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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I found a perfectly fitting polo shirt in my closet. Apparently my great-uncle had foisted it on me some time ago without my knowledge.

Also, I’ve been looking into speed dating, seems like a good way to find older women while sorting out the taken ones. Might start a thread about it if I can’t find an old one that answers all my questions.
The biggest issue is that I’m under 25, straight, not into Zoom, and not a member of any particular identity group such as kinksters or Indians. This severely limits the range of events available in a city like LA.
My DMs are open if anyone hears about something generic or age-gap-friendly in SoCal.
I also realized that the main shopping areas in my vicinity are way less cougar-friendly than some other areas. For example, the closest mall to my parents’ place is all old couples/groups and underage Valley girls, while the closest shopping district is kinda underwhelming in terms of demographics as well. On the other hand, some other places further out where I’ve never gone to approach, from what I can recall, seem to be more fertile ground.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Over the weekend I read an eye-opening book called Three Women. The most interesting part, for me, was the occasional discussion of the differences between teenage boys and men.
Right now my attention is on improving my daily baseline and then finding a decent place. After that we’ll see.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I had an illuminating convo with my brother about his disproportionately female friend circle. He isn’t really a simp because he’s not secretly hoping to get laid, but he doesn’t exactly draw lines with their BS either. The key takeaway, although I didn’t voice it, was that it seems like under-25 women tend to sort men artificially into two categories: the masculine, sexual, exciting yet potentially dangerous, and the chill, nonsexual, useful, etc. Girls can be surprisingly inclusive of the second category, yet the first must be put into a framework. There is no, floabw, relevance, between a “manly man” who isn’t say a bf of a member, as he

The lion cannot lie down with the ewes, not really because the lion has predatory instincts, but because he has too much gravity and disrupts the group dynamic by just sitting and listening. The ewes close ranks not because he is a threat, but because he can’t be one of them. A goat on the other hand can be included because he can play the part if he chooses.

That is to say, younger women collectively try to carefully control the distance between themselves (as a collective) and such men, so that men are accessible for certain things yet never really included. Mature women have little need to resort to this for various reasons.
The real problem is that the society of strangers at a big campus naturally leads to this much more than the small SCs of normal life. This is the adaptive response of green women under the circumstances.

I just find it ironic that it’s me who vibes with almost everyone including, especially, guys while he, the “more normal” one, doesn’t and finds women easier to relate to. Shows what social conditioning can do to a person. Or potentially his super low body fat messing with hormones.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I’ve reached a milestone on my journey away from being a sheltered little boy: my first non-school group trip. Was invited to the mountains for the holiday weekend. Should be fun.

Despite having had a sore throat on Monday and being at pretty low readiness in general, yesterday and then in the morning again I will be scurrying around most of the day buying various supplies.

For some reason, I don’t want any of the “scent” of my parents’ place to linger on me when I go up so I’m straight up gonna buy new clothes from head to ankle and then crash on my bro’s couch this evening.

I’m not super pumped due to being still slightly depressed but hopefully I’ll get more excited once it’s underway.

There will be a few girls coming along but I don’t really care that much tbh.

Re: other social/game related stuff, I’ve been dealing with the systemic “culture of fear” that my parents managed to impart to me and it seems to be helping me reframe things in a more chill way.

Medium term I absolutely want to do game, both SC and approach, but it’s been receding from my view lately. Such things feel like an unnecessary luxury at a time I’m becoming increasingly single minded about transitioning to independence.

BUT. Part of independence means sexual freedom. Not much longer and everything will look different.

In fact, I should start looking for a place to lease next week now that I have allthe cash in hand, but tbh I don’t really know where to find good deals. Zillow doesn’t count. I happen to know that the office for out of state and intl students at college has some sort of list that you can obtain, beyond that I can leverage a couple personal connections who might have intel, and that’s all I know how to do as of yet.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
At my new digs. So far so good. Alr learned a lot about how to manage group logistics in a non-chaotic way, thru trial and error.

An elegant-quirky Brazilian girl in the group is alr flirting w me. We’ll see if anything comes of it. We arrived in the first car, and when I claimed a single-bedded room up top she laconically suggested I switch to one of the two double-bedded ones opposite her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Asked the guy who invited me, a slightly older dude who is first among equals, if any of the girls along have boyfriends. One does, one I already know does, two prob don’t.

Will be a long winter night whatever happens. A proper lodge with a giant TV and board games. Gonna steal a quick nap now.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Full FR coming.

I’m leaving for town first thing in the morning, then probably back up on Saturday.

In between, I’ll have a debrief/peer therapy with my best bro.

I achieved what I set out to do, and more, but didn’t get much further with that girl. Partly bc I prioritized bros over hoes. Also my energy ran out and in two hours I lost all horniness then after an outdoor adventure with a few of the bros came back and had a lifetime record of drinks (3-4 over 2 hours — yes I know, actually I would have had more if I was with trusted people) with people who don’t seem to understand what drinks are for. I did however learn how to play a cool and unusual Hispanic card game (not googleable even in spanish) which I won handily due to the other players’ recklessness.

Anyway while I’m finally breaking out of the shell my parents put me in, and loving almost every minute of it, I need to intentionally chart a course from here.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Anyway, as I lay in bed, I flipped thru IG and remembered about a campus lead I’ve kept warm who, now that I’ve changed a lot, seems like a great fit for medium term. I’m getting hard just thinking about her due to my 3-day streak.
Speaking of which, I partially fumbled one of the bros teasing most of us about no nut nov at the thanksgiving table, as I plan to describe in my FR. I could have turned it into a much stronger gambit abt semen retention, which I only obliquely referred to.

Anyway, I have to do something uniquely badass in less than eight hours and I’ve had 10h sleep over past two days. Time to pass out.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Honestly I don’t see the benefit to writing an FR. But that trip did provide a major lightbulb moment. The concept of “womanese” seems to make much more sense now, in a way it didn’t before.

I’ve also realized that I’m really not doing myself any favors in terms of building skills by integrating it into transfer prep. Even when you’re not really a total outsider, everyone at those place is above average in most things.
At the same time, honestly the sort of people I went on the trip with were not my speed for various reasons.
So I’m gonna try to branch out somehow idk

I think the core issue rn is that being my best self is currently rather energy-intensive in every way, so it’ll probably have to wait until later in the winter, or even the spring.

Actually, this evening I dropped into someone’s DMs on an irresistible (for me) situational and, crucially, her response was in line with what I expected based on her posting style. She has over ten times my follower count (which feels incongruous actually given her displayed personality), yet is chatting instead of being condescending like say a junior might.

Anyway, I’ve been pondering if I should go for broke with one of the 2-3 leads “in pocket” and see if it will break me out of my current doldrums. I’m still figuring out how to square curtain circles though.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I had a very enlightening convo with my best bro about various fundamentals of mine.
One thing is clear: the stress of being at home isn’t doing my game any favors.

I’ve also commenced some new experiments with hormone regulation and stuff. When I collect actual numbers, it doesn’t take a lab test to show that my T is probably much lower than it was when I started this journal. Unsurprising, as the emotional prison is tightening.

In my other journal I’ll continue writing about that struggle, but anyway, I wanted to say that when I’m free and able to date without stress and inhibitions, I’m probably going to have to handle everything de novo. That is, I’m no longer the same person, and I have pretty much eradicated my inhibitions (which was far more difficult than I thought), but I also am questioning what I want.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I went to a couple bars tonight with a bro from college. Didn’t stay v long let alone game because they were both kinda gritty places. The girls looked like they were in a rap video — not my type. We ended up back at his place (he lives a few min away from a suburban downtown) chilling. His mom was all over me and wanted to take a picture of me to send to her daughter (who judging from the mantelpiece is cute). She thought a pic of me slouched back in bro’s chair with a big smile on my face “expressed my personality” altho I thought it was less flattering than the other snaps. Whatever.
Anyway, I’ve resolved to reopen at least one old lead and see where they go. I honestly don’t feel confident enough in myself to do more than opportunistic cold approaches rn.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Bit of a change of direction lately as a result of something big and glorious unfolding in the background. Long term I have high hopes.

Anyway, perhaps catalyzed by hearing from my bro ^^ about how shagging random big-butt hoes from OLD isn’t worth it, I realized that I could do better than the two old college leads I had been keeping on ice.
Out of the four higher-quality ones I hadn’t been:
-1 dead end (see above misadventures)
-2 transferred elsewhere in SoCal
aaand 1 transferred in-town whom I should defs try
So I will


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Well, I’ve almost completed the necessary internal work to figure out what I really want and pursue it wholeheartedly.

But I still haven’t answered some major questions about what I want. Although I feel close to doing so. More importantly, I feel way less cringe than ever making introspective statements. I wrote up my first post in ages on the other journal and it came out looking very crisp and clear. That feels good.

I’m hoping to get myself sufficiently ready to spend several days on a real vacation (I grew up not doing those) in San Diego at some point in the next several weeks. If eighteen hours in a ski chalet could have such a positive effect on me, five days could be a life-changing experience honestly.