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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
banged the girl from this journal entry the other day. the comeback was not easy.

ive been seeing this other girl for a while. shes chasing me for a relationship.

in general im just not that interested in girls right now. focusing on other areas of my life


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
i dropped off because I’ve been so focused on getting to the next level in digital marketing. When I got there, it was 10x more work, 10x harder. I’ve been grinding for months. I usually focus on three different areas of my life: my career, girls, and the gym. I won’t focus on more than 1 or 2 for any given time. Back in the summer, it was girls and the gym. Then it was just the gym. Then it’s been work.

But I really need a break from work now, and my interest in girls is starting to pique again…especially cuz one of my old FWB keeps bugging me to fuck and i got chases emails about the new forums...they look amazing

Although I’ve been working, I do dedicate a little bit of my day to thinking and trying to influence how I come across to others through my fundamentals. I’m great at projecting a dominant presence on the street. on my way to and from work I pass 100s of people. ugly girls. hot girls. weird girls. stiff girls.

And I observe every one of them as I pass by them. If I am projecting a dominant presence, its constant, heavy approach invitations. If I do the same thing next day but tilt my head back bit, then lots of girls purse their lips while bowing their head. After a long while of doing that testing, I’ve gotten a good idea as to what a pre-approach should look like.

But you know, I suck with women in daytime after that. It’s literally the only technique I got going for me besides the fact that my text game is ridiculously effective.

Knowing that, the goal for my new chapter will be this:
  • continue getting world class at text game and bang 5+ girls/month from tinder
  • Be able to retain girls easily (I was starting to get good at this before I quit last)
  • Extend my routine past text and have a system for what i do from the moment I meet her on the street till the minute she enters my room. Don't need one for when shes in my room cuz thats the easiest part :p

  • longer term goal: discover how to open properly in daygame by practising on 10k women.
l will learn tons by finding out the most effective way to transition from pre-approach-approach-open while A) maintaining this dominant presence that is so reliable for me and B) already knowing the mindset the girl is in given the environment, her current body language and her fundamentals.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Glad to see you're still around man, hope South America is treating you well :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
hi buddy i havent managed to make it down to south america yet - but its coming up soon!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
what do i do when i dont want to accept an approach invitation? i practice rejecting it with my body language. this has involved making facial expressions of disgust, moving a couple of meters away from the girl, or just straight up turning away from her. still in the test phase though and im working on making it a lot more subtle. wonder what the general reactions will be?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
i was banging some girl back in may. feel free to read about this adventure here. she wanted to date but i pushed it off and she let me go. heres what happened:

sept 5
fog: i do want to see you again. just not right now because im committed to focusing on myself for the next few months.
girl: i appreciate this, but you know i cant wait around for you while you figure yourself out. its great that you want that for yourself, but i have my own life to live too. i am open to it if you want to reach out to me one day, but for now i think we should just go our seperate ways. i really do wish the best for you

i didnt reply to that message. i didnt want to give her closure. i knew by holding an emotionless frame and leaving her on read, she would come running back. and that she did:

oct 6
girl: <3<3<3
girl: youre so cute

that was a month and a half ago and we've been texting more often as the weeks go on...but my texting frequency remains extremely slow, while hers have picked back up to normal (every 1 text from me is 5 texts from her). i've been teasing her mostly. ill frame it like everythings good between us and we're gonna bang soon. then just as she gets excited i drop off the map again.

as i mentioned, this girl is inexperienced and is very submissive towards me. always waits for me to take the lead and make the decisions. so i was surprised that after all this teasing, she is the one initiating plans to hang out.

she messed up a little bit here:

girl: well i guess i could wear them for you...
girl: but youd have to work for it :)
girl: am i ever going to see you? *kissy face*
girl: *eye roll*
fog: ill work super hard to tear ur clothes off
girl: lmfao i need to go home so please dont do that. let me leave with some dignity
girl: are you free tomorrow night?
girl: *eye roll* :(
girl: hello?.....
girl: :(

she should have asked me a few days ago if i wanted to hang. its getting a little bit late to be making plans for tomorrow :p especially cuz i usually take 2-3 days to respond right now. could be a good weekend if i get her over and download tinder
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
not sure why my journal is in the advanced observations section......mods?!

anyways, my texting antics pushed this bitch into auto rejection again and now shes blowing up my phone with angry messages....I really should have been more mindful of attainability but whatever. im lazy

girl: hello :)
girl: am I seeing you or are you sick of me? *eye roll*
girl: youre actually the worst you fucking asshole. you only want to see me when its convenient for you. actually, you don't even want to see me because you never reply when I ask and then you wait a whole fucking month when I have my period to ask me knowing you don't want to see me/I can't
girl: so go fuck yourself
girl: *eye roll* -.-
girl: you know what I think? you like the idea of a girl pining after you more than you like spending time with me, which is actually disgusting.
girl: because you gave me false hope and wasted my time
girl: you are such an inconsiderate person. that's clearly something youre not working on or else youd be aware of it.
girl: ive tried so hard to be patient with you, but you are so flaky. do you know how you made me feel when you said you didn't feel like seeing me that time? it was so hurtful. you've mentioned you dont like flakey people, but that's exactly what you are. you dont care about how I feel and i don't know why I thought you did.
girl: and yes I am that angry right now
girl: not that you would ever reply because you never do unless its to string me along

wow, her observations were definitely accurate. like I said I am lazy and rusty so I will pass on the seemingly herculean effort of turning her anger into sexual energy. instead ill just follow up in a few days when shes nowhere close to the emotional state shes in now.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
every day i get on a streetcar that is packed to the brim with a random sampling of torontos population. it is really interesting to compare my fundamentals to this sample. are mine better? worse? why?

as you can imagine i usually stand/sit in pretty close proximity to other people. i like to practice triggering reactions from people with my body language. for example, staring at the ground in front of peoples shoes will always cause them to shift their feet around, with an uncertain look on their face.

i also try to get people to look at me by fucking with their awareness radius. so ill stare slightly past their cheek, and they will think i am actually looking at them - but then they look at my eyes, they see im not actually staring at them. really trips girls out who have been giving me AIs :p

but the best thing i learned is the way to stand, the vibe, and the body language associated with it. i will stand straight up, unmoving, with my head cocked slightly up. and i will pretend im in charge of everyone on the streetcar

i will stand like this but observe reflections of girls in the window and out of the corners of my eyes. just today i was doing this and it was triggering the girl across from me to display a cluster of the same submissive behaviors, multiple times. i wasnt really so particularly interested in her head bows as i was in the behaviors that happened immediately before and after the head bows. hand and feet movements, shifting, microexpressions, etc. the reason i was interested in the before and after was because recently i realized that behaviors often come in predictable clusters.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
i found an awesome blog that provides excellent advice for how to advance up the ladder in your career. a lot of the advice provides information on how to be a better leader.

i applied it immediately and was shocked at the jump in improvement in my leadership abilities at work - and the reactions from people around me as as result. the great part is that these new skills i am developing are also applicable to leadership with women.

ive also been more aware of the subtle social dynamics at work. theres a lot of room to work with my subcomms in this environment. ill sharpen up on them over the next few weeks and then start applying them deliberately. i hope to amplify my power around others at work in the new year
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
sometimes i walk down the street and my body language is awful and non-dominant. i just dont care to have nice body language. the effect on women is typical, they aren't attracted to it.

i started experimenting with transitioning from awful body language to dominant body language when passing by women to observe their reactions. it really catches their attention. vs when i experiment with holding dominant body language when passing by women, it holds their attention.

on the streetcar, i was standing with poor posture facing the exit. in the exit doors mirror, i could see a girl sitting behind me. i wanted to see if i could get her attention by displaying better body language. i stood up straight, spread my shoulders etc and all of sudden i noticed that i immediately started coming into her awareness radius. with proper eye gazing through the mirror, this turned into an extended amount of time her awareness radius was slightly on me. this is a polarized example, i have experimented with more subtle shifts in body language and gotten good reactions.

i dont know if ill ever feel bad again about women rejecting me based off my body language again. its in my total control to attract them and keep them attracted with it when i feel like displaying the right body language. if they dont notice, or don't like it, its because i didnt care about looking good to them at that moment in time.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
my face is getting scrawnier as i am dieting and losing body fat.

there came a point where i started to get approach invitations from better looking girls, without having to put strong, dominant vibes on. id just walk down the street normally and hot girls would give me approach invitations.

amount and intensity of approach invitations have really picked up since and been consistent, so it seems this is more of a permanent thing.

it tripped me out. how could that be? i havent made any huge changes to my fundamentals lately. well, actually...maybe. i could attribute it to a couple of things:

A) my face is getting scrawnier, so i look more attractive in general
B) all the pre-approach skills ive been working on for the last 6+ months happen on autopilot now, meaning my initial behavior around women is attractive to them.

A, B or a mix of A and B. Either way, it's nice that this is happening.

One of my favorite techniques I've been practicing is keeping approach invitations from women open for a long period of time. For example, at work there was this one woman, a coworker's connection, there one day. We noticed each other and were both immediately interested. After that, I closed off my awareness radius - i was just focused on whatever i was doing and didn't look everywhere. But once in a while when she was in the vicinity, I would open my awareness radius slightly, sometimes gazing over in her general direction very loosely.........this kept her engaged. I purposely left my work desk and shifted around the environment as well with a closed off awareness radius. I believe that made me seem more attainable, cuz she would think "hey there's a chance we might bump into each other"

am i crazy or do these subtle behaviors really make that much of a difference? hue?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Hey Fog, I think losing body fat and having a tighter face is actually pretty huge. I mean what can be more important than the face? I can see the difference on my own face when losing just one kilogram of weight. I think those are small subconscious things which make a big impact. One thing is sure: When I am in my ideal weight range, I get way more AI than when I am slightly overweight. And it doesn't matter how big my muscles are, the face seems to trump all.

At the moment, I too am starting a die hard diet which I had in the past and maintained for years, but have lost my discipline at for quite some time now.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Hey Fog, I think losing body fat and having a tighter face is actually pretty huge. I mean what can be more important than the face? I can see the difference on my own face when losing just one kilogram of weight. I think those are small subconscious things which make a big impact. One thing is sure: When I am in my ideal weight range, I get way more AI than when I am slightly overweight. And it doesn't matter how big my muscles are, the face seems to trump all.

hmmm,.... you show high awareness of yourself and others and clearly have good fundamentals. when thats the case, yes i agree small changes you make have a huge impact, and that facial is pretty important.

but you might be overestimating the impact of the face for beginners

i remember when i was in university....i was a socially unaware, scrawny boy with 0 fundamentals. any slight change to my face at that moment in time would not have made me more attractive to women. if there had been a change, it would have been completely overshadowed by my overwhelmingly awkward general appearance and vibe.

what do you think? are you overestimating the overall impact of the face?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
currently i am experiencing a spike in older women opening me

lately, the first 10-15 seconds of an interaction are happening seamlessly and positively for me - whether its guys or girls. i have been observing myself when this magic happens. it appears that when i inject positive energy into my verbals, use situational statements and questions, and provide sincere good feelings right off the bat...the other person becomes quite engaged quickly. its just a seamless transition into the other persons reality


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I actually wanted to pm you about this.

I have been monitoring my behaviours and I am sure my confidence, non-verbal behaviours are on point. So that is a fixed variable for me. These last few days I have gotten much more approach invitations, and I am certain it is because my weight is decreasing and getting into acceptable levels. It is the only thing that I have changed, but it has drastic results. Girls who know me react the same because they already know me. The strong impression is already there. But new ones hook much faster, I have field tested this, this very morning and do not believe it is placebo. For me it is imperative that I stay below a certain weight and to do this I will impose to myself my old dietary discipline.

There is this lame guy, who started to get more attention from a couple of average looking girls, while I am used to getting more than him since he is pretty much a gameless chump haha. He seems to have good looks, but has zero game, no dominance and cannot pull for the life of him. But I felt I was giving some ground on receiving attention and it dawned to me at that point that I was losing out because of body fat. Otherwise I have a much stronger presence, dominance and social acuity. That was for me the final straw with bad eating habits. Pretty soon I will beat this upstart to the ground in a more convincing matter. I dislike the fellow because he tried to amog me once (and he utterly failed and got humiliated for it), but this time he has actually proven useful. As a mirror to how I am losing out on one easy tweak.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
I actually wanted to pm you about this.

I have been monitoring my behaviours and I am sure my confidence, non-verbal behaviours are on point. So that is a fixed variable for me. These last few days I have gotten much more approach invitations, and I am certain it is because my weight is decreasing and getting into acceptable levels. It is the only thing that I have changed, but it has drastic results. Girls who know me react the same because they already know me. The strong impression is already there. But new ones hook much faster, I have field tested this, this very morning and do not believe it is placebo. For me it is imperative that I stay below a certain weight and to do this I will impose to myself my old dietary discipline.

There is this lame guy, who started to get more attention from a couple of average looking girls, while I am used to getting more than him since he is pretty much a gameless chump haha. He seems to have good looks, but has zero game, no dominance and cannot pull for the life of him. But I felt I was giving some ground on receiving attention and it dawned to me at that point that I was losing out because of body fat. Otherwise I have a much stronger presence, dominance and social acuity. That was for me the final straw with bad eating habits. Pretty soon I will beat this upstart to the ground in a more convincing matter. I dislike the fellow because he tried to amog me once (and he utterly failed and got humiliated for it), but this time he has actually proven useful. As a mirror to how I am losing out on one easy tweak.

feel free to pm me but remember that others could learn from some of our conversations.

i am happy to hear u are breaking through. u sound quite motivated to change yourself so hopefully this mindset will internalize itself for you. do you measure the amount of approach invitations you get in a particular day? i would like to compare notes

interesting to hear about you making moves on the lame guy. once u are confident in ur abilities to attract woman, other guys like him will simply just fade away and become less of a threat. one of the reasons why is that even if they were to talk to a girl, u could just shut it all down by amplifying his weaknesses and exposing ur strengths in the environment in subtle or sneaky ways.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
feel free to pm me but remember that others could learn from some of our conversations.

i am happy to hear u are breaking through. u sound quite motivated to change yourself so hopefully this mindset will internalize itself for you. do you measure the amount of approach invitations you get in a particular day? i would like to compare notes

interesting to hear about you making moves on the lame guy. once u are confident in ur abilities to attract woman, other guys like him will simply just fade away and become less of a threat. one of the reasons why is that even if they were to talk to a girl, u could just shut it all down by amplifying his weaknesses and exposing ur strengths in the environment in subtle or sneaky ways.

I always have been easy with motivation and sacrifice. However I don't see this as breaking through, this is simply reclaiming what was already mine. I notice that if I put great amounts of effort in one area of development it is easy to lose somewhat on other areas. However usually it is easy to recover. Also the lame guy is no competition, but I was losing a little territory, due to watered down fundamentals (like bodyfat). Overall I am much more dominant. I'm not about to challenge him either, despite being able to do so. I'll just outwit him with indirect competition, he's just a pretty face and some social skills. That's why I felt it was weak of me to feel somewhat of an impact from him. I'm certain it sounds like I have a big ego, but I am really that hard on myself.

About measuring AI's I don't really keep statistics or something but this week I have been opened a couple of times now weight control is in order. Girls find conspicious ways to approach me (hovering and asking for help). When I am in my chubby phase this doesnt happen as often. Its clear as day for me. Bodyfat is huge or I am experiencing one hell of a bias.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I know this is Fog's journal and not Dark Knight's super badass journal but I have something to add about the last subject we had, since Fog encouraged me to do so. We were discussing whether body fat changes perspectives and approach invitations from women. I was already certain that this was the case. I notice that when I am with a jacket, I now get a bit more indicators of interest. Obviously more than when I am slightly more chubby. This means that my face has become more attractive since my body is not that visible (with a jacket on).

Also yesterday I was at this arcade hall with this buddy of mine. He also knows game but is super technical about it, despite neglecting his fundamentals. (He gets his results though). This guy is everything but vain, he only focuses on the ultra practical. I haven't seen him for a month and his first comment was "you look different, have you been dieting?" If this guy who never cares about outward appearances sees a difference I suspect that the changes with female perceptions is huge. Also he seemed to show some genuine surprise, I suspect that this is because of my ban of unhealthy food. This change has probably cleared up my skin.

One thing that I have liked about Girlschase is that we never deny that looks do matter. It does. However we also acknowledge that we can get a bit intimidating, which is something I have to work on.

To summarize
*Body fat changes definitely matter with getting approach invitations. I have field tested this and am super certain.
*A lot of people underestimate the health of their skin despite and think too much in sizes and shapes. I think that having clear and healthy skin (good diet is a big factor) gives off subconscious cues to the opposite sex about our health. This is one easily overlooked factor,

I'm going to stop with highjacking your journal now fog :D.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
i am really feeling a pull towards something lately. i think it must be nature calling for spring or whatever. i am gravitating towards women lately and just have this natural desire to get in shape and start working on my technical skills again. i havent worked out in months or refrained from porn, so it would add ALOT of extra oomph to my presence if i put on some muscle, boosted my testosterone and developed a sexual edge.

its kinda easy to imagine the next level results id get from doing that, especially after my recent breakthroughs. i guess doing it is just a matter of me slowing down on my job and dedicating time to working out and technical skill review, which ive just started the beginnings of now.

semi unrelated, had two approach invitations recently that were open for a considerable amount of time but the girls were both just moderately interested. AIs from these quality of girls usually range on the higher end of receptivity. from recent experience i know their interest would have been way higher if it were not for easily identifiable slight errors in my fundamentals. i guess that level of fundamentals is what they really like
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Getting back into text game after close to a year. Gotta get warmed up for when the pandemic is over cuz its gonna be a party. Little bit rusty on what to say but still got some instincts.

Fog: hey trouble

Broad: what’s up professor?

Fog: thats master to you

Broad: oh I see copy that lol

Broad set your nickname to master but sometimes professor

Broad: I’ve sealed the deal

Fog: what are the perks that come with sealing the deal with you

Broad: I’m gonna think long and hard about this question but with that being said I think you already know the answer

Broad: I WANNA BE SPECIAL but I’m just ur average joe

Broad: Feel free to block

Fog: no i dont know the answer :) tell me. but that is very modest of you to say youre average. impressive even

Broad: There’s not a lot of perks, I won’t say 0 but there isn’t a lot. I’m adaptable so if u ever decide to move underground like a clover field hide out I will make the most of it and follow your dreams lol

Fog: we're going to hawaii

Broad: Is there where you really want to live? Or did you just blurt it out

Broad: Where do u live anyways?

Fog: doesnt matter where we go as long as we keep each other distracted for a lil bit

Broad: Murder mystery videos on YouTube?

Fog: yes

Broad: Do you actually watch those videos? I’ve been watching them for ever now probably since 16. Anything related to like almost dying or getting kidnapped etc and the murder mysteries made me SUPER paranoid. How are you holding up? Do you trust your tap water? Lol

Fog: lets be real here....i dont even know what to believe anymore sometimes...

Fog: i cant stop watching crime watch daily

Broad: Just know that u can’t trust anyone. Only ur pets but STILL don’t let ur guard down

Broad: That stuffs entertaining

Fog: hope i can trust you

Broad: Right back at ya

Fog: do u smoke weed

Broad: I mean not really if I drop acid yeah I smoke a lot that’s only really when

Broad: I don’t like coughing I like edibles though

Fog: lol im just thinking about us getting high and getting deep into conspiracy type shit

Broad: All your gonna get from me is smiles and me responding with wowzers or holy moly I’m a vegetable when I get high or everything is funny

Fog: i never gave a vegetable a booty massage before

Broad: There is a first for everything

Fog: i know what else theres a first time for

Broad: CORNROWSSSS yayyy

Fog: lol

Fog: lets meet im down for cornrows

Broad: Hells ya

Fog: no sex before marriage tho

Broad: duh

Fog: your place or mine?

Broad: I thought it was gonna be in Vegas to get married

Broad: Ok it can be my place though lol
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