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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Sex crazed German teacher

After a July that I thought was going to have no lays (unsuccessful daygame, and failed dancing pulls while travelling....) - dating apps come to the rescue.

Met this German teacher off Bumble - standard one venue close to my place, then pull back to my apartment. A bit overweight, but still passed the boner test.

There isn't much to say about this one. She was invested right from the start (the magic of dating app profiles). Was giving me a lot of compliments. Open talking about sex. It was dare I say unchallenging and predictable. She was ready to go as soon as we got back to my place.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Sexy madagascan

This one from tonight. Exactly the same process as the German teacher above. Also from Bumble. Met her at exactly the same bar (staff might be noticing?). Standard one venue, then pull back to my apartment. Sex talk routines were once again critical here, and she was open to it (brought up how her friend just bought a vibrator, for example).

This chick was petite and sexy. Very nice bum. Got back to my place, put on a music video, poured some wine for her, went to the bathroom, then gave her a very quick dancing class and after about 10 minutes of that she was horny and ready to go, actively trying to kiss me and touch me.

I picked her up and took her to my bed, initially she was saying "I'm on my period" which was seemingly bullshit. Then as we continued to kiss and touch each other and she felt my hard dick and her tune changed, and she actually said "I want to fuck". I grabbed a condom, took the rest of her clothes off and we went at it.

Couple of things were different about this chick.

First, she had these interesting on/off cycles. As in, she would want to fuck very bad and be very horny, but then she would cum, crash and not be as into it. Then 10-15 minutes later, she would be raring to go again.

Second, soon after the sex she was trying to leave, telling me she wants to "take it slow even though we just had sex". I found this peculiar. The exit process from my apartment was slow and I actually took her up on my rooftop and we hung out, where when she started to kiss me again she got horny once more.

Definately will try to see this one again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Dating Apps

It's becoming clear that dating apps are really changing the game for me. They essentially allow a guy to skip the approaching, attracting phase and have the girl show up already attracted. At that point it's just a matter of getting her thinking about sex via sex talk, using plausible deniablility for the pull, then escalating once at the sex location.

I honestly don't know what to think of this. I used to be completely opposed to dating apps and thought they were a waste of time. Then I got fit and lean, took better pictures, and suddenly I have lots of matches/leads to work with.

There are a lot of upsides to this obviously, it works very well with my lifestyle as a busy professional. I no longer have to spend a lot of hours approaching out in the field. The girl shows up already attracted to the date.

One downside is, sometimes you will show up the date and the attraction wont be there. I had one like that earlier this week (that I didn't write about). The possible downside is, it makes me less motivated to approach and develop those skills further. But if I can get good quality women from dating apps, do I need to spend too much time approaching? I believe the answer is no. If I see a woman I am very attracted to obviously I will go approach. I might even take some walks and do some daygame sessions here and there to make sure my approaching skills are at least semi sharp. But the way things are going online, it may not be the highest priority anymore.

Ranking the apps in my area:
1.) Bumble. Highest quality women. All real profiles.
2.) Facebook dating. Almost tied with Bumble but get's second place for the occasional fake profile.
3.) Coffee meet Bagel. Once in a while will find a good woman but seemingly lower volume.
4.) Hinge. Like CmB above but even slightly less.
5.) Tinder. Occasional good lead amongst a sea of bad/weird ones.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Dating Apps

It's becoming clear that dating apps are really changing the game for me. They essentially allow a guy to skip the approaching, attracting phase and have the girl show up already attracted. At that point it's just a matter of getting her thinking about sex via sex talk, using plausible deniablility for the pull, then escalating once at the sex location.

I honestly don't know what to think of this. I used to be completely opposed to dating apps and thought they were a waste of time. Then I got fit and lean, took better pictures, and suddenly I have lots of matches/leads to work with.

There are a lot of upsides to this obviously, it works very well with my lifestyle as a busy professional. I no longer have to spend a lot of hours approaching out in the field. The girl shows up already attracted to the date.

One downside is, sometimes you will show up the date and the attraction wont be there. I had one like that earlier this week (that I didn't write about). The possible downside is, it makes me less motivated to approach and develop those skills further. But if I can get good quality women from dating apps, do I need to spend too much time approaching? I believe the answer is no. If I see a woman I am very attracted to obviously I will go approach. I might even take some walks and do some daygame sessions here and there to make sure my approaching skills are at least semi sharp. But the way things are going online, it may not be the highest priority anymore.

Ranking the apps in my area:
1.) Bumble. Highest quality women. All real profiles.
2.) Facebook dating. Almost tied with Bumble but get's second place for the occasional fake profile.
3.) Coffee meet Bagel. Once in a while will find a good woman but seemingly lower volume.
4.) Hinge. Like CmB above but even slightly less.
5.) Tinder. Occasional good lead amongst a sea of bad/weird ones.

Hey cintifico! i have always said bumble had the highest quality, i had a post on nextasf about it, a lot of 8s, professional women....

and yes tinder has the worst quality, and the weirdest trash women is like a pof of dating apps... I would tell you to try okkupid as well, is old school traditional sit but it has at times some good quality and you can message them.

Don't abandoned cold approach, the dating apps should be just a compliment, your main focus should be cold approach.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Today was a case in point on the downside of dating apps.

Girl shows up today, and is at least 20 pounds heavier than in her pics. This is the second time this week that I get a significant downgrade from what the girl represents herself as in her profile. Both times I did not waste too much time and ended the date within 10-15 minutes.

It's obvious - someone who masters cold approach will be consistently banging quality women, since he is the selector. However on dating apps, women are selecting the men. Thus, the average quality will be lower.

But, the "sexy madagascan" last night was quality. Thus, online can be a source of good women nonetheless. I'm definately a believer in an "all of the above" strategy.

Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Some notes --

- Had the "sexy madagascan" over last night. It was essentially a straight to the apartment fuck date, I got take out food, and we fucked again for a good hour or two. I love her petite, sexy little body - she is my favorite lay I've had in a while. And just like before, she was wanting to leave after about two hours :D. She tells me she is like this with everyone. Possibility here for multiple fuck dates in the future.

- Dating apps continue to fill up my dating pipeline quite nicely. I've got multiple dates scheduled a week just from dating apps.

- By the same token, I've got a few leads that are not from dating apps right now:

1.) Sexy black woman with a big booty (sometimes I go for this type), I approached over a month ago on the street after an IOI, her responses have been flaky and sporadic but a takeaway/honesty message turned her around and we scheduled the date.

2.) blonde girl I met dancing Sunday. After we did one dance, she was giving me all kinds of IOIs, mostly sustained eye contact. Then, as I was standing by the bar, I got one of the blatant IOIs I've ever seen - she simply moved herself over from the other side of the bar to right next to where I was standing, as I was looking away -- so I turn around and there she is, ready for me to open again. Getting the number was simple and the texting has been quite good thus far, with high investment from her side.

Unfortunately, I've got both scheduled for the same day next week...so I will have to cancel on one of these ladies, have not decided which one yet. I believe #2 is more likely to actually come out on the date

- There is a sexy group fitness instructor at my gym I would like to ask out. I've taken two of her classes this week, this second one I had a good opportunity to ask her out after everyone else had left but could not bring myself to pull the trigger. I think there is a reasonable chance she will say yes, the vibe from her is somewhat flirty. However the gym environment means you have to super calibrated, so I had a fear of pulling the trigger. My plan is to let it rest for a few weeks (since I am travelling/busy anyway), then come back a third time to her class and definitely pull the trigger, problably using dancing as an excuse to do so.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Dating Fatigue?

It might be a real thing at the moment, where I simply have too many leads in my phone to keep up with when I also have my other responsibilities. Mostly from online.

This is a good problem to have - it means that I have to be more selective in the women I pursue to conserve my time and energy. I've had several dates come from dating apps in which the girl isn't up to par in terms of attractiveness, thus I clearly need to raise my standards in who I choose to meet up with.

Returning Customers.

Both the "Horny Jewish girl" and the "Sexy madagascan" from previous LRs have come back for thirds, and seconds (respectively). Every time it's been pretty much straight to the point - fuck dates in which they come over, and we bang. One or two more of these "returning customers" and I will be in a nice place of abundance.

Not only that, I recently had a woman fly to see me from far away that I found on some special vegan dating app. She wouldn't bang (telling me she wants to wait), but was very affectionate - clearly she is coming at me from the possible girlfriend angle. I might consider it since she ticks some of the boxes I would want in terms of a possible long term partner.

Dance Festival #4 this year

Where I am currently writing from.

I was reading Alek's recent post on FSC vs. ASD and I realize that in this type of environment, FSC is going to be a serious challenge. Hooking up with a guy in the dance community is risky for a girl, since it's not the anonymous type of environment that she has in a dating app or from cold approach. There might be social repercussions for her. Thus it is very important to try to address this.

Worth trying if the chemistry is there. I already got the number of some cute Belarussian girl I met here. There is another woman in particular I have in my sights.

Just for recap, here is the rough seduction outline....

  • Establish I am a cool motherfucker
  • Dance and do what I normally do, get her hooked
  • Conversation after - bring up common ground, destroy ASD, keep the vibe from crashing
    • Variation of - "lisa i really enjoy dancing with you, i usually get bored after 3 songs of dancing with the same girl and i need to dance with someone else, cause i get totally bored, but with you is different is like we have this vibe and chemestry going, did you feel it? "”
  • Introduce Open Loop - choreography only on laptop
  • Continue to destroy ASD/avoid FSC
    • Variation of - "I mostly love to dance and relieve stress from life this is for me the best way to do it, most dudes think that cause they dance with a girl and are having a good time she owes them something and is obligated to have sex with them, i am sure that has happened to you, it is the same with me most women when i dance just want to be all up on my face, and i hate that i want breathing room to dance... i like the balance with have we keep the sexual tension going but we also give each other space to breath"
  • Possibly introduce some sex talk gambits, 8 different orgasms, good sex bad sex, etc.
  • Bring back open loop - choreography only on laptop
  • Pull Attempt


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Dating Fatigue?

It might be a real thing at the moment, where I simply have too many leads in my phone to keep up with when I also have my other responsibilities. Mostly from online.

This is a good problem to have - it means that I have to be more selective in the women I pursue to conserve my time and energy. I've had several dates come from dating apps in which the girl isn't up to par in terms of attractiveness, thus I clearly need to raise my standards in who I choose to meet up with.

Returning Customers.

Both the "Horny Jewish girl" and the "Sexy madagascan" from previous LRs have come back for thirds, and seconds (respectively). Every time it's been pretty much straight to the point - fuck dates in which they come over, and we bang. One or two more of these "returning customers" and I will be in a nice place of abundance.

Not only that, I recently had a woman fly to see me from far away that I found on some special vegan dating app. She wouldn't bang (telling me she wants to wait), but was very affectionate - clearly she is coming at me from the possible girlfriend angle. I might consider it since she ticks some of the boxes I would want in terms of a possible long term partner.

Dance Festival #4 this year

Where I am currently writing from.

I was reading Alek's recent post on FSC vs. ASD and I realize that in this type of environment, FSC is going to be a serious challenge. Hooking up with a guy in the dance community is risky for a girl, since it's not the anonymous type of environment that she has in a dating app or from cold approach. There might be social repercussions for her. Thus it is very important to try to address this.

Worth trying if the chemistry is there. I already got the number of some cute Belarussian girl I met here. There is another woman in particular I have in my sights.

Just for recap, here is the rough seduction outline....

  • Establish I am a cool motherfucker
  • Dance and do what I normally do, get her hooked
  • Conversation after - bring up common ground, destroy ASD, keep the vibe from crashing
    • Variation of - "lisa i really enjoy dancing with you, i usually get bored after 3 songs of dancing with the same girl and i need to dance with someone else, cause i get totally bored, but with you is different is like we have this vibe and chemestry going, did you feel it? "”
  • Introduce Open Loop - choreography only on laptop
  • Continue to destroy ASD/avoid FSC
    • Variation of - "I mostly love to dance and relieve stress from life this is for me the best way to do it, most dudes think that cause they dance with a girl and are having a good time she owes them something and is obligated to have sex with them, i am sure that has happened to you, it is the same with me most women when i dance just want to be all up on my face, and i hate that i want breathing room to dance... i like the balance with have we keep the sexual tension going but we also give each other space to breath"
  • Possibly introduce some sex talk gambits, 8 different orgasms, good sex bad sex, etc.
  • Bring back open loop - choreography only on laptop
  • Pull Attempt
i actually just got laid doing ^ last night lol.... by the way, i used "follow me"
"come with me" or "lets go to the after party".... But at point of extraction if you are doing the above, here,, how mine go 99% of the time including last night "take me to your car" then they drop me in my car, then follow me...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018

As much as I hate to say it, these dance festivals are really not the most optimal environment for me to get laid. If it is for some guys, I still haven't figured it out. I suspect I need to be more blatantly sexual early on (in a calibrated way), so I can actually run through the required volume to actually find a fast DTF girl. In the end it is a form of night game, something I have NEVER been good at.

Instead, I'm doing this sniper approach that I don't think is working for what I want, since the two women I tried it with (attempting to slowly build up the vibe, loosely following template above) both said no.

Interestingly, as often happens, after they say no it seems to increase their desire to be around me. It's the same pattern I've observed before. So something is going on here that I do not quite understand. I need to continue to read and reflect on this and modify my strategy for the next one.

Dancing is also about having fun and being around people though, which in fact is a even larger blessing these days than it was before COVID. I cannot wait for the next one.

Upcoming dates

I'm following up on some old leads from dating apps and have dates lined up for tomorrow and Thursday with some cuties. One of them is a second date. Both of them are with bad logistics though, could not get over the location objections. If the girl is worth it I'll go for this and just go for the two or three date model. Rarely will I go over three dates though.

The "sexy madagascan" also wants to take me out on a proper date now for date #3, when the first two were just fuck dates. I am almost letting her plan it. The dating dynamics do change quite a bit after you've already banged.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

As much as I hate to say it, these dance festivals are really not the most optimal environment for me to get laid. If it is for some guys, I still haven't figured it out. I suspect I need to be more blatantly sexual early on (in a calibrated way), so I can actually run through the required volume to actually find a fast DTF girl. In the end it is a form of night game, something I have NEVER been good at.

Instead, I'm doing this sniper approach that I don't think is working for what I want, since the two women I tried it with (attempting to slowly build up the vibe, loosely following template above) both said no.

Interestingly, as often happens, after they say no it seems to increase their desire to be around me. It's the same pattern I've observed before. So something is going on here that I do not quite understand. I need to continue to read and reflect on this and modify my strategy for the next one.

Dancing is also about having fun and being around people though, which in fact is a even larger blessing these days than it was before COVID. I cannot wait for the next one.

Upcoming dates

I'm following up on some old leads from dating apps and have dates lined up for tomorrow and Thursday with some cuties. One of them is a second date. Both of them are with bad logistics though, could not get over the location objections. If the girl is worth it I'll go for this and just go for the two or three date model. Rarely will I go over three dates though.

The "sexy madagascan" also wants to take me out on a proper date now for date #3, when the first two were just fuck dates. I am almost letting her plan it. The dating dynamics do change quite a bit after you've already banged.
what type of dancing are you doing? Cientifico this was a lazy report go in more details on what happened? one day you need to meet me so i can show you how i do it. how many songs, where you in the bubble?, did you micro escalate? did they invest to the point they wanted to kiss you and stuff? did you isolate them at high investment point?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018

Let me ask you something. Where are you typically doing these dance floor seductions? Are they normal american/western clubs? Are they latin venues, with some salsa/bachata but also merengue, reggeaton and perreo? Or more proper dance events/venues?

Also, where in the world are you located? DM me if you don't want to reveal the answer on here.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Let me ask you something. Where are you typically doing these dance floor seductions? Are they normal american/western clubs? Are they latin venues, with some salsa/bachata but also merengue, reggeaton and perreo? Or more proper dance events/venues?

Also, where in the world are you located? DM me if you don't want to reveal the answer on here.
Clubs and parties mainly top 40, reggaeton, hip hop, pubs, bars...I try to keep away from partner dancing too much courtship element... I am in south Florida


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I try to keep away from partner dancing too much courtship element

I think you summed up my problem in one sentence ;)

I need to try proper nightgame venues again. The last time I did so was before the COVID, when I was ~30 pounds overweight. I might have better luck now.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I was walking around my local neighborhood tonight after a day of working from home and not working out (the minority of days) - so I had to get some steps in outside.

Normally my neighborhood sucks for cold approaching. However, it was the golden hour around sunset with a lot of people out and about and I saw an absolute stunner of a girl in leggings that I just had to approach.

She was Israeli, hooked but refused the close without a reason ("I am not interested, thanks"). It was very unsatisfying.

Shortly after this, I see yet another stunner - this one blonde walking her dog. I approach this one too with a similar result (she hooks, but then tells me she is seeing someone when I try to close).

It was very unsatisfying but yet exhilarating. Both of these women were top caliber, the types that are difficult to get on dating apps even with my far more optimized profile.

Daygame is without a doubt the most difficult form of game. But if one puts in the work and gets the approaches in, the rewards are also the highest.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Mexico trip - Multiple LRs

It has been a while since I have updated. The main reason is, getting and shagging new women isn't as high as a priority as it used to be. It is partially burnout from being in my mid-30s and having had plenty of sex in my life, but it's also the fact that I have now decided to enter an LTR with a great woman that shares most of my values is absolutely CRAZY for me, and I will try to see how this goes for a while.

However, one month ago I did get in a final hurrah that I was intending to do for a while, which is to go down to Latin America and see how I do - went down south to Mexico and had four lays within 12 days. It was ridiculous to me in fact, how easy it was to get laid in Mexico. It's an amazing country for many reasons, and the women is one of them. Online especially in Guadalajara was particularly fruitful, which is where 3/4 lays came from. This post will describe this experience and provide a brief breakdown of each.

Like I mentioned, Online went crazy in Guadalajara. I was getting great volume of matches and I was able to capitalize on some of the good ones.

All of the girls described are Mexican with little/no knowledge of English, so knowing Spanish (and it clearly not being Mexican spanish) may have helped me.

LR #1 - horny dancer. Bumble match. Turns out she is a dancer she suggests the date at a venue with a live band. We meet at a nearby bar first for one round of drinks before going to the event she suggested. It turns out this is a very, very solid event and I had a great time. She was affectionate, bought me drinks, introduced me to her friends. Then, went out of her way to drive me back and find a questionable parking spot in the center of Guadalajara (close to my hotel), before going back to my hotel room with me and fucking me with no LMR.

Basically, she had decided right from the beggining she wanted to fuck me. Not a stunner, I would rate her a 6/10 at best. But this kind of experience I believe would be extraordinarily rare in the US.

LR #2 - seductive MILF. Dark haired MILF that I matched with on Bumble. I saw MILF because she has a kid, but she was still younger than me. This woman had solid looks, jet black hair, darker complexion that is typical for many Mexicans, and thick lips. She came dressed in a leggy little black dress. I would say 8/10. My original plan was to meet her at a venue close to the hotel then pull her back, but I was not confident in some of bars in the center area of Guadalajara. I opted to simply take her to rooftop restaurant at my hotel in the center, then pull her back to my hotel room.

Worked like a charm. She was very touchy, VERY flirty, ran a few of my sex talk routines, brought up dancing, then pulled her back to the social room with that as plausible deniability. No LMR.

LR #3 - Enticing MILF. Almost the same as #2. Same process, same routine. The main difference is that this woman had a fantastic big booty, and she was very much enamored with me afterwards and kept sending me messages for a time afterwards. I was sad that I wasn't going to be able to see her again.

LR #4 - Mexican Sweetheart. Finally, I was also in Oaxaca for a few days for 'Day of the Dead' festivities. Here, I was able to pull another mexican girl from a nightclub for LR #4. I was drunk so I don't even remember most of the conversation, but I pulled her with the same plausible deniability about dancing I often use. This worked even though she was with several friends, and I was able to seperate her from them. She called me out afterwards saying "you could have just said we were going to have sex" (yeah right).

I saw this girl multiple times over a few days, and she spent the night a few times and we had a lot of sex, as well as a lot of fun chatting/bonding. It was another case the girl getting very much enamored with me (she came with on the final cab ride back to the airport at 4 am), and I was quite sad to see her go.

Thus wrapped up this delicious trip to Mexico.

Like I mentioned, now I'm entering an LTR with a woman I believe is a very, very solid match for me. Not only is she fit and vegan, but she is absolutely crazy for me and tells me so every time I talk to her. I'm entering this from a position of abundance, and she is solidly in my frame. So we'll see how it goes.

I almost want to close this journal. However I'll just leave it open just in case I ever feel the need to update on anything. I can always start a new one if I choose, if I become single again (then I'll just go back to Mexico, or Colombia!)

Off topic, but I am in fact a bit concerned about the state of the world with this COVID nonsense. I fear the world may be headed for a dark place if we are not careful.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake