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Jake D.'s Rebirth(Progressions 2)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Broke up with my girlfriend. Decided I want a quality girl and I won't be asking her out until she does like I should've done in the first place. Got to get rid of that white knight instinct.

Working on a gunslinger walk. Needs work.

Decided to work on pauses this week and find another girl to pursue at school (to show my versatility). Should be simple, this being my last semester of high school, my fuck-giving level has reached an all time low. We'll see how this goes and I'll report back later.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Haven't been keeping this up to date recently because of more pressing matters (graduating high school, job, etc.) but regardless, I have been somewhat busy. I have not abandoned this project, just kept it waiting for a bit. So this is what I've been up to.

At prom I got my first dance floor make out, just to see if I could. It was on my list, and I know you're not supposed to do that but I had terrible logistics that night and that was all I was able to press for. Of course, the info. on this site is correct and promptly afterwards she proceeded to ignore me and the text I sent her the next day. Her number has been deleted, nothing will come of that. Cut the string and move on. Exp+

Yesterday me and some friends decided to have some girls over at a friends house. There was drinking and I was flirting with this girl that I've had on the semi-outer perimeter of my social circle. Why the semi-perimeter? Because I have hung out with her a bit and texted her a few times. Anyways, she seemed to like me and the way I pulled her was basically easy because I know she wanted it. Just a few things that got her comfortable, and some isolation techniques. I'll post this in more detail later if I feel the need to or if someone asks for it. In short, I basically pulled her upstairs from my friend's basement and layed her in the upstairs bathroom. So virginity gone :) I'll see if I can have her as an FB.

The reason this lay was so easy was: pre-selection from my friends and myself, logistics were awesome, and just little pushes of comfort from me which I don't even know were necessary or not. If anyone knows when a girl orgasms? Because I definitely don't, and I don't know if I made her cum or not.

Anyways, that's what's been up with me, hopefully I can update this a lot more now.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Been almost a month. This month has been busier than I would've ever imagined. Regardless, I've been trying to still focus on social aspects of life and of course girls.

Update on the girl I layed that I wanted to become a FWB with: I didn't for a couple reasons. One, too much drama with her and her ex, blah blah blah, that's not my thing to deal with. Two, I started getting feelings for her that were much too premature, and I couldn't get rid of them. An easy solution would be to just cut off the thing that's causing those feelings (her). Three, I fucked up and invested way too much into trying to get her to hang out, whereas she wasn't doing much at all. I don't know how I did that, seeing as the night after we first had sex I had her texting me twice in a row, whereas now I have to avoid texting her to avoid landing there again. In short, she probably lost interest, and I'm losing interest because of that. Therefore, I'm letting it die out. SO, I'm doing what I should've been doing when I was still focused on that girl, which is approaching other girls.

So the first thing: I know this girl from social circle that I've been working on. We're supposed to be hanging out with a bunch of friends tonight, so hopefully I can isolate and make something happen. I'm sure I can for a couple reasons.

First, whenever we do hang out in a big group, what I do is turn on my asshole game, which entails me being touchy when people won't notice, and then being, well, an asshole to the girl whenever I feel the need. I've been playing around with this style and I've found some success in it. It's hard to execute in social circle though so I'll have to adapt that. DIGRESSING, I usually send flirty eye contact her way and flirty banter whenever possible. She responds pretty well.

Second, We have text exchanges that suggest that she wants me. Here's one of them..

Me: What are you hiding from me? :) (Context doesn't matter)
Her: Oh nothing. **** Wanted to kidnap you on Monday but I called dibs on you. (Interest? I feel like that's interest.)
Me: Need me all to yourself, huh? ;) (Regardless, I'm framing it as interest.)
Her: You are such a brat. (Didn't disqualify my frame, sooo...)

Third, apparently, when she was drunk the other night she spilled that I was "good looking" and a "funny douche". So I think I can make something happen with her, it's just a matter of logistics and her boyfriend. It's okay though, my new phrase is: "What the fuck is a boyfriend?" That guy doesn't matter as long as we stay away from that topic. And if she does bring it up, I'll handle it accordingly.


Today I had a workshop at a college that I'm going to for a scholarship. On the train ride over, I decided to "get into state" and talk to this girl on the train. I had no romantic intentions with her, just practicing conversation. It went pretty well, I could've deep dived more but whatever. I get off and get to the event about an hour late. I slept in, whoops. I had a friend there and I met his friend for the first time. At first we were just chilling and listening to the presentation. We got a lot of breaks however, and we're on a college campus... I can't pass up this opportunity.

I start scanning for girls to approach.

I start talking to any girl I can find that's decently attractive, just opening them and letting whatever I say come out. Later, I see this girl that could potentially lead to something. I did something very cheesy to open her: I walked over to the group of three that she was sitting in and asked if any of them wanted a cookie. She says no. I drop it on her arm and walk away. Her two friends aren't very cute, one is passable. Me and my friend (recruited as a wing) walk over with two more cookies and drop them on her again. At this point I sit down with them and start a conversation with her. Mostly about college stuff and what she's doing next year. Some slight deep diving. After that I introduce myself (Should've done this earlier). I let her hand slide out of mine slowly. (Seriously, slow anything down and it makes it much more powerful) When it's time to go back to the workshop, I help her and her friend up (More broken touch barrier). So after that I keep our contact to a minimum. After the workshop is over, I walk over to her and her friends again, this time alone, and start talking to them all. I wait for the other two to leave and they eventually do (woot!). I then ask her for her number, and she gives it to me saying, "My name is *****, don't forget it!" At which I nodded and said "For sure." Judging her end reaction it might lead somewhere, but then again it's just a number so there's no telling. Gonna' text her soon with an icebreaker.

So hopefully the girl in my social circle leads somewhere. I'll give these girls names if I get further with them.

That's what I've been up to.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Hey y'all.

The girl from circle doesn't seem to be going anywhere. So unless something happens this Sunday when we hang out next I'll just call that off.

Next, girl from my workshop didn't respond to my icebreaker that I sent Tuesday. I'll label her DNC and see if she texts anytime soon. I'll give it around two weeks before I delete the number.

Had orientation at college today, which was fun. Got a number there and I plan to send an icebreaker later tonight.

That's what's been up with me.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
I'm 18 now! Time to expand my circle ;)

Pretty proud of myself today.

I was on the train after having lost my keys, (I'm resolving not to smoke weed anymore, it's really hindering my life.) and I was trying to recover my day somehow by approaching a girl and getting a number. I felt this was either hit or miss but I had to try something to get my mood back.

So I get on the train and I don't see a girl at first. I walk up the train to try and find a seat alone, but I can't find one. I end up standing by the stairwell, when I glance to the side and I see a girl looking at me. She's pretty cute, and when I looked at her later, her body was actually quite nice. I smile and she reciprocates. I need no more of an approach invitation and sit down across from her.

Me: What's up with you? (I don't get approach anxiety if the girl is alone anymore. I literally don't give a fuck what I say to open her, that's why this opener is so random)
Her: Not much, you? (She's wondering why I'm here...)
Me: Nothing much, where are you headed? (Realizing I have to lead the conversation somewhere)
Her: I'm headed to work at XYZ campus
Me: Oh, do you go to XYZ(my) school?
Her: No I go to ABC

From there I ask her about her job, then what she does in college. I got a little smile on my face because she was a talkative girl and I didn't have to do much to get her going ;) We got to the next stop and I realized that I had to do three things in about 2 minutes: 1) declare attraction, 2) plant a date idea, 3)grab her number. I did 1 and three, I forgot number two, which might kill this. But I still complemented her eyes and I grabbed her number somehow within this rediculous time limit.

So I get off the train and I realize I never introduced myself ( Damn, was off of it today.) So instead of waiting a couple hours I sent her an icebreaker about 2 minutes later with my name. I didn't text her after that, I'll try and set up a date later this week.


There's this new girl at work that's really cute, and she has red hair, which is basically instant attraction for me. She also has this way of looking at you that isn't just looking - it's like she's flirting with you with her eyes. Not only flirting, but it's like her eyes are some sort of sexual act and her eye contact is her way of spreading that feeling into you. I don't know if anyone can relate, but she has that LOOK. Anyways, I was lightly flirting with her but not hardcore because, well, I'm at work. But I want to try something with her. I don't have a real strict job, so doing this wouldn't really be looked down upon, especially since I wouldn't let anyone know ;). I know Chase has an article on this thing so I'll read up on that and hopefully have more to report.

Oh yeah, and I'm moving out. This has been an awesome 40 minutes of my birthday so far. Gotta pack.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
So where did we last leave off? Oh right, I moved out then went silent...

So it's been a little over a month since I moved out. Things are going well with the move, no issues there. I love the place, especially because it's my own with two other friends.

I had a bit of a slide in July because of my FWB not getting along anymore, combined with me and an ex hanging out much too often and my friends also dealing with girl issues (which I then felt their emotions through osmosis) and I fell off for about a week. To solve this, I took a couple days to get my emotions in order and strengthen my frame again. This worked, and just in time for college and other things.

My frame basically stayed the same - asshole attitude, with cocky college student sprinkled in (byronic?) After reading Anatman's articles I'm trying to figure out which style I want to employ. I'll have to wait for more articles, but I'm leaning towards BMOC. I may have went too far with the asshole game, but I'm not sure. I'll explain later when I talk about work. Look for "just be nice"

College is a godsend. I've met SOO many more people there than I would've in high school. I have trouble remembering names because I meet so many people. I want to get a little more comfortable before I cold approach though, because I don't want to ruin my rep (although not likely, I have over 40,000 students on my campus.)

So I have a few girls in each of my classes that I want to run classroom game/ social circle game on. One of those I'm going to friendzone because she has too many connects for me to risk messing that up. I've been playing asshole game, mixed with deep diving and kindness to polarize my personality, I.e., "why is he a dick sometimes then nice others?" Here's where I'm confused though..


So the girl at work I was talking about last post, I upped the flirty level with her and upped the physicality. Physicality is my bread and butter :) the thing is though, her reactions confuse me. She seems flirty, and touches me even when I don't initiate it, and smiles when I touch her. When she talks though, she always wonders, "why I'm so mean to her". To counter this, I gave her genuine compliments, on things no one else noticed, or if they did I was the first. I kept my asshole level the same.

Another issue, she keeps bringing up our age gap. I'll admit it's pretty big - ten year difference - but then again, I don't care. What's confounding is that she keeps asking me how old I am, even when I've told her 5 times, and she was at work when it was my birthday. At one point I told her, "you know how old I am" and she agreed. After that, whenever she would say anything about our ages, I'd respond with "I don't care."

The thing that was baffling me the most was last night. I was flirting with her and it was her last night at my job. I'd neglected to get her number so I planned to get it then. When I asked for it, she says, "you can't just be mean to me then ask for my number," to which I replied - maybe too much - "yeah I can" and held my phone out and waited for her frame to break. Which it did, but then she said, "this whole being mean because you like me thing doesn't work," and then, "just be nice." In my head I'm mind fucked but on the surface I just laugh it off.

So the question, was it too much? In my past experience, when I lowered my asshole level girls lost interest. I think it's because my frame became incongruent. But then again I've never had a girl ssay that to me, so I'm really focused.

I'm gonna text her later with a standard ice breaker then see what happens next.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Yo yo yo!

Deleted my co-worker's number, she was being difficult and I would have to put in more effort than I'd want to.

For anyone following this journal, for a posture tip watch Don Jon and watch his posture. I think it's pretty good. There's a lot of things you can pick up from that movie if you look carefully.

No new girls to report, but once last tip: try express cologne (unless you're doing the dirty man thing)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Been a bit, I've been slightly busy and frustrated with myself.

First off, I got two new numbers since I last posted. That's not at ALL where I wanna be. Where I wanna be is getting two cold approach numbers and two social circle numbers a week. The two numbers I did get, I shall see where I end up with them.


The first one I got from a girl that plays volleyball a lot. Let's call her BlondeVolley, or BV. I first saw her playing volleyball, and she was with another guy. This is where I created a frame change in my head, and you'll see why. I thought this guy was her boyfriend but I didn't want to write her off just yet. I don't talk to her much that day and I figure I'll see her again another day. What do you know? That definitely comes true. I see her and ONCE AGAIN, she's with this guy that I figure is her boyfriend. Here's what throws me off though. He asks her what kind of music she listens to, which confused me. I'm thinking why would he ask her what music she listens to? Isn't that something a boyfriend would know? Now I don't think he's her boyfriend, but THEN he tells her to leave with him, and she just says "yeah" and leaves. No hesitation. I'm thinking Man, this guy has this girl around his FINGER. No way am I getting to this poon right now. I feel like I better put her on the periphery for now until I can figure out a game plan. So then about two days later...

This girl comes to play volleyball, this time she's alone though. I'm with my friend Fluffy - and we're best friends, roommates, we both game, so the chemistry there is insane. We play off of each other to a point where we both establish ourselves as the most interesting and cool people in a group right away (if the group is foreign to both of us). We vibe with everyone as we play volleyball, and this is honestly one of the best ways to establish yourself as a leader - you just have to lead your team and communicate and you're golden.

Once we establish ourselves, the way I indirect (more direct-ish) with this BVgirl is something new I'm trying, which is busting her balls but then flipping it and complimenting her on something else. This works to good effect and I have her seeing me and my friend as cool people. I slightly sexualize my voice when I direct a comment at her, but that's it. I don't want to go too direct here. Now to find out the question that was bothering me: is this girl single or NOT? So I try and combine a concept Chase talks about and the Ricardus "are you single" approach indirectly. We're playing volleyball with me, her, and my friend at this point so I decide I can ask more direct questions.

So, where's your boyfriend today? (brief eye contact followed by me looking up and to the right in the sky)
(She cocks her head, I'm trying to figure out what that means when she says) He's at work. (followed by a confused look on her part)
Ohh, you mean (guy I thought was her boyfriend)? That's (Let's name him TallPussyBarrier or TPB) TPB, he's just a friend
(Here I quick calculate and realize two things: Good, I don't have to directly deal with her boyfriend, this makes this actually possible, but darn, there's still a boyfriend in the picture) Ah. (I quickly change subjects)

Now I know that she has a boyfriend which makes things much harder, but I still am attracted to her for some reason (her body is okay, face okay, but something is really attractive about her) so I'm going to pursue it, but it's not my main focus. I got her number that day and texted her with an ice breaker. She responded. Also, TallPussyBarrier is a pussy barrier because I realize what he wants too: HER.

We are all hanging out another day and I see TPB indirectly flirting with BVgirl. The difference though, he chases her, and whenever we interact, she starts it or she's in the chasing position. I like my odds here. I texted her the other day WAYY too late at night wondering what she was doing, and she was headed to bed. So I busted her balls a bit but then I let it go. I'll try again with a better approach another day.


Another day, I see this girl that used to go to my high school waiting on the train. She was a year older than me, and she was also very cute - and still is. I opened her up with some indirect-ness. This is where I realize I have improved my game in some aspect. The entire conversation, I'm completely calm aside from initial nervousness and her brain is obviously working very hard to maintain ideas for this conversation. I'm above in this game, and I like the view. I decide to play with the look-off-and-pause and I do this about three times in the conversation. She picks up some random topic every time I do, and the topic is beyond lame each time. She brings up Candy Crush twice and her Starbucks addiction once. I know she wanted to talk but she was being bad at it, haha. It's interesting being on the other end of that though. I'm gonna' run long social circle game on her though, because I know she has hot friends and you never know. Plus, I could use her as pre-selection when we hang out :). I grabbed her number then went off to class that day. She will be referenced as AsianNostalgia.


So I got one cold-ish number and one social circle number I feel. That's really not good enough, and I'm going to work this week to really recognize approach invitations and play with the severity/sexuality of my eye contact. So that's what this week's focus will be on. If anyone has any constructive (or non-constructive, I don't care) criticism, go right ahead and dish it out.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Yo yo yo,

Been busy this week trying to reframe my mental model and shit like that. I still have this really irrational fear of talking/getting numbers from older girls. I need to man up and fuckin' pull that shit together. So what have I been up to this week? Approaching a bit and working on social circle girls, along with working on my eye contact with them.

Older Girl That Provides a Mental Blockage = You're a Pussy

I was chilling with some friends after playing soccer. We're eating, having a good time. All the while I'm trying to scout for potential girls to flirt with and get numbers from. I have to go to work that day so I don't have much time, maybe about thirty minutes or so before I have to leave campus. I had already grabbed something from Taco Bell but I saw a rather cute girl in line. I had already jumped into social mode as I had talked to some other people in line the time before. I jump back in line and I talk to the girl behind me for a bit, to get a bit more momentum. When I place my order and the girl and I are both waiting for our food to come, I open indirect.

Me: Hey, how's you're day going?
Her: Oh hey! Good....

We talk, I talk about her and after around a minute I go direct and compliment her on her eyes. She thanks me and I proceed to deep dive her. She talks about how she moved here not long ago, blah blah blah, then she says she's about to get her masters next semester. A block goes off in my head, something like, "oh man, this girl is so much older than me, I can't do this". I try to shut it down but it lingers in the back of my head. Once she gets her food I say my goodbyes and proceed to beat myself up for not getting her number. I don't know if she hooked or not, I couldn't see a really hard sign other than she started asking me a few questions about myself, but that shouldn't matter. I should've gotten her number.

Jake and Friends Game on Campus

This was yesterday evening, starting at around four or five in the afternoon. It was Fluffy, Flirty, and myself all trying to get numbers at the end of the day. It was great because we all wanted numbers and we all had different but similar approach styles. Flirty was the first one to get a number, with what I thought was a rather gamey technique but he has good fundamentals as well. He gets yet another number using a more down-to-earth Chase style approach. I first approach one girl, but she doesn't seem into it and keeps her speed up as she's walking. I decide to leave her be and I wait for another opportunity.

To be honest, I pass up quite a few girls. It starts getting dark almost, and I figure I have maybe ten or twenty more minutes until I'll have to go. I really didn't want to approach in the dark. I see this really cute redhead walking by, and both me and my friend think she's cute. I decide I'm gonna' go for it, since he already pulled two numbers and I stop her walk quickly.

Me: Hey, I had to stop you and tell you that you're really cute. (I focus on strong eye contact here)
Her: Oh thank you! (She already seems receptive, and this relaxes me quite a bit)
We continue talking for a bit, I deep dive her quickly since I've already established attraction. After maybe five minutes, I tell her I have friends waiting on me.
Me: So I have friends waiting back there for me (I make a motion to point backwards and tilt my head back) but you should give me your number.
Her: Oh sorry! Sure!

I wait as I grab her number, then I head out. The only place I feel I messed up here was that I shook her hand as we parted ways. Minor but maybe major. I'll text her later today with an icebreaker and see where that goes.

That's pretty much it.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Been up to a few things recently, including two number pulls.

Firstly, the number I got last Thursday never texted me back, even though we seemed to have a good interaction. Oh well, onto the next one, except I'll make her hook harder.

The first number was a number from a girl I got from my math class on Monday. I don't know if it really counts because I got the number without romantic intentions. I actually needed her number because I had to skip math that day and I asked her if she could tell me what we did. I texted her a bit and talked to her a little, but I'll need to talk to her face to face to make something happen.

The other number I got was one from Tuesday. I cold approached this girl because my friends were saying I wouldn't do it. Just to prove them wrong, I went up to her, asked if I could sit down and started deep diving her right away. I complimented on her hair and went on with my deep dive. After about five minutes, I realized I left my phone on the table with my friends. So I excused myself, went to grab my phone and asked for her number. She complied and I sent her an ice breaker later that night. She responded well to it. I texted her something else that night but then she didn't reply. I figure I'll text her for a date either tomorrow or the next day.

I didn't get any numbers today, due to laziness and honestly being busy with the usual first-of-the-month business. I did go to a pole dancing class, which was fun and also really more physically intensive than I thought. There's also a few cute girls in there so something should come of that. I'll get a number tomorrow though and have something else to report.

Peace guys,


That's all for today, sorry I haven't done anything honestly exciting.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Been struggling with internal framing because of my constant approaching. I'm starting to feel emotionally drained some days, but I know that just means I have to try harder, re-frame and I'll come back stronger.

Jake and Fluffy Game on Campus Once Again

I was with a group of friends, but now I realize that out of the five people that are present, only two of us are going to approach and the rest will stand back and watch. I'll just use them for social momentum. Before we met up with the group, me and fluffy went and gamed, just the two of us around campus. I talked to around two girls before we met up with the rest of the group. The first one was receptive, but her bus was coming JUST as I had gotten to start talking to her. Oh well, maybe I'll see her again. The next girl I approached direct and she said she had a boyfriend.

When we met up with the group, we walked and got food quickly. After we were done, we went upstairs and I saw this redhead. Redheads are literally what I'm most attracted to right now, so I approach her. I approached her INDIRECT and she still wasn't having it. She literally wallked away after I said "how are you?" So now I'm determined/annoyed and I want to get a number really bad before I have to go to work so I can leave off on a good note.

We're juggling a soccer ball near the train station as I have to go to work in around thirty minutes. This cute Asian girl passes while we're walking to the spot and I swivel-turn and open her. She seems flattered, and as I'm walking with her I compliment her on her hair and we talk about her, her major, shit like that. When I ask for her number, she tells me she has a boyfriend. My reaction to this now, as to not waste time, is to just smile and say, "Ah I see, alright then, I'll see you later" and she responds with something like, "see you around campus". Now I'm really vexed. I usually get a number by this point.


My best friend Fluffy points out this girl. At first I hesitate, then I realize I have to be at the train in around 8 minutes, so I go ahead and ship off. I start talking to her, and I can tell already she's pretty at ease and she's easy to talk to. I had already went direct on her by complimenting her, but then I told her, "Hey... I like you" and then she started giggling really hard. Then I asked her for her number because I had to leave, and she gave it up pretty easy. I went on my way after saying my goodbyes.

The vexing thing is! She didn't text me back to my icebreaker. This is the second time after cold approach that this has happened, so I feel like I need to change something in my approach for this to stop. Even though the girls seem interested something needs to change for me to get good numbers.

As for the girl I got a number from on Tuesday, I think I'll text her tonight and see if she's down to meet up. If not, I'm deleting her number, and I'm probably deleting the GigglyGirl's number sometime today.

Things That Need to Change
I went with my best friend to the mall because he needed to work and the mall always has girls in it. So I went, and I realized that eye contact is the WEAKEST part of my game. I was trying really hard to focus on a spot on the wall and use my peripheral vision to look at people, but I kept looking around without being able to control myself. Also, when I tried to look through my peripherals, I can't see jack shit. If through my peripherals she looks hot, I look at her and she isn't at all what I thought she was. So I think the problem stems from habits and the fact that I don't trust my peripherals at all. I think I'll post in the General board for help. If anyone reading this has any tips, go ahead and spit 'em.

Mall Approach, Last Face to Face for the Week

I had an approach anxiety ATTACK at the mall. I literally couldn't approach anything and I was getting really angry at myself. I knew this meant I had to approach at least one girl so I could kill the anxiety. I saw this girl through my vision cross and she looked a bit stressed out. I don't like approaching girls who are stressed out, but I wasn't doing shit so I had to force myself to do it. She went and talked to what looked like her parents, and then she came back in my direction.

I opened with: "Hey, you look really stressed out!"
Her:"Oh yeah, I kinda am, my mom is being stressful."

So I talked to her about that for a bit, then why she was at the mall. Turns out she was only here 'till Monday (!), but before I could even compliment or deep dive her a little bit, we walked into someone else she happened to be with. I don't know how to run two sets, so I did the only thing I could think of doing, and I turned away, got a bored look on my face, didn't break their circle, and started texting on my phone. Eventually the friend walked away and she hovered around where I was. I reengaged her and she had to leave RIGHT THEN. Goddamnit. Time limits and boyfriends are killing me right now. I said my goodbyes, and since I had been at the mall far too long, I left and went on to work.

Tinder Turnaround?

Tinder has been all but shitty for me lately, with girls messaging me once or twice and then I never hear from them again. This weekend however, things have been turning around and I've got three girls that I'm talking to, that all live in my vicinity or on my college campus. I plan on meeting two of them up, the third one I'm not sure if she's cute or not through her pictures, so I'm sketched about that. We'll see where the other two lead though.


This next week should be a fun one. I've got a lot of social events planned, and I plan on getting more numbers as well. There's a few things I want to fix in my game, three of them being really important. I want to get my eye contact fixed. I can maintain good eye contact with someone, the only problem is that I forget what they're saying. My deep diving is okay, but I need to connect more and dive deeper with them. The third one being my sexuality. I've got to up it. My final goal is to be extremely sexual, to the point where girls can feel it when I am in their presence and it's a constant sub communicative theme throughout the conversation.

Some other things I noticed that need to get fixed. I need to move girls more. I'm hardly doing that right now and that might be what I'm missing in my game. Mostly, I've approached girls on their way somewhere or doing something important. We'll see how moving a girl works out. Another thing, I'm too neutral. Usually I'm on my campus so I don't want sexuality to shift into the creepy zone but I do need to incorporate it or else I'm not gonna' get anywhere. Also, for social calibration, I need to start keeping track of how many people that I talk to. I need to talk to everyone that I can. The last important thing is approaching two sets. I don't know how to deal with these at all, so it's a must that I tackle that.

'Till next time,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Hey guys.

Decided that I'm working on a 13 phase project for my game. I'll work on a skill for four weeks then move onto another one. Supposedly it takes four weeks for something to become a habit, so I'm hoping the time it takes me to practice these skills will make then second nature to me. This four weeks from October 6 to November 1 is conversation skill. I'm going to talk to random girls and people everyday to improve my skill and comfort level with talking and conversing. Anyways, onto the last two days.

Nothing particularly eventful happened Monday or Tuesday, maybe something on Tuesday.

Monday, I approached a girl sitting on a bench after I had got done training tricking. I talked to her for a bit then she answered her phone. This is the second time that this has happened to me, and what I do is simply look off or look at my phone until she's done. After she finishes she continues talking to me for a bit. Then, a friend of hers arrives and sits down with us. I'm not sure how to deal with two sets yet, so I shake her hand and start talking to the both of them. I probably should've stayed focused on the one, which will become evident later, but it was rather difficult because the girl that just arrived sat in between the two of us. Anyways, I'm conversing with them and I'm bantering with them. Things go okay, and then I make a second mistake by asking for both of their numbers. This might've been okay, but they're roommates. So I think I need to pick one and stick with one, or I can have them both added to my social circle. I'm leaning toward the second option because of how badly the set up after the opener was.

Later Monday night, me and a friend, let's call him Red, got down with a class at school and we were headed home on the train. After a second, I realized that there was a rather cute girl in the seat across the isle from us. I took a second to nut up, but then I started talking to her for about 30 seconds before she got off the train. I was taken by surprise by her swift exit so I didn't ask for her number. What made this interesting though was my first successful eye contact combined with a handshake. When I took her hand, I held it there and just looked into her eyes. When I did this, her eyes SPARKLED and we just were lost there for a couple seconds before she left, saying she hoped she saw me around campus. Damn, I seriously only needed one more stop, my number closes have gotten a lot quicker. Oh well, onto the next one.


Today was very interesting. I didn't approach until the afternoon. First, I approached an older girl. I went direct this time and sat down with her for a second. She looked really young from behind, but when I got up to her she actually had a few wrinkles on her face HAHA! I forced myself to stick with it to get over my age gap fears. I don't think the conversation after my opener went well because she dismissed me saying she had to study. I exited, and I really wanted a number now.

Me and friends headed to the train station. I saw a reasonably attractive girl and at this point I was tired, and starting to lose my opening form. Instead of doing my usual direct opener I just pre-opened her with a lingered touch and said, "hey, you're cute" to which she said, "...Okay...?" At this point I started laughing. I love that shit, when girls aren't into the compliment, it gets me really riled up to get a number at that point. I walk further down the platform to another girl who's alright, and I open her indirect this time. She responds similar to the older girl, and says she's studying and dismisses me. Onto the next one, then.

I head back down the platform, and a short girl in a black dress shows up. I hesistate for a second and then go for it. I open her indirect as well and we get to talking. We banter a bit about a book some monk was handing out on campus, and her beliefs about reading and what not. Her train arrives not even two minutes later, and so I quickly ask for her number. She complies, stating that her name is "BlackDressGirl" to make sure I got it right. I save it and then finally get on the train with my friends feeling accomplished.

I see another girl on the train, and feeling the momentum, I go up and approach her. I open her indirect and she responds, similar to the third girl I opened: "Do you need something?" To which I say, "I'm just talking to people" (Not the best response.) She states she's studying as well, so I laugh and leave her be.


Overall, I feel there's a fundamental inconsistency with my approaches. Sometimes I'll have girls giggling and nervous when I talk to them, and I had really strong eye contact with the girl in the black dress. Other times though, I just feel sloppy and I either get dismissed or the girl isn't interested. This should fix itself as I work on my fundamentals and the consistency of them. This issue must be bigger than I think though because out of all the numbers I've gotten so far from cold approach, only one has texted me back, and that one that did respond to the ice breaker didn't text back after that. I'll need to find a way to fix that fast if I want to see results.

I'm starting an approach tally, just so I can celebrate when I get to one thousand. I don't exactly remember how many I've done since I started college, so I'm low balling it at ten.

Some of the realizations I have: girls walking I have trouble making eye contact with. They seem to talk while looking forward, which makes it hard to make that connection. I'll try and find a way to fix that, maybe by making them stop.

The plan for tomorrow is to approach more again, get a number(s), and try to improve my game as much as I can in the time that I have tomorrow.

Until next time,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Today was good and terrible. But I reached a new height, maybe not in a good way.

Wednesday I approached a few girls. One at a bust stop that I go to regularly, and one in line when I was waiting for food later that day. The one at the bus stop I didn't get her number because I figure I'll see her again at some point. The taco bell one got her food before I could ask for her number - I felt I didn't get enough rapport in.

On Wednesday, I met a girl through a friend of mine that has the same English class as I do. At first I wasn't really going to talk to her, but I decided to anyway and we got to talking. I gave her strong eye contact while I deep dived her. My friend left, and promptly another guy showed up. He sat in the middle of us, but that didn't bother me too much because whenever the girl went to talk she leaned over him to make eye contact with me. Win. We talked for a bit more then I got her number and left. Let's call her DarkHairedTrouble.

I sent her an icebreaker later that night which she responded to (woot) and I haven't texted her since, I plan to tomorrow to set up a date or something.


Today started out amazingly. I had a really good day, and later in the day I got a number from a friend of a girl I knew who seemed to be giving me flirty signals. After that, I went to my pole class and an Asian girl came in that I've never seen before. She had a fantastic ass so I had to get her number, too. I was making a lot of physical contact with her and flirting with her for a good chunk of time. I'll send her and the other girl an ice breaker tomorrow.

Now here's where things get shitty (or really good, depending on how you look at it - to me it's real shitty right now). Me and two other friends went to a club to see an artist that we like. I felt this was a chance to try club game for the first time. I'm not a fan of club game, nor did I have a car to pull any girls in - logistics were complete ass. So I was going for an in-club make out as my goal. Maybe I set that a bit too high...

We get to the club and we had a few shots to up the vibe. I was really feeling it and I was dancing while we waited for the place to fill up. Once it did, I was going around and pulling in girls to dance. What I would do was just go up to them, grab their hand and say, "come dance with me" while I leaned in right next to their faces. The ones who weren't interested made it real clear. They simply shook their heads or said they had a boyfriend. I had a few girls who leaned in further to touch me while I said something to them, and then they would say no. I had two girls dance with me. The first one I do not remember, the second one I remember because I used compliance really well and when I told her to come dance, she said, "what?" To which I just leaned in, with my cheek basically touching hers and said, "come here". We started dancing, but not for too long before she ended it. I see that the mistake I made with both girls was that I never ended the dance first, I totally forgot to. After this dance, things really went downhill. I approach around 7 more girls, all who said they had boyfriends or just said no. This put me out of state, but I mentally forced myself back in and approached some more. Approached five more girls who all denied me again. This time I was really not feeling it, but I was still trying. After one or two more, I really broke, and here's why. I saw a girl who rejected me, saying she had a boyfriend earlier, dancing with one of the friends that I came with. I couldn't comprehend this, because my friend wouldn't even dance with a girl when I had already approach around ten. This confused me, ticked me off, got me really self conscious, and I was having trouble picking my ego off of the floor after that. So I approached twice more. One of the girls I noticed had danced with Fluffy, my other friend that came with me. I figured if she danced with him she'd dance with me. She brushed me off and shook her head. Now I'm at the point where I'm having trouble dancing even because of the rejection. The last approach, I did my opener, and this girl looked at me like I was some sloth that just shit on her foot, grabbed her boyfriend and scoffed at me, promptly turning around after that. I tried to dance after that but I was thoroughly thrown out of state.

Now we're here, and I'm wondering if it was a good thing or a bad thing. A bad thing because my ego is gonna' need some time to repair itself after this little excursion, not to mention I'm going to be hesitant to try and club game again. Good because that was a record number of rejections, which increases my threshold as a whole and will make me better if I do decide to try night game again.

To be completely honest, I like cold approaching a lot more. I feel like I have a lot more power in the situation. club game seems really shitty thus far. So now, I'm going to try and re-frame my mind not to give up on approaching girls as a whole and try to grow from this experience, and ignore my friends talking about how great tonight was yet it was complete shit for me.

Next time,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Today I was still recovering from last night's fail, so I took it easy and didn't approach any girls with the intent to get a number, just talking to be social and get out there.

I texted three girls today, two with ice breakers and one with a date proposal. One of the ice breakers didn't text back, the other did, which I'll follow up on tomorrow. The girl I texted for the date was DarkHairedTrouble, who I set up a date for Sunday with. If we actually go on this date, it'll be my first legit date. Hopefully it goes well, if we meet. If not, oh well, onto the next one. That's pretty much all I have to report today.

Working to become The Truth,


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hey dude that sounds like a bit of a rough night, know the feeling of taking a break for a bit after an ego bruising, we are all human :) Couple of comments, (1) it will take you a few outings to get good at club game, bet things will turn around after say 2 more outings of 5hrs each trying your best to PU, (2) the compliance opener might not be the best shot, when women are surrounded by drunk guys you can differentiate yourself with a very cool sober approach, hi there, big sexual smile, what's your name? (a more mild form of compliance) I'm Jake and a handshake, (if you are on the dancefloor you may stop here, otherwise continue) how did you end up here tonight? is this the first club you've been to? etc. Following this, eye contact and hit/run will bring home the bacon I am sure. Well of course it depends on the local scene and you may need to adapt to your style :) Note, the "totally cute" opener also works, or genuine compliment, but is overkill in my experience, if you use it, be a bit casual, no need to ground it or explain yourself in this environment, they're expecting to be approached.

Good work bro keep it up :)

cheers, Ray


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Hey Ray, thanks for the tips. Knowing me, if I could've done that i would've. The place I was in though, I literally had to be right next to the girl's face for them to MAYBE hear me. So that was the problem there. Probably the wrong venue for what I was doing, but I also was there to see the artist that was playing. I'll try some more, but club game definitely will not be my focus. Day game is definitely more me. I also like being able to see what I'm working with haha. You get out there and keep the good work up too!

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Today's date flaked - I had a subtle feeling that things were going too seamlessly for how new I am to setting dates and shit. We "rescheduled" for Thursday, but because of my work schedule it makes it really hard to plan logistically for anything right now, since her schedule didn't match up with mine at all this week.

I'm gonna' ask out the girl who I know from a friend soon, I just have to figure out what I'm going to do. At this point I guess I'll give her a name. Let's do ConservativeWallGirl. I posted something up on the General boards about her here https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8242

We'll see how many new girls I can meet tomorrow, I need some more reference points.

Next time,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Got two more numbers this week. Both of them did not respond to the ice breaker. I've deleted the number of every girl who didn't respond, but kept the conversations for record. So far, out of 11 numbers that I've gotten, 7 didn't respond. The other three responded but not to any following texts, and the one girl I got to agree to a date flaked. Not so good so far, but I'm guessing it has to be a problem with the way that I'm opening if my results are this low. I'll work on changing something and getting some results this weekend and the rest of this next week.

Next time,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Well it's been a bit.

With finals and everything, I decided to take a break from hardcore approaching. I'm still gonna' approach, and if there's something worthy of noting or I need some assistance, I'll post it. But there's not gonna' be anymore rapid opening for at least three months, and here's why.

I'm taking a break to really focus on my fundamentals and improve my appearance in game. So I'm taking a solid 3+ month break to improve my fashion, posture, voice, FACE, and non-verbal game. These are areas that I see as weak so I'm going to really try and improve them to the point where girls look and say, "wow, he's hot". Until I get a compliment like that, I'm going to try and hold off from rapid approaches. I'll try and post what I'm doing on here to help out my fundamentals.


So right now, what I'm working on the most is fashion and taking care of my face and body. I've cut out soap and deodorant. WHY? Because...

I decided to test that earlier this week. I took a shower with just water, no deodorant afterwards. I went and played soccer, went to work, stayed at my mom's house, didn't take a shower the next morning, then came back home that night after working again and had my friend smell my pit. Shit you not, NOTHING. Not a wiff of anything. So I'm changing my shower schedule to every other day with just water, no deodorant.

Adjusted my face regimen to wash my face morning and night. Real hard habit to get into after not washing my face for 18 years. Still need a good moisturizer that's not 60+ bucks.

My hair doesn't need any adjustment.

As for my fashion sense, I've upgraded my footwear a bit. Don't know what this look is called, but I usually rock boots/formal loafers with jeans/chinos then a shirt/sweater followed up with a contrasting jacket or coat. I've got a nice Buddhist bracelet/necklace so I can wear it either way, usually a black and gold watch, and a square scarf in a matching color. On a more casual day, I have some neutral half cab shoes, joggers, a shirt that shows off my physique (I'm not big, I'm toned and well proportioned without a gut) like a henley, v-neck or a tight fitting black shirt. I recommend any accessories you can find for both your wrists and your neck. Accessories can really pull something together. I've started to get "you're really well dressed!" comments, but that's only step one. I also recommend getting a piece that no one really wears. Mine is the scarf, since it's asexual, it can tone down masculinity, but I masculinize(that's not a word, but I made it up) the outfit with accessories and a hard shoe like a boot or a sharp dress shoe.

Posture is getting worked in. It's hard to put my chin up because I feel like people will judge me for it, but I have to remember to say "fuck 'em". I also noticed, when I'm irritated, it can be a good tension release to put all my anger into making my posture better.

So that's about it for now. I'll get back to you guys later.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Aaand I'm back. Good news and bad news.

Good news, my fashion is pretty good now. I've got a good base to work off of. Bad news? I need to work on the rest of the fundamentals of my game by APPROACHING. So with setbacks, breakthroughs behind me, it's time to get back behind the wheel and start approaching again.

Today I was rusty. Pretty badly rusty. My first approach was complete shit. Laughed it off. I had to have Anatman help me out and point out some girls because I was in my head and being a pussy. Second girl, approached her, a little better but still shitty, ejected way too soon. Third, she ejected. Fourth, was a boyfriend. Fifth, apparently I had already known her and she pretty much blew me off. So the SIXTH...

Anatman and I are walking back downtown from the campus. It's around a five minute walk, only a few streets actually separate the two of them. We're walking by this large art piece and there's a pretty cute girl laying down studying on the grass. Ican see her ass from 20 yards away. She's bad. I don't FEEL like approaching her but I need to break the wall of failure. He helps push me to approach her.

I walk up from the left of her, slowly making my presence known.
Me: Hey, I saw you here and I had to say your tattoos are really sexy.
She receives the opener very warmly, and I promptly introduce myself and sit down next to her.

We get into conversation about this fat pile of books around her, her tattoos, her religious beliefs, a bunch of shit. Eventually I bring up us going to coffee: she takes it well and I grab her number and run. Catch up with Anatman with a win, and that's 1/5. Maybe.

Me and him eventually split up and I start heading to the train to meet some friends. I don't want to lose the momentum that I already generated so I scan for another approach.

There's a cute blonde waiting for a train. Hell yeah! Opportunity! So what do I do? Strike, duh...
Yeah strike, right after I stall.. And stall.. And stall...

We get on the train...

A stop goes by...

A second stop goes by...

Pussy-battery charged! I open her up indirectly this time, but the second line was definitely a compliment. I deep dive her for a bit between the two stops that I have an opportunity to do so. Turns out she's getting off at the same stop - that gives me about a minute or two extra. I find out she's 17?! Damn, that's cutting it close but I'd still be down. I grab her number which she's a little hesitant about.

Me: Hey, I gotta' go, but we should grab coffee sometime.
Her: Uh.. Maybe..
Me: Maybe? Here, give me your number.

I think I should've continued to break her frame before grabbing the number, but she still obliges. I walk off, with another win. I'm 2/6.

Third girl is my favorite approach to be honest. I meet up with two friends and we're dickin' around playin' Kendama at a park. It's beautiful out. I spot this girl when she's across the street about to enter the park. I bring her to my friends' attention, and they say they've already seen her walk by once. She's a smaller framed half Japanese girl as I'm about to find out. Cool. I'm eager to show off what my momentum can do, so I fake pussy-foot around. They egg me on and I do a stereotypical, throw-the-gum-in-the-mouth, adjust-the-eyebrows saunter over to her. I catch up and I tap her saying, "Hey, I just had to tell you that you are really cute." Do introductions and we get to talking. She's an actor type so that's cool, and I deep dive about her and her life THE UZUAL SHIZ. Anyways, I get to asking her about a bracelet that's similar to mine, but korean. Around ninety small, light colored wooden beads wrapping around her forearm, each etched with symbols that lead up to a few larger beads followed by strings leading out. She tells me about it saying her boyfriend gave it to her. At this point I'm thinking, "keep talking for reference points, but when it gets to the number close she'll probably say no." So I eventually get to propose coffee, she says yes (?!) and I grab her number. Hoping this goes somewhere, that'd be pretty awesome. 3/7

So I sent ice breaker around 8PM, two responded - the half Japanese girl and the tatted one. Don't really care if the 17 year old doesn't respond. I did pussy out on the bus ride to work, a girl sat next to me, I literally opened her on auto-pilot, realized she was cute and kinda' fumbled with the deep dive a bit. Didn't try and number close, though I should've tried because when I left she was all smiles. So out of 8 chances, three number closes, two responses from those to ice breakers. Liking these odds so far, and I'll have more to come tomorrow.
