Alright, back on topic here. A lot to reply to! So I’ll just try to reply to everyone in one big post:
@Skills: thanks for the warm welcome man. Say hi to pureevil for me. He always seemed to have his game together real good too. Also thanks for the links to your posts, I’ve bookmarked them and will check them out.
Your ideas about latin clubs and special events sound great. I’m definitely going to look into those. I have some basic salsa skills too but should probably brush up for this. I’ll see if I can’t fit one night of nightgame per week in… Salsa would be a cool way to do that.
@metalbird: interesting post. Yes, I’m aware of the pendulum swinging back to more traditionalism and conservatism in gen Z. I do believe families are important for a society. But I also think that dating around to find the most suitable partner to start a family with is the best way to do this.
It seems to be the natural order of things and what people instinctively do. Looking back on my own life, I’ve met most of the best girls that would have been good wife material (personality wise, family background etc.) through cold approach, not social circle or church or whatever.
Also agreed on some guys constantly getting hit on by women, I know guys like that. And the yoga thing: A friend of mine from Mystery’s Lounge days recently sent me pics of his girl – more than 20 years his junior and a top model. All he does is teach yoga and spit a great game. Boom!
@Warped Mindless: it seems that for most guys (those who are part of the status quo, spend most their time on apps like tinder and instagram, don’t have cold approach skills etc.), for those guys women generally hold the upper hand in the SMP.
This would explain why women get commitment from guys more easily now, and also why they have more power in the situation… enough to get consistent side dick. And from what Teevster said, most of these relationships aren’t serious, so we could probably get these girls still.
I’m not worried about this affecting guys with real game. I’m not handsome but I’m tall, kinda big, have a dominant personality and I find it easy to make friends anywhere. Leader in business, artistic, etc. If you're the kind of “alpha” Geoffrey Miller describes in the quote I posted above, probably don't need to worry about what most guys go through - cause most guys aren’t that.
@Tayo: yeah we used to have a saying back in the day, “a girl is either single and looking, or she’s not single and looking.” This claim is very well founded in evolutionary biology due to the dual female mating strategy. Once a month women get fertile and horny for sex with with a new guy. This happens whether she’s in a relationship or not.
@sab: I can’t disagree entirely with the case you’re making for more scarcity now… it makes logical sense on some level. Yet at the same time I see Teevster saying that these girls have weak frames now, and that other men are far less competition than they used to be so – it sounds to me like you’re probably right with your post, but that other factors have balanced it out, no?
@Teevster: I was hoping you’d chime in here. You probably have the most useful data since you’re so active and successful (plandemic rules permitting). Wow you’ve done 3 for 3… that’s impressive. So is your average of 1 in 3. The stats I quoted from Mystery and CJ aren’t their averages, they were streaks.
I think CJ’s average was 1 in 5 but he said that in the 2000s and he got even better later. I know he believes 1 in 2 as a consistent average to be very possible. His best month he did 16 cold approach lays… I give up even competing with that guy lol.
My 3 for 7 was a one-off, but I got quite consistent once I had the X-Factor stuff nailed down in late 2010. And I agree, doing time bridges is likely to increase your success ratio even further, no doubt.
Regarding CJ and chur: CJ retired from game a few years ago, married a really pretty girl half his age. They seem super happy together. I doubt chur would come back either, he seems to have reached a skill level where he doesn’t really feel the need to talk about game much anymore. He seems to be in total abundance with women naturally at this point.
I’m surprised to hear you say that girls have weaker frames now. I would have thought all the attention they get online would have inflated their egos and made them more confident. And that this confidence would spill over into their real life interactions. Not the case, huh? That’s very interesting.
I also think most the time what guys perceive as a girl being hostile or “shit testing” is really just her being confused, because most approaches are a little unexpected. She was in her head, so she has to adjust, and gives confused responses. That’s most of the initial “shit tests” that guys get all upset about (not everyone, but most guys… I catch myself misreading this initially sometimes too).
@J Wick: I totally agree with your post. The Henry Ford quote is on the money, and so is the one about fear. Fear is one of my biggest issues right now, momentum will cure it but AA is pretty intense. I do a mental drill before the approach where I embrace the fear of death (because that is what approach anxiety really is, deep down)… then I go in.
Finally, one more thought on the whole flaking thing… I can definitely see how this would have increased compared to 10 years ago, because I was very flaky with girls when I had too many leads. And most girls have hundreds of leads in their phone now. BUT, even at peak abundance leads, I wasn’t flaky with any girl that really stood out... I’d still go out of my way to meet those. So… just gotta stand out. Which, with excellent game, you will.