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How is game different with trans girls?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
When my goal is to sleep with a trans women, do I have to apply different game? Or same as normal chicks? Does anyone have experience on this matter? Any help would be appreciated.
I think you landed on the wrong forum buddy.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
When my goal is to sleep with a trans women, do I have to apply different game? Or same as normal chicks? Does anyone have experience on this matter? Any help would be appreciated.
What I would say from the few times I approached, then realised the girl is not really a girl, but stayed in the set enough out of politeness:

Approach with a genuine compliment and just let the trans close you. Believe
me, sooner or later it’s gonna happen.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
When my goal is to sleep with a trans women, do I have to apply different game? Or same as normal chicks? Does anyone have experience on this matter? Any help would be appreciated.


When I was hanging at those trans-events in Paris with my gay/trav-loving friend, we eventually went to this transexual event. The club was fileld with transwomen and men who chased them. The dynamic was very different from regular venues. Men where outright competing for the hottest trans. However, it still did not look anything like the usual male-to-female dynamic. It was its own thing.

In fact, I was stuck there with my friend (he had gone out with me on saturdays to normal venues and winged me, so I went with him to weird lgbt+ events on sundays, including this event). Now Being stuck there and drinking and observing, which got boring quickly, I though well, wy not just "hit" on some of those trannies for the sake of the experiment. .

Now here is where it gets weird. I got rejected LEFT and RIGHT. Like 0 results with my usual game, which tend to be rather indirect and with mixed signals.

Ok, you may argue, I was not on fire that night. In fact I had been out friday and saturday. Or maybe I simply did not put in any soul into my approaches - I mean it was not like I was motivated picking up individuals was not genuinely attracted to if you see what I mean. But this too is not a plausible explanation as some really DO LOOK like real women, and with some booze in your system, you actually need to consciously remind yourself that - right now, it all looks like a normal cis, but once naked, you may be faced with a wiener. So I do not think it was that.

But then there was THIS real women there - a CIS woman who randomly ended up in that venue and seemed lost for whatever reason (wonder why). Interesting fact, she got 0 attention from the men there, as all men at that even were looking for transgender.

Well, guess what - I approach her, and I instantantly hooked. And pulled. It was easy. Too easy.

So my game was not the problem. It was jsut that my game was not suited for transwomen. It was suited for cis-women.

In fact, what I noticed was that those who had success with transwomen were physically agressive, and used very direct neo-direct game. Their vibe was very bad-boyish and "masculine". The more muscular the more success generally.

Now that's interesting - reflect on this for a bit.

I eventually was forced to go back to this transgender event with my gay/trav-loving friend 2 weeks later (actuallly I was a bit excited since it was fun and I did pull last time- and yes she did have a pussy and it was not post-op).

So I went back. This time, 0 cis-women there. But despite this I though ok let's try neo direct game and see how trans-women reacted.

I had transwomen all over me man.

Neo-direct works... on transwomen.

Be direct, straight to the point. Be confident and be physical.

That's what my kind of KJ observation has taught me. To be taken with a huge grain of salt.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013

How is game different with trans girls men?​

is this not girls chase?

Man wtf. There is a huge difference between transwomen and travs. Travs are fags dressed up as girls. They may even have implants. Transgender may identify as women, but generally, those who do are travs for attention-seeking behaviour. I know a lot of transgenders, one of my best friend is miss T france and all of them, including those that actually do look good identify as trans-women - not women, transwomen.

A trans-man is a girl that switcher over to become a dude. I know one of those too. Lol I even fucked one before she turned into a dude.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I was waiting for someone to call out XD

Though Alek gambit can be useful for this guy.

How do you seduce a man.

Touch his penis 😂😂

I was the one telling this OP that we were open-minded respectful people. I did tell him I would ask the mods about it first - I guess he got a bit impatient.

And no... my gambits do not work on trans. I know this from actual experience.

Neo-direct and physical game is the thing.

Also, not all trans have penises, and transgender are not men, they are transgenders.

This dude is the greatest troller we've had so far

No he is not, I had a prolonged chat with this guy.

He is a great guy and he is curious about trans.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Man wtf. There is a huge difference between transwomen and travs. Travs are fags dressed up as girls. They may even have implants. Transgender may identify as women, but generally, those who do are travs for attention-seeking behaviour. I know a lot of transgenders, one of my best friend is miss T france and all of them, including those that actually do look good identify as trans-women - not women, transwomen.

A trans-man is a girl that switcher over to become a dude. I know one of those too. Lol I even fucked one before she turned into a dude.

My guy I hear you. And I hope to avoid dragging this forum down with a war over gender definitions.

Me personally I have no issue with trans, move in the same spaces as them from time to time.

But they ain’t women by any definition I prescribe to.. Born with a dick and arguably a Y chromosome, counts you out as far as I’m concerned.

But, if we’ve decided that the seduction of trannies is something we’re entertaining over here, i’m not going to fight it.

I personally don’t care.

They’re not women though…

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I remember laughing after reading this a while back, but it's actually a terrifying story. Like to actually have escalated so far with no knowledge... Yikes. They are putting themselves in so much danger too. Bait and switching the wrong guy could get the shit beat out of you.

OP, are you from Iran? Guessing from username. And maybe bisexual struggling with this trying to ease into it? I had a roommate who was closet gay from Iran. Big internal struggle, thinking he was a sinner, etc. I think he got over it by rationalizing that God made gay animals or something.

Also before noticing a while later that @Teevster edited his post 44 here with the wokism part, I thought he was serious lol

But yes from matching accidentally sometimes swiping fast on apps, it seems they tend to play an active role.

Oh I see Alek responded while I'm typing. Not surprised as he is familiar with that world. Seems consistent with my experience here. I don't think I was neo direct, but there was some explicit conversation and physical escalation (hand on waist, lower back leading, arm around shoulder, etc).



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
My guy I hear you. And I hope to avoid dragging this forum down with a war over gender definitions.

Me personally I have no issue with trans, move in the same spaces as them from time to time.

But they ain’t women by any definition I prescribe to.. Born with a dick and arguably a Y chromosome, counts you out as far as I’m concerned.

I know the LGBTQ+ community inside out. I can even say that I know the trans-community well. My best friend is a legend in that community and competed in miss-trans world. Been to their parties, and afterparties. It is wild, it is crazy. It is its own thing.

Let me tell you one thing. Transpeople are politicized. A LOT (yet when it all comes down to it, we do not offer them treatment for real disease- so lots of hypocrisy here).

Gay guys too are politicized. This woke gay activist is one I seldom bump into in gay clubs. But those you have on TV talking about "do not assume my pronoun" are all just histrionic fags - but primarily histrionic.

I have met 100s of trans. I have befriended many.

Not a single one of them identified as a man. But also not a single one of them identified as a woman either.

They ALL - without exception, identified as transgender - which is correct. They are trans. That is a fact.

Do not believe everything you hear on social media or in the news.

Those who have made a point out of "identifying as women" are all travs and ugly ass weird gay cross-dressers.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Also before noticing a while later that @Teevster edited his post 44 here with the wokism part, I thought he was serious lol

I was. If you are are a risk group, you get shit for free. Being a manwhore who fucks around gives you some points. Fucking transgenders gives MANY points, and if you add to them, you actually get shit for free by the health-care.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
I know the LGBTQ+ community inside out. I can even say that I know the trans-community well. My best friend is a legend in that community and competed in miss-trans world. Been to their parties, and afterparties. It wild, it is crazy. It is its own thing.

Let me tell you one thing. Transpeople are politicized. A LOT.

Just like gay-guys. But those you have on TV talkign about "do assume my pronoun" are all just histrionic fags.

I have met 100s of trans. I have befriended many.

Not a single one of them identified as a man. But also not a single one of them identified as a woman.

They ALL - without exception, identified as transgender - which is correct. They are trans. That is a fact.

Do not believe everything you hear on social media or in the news.

Those who have made a point out of "identifying as women" are all travs and ugly ass weird gay cross-dressers.

I can accept the ‘identify as trans’ part and i generally do not care bruv. I’ve been around a few trans myself and they’ve been lovely people.. i even treat them like girls…

The identify argument i don’t take as gospel. For example, me and those of my ilk can start identifying as goldfish. It means fuck all.

Identity is negotiated. And can be rejected.

Outside of this, is this forum now open to advice on seducing trannies?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I can accept the ‘identify as trans’ part and i generally do not care bruv. I’ve been around a few trans myself and they’ve been lovely people.. i even treat them like girls…

The identify argument i don’t take as gospel. For example, me and those of my ilk can start identifying as goldfish. It means fuck all.

Identity is negotiated. And can be rejected

Yeah, that's what I think is the right thing to do.

And I agree with this.

Outside of this, is this forum now open to advice on seducing trannies?

So I brought this up with the mods but the OP got impatient and posted it. The mod that responded to me said - no - this is a forum based on pulling women (born women), but was ok to let this one be a one-off.

We will see what the rest says.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Yeah, that's what I think is the right thing to do.

And I agree with this.

So I brought this up with the mods but the OP got impatient and posted it. The mod that responded to me said - no - this is a forum based on pulling women (born women), but was ok to let this one be a one-off.

We will see what the rest says
Nicely done ✅

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I was. If you are are a risk group, you get shit for free. Being a manwhore who fucks around gives you some points. Fucking transgenders gives MANY points, and if you add to them, you actually get shit for free by the health-care.

Oh yeah I did figure you claimed that and really did get the medical care from identifying that way to the medical office. I just thought for some time that you were actually bi, non-binary, and sometimes fuck transgender women.

I was actually reading your articles with an open mind for some time after, thinking hmmm this guy really has a wide world view and has seen it all. Which I suppose is still true.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Oh yeah I did figure you claimed that and really did get the medical care from identifying that way to the medical office. I just thought for some time that you were actually bi, non-binary, and sometimes fuck transgender women.
Well, bullshitting the healthcare system is a known trick. It is like saying you got assfucked just to skip the line at the STI clinic (the lines there can get insanely long). Gotta be pragmatic. I even got condoms on prescription for a while - like i could get them for free at a pharmacy.

Onto a different note:

I have tried trans. There was even an infamous LR from 2010 on mASF about it.

It is not for me. The dick part is turning me off.

And I though that was the main issue, but no, there was more. I tried it again later years with a post-op trans, that looked 100% like a girl. The person had a fake vagina.

It felt terrible. Penetrating that did not feel like a vagina... at ALL. But the vibe was also off to me.

So no, trans are not for me.

But yes, I have seen it all.

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