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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: songbird fog talks about women

date with flyer

i met flyer, a cute HB6 on tinder, who had a playful, genuine personality.

when making plans, we initially agreed to meet at a coffee shop, but she suggested that if it was nice out that we go for a walk on the beach.

so the day comes that we are supposed to hang out, and she wants to meet at the beach - which was strange. the beach was closer to me than the coffee shop, so i didnt really feel like i was accommodating her at all, which is what i try to avoid lately.

it didnt matter in the grand scheme of the date either. my goal was to spend just enough time to build a brief connection with her, spike her emotions a little, show interest in her, then be the one to leave first and leave her hanging. and then i would text her to see if she would be interested in meeting again. cuuuuuz, im interested in fixing this getting-a-2nd-date sticking point i have.

it was very cold and overall unpleasant weather at the beach. gosh, girls are silly when it comes to making plans. anyways, i spent about a half hour with her then told her i had to leave because it was so cold. sort of a weird excuse lol

the good part that was as i told her i had to leave, she kept saying stuff to keep trying to get me to keep hanging out with her. she had drove and parked in a parking lot close to the beach. shes like, “oh well we can go to my car, i have an extra pair of mitts” and, “we can still hang out you know!”

i left and received a text from her:

“flyer: do you need a ride? its cold and i feel bad!”

i then texted her, qualified her, and expressed that i would like to see her again in a warmer environment. she responded enthusiastically that she was interested. so i guess my goal was achieved.

now, I’m leaving to go back to toronto today so ill likely never see her again & wont be able to find out if my goal will TRULY be achieved or not. but this was so interesting to be able to try to do something like this. i seem to be getting pretty consistent dates lately, sometimes with cuter girls, and if i didnt have a slight abundance mentality when it comes to dates, i likely would not have done this experiment and overall just treated this like a throw away date. also was nice to break out of the pattern of waiting for girls to text me after a date.

disqualifying her innocence

i met another tinder girl who lives 1.5 hours away from my parents place. and 5 hours away from toronto. shes interested in a LDR relationship with me. shes DTF, but unfortunately due to me leaving i probably wont be seeing her for a while.

my tinder bio is “choking slapping & intimacy”. she was trying to develop sexual rapport with me, but i kept DQing her calling her too innocent for me, which led to her qualifying her naughtyness to me. it was my first time using a technique like this, and im trying to implement it in person, but i find it only works if the girl is actively seeking something from you, like sexual rapport.

cat lady: beauty, I’m moving to toronto next year! i live in **** but i do drive so maybe we can make something work? do you drive?
cat lady: noticed ya changed your tinder bio, interesting *smirk face*
fog: of course we can make something work. I’m open to it :)
fog: thats exciting that ur moving to toronto! it would make it easier to be creative together. u feeling ready for the big city?
cat lady: yessss I’m applying to ***** :) i know that i will dearly miss and crave those quiet natural spaces i have in a smaller town but i am beyond ready for that big city energy <3
fog: i know what else ur beyond ready for thats big
cat lady: *monkey face*
fog: i think ur way too innocent for me babe
cat lady: you would be way too wrong about that
fog: i bet you never even kissed a guy before :p
cat lady: i super hope that you’re kidding
cat lady: ill be honest i like ur new tinder bio better than ur old one
fog: oh ya? why do u like the new one?
cat lady: its more exciting

at this point i transitioned into trying to find out logistics to see if she could drive and see me that night, unfortunately she was unable to. due to my shitty logistics (living with parents and not being able to have people over) i was okay with going to see her the next day.

cat lady: maybe tomorrow then :)) I’m off work earlier tomorrow too
fog: ok :) the only issue is that i might get stranded overnight. if thats the case can i crash at ur place? no sex until marriage :p
cat lady: i mean as long as you understand the concept of consent and respect I’m fine with that *monkey face*
fog: yes its fine but only with girls who are not very innocent and can handle it ;p
cat lady: i mean as long as you dont expect me to do the choking and slapping, i can very much handle it *kissy face* [finally qualifying to me]


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: songbird fog talks about women

decided to get bumble, and signed up for plenty of fish, and I’m happy with the results.

had two dates yesterday - both african girls. i have two more scheduled for tomorrow, one for monday, and one for next weekend! I’m sure there will be flakes, but I’m happy with the consistency of dates I’m getting…my goal is at least 1 a week.

going into friday night, women seemed to be digging my vibe when i was just out doing errands. i noticed more girls than usual giving me AIs, and I number closed a grocery store worker. I was in quite the social mood.

date with rebel

I had scheduled a date with rebel for friday night, who id met on bumble. Then I was talking with foofoo (also a bumble girl), who also wanted to meet up, and i was wondering how i’d swing it and fit both into one night, especially if i brought rebel home...

Due to unfortunate miscommunication i was late to mine and rebel's date. I walked into the bar and spotted her sitting at a table all alone with a grumpy look on her face. The poor thing! When she saw me, her face lit up and i snuggled into the booth beside her.

My goal was to be overly attainable. No harsh qualifying, no super polarizing routines..I just wanted to have a good time and focus on verbal escalation and connection since she was already attracted.

She had a huge beer, and she was drinking it very slowly. This was an obstacle in me trying to figure out when I should go for the pull. The ideal length of my dates lately is 45 minutes. I was worried that she would agree to come to my place, but then she would want to stay and finish her beer, and then any emotions would die down. If I asked towards the end of her beer, then there’s a possibility the emotions would have crested already and she wouldnt be down.

anyways, there was a fuck ton of sexual tension between us, and she was looking at me in a sexually receptive way. this is a different sexual look than others, like sparkly eyes or a turned on look. when i would introduce more sexual tension into the conversation, she would giggle nervously. i wonder how i can get better with playing around with this sexual energy. When a girl looks at me in a sexually receptive way, is she trying to seek sexual rapport with me? If so I could flirt and deny her the sexual rapport she is seeking by disqualifying her sexually i.e. you might be too innocent for me.

i was teasing her for being a criminal, and then disqualified her on it:

fog: you might be too much of a criminal for me :)
rebel: sorry

interesting response. she did not qualify to me that she was not a criminal, but instead apologized - what does this response say about where my attainability & value were before, and after the comment? hmmm.

i ended up asking her to come to my place in the middle of her beer. she agreed to it, but i believe i made a slight mistake. heres the gist of how i phrased it:

fog: hey wanna come chill at my place after? no sex before marriage tho!

it was good to disqualify sex from happening, although i did not provide details on the activity we would be doing instead.

anyways, her beer was 2/3 done and i suggested we get out of there. we get the bill (she paid!), she goes to the bathroom, and she comes back and shes on her phone for like 2 minutes (which worries me). we walk out of the bar and she turns to me and starts apologizing, saying she’s just gonna go home. because she’s “tired”

i am caught off guard - but i give her a hug and we share a kiss :)

her objection out of nowhere really caught me off guard and so i didnt handle the situation as well as i should have. i believe that the reason she bowed out early was because i didn’t tell her what we were gonna be doing at my house. either that, or she maybe was worried i was a player.

i got home, looked in the mirror and laughed because there was lipstick all over my face.

i figured i might as well text her using a cookie cutter text recommended by hector

fog: hey i loved my time with u. ur fantastic and i feel like we have a connection. id love to see u again :)
rebel: thats so sweet of you to say :) i had fun too.

wasn’t sure what to make of it cuz she didnt say she wanted to see me again too, but shes texting me this morning so …will probably set up another date for early next week and do some relationship screening.

date with foofoo

i hung out at home for 30 minutes after getting home from hanging out with rebel, then left to go meet foofoo. me and foofoo had initially had a weirdly interesting conversation on bumble that made me think she was fishing for a lay.

foofoo: hey hows it going?
fog: its going good, how are you? gosh ur adorable!
foofoo: I’m very good. and thank you :)
foofoo: hows your day going?
fog: ur welcome. ur so young tho ;P
foofoo: sorry cant help it.
fog: true, i guess i can let it slide
foofoo: *laughing face* thanks?
foofoo: what are you up to?
fog: just bought some ice cream. i cannot control myself around ice cream
foofoo: I’m jealous
foofoo: now i want ice cream
fog: we could share
foofoo: what kind is it. I’m a classic girl
fog: cookies n cream
foofoo: yummmm
fog: i bet you’d hog all of it :)
foofoo: im a sharer
foofoo: i believe in mutual contentment
fog: thats good to know. for some reason i like letting people who are all about sharing and caring into my life. cant stand greedy people!
foofoo: what are you looking for on here. your profile is very mysterious
fog: I’m open to anything really
fog: whats ur plans for tonight?
foofoo: i have none. i was gonna go on this date but the guy was being really aggressive over text so i canceled it
foofoo: and not in a good way
fog: ya sounds like he rubbed u the wrong way
foofoo: ive gotten good at reading peoples intentions and his just felt not great
foofoo: what are you doing tonight?
fog: well i dont have anything planned for later actually. we could get together
foofoo: what do you have in mind?

slight mistake in the next text as i was a little too aggressive, but i calibrated by being less aggressive.

fog: im willing to get to know u better over ice cream at my place - no sex until marriage tho ;P
fog: actually wait no u might be a serial killer - let’s meet in public

so we meet at a bar close to my house.

she kept changing conversation topics fast, not really wanting to connect on any particular conversation topic for very long. i think she just wanted to get to know each other as much as possible on a lot of different topics in the quickest time span so we could go bang, she had already made up her mind.

she was like, “what else is there to know about you?” i literally just told her the age i was turning in a way that introduced tension into the conversation while also relating to her at the same time. then turned the convo back on her.

and then, she practically picked herself up for me. in the middle of the conversation she asked

foofoo: where are we going next?

i told her we could go to my house to listen to some music and watch the office, to which she readily agreed.

although i felt like i had more in common with this girl than rebel earlier on in the night, i did not really feel overly sexually attracted to her

we got straight to my house and started cuddling. from there it was an easy transition into my room. she blew me a bit, i fingered her and ate her out. she had the biggest clit i ever seen. the size could be comparable to a soccer ball.

we tried fucking, but i couldnt stay hard for the condom, was probably inside her for like 2 seconds but i couldnt even feel it. lame.

looking forward to keeping this momentum going...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: songbird fog talks about women

what a week

date 1: intersectional feminist

me and this girl (a self proclaimed intersectional feminist) i bet on bumble were vibing pretty nice thru text so i didnt bother to do much screening. although i was slightly sick, we met up and it was a total trainwreck lol! Not only was my vibe off, but she A) was too logical and reasoning B) wouldnt go along with my role-plays and C) was very uptight (as is to be expected from my experiences with feminists). she was getting really bitchy for me joking around about homelessness in an agree and amplify response. i felt like i was walking on glass around her!

date 2: she made all the effort

met a 28 year old asian on bumble, and she put all the effort in. she suggested we hang out first, gave me her number, etc. i wasnt all too interested and didnt bother to do much screening, but opted to meet up with her anyways just for some extra experience.

well, what do you know, she wasnt exactly stimulating to me and was a very analytical person.

the only lesson i got from these two dates is to start screening girls for things i dont like, rather than purely things i do like.

LR-: she didn't speak a word of english

A very interesting experience for sure…the tests she gave me included

- asking me how many girlfriends ive had
- calling me a player
- asking me if i had any spanish friends.

i almost failed the last test because i didnt understand the reasoning behind it at first. i think she was sizing me up for a relationship, and given the language difference between us, she was wondering if there was any shot of it working out. i told her all my spanish speaking friends lived out of town, but then rebounded by saying ive been planning to learn spanish.

she was a little bit of a tease too - grabbing my face and pulling me in to kiss her, then pushing me away. interesting how she played around with the power dynamic between us.

date with rebel - ctd

after our date she texted me and asked what i was looking for. i said i wasnt opposed to the idea of a relationship. she said she was looking for a relationship too. then she started relationship screening me….she disqualified me and told me she wont date me because i dont drink alcohol! lol….

asian girl pulls a powerplay

yeah, i posted about this in the general forum…here’s how the rest of the convo went

me: hi sweetie this is fog from earlier
girl: heeeey *cat face*
me: u look like a little princess in ur photos. so cute!
girl: lmfao thanks
me: no problem. so are u the type of person who’s open to new experiences and trying new things?
girl: follow me on instagram first
me: if we hang out and i like you ill be happy to follow you ;P
girl: lmfao bye you creepy ass MF
me: see ya

ouch!! i increased my value too much and she auto rejected by reducing my value dramatically….sigh….should have thrown a smaller hoop at her, or even opted to reduce my value a little bit… annoying frustrating mistake ..probably could get her back if i wanted to, but ill just go reel in a new girl

she doesnt have a pair of balls

some girl at the subway station qualified her gender to me by saying she doesnt have a pair of balls. then i asked her if she was a lesbian, to which she said no. I’ve been using a false disqualification routine based around age, but i think using a solid false disqualification routine based around sexuality could really get girls chasing

overall recap of the week

been working on my verbal and non-verbal calibration with qualification, amongst other things. i learned so much this week and went on 5 dates. thats the most ive ever been on in a week lol... but now I’m getting date-hungry. i wanna go on a date every day!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2015
Re: songbird fog talks about women

date with rebel - ctd

after our date she texted me and asked what i was looking for. i said i wasnt opposed to the idea of a relationship. she said she was looking for a relationship too. then she started relationship screening me….she disqualified me and told me she wont date me because i dont drink alcohol! lol….

Could it be she was looking for an adventure, and when you said your were boyfriend material, she started disqualifying you? Girls usually "agree" to whatever guys say just because they are primed to follow us, but that doesn't mean she wants the same thing as you.

yeah, i posted about this in the general forum…here’s how the rest of the convo went

me: hi sweetie this is fog from earlier
girl: heeeey *cat face*
me: u look like a little princess in ur photos. so cute!
girl: lmfao thanks
me: no problem. so are u the type of person who’s open to new experiences and trying new things?
girl: follow me on instagram first
me: if we hang out and i like you ill be happy to follow you ;P
girl: lmfao bye you creepy ass MF
me: see ya

ouch!! i increased my value too much and she auto rejected by reducing my value dramatically….sigh….should have thrown a smaller hoop at her, or even opted to reduce my value a little bit… annoying frustrating mistake ..probably could get her back if i wanted to, but ill just go reel in a new girl

This girl just sounds crazy. A thing I am doing lately is just giving them my Insta-account since I talk to them on the streets and I could be a stalker or a harasser. This way they see me as a normal guy.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: songbird fog talks about women

kristian said:
A thing I am doing lately is just giving them my Insta-account since I talk to them on the streets and I could be a stalker or a harasser. This way they see me as a normal guy.

I might experiment with this...plus it could also be a positive boost in value if your IG shows off some great aspects of you!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Day 45 of my 60 day challenge…last week, i reduced my daytime approaches to 1 per week because i had to shift my attention over to my current job search. this reduction in approaches totally killed my momentum, prior to that i was having some of my best sets ever…my body language was so good, my vocal tones were on fire…i was setting all the right frames. so I’m challenged with getting back to learning how i can consistently do those things. unfortunately i am feeling quite unmotivated in the last week. getting better with girls is the last thing i want to do, and this is evident in my interactions. so ill really have to push myself for the next 15 days. who knows though, i might end up going 90.

here’s what i’ve been up to..

FR+: Some girl

had some girl over last monday..met her on tinder, we’d been talking for a while and she was chasing me, but she lived out of town so she wasnt able to come over. then she finally came to toronto, and she wasnt exactly sexy, i wasnt feeling too attracted to her…her voice turned me off more than anything. most i decided to do was kiss her.

FR: Bitchy Owner Ruins My Date

i have a favourite spot close to my house that i like to take girls. its some pub. well i showed up there early. and the owner was like "hey i need to see your ID. you look really young.” which was ridiculous because i wasnt even planning to drink. i didnt have my id on me. so he said i had to leave. i walked out the front door, and my date was standing there, about to walk in. i told her what was up and went to my house to get my ID, while she stayed there. i was back in 20 minutes. big mistake… i should have just gone somewhere else with her.

I get back the owner is like “what are you doing here? i thought i told you that you couldnt be here” …huh!? I’m back with my ID.

He takes me ID and is giving me a hard time over it. He’s saying “hey, how come it doesnt look like you? this doesnt look like you!” he takes it into the back and is asking all the employees if i look like the person on my ID. ridiculous.

I sit down with my date while he’s doing this and she says that while i was gone, the owner was bitching about me to all the customers. She says he makes her feel uncomfortable so we should get out of there after we are done our drink.

Last time i was there with a girl, i made a comment to the owner that the last two girls i had taken there had paid for the bill. Which is true. Usually the girl orders a beer, and i get an iced tea, and then the girl always opts to pay. Well, I think that might have rubbed the owner the wrong way. Why else would he cause such a kerfuffle over me?

I hung out with the girl for 20 minutes. She was blabbing my ear off about her career. I was worried it was overly logical, but hey…if she wants to invest a lot like that, that’s fine with me. We finished our drinks, then we walked outside. I suggested we go to a tavern closeby. She declined because it was getting late and she had to be up early for work. I didn’t persist, it was close to my bedtime anyways. Nbd. The only issue is that I neglected to sort out logistics at the start, and as a result I totally gamed the girl wrong.

I texted her today just for shits and she said she recently got back with her ex boyfriend.

FR++: Mexican Girl From Daygame

i met a mexican girl at a subway stop the other day:

fog: whats your nationality?
girl: why are you talking to me? there are so many other girls in here!

It's funny how she knew my intent from the get go, despite only asking her nationality. I got her number, but she had been ridiculously flakey..which is to be expected.

We hung out at my place last night…she had to have been like what, 36 or something!? She was touching me, i was touching her, but when I ramped up the sexual tension after a while, she got nervous and left. I can see it being an issue with my framing (I GOT LAZY AGAIN!), especially because there was an attainability problem to begin with. If that’s not the case, then she just wanted to practice english with an attractive guy.

How The Average Girl Flirts

I’m not excited about many of the girls I can easily get out on dates... That’s part of the reason I’m so unmotivated right now. They don’t have any edge to them. They don’t tease me. They don’t have any cool facial expressions. Idk whether to work on being able to easily f-close every average girl, or if i should work on increasing the quality i can get.

I appreciate a good challenge. And if a girl is qualifying to me right off the bat, thats just way too easy, i lose interest in her. So I can see why passing a girls test is actually all about not passing her test. If you pass my test, i know youre interested in me. If you fail my test, I get more interested in you because you’re not like all the other girls.


ive been so focussed on getting calibrated with qualification that i havent bothered putting work into having a solid attraction phase. I will focus on this the next two weeks. Part of me wants to keep working on qualification, but I know I am good enough for now. a lot of times ill just use a direct opener, and if she’s responding well then ill go straight into qualy…but I would like to draw out and amplify a girl’s attraction before moving into qualy…

it blows my mind how girls respond in similar, predictable ways to my qualification, and i cant wait to see the similar ways they react to my attraction building techniques.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
date with winter

before our date she texts me this:

winter: i did tell you my situation right?
fog: what is it? will it change everything?
winter: its just that i already have a boyfriend. I’m just looking for fun on the side.

we meet close to my place and we were vibing real nice. i noticed she was really digging the side of me that other girls find dumb or weird. so i amped that up.

i asked her what she was up to for the rest of the night - she said she had plans to go home and do some cooking. her state dropped after this. it was strange.

later on, she was laughing her face off and at the tail end of a laugh i said, “let’s get out of here.” her answer explained why her state had dropped earlier. it was because we were both not in the same frame. she explained that her boyfriend finds it hot when she sleeps other guys. she also explained that she has a very low sex drive - as a result, the first meeting for her is usually a short meet and greet in public, with subsequent meetings occurring when she’s horny on a weekend.

it was strangely logical

date with shallow

tried to get her to meet me near my house but she didnt wanna. she was coming from far away and it sounded like she wouldnt have much time to hang due to some school commitments. i figured id just aim for a second date if i liked her.

we meet at some crepe place lmfao. shes highly energetic and shes investing and touching me back right away. we left the crepe place and were walking around, i was holding her hand and kissing her…i am happy to finally be past this hand holding sticking point.

of course, all of this did not come without shit tests, calling my profession boring and constantly teasing me about my height. it was more annoying than anything.

will i see her again? we left things on very good terms for a possible second meeting. if she gets in touch with me, sure ill go for it... but i can go accomplish the same thing, and more with a few new girls this coming week with little effort!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
LR: SEVERE daddy issues

i met yikes, an HB6, on bumble. ran my typical game on her…she was responding very well. she teased me a bit that she shouldn’t have to sell herself to me (because she knows her worth) and that i should have to sell myself to her as well. :p

i pushed for a same day meet up, which i’m really starting to realize the importance of for solid momentum.

we agreed to meet at a coffee shop close to my house…unfortunately she was about 30 minutes late cuz of transit. whatever, i wasnt overly worried about my value. she shows up and we start vibing super quick. shes a lovely spiritual soul, very hipstery. she was laughing at everything i said, touching me, my kino was excellent too. lots of leg and back touches, nothing felt forced.

there were kids sitting a few seats down, and i swore…then she mirrored me and swore herself…then i teased her for having such a potty mouth with the kids around, she really found that amusing. i like to tease girls and blame them for things that they didnt do, or for things that are obviously my fault.

i invited her back to my place under the guise of that i dont have sex until marriage. “of course!” she says.

we leave, and walk hand in hand to my place. i tell her the story about my 5 fancy guppies i used to have. these 5 fish got all crazy and soon there was 100s of little fancy guppies swimming around the tank. i could tell which ones were the adults, teenagers and babies. then they all died off except for one fish. she likes this story, but it seems to trigger something deep within her emotions and suddenly she’s worried if I’m a serial killer or something!? huh? she also made a weird comment out of nowhere regarding my frame of no sex till marriage. i didnt understand so i said absolutely nothing.

usually i try to be the first one to screen girls for if they are a serial killer or not. i live in a basement apartment. the entrance is in a dark parking lot, and you have to go down these sketchy steps to get into the apartment. once girls see the parking lot, they immediately get hesitant, so thats why i screen early for serial killers. but i got lazy this time and she beat me to it.

she was very hesitant about even going into the parking lot, but i reassured her everything was gonna be ok. we get into my place and she seems a little nervous. it subsides though.

we sit down on the couch. she asks me if i really dont have sex until marriage and that she would respect that if i did. i tell her, no i was kidding. then immediately after she tells me how her dad is a crazy psycho in jail who was sexually abusive. whoa, okay. well right after she tells me this, her body language opens right up and we start kissing. it did not logically make sense that she wanted to kiss me after telling me this. emotionally it makes sense. like imagine me telling a friend....she told me her dad was sexually abusive and right after, i kissed her!

we go into my room….she sucks a mean dick, i have never seen a girl worship my cock like that before.

and of course there was a happy ending :) we fucked raw a few times.

but wait!! afterwards she says not only was her dad completely psycho and that she moved out early, but she got taken advantage by multiple old men when she was younger.

she is very eager to hang out again. and the best part was when she told me that she has never gotten comfortable with someone so quickly as she got comfortable with me.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
LR: Her Boyfriend Wanted Us To Fuck

This is a continuation of my interaction from winter in this post

...A few days later, she texts me to set up a time and date to get together. she asks me if I’m comfortable with her taking pictures of us fucking for her boyfriend. i tell her that’s alright. to thank me, she sends me some suggestive pictures :)

yesterday i go to her place. her boyfriend is at work. we go into her bedroom and the clothes start coming off. she gets very, very excited over the fact that i dont wear underwear. then she starts sucking my dick and i take some pictures…i presume her boyfriend will be jerking off to them later, or something.

i fuck her for a bit and she cums all over my dick. as we're taking a cuddle break, she starts revealing more about her pet cuck. apparently sex with him is quite unsatisfying because the longest he's ever lasted is one minute. In the past, she fucked her ex while her boyfriend was watching and filming it. she said that in the future her boyfriend could watch us fucking if i'm okay with it.

She was also turned on over my muscles and told me I’m the most jacked guy she’s ever been with. That was nice for my validation. :)

i just had 4 dates in the past 3 days, here's a recap of them all:

date 1: architect

I wasn’t overly interested, but wasn’t gonna pass up on getting more experience. We were texting a bit and she had a nice emotional spike after I told her I wanted to learn the korean language. This is one of the many secrets to being attainable with foreign girls: tell them you want to learn their language!

I did not manage her emotions correctly, and my game was honestly pretty sloppy, causing me to put way more effort than usual into getting her out. Another issue was that I did not set a strong romantic frame before our meeting, which negatively impacted our interaction.

We met at some random starbucks. For some reason she was okay with my purposeful touch, but was hesitant towards my incidental touch. So weird. Anyways, from the way things were going, I knew she was likely an inexperienced girl and our interaction would not end in anything sexual. Regardless, I did ask her home. She was hesitant about it. I didn’t push, I didn’t want to spend more time than I had to on this girl.

The most interesting part came after I asked her home. We were walking down the street and i did some slightly taboo behaviour. I took an ornament off one of the street decoration displays and acted like I was gonna steal it. She touched me (for the first time) and had a slight emotional spike. We kept walking. A few minutes later, I looked at her face and her baseline expression had changed. She now had a “softer” look on her face - I was unable to determine if this was a look of comfort or a turned on look. I will be experimenting on future dates. How can I get girls to touch me consistently? This girl liked the “danger” aspect.

date 2: nyan cat

She’s 26 - my age. She was also slightly challenging to get out and took a lot of investment on my part. Our initial first conversation was so good. When I tried to figure out her schedule though, she disappeared. I was confused because it was going so well. I followed up with her and she says this:

nyan cat: heyyy sorry i chickened out :(

AKA, she’s inexperienced.

We kept talking, but it was still a pain to get her out. She was refusing to tell me about herself, and instead pelted me with questions about myself. I provided minimal information, and redirected to asking her to hangout. She objected by saying I could be a serial killer. Ugh, she beat me to the punch. I immediately get on the phone with her and got to know her. I concluded the phone call with some banter/hypothetical situation stuff which she responded well to.

We continued to text that night and I was way more open as she continued to hound me with questions. It’s clear I made a mistake by trying to avoid providing her with the comfort she needed in order to agree to a meet up with me.

The day we were supposed to hang, I actually did a huge push on her related to her height. It was sort of a beta move on my part. I personally had some reservations about her height. She’s like 5’8 or something. I knew it was gonna be an issue, especially if she was looking for a boyfriend. I did a tentative disqualification on her height. She tentatively disqualified me back. So I just stopped replying.

But then that night, she started texting me about how she was disappointed that we didn’t meet. We had another conversation and agreed to hang out a few days later. During this conversation I ran into an attainability rough patch but I handled it correctly:

her: question, do you have asian friends?
me: i have many asian friends
her: question, will you be okay with a walking giraffe?
me: lmfao, yes you are not that tall compared to me
her: its funny how they all ask my height
me: who?
her: people from tinder

We meet at another starbucks close to my house. my plan was to get there early and meet her already sitting down so the height wouldnt get in the way. unfortunately she showed up early.

I walk in and I’m pleasantly surprised by how cute and stylish she is :) We start vibing pretty hard, but then she suggested i get something to drink and i did because my mouth was feeling dry. after that we didnt vibe as heavy. ugh.

I felt the date could have gone waaaay better. She kept asking me boring questions, and was sort of an awkward conversationalist. I was not doing a good job leading the conversation because I was spaced out and tired. Despite this, we were really digging each other. She returned every IOI i gave her.

i asked her twice to come home with me - she said no both times. But she explained that it was not a rejection, and that she would be open to coming to my place at a later date. My “no sex before marriage” remark caused her to bring up sex later in the conversation.

I believe she responds super well to pushes. she said something that was slightly rude. i told her i was offended and turned away from her. She reached out and touched me for the first time!

Towards the end i really slowed the pace of conversation down. it generated a ton of sexual tension. she started being all restless with her straw.

i got a goodnight text from her later. We’re gonna hang out again sometime. I’m in the boyfriend zone with this one though. Might be a while till I fuck her. I wouldn’t mind dating her. I want a girlfriend right now, but am sort of excited about where I’ll be in a few months with girls if my progress continues as a single person

date 3: potty mouth

I ran my typical game on her, then we agreed to catch up at a later date because she was busy with exams.

Later on, I called her, and her reproduction thing seemed to have been triggered because she started throwing me shit tests and was holding strong frames that weren’t present in our first conversation. She was very hyper on the phone, reminded me of the girl from the date last week, who was open to moving fast and otherwise rapid intimacy

We meet the next day and its instant vibing. The issue is that she does not look like her pics! Not fuckable at all.

She was very responsive to sarcastic banter, and that constituted the majority of our conversations. when i tried to tone it down and move it into connection building, she didnt seem to want to do that. i felt it would have helped. I believe she was all mentally tired out from studying and just wanted to have a light conversation.

I was getting very strong signs of interest from her. She mirrored me like mad, was touching me, and when i introduced sexual tension into the conversation, she was responsive to this and got fidgety.

I started holding her hand over the table for a bit (practising this lately) but as soon as we stopped the hand touching, she did a huge push on me in our roleplay saying it just wasnt going to work out between us. she turned away, and so did i. silence. then i brought up a new thread.

Although I do not wish to see her again, I am happy with what I learned from this interaction.

date 4: fleece

Fleece is some south american girl with a baby face. She was also my age. I like girls my age. They just have this “mature” vibe about them that I really dig. And she’s got a lot going for her.

This was a hard one for me to crack though. She was mildly interested. I called her adorable, she told me I was adorable as well. She was touching me. And this part was so cute:

fleece: would you like a bite of my food?
fog: sure darling
fleece: ok honey! *feeds me her food*

but while this was all good, i just couldn’t crack her, emotionally. There was no strong attraction there like there was with nyan cat. It was strange. The conversation was very flatline, all deep diving. We got along, but it made me feel uncomfortable to go any further than just regular kino with her. (could maybe be a verbal escalation/framing/hesitation problem on my part)

The rest was slightly sloppy. I asked her if she wanted to keep hanging out but she said she had to go home. I need to focus on this part in my dates, I should really be using yes ladders here.

We leave and I walk her to the bus stop. I ask her to hold my hand and she says, "why?" Huh!? What do you mean why? Then she asked me for 2 dollars for the bus. I gave her it. I was not thinking and should not have done this - I was basically giving her money for rejecting me!

I bid her goodbye at the bus stop and she says, “see you soon." I usually don't see girls again who say this. ill send her a follow up text in a few days to see whats going on


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
FR+: Weird Badoo Girl

I met this girl on Badoo. The first night she was responding very well thru text. I asked her what she was looking for and she told me she was looking for “someone to bone and chill with.” Should have hung out with her that night, derp. I was lazy. We made plans for the next day to meet for coffee.

But the next day (yesterday), she was sort of distant and she flaked on me.

Today, I texted her and invited her over to my house.

She shows up and she is hella tall. We walk into my house and sit down. I put my arm around her. But there is this weird tension in the air and shes not really contributing to conversation.

Admittedly, I probably waited too long to make a move. After about 25 minutes, I kiss her neck once. She doesn’t do anything. Then I ask her some more questions about herself but she’s not really willing to invest.... After that, I kiss her neck more. But it’s like she’s a statue or mannequin or something. We make out and then she says:

girl: i dont know if i wanna do “that”, i just met u
me: thats okay, we dont have to do anything u dont wanna do

We made out again but soon after shes on her phone and she has to go cuz her "friend is not feeling well." this has happened before...

I was thinking she just wanted to show up and have me fuck her right away, and her weird resistance was caused by me moving too slow.

I have some mindsets that are hindering me in these situations where a girl comes straight to my house. i need to accept that i dont need any sort of connection with a girl to sleep with her super quick, and that a girl does not need a connection with me to sleep with me super quick

looking back on the past, theres been girls who have came straight to my house and we were hooking up within 10 minutes. i felt comfortable with it because there was a connection. but then theres also been girls who have came straight to my house and i was very slow to escalate - because i didnt feel a connection. then when i finally got around to it, they put up resistance and left like this girl.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
LR: “my pussy is gonna be sore for a week"

this was a nice start to the new year

Last week I made a change to my dating profiles that is making mountains of difference. I made my bio super sexual, and have a two part opener that is synced with my bio. I have been matching with freaky girls who are super dtf :) if i grind i think i can achieve my goal of getting one notch a week

Anyways, I’m visiting my hometown right now. I was at my friend’s party last night which is a short drive out of town, and I matched with this girl on tinder. We started chatting and things were looking good, but there was a logistical issue. It was snowstorming outside and I was stuck at the party with no guaranteed/reliable ride home. Cab waits were crazy. Uber doesn’t exist in my hometown. And she was at the bar in town. Luckily my place is a 10-15 minute walk from the bar.

I found a ride, but my driver was taking his time before leaving and the girl was giving me some resistance over walking to my place in the freezing weather. I was afraid I was going to lose her. I would have gotten the driver to pick up the girl but there wasn't room.

Finally, I get a ride into town and meet her outside the bar. She is definitely not dressed for the weather. We immediately start vibing and walk to my place, arm in arm. Along the way we spot a guy dragging this passed out girl around in the snow, yelling that the cops are coming to help. She's got blood all over her face. I can't believe people get that wasted!

The girl and I walk into my place and get straight into fucking. No resistance or anything. I’m still working on getting good with sex so I made sure to be in the moment and observe how her body was reacting. I wanna notice patterns.

We fucked for like 2 hours. She came a bunch. Then I started fingering her. She came her brains out, really, really hard when i fingered her. “My pussy is gonna be sore for a week!” she says. Girls are getting way harder orgasms when I finger them than when I fuck them. I really gotta figure out how to hit the g-spot with my dick like I can with my fingers.

I didn’t come once - she was sort of upset about it, as most girls are. I reassured her that I rarely do during sex.

It was getting late and we were both getting tired so I called a cab for her. The cab lady said it was going to be a 30 minute wait. So we started fucking some more to pass the time. Next thing you know, it’s been an hour and 10 minutes.. no cab. We call the cab place and the lady said the cab had showed up already but left cuz no one came out. We tell her to send another cab.

This time we make sure we’re not gonna miss it. We go upstairs and fuck on the couch near the window.

A cab finally comes. She leaves and I check my phone. It’s close to 6am, and another tinder girl is telling me to come over. But I’m tired so I just pass out.

Side note: She was a little bit taller than me, and teased me a few times for being short. I had no reaction to it, because it’s like the go to tease for girls who are taller than me. It made me think about the importance of getting creative and unique with my own teasing. She was also stereotyping me quite a bit, which I had no reaction to either. If she really wanted to get my attention, she would have done well with giving me some confusion spikes.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
LR-: In a Hotel

This was a girl I’ve known for a while. I messaged her on facebook and she was investing quite nicely. She wanted to go shopping with me. Since I’m leaving town soon, I straight up told her I’m not looking for anything serious. She told me that she wasn’t either and appreciated how “respectful” i was about it.

Since our logistics sucked, I asked her how she felt about public sex. She said she was not opposed to it.

Well, she ended up getting a hotel room for us. She sucked my dick both front side up and upside down. She was on her period. I told her I was “Captain of the Red Sea.” (Got that one from Hector). She was astonished by how blunt I was about it. We were setting up the towels and everything but then she bailed after some further thought. I didn’t push it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
LR-: The Giant Virgin

Met this lady on bumble who was 6 feet tall. She told me she was relatively inexperienced with "getting it on” and was specifically on bumble looking for someone to help with her with this. I told her I would be more than happy to help.

We planned to meet at a tavern close to my place. I’m walking there and I get a text from her:

girl: i’m at the bar reading a book

i thought that was so cute. I walk in, sit down with her and we are getting along quite well. But I can’t quite figure her out. She’s really smart (going for her masters for bio-statistics or something) and seems like a wolf in sheeps clothing. Like if she spent some time on her fundamentals, she could be really, really cute. I didn't use much game on her, just ample amounts of qualifying and connection building.

I pulled her back to mine. She was so nervous, but we eased into it.

I taught her how to suck my dick. I also ate her out really good. Like really good. Edged the fuck out of her. She said she was gonna have a hard time walking later lol

And then, she told me that she was a virgin and was willing to lose it with me. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t keep it up with the condom. It really sucked. I'm mad.

Another girl I’ve been fucking came over last night and she made me cum (first time in ages anyones made me cum) so i think that’s why my dick was acting wonky.

This could turn into a LR. I'll text her tomorrow and try to get her back over.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
A Challenge

I’m trying to line up my next lay, and this girl i met named ocean seems to be my best bet. We get along well and she’s very flirty with me.

She’s already agreed to have sex with me and said she’s in the mood tonight. But she keeps delaying it:

- last thursday she said she couldnt meet the next day because she booked a spin class after work

- then i asked her if she could meet on the weekend, and she says shes working from home so she cant. and that it would be better to meet on a weekday cuz she could come straight from work because its closer than coming from home (13km)

- today she tells me next weekend will be better because she has to get her pussy waxed on thursday, and it will make her feel more confident

- and she cant meet tomorrow or the next day, because shes still swamped with work.

heres the convo between us today:

fog: what’s your schedule like this week?
ocean: i work full time so I’m only free evenings and weekend but i think it’d be worth your while to wait till at least friday to schedule me in! ;) I’m technically free next weekend but will probably go out for a friends birthday. just not sure when.
fog: is there any specific reason why its gonna be worth my while to wait until friday at least? :)
ocean: oh i just have my maintenance wax appointment thursday. *laughing face* and not its not for you or anyone, its honestly a personal preference
fog: thank goodness it snot for me or anyone else. i was starting to get worried ;P personally i am impartial to hair and earlier this week works better for me. we should meet tomorrow evening. or tuesday evening
ocean: thats what everyone says but like i said its a personal preference. i like to keep sex as clean as i can. either way, id love to because I’m really in the mood for it but i really cant I’m afraid. my department at work is truly slammed, hence why i worked from home this weekend and we’re trying to clear the backlog
ocean: trust me, ill feel more confident post thursday and ill be able to bring my A game :)

this is outside my experience level so i have no clue how to handle it effectively.

she’s already denied me plenty of times (have i already lost complete value in her eyes?), and im worried about further pushing the boundaries of negative compliance and coming across as too needy and eager, if i continue to push to meet soon.

i could keep her warm till the weekend, but risk emotions dying off.

i could take the pressure off, and ask her to meet for a friendly drink with no expectations. then when I'm in person with her, push for it then. but then she could shoot me down with the work thing again

she very flirty about the fact that i could be seeing other girls, which makes me think she's fucking a lot of other guys too. it makes me think that all this delaying could possibly be a screening process to DQ unsuitable guys.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
LR: Aggressive Ear Licker

Soooo I ended up banging Ocean from my last journal post. After our last conversation, I decided to start gaming her a little bit harder using some of Mystery's tactics. I called her out on her flaky behaviour with an IOD-DHV combo that flipped things around. She defended herself and I qualified her for this. It could have very easily gone downhill, so I’m proud of the way I handled it. Then I started getting into a heavier qualification routine, but she was qualifying herself REALLY hard to me even before i finished it. I drew this out over the course of a few days. This routine was mostly to see if she was pulling my leg and actually committed to seeing me, or if she was just stringing me along. A test, if you will. Read it below:

fog: dont be certain about getting in my pants unless u bring ur a+++ game and have a bit of luck on ur side. ;) the last time someone was this flaky towards me they scared me off
ocean: i can say the same for you in terms of getting into my pants! but flaky?? thats a stretch, I’m one of the most not flaky people i know if thats any consolation? besides its not like i keep cancelling on set days, ive merely told you what works for me and what doesnt. if you scare this easily maybe youre not for me *thinking face*
fog: i think its admirable that ur standing up for yourself :) dont worry I’m not running away cuz i suspect we have a lot in common darling! and u might have one of my weaknesses. but i cant be sure yet
ocean: ive never been one to take things lying down, so dont think i wont get feisty ;) and would i really be wasting both of our time if i didnt have at least one of your weaknesses? *thinking face* what are your other ones? i may check some more boxes
fog: my biggest weakness is a personality *laughing face*
ocean: oh perfect! cuz what i lack in height i make up for with personality and funniness

Thursday night rolls around and she texts me to make plans for the next day. last night she showed up straight to my house. I started kissing her and she was a really aggressive kisser. In between us kissing and me eating her out she says this:

ocean: am i the first girl you've hooked up with in 2019?
fog: youre the first girl ive ever talked to
ocean: lol bullshit you talked such a big game when we were texting

We also banged, but it was not a good time. I really did not like her overall vibe, and we didn't seem to click sexually. She was fucking licking the insides of my ear. I hate being licked by girls.

As she was leaving she said this:

ocean: i like being kept on my toes and u were a whirlwind


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
LR: jamaican girl from hinge

For those of you who like dating apps, you should definitely take a look at Hinge if you haven’t already. It's interesting in that it doesnt allow you to post a bio. It only allows you to give answers to “prompts” like…

“we’ll get along if…."
"im weirdly attracted to...”

At first, I was a little annoyed by this cuz I couldn’t copy and paste my overtly sexual bio from bumble and tinder. grr. I ended up deciding to experiment with my profile…..which i turned into a scorching concoction of humour and qualifying. Surprisingly it’s been working pretty good. I’m getting a ridiculous amount of matches, with higher quality girls than I’m used to. Plus 25%-50% of girls message me first. Whether this is due to the algorithms, the nature of the app, my profile... idk.

Not being able to have a sexual bio ended up being good for me too. I’ve started getting calibrated at setting and maintaining cold sexual frames without the help of a bio.

Anyways... I matched with a jamaican girl who was a fan of the office. I asked her what she was looking for (my favourite question lately):

fog: watchu looking for on here
jamaican girl: i dont know. i have no expectations. what about you?

literally just for shits and giggles, i told her i was looking for sex related to the office (roleplays, dirty talk, etc). she responded positively. from there it was pretty smooth sailing.

i went over to her apartment. she met me in the lobby of the building wearing a loose denim shirt over top of some lingerie. she was very receptive to me.

im still getting over my hesitance to quickly hooking up with girls that i dont even know. i made sure to remember that it’s not about how I feel, it’s about how she feels. She seemed shy. But it was a weird sort of shy. Given the existing frames and her overall receptiveness, I concluded it was a sign of submission. Plus she wasn't responsive to my attempts to build basic rapport. so I didn’t wait any longer. I kissed her neck and she was completely 100% still and silent. Another green light.

What happened next? I will leave it up to your imagination ;p however i practised being rough. threw her around and shit, did what I wanted with her body


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
I recently accepted an offer for a new job thats gonna take my career to the next level. I was unemployed for the past 5 months, giving me the ability to dedicate the majority of my time to getting better with women and to be in the "girl-getting" mindset 24/7

My growth during this time was impressive. It’s unfortunate that with my new job, I won’t have nearly as much time or energy to dedicate towards developing my skillset.

After starting my new job, I found that my desire to improve with women pretty well dropped to zero. I could care less than to start conversations with new women, or even to continue developing relationships with girls that im currently involved with. My behaviour took such a drastic change that it got girls (ones that i did start new conversations with) chasing me harder than im used to

This lack of desire is definitely temporary, although it’s given me a little bit of insight into one of my bigger goals for 2019: developing an attractive vibe

Having an attractive vibe is a way of providing value to those around you. Here are some subcommunications/factors that I'm working on to consistently have the vibe i desire:

- horniness
- an elevated state
- high testosterone
- abundance mentality
- women coming 2nd to a main goal


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
i dedicate each new month to studying, researching and developing my skills in a specific area of seduction. this month is compliance. one skill I have been working on is reducing negative compliance in my interactions. Here’s a little piece I wrote on a technique to accomplish this:

Avoid Negative Compliance By Probing

Asking probing questions before going for compliance allows you to get the extra information you need to be confident that your compliance request/suggestion/demand will be accepted by her. You will no longer have to worry about your attainability and value being messed up from negative compliance if she declines.

It’s also great for texting. Observing non-verbal IOIs play a big part in knowing when to get compliance from a girl. But we do not have that luxury over text. So using this technique, the high risk of generating negative compliance over the phone is diminished.

Probing questions are easy to implement, and provide immediate feedback on her receptiveness to your upcoming compliance test.

i have identified several different types of probing questions. Behavioral and Logistical. Although there are probably many more ways. All probing questions are in bold.

1.0 Behavioral

girl: do you want to meet up tonight
fog: i have time to meet up tomorrow or this weekend
girl: hmmm i was planning on going to the gym tomorrow. can we do saturday evening?
fog: have you ever skipped the gym to hang out with a guy?
girl: i mean, maybe for you. i need that leg day pump tho.
fog: i have leg day tomorrow too. lets move our leg days to friday and meet tomorrow. it will be way more exciting
girl: hmm. ok. why not?

I almost said, “you should skip the gym and hang out with me”…but this was way more safe.

In certain situations where you are probing, sometimes you are implying something to the girl. It's similar to how when youre building up to getting larger amounts of compliance with a yes ladder, and the girl knows whats going on due to the context. In this case, the girl knew I was testing for her receptivity.

2.0 Behavioral

Here are some more behavioural examples that show the results of not using probing questions vs using probing questions:

2.1 No Probing Questions

fog: imagine we ran away to hawaii together
girl: i couldn't just do that. i have a job!

We did not know if she would be receptive because we did not ask probing questions. She ultimately was not receptive and negative compliance was generated.

2.2 Probing Questions

fog: do you like your job?
girl: no i hate it
fog: would you rather travel?
girl: absolutely
fog: imagine we ran away to hawaii together
girl: thatd be so sick. everyone would be jealous of our tans

we discover she is receptive through probing questions, so it is safe to ask for compliance. she accepted it.

3.0 Logistical

Here’s the logistical type of probing questions. the same structure as section 2 is used.

In the below example, the girl says she can hang out at 730. but can she hang out earlier?

3.1 No Probing Questions

girl: i can do 730
fog: we should meet at 7
girl: sorry, 730 is the earliest i can do.

We did not know if she would be receptive because we did not ask probing questions. She ultimately was not receptive and negative compliance was generated.

3.2 Probing Questions

girl: i can do 730
fog: is 730 the earliest u can do?
girl: yes, why?
fog: just curious

Through probing questions we discover she would not be receptive, thus it is unsafe to ask for compliance. We redirect and negative compliance is avoided.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
LR: Frisky Dingo The Future Gym Teacher

i had a wonderful sexual experience the other day in my hometown. i always appreciate a visit here because the girls are so much easier than the ones in toronto.

i matched with this girl on tinder and opened with my favourite line:

fog: what are u looking for on here
frisky dingo: not looking for a relationship. just to have some fun and hang out with cool people. you?
fog: nice. I’m looking for fun too. are u open to a fun sexual adventure?
frisky dingo: yeah I’m open to that! what kind of adventure? you can tie me up
fog: that sounds like fun. is there anything else ur into? i wanna make this equally as pleasurable for the both of us
frisky dingo: pretty much just being dominated. abs are always a turn on too. you?
fog: ur totally singing my song right now cuz i love taking control & love obedient women. we should meet, whats ur schedule like?
frisky dingo: perfect! I’m usually in classes all day and work evenings but next weekend I’m free. or monday i have a cancelled class so i am free after 2
fog: so you have no free time today or tomorrow?
frisky dingo: well i do have some time between 4-8pm today
fog: lets meet at 5pm?
frisky dingo: sure where?
fog: do you ever have guys over to your place?
frisky dingo: no i cant because of my roommate
fog: ok how comfortable are u with public sex?
frisky dingo: ive never done that before. where would we go?
fog: I’m sure we could get creative….somewhere warm and secluded
fog: an empty classroom in the college maybe
frisky dingo: i would be terrified of janitors roaming around lol. I’m actually pet sitting this weekend so i have access to my friends house
frisky dingo: they just have cats
fog: ahah okay that actually works for me
frisky dingo: lol perfect! the address is 111 poundtown lane
i walk to her friends apartment building, which is like a 10 minute walk away (thank goodness). frisky dingo arrives at the same time. shes receptive and we walk into her friends apartment together. her friend has 4 cats. we observe the cats, briefly make some small talk about them and then i lead frisky dingo to her friends bedroom. i lay down on the bed and look at her. she seems a little hesitant, but gets into bed with me and we start kissing.

then i go down on her and start eating her out. “you’re good at this!” she exclaims. the bedroom door is closed but one of the cats is right outside the door, making atrociously loud meows. me and frisky dingo have a good laugh over this. she takes for-fucking-ever to cum though. maybe like 30 minutes? idk whether it was the cat ruining the concentration, or if it’s just naturally difficult for her to cum.

anyways, soon after i throw a condom on and i get her to climb on top of me & start riding me. shes riding around on my dick like it’s glass that could break at any moment. maybe she is inexperienced?

its not fun so i try to switch around to doggy so i can have more control but go soft before i can get it in. i practically follow the same routine every time i have sex with a new girl and am noticing that i go soft when trying to switch to doggy early on in sex. the problem is with the way approach it. i usually stand on the floor while the girl is on the bed. literally every single time her butt is way too high in the air for me to get it in. i try to adjust her butt to the right height, but by then I’m soft. i will try a workaround.

anyways, i get back on the bed and we start kissing again. soon i am hard again :) kissing is like a reset for my dick.

we start fucking again in adapted missionary, and soon progress to some legs over the shoulders type shit. this is where the real fun begins for the both of us. i lose my inhibitions, and really let myself go, doing whatever i wanted to her, taking her however i wanted. i would throw her all over the bed and she’d be like, “oh!” .. so cute! all of this felt really good, and she was becoming more comfortable and loose as well. i was trying out all sorts of different angles. it seems there is this “over and forward” angle that some of the last few girls have liked. it is not always easy to find.

although the lack of inhibition was good, i am not good at holding rhythms in certain positions for long amounts of time. and i wish to be more dominating. i wish i could have been more aggressive with her, like shoving her face into the bed while fucking her. i just couldnt bring myself to do it. i guess i will become like oh pry in time, i suppose.

two moments stick out. i was railing her real good, then i looked at her face and she looked really aroused, like she had just spent the last 2 hours of her life on laughing gas laughing her ass off. also, sometimes i would stop fucking her to take a break, and her pussy would be shaking violently. ahhh :)

We take a water/pee break and are lying in the bed and talking. But there is some sort of negative tension that I cannot figure out how to solve correctly. It is the sort of tension that I observe in a girl when i am not leading strongly enough. I can guess that frisky dingo just didn’t know what exactly should be happening. If she is inexperienced, maybe she doesn’t know how to act after sex - which is it’s own problem. But hopping straight into sex like we did without getting to know each other is a problem all in its own. I deep dived her a little during this time. but perhaps I should have complimented her, qualified her, or paced her...

Anyways so we are talking and she said her friends nicknamed her frisky dingo. she also tells me she is in school for physical education and hopes to become a gym teacher. aww.

we fuck a second time with her on top again, except this time is more fun - i get her to lean over so theres more body contact and im more in control. This is a favourite position of mine, the only downside is that it usually makes me develop feelings for the girl. I almost came, there was an amazing angle we had for a second but I couldn’t find it again. I last for hours with a condom, but hopefully once i get a little better i will know how to get consistently get myself off during sex. i think learning how to make myself cum during sex will also help with making the girls cum harder too. especially since what feels good for me, usually feels good for the girl too.

We finish things off and get dressed. As we are getting dressed that weird tension is back. I give her a kiss and say goodbye.

I haven’t sent a follow up text to the last few girls I’ve fucked. This was something I used to do, but for some reason can’t really justify it for girls I’m not going to see again. I did catch a little feelings for frisky dingo, so i allowed myself to text her to tell her i had fun. I think this was a good choice - if she was inexperienced, then I helped mould her expectations of what a positive sexual experience with a guy should look like.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2015
Youre getting lays like crazy man. That's awesome.

From reading your recent posts, do you still cold approach or do you find the girls on Tinder/Bumble? Is there any drawback not cold approaching (like not reading signs face to face or working on fundamentals/vibe on the streets?).

The reason I am asking is that I find online dating/apps just about hooking up, making them less challenging than street cold approach for hooking up.