That's a fair point, but consider this scenario ... let's say there are two guys, one goes to a fancy club mainly full of gold diggers and sexy attention whore types, all dressed to the nines, all 7s,8s and 9s. He approaches the entire club and eventually gets one lay, with a 7.5. Meanwhile the other guy goes to a meat market and gets a lay after approaching three 5s (1/3 ratio) ... which guy is more selective?
The whole point of pick up is to approach the girls you desire. Going for easy targets just because of availability is "hook up" and not "pick up" (to use Gunwitch's brilliant distinction).
But in the context above, one would classify as proper pick up:
- Context 1: he clearly is just spamming. At best, he has a bad meet-to-lay ratio and odds are, he did not get his first choice, nor second, nor third...hence meet-to-lay ratio still is a good marker for selectivity. Caveat: if he approached tons of girls in order to build social proof, then I would agree that meet-to-lay ratio as a parameter needs to be adjusted. Now if all he did was spamming, chances are big that he won't get laid as a result of negative social proof.
- Context 2: this is not pick up. This is hook up.
There is also a fallacy in context one, namely that a hot club girl may not necessarily be harder to pull than the average looking girl, and sometimes they may even be easier to deal with than ugly girls, who often have plenty of issues with themselves and end up resisting for no rational reasons.
True, but those same guys have been to places like East europe, south america, far east etc. and found it much easier to pick up.
Unless they are seasoned PUA's, I don't believe any of this. Most guys talks about EE being a pussy goldmine. But after I ask "normal man" about his trips, they most of the time just went to see prostitutes.
Similar applies to SE-Asia, although I have to admit that getting laid there is EASY.
I don't know man, your experience seems to be the total opposite of practically everyone I've ever met who's lived in London. Actually, I knew only one guy who moved to London for pleasure and women, and ironically he was Russian.
Why then is London, just like LA one of the worlds main PUA-Hubs?
I'm assuming you're North American, so your experience might be different (again, context).
No I am not. I am French (the irony).
How does being Western help in Moscow? My experience was that girls were curious about you, similar to, though not to the same degree as in east europe in the early 2000s.
The Early 2000's have a rather different cultural, economical and political climate than today. Lots have changed. Girls in EE and Russia don't have this good old "marry a westerner" type of vibe. Young EE girls, already back in the late 2009 (18-19 year old girls) started behaving like any WE girls. There are many reasons for this, but I remember when I was 18, and I did my first trip to Bulgaria, I was shocked to find out how much similar young adults in EE where to WE European girls. I was expecting them to be quite different to say Scandinavian girls (I grew up in Scandinavia), but they were not.
Now, what I did realize however is that the older crowd in EE is much different to western Europeans. People who are my parent's age or younger are like from a different world.
. I knew guys with horrible game who were getting laid (including myself at times, lol). Granted, I'm not saying Russia is like east europe in the 90s/early 2000s, but the girls were certainly more friendly on average than girls in London, at least in my experience, when I was there.
To me, Russian girls had the most bitchshield, were the most testy, where the most annoying to deal with in all of Eastern and post-sovietic Europe. This is ESPECIALLY true for the overly rich and snobbish Moscow girl. Heck, they are worse than a Champs-Elysées girl in terms of behaviour.
But you are probably right. Eastern Europe and former-Soviet countries were probably pussy goldmines 20 years ago (i was NOT active in field back then). But a lot has changed since then. The changes were already noticeable changes in the young crowd already in 2009... and each time I went back to some EE countries, I noticed tremendous changes from the last time I had been there.
Tinder lays aren't valid data.