Fog: hey trouble
Broad: what’s up professor?
Fog: thats master to you
Broad: oh I see copy that lol
Broad set your nickname to master but sometimes professor
Broad: I’ve sealed the deal
Fog: what are the perks that come with sealing the deal with you
Broad: I’m gonna think long and hard about this question but with that being said I think you already know the answer
Broad: I WANNA BE SPECIAL but I’m just ur average joe
Broad: Feel free to block
Fog: no i dont know the answer

tell me. but that is very modest of you to say youre average. impressive even
Broad: There’s not a lot of perks, I won’t say 0 but there isn’t a lot. I’m adaptable so if u ever decide to move underground like a clover field hide out I will make the most of it and follow your dreams lol
Fog: we're going to hawaii
Broad: Is there where you really want to live? Or did you just blurt it out
Broad: Where do u live anyways?
Fog: doesnt matter where we go as long as we keep each other distracted for a lil bit
Broad: Murder mystery videos on YouTube?
Fog: yes
Broad: Do you actually watch those videos? I’ve been watching them for ever now probably since 16. Anything related to like almost dying or getting kidnapped etc and the murder mysteries made me SUPER paranoid. How are you holding up? Do you trust your tap water? Lol
Fog: lets be real here....i dont even know what to believe anymore sometimes...
Fog: i cant stop watching crime watch daily
Broad: Just know that u can’t trust anyone. Only ur pets but STILL don’t let ur guard down
Broad: That stuffs entertaining
Fog: hope i can trust you
Broad: Right back at ya
Fog: do u smoke weed
Broad: I mean not really if I drop acid yeah I smoke a lot that’s only really when
Broad: I don’t like coughing I like edibles though
Fog: lol im just thinking about us getting high and getting deep into conspiracy type shit
Broad: All your gonna get from me is smiles and me responding with wowzers or holy moly I’m a vegetable when I get high or everything is funny
Fog: i never gave a vegetable a booty massage before
Broad: There is a first for everything
Fog: i know what else theres a first time for
Broad: CORNROWSSSS yayyy
Fog: lol
Fog: lets meet im down for cornrows
Broad: Hells ya
Fog: no sex before marriage tho
Broad: duh
Fog: your place or mine?
Broad: I thought it was gonna be in Vegas to get married
Broad: Ok it can be my place though lol