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Is game harder than it was 10 years ago?

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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016
Sorry I haven’t!

I have quite a few post I’m supposed to write but haven’t been able to get to them.

But the general outline is:

Use curiosity bait over text to get her to respond -> tease her and bust her balls a little and just be fun for a few text-> aim to set up a FaceTime meet as soon as possible. Usually it works best to set up a FaceTime meet on Monday - Wednesday nights as she likely has nothing going on-> use FaceTime kinda like you would a simple coffee date. The goal is to build intrigue about you and to make her comfortable talking to and seeing you. Sometimes a few short video calls work better than one longer one-> use texting and or her Snapchat to get sexual after a good FaceTime call. Use pictures (not of your dick) and flirt hardcore. Get her horny (I’ll show examples in my texting guide) -> pitch or reaffirm the meet up at either your place or hers. The FaceTime calls often will allow you to short circuit the regular public place first date and skip to going right to your place or hers for “Netflix”

My friend exclusively does online game and he swears by Face Timing girls immediately to screen out catfishes and demonstrate his game over a medium which allows for great influence before meeting with them.

How have you found this method when applied to day game girls?

I don't know if it was you (someone said it in a thread somewhere), but it got me thinking that perhaps not being on social media is hurting my numbers-to-dates ratio. In the past, I had an Instagram account with over a thousand followers and it was another way to demonstrate value and increase the girls comfort to meeting again. Most of the hottest girls I met at the time, I social media closed them and would communicate exclusively on that.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
Have you looked into what age range that consistutes the favourable female/male ratio in Russia? It ain't the younger generations to give you a hint.

So it seems the stats I quoted were misleading. But I think what it really comes down to is the ratio of "visible women" to "visible men". If there's a 50/50 statistical ratio and most of the women are hot and always out shopping, walking around town, etc while half the men are at home drinking vodka then there's going to be a perceived abundance of women. If there are more females but the men are always out and you don't find a lot of the women attractive, then there's going to be a perceived lack of women.

You might be suffering from 'old spot blindness'... I notice every time I've lived in a city for more than two years it seems like there are more and more fat girls and fewer and fewer hot girls. When I first came to the city there were virtually no fat girls; then after a few years they're everywhere.

Actually, I've never been to NYC. Just going on anecdotal evidence. But your description makes me want to go. The lack of language barrier, which @Teevster mentioned about London, is also a definite plus for someone who's been used to dumbing down his English with women for eons.

Otherwise list me a single known PUA who pulls massive ass in former soviet union.
No idea, I don't follow everything that PUAs are doing. My opinions are based on my own experiences and what I've heard from people I know personally. I know non-PUAs who've pulled a lot in the region.

Russia and former-soviet union is a pussy goldmine due to prostitution.
It's true that there is quite a bit of sugar dating, cheap gold digging and prostitution going on in many parts of the former soviet union. If you don't know where to meet girls and which type of girls to watch out for, you can have a not so great experience. But there are also plenty of hot women who aren't whores and gold diggers.

Anyway, looks like this thread is getting a bit derailed. My original point was the need to take context into account when comparing meet-to-lay ratios, lay counts, etc. One of the variables was geographic location. A guy based in a "pussy goldmine" (we can argue where that is) is going to have an advantage over a guy based in the PUA equivalent of the Sahara desert.
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James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
To answer the original question posed in this topic, yes I think pickup has gotten more difficult over the past 10 years.

I live in Australia and I started learning and applying game (intentionally) in early 2007 here and on overseas trips. So this relates to my experience living in Australia.

Back in 2010-2012, I think the effect of pickup peaked. I had good game back then, but my game is significantly better now and I’m far more confident but I still had more success in terms of number of lays, how much easier and smoother those lays came and how many more women seemed available to me. However, I think the quality of girls I pull now is much better though.

My guess as to why cold approach pickup has become more difficult are the the following reasons:
  1. The permeation of (intentional & strategic) game throughout the culture of the english speaking world has become widespread. Back then, mentioning “game” to my friends or other guys - it was novel and guys were dubious if it worked and even when they tried it, they had modestly improved results. In contrast to now, EVERY young guy, even in high school (my younger brother & sister report this to me) knows and studies game and/or redpill and is aware of it at some level and most are actively improving it, consciously or unconsciously by trial and error or by studying. More men are more aware of the nature of women - and I think women have responded by more actively camouflaging their hypergamous behaviour. It’s almost impossible for a single guy who has friends, social media, youtube, tiktok etc. to not stumble across game content or Redpill content in some form. They would almost have to be trying to ignore it to avoid it.
  2. More guys approaching more often. Above-average women or better, in Australia at least, have been cold approached in public during the day dozens of times before leaving high school. Every girl I’ve dated here has been approached by guys during the day many times before me (and after me). They tell me all these funny stories about “this guy did this” or “this guy did that” that approaches them during the day and they honestly think it was different to what I did (lol, it’s not - I picked them up the same way, I was just smoother or better looking). Girls have seen game and are alot wiser to trad game techniques. On the upside, most guys they tell me that approach them ask them for directions as an opener - and then transition to game. There is also alot less goodwill awarded to guys that cold approach - in contrast to 10 years ago when it was rarer and guys were less skilled or brave doing it.
  3. So many more guys are more aware of their presentation (here) - they look, dress, smell and get better haircuts and go to the gym more (on average) than 10 years ago. Far more guys are doing martial arts than ever (rather than playing sport). The gym especially - most guys here now go to the gym regularly and many of those guys do steroids. Steroid use is EVERYWHERE now. I don’t do steroids, so I might be lagging behind in this area but it’s a massive change from 10 years ago. I looked back at old club photos of all the places I would go back then and noticed how everyone of all ages was so slim - there were few, if any, bulky roided men anywhere. In contrast to now - you can’t go to a club without a significant portion of guys on moderate-heavy steroids, well dressed, at least basic game and earning good money. Which I think relates to the previous point about permeation of game further throughout the culture. Competition among men has become much sharper. On the flipside, there are more guys that are herbivores playing video games in their basements than 10 years ago.
  4. Online dating. I think online dating has been a double-edged sword, mostly for the worse. As I think Skills mentioned, less girls (not all) that are DTF are going to clubs, bars or parties to satisfy their sexual urges - why would they when they can go on Tinder or Bumble and just pick one of the guys she’s been stringing along for easy anonymous sex - none of her friends/social circle will know and she might even like the guy and she’ll think it’ll lead to something (incorrectly). She doesn’t even have to leave her house to pick him, and there’s no chance of rejection for her, which we all know is extremely important to women. However, this reliance on online dating has somewhat weakened mens & women’s in-person social skills aswell.
  5. Attention - this relates to online dating aswell. If game for men = emotionally stimulating women & exchanging our time/attention/validation for women’s sex - it’s gotten worse for men. Women have a plethora of avenues for marshalling attention to satisfy their need for validation - insta, tiktok, facebook, dating apps etc. A survey revealed recently that 45%+ of women using dating apps admitted they are solely using them for “fun” or to “pass time” and have never or have no intention (in future) of meeting men from the apps, which I’ve seen from so many girls I know. We all know what that really means - women are using dating apps as another source of attention and validation - readily available in their pocket. I would think this means they need less validation from real life men in person, which means lower level game is less effective.
  6. Young women have far more money than ever & are working longer hours - almost every reasonably attractive young woman has got far more money than 10 years ago. Whether it’s feminism/gender parity job position requirements, making money from instagram, tiktok or youtube ad revenue, onlyfans, selling pics over social media, sugar babies etc. - so many young women here are much richer than their counterpart young men - by a long way, which wasn’t the case 10 years ago, which can often mean these girls are pricing themselves out of the market for guys near their age because girls mostly only want guys that earn more money than them.

On the upside, girls are also less likely to be stunned, weird or nervous when approached because they have an idea of what’s coming - which means much less initial awkwardness from them, in my experience.

This doesn’t mean pickup now and in the future has a bleak outlook. On the contrary, I agree with what Warped Mindless said earlier, higher level game is so much more effective than it was years ago - it’s just the barrier of entry is higher.

I’ve found that Covid definately changed pickup for the worse, as Teev said earlier. I’ve found clubs are less busy, with a higher ratio of males in clubs than I’ve ever seen before. Clubs are more difficult to move around in due to people limits for each room, much longer lines, much more security and enforced public mask wearing. People (mostly girls) just get tired of waiting in lines to move to other parts of the club and being told to cover their face with masks and just leave the club entirely, from what I’ve seen.

I’ve also found less girls solo during the day - this may be due to less long term overseas born students (due to returning to their home country for covid) and girls more likely to take every opportunity to socialise with friends/family when leaving the house during the day due to in person socialisation deficits from being in solitary lockdowns and work from home orders.

I’ve seen a much higher level of girls being dumped by their long term (co-habitating) boyfriends (not husbands though). It seems alot of guys found they didn’t really like their long term girlfriends after being forced into lockdown and stay at home orders and had to spend most of their time together.

To conclude, I think guys with higher level game (hopefully most of us here) are doing much better than ever before but the barrier of entry and learning is much higher than it was 10 years ago. So guys really need to be novel and different than the average guy and it will take you much further.

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
To answer the original question posed in this topic, yes I think pickup has gotten more difficult over the past 10 years.

I live in Australia and I started learning and applying game (intentionally) in early 2007 here and on overseas trips. So this relates to my experience living in Australia.

Back in 2010-2012, I think the effect of pickup peaked. I had good game back then, but my game is significantly better now and I’m far more confident but I still had more success in terms of number of lays, how much easier and smoother those lays came and how many more women seemed available to me. However, I think the quality of girls I pull now is much better though.My guess as to why cold approach pickup has become more difficult are the the following reasons:
  1. The permeation of (intentional & strategic) game throughout the culture of the english speaking world has become widespread. Back then, mentioning “game” to my friends or other guys - it was novel and guys were dubious if it worked and even when they tried it, they had modestly improved results. In contrast to now, EVERY young guy, even in high school (my younger brother & sister report this to me) knows and studies game and/or redpill and is aware of it at some level and most are actively improving it, consciously or unconsciously by trial and error or by studying. More men are more aware of the nature of women - and I think women have responded by more actively camouflaging their hypergamous behaviour. It’s almost impossible for a single guy who has friends, social media, youtube, tiktok etc. to not stumble across game content or Redpill content in some form. They would almost have to be trying to ignore it to avoid it.
  2. More guys approaching more often. Above-average women or better, in Australia at least, have been cold approached in public during the day dozens of times before leaving high school. Every girl I’ve dated here has been approached by guys during the day many times before me (and after me). They tell me all these funny stories about “this guy did this” or “this guy did that” that approaches them during the day and they honestly think it was different to what I did (lol, it’s not - I picked them up the same way, I was just smoother or better looking). Girls have seen game and are alot wiser to trad game techniques. On the upside, most guys they tell me that approach them ask them for directions as an opener - and then transition to game. There is also alot less goodwill awarded to guys that cold approach - in contrast to 10 years ago when it was rarer and guys were less skilled or brave doing it.
  3. So many more guys are more aware of their presentation (here) - they look, dress, smell and get better haircuts and go to the gym more (on average) than 10 years ago. Far more guys are doing martial arts than ever (rather than playing sport). The gym especially - most guys here now go to the gym regularly and many of those guys do steroids. Steroid use is EVERYWHERE now. I don’t do steroids, so I might be lagging behind in this area but it’s a massive change from 10 years ago. I looked back at old club photos of all the places I would go back then and noticed how everyone of all ages was so slim - there were few, if any, bulky roided men anywhere. In contrast to now - you can’t go to a club without a significant portion of guys on moderate-heavy steroids, well dressed, at least basic game and earning good money. Which I think relates to the previous point about permeation of game further throughout the culture. Competition among men has become much sharper. On the flipside, there are more guys that are herbivores playing video games in their basements than 10 years ago.
  4. Online dating. I think online dating has been a double-edged sword, mostly for the worse. As I think Skills mentioned, less girls (not all) that are DTF are going to clubs, bars or parties to satisfy their sexual urges - why would they when they can go on Tinder or Bumble and just pick one of the guys she’s been stringing along for easy anonymous sex - none of her friends/social circle will know and she might even like the guy and she’ll think it’ll lead to something (incorrectly). She doesn’t even have to leave her house to pick him, and there’s no chance of rejection for her, which we all know is extremely important to women. However, this reliance on online dating has somewhat weakened mens & women’s in-person social skills aswell.
  5. Attention - this relates to online dating aswell. If game for men = emotionally stimulating women & exchanging our time/attention/validation for women’s sex - it’s gotten worse for men. Women have a plethora of avenues for marshalling attention to satisfy their need for validation - insta, tiktok, facebook, dating apps etc. A survey revealed recently that 45%+ of women using dating apps admitted they are solely using them for “fun” or to “pass time” and have never or have no intention (in future) of meeting men from the apps, which I’ve seen from so many girls I know. We all know what that really means - women are using dating apps as another source of attention and validation - readily available in their pocket. I would think this means they need less validation from real life men in person, which means lower level game is less effective.
  6. Young women have far more money than ever & are working longer hours - almost every reasonably attractive young woman has got far more money than 10 years ago. Whether it’s feminism/gender parity job position requirements, making money from instagram, tiktok or youtube ad revenue, onlyfans, selling pics over social media, sugar babies etc. - so many young women here are much richer than their counterpart young men - by a long way, which wasn’t the case 10 years ago, which can often mean these girls are pricing themselves out of the market for guys near their age because girls mostly only want guys that earn more money than them.

On the upside, girls are also less likely to be stunned, weird or nervous when approached because they have an idea of what’s coming - which means much less initial awkwardness from them, in my experience.

This doesn’t mean pickup now and in the future has a bleak outlook. On the contrary, I agree with what Warped Mindless said earlier, higher level game is so much more effective than it was years ago - it’s just the barrier of entry is higher.

I’ve found that Covid definately changed pickup for the worse, as Teev said earlier. I’ve found clubs are less busy, with a higher ratio of males in clubs than I’ve ever seen before. Clubs are more difficult to move around in due to people limits for each room, much longer lines, much more security and enforced public mask wearing. People (mostly girls) just get tired of waiting in lines to move to other parts of the club and being told to cover their face with masks and just leave the club entirely, from what I’ve seen.

I’ve also found less girls solo during the day - this may be due to less long term overseas born students (due to returning to their home country for covid) and girls more likely to take every opportunity to socialise with friends/family when leaving the house during the day due to in person socialisation deficits from being in solitary lockdowns and work from home orders.

I’ve seen a much higher level of girls being dumped by their long term (co-habitating) boyfriends (not husbands though). It seems alot of guys found they didn’t really like their long term girlfriends after being forced into lockdown and stay at home orders and had to spend most of their time together.

To conclude, I think guys with higher level game (hopefully most of us here) are doing much better than ever before but the barrier of entry and learning is much higher than it was 10 years ago. So guys really need to be novel and different than the average guy and it will take you much further.
Australia must be vastly different than the USA because your experience is different than mine.

Over here very few guys are actually approaching because they just use tinder and social media to simp on women.

If every dude over here is “game aware” they sure are bad at it. Ask one of your lady friends to show you the messages she gets and you will laugh at how bad the game these guys have.

Over here the average guy does indeed dress a little better than they did before. Most are still out of shape though.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
Australia must be vastly different than the USA because your experience is different than mine.

Over here very few guys are actually approaching because they just use tinder and social media to simp on women.

If every dude over here is “game aware” they sure are bad at it. Ask one of your lady friends to show you the messages she gets and you will laugh at how bad the game these guys have.

Over here the average guy does indeed dress a little better than they did before. Most are still out of shape though.

I’m not saying their game is high level and effective but I have seen many/most guys that have a basic understanding of game, especially in clubs but even in messages I’ve seen between girls I know or am dating.
I’ll often hear guys talking to the friend of the girl I’m talking to or overhear guys nearby doing genuine game when I’m out in clubs now, not so 10 years ago.

And I can’t count the number of times I’ve been out during the day on a weekend and approached an attractive girl and she asks me,
“oh, do you know those other guys?”
“What do you mean?” I’ll reply.
They say, “I’ve already been approached once/twice in the last hour/earlier, do you know each other?”
Or just, “You’re not the first guy to approach me today”
That never happened to me in Australia 10 years ago - ever.
I’ve been to America a few times and you’re right - most guys are dressing better than 10 years ago but maybe many don’t know game. I saw quite a few guys in New York have some game but I didn’t live there, so it’s hard to really guage how many exactly. Other places in the US, not so much.
America lags behind alot with everything though, from my experience. Alot of things in America take more time to penetrate than the rest of the anglosphere, so to speak.
I meet alot of British guys with game here, moreso than in England itself though.

I can tell you, game and game concepts here in Australia have spread like wildfire - through word of mouth, the internet & social media and men here are alot more savvy with taking that info and running with it.
That wasn’t the case 10 years ago because that seduction info/concepts hadn’t had time to spread or guys just ignored it and thought those concepts were ineffective, even when they knew about them.
If it’s happened here, it’s only a matter of time the same thing happens in the US, it just might take longer due to a larger, more diverse population.

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
And I can’t count the number of times I’ve been out during the day on a weekend and approached an attractive girl and she asks me,
“oh, do you know those other guys?”
“What do you mean?” I’ll reply.
They say, “I’ve already been approached once/twice in the last hour/earlier, do you know each other?”
If they get approached so much why would they bother to ask this? Wouldn’t they already know what’s up and that you likely don’t know them since getting approached is such a common occurrence in her life?

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
If they get approached so much why would they bother to ask this? Wouldn’t they already know what’s up and that you likely don’t know them since getting approached is such a common occurrence in her life?
I really don’t know - I suppose being approached several times during the day, in a short space of time in the same location is uncommon. Thinking back to the last few that said that - they weren’t Australians, the last one was Dutch and the one before was Finnish and before that was French, so unusual for them because they’re not from here and recently arrived.

I also think girls like you to know they’ve been approached upfront, like their idea of social proof or that they’re in demand because I think they all have a good idea that we don’t know each other, but it’s just something they can say as an easy segue.
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James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
If they get approached so much why would they bother to ask this? Wouldn’t they already know what’s up and that you likely don’t know them since getting approached is such a common occurrence in her life?

This article (it’s supposed to be satire) just got published in the Betoota - this will be seen by 100,000+ people or more about game:



Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 16, 2020
Game is much easier than 10 years ago. Significantly. At least if you dress well and are in reasonable shape - I lift regularly but I'm not cut by any means, but I dress amazingly well.

I think people who think game is harder: 1) weren't really active 10-15 years ago, 2) have gotten fat/don't take care of themselves physically, 3) refuse to adapt in the change in culture since, say, 2010, 4) are insecure about sex-positive, or other women who appear confident/assertive in public, 5) were in HS/college 10 years ago and now without a daily social circle of guys/girls to sleep with or wing with, don't know what to do in 2022, 6) are pining for some mythical virgin/unicorn to appear who are unsullied by any man's touch.

Game got easier from 20 years ago to 10, and then again now.

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Game is much easier than 10 years ago. Significantly. At least if you dress well and are in reasonable shape - I lift regularly but I'm not cut by any means, but I dress amazingly well.

I think people who think game is harder: 1) weren't really active 10-15 years ago, 2) have gotten fat/don't take care of themselves physically, 3) refuse to adapt in the change in culture since, say, 2010, 4) are insecure about sex-positive, or other women who appear confident/assertive in public, 5) were in HS/college 10 years ago and now without a daily social circle of guys/girls to sleep with or wing with, don't know what to do in 2022, 6) are pining for some mythical virgin/unicorn to appear who are unsullied by any man's touch.

Game got easier from 20 years ago to 10, and then again now.
100% agree with your observations.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Game is much easier than 10 years ago. Significantly. At least if you dress well and are in reasonable shape - I lift regularly but I'm not cut by any means, but I dress amazingly well.

I think people who think game is harder: 1) weren't really active 10-15 years ago, 2) have gotten fat/don't take care of themselves physically, 3) refuse to adapt in the change in culture since, say, 2010, 4) are insecure about sex-positive, or other women who appear confident/assertive in public, 5) were in HS/college 10 years ago and now without a daily social circle of guys/girls to sleep with or wing with, don't know what to do in 2022, 6) are pining for some mythical virgin/unicorn to appear who are unsullied by any man's touch.

Game got easier from 20 years ago to 10, and then again now.
Total none sense with the 6 reasoning.... most guys I helped in and out of the forum have way more than your 6 check marks which is water is wet territory, no actional advice: work out and dress nice brah! Water is wet territory, they also don't have aa, know how to talk to women etc... dude you do online game.. we are talking cold approach pick up... ricardus is out there cold approaching he will eventually see the differences.... nightgame specially has changed a lot in how it used to be vs how it is now.... last weekend amazing women were out every where this weekend they didn't come out game now a days night time is very inconsistent, in some cities people dealing still with Corona etc... we are talking cold approach online easy to rack up lays but we are talking cold approach in a post Corona environment there are some tweaks to do for example cross gaming etc...

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Total none sense with the 6 reasoning.... most guys I helped in and out of the forum have way more than your 6 check marks which is water is wet territory, no actional advice: work out and dress nice brah! Water is wet territory, they also don't have aa, know how to talk to women etc... dude you do online game.. we are talking cold approach pick up... ricardus is out there cold approaching he will eventually see the differences.... nightgame specially has changed a lot in how it used to be vs how it is now.... last weekend amazing women were out every where this weekend they didn't come out game now a days night time is very inconsistent, in some cities people dealing still with Corona etc... we are talking cold approach online easy to rack up lays but we are talking cold approach in a post Corona environment there are some tweaks to do for example cross gaming etc...
I don’t do online and I still agree with all of his observations. I don’t know about night game because I don’t really do it anymore (though I will say that while big night clubs around here have went out of business, bars and pubs are still very busy), but daygame is as easy as it ever was.

Women were starting to flake more until I changed up my texting and phone strategy and did away with the whole “text only for logistics “ I used to do.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I don’t do online and I still agree with all of his observations. I don’t know about night game because I don’t really do it anymore (though I will say that while big night clubs around here have went out of business, bars and pubs are still very busy), but daygame is as easy as it ever was.

Women were starting to flake more until I changed up my texting and phone strategy and did away with the whole “text only for logistics “ I used to do.
his observations are water is wet, and not applicable to 95% of the dudes in the forum:

1) weren't really active 10-15 years ago, not applicable to most guys that were gaming in the forum 10-15 years ago
2) have gotten fat/don't take care of themselves physically, not applicable to most that are in this forum. naturals and guys i see gaming
3) refuse to adapt in the change in culture since, say, 2010, I only know 2 posters like this no comment everyone knows who they are
4) are insecure about sex-positive, or other women who appear confident/assertive in public, not applicable to most that are in this forum, naturals and guys i constantly see gaming..... more like betas/red pillers maybe
5) were in HS/college 10 years ago and now without a daily social circle of guys/girls to sleep with or wing with, don't know what to do in 2022, finally something i may agree with
6) are pining for some mythical virgin/unicorn to appear who are unsullied by any man's touch. not applicable to most guys in this forum

Women were starting to flake more until I changed up my texting and phone strategy and did away with the whole “text only for logistics “ I used to do

^ bro i told you about this since mpua forum years ago...

bars and pubs are still very busy

^ yes the difference for the million times is the consistency they may be full of dudes, ratios of 20 per 1 at times...Also most of them will not be dtf like back in the days etc... Anyways, I already explain the game has changed, in some for the better in some for the worst.... You can still get laid and get laid a lot and have rotations(dowhatworks does exactly what i recommend he got laid 6 times this month).... But it has gotten harder for most(my opinion has to do with women not coming out consistantly).... for a few easier (the one cross gaming and being strategic)... But the idea of back then vs now easier when it comes to cold approach is just no factual, mainly due to corona/social media/apps/bottle services/netflix/financial crisis/job relocations/deaths/illness....


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
Women were starting to flake more until I changed up my texting and phone strategy and did away with the whole “text only for logistics “ I used to do.

Do you mind talking a little bit about what you're doing now or have you talked about it? I haven't seen anything on here about it.

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
Women were starting to flake more until I changed up my texting and phone strategy and did away with the whole “text only for logistics “ I used to do.

Ok, you say seduction or pickup hasn’t changed but then say above, “women are flaking more, so I had to change my text game (to suit the current market).”

“I had to change my text game because women are different now” = pickup has changed in the last 10 years.

If you mean - flaky like they agree to dates in texts and then they don’t show up?
I honestly haven’t noticed girls being more flaky, it’s extremely rare for me to get flakes to meet up - except when I was in Colombia.

I have been following Chase’s text system and if they reply to my first (fairly standard) text I send them, I meet up with 95% of them with just logistics texting and no banter.
The caveat being - it’s only those that respond to my first text.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2013
I think that since no one provided data, numbers, all these are just personal opinions and not objective conclusions, so here is mine subjective conclusion:

Could be both ;P Could be easier or harder...

Easier because most guys are hiding behind Tinder instead of approaching in public, less competition for us.

Harder because of the feminist, almost anti-male movement in the world, especially in cities like London, where approaching on the street feels like you are trying to rape her or something. Women sort of like the fact they are empowered and may be acting more closed, etc.

Without proper data though, with good sampling, etc there is no way to tell if it's harder/easier.

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
I think that since no one provided data, numbers, all these are just personal opinions and not objective conclusions, so here is mine subjective conclusion:

Could be both ;P Could be easier or harder...

Easier because most guys are hiding behind Tinder instead of approaching in public, less competition for us.
Without proper data though, with good sampling, etc there is no way to tell if it's harder/easier.

I think alot of guys here think that Tinder has converted MORE guys into not approaching - I don’t think that’s the case.

I think even if Tinder wasn’t around - most of those guys just wouldn’t be cold approaching at all or not much. They would be sticking to social circle introductions.

I think Tinder/Bumble has allowed more top guys and above average guys with good looks (who have no game or are short or low money etc.) to pick up so many more girls than they ever would have got before dating apps.

Adding to this womens inflated egos and their attention needs being fulfilled by simply flicking through dating apps & seeing all their “options”.
We all know this is a common fallacy that women constantly fall into with “options” because they always wrongly think they could have a serious relationship or marry ALL or MOST of these “options”, when they’re delusional - 99% of guys talking to them only want to fuck them.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
One thing's for sure, it SHOULD be harder to pick up girls since all the new guys in the field, guys in their 20s, were brought up in the youtube/social media age, where it's almost impossible not to be aware of information and advice related to pick up and dating. If learning a skill or language is supposed to be easier as a teenager or young adult, and you'd think most young horny guys would WANT to learn how to pick up and seduce girls, then you would expect heavy competition from new guys nowadays, and you'd expect women to be desensitised to "tried-and-tested" lines, routines and approaches.

But then you also have a whole bunch of reasons for guys not to get out and meet women -- youtube, Netflix, video games, covid, etc. Plus the popularity of dating apps, where it doesn't take any balls to initiate a conversation with a woman even though the odds are stacked against most men. And then there are movements like MGTOW, Incels, metoo, etc.

So what is actually happening on the ground may be another story.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 16, 2020
. dude you do online game.. we are talking cold approach pick up...
I still do night game when I don't have a meet planned or I get a last-minute flake, or when I'm in a casino or strip club or just simply feel like it. Plus I'll still daygame if I see a hot girl at the mall or the rare times I'm day drinking, or at the beach like last week.

I wasn't trying to do a deep analysis or anything revelatory. Saying 'water is wet' doesn't make it any less true.

Obviously Covid has negatively impacted game the past two years, not trying to pretend it hasn't.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 16, 2020
But then you also have a whole bunch of reasons for guys not to get out and meet women -- youtube, Netflix, video games, ...

So what is actually happening on the ground may be another story.
This has been the experience of many of the women I've picked up, and also what I've observed on the ground in major cities. Guys are just lazier now, and since the advent of PornHub, etc, it's way easier to sit inside and play video games or stream with your friends than take the effort to go out and meet new women and try to pick them up.

As someone said, without data these are all opinions, but mine is: the Internet/social media/texting apps broke the primacy of social circle/nightclubbing game. [Living in NYC and Miami I've spent months and months in night clubs over the years, as well as places like Vegas, Europe, etc]

When I started gaming in Manhattan you actually had to get a girl's home phone number, and she had to be home when you called if you wanted to speak with her! And then if one of you had a logistical problem you couldn't get in touch with them on your way to the date. Girls flaked less, but it was so many more hurdles if you weren't skilled enough to pull ONS regularly, that's why nightclub game [or day] was so important. Many girls didn't want to use the cellphones much when they originally got them because you paid by the minute and by the text, even worse if it was a work-issued phone and the Acc'tg Dept would police the bill.

Now you meet a girl in the bar or on the street, you can simply exchange IG or Snap or just text and take it from there if you can't insta-date/pull her. I assume most people here post beginner level can do that easily. Which makes game so much easier. Even 10 years ago many expert gamers were saying getting a phone number was worthless, you had to close, now many girls you just met will often send you nudes or explicit snaps, or check our your IG and qualify themselves to you.

I do also think the publication of 50 Shades made pickup and fast sex much, much easier than it used to be. The # of girls who'll let you do whatever you want to them sexually on the 1st/2nd meet has gone up....500-800%? More? Girls are much more willing to go out, then home with a guy who can promise them an interesting or different experience.

Maybe if you were already 'expert' 10 years ago it has gotten harder due to increased flakiness. Could be true, I wouldn't argue. But if you were beginner-intermediate there is zero doubt whatsoever in my mind it has gotten much easier to pickup a hot girl. Technology has also made it easier to juggle 3 girls or more.
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