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Must You Be in the Top 1% of Men to Do Well with Women?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I just feel like I don't have anything to offer them and so I just don't expect them to be interested
And then you get what you expect.

I guess you can see how this circular reasoning is sabotaging you.

What have you done so far to change your situation?
This talk is all cringe so far… I want to hear about what you have tried so far to change your situation.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
And then you get what you expect.

I guess you can see how this circular reasoning is sabotaging you.

What have you done so far to change your situation?
This talk is all cringe so far… I want to hear about what you have tried so far to change your situation.

It's pointless trying to help. Some people are addicted to negative emotions rather trying to gain something positive

Wish OP the best, but this is a classic case of natural selection

The world is not fair, and everyone can't be King. Meaning that those that want to be saved will always find a way to save themselves and rise to the top, regardless of obstacles and challenges

The rest are doomed for mediocrity at best
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 17, 2021
And then you get what you expect.

I guess you can see how this circular reasoning is sabotaging you.

What have you done so far to change your situation?
This talk is all cringe so far… I want to hear about what you have tried so far to change your situation.
I apologise, I understand that it might sound cringe to you.

However from my perspective, I'm just a normal looking guy with an average job.

From what I've seen in my life, if a person doesn't hold a position of power or is exceptionally good looking. Then an average woman is not interested and why would she be when she can get a higher quality male.

I can put effort into trying to make myself not average but would she be interested? I don't know


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I apologise, I understand that it might sound cringe to you.

However from my perspective, I'm just a normal looking guy with an average job.

From what I've seen in my life, if a person doesn't hold a position of power or is exceptionally good looking. Then an average woman is not interested and why would she be when she can get a higher quality male.

I can put effort into trying to make myself not average but would she be interested? I don't know
You need to learn to see, then.

Because those conclusions you have arrived at are utterly wrong.

My best suggestion is get a dating coach. You definitely need professional help to work on all those limiting beliefs you have acquired over the years.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
I apologise, I understand that it might sound cringe to you.

However from my perspective, I'm just a normal looking guy with an average job.

From what I've seen in my life, if a person doesn't hold a position of power or is exceptionally good looking. Then an average woman is not interested and why would she be when she can get a higher quality male.

I can put effort into trying to make myself not average but would she be interested? I don't know
This is a self-improvement forum. One person has advised you to get a dating coach since it seems you need it. If you can't afford one, then you need to develop a positive mindset and start learning about self-improvement and seduction.

If you aren't willing to take any steps, almost everybody here would get tired of you and start ignoring you.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I just feel like I don't have anything to offer them and so I just don't expect them to be interested

What all these guys are saying to you is correct, at some point you have to just accept that normal guys are getting laid all the time, and be one of them.

But I can see from your posts that you have an analytical mind, and perhaps you need to understand something first a bit before you can truly believe. So now I would like you to analyze the average woman's life, from her perspective. Put yourself in her shoes.


So you're an ordinary, average looking woman. First of all, what would make you think that a '1%' guy would choose you for any worthwhile relationship, and not just for a quick bang (which he doesn't need from you either)? What would you have to offer besides your average-ass butt? And I say this because for her to have access to what he apparently offers (status, wealth, etc) a one night stand just won't do it.

If you think that woman are too dumb to consider this, think again. She's already been dumped by average-ass dudes, painfully, so what are the chances it won't happen with a guy who has a plethora of options and needs her far less.

This is why girls auto-reject hot guys all the time, and can often be way more hesitant to hit the hay with them than a guy more on her level.


Next, she can't fuck a poster on the wall. Every teenage girl with a Leo Dicaprio poster eventually realizes that she can't bang it, so she has to start choosing from guys who are actually around.

Walk around your local city and tell me how long it takes you to find a 1% woman - a real, glittering gem of feminine beauty, one that belongs in a movie, that makes men drool over their shirt fronts and stare like zombies. Hours, days, weeks, months? Now consider what it's like as a woman - when you have no clue whatsoever from looking at a guy walking down the street how popular he is, how much money he's got, whether he has an interesting life or just watches TV like a bum. All of that is invisible. So how does she find guys who she can vet on these characteristics? Only if he's in her social circle. But her social circle is filled with people just like her. And it always will be. That's the pool she can choose from with any kind of real context.


OK so you're an average-ass woman. You've just finished work on Tuesday afternoon, you've got bills to pay, a few lame crusty orbiters to fend off (but since they will happily come and change your flat tire even if you're on the other side of the planet, you can't fire them completely). You're worried about your performance at work, the plumbing in your lame apartment is leaking again, your relationship with your mom is once again on shaky ground for apparently no reason.

What would you rather do, dream about 1% guys and suffer in your self esteem, worrying that you'll never be good enough for them, or would you rather have a real conversation with a guy who makes you feel wonderful, who made it easy for you by approaching you, who knows how to get past your insecurities and lead you to adventure and bedroom fun, and who actually knows how to fuck and fuck well, and who always makes you feel like you are more than just an average-ass woman in an average-ass life (but still challenges you to rise to his level, rather than chasing you around needily)?

That's why game is deadly, because the moment a woman gets this, she forgets all about the non-existent relationship with the non-existent 1%-er. And after she's been fucked a few times, if the guy has a strong frame, her entire reality changes to conform to what is actually happening, she submits more and more until the idea of pursuing a guy just for some status or money seems weird. Why would she, when she has a man in front of her that is constantly giving her emotions, challenges, validation, orgasms and real opportunity to grow and develop as a woman (And to top it off, her relationship with her mom got so much better since she got a new bf..)


You've been reading too much red pill nonsense where analytical guys use a stereotype of some idealized, sociopathic, Cleopatra-type woman as a proxy for all women, when most women just want some guy to understand what they need and lead them to a life that they can be happy with. But most guys are too busy being miserable, blaming women and making excuses to even give an average woman what she needs. Which makes your job even easier when you shed all the nonsense and actually learn how to do it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
I apologise, I understand that it might sound cringe to you.

However from my perspective, I'm just a normal looking guy with an average job.

From what I've seen in my life, if a person doesn't hold a position of power or is exceptionally good looking. Then an average woman is not interested and why would she be when she can get a higher quality male.

I can put effort into trying to make myself not average but would she be interested? I don't know
You won't have any answers until you go out and find evidence and you will never find it on the forums. You will never be 100% certain if something works for YOU until you've witnessed it personally with your own eyes. So you need to go out and acquire that evidence. I think this a lot too and wonder if there are girls who would want me and what do they have to like about me?

I used to belief I was a totally undesireable guy until I took risks,stepped out of my comfort zone and made moves on girls and realized hey you know what I do have a chance. I'm not great,but you don't need to be great 1% guy just to get laid or even get a attractive girl it's not neccesary. Most girls do not have the insane standards that you think they have. The only way you'll come to see this is if you go out,keep talking to new women and improve yourself constantly. Otherwise you're gonna be stuck the way you are and remain feeling frustrated and unfufilled.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2021
What all these guys are saying to you is correct, at some point you have to just accept that normal guys are getting laid all the time, and be one of them.

But I can see from your posts that you have an analytical mind, and perhaps you need to understand something first a bit before you can truly believe. So now I would like you to analyze the average woman's life, from her perspective. Put yourself in her shoes.


This is one of the best posts about Game I've read in a long, long time.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
You just need to go outside and talk to people, talk to men, see people interacting, watch people who are getting some to realize that you don't need to be anywhere near the 1% to do well with women.

The real stats are that around 75% of men have had sex with SOMEONE in the last year... to go from 1% crazy belief to 75% should be pretty easy and you'll be making progress without even needing to do anything to improve yourself.

Stop watching red pill videos online, those are polluting your brain with half-truths and nonsense designed to spike your dopamine levels and keep you watching... and go out and meet some people, join some communities, interact with real humans... you'll quickly realize that 1% is real stupid and lots of people are having sex and it's not nearly as hard to get laid as you're making it out to be.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
Sorry I am going to disagree.

The average/below average woman has a plethora of options. A sea of options to be honest. She's drowning in dick from high value men. From birth till about late 60. She's not going to settle for an average guy, an average guy to her is good for one of the three things:

Validating her by worshipping her.
Resources and time.

As for sex, she gets that from a guy thats part of the top 1 percent of men.

There's nothing a guy that's not part of that 1 percent can do that will have any lasting affect of women.
If he tries to argue with her, doesn't matter. One of the guys in her orbiter will buff up her ego and she will simply forget about him.
If he cheats on her, she might be sad for a bit. But her orbiters will push her ego back up, her friends will encourage her. Society will push her back up again.

Girls like feeling a range of emotions, she enjoys feeling sad, she enjoys feeling angry. What she hates is stability and calmness. You can't do anything to emotionally hurt a woman, if you're not part of the 1 percent.

All this stuff about not being a player and not emotionally hurting women, that's nonsense. Say whatever needs to be said to get what you want from women. Because you can't hurt her. She will forget about you in an instant and jump on some other dick in a flash. If you're not part of the 1 percent, you have to be crafty to get laid. Because these women don't want to have sex, they like having control and power over men. Sex is just something they dangle like a carrot over the guys head to get him to submit. Sex is only for the 1 percent.

A guy outside of the 1 percent is insignificant and worthless to women. A guy outside of the 1 percent has no lasting impression on a woman.

All those memes about fuckbois, only the top 1 percent of men have that power. The rest just have to put up with the nonsense and tbh anyone getting married these days is asking to get fucked over.

The only thing that will give you absolute control over these women is fame. Anything else is simply a placebo. Fame trump's everything. Good looks, height, whatever. Against a famous guy, she will submit.

You are super wrong I’ve been pointing this out a billion times but you keep missing it.

A lot of women recently have been coming to me because they do not know how to accomplish menial tasks.

Let’s say they hit somebody driving a car and they total the car. The 1% Alpha Chad Rich cock isn’t going to have any ability to help her. His peons “might” be able too but it isn’t a guarantee.

Let’s say this chicks parents, *[Even more so in the USA] become sick and require care. Who is going to help these parents? I’ll give you a clue, it usually isn’t the super hot chicks because they are incapable of being able to provide this.

I could go on and on with examples. The older I become the more I realize not only how much of a fuckin catch I actually am. But I’m a world with incredibly incompetent people I’m stellar at what subsets of problems I can navigate with the greatest of ease.

These women you are pedestalizing,
*[Which has traditionally been a bad thing in PUA] is not the spot you want to be in.

Most if not all the time it’s sufficient enough to be the nice side dick isolated away you and her in a room and you’ll more than likely fuck. What a shock!

The other thing but this is dark triad game and you have to be a fuckin psycho to use these tricks for controlling which I won’t even delve into because they are legitimate super evil and super manipulative.

But if domineering women start off somewhere a little easier such as a remote control vibrator and using it on her in public or perhaps fuckin in the handicap washroom at the mall.

Anyways cheers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
The real stats are that around 75% of men have had sex with SOMEONE in the last year... to go from 1% crazy belief to 75% should be pretty easy and you'll be making progress without even needing to do anything to improve yourself.
So 25% of men miss out? Not saying that's untrue, but it's not 'nothing'.
If the OP improves his fundamentals and/or game, he now in the top 75% and gets laid. Good for him. But to get there, someone had to drop out of that top 75% and replace OP in the lower 25%. So now someone else misses out. The person that misses out didn't even lower their value objectively[ie they didn't lose objective fundamentals or objective game], the OP did better fundamentals subjectively and/or better game subjectively.

To demonstrate this.... super simple example. Lets say a person from bottom 25% was really overweight, they then lose weight, even gain small amount of muslce. Okay. Now they're above alot of others *even if* those others did not gain weight at all, they stayed the same. They did not get fat, they did not get objectively worse. But in comparison ie subjectively, to this previously super overweight person, now they look worse. So now one of the mr average, looks worse ,not better, in comparison to the new mr toned. And the one that perhaps looks the most average or the worse game compared to the other mr average is the one who drops into the bottom 25%. Weight is only one thing, but you get my point?

The point is, someone always misses out based on this only 75% of men get laid statistic and/or theory. The solution to that problem is not "get more fundamentals and game" because then other men drop out of 75%. Those that drop out don't get laid.
The pool of people in the 75% who get laid does not get larger, just when someone moves up, someone else moves down.
More fundamentals or game helps one individual, at the cost of another individual. So its a vicious cycle, 25% of men don't get laid. That specific problem of all men not getting I wonder what a solution might be?
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Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
So 25% of men miss out? Not saying that's untrue, but it's not 'nothing'.
If the OP improves his fundamentals and/or game, he now in the top 75% and gets laid. Good for him. But to get there, someone had to drop out of that top 75% and replace OP in the lower 25%. So now someone else misses out. The person that misses out didn't even lower their value objectively[ie they didn't lose objective fundamentals or objective game], the OP did better fundamentals subjectively and/or better game subjectively.

To demonstrate this.... super simple example. Lets say a person from bottom 25% was really overweight, they then lose weight, even gain small amount of muslce. Okay. Now they're above alot of others *even if* those others did not gain weight at all, they stayed the same. They did not get fat, they did not get objectively worse. But in comparison ie subjectively, to this previously super overweight person, now they look worse. So now one of the mr average, looks worse ,not better, in comparison to the new mr toned. And the one that perhaps looks the most average or the worse game compared to the other mr average is the one who drops into the bottom 25%. Weight is only one thing, but you get my point?

The point is, someone always misses out based on this only 75% of men get laid statistic and/or theory. The solution to that problem is not "get more fundamentals and game" because then other men drop out of 75%. Those that drop out don't get laid.
The pool of people in the 75% who get laid does not get larger, just when someone moves up, someone else moves down.
More fundamentals or game helps one individual, at the cost of another individual. So its a vicious cycle, 25% of men don't get laid and that specific problem of all men not getting laid has not been addressed in this thread.
Aiming to be above the 25th percentile is hardly an ambitious target.

The lives of men will always be competitive, and there will always be losers. That's the way it always has been and should be. In fact I'd rather be a loser in a world where there can be winners than someone who got something that someone else deserved because of pity.

I see too much statistics in the red pill argument, I don't care about statistics. Statistics are my opponent. I find them disgusting. Whenever I see statistics I go and prove to myself that it has nothing to do with me, because the day that a statistic exists that can describe me in any relevant way I might as well hang up my boots. Everything I do is statistically insignificant because noone else is doing it, and that's the way I like it.

Let him worry about statistics who has no way of extricating himself from it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
Aiming to be above the 25th percentile is hardly an ambitious target.
You've missed the point.
The lives of men will always be competitive, and there will always be losers. That's the way it always has been and should be. In fact I'd rather be a loser in a world where there can be winners than someone who got something that someone else deserved because of pity.
You've decided you'd rather live in a haves and havenot world. Do you donate money or food to poor? According to your reply its competitive and they don't deserve it out of pity.

You failed to actually answer my question. Your opinion is its a problem, that doesn't need solving. Still doesn't say how to fix it...
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Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
You've missed the point.

You've decided you'd rather live in a haves and havenot world. Do you donate money or food to poor? According to your reply its competitive and they don't deserve it out of pity.
No, I'd rather live in a will and will not world. All those virgins could easily get a girl if they wanted to, but they won't, because it's too hard, too long, and too painful a process. They'd rather consult statistics than their own ego.

I learned long ago the lengths that people will go to to avoid the possibility of failure or pain. I enjoy both, that's why I can win. They could do the same, but they won't.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
I learned long ago the lengths that people will go to to avoid the possibility of failure or pain. I enjoy both, that's why I can win. They could do the same, but they won't.
Fail. By definition, not everyone can be a winner. Did you read my post about this? It seems you're not even listening.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Fail. By definition, not everyone can be a winner. Did you read my post about this? It seems you're not even listening.
Everyone can be a winner, but not everyone will. I will. Will you?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
Everyone can be a winner, but not everyone will. I will. Will you?
Demonstrate to me how everyone can be a winner, I'm listening. First you'll have to disprove what I wrote a few posts up, and so far you either don't comprehend what I wrote or are trolling.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Demonstrate to me how everyone can be a winner, I'm listening. First you'll have to disprove what I wrote a few posts up, and so far you either don't comprehend what I wrote or are trolling.

Hey Rain,

Let's clear things up. @Will_V is not a troll. Will V is one of the most insightful commentaries in the forums. And I'm sure you are going to the fundamental of who we are as humans.

Before I answer your question, I like to share how this has been my 'go to' whenever I was in Girlschase, especially early 2012-2014. I still do it but the reasons are different. The representations relatively stays the same.

I have always ask Chase the hardest questions on his personal email. And one of the biggest eye opening responses was this. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing part of his email.

Here's a response by Chase:

"As for gridlock, I assume you mean information gaps between strangers (or even folks close to each other) in a resource-constrained universe. So long as we inhabit a non-infinite resource universe, people will always selectively present themselves to others to influence outcomes in a competitive, limited world. Even if you could find a way to immediately sync all the brains in the world, and get around the information gaps we presently have, individuals would seek ways to limit what information they sync to preserve competitive advantages over others."

- @Chase

p.s: I will delete this if you ask me, Chase. I actually do want to share more of your response emails without the personal notes of course.

and this is for everyone.

Don't Trust Zac, Don't Trust Anyone.

but here's where we are as a society.

Sidenote: The thing is some of the members have ask me to write a full writeup on 'macro micro merging'. I'm not there yet to give the full view.

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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
When someone says that you need to be 1% top man, famous, or hyper rich to get laid and that average men can’t get average women, I always think:

1) Yeah, that’s how it feels like if you are a 3 (guy) trying to pick up a 9 or 10 (hot babe).
It’s not in your reality.

2) Average guys can get average women.
If you can’t even get average… sorry to say, but you’re deluding yourself believing you’re just an average man.
That’s proof you’re below average in attractiveness.
Truth hurts but it will free you.