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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Congress Aftermath

The biggest challenge from these events is energy management. I am only human, and I cannot be up at 5 am still moving and trying to seduce women (optimally), when my energy levels are very drained from the earlier hours of the day.

The second biggest challenge is target selection. This is very much a "target-rich" environment. There are so many women. Many of them give me IOIs. Many of them are initially compliant, at least until the later stages of when I'm trying to pull. If I'm going for fast sex at the event, instead of a number close for meeting up later, I need to be sure to ask screening questions to make sure she is available (and doesn't have a roommate that will know she is hooking up, thus raising ASD to protect her reputation - this is super common).

Above was very much the case with a girl I really wanted during one of the other nights. Very compliant, very sensual, very sexy - right up until the point that I tried to pull. I suspect discretion had something to do with it since her roommate that brought her to the event WOULD have known what was happening. And I'm not sure they were the type that could have been convinced this was ok.

Nice connection with Redhead. The sensual energy with her continued throughout. She tells me "you're really handsome, you know that?" I could do nothing but grin at her in that moment, hold her tight, and kiss her discreetly on the cheek while dancing.

I really enjoy making women happy through dancing.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Back from travel now. Life is good. Still handling many leads - there is no shortage of them. If I increase my cold approach volume, and improve my dating app profiles even further (as I plan to), I will have more leads than I know what to do with. I'd be happy with 3 dates a week, maximum. Any more than that and it would become too much.

Also working on some possible career moves. Among several opportunities, I'm currently interviewing for a position that might involve travel to latin america, on the company dime. It is super exciting to me.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
FR - Hippie Vegan Yogi

Found this one on Tinder. Have to say, online dating lately has been a good source of vegan women. They come at me since I have it clearly stated on my profile that I am plant based. This isn't even my favorite vegan lead now - there is another one I'm talking to that I hope to get out on a date soon, who is totally gorgeous based on her pictures.

This particular woman from this FR is a yoga teacher, woo-woo hippie vegan type that was sending long, high-investment texts from the get-go. It took a lot of back and forth to get her out on the date, and me asking for the number twice. But she admitted to me that I was the main person in that moment that she was checking Tinder for. After I made it clear I was coming back from my travel soon we scheduled the date for today.

She told me she rarely drinks alcohol, and to be frank I am the same way these days - thus I decided to repeat the bicycle trail date that I did with the last vegan woman. This involved her driving ~50 minutes to me.

I greet her with the Spanish cheek kisses (like I always do with women now) and she remarks how nice that is, because COVID has made most people afraid of human touch. She is my height, Scandinavian-looking, definitely with well developed muscular legs from the yoga. Probably has a slight excess of body fat she could lose if she ate less, but definitely fit. Not a stunner though by any means.

We get on the bike trail and ride for about 40 minutes - it was a beautiful day thus I decided to go to the end of this particular trail to the destination on the other side. She was very talkative the whole way and frankly I did not have to do much work carrying the conversation because she was very engaged, mirroring her texting. She even brought up sex talk and orgasms herself, which is great when women do this, and eased the transition into the "8 different kinds of orgasms" routine. One interesting thing about her is that she was very clear she isn't really a believer in monogamy, and she talked a lot about past boyfriends/lovers. She told me she likes to be in touch with her feminine and does not enjoy leading/teaching men in relationships (she had apparently made three men go vegan she dated?), which is a frame I agreed with.

When we get to the destination, she happens to run into some yoga friends of hers that were about to teach/attend an outdoor class, all women. She was very excited to see them. I knew the best thing to do in this situation would be to engage the friends, which I did. They weren't stupid and they clearly knew she was on a date, though it was unsaid. One of them said I "looked familiar". They recommended a place for us to get fruit smoothies, which we did, I put on some music with a bluetooth speaker I brought and we sat on the grass for a while eating the smoothies and talking some more about all kind of topics. Some light touch/kino throughout.

Finishing the ride back, I realized my sexual interest in this woman was not as high as it could be. I'd bang her for sure, but for some reason she just didn't turn me on as much as other women can. So although I brought up the possibility of the next 'phase' on my rooftop, I didn't push too hard when she objected with time constraints, I have to get home and see my dog, etc.

At her car, I let the sensual tension build by standing close while we were talking and looking at her in the eyes. I wasn't sure if I was going to try to kiss her but in that moment I decided I would. She turns her head and starts talking to me about consent, implying that she would have kissed me if I asked. I don't ask and I give her cheek kisses, and tell her I'll see her later.

She told me repeatedly she enjoyed the date very much, so we'll see if it evolves to date #2. Lukewarm interest in this one anyway.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I love Colombian women. I don't what's going on with the genetics in that place. But when I encounter a great looking latina woman, chances are good she is from Colombia. I really need to get down there.

Met one last night out dancing that I hope to get out on a date soon.

And, went on a date tonight with another one that I found on a dating app.

Both of them beautiful.

As for today's date, she was not ready for a pull. Two venues. The questions re: what am I looking for came at the second venue over the wine. Then she made it abundantly clear she is another one of these religious, Jesus freaks, that told me she is trying to be closer to God and believes sex is created by God to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage (or something like this). I was disappointed to hear this. I don't know why I keep finding these women. But I think how comfortable she was talking about sex means she could possibly be seduced with the right strategy.

Haven't updated this in a while mainly because things have been busy. I am having a blast now with things returning back to normal. A LOT of social dancing.

Several more dates scheduled this upcoming week.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Dude i can't quote you! So:
Cientifico: "Then she made it abundantly clear she is another one of these religious, Jesus freaks, that told me she is trying to be closer to God and believes sex is created by God to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage (or something like this). I was disappointed to hear this. I don't know why I keep finding these women. But I think how comfortable she was talking about sex means she could possibly be seduced with the right strategy."

Hehe reframe, reframe, reframe!

Having some cultural, historical and religious understanding here can help. What i will suggest is looking into Rasputin, the russian mystic. Basically, just do what any horny and above-average intelligent dudes have done throughout history with their sects and meme religions to get female followers into bed with them which is sell them some complete mumbo jumbo stuff.

Rasputin in Art of Seduction:
"Over the next few months, women from every level of St. Petersburg society visited Rasputin in his apartment. He would talk to them of spiritual matters, but then without warning he would turn sexual, murmuring the crassest come-ons. He would justify himself through spiritual dogma: how can you repent if you have not sinned? Salvation only comes to those who go astray." What Rasputin did was tell women that salvation was only for those who had sinned. That you cannot repent if you have not sinned.

So yeah just go into some sexually stimulating gambit about letting go her deepest desires and how she cannot repent her sins if doesn't sin. That salvation is only for those who committed sins and repented them.

Logically it's very questionable but if you just say it with good frame and conviction, that shuts her logical brain off and then her emotions are go from here because let's be honest, on a sexual and emotional level she do want to let go, she is just told "she can't". So it's purely a logic thing. Also, you become her outlet for letting go to her desires (like Rasputin) :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
LR --

Another case of a "dance floor seduction"...

Met this woman at a dancer party at someone's house several weeks ago, and it was an instant connection. A lot of sexual tension. Then the connection was solidified by the fact that she also speaks German, a language I am fairly good at myself. Grabbed the digits and she agreed to a date that night.

Ran into her again at another event the following day, same thing - bubble with us dancing for a while. Another girl commented to me later that it was obvious we were into each other.

Setting up the date was easy because her texting was high investment and responsive, it just took a while because our schedules didn't align right away.

Got her to drive an hour to my place. Skipped any outside venue, but did start the date on my rooftop area with wine and music, then migrated to my apartment room, where I finally broke the sexual tension and we kissed for the first time. Very passionate and she was clearly enjoying me kissing her mouth, face, body. She put the breaks on me taking her pants off and going for the vagina. I did my favorite "get your dick out" move, and she told me I was moving too fast, to which I responded with my usual joke of slowing down the pace of my kissing.

The dance continued. She was very much enjoying my touch. But she told me she had decided before coming that she would not be having sex with me tonight. She told me she "has her guard up" because latino men, and dancers, have been trouble to her before. I was unable to break through this, so the furthest we got was her stroking my hard dick, despite my usual persistence.

She also told me "everyone wants to fuck you". News to me!!??

I was honest with her and told her I really enjoyed my time with her. She told me the same. It was in fact obvious by how she was reacting to my touch, and my affection - enjoying every moment and sticking around for hours.

Eventually I brought up how she has to drive an hour back, and started her exit process. I'll be seeing her again at social venues, so the only question is what will happen now, if she will agree to see me again 1on1 or have second thoughts.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Cientifico it seems you are failing to address objections, did you ask her to text you when she got home? Lr is lay report did you bang? Did you mean fr, pulling dick out move is my favorite 2, but after I establish sexual frames unless she is super turn on. Also I was wondering why you don't exploit more your dancing niche easy to get laid.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Fitness Update

Earlier this week, I decided to get another DEXA scan done. The last one I did in March showed me at ~10% body fat and similar lean mass as the one in January, which was a big accomplishment for me at the time, and I stayed at that weight for some time (1-2 months). A month or two ago I had decided to try to gain a bit of weight and started eating more, but very clean, whole plant-based food, little/no oil, and high in protein (plant-based protein powder and protein bars and shakes, Tofu, or Seitan). Workouts are consistent at 4-5 times a week. Very little alcohol, and constant movement with dancing.

I did gain about 2 pounds according to the scale, and wanted to know if that gain was fat, muscle, or a mix. I expected a mix.

The DEXA surprised me again. What actually happened was, I lost 2 additional pounds of fat, but gained 4 pounds of lean mass. 8.1% body fat. I could not believe it and questioned the machine. The woman there told me usually people question the numbers when they see a result they don't like.

I have been getting compliments from women while out socially. The word "chiseled" has been used to describe me by several different women. So it appears I am achieving the fitness goals I set out earlier in 2020. What I am doing is working.

Now the question is, how much more muscle can I gain? If I'm really at such low body fat I can probably eat more than I currently am, which is always welcome.

Dating Lead Generation

Most of my dating leads are coming from dancing or dating apps. Cold approaches happen here and there but they are lower priority just because I am getting substantial leads from the other two sources already. Really I'll cold approach when I see a woman I am REALLY attracted to. Maybe this is the steady-state I'll settle on going into the future. I still have ideas for improving my dating app game.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
FR ++
Return of "Celibate Salsera"

Readers of my journal will know this girl is one I dated back in 2020. She reached back out, gave me a call on the phone, which then turned into a dinner invite (from her), which turned into me inviting her to my place (a separate night).

She told me during the dinner that when dating Christian men, she "doesn't feel Christian enough". But, when dating guys like me, she is stuck in between the two worlds. I think she wants to go back to the latter state and is tired of the former state.

She came to my place the other night with salt and pepper as a "gift" for me, which is the funniest gift I've ever received from a girl. Sparing a lot of details, I failed (again) to close at my new place. Lot's of sensually and touching but she put the breaks on when I tried to take her clothes off. It's clear she wants more investment from me, just like the girl from earlier in the week. The texting continues.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Horny Jewish Girl

This one from Tinder. High investment from the beginning, no problems getting her off the app, texting, and scheduling the date. She drove to me. The entire time, not one objection. She was "sold" on me from the beginning just from my profile. The wonders of Tinder....

Clearly of Jewish origin, she had a nice body and a cute smile. I was attracted to her.

Met at a bar close to my place, suggested the bounce back which she agreed to, on my rooftop I escalated too early and almost fucked it up -- she was primed and ready to go, but the escalation was happening at the wrong location, and when I tried to move it down to my apartment she started asking about expectations. Simple persistence with me trying to inject plausible deniability won the day, just because this girl was horny and she let that override her other mental blocks.

At my apartment, things escalated quickly. The sex was great and we probably fucked for at least 90 minutes, I came three times (with breaks). Tried to go a fourth time but my balls were empty. However my sexual stamina impressed her, (and me).

She ended up being the one asking me the post-sex question first, interestingly - "when did you decide you wanted to fuck me". I told her on the rooftop. She told me the same, that as soon as I put my hand down her pants up there, she thought "okay, I guess this is happening".
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
The woman from the previous "LR --" of Wednesday last week, I'll call her "German Speaking Bachatera", just texted me and told me that after thinking she doesn't want to be any more than friends.

Not entirely clear where I went wrong here. Obviously failing to close her during that date lead to this, then it's quite possible the pressure of seeing me again under an increasingly "boyfriendish" frame with the social consequences of dating in her social circle was too much for her.

I won't respond right away, but eventually I'll throw her some variation of the "men and women cannot be friends" bit.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah now she has buyers remorse and when you go that far, pulling dick and jerking off without closing is a move that you do if you are pretty sure you are going to bang or close the deal..... so you need to be convinced 90% or more than she will have sex if not the move can backfired, cause if sex did not happened she has a lot of pressure that if she meets you again romantically you are EXPECTING to bang...

What you did wrong is that you did not address or bring up sexual frames that would address objections such as: - you will not fuck and dump - you are not the jealous/macho type (since i am latin i like to bring up that point to kill the stereotype of latin macho) - you are discreet (you don't kiss and tell), you are sexual competent, - you are not a clinger... - you don't fuck and dump.... you are safe/not psycho.

^ this is what we call "stablishing sexual frames/second generation verbal's" to have a solid close, then based on reaction and her excitement when addressing this, is when you do hard close moves like pulling dick..

the move is to agree, and tell her "yeah i am so relieved i was thinking the same thing, i like you more as a friend, but selfishly more than a friend as a dancing partner we flow and have dancing chemestry and i really enjoy that about you, so yeah lets keep a friendship and dance together" agree with her about the friendship in your own words to kill soften her shield...... Use the dancing as an excuse to hang out with her again...

When you dance with her turn her own and close her again with sexual frames(unless cientifico junior was small and she did not like it, then you are really fucked no matter what)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Just wrapped up another dance congress. Posting some thoughts here.

- Unlike many others that end up with roommates, I will always splurge to get my own room at the event hotel and I book early. Just so I have proper logistics.

- At this particular event, I tried to pull 5 different women. Zero attempts the first night (stupidly), three the second night, and two the last night. Unfortunately, all 5 unsuccessful, unlike the last event.

- There were a few women that seemed highly interested but I was not interested in them. Probably works in my favor to have them around.

- As I've observed before, making the ask very often does not significantly change the vibe of the interaction. Women know and expect it. I am very confident I could try again with a lot of these women at later times. Many of them continued to want to interact and dance with me and actively sought me out. So the mantra "always be closing" really does apply.

- It seems some of them might need some more warm up and seduction time before they are ready to be pulled, however I think I could also be doing a better job with the way I am trying to pull back to my room. Some ideas are:
--- preemptively addressing possible objections, the ones that @Skills layed out above, including discretion, safety, sexual competence, non-clingy and no pumping and dumping -- this is the main thing I think I need to work on.
--- possibly having some more plausible deniability - though I think this is difficult in this environment. Women know why they are going back to a guys room.

- The event is too big to keep track of women and find them later. Once I lose track of someone, it's problable I won't find them again. So fast closes are the name of the game.

- Possibly need to up the volume a bit and better screen for DTF girls, in such a "target-rich" environment. I will likely start performing at event's like this soon, which will hopefully mean more DTF girls will present themselves.
Last edited:


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Always enjoy following your journal Científico! Awesome to see you've had some good nights recently and keeping the momentum up.

Regarding "women know why they are going back to a guys room".... this is actually exactly why we use plausible deniability. It will diminish the chances of ASD/FSC and knee-jerk reactions at large.

It may take some thinking for your scenarios as you note, but to me, it seems like something that really speaks to the spontaneity of the occasion may be effective. You'll know your situation better than anyone, but here are two ideas that poppped into my mind:
  • Showing her your favorite song to dance to, or showing each other your favorite songs to dance to (and then dancing to them)
  • Hearing her thoughts on a video of a dance you did, which is only on your laptop (like a film review session or something)
Also as Bacchus explained to me, plausible deniability is made stronger when we set up open-loops.

So for example, you may bring up the topic of favorite songs to dance to during the immersion stage.

Later, when you feel as if she may be ready for pulling, you return to this topic by saying something about how you're tired of the music they've been playing and make the offer to now go dance to your favorite songs in your room. If she brings up the topic of sex at this point, you can also disqualify that possibility by reinforcing that you're just going to listen to music, dance, and how she'll be able to go back to her own room whenever she wants. On top of that, you can also throw in Teevster's Good/Bad Sex gambit.

Personally, I know that my pull percentages increased when using this strategy. Perhaps it might be worth testing for you as well.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Always enjoy following your journal Científico! Awesome to see you've had some good nights recently and keeping the momentum up.

Regarding "women know why they are going back to a guys room".... this is actually exactly why we use plausible deniability. It will diminish the chances of ASD/FSC and knee-jerk reactions at large.

It may take some thinking for your scenarios as you note, but to me, it seems like something that really speaks to the spontaneity of the occasion may be effective. You'll know your situation better than anyone, but here are two ideas that poppped into my mind:
  • Showing her your favorite song to dance to, or showing each other your favorite songs to dance to (and then dancing to them)
  • Hearing her thoughts on a video of a dance you did, which is only on your laptop (like a film review session or something)
Also as Bacchus explained to me, plausible deniability is made stronger when we set up open-loops.

So for example, you may bring up the topic of favorite songs to dance to during the immersion stage.

Later, when you feel as if she may be ready for pulling, you return to this topic by saying something about how you're tired of the music they've been playing and make the offer to now go dance to your favorite songs in your room. If she brings up the topic of sex at this point, you can also disqualify that possibility by reinforcing that you're just going to listen to music, dance, and how she'll be able to go back to her own room whenever she wants. On top of that, you can also throw in Teevster's Good/Bad Sex gambit.

Personally, I know that my pull percentages increased when using this strategy. Perhaps it might be worth testing for you as well.
@Lofty thanks so much for this. It’s clear to me I am too quick to dismiss the importance of plausible deniability with these Congress-pulls. My logical brain overriding the fact that women simply think differently.

I have a lot of ideas for how to improve this process, which I will try very soon at the next event coming up shortly.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
cientifico, the good thing about dance floor type of stuff you are doing is that:

- you get very physical
- it is emotional stimulating
-it is fun

^ But that is also bad, cause once you are not dancing all that momentum kind of crashes, and it could get awkward, now she is thinking "he is expecting something and go from a free spirit/physical/fun time to = sometimes logical = death sentence..

so you need to have some type of "structure type game plan on what to do" obviously cientifico step 1 is to show you are cool motherfucker, fun, sexy dude in the dancefloor (i am sure you have this cover cause you are getting the attraction)

step 2 in latin setting is kind of what i hate cause in latin clubs/partner dancing/social dancing is more of social circle/courtship vibe so you have to be very calibrated but obviously you need to isolate or get to the point in the interaction were both of you at some point can be isolated...

Step 3.- this is what i think you are lacking again is setting up frames/seductive topics and the likes, to cover objections...(this is kind of hard to do but what we work on in the forums)..... I personally have used "dancing chemistry and vibe as go to cause it seems easy to transition...

common threads are: "where you learn how to dance" "how often you go out dancing" "do you always come to this venue" and the likes

Then you can go to some type of common ground and seductive topics (here is sample)

"lisa i really enjoy dancing with you, i usually get bored after 3 songs of dancing with the same girl and i need to dance with someone else, cause i get totally bored, but with you is different is like we have this vibe and chemestry going, did you feel it? "

obviously she is going to say "yes".... "I mostly love to dance and relieve stress from life this is for me the best way to do it, most dudes think that cause they dance with a girl and are having a good time she owes them something and is obligated to have sex with them, i am sure that has happened to you"
it is the same with me most women when i dance just want to be all up on my face, and i hate that i want breathing room to dance... i like the balance with have we keep the sexual tension going but we also give each other space to breath"

^ kind of a disqualifier to ease her mind on expectations and nervousness of isolation.

^ now while you are talking i am assuming you are micro physical escalating as well... from here you can transition to the sexual frames(this is hard to bring up and the main problem, more on this later...)

also cientifico i get the feeling you are not really comfortable or maybe you don't really believe in the "setting up sexual frames/gambits and the likes and how they could work" cause it sounds totally cringe (if i am wrong in my assumption my apologies, but i never see you doing any in your journal so that is why i am cold reading this).... I was also there, and in a lot of situations were you get laid, they are not really needed, there are other situations were just like you polarizing text that got you to meet and laid, you are going to need a push... There is also too much to read and learn which makes it overwhelming... So this is what you need to do, understand the concept, put it on your own comfortable words and try playing with it.... Though i will warn with spanish women may be harder specially if you have to go to spanish...

So cientifico first understand why? what? how? cause if you don't believe is useless to try to implement, cosy(chase writter) broke down the why it works here.. Which is basically what i told you before

now here is a simple one that i use to get started since you are latin it may be easy to use the country angle, just understand the why it works and then you can find other ones if you don't like that one, just make sure they are simple....

As plausible deniability, sometimes is not needed if she is drooling a "follow me" will do, or you can use "the after party" if nothing comes to mind (the after party being at your house) cause those girls are "the dancing type" so it will flow good (they know what is up most times)...

cientifico in your defense, latin dancing/social dancing is similar to social circle type is a bit trickier so you need to calibrate and go by your own intuition at times and your own experience, but follow the underlying principles cause they work when they need that extra push...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
@Skills another valuable reply...you and @Lofty have had me thinking today. Some comments -

^ But that is also bad, cause once you are not dancing all that momentum kind of crashes, and it could get awkward, now she is thinking "he is expecting something and go from a free spirit/physical/fun time to = sometimes logical = death sentence..

so you need to have some type of "structure type game plan on what to do"

I am very familiar with this. While dancing the vibe can be sky high, especially lately since I have increased my dancing game substantially. However it is very possible for that all to crash once the dancing stops, and the conversation doesn't flow. Not as much a problem anymore since I always lead the basic small talk you mentioned, but it used to be in the past.

The real problem is that I have been lacking in a real structure for how to get past the small talk, stop ASD/FSC, and introduce the right social and sexual frames.

step 1 is to show you are cool motherfucker, fun, sexy dude in the dancefloor (i am sure you have this cover cause you are getting the attraction)

I've been very happy with my results here lately. Most intermediate/advanced female dancers want to come back for more after they dance with me once, many of the confident ones will come right up to me later, again and again....

As I continue in my training, and really start performing, I expect this to reach a peak.

However as we all know, this by itself is NOT enough for successful seduction in the majority of cases.

I'm also thankful this doesn't change even in the case of failed pulls, so there really is no cost to asking. Just to give a quick story - one of the women I tried to pull last night, she was an advanced dancer that had travelled far for the event - I had never seen her before, we were sitting next to each other and she was paying me no mind at all. I asked her to dance, got her on the dance floor, and then immediately she started sticking to me like glue the rest of the night, to the point where I had to excuse myself to go try to game other girls - but my pull failed, she pre-emptively brought up how "she knows how the male mind works" and I just owned it instead of trying to downplay the ASD :D. I tried several times to pull, she said no each time - but then she continued to try to find me and dance with me later. Now I'm getting instagram DMs from her, but since she lives far - who knows if/when I'll see her again.

step 2 in latin setting is kind of what i hate cause in latin clubs/partner dancing/social dancing is more of social circle/courtship vibe so you have to be very calibrated but obviously you need to isolate or get to the point in the interaction were both of you at some point can be isolated...

Agreed. In past years, most of the women I've met dancing and successfully seduced I've done so in a more traditional courtship route involving getting the phone number and going multiple dates. This is different from the vibe from dating apps or cold approach where no social circle is involved.

What I'm trying to do now, which are fast pulls at events where lots of people gather from multiple parts of the world, I have never done outside of the one that happened a few months ago - that was the first time. Mainly because I just wasn't trying all that hard, thinking it was too hard or girls don't go for that. Now I know better.

Step 3.- this is what i think you are lacking again is setting up frames/seductive topics and the likes, to cover objections...(this is kind of hard to do but what we work on in the forums)..... I personally have used "dancing chemistry and vibe as go to cause it seems easy to transition...

also cientifico i get the feeling you are not really comfortable or maybe you don't really believe in the "setting up sexual frames/gambits and the likes and how they could work" cause it sounds totally cringe (if i am wrong in my assumption my apologies, but i never see you doing any in your journal so that is why i am cold reading this)....

I've used some of the sex talk gambits before, albeit inconsistently, and rarely in context of these fast pulls I'm trying to do in these specific environments. And never used this nice anti-ASD stuff you talked about.

So, here is a basic structure for how I'm going to tackle this next time - you and @Lofty can give feedback if you feel it's necessary.
  • Establish I am a cool motherfucker
  • Dance and do what I normally do, get her hooked
  • Conversation after - bring up common ground, destroy ASD, keep the vibe from crashing
    • Variation of - "lisa i really enjoy dancing with you, i usually get bored after 3 songs of dancing with the same girl and i need to dance with someone else, cause i get totally bored, but with you is different is like we have this vibe and chemestry going, did you feel it? "”
  • Introduce Open Loop - choreography only on laptop
  • Continue to destroy ASD/avoid FSC
    • Variation of - "I mostly love to dance and relieve stress from life this is for me the best way to do it, most dudes think that cause they dance with a girl and are having a good time she owes them something and is obligated to have sex with them, i am sure that has happened to you, it is the same with me most women when i dance just want to be all up on my face, and i hate that i want breathing room to dance... i like the balance with have we keep the sexual tension going but we also give each other space to breath"
  • Possibly introduce some sex talk gambits, 8 different orgasms, good sex bad sex, etc.
  • Bring back open loop - choreography only on laptop
  • Pull Attempt


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I took this entire week off, and travelled to another location (southern, tropical), just to get away from work and recharge my brain. There will also be another dancing event very soon (potentially more on that later).

Naturally, I've also been increasing my cold approach volume substantially during this down time.

I have a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head, and I am not sure how many I want to put down here - but the main thing is, it is very clear to me now that my cold approach technique still needs work/practice. Several things....

- My volume overall needs work. I have been so lazy, and my volume has only been decreasing over time. The problem is of course my work schedule. But even with this, I believe I could easily double or triple the number of approaches I am doing, just because I know for a fact that I am often missing great opportunities back in my home turf just because I am not in the right 'state'.

Because of this trip, July 2021 has had more approaches than any month since October 2020. And, it beats every other month in 2020 (besides October that year) and 2021. (I know since I keep a good record/stats....). It actually took me a couple of days of being here to readjust to get back into a mode where I am consistently approaching every woman I truly find attractive. The mind is so interesting how it makes up excuses to not approach. I hope to carry this momentum back to my normal location after this trip.

- Technique needs improvement. I am following the London DayGame Model, and I still fail to do a few things properly.

-- If it's a moving target, I am often not properly stopping the girl and end up doing this 'walk and talk' thing. I really want to stop doing this, since the more dominant, masculine thing is to get the girl to stop her momentum, and sets a much better precedent for the interaction from the very beginning. Straight 12 o'clock, giving her plenty of space to see me coming. Either she stops or walks around me.

--- Need to be more creative with my stacks. Geography stack is my most common one but I need to try different ones just to increase my repertoire and avoid going into questions-mode.

--- Similarly, Need more stories for my vibing once we have a topic to talk about. This crucial part of attraction I am still missing on. But I have some ideas from Tom Torero's old material.

As a side note, I have not ruled out trying indirect approaching techniques (e.g., gunwitch and "you look like my ex girlfriend" opener, etc) later. There are a few reasons why I haven't been focusing on them (and didn't do that 'study' I talked about months ago comparing direct vs. indirect). Suffice it to say I want to focus on the LDM for now just to increase my approach volume with something that has a clear structure and is easier for me to implement, as that works better with my brain and personality, and will help prevent approach anxiety from talking me out of approaching due to not immediately knowing what to say.