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How many 40 year old daygamers on here?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
This is sort of correct. Michael basically says that if you have a lot of female friends, that you will get automatic social proof everywhere you go when you bring them with and it will make it easier for you to bang them. And yes, you will end up fucking your friends but it'll just be a casual thing and not (necessarily) turn into a relationship.
I'm simplifying for the sake of capturing the stuff that's universally applicable as opposed to just stuff unique to his particular flavor. Whether his particular techniques and details are ideal or not, the larger principle stands:

- Even when you try to bang every girl you meet, you mostly end up banging the girls who are dtf ANYWAY
- By trying to bang every girl you approach, you're burning down those leads (and burning down the location if its a small place). You commit to either get a bang right then and there or nothing at all

Even if you ignore all the other benefits he lists from befriending them, it's still smarter to add them into a long-term funnel where you get to bang them in the future (or derrive other benefits from having them as a contact).

Again, I'm not describing Sartain's particular flavor, just the stuff which is universally applicable even if you don't go for his particular flavor.

For me personally I am cold approaching instead of DMing, but I am promoting stuff, to start building up that personal brand. Once my brand is good enough, I will expand to cold DM-ing as he shows in his program.
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
he said in his videos that cold approach could get you arrested and that it was creepy - for me personally cold approach got me my girlfriend so i think he's deliberately misleading men so he can upsell them on bullshit social circle courses that don't even make sense when applied to logically. It's people like him that mislead men and speak charismatically on camera trying to act like they know about relationship dynamics when in reality they have little to prove other than a whole heap of lies and photos with hot women.

I just think he's being too convoluted - better off following Krausser and Torero and investing time finding good wingmen : https://mindful-masculinity.org/202...from-dating-coaches-marketers-course-sellers/
If he said that total keyboard jokey and none sense


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
If he said that total keyboard jokey and none sense
I doubt he said that, sounds like something taken out of context. He might have been making fun of spam approachers or the worst of cold approachers.

It's his fault though because he doesn't differentiate terms clearly. In his programs and q&a he explains cold approach is great for meeting new girls to invite.

Sounds like a contradiction right? Didn't you say it was creepy? Well he means cold approach pickup where you approach with sexual intent from the get go, not the mere act of approaching new people. It can be creepy when you combine "sexual intent from get go" and spam approaching.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I'm simplifying for the sake of capturing the stuff that's universally applicable as opposed to just stuff unique to his particular flavor. Whether his particular techniques and details are ideal or not, the larger principle stands:

- Even when you try to bang every girl you meet, you mostly end up banging the girls who are dtf ANYWAY
- By trying to bang every girl you approach, you're burning down those leads (and burning down the location if its a small place). You commit to either get a bang right then and there or nothing at all

Even if you ignore all the other benefits he lists from befriending them, it's still smarter to add them into a long-term funnel where you get to bang them in the future (or derrive other benefits from having them as a contact).

Again, I'm not describing Sartain's particular flavor, just the stuff which is universally applicable even if you don't go for his particular flavor.

For me personally I am cold approaching instead of DMing, but I am promoting stuff, to start building up that personal brand. Once my brand is good enough, I will expand to cold DM-ing as he shows in his program.
I just thought of a different way of explain the part that I like and am applying: the whole idea of letting the girl be the first to go beyond being friendly

I think Sartain is too bogged down on selling his specific flavor so he can sell more programs, but the overall principle is still useful to everyone.

For example, he focuses on how magical it is to get a bunch of female friends into your circle, so that this creates social proof which gets them to hit on you first.

Once they hit on you then you can escalate (he uses the term compliance loops, but it's just escalating when she shows she's interested in more than just being friendly)

Now, the part that I take away from this, and can be applied in general is having the girl show interest first about going beyond just social/friendly. Your job is just to escalate and handle logistics.

I think he's too focused on presenting social proof as this magic pill. He does that coz the Bilzerian angle is good for marketing.

I think the principle applies even without the social proof stuff, and it doesn't have to be the chick hitting on you. It can be a lot subtler than that.

For example, even if you just approach chicks in daygame with an excuse, you will notice chicks trying to turn it into more than that.

They will try to turn the conversation into something more than just whatever your excuse was. At that point escalate (instadate, pull, etc)

The idea that you have to turn every single interaction/approach into a pickup attempt doesn't make sense to me, because I honestly can't think of a situation where a girl would have shown zero hints she wants to go beyond friendly, and somehow you gamed her into a lay.

It's just burning down leads for no good reason. Social circle systems are a great place to put chicks which aren't ready (yet). They might be in the future, whether because they see the magical power of female competition (the magic pill according to sartain), or just because they're hornier than the week when you met them, or they're in a different phase of life (chicks go in cycles with their sexuality too). "Lay or burn" approaches to pickup forget the cyclical nature of women's sexuality.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 15, 2024
He might not hide the volume, but then he claims the secret to his number of lays is his "super optimized game and conversion systems". He proactively keeps saying this. When the fact is that any guy using any method would have similar results with that volume.
I'm going to defend him for a second and say that what he said is actually correct, it's just a different approach than what most people have when it comes to pickup.

Most people think that "optimized" game would mean basically progressing from phase to phase smoothly and elegantly. That's the idea of "getting good" at game.

JA has more of a brute force numbers game style. He is not particularly slick on the open or at any part of the interaction (from what I've seen of his infield), but he is just really really good at closing leads. That's what sets him apart, is that he can close a lead he gets into his funnel. His follow up is very good.

Whereas most people will give up if a number flakes/doesn't respond, he has a good system for following up that increases the likelihood of them coming out for a date. His shit is very systematic, but it's not "pretty"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 15, 2024
I just came back to edit the error in my post. I was thinking of salt dating. Splenda dating is when you're a cheap sugar daddy. Salt dating is when you lead the girl on, bang her and she doesn't get anything. John Anthony does salt dating and teaches salt dating. It's when chicks think think they're auditioning for the he sugar baby role for a rich guy, but it's really just a dude lying to them about being a sugar daddy. His students keep getting banned from sugar daddy websites and have to resort to vpns and fake identities coz the girls keep turning them in. If John Anthony is counting those salty lays in his numbers (and it seems that he is), that's kind of shitty.
"Salt dating" that's a hilarious term, never heard that one before. I've actually done this a few times from sugar dating sites, it's not as fun as it sounds. Yes you can get laid, but knowing in the back of your mind that the girl is going to hit you up asking for $400 for some bullshit a few days later kind of takes the fun out of it. However I do believe that every man should set up an account on Seeking just once so you can see how it feels like to be an attractive girl that guys just want 1 thing from.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I'm going to defend him for a second and say that what he said is actually correct, it's just a different approach than what most people have when it comes to pickup.

Most people think that "optimized" game would mean basically progressing from phase to phase smoothly and elegantly. That's the idea of "getting good" at game.

JA has more of a brute force numbers game style. He is not particularly slick on the open or at any part of the interaction (from what I've seen of his infield), but he is just really really good at closing leads. That's what sets him apart, is that he can close a lead he gets into his funnel. His follow up is very good.

Whereas most people will give up if a number flakes/doesn't respond, he has a good system for following up that increases the likelihood of them coming out for a date. His shit is very systematic, but it's not "pretty"
So why is it still 1 in 40 or even less? How does one quantify this supposed "elite conversion skill" if in the end he still only lays 1 in 40 to 1 in 50 approaches? People who don't claim to be elite have the same ratio. What does this elitness change in the end? What does it even mean in practical terms? I'm not seeing the added benefit.

Listen, if there were guys who managed to bang a significantly higher proportion of the girls they approach, I'd be like yah fuck befriending the "not that interested" chicks, Im gonna battle objections and lay a small portion of them and burn the rest to the ground.

But im not seeing any significant overall differences to justify burning leads into the ground. Especially since I plan on living in the same location where I met them for decades to come. I'm not going to be switching cities or countries every few years like these guys.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
If he said that total keyboard jokey and none sense
he's lied about his height on camera and his job lol guy is a cuck in my opinion if he's lied about those things no doubt he's lying about others too I also think his methods just aren't sustainble for 99 percent of men whereas daygame is pretty actionable for 80-90 percent of men

i mean look at these photos of john anthony https://krauserpua.com/2018/09/10/jmulv-is-a-fraud-obviously/ photos of tattoos and asses just oozes hes banging prostitues there's also some evidence before hand that he sent money to a hooker too .


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
So why is it still 1 in 40 or even less? How does one quantify this supposed "elite conversion skill" if in the end he still only lays 1 in 40 to 1 in 50 approaches? People who don't claim to be elite have the same ratio. What does this elitness change in the end? What does it even mean in practical terms? I'm not seeing the added benefit.

Listen, if there were guys who managed to bang a significantly higher proportion of the girls they approach, I'd be like yah fuck befriending the "not that interested" chicks, Im gonna battle objections and lay a small portion of them and burn the rest to the ground.

But im not seeing any significant overall differences to justify burning leads into the ground. Especially since I plan on living in the same location where I met them for decades to come. I'm not going to be switching cities or countries every few years like these guys.
because women have huge variances and different expectations during dates so more or less you are looking at that ratio for the pros

what makes a pro a pro per say is the fact that theyve done 1000s of sets and have reference experience of all kinds of different dates - i still enjoy Nick Krauser and Torero's advice and their numbers are certainly better than mine but theyve endured 1000s of dates and 10000s of appraoches . Ive daygamed with male models before a lot of them get similar rejection rates to average males as well - very hard to deal the difference really maybe over 500-1000 approaches you can get a better ideas

I mean if Paul Janka is a male model from harvard and he's fucking 1 in 10 phone numbers then i guess it's easy for no body right?

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
because women have huge variances and different expectations during dates so more or less you are looking at that ratio for the pros

what makes a pro a pro per say is the fact that theyve done 1000s of sets and have reference experience of all kinds of different dates - i still enjoy Nick Krauser and Torero's advice and their numbers are certainly better than mine but theyve endured 1000s of dates and 10000s of appraoches . Ive daygamed with male models before a lot of them get similar rejection rates to average males as well - very hard to deal the difference really maybe over 500-1000 approaches you can get a better ideas

I mean if Paul Janka is a male model from harvard and he's fucking 1 in 10 phone numbers then i guess it's easy for no body right?
I know you get mad when i insult the daygame.com guys but truth is, their game just isnt that good. And while Janka may be a male model is entire method is to essentially spam approach as many woman as possible, fluff talk for 30 seconds to a minute, and grab the number. Of course he’s going to have such little success with that type of approach.

Teevester/Alek has written some great articles on why the spam approach and “neo direct” style game doesn’t work well at all.

If you want some good information on day game check out “seduction mma” course by gunwitch. Much better stuff and when you get good at it you won’t have to approach 50 women to get a lay.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
because women have huge variances and different expectations during dates so more or less you are looking at that ratio for the pros

what makes a pro a pro per say is the fact that theyve done 1000s of sets and have reference experience of all kinds of different dates - i still enjoy Nick Krauser and Torero's advice and their numbers are certainly better than mine but theyve endured 1000s of dates and 10000s of appraoches . Ive daygamed with male models before a lot of them get similar rejection rates to average males as well - very hard to deal the difference really maybe over 500-1000 approaches you can get a better ideas

I mean if Paul Janka is a male model from harvard and he's fucking 1 in 10 phone numbers then i guess it's easy for no body right?
Sounds just like the stuff John Anthony says.

He keeps saying stuff like "you should listen to me because I've banged a 1000 chicks and that dude has "only" banged a 100... I have more experiences, so I'm more skilled". But he gets the same results (1 in 50). There's no evidence that this supposed elitness does anything.

Law of diminishing returns applies to everything. There's no evidence that the 1000 lays guy knows more or is better than the 100 lays guy. There's only so many additional distinctions to learn.

Even if this elitness exists, it seems like we're talking about a 1-2% difference... Which is fine, in a lot of sports the elite athlete is only 2% better than a great athlete and only 10% better than a good athlete.

I get it... But there is no fucking world pickup championship. That elitness means nothing in the real world. Nobody is giving out prizes for a 2% edge.

Back to what concerns me. I don't like the idea of burning the entire female population of my city to the ground for a 2% higher chance per low-interest lead. That's retarded. I'd rather add those low interest leads jnto my circle than burn them all down for a 2% extra chance at a lay.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
every man should set up an account on Seeking just once so you can see how it feels like to be an attractive girl that guys just want 1 thing from.

It"s so much fun to be on the other side for once. To get opened by tons of girls, most of them with absolutely zero game.

My inbox used to be full of messages like "Hey how are you?"... yawn...

The somewhat more professional ones would send you a copy-pasted message saying " I like your profile, how are you?' or something similar. I liked to test them asking what it was specifically that they liked. Most girls couldn't give an answer that actually related to anything I had written :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Sounds just like the stuff John Anthony says.

He keeps saying stuff like "you should listen to me because I've banged a 1000 chicks and that dude has "only" banged a 100... I have more experiences, so I'm more skilled". But he gets the same results (1 in 50). There's no evidence that this supposed elitness does anything.

Law of diminishing returns applies to everything. There's no evidence that the 1000 lays guy knows more or is better than the 100 lays guy. There's only so many additional distinctions to learn.

Even if this elitness exists, it seems like we're talking about a 1-2% difference... Which is fine, in a lot of sports the elite athlete is only 2% better than a great athlete and only 10% better than a good athlete.

I get it... But there is no fucking world pickup championship. That elitness means nothing in the real world. Nobody is giving out prizes for a 2% edge.
john anthony hired hookers and counted them as actual lays - very difficult to trust him from then on when it comes to what he says or does he also banged several trannies and counted them in his laycount too which is just ughhh

again a lot of people on forums lie and a lot of dating coaches lie / exaggerate things- i think people like torero and krauser are realistic depicitions of what daygame is like for the majority of men therefore worth a follow for beginner daygamers. Then again Tom did pay an actress for a kiss close on camera so ultimately maybe they're all lying to some degree ? I met Tom once though in 2018 he was a kind and helpful person and seemingly always had time to share experiences and improve the London daygame scene i met some valuable wingmen at his events too. Contrast that to Anthony who seems to burn bridges with everyone and Sartain who talks shit about daygame whilst talking a lot of nonsense on his podcasts i just think the London daygame coaches come out on top in providing relatable and realistic depictions on dating


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Sounds just like the stuff John Anthony says.

He keeps saying stuff like "you should listen to me because I've banged a 1000 chicks and that dude has "only" banged a 100... I have more experiences, so I'm more skilled". But he gets the same results (1 in 50). There's no evidence that this supposed elitness does anything.

Law of diminishing returns applies to everything. There's no evidence that the 1000 lays guy knows more or is better than the 100 lays guy. There's only so many additional distinctions to learn.

Even if this elitness exists, it seems like we're talking about a 1-2% difference... Which is fine, in a lot of sports the elite athlete is only 2% better than a great athlete and only 10% better than a good athlete.

I get it... But there is no fucking world pickup championship. That elitness means nothing in the real world. Nobody is giving out prizes for a 2% edge.

Back to what concerns me. I don't like the idea of burning the entire female population of the city to the ground for 2% higher chance to lay one. That's retarded. I'd rather have them in my circle than burn them all down for a 2% extra chance at a lay.

john anthony hired hookers and counted them as actual lays - very difficult to trust him from then on when it comes to what he says or does he also banged several trannies and counted them in his laycount too which is just ughhh

again a lot of people on forums lie and a lot of dating coaches lie / exaggerate things- i think people like torero and krauser are realistic depicitions of what daygame is like for the majority of men therefore worth a follow for beginner daygamers. Then again Tom did pay an actress for a kiss close on camera so ultimately maybe they're all lying to some degree ? I met Tom once though in 2018 he was a kind and helpful person and seemingly always had time to share experiences and improve the London daygame scene i met some valuable wingmen at his events too. Contrast that to Anthony who seems to burn bridges with everyone and Sartain who talks shit about daygame whilst talking a lot of nonsense on his podcasts i just think the London daygame coaches come out on top in providing relatable and realistic depictions on dating
It seems to be an unfortunate property of running a pickup business, since they're all selling roughly the same thing (just varying flavors), they have to exaggerate the difference. And it seems they've stumbled on exaggerating the positives and negatives as the differentiation strategy.

Taking Sartain: cold approach becomes this horrendous beast and social proof is a magic pill.

With John Anthony: magically guys who have banged a 100 chicks are "crap coaches" because they haven't yet learned the fine distinctions you learn between lays 101 and lay 999.

With that said, one can understand this and learn the useful bits. While it's obvious that bashing cold approaching is a marketing angle for Sartain, I've been able to pickup very useful stuff from his program and I will be combining it with cold approach.

As for John Anthony, I don't think I've seen anything to pick up, it's just basic pickup from 20 years ago, but he makes it seem like he's discovered some special elite new optimizations that change everything because he's kept spam approaching long after getting more lays that most guys even need.

I think that 50-100 lays should be more than enough to learn all possible distinctions...

Even if he has discovered extra optimizations by continuing to Spam approach way past the 100th lay, I doubt it gives more than an additional 2% edge.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
It seems to be an unfortunate property of running a pickup business, since they're all selling roughly the same thing (just varying flavors), they have to exaggerate the difference. And it seems they've stumbled on exaggerating the positives and negatives as the differentiation strategy.

Taking Sartain: cold approach becomes this horrendous beast and social proof is a magic pill.

With John Anthony: magically guys who have banged a 100 chicks are "crap coaches" because they haven't yet learned the fine distinctions you learn between lays 101 and lay 999.

With that said, one can understand this and learn the useful bits. While it's obvious that bashing cold approaching is a marketing angle for Sartain, I've been able to pickup very useful stuff from his program and I will be combining it with cold approach.

As for John Anthony, I don't think I've seen anything to pick up, it's just basic pickup from 20 years ago, but he makes it seem like he's discovered some special elite new optimizations that change everything because he's kept spam approaching long after getting more lays that most guys even need.

I think that 50-100 lays should be more than enough to learn all possible distinctions...

Even if he has discovered extra optimizations by continuing to Spam approach way past the 100th lay, I doubt it gives more than an additional 2% edge.
again it's tough to take John Anthony seriously when he's got photos with hookers and counting them as actual results- i mean how can you trust someone who lies like that? It's just deception isnt it - you will have a lot of newbies coming into his programme who think you can achieve that level of success which he himself doesn't seem to have accomplished as he's just posting pictures with hookers.

Sartain again - he's lying about his height

and there was another video of proof that he lied about his occuptation but sartain had it taken down - but anyway from his "social circle" photos how many of these girls are actually dating Sartain? I was a virgin till i was 21 and i had a load of pics with hot girls i was friendzoned with on facebook - it was all an illusion none of these girls saw me as dating material or wanted an actual relationship with me again sartain is probably taking a lot of pics with hot girls who have no interest in him - i mean how many men in their 30s 40s 50s even have photo bomb pics with women they don't like? It's even less time efficient than daygame. RSD Max did the same thing - hired a bunch of Ukrainian models in his house in Kiev made it look like he was having sex with a load of hot girls when in reality all those women were just paid to be there.

I fully believe "Social Circle" game is just irrelevant to the majority of men and creates a sense of delusion - michael sartain yaps red pill content in a confident and charismatic manner- but once you see through the pics are there are any actual results or real competent relationships being formed? Or is he just taking a pool pic with 8 bimbos in Vegas all 8 of which don't even like him .

glad you got value out of his course- i just don't want you to be suckered in by these people -


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
again it's tough to take John Anthony seriously when he's got photos with hookers and counting them as actual results- i mean how can you trust someone who lies like that? It's just deception isnt it - you will have a lot of newbies coming into his programme who think you can achieve that level of success which he himself doesn't seem to have accomplished as he's just posting pictures with hookers.

Sartain again - he's lying about his height

and there was another video of proof that he lied about his occuptation but sartain had it taken down - but anyway from his "social circle" photos how many of these girls are actually dating Sartain? I was a virgin till i was 21 and i had a load of pics with hot girls i was friendzoned with on facebook - it was all an illusion none of these girls saw me as dating material or wanted an actual relationship with me again sartain is probably taking a lot of pics with hot girls who have no interest in him - i mean how many men in their 30s 40s 50s even have photo bomb pics with women they don't like? It's even less time efficient than daygame. RSD Max did the same thing - hired a bunch of Ukrainian models in his house in Kiev made it look like he was having sex with a load of hot girls when in reality all those women were just paid to be there.

I fully believe "Social Circle" game is just irrelevant to the majority of men and creates a sense of delusion - michael sartain yaps red pill content in a confident and charismatic manner- but once you see through the pics are there are any actual results or real competent relationships being formed? Or is he just taking a pool pic with 8 bimbos in Vegas all 8 of which don't even like him .

glad you got value out of his course- i just don't want you to be suckered in by these people -
Actually I was doing what he teaches 10 years before he was teaching it. I called it "status game". It's where I got all of my lays with plenty of much hotter girls than I could otherwise.

I don't need him him to convince me that status gets you laid, I got a laid a ton doing it before I ever even learned about this dude.

The only things I picked up from him were a few additional angles and tools to build status with.

Honestly I find it weird when people doubt he could be getting laid, when I myself only had like a tiny amount of the status that he has and I had hot girls throwing themselves at me.

Like since when did people forget that status gets you laid?

It's especially weird when people believe in game, but not in status. That makes no sense.

The whole idea of game is to behave "as if" though you have status without actually having it.

Why would someone believe you can't get laid from status (but can from "acting high status") is beyond me.

You can say that his systems for building status are impractical for the average Joe, but you can't possibly doubt that someone with his status has problems getting laid like a rockstar. He might be lying that others can build the same status, sure, but doubting someone of his status gets laid is weird.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Actually I was doing what he teaches 10 years before he was teaching it. I called it "status game". It's where I got all of my lays with plenty of much hotter girls than I could otherwise.

I don't need him him to convince me that status gets you laid, I got a laid a ton doing it before I ever even learned about this dude.

The only things I picked up from him were a few additional angles and tools to build status with.

Honestly I find it weird when people doubt he could be getting laid, when I myself only had like a tiny amount of the status that he has and I had hot girls throwing themselves at me.

Like since when did people forget that status gets you laid?

It's especially weird when people believe in game, but not in status. That makes no sense.

The whole idea of game is to behave "as if" though you have status without actually having it.

Why would someone believe you can't get laid from status (but can from "acting high status") is beyond me.

You can say that his systems for building status are impractical for the average Joe, but you can't possibly doubt that someone with his status has problems getting laid like a rockstar. He might be lying that others can build the same status, sure, but doubting someone of his status gets laid is weird.
You can fake status by wearing good clothes- for example a man can be unemployed but wear a suit this - to some very small degree will increases his status to those looking at him . Clothing has always been an easily way to do this of course once it goes past a date or two if you're living in your mother's basement the truth will come out.

Which is what i don't like about Sartain- the status on the face of it looks fake as he a lot of pictures of women most of whom he isn't fucking its just pics with women - hes not really actively encouraging men to go out there and meet new leads during the day . From Sartain Im unsure of how he interacts with people because we havent seen him do face to face game with anyone. He obviously so blatantly lied on Rollo Tomassi's interview hence why i cant trust him

then again my favourites that i follow lie a lot too there's even a whole blog about the shit krauser has done - https://krauserpuaexposed.blogspot.com/2018/05/ Torero faked a kiss close infield , RSDMax did the same photo bombing nonsense with Ukrainian models and i see the same stuff with Alex Leon now on his instagram-

but that's been the case with pua infield can be faked, people lie a lot , Sartain, Krauser and John anthony have attacked each other for "low laycounts" despite having the same approach to lay ratio too. There's literally mathematically speaking nothing separating these men with the stats they've provided .

Post honest and realistic stats people mock you for being a loser even those same people probably have similar stats/ Post fake stats then again people mock you for faking infield which is what John Anthony did with those selfies with prostitutes he had a feud with Ice white Recently who attacked him on this front for prostitute pics and John sent him a cease and desist . I believe Sartain also sent John a cease and desist too for all the expose videos he did about him - Sartain even challenged John to a boxing match which John accepted then Sartain pussied out of.

a lot of politics in dating coaches now despite them all roughly peddling the same stuff and all having some similar personality issues /lies ( even the ones i like )


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
You can fake status by wearing good clothes- for example a man can be unemployed but wear a suit this - to some very small degree will increases his status to those looking at him . Clothing has always been an easily way to do this of course once it goes past a date or two if you're living in your mother's basement the truth will come out.

Which is what i don't like about Sartain- the status on the face of it looks fake as he a lot of pictures of women most of whom he isn't fucking its just pics with women - hes not really actively encouraging men to go out there and meet new leads during the day . From Sartain Im unsure of how he interacts with people because we havent seen him do face to face game with anyone. He obviously so blatantly lied on Rollo Tomassi's interview hence why i cant trust him

then again my favourites that i follow lie a lot too there's even a whole blog about the shit krauser has done - https://krauserpuaexposed.blogspot.com/2018/05/ Torero faked a kiss close infield , RSDMax did the same photo bombing nonsense with Ukrainian models and i see the same stuff with Alex Leon now on his instagram-

but that's been the case with pua infield can be faked, people lie a lot , Sartain, Krauser and John anthony have attacked each other for "low laycounts" despite having the same approach to lay ratio too. There's literally mathematically speaking nothing separating these men with the stats they've provided .

Post honest and realistic stats people mock you for being a loser even those same people probably have similar stats/ Post fake stats then again people mock you for faking infield which is what John Anthony did with those selfies with prostitutes he had a feud with Ice white Recently who attacked him on this front for prostitute pics and John sent him a cease and desist . I believe Sartain also sent John a cease and desist too for all the expose videos he did about him - Sartain even challenged John to a boxing match which John accepted then Sartain pussied out of.

a lot of politics in dating coaches now despite them all roughly peddling the same stuff and all having some similar personality issues /lies ( even the ones i like )
I don't like Sartain either. But me liking someone isn't relevant to picking up useful stuff.

Also, it's literally impossible to have his level of status and not get laid a ton. When I say status, I'm not talking about mere pics with hot girls (which can be faked). Dude literally hosted red carpet events. You can't fake being the top promoter/organizer for large-scale branded and high-status events that models are fighting to get into.

You'd literally have to fuck things up beyond virgin-level of fucking up when girls throw themselves at you and they do at that level. Again, I had a tiny fraction of the status he had (doing something similar, at much lower scale), and had hot girls throwing themselves at me. I got laid a ton without game.

Promoters have been getting laid without game for decades now, it's not exactly anything new. And he's a pretty high-level promoter/event organizer. I can't imagine it's even possible to NOT get laid a ton at the level the organizes at. I got laid organizing stuff at a much lower level than him. Again this was before I had ever heard of this dude.

I don't need to like the dude, or what he does to acknowledge the fact that status gets you laid, and that i've learned some cool tricks and techniques to build status.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
I don't like Sartain either. But me liking someone isn't relevant to picking up useful stuff.

Also, it's literally impossible to have his level of status and not get laid a ton. When I say status, I'm not talking about mere pics with hot girls (which can be faked). Dude literally hosted red carpet events. You can't fake being the top promoter/organizer for large-scale branded and high-status events that models are fighting to get into.

You'd literally have to fuck things up beyond virgin-level of fucking up when girls throw themselves at you and they do at that level. Again, I had a tiny fraction of the status he had (doing something similar, at much lower scale), and had hot girls throwing themselves at me. I got laid a ton without game.

Promoters have been getting laid without game for decades now, it's not exactly anything new. And he's a pretty high-level promoter/event organizer. I can't imagine it's even possible to NOT get laid a ton at the level the organizes at. I got laid organizing stuff at a much lower level than him. Again this was before I had ever heard of this dude.

I don't need to like the dude, or what he does to acknowledge the fact that status gets you laid, and that i've learned some cool tricks and techniques to build status.
https://mugshots.com/US-States/Nevada/Clark-County-NV/John-Mulvehill.60101001.html what do you think of this btw? John Anthony seemed to have been detained for allegedly kidnapping a girl- the court case was thrown out though due to lack of evidence - mad that he even got arrested though