Hey Radeng,
It's good that you aren't coming out of this bitter (doesn't sound like you are). And you sound like you are making the right steps to combat all this moving forward, and learn from the experiences with this girl.
Something that came to my mind (not sure if this helps or not but thought it may be worth mentioning), is that in regards to wanting monogamy, there are girls out there that are truly love at first sight fucking made for us, and just ideal for us. If thye are that, and if they then after that fill out your logical criteria (in regards of say, age and career, and any other conditions) then it is essentially a match made in heaven.
Chase talked about this topic more in depth in some (in my opinion) great recent articles
https://www.girlschase.com/content/edit-stor ... ng-romance
https://www.girlschase.com/content/edit-stor ... irst-sight
PArt one on not fearing love and getting into relationships (especially after you've had bad expereineces like your current one) and aprt 2 is on love at first sight what it is and how to find girls you have that connection with.
I just thought I'd mention this, because Ive learned that girls like this exist out there that are love at first sight and you are crazy like made for each other at first fucking sight, and that any monogamy I have won't ever be less than that (not even something I have to really worry about not jinxing or hesitating to say; once you feel that you won't be able to feel monogamous feelings for a girl you have anything less than that with).
I'd try the article's advice for searching for love at first sight girlfriends yourself; I've had a girl like this come into my life, like a month ago and seen and talked to her a couple of times (journaled about it a while back), and it is amazing something outside of this world man. YOu know it in an instant, and its funny because it isnt pussy feelings or bitch feelings of "the one", but it is like some kind of strong alignement and feeling of destiny that you and this girl are meant to end up togehter.
My friend was there to observe it and how she looked at me and me at her. He was tellilng me about it again today, because it was on some relevant topic, and he described it again as something absolutely magical and crazy how literal love at first sight was there in how taht girl and I looked at each other and talked to each other.
Those girls are out there dude, and with all the expereince and achievment you have so far bro, I'm sure when you find them, you can enter into very fulfilling relationships with them and give them the time of their lives (and they back to you).
My girl's somewhere out on campus still; don't think about her much right now and will run into her when i do again if i do again on campus... but part of us guys is forever searching for those girls... and part of every guy does want something monogamous and special with a deeply connected to woman like that. feels that way at least.
Cheers hope this wasn't too off topic, and good luck bro