No. But I went to one of the Unis Listed - in fact a very similar Uni to Oxford.
or maybe that is where you learned about "ai theory"
Most schools on AI are interdisciplinary centers (usually a collab university and a technical university). You should know this dear AI expert.
I started getting into AI after graduating (after my Msc and MA).
was this the same planet where you have a 1 in 5 close rate with a talking style in loud nightclubs?
Question this all you want. As I said, 1/5 was my avg ratio during high momentum. Do not take things out of context.
or its the planet where the hottest girls are not in mainstream/high end nightclubs but instead in gay clubs?
I never said that. In fact I mostly only go to selective venues, including David Lynch's private club. I also wrote plenty of articles on that exact subject (including how to get into those). True high end venues have the highest concentration of hot girls and the best male-to-female ratio.
I did however say that gay clubs is also a bastion of hot girls and that you can find some of the hottest girls there, since many hot girls, that work in industries where gay guys work (flight attendants, make up artists, models, fashion designers etc). Many gay guys have hot female friends. You gonna deny that?
The advantage of gay clubs is the lack of male heterosexual competition as well as the overly friendly vibe. It is EASIER to bang a hot girl from a gay club than a high end venue (also easier to get INTO a gay club).
and we should take someone seriously who claims there is no scientific consensus on gravity?
let me break it down.
ray dalio,elon musk, google, ray kurswell,meta,satya nadela, and more all share my position on the subject
Its Ray
Kurzweil BTW. And he is a futurist who truly believes in the thesis of singularity (loved his book BTW! very interesting!). So does Musk and the other you list. So yes, there is a consensus between thinkers that agree. Wow... shocking.
Not saying I agree or disagree with them. But there are equally many that disagrees with them.
all these people and their multi trillions in resources share my position
A "resource" cannot share your position.
If I were to give you a literature review or a credible publication on the matter, will you take back your claim? I doubt it since it is clear you are not here to debate in good faith.
I must also add, your way of arguing is very scientific and academic.