Been almost a month. This month has been busier than I would've ever imagined. Regardless, I've been trying to still focus on social aspects of life and of course girls.
Update on the girl I layed that I wanted to become a FWB with: I didn't for a couple reasons. One, too much drama with her and her ex, blah blah blah, that's not my thing to deal with. Two, I started getting feelings for her that were much too premature, and I couldn't get rid of them. An easy solution would be to just cut off the thing that's causing those feelings (her). Three, I fucked up and invested way too much into trying to get her to hang out, whereas she wasn't doing much at all. I don't know how I did that, seeing as the night after we first had sex I had her texting me twice in a row, whereas now I have to avoid texting her to avoid landing there again. In short, she probably lost interest, and I'm losing interest because of that. Therefore, I'm letting it die out. SO, I'm doing what I should've been doing when I was still focused on that girl, which is approaching other girls.
So the first thing: I know this girl from social circle that I've been working on. We're supposed to be hanging out with a bunch of friends tonight, so hopefully I can isolate and make something happen. I'm sure I can for a couple reasons.
First, whenever we do hang out in a big group, what I do is turn on my asshole game, which entails me being touchy when people won't notice, and then being, well, an asshole to the girl whenever I feel the need. I've been playing around with this style and I've found some success in it. It's hard to execute in social circle though so I'll have to adapt that. DIGRESSING, I usually send flirty eye contact her way and flirty banter whenever possible. She responds pretty well.
Second, We have text exchanges that suggest that she wants me. Here's one of them..
Me: What are you hiding from me?

(Context doesn't matter)
Her: Oh nothing. **** Wanted to kidnap you on Monday but I called dibs on you. (Interest? I feel like that's interest.)
Me: Need me all to yourself, huh?

(Regardless, I'm framing it as interest.)
Her: You are such a brat. (Didn't disqualify my frame, sooo...)
Third, apparently, when she was drunk the other night she spilled that I was "good looking" and a "funny douche". So I think I can make something happen with her, it's just a matter of logistics and her boyfriend. It's okay though, my new phrase is: "What the fuck is a boyfriend?" That guy doesn't matter as long as we stay away from that topic. And if she does bring it up, I'll handle it accordingly.
Today I had a workshop at a college that I'm going to for a scholarship. On the train ride over, I decided to "get into state" and talk to this girl on the train. I had no romantic intentions with her, just practicing conversation. It went pretty well, I could've deep dived more but whatever. I get off and get to the event about an hour late. I slept in, whoops. I had a friend there and I met his friend for the first time. At first we were just chilling and listening to the presentation. We got a lot of breaks however, and we're on a college campus... I can't pass up this opportunity.
I start scanning for girls to approach.
I start talking to any girl I can find that's decently attractive, just opening them and letting whatever I say come out. Later, I see this girl that could potentially lead to something. I did something very cheesy to open her: I walked over to the group of three that she was sitting in and asked if any of them wanted a cookie. She says no. I drop it on her arm and walk away. Her two friends aren't very cute, one is passable. Me and my friend (recruited as a wing) walk over with two more cookies and drop them on her again. At this point I sit down with them and start a conversation with her. Mostly about college stuff and what she's doing next year. Some slight deep diving. After that I introduce myself (Should've done this earlier). I let her hand slide out of mine slowly. (Seriously, slow anything down and it makes it much more powerful) When it's time to go back to the workshop, I help her and her friend up (More broken touch barrier). So after that I keep our contact to a minimum. After the workshop is over, I walk over to her and her friends again, this time alone, and start talking to them all. I wait for the other two to leave and they eventually do (woot!). I then ask her for her number, and she gives it to me saying, "My name is *****, don't forget it!" At which I nodded and said "For sure." Judging her end reaction it might lead somewhere, but then again it's just a number so there's no telling. Gonna' text her soon with an icebreaker.
So hopefully the girl in my social circle leads somewhere. I'll give these girls names if I get further with them.
That's what I've been up to.