I just feel like I don't have anything to offer them and so I just don't expect them to be interested
What all these guys are saying to you is correct, at some point you have to just accept that normal guys are getting laid all the time, and be one of them.
But I can see from your posts that you have an analytical mind, and perhaps you need to understand something first a bit before you can truly believe. So now I would like you to analyze the average woman's life, from her perspective. Put yourself in her shoes.
So you're an ordinary, average looking woman. First of all, what would make you think that a '1%' guy would choose you for any worthwhile relationship, and not just for a quick bang (which he doesn't need from you either)? What would you have to offer besides your average-ass butt? And I say this because for her to have access to what he apparently offers (status, wealth, etc) a one night stand just won't do it.
If you think that woman are too dumb to consider this, think again. She's already been dumped by average-ass dudes, painfully, so what are the chances it won't happen with a guy who has a plethora of options and needs her far less.
This is why girls auto-reject hot guys all the time, and can often be way more hesitant to hit the hay with them than a guy more on her level.
Next, she can't fuck a poster on the wall. Every teenage girl with a Leo Dicaprio poster eventually realizes that she can't bang it, so she has to start choosing from guys who are actually around.
Walk around your local city and tell me how long it takes you to find a 1% woman - a real, glittering gem of feminine beauty, one that belongs in a movie, that makes men drool over their shirt fronts and stare like zombies. Hours, days, weeks, months? Now consider what it's like as a woman - when you have no clue whatsoever from looking at a guy walking down the street how popular he is, how much money he's got, whether he has an interesting life or just watches TV like a bum. All of that is invisible. So how does she find guys who she can vet on these characteristics? Only if he's in her social circle. But her social circle is filled with people
just like her. And it always will be. That's the pool she can choose from with any kind of real context.
OK so you're an average-ass woman. You've just finished work on Tuesday afternoon, you've got bills to pay, a few lame crusty orbiters to fend off (but since they will happily come and change your flat tire even if you're on the other side of the planet, you can't fire them completely). You're worried about your performance at work, the plumbing in your lame apartment is leaking again, your relationship with your mom is once again on shaky ground for apparently no reason.
What would you rather do, dream about 1% guys and suffer in your self esteem, worrying that you'll never be good enough for them, or would you rather have a real conversation with a guy who makes you feel wonderful, who made it easy for you by approaching you, who knows how to get past your insecurities and lead you to adventure and bedroom fun, and who actually knows how to fuck and fuck well, and who always makes you feel like you are more than just an average-ass woman in an average-ass life (but still challenges you to rise to his level, rather than chasing you around needily)?
That's why game is deadly, because the moment a woman gets this, she forgets all about the non-existent relationship with the non-existent 1%-er. And after she's been fucked a few times, if the guy has a strong frame, her entire reality changes to conform to what is actually happening, she submits more and more until the idea of pursuing a guy just for some status or money seems weird. Why would she, when she has a man in front of her that is constantly giving her emotions, challenges, validation, orgasms and real opportunity to grow and develop as a woman (And to top it off, her relationship with her mom got so much better since she got a new bf..)
You've been reading too much red pill nonsense where analytical guys use a stereotype of some idealized, sociopathic, Cleopatra-type woman as a proxy for all women, when most women just want some guy to understand what they need and lead them to a life that they can be happy with. But most guys are too busy being miserable, blaming women and making excuses to even give an average woman what she needs. Which makes your job even easier when you shed all the nonsense and actually learn how to do it.