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Jake D.'s Rebirth(Progressions 2)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
15/1000, 5/30: My Drunken Fist Improves

One daygame approach, got blown out, again. Hmm.

But when I went to the party later, I was on AF.

I went to this party, and it was my first time drinking in a long time. After Not getting faded in a while, my drunken fist seems to have improved once again.

My friends are being anti-social, and I'm totally feeling state the second I walk in. I start drinking, and it's just crazy. I start pulling girls in, talking to them, so physical and aggressive, which is what I wanted from my night game. I got a lot of reference points, which I'll detail later.

I got 4 approaches and a number last night. Gives me +7 total for the day.

Reference experience
I'm starting this so I internalize some of the concepts that I'm learning.

1) Aggressive game works, be physical and get in the face quickly. But attraction also fades fast.
2) My friend says I don't talk enough, so I'm going to try and turn on the ol' vocal communicator more.
3) I literally could make anyone do anything I wanted to do as long as I just did it with hard intent and focus. It's all about how you come off.
4) Focus on ONE GIRL. ONE. That was my problem. I was trying to get my friends out of their shells when I should've been working on one girl the entire night. Still socializing, but focusing on one.
5) Even though it seemed like I wasn't getting good at ALL this week, even getting bad, my game when I was drunk was a lot better, meaning I am learning something from this.
6) No kisses, makeouts. It's okay though, it was a very social circle situation. That's my goal for tonight's party.
7) Get more numbers. Do it.
8) My persistence is getting really good. I pushed until literally I passed out. I was on the couch about to go to sleep and then these two girls came by. I then started flirting with them, and got until I was spooning this one girl on the couch LOL. Persistence is key and references are awesome.
9) ONCE AGAIN. Using my voice more. No one is gonna' fuck me just because my physical game is good. I have to talk MORE.
10) Fuck my friends. The only one that looks out for me is Charismatic honestly. The rest of them don't understand where I'm coming from, and I need to realize that.
11) Don't take anything personally. I am the party.
12) More of a cool observation if anything. I woke up in state for the first time. I woke up, then looked around and said, "Alright, where are the girls, I'm ready." I'm getting to the point where this is part of my life now and not a decision anymore. Good.
13) Don't assume any girl has a boyfriend, that'll KILL you.
14) Find your initial IOI's and run with them.

All in all a good night for references. Tonight I party again, so that'll be fun.

Jake. +7


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Partied, once again I got blown out all night. It was good reference experience though.

At the end of the night, my friends told me I was being too aggressive. Is that a thing? I thought that was the point of this, to be aggressive and assertive with women, but maybe I'm going about that wrong?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

I'm taking a break from my 30 day challenge. I think it's affecting my progress in a negative way. Instead, I'm going to start a new challenge, where I stop relying on my physical game, and start talking a lot more. It's my weak point, so I'm working hard into that.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Didn't approach today, but it still was a good day. Got some errands done, went to work, really solid. Working on brushing my teeth night and day as we speak haha. Hit 148.8, can't wait to be 150lbs again, and then after that, passing up my old record of 155 and hitting 160. I'm on a decent path to do that, so I'm happy :) I'll see if I can fit in an approach or two tomorrow, but I'm still busy. Thursday and Friday will be grind days.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Goals for today/tonight:

TODAY: get an approach in. That's it, just get one approach in and analyze the F*$%K out of it. If I can get more, sure, but that's what I'm doing.

TONIGHT: 1) Remember names. I have a stupid habit of not remembering names out at night.
2) Talk, talk, talk. That's my weak point, I've been relying too much on physical game, so recently I've been not touching girls at all. I'm going to see how much damage I can do with my words alone.
3) Build more skin. Get rejected even more. That's where I grow.
4) Don't just GET rejected, figure out why...
5) Analyze my open. There's something wrong with my open, because that's where girls aren't getting into it. I can't even get past it at night. So that'll be my real growing point.
6) Try and HAVE FUN! Of course if I start going downhill, I'm going to push forward no matter what because I have to, but if not, remember to have fun!

Those are my points for today and tonight. I'm looking to make some real progress today.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Tried to have a little too much fun and didn't approach. I think my ego was still hurt from the last time but that's no excuse.

I have to push forward and be aggressive whether I like it or not, because either way I go home unhappy. So I can either go home unhappy with no experiences to think on, or go home with a broken ego and lots to analyze. I know what I have to do tomorrow.

I also tried to meet up with a wing, and from the way it went I think I'll be rolling solo for a bit.

I did a few bs approaches, but I need to push through. My opens where I talked worked a lot better than the ones where I just tried to dance in.

To go off, I just need to talk to everyone. Even when I felt good, it lasted all of a minute. I need to really push to talk a lot.

At my level of nightgame, I really expect nothing. I'm completely new to this, so when I go out tomorrow, my plan is to just get blown out as much as I can.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Goals for tonight: Approach approach approach. Remember names. Try and reach a hook. That's it.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Friday I went to a kickback with some friends instead of Hong out. Met a girl with a boyfriend and that was about it.

Saturday I went to a warehouse party and me and Fluffy ended up going to this lesbian girls hotel where I made it with her but couldn't do much else because she was pretty faithful to her girl. I'll go more into that interaction in a different post.

Sunday didn't do much, hung out with some friends, went to work.

Adding in other approaches, I added 12 more approaches with a makeout, so 22 more for me.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Decided I'm attempting 30 days in a row once again starting tomorrow.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Did one approach today, not good enough. Basic shit, deep dived her but didn't set the right frame of attraction coming from me so it didn't go anywhere.

Otherwise, I handed in a new job app, meditated, read 90 pages of my new book, and got a good leg day workout in. Hoping to improve the approaching tomorrow.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
23/1000: Jog your Memory, Day 2/30

Woke up ready to approach.

So I took the bus downtown and was in my head and scared to do it for about for or five blocks. Eventually I push myself to do it, and I have a decent conversation with a girl. I scared her on the open accidentally. I need to work on this, by improving the warmth in my voice. I was scared to ask for her number and eventually she ejected.

Next girl, I did the turn around approach, and she blew me off. To her credit, I was asking questions wayy too quickly. I'm still warming up.

I get to the end of the outdoor mall, then turn around and go back. I see this girl across the street, short, busty as all hell, and now I have some approaching momentum so I cross the street to talk to her.

I notice in my open that I scared her like I scared the first girl. Need to work on this. I have a decent conversation with her, and I grab her number. I keep walking to the train, I'm basically heading back home.

On the way, I see this other girl and I'm like, "Well I've already approached these other girls, I have to." I'm in a good mood, and all day I've been repeating, "If she rejects or accepts me, I'm still fundamentally me. It doesn't matter."

I open her and she takes it weirdly. I didn't think anything of it at first, so I just burn the interaction down and ask her, "Are you single?" She's like, "What?" And proceeds to walk away. I'm literally laughing as she walks away. I thought it was genuinely funny.

I talk to another girl as I'm on the train home. We have a decent conversation but I didn't show interest enough here. We had a good conversation though, one of my best. This is the funny part though.

As I'm getting off I ask for her number, and she gives it to me. She doesn't add a name, and I don't think anything of it until I realized I never introduced myself or got her name. HAHAHA! And she still gave me her number...

I text her in like 10 minutes with, "Hey, don't think I caught your name, I'm Jake"

...She responds with, "I have a boyfriend that I love dearly, sorry."

So I say,"That's fine, didn't mean to intrude! Have a great day!" Kinda' hilarious again.

I was having a good day a this point and engaged random people in conversation. Giving people high fives down the street as I headed back home.

Things that went well: Opened, pushed through anxiety, got a number or two, mostly got out of the shell and rut I was in.

Bad: Work on the warmth of my open. Make sure to guide conversation.

Learned: I'm gonna' wear a more fashion forward outfit instead of something casual downtown. Because of all the homeless people and people trying to sell you stuff, it would improve my initial reaction that I'm getting. Don't get me wrong, my outfit isn't bad, it's actually pretty fashionable, it's just toned down too much for me to cut through the homeless-or-salesman vibe downtown. All in all a really good day so far. I realized that I just needed to jog my memory of the level of daygame I was at. I'm back where I was, just with an improved mentality.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
I'm building the circle over at my buddy charismatic's place.

He lives in a dorms type environment, except they're apartment buildings. It's real fun, parties every weekend and a lot of chances for me to get recognized and create a circle there.

Not much exciting last night, although I ran the beer pong table 10 wins in a row, then me and my partner quit. I met a lot of people, getting better with names. I got one number from a girl, I might just use her for social proof though because she has a boyfriend and I know her friends. Once I build this up I'm gonna totally destroy this place, especially since I'm not drinking and no one can really tell.
