Re: February
Status of Game: J. Cole (people think I'm better than I am)
I think February was the most fun part of this journal. Things started to become internalized after 2 months of putting in more effort and keeping track of my thoughts. If anything that's a huge lesson I got out of this. Even though it's largely unconscious you've changed your game quite a bit for the better.
How had I not given up on Catfish at this point? Jesus lol. She was such a shallow bitch, and I was so clearly her provider of free shit.
In contrast, I made a oneitis with Bookworm, who, was more than I could handle at the time. That was emotionally tolling, if I remember correctly - putting so much mindful investment into one girl who I thought was so special without really knowing her.
Was stilling tryna fuck these freshmen in class, or so I thought. I only tried shit with like 3 of them, and they were all in my lab class. It was a lecture of like 400 people, yet I limited myself to my immediate surroundings and essentially the social circle of the lab. Where was the abundance mentality?
Oh, that's why:
Yep, that can definitely take away abundance if you really need to get laid. It also can help in making excuses like "I'm too busy". While I was busy, there's far busier people out there getting laid, so, I'ma call bullshit, me.
That phonecall with Hector really helped me. It was on my 21st birthday (I just wrote about it in Feb) and it for some reason brought me right back to this mindset of "I'm the man, I don't give a fuck what other people think" that I so easily radiated during my old-university days. 10/10 would recommend (if you really have many questions you know you can't get on your own). Some of the shit he told me was gold, and helped me greatly.
After this journal I think I'm gonna finish, finish Hustler's Ambition but summarizing every summary (lolz) and then writing a good bit on what I was like and what I learned from my old days in college, now that I've looked back at my past enough.
An app called Friendsy went viral at my campus, and has since then totally died. Pretty neat. It had a friend match, a hook up match, and a date match. Should have gamed it better. More date matches than hook up attempts, since, they get a notification that a stranger wants to hook up with them, instead of wants to date them. Game could be murderous in the date match, where as the hook up match can raise up ASD.
Lol WOW I was being a douchebag in lab. Coming in 20 minutes late, not knowing the assignment was do, expecting (verbally) for my lab partners to carry me, no wonder two of the girls were total bitches to me. At least February was early enough in the semester when they were still attracted to me because of the bad boy vibe. By the end my shenanigans had them disliking me because I didn't give a fuck about the class room. Except for one chance I missed, but, I'll get on that later.
I should have taken my friends advice that this other area of town was more my speed, because well, it was (and still is). The adults in that area have been going out, in that scene, for years. I'm still a relative noob in that part of town, but I am learning quickly. This other area is somewhere I'll be spending a lot of my time next semester.
Side note: talking with lesbians about pussy is fun.
At one of those adult bars I got gamed by girls to get an uber. The scenario was, they were immediately super flirty with me, at the same time (2 of them), RIGHT when the bar closed. It's a hard thing to have an eye for, but they were faking drunk. The main thing to pay attention to is their eyes. If their eyes are off-focus, they're drunk. If they're on focus (not drifting at all), they're probably sober enough to not be falling on you and touchy (unless, well, you know (; ). On top of that they just flat out weren't making sense. They wanted to go to an alleged bar called Don Julio, which is a type of tequila. There's no bar called Don Julio, but they were adamant on going there. Once we stole an uber since my phone didn't work, they stopped acting drunk, switched into a much more controlled frame, and started being bitches. They got what they wanted, I was now useless to them.
I did my first cold approaches at my campus in February, and looking back my fundamentals and openers were not congruent and a pretty large wack stack.
Lol kind of funny how much I was scouting out for girls in my classes, but trying to act like I wasn't. Haha, I mean I'll probably do that next semester to, just in a more calibrated, less stalky way. While it's important to not miss good opportunities, it's also important not to actually BE the guy creeping on all of his classmates whether they know it or not.. out of self-respect and respect to them.
Did a Tuesday bar hop by myself. Not many places going up in the club on a Tuesday, except for one bar right where I live that is literally lit every Tuesday. I usually work though, and don't want to gain a reputation there (I think I already have one there anyways lol - a bartender there and I are eskimo brothers)
That was insightful though. And it gave me the preselection that I needed to fuck Catfish the one time I did. Perhaps this relates back to what Chase said about, "even when you aren't feeling like approaching, just get out there and do it" or whatever the quote is. Social momentum is king.
Never make the same exact joke to a bitch twice (it can happen on accident). What's better, canned meat, or fresh, juicy, newly cooked meat?
One minor thing on polarizing progression with sexual tension is presenting that you are a dominant sexual force in the sack, without being super aggressive about it, but also not being so timid about it that you don't come off as a good fuck. For example, a conversation with Bookworm:
Me: Okay you're gonna teach me something
Her: What's that?
Me: So, in Spanish, how do you say "Tequila makes my clothes come off"
Her: *laughs* umm, let's think.
(ponders how to say it, explains the verbal things about it, so I rearrange the sentence to fit)
Her: Well you could say Tequila takes my clothes off
Me: Sounds a tad aggressive, what about [example] (Don't like the fact I said that, missed a better sexual window. Makes me seem less sexual than I am)
Pretty canned. But I responded "that sounds a tad aggressive" for tequila "taking" the clothes off. Laaame. Could have said something like "ooo, tequila, I like your style (; " then transitioned.
Maybe it wouldn't have landed given the context, but that's not the point. Saying that I think tequila "taking" the clothes off is "aggressive" means I wouldn't rip her clothes off when we start hooking up, if the vibe felt right. What's hotter and more sexually dominant, me taking her clothes off her, or us both slowly getting naked like it's preconceived sex? Maybe I'm creating a falsifiable argument a bit with the options I'm presenting, but what I said sounds pretty verde sauce.
Then I visited my old school. Holy hell, did breaking my spell feel good. I still remember the feeling. I was being facey as hell with the bitches I ran into to. I previously wrote I wouldn't visit again. Uh, fuck that lol. Too much good snatch to catch over there.
I'll never forget,
Her: *almost finishing up her sentence about this thing in her life*
Me: *interrupting, mischievous smile* I wanna fuck the shit out of you so bad right now
Her: *excited, shocked* What??
Me: So you were saying that about your relationship with Starbucks, you're not affected by the greedy decisions those fuckers make, so naturally don't care?
Her: *growing smile, pause* Yeah, I just get to see it from my perspective
That^ is why I got laid with a 26 mom that night. I ravaged that bitch. All that sexual desire pent up, it volcanoed. I had her calling me daddy while her dad (she lived at home) was two rooms down. I also got her to agree to leave mid work-shift at STARBUCKS and fuck me in the bathroom. That, I didn't do, but.. maybe I should have.
I also won't forget this:
I feel too self reassuring and I have been acting that way a lot of recent. Possibly because my ego was suffering from the dry spell.
That's gotta change.
What makes me feel this way? A couple things:
Revisiting my old school made me realize I'm a lot more candid with people out there than I am here. I've concluded this is because I feel I have more to lose here.
I felt I had nothing to lose there, and for a year straight essentially did whatever the fuck I wanted. It was awesome, but to a degree that was completely unsustainable. What I lacked was balance, direction and organization.
It's incredible I was never arrested or had my ass kicked. I went out 4 days a week, every week.
My priorities, in descending order were: Party, pussy, relationships, money, school, health.
I lived by impulse, never even attempting to slow down, only to run from the problem and transfer.
I'm more stable now, but the shift in polarization has somewhat strangled me.
Sure, I'm still me. I still party and do and say a lot of the same shit, but there.. it's different. I feel different.
Like a chameleon, I'm the same organism, but show different traits based on my environment.
There, I feel I hardly have a filter, I feel unafraid to be wrong, say what I feel needs to be said, and hardly ever put up with shit.
I feel a hell of a lot more real.
A moment of a polarizing shift. An empowering embrace of digesting a little more red pill (to the point of being a little bitter), and a hatred for what my ego had done to me as a protective mechanism.
Essentially, I was too wild at my first school, and now I feel too timid here. I was almost a natural at my old school, but it was only supported by my ability to "work" the type of people of that school, my reputation, and my extreme focus on social life rather than academics. I'll write more on that later.
Why being a provider might suck? I dated a bitch for 4 months and fucked her once. And lack of self respect. Taught me 4 things though, I wrote them then,
1). Be congruent - I was super sexual vibe (playing find your nipple, talked about sex during coffee, chase framed her as trying to seduce me, talked about the at the time new Mac Miller album which is ALL about sex) and then I set her a romantic text about how it really enjoyed the time with her. I could have likely banged her out on the second date, instead of this long and annoying process.
2). Don't submit when you know it's bullshit - She would make up excuses about why she couldn't XYZ (mainly fucked even though she's wet in my bed) and they were almost always terrible. Logically jump over her dumb excuses, and push emotion to make her give in to how bad she really wants to fuck
3). Know when to set boundaries - I eventually got fed up with her shit and made it obvious, and she came crawling back. I can tell you this much from my experience with her: she's got plenty of orbiters and other guys to fuck. I had to dominate her in more than one area (logistics, escalations, power control) to finally reel her in.
4). Don't be afraid to say whatever's the fuck on your mind - Even if she's thrown off or initially responds poorly to some of your reactions, she will ultimately respect your honesty and reasoning more than if you were be cautious and act against your feelings.
There may be more but those are huge.
Started making some strides with rogue king here. Tapping into high school friends who had begun their own networks gains me people from their networks, and so on and so forth. It was flattering, about 5 people I didn't know had either heard of me / knew who I was or said the same thing about my roommate, and he didn't even go to my school.
With snapchat game (I'm still not a huge fan) I think it goes something like this:
1). Get a streak with the girl (show off your life), the snaps aren't about her - that's chasig
2). Wait for a back and forth exchange between you two
3). Make the snaps about flirting with her
4). Get nudies / tell her to meet you at X
When hyper-sexualizing, it's important to wait for a green light, or else you're that creepy guy at the bar. I'm sure that a low percentage of good fundamental guys could find some girl horny or desperate enough to hop on a dick without one after being taken off autopilot, but green light muy importante.
Me: Is this a bra?
Her: Yea
Me: Wait no it's not *touching the back of it, then sliding to the small of her back*, I can't unhook it with one hand
Her: You could just do this *pulls bra up, but not enough to flash*
Me: Good thinking, are you single?
Her: Kinda (I have a fuck buddy but no strings attached)
Me: Kinda, I like that answer. Give me your number
She's struggling with the droid, so I tease her
Her: Is this right?
Me: You're good, make sure to throw a sexy nickname in there though
Her: *puts nickname as Kitty Kitty Meow Meow*
Me: Mmm I hope you know I'm only calling you Kitty now
If a girl is trying to change the subject on you during texting, go stoic, wait for her to invest more, then be flirty before the kill shot. Or be flirty then ghost, let her get worried why you stopped answering, then kill shot. Don't put up with shit, it's hot.
Then, boom. I had another first date lay.
This is called an escalation window:
She asked me "what's your plan?" toward the end, and I told her she should show me a tour of her house before I go to my party
Her: *smiling nervously* Well going to my house includes going to my room
Me: I know *mischievous smile*, I can't wait to see it
Her: Well, I don't have sex on the first date or anything
Me: Well, my dick isn't in your pussy quite yet, Spunky
Her: Maaaybe we'll go there
She's eager to show me but I could feel her anti slut defense starting to peak out
And this is a good way to go from foreplay to sex if ASD / LMR is giving you a hard time:
I start fingering her to get her body working with it, pressing down on the area that my finger is pushing into when I bring it up. Her hips are moving into my hand movements, and I'm finger her hard enough for the bed to be shaking. I'm getting really turned on by the whole thing, and ask her if she's on birth control. She says no and I say lemme grab a condom. Her anti slut defense kicks in and she's all spooked like "WAIT! We're not gonna do that" and I just kiss her to cut that verse out of the song and keep fingering her. Now I'm more overtop of her and my dick is peaking out of my underwear. I start moving my hips to dick tease her and she loves it. Eventually I pull back when her eyes are closed (meaning she's just focusing on the pleasure her pussy is getting) and I solely dick tease her and she's letting it happen, so I stick it in raw. Slowly but surely, I start fucking her missionary.
I saw a discussion about whether going out after sex is good / bad, and I think it's definitely good if you're not tired out from banging. If you're in that, fuck yea mindset after sex, go get another one. The momentum is massive.
Me: I'm gonna give you the tip whether you're showing your cleavage or not
Her: What?
When on Tinder, make the date happen FAST. The bitch will likely lose interest, get a stale taste of being on Tinder after a few days / week, and probably flake. It's happened to me 3 times as opposed to faster moves being made.
After that lay, my manager said to me privately, "I know what you are, I know what you do", after seeing me bring in the 5th (?) different girl to my workplace. I was running a refined routine at that point. He probably thinks I banged every girl I brought in. This was when a player reputation began, even though I wasn't truly a player (and I'm still not, IMO).