Last weekend I learned a lot about Indicators Of Interest (IOI) and how little you'll get from high sex drive girls.
So last weekend, I went to a three day EDM festival. It was pretty fuckin' life changing. I came in and my crew and I had amazing vibes. People loved us. I was pretty much in Godmode the entire time I was there.
The first night was cool. We came in, started doing our thing, whatever. Nearing the end of the night, a girl comes up to me. She comments on my hair and I tell her "Thank you". Let's call her CrazyHair. This threw me off, however, and I waited a little too long to talk to her. I was also using glancing eye-contact, so that was a major problem her, you'll see later. Anyways after about five minutes too long I ask her to dance. She says, "no, sorry" and turns away. I'm like, "What the fuck, this girl just came up to me and DOESN'T wanna dance? Whatever." So I continue to dance alone, but at this point she's worked her way in between me and my friend Charismatic. So I lean behind her a bit and tell him to ask her to dance. He does and she says no...LOLWUT. But she keeps dancing in between us. So I'm like, okay, whatever, this is weird. I stop talking to her and vibe with the music again.
Occasionally I lean to talk to Crazyhair, and she says something short and then she'll roll her eyes. Damn, did I make this girl auto-reject THAT fast? This happens some more and eventually I just stop talking to her. She says her goodbyes, I hug her, Charismatic works his way in and gets her number. Cool cool. Then we eventually dip out.
We head to the hotel, and a few girls came over. They were talkers, they just came to chill honestly. We eventually head to bed and prep for day two.
This day was pretty fantastic. Me and Charismatic are vibing off of each other and seriously getting into state from the moment we woke up. He got a bunch of people's numbers so we're pre gaming in the parking lot before the show. We head in and at this point we're ridiculously pumped. We're walking up the stairs, giving everyone high fives and yelling "woo!" as we do it. So we get in and dance and what not. I'm really not looking for girls that much for some reason, I'm just having a blast. I dance with the two girls that came over the other night but they weren't into it. It's cool, I'm just dancing and dicking around. We're dancing with all the people we met yesterday, and we have a pretty big crew, like 15 people deep. CrazyHair is there with some of her friends and she keeps rolling her eyes at me. WHAT? Okay, fuck her, I'm just gonna' have fun. And I do.
So as the show comes to a close, we head out. Then Charismatic is texting the girl we met on the first night, CrazyHair. We get to the hotel, but then we eventually head out to swoop her and bring her back. So now we grab her, head back, and then Charismatic and her fuck in the bathroom. Nice, so I pass out on the couch out front while that happens.
When a friend of mine has a girl, I act extremely aloof, to avoid flirting with them. It's just not me to flirt with another guy's girl. But...
So we wake up and it's a slow morning. The show starts at five, and we don't even head out until 4:30. Then Charismatic texts me with by far one of the weirdest texts I have ever received.
"Charismatic: Yo you want to DP this girl?"
Me:Uh no not really."
"Charismatic: Are you sure?"
Me:"Yo dude I want to head out soon here."
Charismatic:"Nah I meant later after the show."
"Me:Yeah sure, why not"
So yeah. That happened.
This is by far the best day though. I have literally two days of momentum behind me, I'm hyped like no other. We just head in this time, pre gaming very little since we showed up so late. We do the high five thing again and waltz in.
I'm wearing shorts with parrots all over them, an open flowery shirt, sunglasses and a giant necklace that gets a shitton of attention.
We take seats and around 10 minutes later these two girls show up and sit next to me. I'm like, "great, easy, early." So I talk to one of them, then get introduced to the other. I try and wait to see if either of them has a boyfriend without actually looking around. I find out one of them doesn't, one of them does. The one that does call her, DarkHair, the one that's free call her LightHair. I just let my vibe flow out. I catch this girl staring at my stomach and arms a lot. It's still light out, so I just decide to wait it out and pump my vibe even more.
Eventually it gets dark, and I then start making moves to dance with her. I do, but either she's a terrible dancer, or she didn't want it. But I don't understand why she would keep letting me dance with her if that was the case... So I stop dancing with her a lot and dance a lot of other places as well. I come back to her, dance a bit, and then dance other places with my friends. I repeat this for a while, not knowing if I should escalate or not because of her weird way of dancing.
Eventually I'm dancing by myself, just having fun with friends, and CrazyHair comes out of nowhere and starts dancing infront of me, facing me. She grabs my hands and dances with me, and we look into each others eyes for a while. Now I'm so confused. I thought she auto-rejected. Now she's smiley and whatnot..? Okay, whatever, I'm with it. Then I stop it and she tells me, "I'm so happy right now." Granted we're all on A LOT of drugs. I say, "I am too!" and then I continue to dance by myself.
I dance with LightHair again, and this time I start to make small moves on here. Coincidentally, this is where DarkHair's boyfriend decides to tell them it's time to go. So she leaves, and I just start dancing with myself again.
The show comes to a close, and we start to gather everyone to head out. Charismatic forgets his bag, so I wait with CrazyHair for a while. We go looking for him, but eventually give up and head to the car. There's a massive crowd, so I decide to do some touch and grab her hand to lead her through. I lean over and tell her, "I don't want you to lose me." To which she responds, "I won't lose you," with a nice smile. I'm starting to think this'll actually happen. So I'm leading her through, and then she kinda pulls my hand down to her crotch, "accidentally." Okay, it is gonna' happen I guess.
As we're walking I'm making small talk and just calmly walking with her. Here it's basically me just doing some protective touch to prevent her from tripping and shit.
We get in the car and head back. This time, we invited quite a few people back to the hotel. We get back and start drinking. We're all just chilling there, me, Charismatic, my friend Ginger and his girl, and then CrazyHair. Thenn, the two girls from the first night walk in. I'm like, "Okay, whatever, I'm really not in the mood to make a move on them." And THEN, five dudes walk through the door that me and Charismatic did NOT invite. Okay. I look at Charismatic and we give each other the same look, "Did these dudes seriously just ruin this for us?" So we get to work on getting them to leave. And by get to work, I mean me and Charismatic talk to CrazyHair, Ginger and his girl talk, we're all closed off from the five dudes and two girls. I'm sorry, there's no way I'm saving them haha. Eventually three of the dudes leave, and it's just two on two on the other side of the room. I'm like, "Okay, as long as we don't entertain them, they'll eventually leave." I said this to Charismatic, and RIGHT as I do that, the two girls leave. And we all know what happens when two dudes are standing awkwardly in the doorway when everyone else is occupied, and their only options to talk to just left... Yeah they said their goodbyes. We traded them some Tequila for their Vodka, and they were on their way. Me and Charismatic just bust out laughing, and after around five minutes, we go outside for a smoke. We're talking for a bit, and then he's like, "well, let's do this."
So we head back inside, I talk to Ginger for a bit, but he's so faded at this point. Then Charismatic heads into the room,and I shrug, look at Ginger, then head inside myself.
Word to the wise, this is my second threesome, and they're awkward. You have to laugh or you won't make it out alive haha. We're just making out with her, laughing, adjusting our positions, and we just get down to it.
I take a leaf from Anatman's book, and after it's all said and done I ask her why she came up to us. She says,
"Well I liked your hair and you guys seemed cool. (Good vibe) You were a little stand offish though, so that was why I said no to dancing with you."
Makes sense now that I think about it. Basically translated out of girl language: "I thought you were hot, but you didn't make a move soon enough. So your friend was hot as well so I went after him."
Cool, learned a lesson and it ended well anyways.
In the morning I get her number, but she lives in a different state. Oh well, maybe I'll be passing through one day

If a girl compliments you first, she probably has a high sex drive, knows what she wants, and has extremely small escalation windows.
If at first you don't succeed, try try again. Just because she didn't dance with me doesn't mean I couldn't have gotten her number later.
Vibe is so key. People were coming up to us because they felt it and it was good. Being the life of the party has advantages.
Stop drinking so much. I had hero's dick and couldn't come lol.
I'm not counting this towards the FRC, because I didn't really do anything at all. Just a learning experience honestly.
I made a few approaches during the week, and realized how fun being polarizing is.
I was approaching around town while I was running errands, and I had on a pretty ridiculous outfit. I looked like something out GTA: Vice City. So the first approach I made, this girl was down. I approached her direct, which I seem to prefer nowadays, and then within literally a few minutes I asked her out. She said she was leaving tomorrow, which didn't work out at all for me, I had work later that day and then the next day was booked solid. Cut the losses and continued approaching throughout the day.
I approached 8 more girls and got nothing done. NOTHING. It was weird. I didn't feel like I was getting rejected because of what I was saying, but more because of how I was coming off. The girls just weren't into it.
So I realized I'm being polarizing as fuck. It's interesting, because the first girl hooked within seconds, and no other girls would hook at all. It was a fun learning experience.
I approached my first two set the other day, and it was actually really fun. I went direct on one of the girls and they just started talking to me. Unfortunately they were only in town for that day, so I couldn't do anything.
That same day, I'm texting back and forth with this girl, PersianTease.
So she says she might see me, and we flirt back and forth over texts subtly.
Her: Happy Birthday! Partying tonight?
10:20 AM
Me: Thank you
and nah 11:24 AM (I really thought I wasn't gonna.
Her: Are you going to Charismatic's? 1:36 PM
Me: What's he doing? 1:37
Her: I thought he was having a party 1:39 PM (This is the first of me hearing of this lol)
Me: I dunno we'll see haha 1:39 PM
Her: Well if you go you should grab my hookah for me
1:40 PM (Lol do I look like a dog? I don't play fetch haha)
I hold off on texting her for a bit. It's a rule of mine I usually don't do anything girls ask me to do, within reason obviously.
Me: Are you going? 10:43 PM (At this point I'm properly tipsy haha)
Her: I might for a bit. mainly to get my hookah...I'm babysitting for another 15 minutes though. 10:44 PM
Her: If you guys are going I'll stay 10:44 PM (A reference to me, Ginger, and Fluffy)
Me: Yeah, we're going 10:45 PM
Her: Who's we? 10:45 PM
Me: You're so concerned about who I bring to what haha 10:47 PM
Her: Haha and you never answer! I'm just curious who's gonna be there 10:48 PM
Me: I'm bringing Fluffy and Ginger, that's all I know 10:48 PM
Her:Okay! I'll probably see you guys at some point tonight 11:09PM
My text game is getting increasingly natural. If I feel like responding right away I do, but usually I literally forget to respond. Anyways I figure she's interested in one of the three of us, so I decide to see what this is gonna be all about. I work from 1-10 PM, so I get pretty drunk there cause I work at a bar.
We head out at like 12:30, and get there. And man, this is actually a decent party. I hug her on the way in and let my obnoxious drunk game take over. I talk to everyone and get in some good conversations. I see a couple girls I know, say hi, and then LightHair from the last weekend walks in. Lol, she actually looks a lot different than I remember, so I barely talk to her. Me and Ginger start scouting for girls. We try talking to LightHair for a bit, but it really doesn't work out. And by we, I mean yes, we. There's not a lot of girls here lol.
So eventually the party dies down and Fluffy, Charismatic, and his friend head out to get some coals for hookah, leaving me, Ginger, and PersianTease there. I don't really think anything is gonna' happen, but I decide to try anyways because that's how you learn. So as she's changing the music I get behind her, say some nonsense about what's playing, and then start dancing up behind her. She dances with me, so we dance for a little bit. I have a pretty simple dancing formula. Grind on them, wait a little bit, then flip them around, grab their chin, and kiss them. So I do exactly that and she melts into it. I try pushing her onto the bed in the room, but she laughs and deflects me. Ginger sees us and he's made out with this girl before. So we're all making out and I think we can all fuck, haha. Unfortunately as things are heating up, I think for the last time, Charismatic, Fluffy, and his other friend walk in. Damn.
So we sit for a bit and smoke hookah. Now it's like 3 or 4 in the wee morn'. Then I think I missed a good escalation window. PersianTease decides to give me a ride home, to which I realize I don't really live there anymore LOL. So we drove over to my area, but then ended up turning back. I didn't really know how to escalate here. I should've just told her to pull over and tried to fuck her in her car. Oh well. As we're headed back I'm leaning over and kissing her. She deflected some of them but accepted a few.
So we drive back, and Ginger walks up. Then he decides to get in and we decide to go to PersianTease's brother's house. He's not home. Yesss...
This is where shit starts to suck.
We get there, it's like 4:30-5:00 in the morning. and all of a sudden she is not into it. She just wants to talk now. I'm like, "what the fuck?" So now I know why she's a tease. We're talking and the topic is sex. Charismatic and Fluffy both told me she's a virgin, but I asked her anyway. She confirms that she is indeed, a virgin. Well that sucks, I have no experience with that. For some reason high sex drive, high lay count girls seem to be attracted to me. So I'm trying to get her in the mood but it's definitely just dead. I'm giving her ass a massage, but she won't let me go much further. We stay up, and I'm persisting until like 7:30 AM until I finally decide we're just gonna' pass out. I do, and then she gives me and Ginger a ride to the train station. I head to my mom's and pass out.
Get that escalation window. Find a way, or at least try.
Read up on that virgin girl post on the site.
That's what's new, see ya'll soon.