested and then go out. Keep you guys posted...
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
No luck today. I did see some hot girls, but didn't approach.

I tried meditating before going out, for about 20 minutes. My thoughts were all over the place. I'm usually pretty good at meditating, but today it ws just weird. Is there anything you suggest I "meditate on", a mantra or a goal or something? Or is it just to clear my mind?

What I usually do when meditating is sit, breathe, and try and be open for any intuitions that come to me. Often this works very well. In fact, I just did it and the intuition that came was "It's okay. Your time for action will come." So there you go :=)

As for the outing today, I saw one girl sitting on a chair right as I walked out the house. I felt the impulse to talk to her, but was also strangely hesitant. My inner excuses were of the sort "Your plan was to go for a coffee, and then go to the beach and see if you find any hotties there." I can be quite rigid with my planning. Maybe this is an age thing? This obviously hinders my ability to pick up a girl and be spontaneous with her. With pickup you need to be flexible obviously because you never know in advance what results you are going to get.

On the beach there was one single girl that I should have approached. She had a good body but I wasn't a big fan of her haircut. The idiotic excuses I make! When I left, I saw two tattoos on her leg that I liked. Could have asked her about those as an opener.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
@gameboy Yes it's a numbers game. But it is far from being entirely a numbers game, as there is a great deal of skill involved in being successful. Otherwise pick up would be purely about luck.

You have already done a large amount of numbers and the fact that you are plateaued at your current level of success suggests to me that there is something in your skill set that needs review, diagnosis, and revision. With the numbers you have been doing you could most likely be seeing more progress.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 3, 2020
Is there anything you suggest I "meditate on", a mantra or a goal or something? Or is it just to clear my mind?
Meditation for me is to clear my mind and become more connected to the present. When thoughts are running amok, meditation helps bring calm. Acknowledging the different thought threads inside my head. When meditating, what helps me is to not "try" to observe the thoughts. Let them come on their own.

"Your plan was to go for a coffee, and then go to the beach and see if you find any hotties there." I can be quite rigid with my planning.
This also happens to me a lot. I think its just one of the various excuses we can create. Finding one more reason to not approach. Times like these, what helps me is momentum. Force yourself to approach a few and get the ball rolling. Then the barrier to approach the next girl gets lower. You don't pay attention to those excuses so much anymore


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: 0 approaches

I'll make a point of writing in this journal on a daily basis, even if I don't make any approaches. Hopefully this will help me improve. It's getting kind of embarassing to again have to post that I didn't get anythign done, seduction-wise.

I actually saw some hotties on the beach around noon, but I was kind of in a hurry and therefore didn't approach any of them. Then in the evening when I went back to the beach, with more time on my hands and intention to approach, there were no single girls to be found.

There was one particularily hot Brazilian, a dark skinned girl, with long braided hair and a very fine ass. She was actually hopping around right in front of me in her bikini, trying to evade the cold water as the waves came crashing in. But alas, she had her boyfriend by her side. Nevertheless seeing her hot ass bouncing up and down was as excellent a motivation as any to start approaching again. And hopefully take a sexy gal home, sooner rather than later!

While sitting by myself I had a flashback of the ex again. There was this moment after we had broken up, and had a looong talk, cuddling on her sofa for what was to be the last time. It was an abusive relationship, and at the time I was completely certain that I had to end it. But when I left her apartment, for good, there was this image that I've never been able to forget: Her standing in her apartment door, me heading towards the elevator. My girlfriend of 6 years, with tears in her eyes, begging me: "Stay with me!". But I left anyway...

One of the saddest moments of my life. I wish I could erase that memory. But maybe it's a good thing that we can't do that.

As you can see, I'm in a melancholical mood today. I know that I did the right thing, but the memory of this moment has been haunting me for a long time after I ended it. Nowadays I rarely get these flashbacks, but today it happened again.

I've had a good evening with friends afterwards, so I'm fine. More or less.

Actually, I think being sad is a good thing. Because it motivates me to take action. I've been a bit too comfy and happy those last couple of weeks. It's really time to take destiny into my hands and work towards something new.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Quick morning update: Just spotted a perfect 10 sitting at a table next to me while having my morning coffee. (No approach though)

She was with 2 friends, one male and 1 female. Her friends seemed quite young but "my 10" seemed to be slightly older, early or mis 20s. Had long blonde-brown hair, excellent figure, quite tall. Large boobs but not too large, and they didn't seem to be artificial (or they did a very good job on her). Slim otherwise. She was sitting facing towards me, wearing a short white skirt. Awesome legs.

Her group were talking in English, but I couldn't quite decide whether she was native British or American. We did have eye contact once or twice and while it didn't amount to a full-on eye flirt, she didn't seem closed off to me either. But her being in a mixed 2-set made the approach kind of hard. Her group was getting ready to leave, and I thought about asking/complimenting her about a tattoo that I spotted on the inside of her upper arm. I probably would have if they had passed by my table, because it would have seemed relatively low effort. But they walked the other way, so I didn't get up to chase her. I did get an awesome rear view of her as the 3 of them walked away, though.

Let's see if I can get over my AA later on! Right now I'm focussed on raising my motivation by taking in the sheer beauty and attractiveness that the females of our species have to offer.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: One ping/semi-approach, but got ignored. Saw another 10 but AA got the better of me


It was cold and windy on the beach today and I saw very few single girls. At last I spotted a petite curly girl in a short black dress that was trying to give her dog some water from a spigot, but the spigot didn't work. I walked towards her and she walked towards me, so when I was close I said to her in a loud voice "There water is turned off" but she didn't react really. The dog came up to me excitedly and sniffed and licked my hand, so I said "hello" to it and then turned back to the girl, saying "He's so cute"! She was smiling, but was looking at the dog and not at me. In fact she didn't react to me at all and just kept wlaking. I think she had headphones in, so either she didn't understand me or couldn't hear me. Oh well at least I tried.

I later saw that it wasn't actually her dog, it belonged to some other people and she was just playing with it. Which explained her behaviour... I've been a dog owner myself, and in my experience, when my dog likes someone and that person talks to me, then I'll at least chat with them a bit.


Later I came across a girl that I would say was another 10. She was sitting on a patch of grass in a bikini, reading a book. She had some very well done tattoos all over her body. I also noticed she had really thin arms. Unfortunately, I have to say I didn't dare approach. (Chase says to keep well away from girls with too many tattoos, but she had a cute face or at least it looked like that to me at the moment. And damn she was hot.)

Instead of approaching, I hovered around for some time. Then drove around a bit on the bike, but staying in the vicinity so I saw when she got dressed and ready to leave. I managed to engineer my path so that I came across her heads-on. However now she was wearing sunglasses, a black cap, and I also saw that the whole front of her neck was also covered in tattoos. That was a bit too much for me so I didn't open.


I'm glad I at least said something to the girl with the dog. It's but a small step ahead, but a step in the right direction nonetheless.

I'm not really kicking myself for not approaching the tattoo girl, I'm not completely against tattoos but hers were a bit too many. But who knows, maybe she was craving for an attractive 50yo guy's company to keep her warm through the night? I wouldn't bet on it, but I guess we will never know.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Snap out of it, man!

I just read through the last half dozen or so posts.

Every single one goes, "I saw these really hot girls... didn't approach."

Well, you either need to find an environment you CAN approach in... if you're out during the day and just can't do it, then maybe you need to be hitting up bars and clubs to start in first... or, if you can't accommodate that, or don't want to, then you just need to bite the bullet and start chatting up girls where you are.

I will give you an assignment:

I want you to find out the favorite colors AND the Zodiac signs of 4 attractive, eligible women whom you did not know before you talked to them this week.

I'll be checking in to see how you progress.
