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Re: songbird fog talks about women
The start of my 7th page
It appears I have the longest journal on the boards. Can’t wait for the next 7!
I detail 4 approaches:
- 2 of which i was received well.
- 2 of which i got blown out
Approach 1 - Warm Reception
I was standing. A black HB5 came and stood near me. Not a clear approach invitation, but I treated her proximity as such. I walk up to her. She’s got earphones in. I shake my hand to test her receptiveness. She takes out her earphones:
She’s trying to go back to looking at her phone. But i’m not gonna let her:
Somehow the conversation turns to traveling shortly after:
We start chatting about what the food that paris is known for. Weird how topics can change so easy:
Conversation continues, eventually she asks me this:
At this point, she’s smiling, investing, giving me IOIs and signs of nervousness. Chemistry seems to be good so I transition into a yes ladder:
Can’t remember what was said after this - her rejection continued, she was polite about it though.
Her: I’m actually waiting for him right now. [trying to get me to leave]
I was going to tell her to put her number in my phone anyways if they ever broke up. So I asked her this:
This girl was initially slightly unreceptive due to her shyness, and boldness of my opener, and the fact she had a boyfriend. In the past i would have interpreted this as her not being into me. Now, I realize she just needed a few minutes to get warmed up.
I could have made her start opening up quicker by not asking the logical dumb question about what her shirt said. I could have said instead, “your shirt says new york on it. ever been there?"
- I got this weird feeling from my yes ladder. It felt too short. I think 3 questions is the optimal amount for a good yes ladder. - I also forgot to qualify her.
- I got too excited at a certain point. I need to focus on removing these bursts of weird excitement
- Was too in my head, and rushed things instead of being calm about it
- I’ve noticed how girls experience a reaction to my yes ladders.
- She was wondering what the main food was in paris - like it was on the tip of her tongue. This could have been a good opportunity for me to name the food properly and get a nice little emotional spike from her.
Approach 2 - Warm Reception
Two black HB6s pass in front of me. Girl 1 walks right by me. Girl 2 stops right in front of me and grabs Girl 1 to stop as well. A clear approach invitation. This happened so quick, and I was still in my head trying to analyze my previouus approaches. I jump in halfheartedly:
They’re both instantly receptive.
They standing there, looking at me, not saying anything. But they are hooked.
She starts telling me about montreal:
I turn to Girl 2 and start talking to her:
There is a little confusion here as I try to figure out if she’s always been from scarborough. She says she’s from dublin:
There is some more conversation, and then i announce i am going to leave:
While she’s entering her number, I talk to Girl 1:
Girl 2 hands me my phone back.
I continue talking with the girls about some shit, then I’m about to leave. Girl 2 goes to shake my hand but instead I touch her shoulder.
Post-Conversation Texting
I texted her immediately, afterwards:
But as I started to think about the interaction, I felt as though I was a little bit unattainable and that my text itself continued to present myself as unattainable.
One hour later, she had not responded, so I sent her this:
This was last night, no response yet. Maybe I'll call her this week.
I speculate that Girl 2 wanted to talk to me, but was too shy to give me a real approach invitation. So Girl 1 hadda do it. This was an unfortunate interaction because I was in my head the majority of the time trying to figure out what to say & and do next, how to properly execute my yes ladder, how to get out of conversation quickly with Girl 1 so i could start building rapport with Girl 2. etc etc. One big thing was positioning. At one point we were all in a triangle. I wanted to ask Girl 2 if she was single, and I felt like in order to do that I would have to move closer to her so I could whisper in her ear, lmfao.
Even though she liked me and I got her #, I made too many mistakes:
-I forgot to qualify.
- There were some parts where she got confused/shocked
- At the end i touched her instead of shaking her hand when she held it out. That could have been weird for her.
- I had a weird vibe. I wasn't warm.
- I did not have a sexual vibe
-Being too abrupt. After she told me she liked my eyes, this was the perfect opportunity to flirt with her and build some sexual tension. She would have melted into a puddle. Instead, I transitioned into a yes ladder
- Her friend was implicitly saying that she had experienced racism in montreal. Here would have been a great way to display some empathy.
I believe all of this made me too unattainable.
Approach 3 - Cold Reception
A HB7 was standing around with headphones on paying attention to her phone. I knew she was gonna blow me out.
I walk up to her. I shake my hand to get her attention. She glances at me and doesn’t seem to be receptive - she’s indifferent to me, and on the verge of ignoring me. I point at the ground like she’s dropped something. Now we’re holding eye contact. She takes her earphones out:
Silence. She’s back to her indifferent non-verbals. Not sure what to say as all my planned strategy had left the building after I made the split second decision to point at the ground to try to get her to take her headphones out.
I look at her phone. She’s not lying. She’s got whatsapp open. I eject.
After she said she was sorry i really should have tried something else, but i felt deflated.
Bad game here. I’ll continue going in cold direct on HB7+s to purposely get blown out so I can figure out a way to get around this. I definitely need to work on the moments after the opener, but before she’s fully investing. Asking questions like this is not good if she’s not investing. I need to be more polarizing in situations like these. Asking what she’s up to is NOT gonna stir her emotions. I’ll work on some polarization strategies.
Approach 4 - Cold Reception
there was this HB5.5 with short orange hair, a choker on, and scars all over her arms. she looked grumpy as fuck lol. but it stll turned me on, because i felt like she would just love getting slapped and practically abused in bed, ya know?
She’s sitting down with earphones in. I go up to her and test for receptiveness. She gives me a grumpy as fuck look and takes out her earphones.
Once again, need to be polarizing.
Overall Improvements
I need to:
- Qualify girls after my yes ladder
- Try out polarization strategies for girls who are unreceptive and obviously uninterested
- Learn how to get girls investing in a smoother way. Right now my initial questions to get them investing are dumb and too logical.
There's so many other things I know i can do. But I'll focus on just these three things for my next few approaches.
The start of my 7th page
I detail 4 approaches:
- 2 of which i was received well.
- 2 of which i got blown out
Approach 1 - Warm Reception
I was standing. A black HB5 came and stood near me. Not a clear approach invitation, but I treated her proximity as such. I walk up to her. She’s got earphones in. I shake my hand to test her receptiveness. She takes out her earphones:
Me: you single?
Her [mumbling, does a slight turn of her body] no. [was a 3-4 word answer, can’t remember exactly]
Me: [can’t remember what my reply was, probably “that’s alright” but i need to work on a waaay better answer to a no.]
She’s trying to go back to looking at her phone. But i’m not gonna let her:
Me: Your shirt. What’s it say? [There’s a lot of words on the shirt, but it says new york at the top]
Her: [Touching her clothes] Idk I don’t really pay attention, i just sort of bought it. [indifferent tone]
Me: ohhh new york! I know what new york is like! It’s very dirty.
Her: [starts opening up] ya when i bought it my sister was talking about it. [she continues talking, but i can’t hear her/im in my head]
Somehow the conversation turns to traveling shortly after:
Her: i’ve lived in toronto my whole life
Me: ohhh so youre one of THOSE girls. well do you have any plans to travel?
Her: [laughing]it’s in my plans to travel, eventually
Me: oh ya? Where do you wanna go?
Her: I was thinking Rio
Me: why rio? why not somewhere in europe
Her: [explaining her reason]
Me: and after that?
Her: I’m not sure
Me: you gotta go somewhere romantic! Like spain
Her: Hmm I was thinking paris
Me: yes thats romantic too
We start chatting about what the food that paris is known for. Weird how topics can change so easy:
Her: what’s the main food there?
Me: tea and crumpets
Conversation continues, eventually she asks me this:
Her: what’s your name?
Me: fog, nice to meet you
Her: I’m alison. With one L.
Me: does that ever bug you? the fact that there’s one L?
Her: no actually, not really. [explains more, but I’m too in my head again]
At this point, she’s smiling, investing, giving me IOIs and signs of nervousness. Chemistry seems to be good so I transition into a yes ladder:
Me: alison I have a good idea
Her: what’s that
Me: are you ready to hear it
Her: yes
Me: do you drink liquids
Her [hesitant] yes i drink water
Me: how about we go for a water soon
Her: I’m sorry i dont think my boyfriend would like that.
Me: he doesnt have to know.
Her: huh? [seems confused]
Me: he doesnt have to know!
Can’t remember what was said after this - her rejection continued, she was polite about it though.
Her: I’m actually waiting for him right now. [trying to get me to leave]
I was going to tell her to put her number in my phone anyways if they ever broke up. So I asked her this:
Me: is it serious??
Her: it really is
Me: like you’re gonna get married
Her: that serious, we’ve been together for years.
Me: ok, im not gonna fuck with that
Her: *laughs*
Me: have a good day! nice to meet you
This girl was initially slightly unreceptive due to her shyness, and boldness of my opener, and the fact she had a boyfriend. In the past i would have interpreted this as her not being into me. Now, I realize she just needed a few minutes to get warmed up.
I could have made her start opening up quicker by not asking the logical dumb question about what her shirt said. I could have said instead, “your shirt says new york on it. ever been there?"
- I got this weird feeling from my yes ladder. It felt too short. I think 3 questions is the optimal amount for a good yes ladder. - I also forgot to qualify her.
- I got too excited at a certain point. I need to focus on removing these bursts of weird excitement
- Was too in my head, and rushed things instead of being calm about it
- I’ve noticed how girls experience a reaction to my yes ladders.
- She was wondering what the main food was in paris - like it was on the tip of her tongue. This could have been a good opportunity for me to name the food properly and get a nice little emotional spike from her.
Approach 2 - Warm Reception
Two black HB6s pass in front of me. Girl 1 walks right by me. Girl 2 stops right in front of me and grabs Girl 1 to stop as well. A clear approach invitation. This happened so quick, and I was still in my head trying to analyze my previouus approaches. I jump in halfheartedly:
Me: you guys from around here?
Girl 1: we’re actually not. We’re from scarborough.
They’re both instantly receptive.
Me: ohh, i know what scarborough girls are like I’ve been to scarborough once, i fucking hated it
They standing there, looking at me, not saying anything. But they are hooked.
Me: It was just this one incident that happened that really turned me off of it. [staring into the distance] have you always lived here?
Girl 1: No I’m from montreal
She starts telling me about montreal:
Girl 1: There was a lot of racism there.
Me: Oh
Girl 1: Yeah and it’s a pretty boring city. It’s good if you wanna party but otherwise it sucks.
Me: I was thinking about living there but now I’m gonna give it a second thought.
I turn to Girl 2 and start talking to her:
Me: where are you from?
Girl 2: [seems a little shocked that i was talking to her, and gets nervous] scarborough
There is a little confusion here as I try to figure out if she’s always been from scarborough. She says she’s from dublin:
Girl 2: I’m from Dublin.
Me: get out [neutral face and vocal tone]
Girl 2: [seems shocked - probably took me too serious because of my vocal tone and face.]
Me: Ireland?
Girl 2: yes [starts telling me about it. when she moved here, she was born there blalbla]
Me: so are the stereotypes true?
Girl 2: [confused]
Me: like do they drink a lot there
Girl 2: [gets enthusiastic, she understands and starts telling me all about it]
There is some more conversation, and then i announce i am going to leave:
Me: im gonna get going soon
Girl 2: I like your eyes! [escalation window triggered by my time constraint]
Me: oh listen, i have a great idea. are you ready to hear it?
Girl 2: yes
Me: do you drink liquids?
Girl 2: Yes
Me: do i seem like a friendly person?
Girl 2: [really enthusiastic] Yes!
Me: alright how about we catch some drinks sometime?
Girl 2: Alright sounds good!
Me: [I have my phone out and I’m trying to get it ready so she can put her number in]
Girl 2: do you have snapchat?
Me: no [hands girl 2 the phone]
While she’s entering her number, I talk to Girl 1:
Girl 1: how old are you?
Me: how old do i look?
Girl 1: [can’t remember what she said.]
Me: im 26.
Girl 1: that’s not that bad.
Me: how old are you guys?
Girl 1: we’re 18
Girl 1: ya i had a feeling you were like 25
Me: thats surprising, i always get 17-18, especially in the states
Girl 1: [surprised]
Girl 2 hands me my phone back.
Me: valentina. nice to meet you. my names fog.
I continue talking with the girls about some shit, then I’m about to leave. Girl 2 goes to shake my hand but instead I touch her shoulder.
Post-Conversation Texting
I texted her immediately, afterwards:
Me: Hey valentina, this is fog, save my #
But as I started to think about the interaction, I felt as though I was a little bit unattainable and that my text itself continued to present myself as unattainable.
One hour later, she had not responded, so I sent her this:
Me: we should hang out sometime this week![]()
This was last night, no response yet. Maybe I'll call her this week.
I speculate that Girl 2 wanted to talk to me, but was too shy to give me a real approach invitation. So Girl 1 hadda do it. This was an unfortunate interaction because I was in my head the majority of the time trying to figure out what to say & and do next, how to properly execute my yes ladder, how to get out of conversation quickly with Girl 1 so i could start building rapport with Girl 2. etc etc. One big thing was positioning. At one point we were all in a triangle. I wanted to ask Girl 2 if she was single, and I felt like in order to do that I would have to move closer to her so I could whisper in her ear, lmfao.
Even though she liked me and I got her #, I made too many mistakes:
-I forgot to qualify.
- There were some parts where she got confused/shocked
- At the end i touched her instead of shaking her hand when she held it out. That could have been weird for her.
- I had a weird vibe. I wasn't warm.
- I did not have a sexual vibe
-Being too abrupt. After she told me she liked my eyes, this was the perfect opportunity to flirt with her and build some sexual tension. She would have melted into a puddle. Instead, I transitioned into a yes ladder
- Her friend was implicitly saying that she had experienced racism in montreal. Here would have been a great way to display some empathy.
I believe all of this made me too unattainable.
Approach 3 - Cold Reception
A HB7 was standing around with headphones on paying attention to her phone. I knew she was gonna blow me out.
I walk up to her. I shake my hand to get her attention. She glances at me and doesn’t seem to be receptive - she’s indifferent to me, and on the verge of ignoring me. I point at the ground like she’s dropped something. Now we’re holding eye contact. She takes her earphones out:
Her: I’m sorry?
Me: You single?
Her: No
Me: That’s alright.
Silence. She’s back to her indifferent non-verbals. Not sure what to say as all my planned strategy had left the building after I made the split second decision to point at the ground to try to get her to take her headphones out.
Me: What are you up to?
Her: I’m going home.
Me: You were at the mall?
Her: I’m sorry I’m talking to my friends.
I look at her phone. She’s not lying. She’s got whatsapp open. I eject.
After she said she was sorry i really should have tried something else, but i felt deflated.
Bad game here. I’ll continue going in cold direct on HB7+s to purposely get blown out so I can figure out a way to get around this. I definitely need to work on the moments after the opener, but before she’s fully investing. Asking questions like this is not good if she’s not investing. I need to be more polarizing in situations like these. Asking what she’s up to is NOT gonna stir her emotions. I’ll work on some polarization strategies.
Approach 4 - Cold Reception
there was this HB5.5 with short orange hair, a choker on, and scars all over her arms. she looked grumpy as fuck lol. but it stll turned me on, because i felt like she would just love getting slapped and practically abused in bed, ya know?
She’s sitting down with earphones in. I go up to her and test for receptiveness. She gives me a grumpy as fuck look and takes out her earphones.
Me: you single?
Her: no [grumpy still]
Me: alright
Her: huh?
Me: what?
Her: [grumpy look intensifies, like I’m wasting her time. she puts earphones back in.]
Once again, need to be polarizing.
Overall Improvements
I need to:
- Qualify girls after my yes ladder
- Try out polarization strategies for girls who are unreceptive and obviously uninterested
- Learn how to get girls investing in a smoother way. Right now my initial questions to get them investing are dumb and too logical.
There's so many other things I know i can do. But I'll focus on just these three things for my next few approaches.