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Must You Be in the Top 1% of Men to Do Well with Women?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
How is a guy supposed to get a girlfriend, when women are bombarded with sexual options? Women don't respect money, looks, any of that shit. The can get money from any simp at the drop of a hat. An attractive woman will always be more attractive than any man. The only way to get a relationship is to be in the 1 percent. The only thing an average good looking woman can't get easily is fame. She can go on tinder and get 1000s of sexual options. She can schedule sex for every hour of every day of week. Imagine if a guy tried to have sex everyday with a different girl. He would have to spend money on hookers, money that he's supposed to used to build himself up. He has to use it to meet his sexual need. Women never have to spend that money. That is one way, women keep men poor. Sex is free for women, she has all the power. A man either becomes the 1 percent or suffers. The modern western woman is put on top. The average male can only supplicate to her or become the 1 percent
You're right about one thing. Women have an endless supply of sexual options.

But here's the catch.... Attractive males actually have an easier time with dating than attractive females.

Believe me, I've seen it with my own 2 eyes. I've have worked as a personal trainer for over a decade and 90% of my clientele are beautiful females. And part of my job is not only staring at their asses while they do squats, but also listening to them in between sets.

- They moan and cry about how men in the dating market are trash
- The models complain about how men never approach them in real life
- They show me text messages with their crush because they don't know how to respond and need a male perspective
- They ask me how to show a guy they like interest without coming across too thirsty
- They aim high to get the best males but a lot of times will sabotage the interaction because of nervousness and fear of rejection
- Then at some point they get so horny that they drop their ridiculous standards and end up smashing the guy that was most available to them. (Like sending me a text messages at 10pm to come give them a massage)

Being a woman in the modern era is hard business. While it's never been easier for a man

Because lets be real. The average man is a fucking joke

- He doesn't know how to dress in a sexually appealing way
- He's not in shape
- He doesn't know how to hold a decent conversation to make women feel emotions
- He's ashamed of his sexuality which explains why he tends to lead with his wallet
- He can't lead himself let alone a woman
- He watches a lot of youtube videos about female nature, yet takes no initiative to understand them in real life

So for a man to have a decent sex life it's simple. DON'T BE AVERAGE

You don't even need to be in the top 1%. Just be slightly above average and put in real effort in the field. And you will get laid
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
The guys give great advice.

But you still need to configure how you learn first. If you see things as a strategy game, where you need to see the map in your mind.

You need to do that first.

No amount of help is going to help you until you know how to integrate the guys here who give great advice, into how you actually learn things.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
I just feel like I spent my prime not having any good sex and now I don't know what's next for me.
You have two options.

Accept your past and make a better future. Accept reality as it is. Do what it takes to get what you want. Read posts by Seppuku, he started his journey in his 40's.

Or keep living in the past that you never got, and stay forever in the hopelessness you feel now.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 29, 2021
I recently read an article by a woman who started using Tinder the first time last year after Corona struck. Tinder wasn't really popular where I live until then, and people started to use it as there was basically no other way to meet others but via apps.

In short, after several tries, she found no-one and deleted the app.

Yes, women get massive attention, and it can feel like they get their pick of the litter. BUT THE LITTER IS SHIT. Most men are horrible.

The author of the article liked like 10% of the men she swiped over on first glance. Weid photos, weird bios, obviously fake etc. Then, the majority of those she matched with were incapable of being interesting over text (remember, this is a woman who reluctantly installed Tinder to find a relationship, not to get validation when bored). Then when she finally finds a dude she likes the look of and has fun over text, they meet for a date and the guy spends the whole date just talking about himself. She hates it.

Yes, women have thousands of men giving them attention, but these men are hopeless. If you have all the fundamentals that are in your power handled to some ok degree (decent shape, basics of game, coversation skills, can dress like an adult, slightly interesting life, etc. the usual) these thousands of men don't ever register as your competition.

I have a feeling women are STARVED for men who have their shit together. Not some 1%, abs+yacht+6'8" handsome genius. But just simply put together men. And you have all the resources you need to get yourself there, in, like, a year at most. Which is nothing.

It's like imagine you had 1000's of women competing for your attention, but they're all a bunch of fatties. Only worse, cause you're a dude, so hey, maybe you'd bang a fatty here and there.

So things are not bleak, man. Don't let these stories live in your head. Get off of social media, stop following the prophets of doom, they're all a bunch of no-life KJ dorks anyway. Get out there, sort yourself out, and meet some girls.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
So things are not bleak, man. Don't let these stories live in your head. Get off of social media, stop following the prophets of doom, they're all a bunch of no-life KJ dorks anyway. Get out there, sort yourself out, and meet some girls.

To add and mentioned,

I hope that many have read my 'Delusion of Success' post. There's also a response by Chase, which is really really helpful for all to gain perspective.

Once you find out that Agent Smith, I MEAN WOMEN, is stuck in the matrix (state)....... :), and this is why wAhmen eMpoWahment horseshit is very loud on TikTok, and everywhere.

That's where the matrix starts to crumble.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 11, 2013
Sorry I am going to disagree.

The average/below average woman has a plethora of options. A sea of options to be honest. She's drowning in dick from high value men. From birth till about late 60. She's not going to settle for an average guy, an average guy to her is good for one of the three things:

Validating her by worshipping her.
Resources and time.

As for sex, she gets that from a guy thats part of the top 1 percent of men.

There's nothing a guy that's not part of that 1 percent can do that will have any lasting affect of women.
If he tries to argue with her, doesn't matter. One of the guys in her orbiter will buff up her ego and she will simply forget about him.
If he cheats on her, she might be sad for a bit. But her orbiters will push her ego back up, her friends will encourage her. Society will push her back up again.

Girls like feeling a range of emotions, she enjoys feeling sad, she enjoys feeling angry. What she hates is stability and calmness. You can't do anything to emotionally hurt a woman, if you're not part of the 1 percent.

All this stuff about not being a player and not emotionally hurting women, that's nonsense. Say whatever needs to be said to get what you want from women. Because you can't hurt her. She will forget about you in an instant and jump on some other dick in a flash. If you're not part of the 1 percent, you have to be crafty to get laid. Because these women don't want to have sex, they like having control and power over men. Sex is just something they dangle like a carrot over the guys head to get him to submit. Sex is only for the 1 percent.

A guy outside of the 1 percent is insignificant and worthless to women. A guy outside of the 1 percent has no lasting impression on a woman.

All those memes about fuckbois, only the top 1 percent of men have that power. The rest just have to put up with the nonsense and tbh anyone getting married these days is asking to get fucked over.

The only thing that will give you absolute control over these women is fame. Anything else is simply a placebo. Fame trump's everything. Good looks, height, whatever. Against a famous guy, she will submit.
Sex is only for the 1%?
You have to be famous to get laid?
You have to be in the 1% to have a lasting effect on women?

Wow, wow dude, calm down. You dont need to be a stifler, with superman strength and George Clooney looks to get women. Take a break from the red pill. Go take a walk in the park. Look around you. Did 1% of men in society become fathers? So you trying to say 99% of men in the world do not get laid?

Come on bro, you cannot be serious. Take a break from the red pill and go talk to women. Even the hottest victoria secret, Instagram babes have to sit on the toilet and take a smelly poop every day or 2. They human too.

Edit: I saw your other comment about how you experienced a few deaths in the family and slept with hookers throughout the years. I am sorry to hear you have had a rough time. I recently made a post about how I have slept with about 7-11 hookers in the past 7 years. And thats only when I was on a dry spell and needed some pussy to get back to my full focus.

What I recommend is you channel that energy into building high income skills. I recommend starting with sales. If i knew this 5 years ago, I would be much further in my career. No other business can be built without knowing how to sell. It takes some money up front to learn. But once you do that, you can get a job and sell for others. Sell for companies who already have a good reputation.

Spend 6 months to a year indulging in sales material. Direct message me and I will recommend you to the best sales trainers, who are worldwide recognized.

I too have worked shitty jobs. I am currently in a low paying job, but I have not given up hope. In fact this year I completed multiple certifications to back up my previous real life experience.

Keep going dude. I believe in you. Believe in yourself too.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I split this off @Warped Mindless's thread, since it was derailing.

Started jotting off a quick response pointing out how guys get this mentality, then figured it'd serve better as an article.

Here's the piece -- my response to / thoughts on this kind of thinking:



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 9, 2021
You're right about one thing. Women have an endless supply of sexual options.

But here's the catch.... Attractive males actually have an easier time with dating than attractive females.

Believe me, I've seen it with my own 2 eyes. I've have worked as a personal trainer for over a decade and 90% of my clientele are beautiful females. And part of my job is not only staring at their asses while they do squats, but also listening to them in between sets.

- They moan and cry about how men in the dating market are trash
- The models complain about how men never approach them in real life
- They show me text messages with their crush because they don't know how to respond and need a male perspective
- They ask me how to show a guy they like interest without coming across too thirsty
- They aim high to get the best males but a lot of times will sabotage the interaction because of nervousness and fear of rejection
- Then at some point they get so horny that they drop their ridiculous standards and end up smashing the guy that was most available to them. (Like sending me a text messages at 10pm to come give them a massage)

Being a woman in the modern era is hard business. While it's never been easier for a man

Because lets be real. The average man is a fucking joke

- He doesn't know how to dress in a sexually appealing way
- He's not in shape
- He doesn't know how to hold a decent conversation to make women feel emotions
- He's ashamed of his sexuality which explains why he tends to lead with his wallet
- He can't lead himself let alone a woman
- He watches a lot of youtube videos about female nature, yet takes no initiative to understand them in real life

So for a man to have a decent sex life it's simple. DON'T BE AVERAGE

You don't even need to be in the top 1%. Just be slightly above average and put in real effort in the field. And you will get laid
This is so spot on.

Yes there is loads of competition out there, but the competition fucking SUCKS!

I'm pretty sure I was in the 1% in my active days and it wasn't hard at all.

Go to the gym 5x/week and you're in the 1%.

Understand the basics of dressing well and you're in the 5-10%.

Use the resources on this page to understand game and you're in the 1%.

Get your life figured out enough to be able to have your own place to bring them to (not necessary technically but it makes things easier).

Do all of the above together and you are easily in the 1%.


It's not hard but 99% of men lack commitment, discipline and focus.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
I’m curious as to where these beliefs even stem from. The 1% of what exactly? So the other 99% are all gonna die virgins?
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Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
I’m curious as to where these beliefs even stem from. The 1% of what exactly? So the other 99% are all gonna die virgins?
The top 1% man:
- 10 million networth (minimum)
- Brad Pitt's face
- Chris Bumstead's body
- 10 inch dick full of veins
- Lance Armstrong's stamina when fucking

Apparently, if you don't have all that you are doomed to be an Incel or fuck war pigs for the rest of your life.

Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
The top 1% man:
- 10 million networth (minimum)
- Brad Pitt's face
- Chris Bumstead's body
- 10 inch dick full of veins
- Lance Armstrong's stamina when fucking

Apparently, if you don't have all that you are doomed to be an Incel or fuck war pigs for the rest of your life.
Just $10 million? It's supposed to be like $50 million... :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
The top 1% man:
- 10 million networth (minimum)
- Brad Pitt's face
- Chris Bumstead's body
- 10 inch dick full of veins
- Lance Armstrong's stamina when fucking

Apparently, if you don't have all that you are doomed to be an Incel or fuck war pigs for the rest of your life.
Ill add these to my Christmas wish list I guess! Fingers crossed.

Seriously if you think like this you really could die a virgin, except you won’t because some girl would still have you (probably).
  • Haha
Reactions: POB


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
I’m curious as to where these beliefs even stem from. The 1% of what exactly? So the other 99% are all gonna die virgins?
Well there are pickup blogs and coaches that preach you must be in the 1% mantra or top 20% of men get 80% of women so it's not like these guys get this stuff from nowhere. There's a reason they vent about this stuff on pickup forums.

Just a constant influx and spread of misleading information by various coaches that confuse men and get them to believe in extreme false conclusions.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
I'd like to add there's a lot of discussion that the average man has it tough in today's dating climate and if you want to have a good dating life you need to be better than a average man. This claim has been shared here a lot.

I think this where confusion comes from. Guys believing to not be average means you must be top 1% and therefore must be have whatever qualities they believe 1% means ripped abs, 6'2, have a nice car, be rich etc. Anything below that you are average and therefore not good enough or desired by women.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I think this where confusion comes from. Guys believing to not be average means you must be top 1% and therefore must be have whatever qualities they believe 1% means ripped abs, 6'2, have a nice car, be rich etc. Anything below that you are average and therefore not good enough or desired by women.

Well, it seems the average guy is illiterate in statistics.
A good class on probability is needed for the masses.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2019
"be top 1%" is a senseless catch phrase to provide an ego boost. "When I'll be top 1%, I'llbbe sooo cool!" is just an ego booster, none of it real nor matters. Knowing that you are boosting your ego and asking yourself why may be perhaps a more meaningful topic. Then, if you like/love women why is your focus on yourself instead of them?
Perhaps a bit harsh or unpopular, but important enough to be said.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2021
Top 20% you get laid consistently.
it's not even hard to be top 20% when the average guy is eating cheetos that crumbs fall down onto his gunt that he just leaves there as he argues on the internet about star wars in between gaming and masturbation breaks. just don't be fat, don't be socially awkward, and put yourself out there.

Top 1% you get laid like a rockstar.
the above but have basic fundamentals that make you seductive rather than just attractive.

people are acting like you have to be an mpua to able to beat 99/100 other schmucks, really no reason to not shoot for being in the top 0.1% percentile.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 17, 2021
"be top 1%" is a senseless catch phrase to provide an ego boost. "When I'll be top 1%, I'llbbe sooo cool!" is just an ego booster, none of it real nor matters. Knowing that you are boosting your ego and asking yourself why may be perhaps a more meaningful topic. Then, if you like/love women why is your focus on yourself instead of them?
Perhaps a bit harsh or unpopular, but important enough to be said.

Be top 1 percent means basically be famous. Women throw themselves at famous guys.