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rr2021 VS Teevster (and others:) "Scientism", Basic Epistemology & Academic Credentials


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013

science is a philosophy on your planet?


Some argue that yes, science is in a way a philosophy (I did not say I agree with this).

But there is a philosophy of science YES. Any PhD candidates has to do a basic course in the philosophy of science as well as a course in ethics. This very likely incluces many of the schools you listed.

It is kind of the "rules" of science, the scientific culture and norms.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
hahaha yes im sure on your planet germany is a tech hub that has produced many great tech firms.

It actually is. Although Switzerland, the Netherlands and the UK are the leading actors in Europe when it comes to AI research.


rr2021 aka DEVENCI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2021
Some argue that yes, science is in a way a philosophy (I did not say I agree with this).

is this how you seduce women in loud nightclubs with your talking style

you say something then when i point out that its hilarious nonsense suddenly it becomes "im not saying that i said that, some other people have said that, does not mean i agree"....lol wtf

is this how your verbal style is with girls to get 1 in 5 close rate as well?

rr2021 aka DEVENCI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2021
It actually is. Although Switzerland, the Netherlands and the UK are the leading actors in Europe when it comes to AI research.

yes amazing.

on your planet all tech centers in the world are not sillicon valley and china but the UK and the netherlands.

amazing how different things are on that planet.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013

is this how you seduce women in loud nightclubs with your talking style

you say something then when i point out that its hilarious nonsense suddenly it becomes "im not saying that i said that, some other people have said that, does not mean i agree"....lol wtf

At no point did I say science was a philosophy. I am more of the school that science stems from and is based on fundamental philosophy. Now you got my position on the matter.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
on your planet all tech centers in the world are not sillicon valley and china but the UK and the netherlands.

amazing how different things are on that planet.

Silicon valley is the center of tech firms.

I have not said otherwise. You are using a strawman.

Also, we were talking about unis. You are slightly changing the topic.

And secondly, just because one place is good at AI research, doesn't mean something else is bad.

Just because I think burgers taste the best, doesn't mean Pizzas has to suck. The logic is odd, especially applied in this context.


rr2021 aka DEVENCI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2021
Just because I think burgers taste the best, doesn't mean Pizzas has to suck. The logic is odd, especially applied in this context.

great analogy.

you are gettting close man.

this was a pretty funnny one.

but still has not topped mit knowing more about ai then google.

but pretty good one.

good job.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

rr2021 aka DEVENCI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2021
Also, we were talking about unis. You are slightly changing the topic.
hahaha what?

what topic?

im just learning about life on your planet.

its amazing the difference compared to here on earth.

amazing how in your world sillicon valley and china do not dominate tech

and its amazing how in your world there is no consensus on how gravity works


im captivated by these tales of life on your planet

and lets not forget in that world somehow girls can hear your talking style in loud nightclubs and thus you get 1 in 5 close rate



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
and to be clear.

this is a position you learned on the same planet where the scientific community has no consensus on how gravity or the laws of physics work?

Initially I said this:

I never argued that AI will not have a major impact on the world. I argued there is no consensus on how much, what type of impact, and on exactly which field of human activity the impact will be seen.

Then you brought in gravity (???)

Then I made a general statement on consensus in the use of the term in the scientific debate:

There is no consensus on the laws of physics (ref Nils Bohr vs Einstein debate, Heisenberg vs Einstein debate etc). That said, it is true that hard sciences, and especially experimental physics tend to be harder and have more lawlike features.

Epistemology 101.

Although I am not saying the theories surrounding gravity are wrong. However, the field of study surrounding gravity is still being studied and any "true" theories are true in light of their possibility of being falsified (e.g. Popper). This is an essential part of the definition of "science".

Thus terms like consensus are rather "unscientific" or even "anti-sciencitific". Funnily enough, I have only seen the term "consensus" related to science being used online usually by people who do not have a background in science (never heard a PhD or a post-doc use such terminology).

Then I added as a precision (since it clearly wasn't clear to you):

That is where I had a very basic course in epistemology/philosophy of science that taught me science is falsifiable and that terms like consensus are dangerous in science.

That said, there is a conventional consensus surrounding gravity, yes. Just like there is a conventional consensus that the earth is round.

I got nothing else to you on this matter.


rr2021 aka DEVENCI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2021
At no point did I say science was a philosophy. I am more of the school that science stems from and is based on fundamental philosophy. Now you got my position on the matter.

rr2021 aka DEVENCI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2021
Then I made a general statement on consensus in the use of the term in the scientific debate:
ahhh ok.

so on your planet there is currently a debate in the scientific community on how gravity works?

got it.

thanks for clarifying.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
but still has not topped mit knowing more about ai then google.

I do not think either of us are in a position to say who or which institution knows the most about AI.

My point that I have made, and I keep repeating myself is that...

- There are things being debated within the field of AI, and within the field of science
- There are good researchers at google, there are good researcher at MIT, there are good researcher at TUM. Nothing here is mutually exclusive.

I did not, and i have never said MIT was the best. I did however say it was the leading UNIVERSITY within the field (since we talked about that for a while until you decided to move on for reasons unknown to me).



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013

rr2021 aka DEVENCI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2021
I did not, and i have never said MIT was the best.

so you did not say mit knows more about ai then google?

lol what?

dude relax.

no need to lie and edit your posts.

i know you keep making embarrassing statements and when i point it out, suddenly it becomes "some say not me"

chill dude.

no one is going to arrest you for embarrassing yourself on the internet.

look at flat earthers.

chill out.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
so you did not say mit knows more about ai then google?

I said this:

I do not think either of us are in a position to say who or which institution knows the most about AI.

It was written just above.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013

first its there is no consensus.

now its "im saying there is still ongoing research"


Yes there is always ongoing research on gravity?
