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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Friday, March 12, 2021
Meh Type of Night

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

Eh, kind of cliché, but they’re some sticky words and it gets the job done.

My sleep schedule is once again in tatters – it contributes to me getting out super late. All I need is one, I think. Same bomber jacket-outfit that I’ve been rolling with. It’s actually a nice night, and it’s borderline too warm for the jacket.

The vibe of the air is odd. The place just seems extremely, extremely quiet – usually there’s a bit more passerby than this. Perhaps there were a lot of Greek Life parties on Thursday to celebrate the warming weather, and now everyone is taking the night off. Typically, though, Fridays have been the most (relatively) active nights. Strange.

Circling around my alternate, logistics-based route near my apartment, I finally see a girl on her phone, seemingly waiting for a ride. Great! She’s hot enough. I set up the phone-hover-to-AI, and just as I’m about to open, a dude turns the corner, saying, “What’s up sexy?!??!?”

Well, he ain’t talking to me.

The two then meet in an aggressive kissing embrace. I wonder what would have happened if I came by even a second sooner.

Based on the feel of the night, I was planning on rolling with an RPO – largely because whatever weird vibe in the air was genuinely tickling my brain. While I’m walking to the Bench of Sexual Conquest, I make a note that I’ll have to put aside some cash to build a spring/summer wardrobe because I really don’t have much that I feel good about for seductive purposes.

I’ve been loitering about for around an hour when I have my first approach. I see a girl walking towards me in the distance and open when I eventually feel her eye contact. She’s not a stunner (but probably an amazing person), though attractive enough to work with.
Me: Hey there. How is your night going?
HB: Good! You?
Me: Eh, so-so. Hey, hold on. I have a very important question to ask you.
*HB keeps walking and holding her phone, not seeming that interested*
HB (hesitantly): What is it?
*Due to her indifference, I make a quick decision to swap out the RPO with another hook strategy*
Me: Yeah so I’ve been thinking, so oftentimes… women are just treated so unfairly, you know? Like my friend Jada was at a party tonight and was texting me about how she was dancing and socializing and meeting cute boys and having a great time… when suddenly… this dude comes out of nowhere and starts grabbing and groping her. That’s such a shame isn’t it, that most men only view women as sexual objects?
HB: Yeah, that happens here a lot.
Me: Yeah… and let me know if you agree with me about this… it doesn’t even make sense for the men, right… because women don’t want to be groped and grabbed… from talking to my friends, it’s like what they really want… is someone to talk to… someone to connect with… someone who meshes with them at a deeper level. Is that right?
HB: Yeah, guys are really disrespectful generally speaking. It happened to me tonight. A guy started touching me and I had to make him get off me because I have a boyfriend! And he was like, “I just wanted to tell you how sexy you were!”
For some reason, the way she narcissistically voiced that last part was pretty irritating, but I should’ve worked past it. I kind of felt turned off, though, and the developing bubble broke. She made a movement to keep walking with a wave, and I didn’t persist further. I did get the sense that she was being honest about the boyfriend. It wasn’t even an objection – I could’ve definitely worked with it. Onto the future with hotter girls.

A while passes before I hear an unusual female yell.

“I’m about to get fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“See me? Girl in the white shirt and tennis skirt? I’m about to get FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!”

I’m like whaaaaaaaa…..?

So I slowly glance over and see the girl walking in my direction with a dude a step or two behind her. They’re in jolly spirits, and the girl is leading the charge to the bedroom. Aesthetically, she’s a bit above average. The guy is looking quite satisfied.

I was just planning on making a friendly comment when they passed, but I’m quite surprised when I look up from my phone and see the girl’s hand extended in my face, looking for a handshake.
HB (with hand extended): I’m about to have SEX!
Me: Really!?!?!
HB: Yeah!!!!!!!
*I shake her hand*
Me: Congratulations! SEX IS THE BEST!!!!
*She gets super excited – the guy joins at her side*
HB: RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?
Guy: You gotta dap me up for this, bro!
*he extends his hand to dap*
*I look at him*
*I look back at the girl without acknowledging him further*

Me: I love how open you are about sex. It’s like you’re so sexually liberated. You see, most girls aren’t like this… as if they’re ashamed of their sexuality. But you’re not. You’re different. And it’s like the more open you are sexually, the more sexually liberated you are, the more fun you have during sex.
The girl is super cheery talking to me about how excited she is to get fucked and how much she loves getting fucked while the guy just falls into the frame. I have a slight whoosh of a threesome thought, but this girl is kooky kooky kooky. Which I’m all good with, really. She’s a champion of a life.

I’d go for it if the dude wasn’t there. But I don’t have much interest in seeing some random dude’s cock in her mouth or whatever. Don’t want to tool him too much either – they’re so excited. Accordingly, I just casually wish them a wonderful time, which causes them to start turning away. With the girl saying how much she hopes that I’ll also have sex tonight!!!

Me too!!!

Maybe all it would’ve taken is just a, “Well, do you like being fucked by TWO guys?”

Which probably would’ve sent her wet pussy into ecstasy mode and perhaps I would work towards an invitation. Yet, again, the cock thing… I guess I’m not that sexually liberated myself…?

Yeah, that was an odd one.

A while later, a short, chubby girl comes sprinting by me. I don’t engage. Three strange dudes come calling after her. I also overhear about how they “so could’ve beaten that guy up.” These guys aren’t beating anyone up.

Once they see me, one tells another, “Oh my god, go ask him if he’s okay!”

The recipient follows the command and walks over to me, asking the question. I say yeah, rather dismissively. The guy wants a fist bump. No thanks – Covid, I say, Covid. He asks if I’d give him a fist bump if he put a mask on his fist. Still, yeah, sorry.

These guys are doing their best to act tough and offended that I won’t fist bump their guy. They start to get a bit aggressive in their chatter, but they won’t do anything. I play around until they mope off, complaining about how I wouldn’t fist bump them. Sheesh.

I keep hanging around for some time, but no other chances. Usually, I’d hover closer towards campus for a last gasp, but not tonight. I’m feeling drained – time to recharge.

On my way back, I see two guys and an average blonde sitting on the curb. One of the dudes is really gaming hard, trying to get this girl to come with them. He has a super thick Russian accent. He asks the girl repeatedly if she’ll come with, and she’s like, “Yeah lol” each time. Almost trying to force a DTF girl into ASD haha. After a few times of asking this confirmation, he says, “Pinky promise?”

Haha I don’t know if he saw Skills’ post or what, but it worked, and she made the pinky promise. The second guy just stares in amazement that they’re getting a girl tonight.

When I walk by, the girl gives me a look. That type of look.

Could’ve tried tooling those guys and made the attempt to isolate… but that would not be honorable. I keep walking.

Not the best night, but sometimes that’s how it goes. Post-up for a few hours and only a couple girls walk by. It happens. I’m always glad that I go out and try.

We move forward.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
*Note: the vast majority of this post was written directly after the outing. Reading it now, I smell some ego wafting from a few words. But I will leave it as-is due to being my in-the-moment reflection.*

Saturday, March 13, 2021
FR++ - A Big Lesson

Welp. I learned something very important today.

After a long, erratic night, I pulled a girl back to my place. Yet, the thing is that I just wasn’t that into her. She was okay – neither pretty nor ugly. The entire time, I was questioning whether I wanted her or not. Or could want her. The truth, though… the truth is that I knew the entire time that I never did want her. I was just going through the motions because I thought that I should as a seducer. It felt wrong. In the end, I let her go after she gave some token LMR.

I’ve been proud of the quality of girls that I’ve been with. Really happy. It’s taught me that even from the start of your seduction journey, you can and should just always go for who you want.

Go for the girl, not the lay.

Tonight, this girl would’ve been just a lay to me.

And I’ll do more introspection here.

For all this contrast framing that I do about not seeing women as sexual objects, I completely, 100000000000% see women as sexual objects.

If I’ve been talking to a girl on my own time, it’s because I want to be with her in bed. I don’t socialize with girls, I don’t text them for fun – when I see a girl, I think, “Do I want her or not?”

I mean, I don’t treat women as sexual objects. Not that at all. I just only seek interaction with women for sex (and the cool feelings and experiences with her). That’s what I mean here. So maybe I have thinking and reframing to do.

Also, I cannot be pulling girls that I’m not attracted to. If she’s on the looks borderline, then maybe I can make the approach and see if we vibe. Then guage. But otherwise, it’s just not how I want to do things personally.

I'm in seduction because I want to be with the girls that I desire the most. I don’t care about racking up lay counts – that doesn’t mean much to me.

Lastly, gaining sexual experience doesn’t mean that I have to sacrifice quality. I was thinking, “I could use that experience.” Which is true. What is also true is that I can do a better job with a hotter girl, and then get the necessary experience with her.

Alright. Now here’s what happened.

It’s about 1:30 am when I get out. I don’t know how many times that I need to write that I need to get out earlier. Each time I don’t, I make it harder for myself. It’s already tough – I may only get an approach or two every hour. Grow up, Lofty, and manage your time better.

Same outfit. Was thinking about ditching the jacket with the decent weather and swapping the AF1s with my green sneakers. The jacket just makes it a better outfit, however, so I didn’t.

About 15 minutes later, I’m passing through my first post-up spot when met with a fairly unattractive two-set. They engage with me eccentrically, but I eject after being weirded out.

On my way to the bench, I see a decent blonde showing a lot of chest waiting for a ride by the curbside. Unfortunately, I mess up my hover and just kind of slide in next to her. It was smooth in a fuckboy sense but not in a seducer sense. That disrupted my mind, and I just went with a simple opener to get my mind back on track.
Me: Hey there. I have a VERY important question for you.
HBDelude: *stares*
Me: If I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10, what would you say?
HB: Rate you or rate my night?
Me: Your night :)
HB: 10.
Me: You know, that’s really interesting, right… because I feel like… and maybe you feel like this, too… that so many people party but never fully let themselves go… as if boulder of pressure is always weighing down on their back. But not you. I do get the sense that you’re the type of girl who really has s superb sense of self, like you’re really confident in who you are… is that right? *this was not the right verbal path to take*
HB: You can tell that from knowing me for a whole minute?
Me: Yeah… haven’t you ever noticed how sometimes… we can really learn a lot about other people… very quickly? It’s like the more you pay attention to the person in front of you, the more you can sense about their character without even saying a word.
HB: Riiiiight.
Then I just get into “My friend Jada” verbals, which helped strengthen the hook. In the middle of it, she gets a phone call, picks it up, confirms that her ride is on the way, and then turns back to me. At that point, I know it’s tough if people are already coming for her. It’s too soon to eject, though.

She becomes fairly immersed after some better pacing from me. Also, my place is still quite close. She is avoiding eye contact – not sure if she was actually being dismissive or stimulated.

At one point, she notes how she feels that I’m a “pick-me guy.” I ask her what that means. She’s unable to explain. I persist, but she still is unable to articulate. Did she mean pickup artist? Or if “pick-me” guy means a try-hard, desperate chode, then I don’t even want to know.

But this approach, I was admittedly too gamey overall.

What ruins this set is the sudden appearance of a drunk guy she knows. He had already walked by us before deciding to turn around and join the conversation. His words don’t make much sense, but the girl finds him funny. He’s frankly a douche. Gets protective and hurt that I’m talking to a social-circle girl and starts pretending to be her boyfriend. The girl is unreceptive of it at first, but eventually falls into the frame. Once it gets there, I know that my effort is better spent elsewhere due to the late hour. I eject, murmuring to myself about how she called me a “pick-me guy.”

I do some breathing and mental exercises to clear my mind of that.

When I’m almost to the bench, I see a fight breaking out in a nearby alcove. Two large groups with a few guys from each side exchanging heated words. Won’t get into what they said, but there was a lot of unfriendly tension.

When I’m past the group, one of them makes a comment to me. I passively respond, and then he says something offensive – then I know to just hum a melody and keep on walking. Girls, not fights.

Behind me, I hear commotion break out and sounds of flesh being pummeled. One group of guys was a lot more physically built than the other.

I get to the bench and think about using that fight as the basis for an RPO/meta-pace opener (MPO?) thing. I’ve done something similar before. Not much goes on for a while.

Eventually, I’m passed by a mixed set of 10+ people. Two blondes are in the front. The tall blonde with a lot of makeup and a sweetheart neckline catches my eye. The two girls say hi to me when passing. I can tell that they’re all going to a party. Maybe should’ve tried to latch on, but I thought that it was probably low-percentage and inefficient. The group enters one of the nearby buildings. That was around 2:30 am.

I decide to move locations about 15 minutes after that. It’s really late now. But the nicer weather actually has (relatively) more passerby than I’d expect, especially compared to the previous night. I come across a MFF set – the two girls are HOT. One of the girls is a bit separated from the others and looking for a lost phone. Déjà vu.

An offer is made to help her, of course with the intention of running through SOTs while doing so. She’s receptive to me. Within seconds the guy comes over and shuts down the vibe. I try to use some charm, but it’s clear that there will be an issue if I stick around. Sheesh.

I walk around, frustrated at my night.

An interesting sight ahead catches my vision. The girls from before with the tall, attractive blonde. They’re leaving the building that I saw them enter earlier. No guys are with them now… hmmm. What could have happened?

When I see them stop to rest on a series of cement steps, I know what my plan will be. Now, if I just go and walk by them, then I’d be going in the opposite direction of my apartment. Bad for sprezzatura and pulling. I’ve learned this.

So what I’ll do is come at them from the proper direction. I’m aware of this area because it’s very close to where HBWifey lives – I explored it a little after that experience. I know a shortcut that will allow me to quickly walk around them without being seen.

I do so and pop around the block, now coming by them with the correct compassing. Six girls. Three are sitting on a step, and three siting on the sidewalk. The tall blonde – HBStarmix - is the closest to me on the step. She’s the most attractive in the group and will be my target. I slightly slow my pace when I’m about to pass – the group now notices me – and HBStarmix smiles and cheerily says, “Hi!” while giving an animated wave. Makes hovering over by her even easier.
HBStarmix: Hi!!
Me: Hey there… wait, hold on. I have a question for you.
HB: *stares*
Me: Did you see the fight that broke out down the street not too long ago? It was so crazy and helped me realize something really interesting…
Friend1: FIGHT?!?!?
HB: No, I didn’t – when and where?
Me: Yeah it wasn’t too long ago… just down the street. A brawl of brutes… really… seemingly for no reason. But here’s what I was thinking, and maybe I’m crazy for thinking this… but…. have you ever wondered what possesses those guys to act like that? Because when you’re out partying and there’s a… percolating… vibe in the air… and everyone’s having a magnificent time letting loose… instead of fighting… wouldn’t you rather just keep the good times going?
HB: Yeah, seriously! Some people just always find a way to ruin a good night. We’ve been in an interesting situation ourselves. We were at a party and… *turns and looks at the group and all start giggling, except for one girl on the sidewalk who is crying*
Me (sitting down next to HBStarmix): Okay… you guys seem like a really unique set of friends… almost as if you’re close, like sisters. I was walking home, but hey.... maybe I’ll hang out for a bit. Okay, so you were at a party… dancing a little, drinking a little, daring a little… and suddenly… something happened?
HB: *smiles and rotates her legs towards me*
HB: Well, it sure did get interesting. We met these guys earlier tonight, and they brought us to a party even though maybe we shouldn’t have went.
Friend2 (who has been paying attention the entire time): Oh yeah, yeah it did :)
Oh boy. Here we go.
Me: You just have to tell me now. Alright, so we’re at the party. Imagine that I’m there with you. Walk me through these… spontaneous occurrences… and kind of how it had you feeling…
HB: Okay! So, we met those guys, and they brought us to this place right over there. *points*. We get inside, and it’s not that great. They have some alcohol, but honestly it was getting lame. They said one of their roommates wasn’t there, and, uh, wasn’t going to be there, and we walked by his room.
Friend2: And there was a Confederate flag on the wall!
Me: No way, seriously?
Friend2: I know, right? I found scissors, tore it down, and cut it up.
HB: *shifts uncomfortably*
HB: And then the roommate came back. He was pissed off.
Friend1: IT WAS SO FUNNY!!!
HB: We bailed, but we also got kicked out.
Me: You know, that is pretty crazy. Yeah... here are my thoughts about it.
Me: Like, you were just trying to have a good time. Hoping to alleviate all the stress of a long week… COVID, school, social-circle drama… and you know what, you DESERVE to have some fun. And honestly, those guys were already lucky to even have you at the party anyway. You gave them a chance… and they let you down… making you feel uncomfortable… when their full attention should have been on YOUR experience, not their own selfishness.
Friend2: Oh my god, oh my god, this guy gets it!
Me: And also… I don’t blame you for what you did… not one bit. The feelings that you must have felt when you saw that flag… RAGE… just building and building and building inside of you and... I KNOW... that you just had to let it all out. AND YOU DID. Now it’s like your mind is freed from that anger – back to the fun and happy times, right?
Friend2: Yeah!!!
Me: And personally, I think you did the right thing. In fact, it’s almost like he was asking for it! Plus, it’s actually good that you learned their true colors, right, like those aren’t the guys you want to hang out with. You must want better, and I know these types of guys must be hard to find… but they must be out there somewhere, you know?
*Friend2 and HB proceed to ask me tons of social frame questions. Age, where I live, name, hometown, etc.*
Alright, a zany bunch, but they’re very friendly. Furthermore, I see HBStarmix’s tits in my peripheral vision and would like to fuck her.

We continue talking. Mostly it’s the three girls on the steps chatting, but the others (except for the crying girl) chime in, too. Friend1 and Friend2 talk to me, asking me questions. And if I’m engaged with them, I make sure to eventually either tie it back to HBStarmix or give her a little smile and stare. I catch her look down a couple times, adjusting her hair.

They’re waiting for their UberXL, and I’m trying to figure out how to work this. Friend1 has new puppies that they want to play with. The group will be staying at her place tonight. Alright, try to go with them. This is the solution. But the notion of just isolating HBStarmix now also creeps into my mind when I sense her investment and arousal.

Abruptly, a big silver van pulls up. At this point, I was just getting close and chatty with HBStarmix, knees touching. The others wave bye to me and hop in the van. HBStarmix doesn’t move.

She asks for my SnapChat. Shame that I just deleted all my social media – it was really consuming my life. Now she asks for my phone number – could I give her that? Sure, sure.

But I don’t really like phone numbers, and I want her now. So I make the offer to stay together a little bit longer. She would really like to, but she already promised to stay with Friend1 tonight and play with the puppies.

“Your friends have your number and can just text or call if they need you,” I persist. “Plus, you can always just grab another ride to Friend1’s place whenever you want to.”

Hesitation. She wants it…

Then Friend2 hops out of the car and very genuinely asks her, “Are you coming or staying with him?” Her tone was of complete nonchalance. She approved of me.

For HBStarmix, though, the suddenness of her question snapped her back into her default mode and answer.

Yeah, I’m coming – one second!

She takes my phone number and excitedly promises, “I’ll text you!.” Then heads to the car.

One brief moment is taken to admire her tight-jeaned ass in motion. I stand up, walk away, and don’t look back.

I know that her text will come.

Yet, my night is not over. The night is not over until the head hits the pillow.

Daylight Savings Time warps the night, but nonetheless, it is late. I’m back at the bench both winding down and intrigued by the possibility of a last gasp. After a few minutes, I spot a lone girl on speakerphone nearing. Eh, she’s average. Really average.


Eh. At this point in the night? I feel like as I seducer, I have to make the attempt. I do.

I will speed through this one because if I would categorize it in one word, I would categorize it as BLEH.

GirlNM walks by, I open. She stops. I get her to sit down with me. Excitedly does and even hangs up her phone. Tells me how she was just stuck in an elevator. Oh god. I pace her on that. Get the emotions going. Relatability is established – she went to junior college and feels like she has had to work harder than everyone else. I share my story, some parts true, some parts not.

I ask what she’s up to. Going to her car, going home. Asks me. Trying to figure out a way back to my place – I was just hanging out with friends at this apartment and now it’s time to head home myself, but it’s a 30-minute walk.

Would I like a ride, she asks? Oh, sure. That music that I mentioned before – we can also check it out and hear your thoughts on my new melodies. She’s down.

On the way, she stops at the gas station to buy some nicotine thing. The entire time, I’m having an internal conflict. I know that this is not the type of girl I’m in this for. But she’s not ugly, just not pretty. Just a girl. Ugh, it’s tough. I need sexual experience.

Onto my place, and I’m still battling. She parks, and in we go. Asks to use the bathroom – I show her the way.

While I’m waiting, I feel a vibrations. Two vibrations.
3/14, 4:25 AM
HBStarmix: Hey
HBStarmix: It’s HBStarmix
Hmm. I start up my computer. Thinking THAT’S the girl I want to be with right now.
3/14, 4:29 AM
Me: Hey HBStarmix – cool meeting you tonight. Hope you enjoy those puppies
HBStarmix: I will
HBStarmix: Haha
Come on, Lofty. There’s a girl in your bathroom.

As for GirlNM, I felt that she was nervous. For the first time, I’ll actually have to show a girl my new music. In the past few lays, I had them ready to go. It was largely straight to the bed.

She comes back, confused on where to sit because I’m sitting in my only chair. That’s strategic, and I’m like, well, it’s cool, you can just sit on my lap. Misstep. She sits on my bed. I brush it off.

Likes the music. Gives it complements. Asks to hear a few more songs before I just turn on a playlist and sit next to her on the bed. We discuss SOT-related topics. She shares about her upbringings in New Mexico and how she founded a charity organization. It’s her passion. Shows me pictures of them cleaning up highways and handing out food. Admirable – she’s a good person.

I draw out the emotions of her selflessness, but she just keeps talking and talking and talking about her charity. More pacing and leading. Every time, she just keeps coming straight back to the charity. Wanting to show me more pictures of the events, the people, and the people’s dogs.

Honestly, it’s frustrating, and I’m thinking about three things:
  1. This girl is just not turning me on
  2. There might be a chance to still meet up with HBStarmix
  3. I haven’t used much sex talk
I call upon the “My friend Jada” sequence > discussion of love at first sight > a softer form of the Mental G-Spot gambit. Still, I know that she will need more fractionation to arouse and tempt – have her escalate on me. My past lays have escalated on me. That’s what I need.

However… I am not feeling it with her right now.

I just go for the make-out. She lets out a sound and lays back, me on top of her.

SHE IS A HORRIBLE KISSER. Not enjoyable. Might be really inexperienced.

I stop after, well, not long at all.

Backing off a little, I am quite turned off. Again, I have a girl laying under me. Voices in my head.

How can you not see this through?

You have to.

Do you want to be a seducer or not?

I go back in for another yucky kiss. She is not good. If she was really fun to be with, I think that I’d be in a better place. The thing is that I’m not enjoying her company either.

Now her voice.

“Wait, I don’t be catching bodies like that…”

Oddly phrased because she’s trying to hide her nervousness. I am relieved! This feeling galvanizes my next decision.

I do a quick reframe for the practice, and she starts talking about “soul ties” and how “sex connects people forever” and how she’s “afraid of me ghosting her.”


One more quick reframe for the practice, but I am ready for her to leave. She likes my words but just wasn’t ready for escalation. I remain quiet.

“I should probably get going,” she mutters, wanting me to reaffirm her.

“Yep – it is getting pretty late! I’ll walk you to your car :)

Bouncing up, I put on my shoes and lead her outside. Wanting to leave her with good feelings, I grab her number and tell her to text me when she gets home. Think she wants a goodbye kiss and a “see you soon” but I just hug and walk away. I know what's next for me.
3/14, 5:03 AM
To HBStarmix

Me: Haha you still up playing with them?
HBStarmix: Yeah and eating some breakfast

5:12 AM
So you’re a bit of a night owl then, yeah me too! I produce music so I’m just winding down doing some of that right now
I know that my next texting here is rather not good, but I decided that I’d rather just try to pull now and risk losing the lead if it didn’t work. Besides, I can always just meet another girl. So I have to establish the plausible deniability and accelerate things.

Then a few more vibrations.
3/14, 5:16 AM
From GirlNM

GirlNM: Hey I’m home
GirlNM: I’m really glad I met you
Me: Good to hear :)
GirlNM: Damn *girl facepalm emoji*
Yikes. Guess she wanted me to reciprocate that. It’s all good. Back to HBStarmix.
3/14, 5:25 AM
HBStarmix: That’s really cool how long have you been doing that?

5:32 AM
Me: About six years now! It’s my way to relax for sure. Do you like chill, vibey types of music?
HBStarmix: Yeah just depends on my mood

*I am investing too much but wasn’t sure how else to responsibly work towards the pull in this situation*

5:38 AM
Me: Yeah I get that, me too actually. Like sometimes we wanna party and other times just chill. What’s your mood like rn?

6:03 AM
HBStarmix: Tired lol
HBStarmix: I’m about to pass out

*it’s over for now and I’d be dumb to not realize that – I think? Salvage it and keep it alive.*

6:09 AM
Haha I can imagine, seemed like a pretty crazy night for you and your friends. Definitely deserve that rest lol
Well, didn’t work out as planned. Rather careless of me to risk destroying a good lead at 5:00 AM anyway.

A busy night, a decent recovery from a poor start, and a lot was learned in the end.

Monday, March 15, 2021
HBStarmix Update

A texting update on the new muse. I remembered her saying that she did not have class on Monday.

3/14, 4:25 AM
HBStarmix: Hey
HBStarmix: It’s HBStarmix

4:29 AM
Me: Hey HBStarmix – cool meeting you tonight. Hope you enjoy those puppies
HBStarmix: I will
HBStarmix: Haha

5:03 AM
Me: Haha you still up playing with them?
HBStarmix: Yeah and eating some breakfast

5:12 AM
So you’re a bit of a night owl then, yeah me too! I produce music so I’m just winding down doing some of that right now

5:25 AM
HBStarmix: That’s really cool how long have you been doing that?

5:32 AM
Me: About six years now! It’s my way to relax for sure. Do you like chill, vibey types of music?
HBStarmix: Yeah just depends on my mood

5:38 AM
Me: Yeah I get that, me too actually. Like sometimes we wanna party and other times just chill. What’s your mood like rn?

6:03 AM
HBStarmix: Tired lol
HBStarmix: I’m about to pass out

6:09 AM
Haha I can imagine, seemed like a pretty crazy night for you and your friends. Definitely deserve that rest lol

6:03 PM
HBStarmix: Yeah you could say that. It was stuff that just shouldn't have happened.

3/15, 11:20 AM
Me: It’s college haha. We all get in those weird situations sometimes. Just a learning process for everything you know?
Me: So what are you up to on this fine day off from class

11:22 AM
HBStarmix: Feeling sick tbh have to go to the doctor to get a note because I am missing work

*no pull today*

11:30 AM:
Me: Dang I hope you feel better soon *teary-faced emoji*
HBStarmix: Thanks
What I’m thinking for Tuesday: ask her how she’s feeling on a scale of 1-10. Assess that and go from there.

Even though I likely made a mistake trying to pull her at 5:00 AM, I think that I’m still in an okay position.

Hopefully we can get HBStarmix and blast away some social conditioning while doing it.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
An Unexpected Text

I’m just being me, doing the things that I do, when I get a bombshell of a text not from HBStarmix, but HBMARINA of Cold Weather Sunrise lore. Ding.
3/16, 9:17 PM
HBMarina: I didn’t think I was going to respond to your message, and I know it’s been quite a while since we last spoke, but I appreciate how well you communicate your thoughts and feelings.
Remember, I left her a voicemail about a month ago inspired by Chase’s recommendation. He also explained the framing of “If you love something, let it go; if it's truly yours, it will come back" – he was spot-on, as usual.

Truthfully, I have been thinking about HBMarina. Even thought about texting her, but I’ve held myself back. She’s the HB that would have been perfect to gain sexual experience with. Hot, cool as hell, good in bed, and juuuuuuuuust crazy enough to get me going. Not completely crazy like HBStrawberryPrincess.

Perhaps the time has come to build my rotation with her. After thinking about her text with some predictive modeling – and drafting options along the way – I decided to continue in the frame of a “powerful man who was a bit clumsy and too powerful with his power and accidentally hurt this delicate girl.” I felt that her message was strongly characteristic of the ASD/FSC she displayed in the post-lay aftermath.
3/16, 11:10 PM
To HBMarina

Me: it’s true that you changed me for the better. i’d like to show you but it’s not up to me. what happens next... it’s up to you!
Thought that would get the job done. Shows an understanding of what she wanted to hear, I reasoned. Moreover, it allows her to feel empowered. I felt that this is what she would like.

Time passes, and my opinion has changed. I think that it is NOT a good text. Maybe it would have been solid last month. But now? Probably gives me up too easily after she went a month without responding. Mistake?

She was thinking about me, though. Maybe even using her vibrator.

Tuesday nights are the date party nights for those in Greek Life here. Perhaps she also could have been getting ready to go arm-in-arm with a chode and thought of badboy Lofty. Or maybe she’s been wanting to invite me and holding herself back. Or was hoping for a last-minute date if I responded right away. I wouldn’t have gone for a number of reasons, anyway.

But yeah. An interesting development – something to work with. Yet, the feeling of an improperly-designed text left me feeling frustrated. Even though it’s all an illusion. I was going to wait until tomorrow to text HBStarmix, but I filled the depressing void with her virtual presence.
3/16, 11:14 PM
To HBStarmix

Me: Did you feel any better today?

11:19 PM
HBStarmix: Yeah I did. After I got a couple of shots and some meds yesterday

11:24 PM
Me: Glad to hear it :)
Me: I have a question for you. Ready?

11:45 PM
HBStarmix: Yeah
HBStarmix: Go for it
Texting her at this hour was not pragmatic. It occurred to due a low swing in my state. With the “I have a question for you. Ready?” text, I was planning on asking her, “So besides eating, sleeping, and being the life of crazy parties, what is the one thing that you really enjoy doing?”

In order to use that to set-up a future close. Then she took a while to respond, and I was like, eh.

When she responded, I considered employement of a sexually arousing emotional stimulator. Thankfully, I decided that would be incredibly dumb and serve zero purpose at this stage. Ghost on a relative high note and live for another day. If necessary, I’ll say that I am a bad texter à la fog.

My texting with this girl has been uninspiring. It is still ongoing in spite of this largely due to my solid social frame in-person. Furthermore, I wish that I would've initially texted her in that lowercase style rather than the more blasé style that I've been using with her.

Furtherfurthermore, not hearing back from HBMarina after reengaging like that, yeah, it messed with me. Props to her.

Deepened the emotional trough. It led me to checking out the Instagram pages of HBStarmix and all of my lays. Wish that I would have never done it, and it’s terrible for my frame. Still, it was interesting. But I must never, ever, do it again. Like, maybe waaaaaaaay down the road. But certainly not now. Also interesting to note that these Internet pictures make rather lasting impressions in the mind.

Yeah – updates on the Lofty HBs:

-HBWildflower (<3):
It is probably for the best that I never saw her again and let her go due to the protective boyfriend. I really like this girl. Looks like the cut healed up just fine. She had posted a picture of her with the long-time beau just a couple hours prior.

It was captioned something like, “Date night! Luv uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu @boyfriend.” The guy responded with a bunch of lovey-messages as well.

She was wearing this little tight red dress and looking amazing.

Held off on checking her Instagram, fortunately.

She previously had dyed-blonde hair, and it went really well with her eyes. Lots of black, goth-type clothing and dark nighttime pictures of her loitering around.


Yeaaaaaah. Had to have a smile about stripping her naked on my bed. Also, BORDERLINER AS FUCK. There’s a camp here who vouches for physiognomy, and I don’t have to study it all the much to chalk her up as CLUSTER B. Of course, that was already known.
After that, I immediately blocked Instagram and all Instagram-viewing websites from my devices. That little exploration will not be happening again. Sweet in-person memories, not filtered pictures.

Alright, now here’s to a good week. Things just may get very interesting.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
3/16, 9:17 PM
I didn’t think I was going to respond to your message, and I know it’s been quite a while since we last spoke, but I appreciate how well you communicate your thoughts and feelings.
3/16, 11:10 PM
it’s true that you changed me for the better. i’d like to show you but it’s not up to me. what happens next... it’s up to you!

This is her apologizing for ignoring you and saying she wants you back. And this is late at night. What is the trigger event for this, why is she doing this?

One scenario: She probably just had a bad experience with a clunky douche. Now, she's in an emotional state and realizing your value especially when contrasted against the other guy. Sure, she may have ignored you....but you're good at helping her work through and manage her emotions, and she's craving that leadership from you. In that moment.

Here's 2 observations about your reply:

1. It happens a couple hours later, meaning she could be in a changed state now.
2. You make it about you, and her impact on you. Then you throw the ball in her court and ask HER to lead.

Both of these contribute to why she didn't reply.

My recommendation for next time

Since she gave you an IOI that you are valuable to her, the natural thing to do here is to immediately ask for compliance. Get her on the phone, find out what's going on with her and work your magic with her emotions. Then ask her out.

In general, you would stand to make a lot of progress by incorporating phone calls into your game. They're a great tool with a multitude of benefits..like overriding previous emotions in the convo and pushing the interaction forward at a fast pace. This is especially useful when you are in a text rut.

Let me know your thoughts, and expect to hear some feedback on HBSTARMIX soon.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
This is her apologizing for ignoring you and saying she wants you back. And this is late at night. What is the trigger event for this, why is she doing this?

One scenario: She probably just had a bad experience with a clunky douche. Now, she's in an emotional state and realizing your value especially when contrasted against the other guy. Sure, she may have ignored you....but you're good at helping her work through and manage her emotions, and she's craving that leadership from you. In that moment.

Here's 2 observations about your reply:

1. It happens a couple hours later, meaning she could be in a changed state now.
2. You make it about you, and her impact on you. Then you throw the ball in her court and ask HER to lead.

Both of these contribute to why she didn't reply.

My recommendation for next time

Since she gave you an IOI that you are valuable to her, the natural thing to do here is to immediately ask for compliance. Get her on the phone, find out what's going on with her and work your magic with her emotions. Then ask her out.

In general, you would stand to make a lot of progress by incorporating phone calls into your game. They're a great tool with a multitude of benefits..like overriding previous emotions in the convo and pushing the interaction forward at a fast pace. This is especially useful when you are in a text rut.

Let me know your thoughts, and expect to hear some feedback on HBSTARMIX soon.
Well, this is a situation that I’d love to turn the clock back for. More things to work on!

It's frustrating that I sent a bad text at a bad time. The flaws are clearer now and a big opportunity was missed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on what went wrong. I notice that I do tend to make these recovery-type texts about myself too often – Chase said something similar as well. Also, I’m not sure what the disconnect is between my in-person verbals/computer typing and then text messaging… it’s like a disconnect within this different mental pathway when I touch that screen.

Alright. Now it’s time to not just put a band-aid on my sliced-up text game but put it under the knife. Plastic surgery time.

Starting with working on getting HBMarina’s cute booty in my bed. If it can be done, cool. If not, all good. Allways another lay.

Thought exercise now.

Okay, if she texts me back, then I’ll get her on the phone. I’ve also been told that I could’ve waited a week before even responding – appears that I’ve misjudged the proper windows here. I was overzealous. But now there will be a big, big focus in this area. Calm.
Thought Exercise for HBMarina Situation (unless she responds > phone call)

Non-text options:
1. Keep waiting for a response​
Reasoning: Display non-neediness and outcome independence. No further harm to compliance​
2. Call her and leave an emotionally stimulating voicemail if she doesn’t answer (note: would also consider video message but have privacy concerns)
Reasoning: Increase probability of getting her on the phone to run verbal influence​
Text Options:
3. actually, i am not going to lose you again. let’s talk :)
Reasoning: Emotional stimulation + compliance + working towards phone call​
4. *picture of my new hammock* any suggestions for good hammock spots within walking distance of campus?​
Reasoning: Emotional simulation + relatability​
5. is there something that you’d like to talk through?​
Reasoning: Emotional stimulation + perceptiveness​
6. soooooo what made you want to text me again? if you tell me, I’ll also tell you a secret​
Reasoning: Emotional stimulation + intrigue bait to generate investment/compliance​
7. so they don't have weather quite like this in [our shared home state] huh? (designed specifically for today)
Reasoning: Reestablish relatability + emotional stimulation + show indifference to her lack of response​
8. if you answer something for me, I’ll answer something for you. what made you want to text me again?​
Reasoning: Emotional stimulation + generate investment/compliance​
9. just answer me this. do you have happy, positive memories of our time together?​
Reasoning: Emotional stimulation + time warp​
10. Hey HBMarina! Let’s share music *sends song*
Reasoning: Display indifference to her lack of response + some intrigue + investment + emotional stimulation​
Time Options:
A. Immediately​
B. Tonight​
C. Tomorrow​
D. 2-3 Days​
E. 4-7 days​
F. 8+ days​
Top Options In My Mind As of This Moment:
  • 1
  • 2B
  • 3A
  • 4D
  • 7A
  • 8C
  • 10A/10B
An exercise, first and foremost. Still, maybe a solution is near.

I must be more mindful of my texting moving forward. No rushing, no urgency, no being trapped by tricky illusions. Thanks, @fog.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Live Texting Updates

My goal is to have sex tonight. Preferably with HBMarina. If not her, then HBStarmix. If not her, then I will be gaming.

Last night, I decided to fire off a variant of text option 4B to HBMarina.

3/18, 1:30 AM
Me: *picture of my hammock*
Me: hoping to relax with my hammock once this crazy weather clears up. you know any good spots??
Besides the intuition whispering into my ear that this was the right move, here was my reasoning:

First, of course, our original plan was to go hammocking at her favorite lakeside sunrise spot. I thought that her hammock would be big enough for both of us, so I didn’t bring one with me that night. She interpreted this as that I was only there for sex. Sending a picture of a hammock pouch informs her that not only was I being truthful with her but also that I understand her concerns of being used for sex.

Furthermore, these late-night texts are emotionally deep for us. Much of our texting communication happened at odd hours, so it’s already nostalgic and impactful. I know that she’s been thinking about me, probably using her vibrator to thoughts of me. As fog noted, she texted me for a reason. HBMarina is undergoing internal conflict: I want to see Lofty again, but will I be a slut if I do? In other words, FSC.

The text also eradicates the BAD text that I sent previously. This new mood is much more fitting to HBMarina’s fun, adventurous personality. In addition, it rolls out the plausible deniability of another hammock hang-out. My plan was to use this to arrange a meeting of either Thursday or Friday within a few text messages. Of note, the two question marks inform her that I am being playful and rhetorical. Her answer should be that of the lake.

11 minutes later, she “loved” my picture and responded.

3/18, 1:41 AM
HBMarina: Ofc I do.
HBMarina: [favorite lake that we were going to hammock at]
Alright. A massive smile hops on my face when I see these notifications. I think that I have her. The emotional tension over text is palpable. It’s thick, heavy, and we both probably have trouble swallowing.

So of course, I flub it up.

3/18, 1:45 AM
Me: omg wow that’s like the best idea ever!! do you know anyone who might want to come with me??
No response yet. After a response to this text, I was going to call her.

Why this text didn’t work
  • Too playful – she probably felt teased, like I gave up our innocent little charade
  • Works too quickly – too much pressure on her to invest for a meet-up so soon
  • Negligent of her conflicting emotions – it did not address her significant emotional conflicts about me; probably felt “played”
Instead, I should’ve kept going for little soft closes. For example:
  • i hear that [lake] is really pretty and mesmerizing at sunrise and sunset. is that true? [she calls the lake pretty at sunrise/sunset]
  • ok cool. will I need a car to get there? [she knows that she would have to drive us]
  • ok cool, thanks. in your opinion, is this activity more fun when done all alone or with an adventurous friend? [she wants to be seen as adventurous]
Even so, I know that I’m very close to breaking through. And when we do see each other, she is going to want to devour my face. I will treat her soft and delicately like a princess – probably not even touching her until she fully escalates on me. I will provide a final clarification on my domination session with her and then agree to move forward, together.

As of now, I believe that my next text will be this afternoon, provided that she doesn’t respond first. She probably wants to huddle up with all of her friends in a circle, hugging pillows and stuff. So maybe she will do that before I send another message. But this is the drafted text as of now:

what are you feeling rn? i sense that you’re almost battling yourself over something and you know you can talk things through with me if you’d like :)
This text displays that I perceive her emotional conflicts. If she opens up to me, the generated investment, relatability, and emotional stimulation should be enough for a close. I must be highly thoughtful when given the opportunity to calm her FSC.

As for HBStarmix, I’m thinking something like this for my next text:

Me: Haha oops, I fell asleep. Sometimes I can be a bad texter lol. I’ll just ask you that question when we hang out

And possibly followed up with

Me: Are you feeling adventurous today
The most optimal outcome would be to schedule two meetups for tonight and tomorrow – which girl on which day doesn’t really matter, although I would prefer HBMarina tonight as aforementioned. HBStarmix has shown no indication of not responding quickly, so that is also something to keep in mind.

This update will be amended throughout the day.


Didn't get a response from HBMarina, so the follow-up text has been sent. Could've waited a day or two more, but that didn't feel right here.

3/18, 1:09 PM
Me: HBMarina, i feel like you’re battling with yourself over something and i completely get it. if there’s something holding you back, you can always talk through it with me :)
If I don't receive a response by 3:15, then I will send a text to HBStarmix.



3/18, 1:22 PM
HBMarina: You’re right. I’m talking to someone right now, and have been for about a month now. That’s what I’m battling with myself over.
Whaaaaaaat to say?

This is pivotal. Phone call?


So much deliberating. Analysis. Feeling.

I had a three-text series, another potential Lofty triple-text for the win, ready to go:

now i don’t know that guy, but i know YOU. you’re the type of selfless person to always put other people first, so this inner-conflict makes perfect sense. plus, you have options and you don’t want to be hurt or be wrong.

but also think about this. you’re HBMarina. you’re strong. you’re courageous. you know that if you were at peace, then you wouldn’t have texted me.

if you want something more, then come to [lake] with me. we kinda need that you know? and no matter what you feel afterwards, your mind will then be at ease!
But then I remembered what fog told me. "Get her on the phone, find out what's going on with her and work your magic with her emotions. Then ask her out. In general, you would stand to make a lot of progress by incorporating phone calls into your game."

What am I if I don't accept and try advice? If I don't break my phone call barrier now, then when?

3/18, 2:53 PM
Me: can i call you?
At the same time, I like that triple-text. And I didn't think my frame supported calling her unannounced - i.e. I still need to clearly display utmost concern and consideration for her.

If I don't hear back by 4:30, then I'll send those messages. Another note - it's a terrible day to watch a sunset. 100% cloud cover when apparently you want it between 30 - 70%.


Haven't heard back from HBMarina - I'd like to communicate the sentiments in those three texts to her. But now quadruple-texting? Something that must really be considered.

Texted HBStarmix.

3/18, 6:19 PM
To HBStarmix

Me: Haha oops, I fell asleep. Sometimes I can be a bad texter lol. I’ll just ask you that question when we hang out
Me: Are you feeling adventurous today


Well, it's been a humbling day. No further responses from HBMarina or HBStarmix. To fill the empty emotional void of not getting notifications - a direct result of actually trying to text girls - I reengaged nearly all of my old leads. Didn't get past a few texts with any of them. And honestly, it wasn't that fun, either. More so a hit to my state.

A reminder of why building the skill of texting is important, but for me, the smartboxes should be primarily used in relationship management and the occasional Day2. I've had far more success on the same day than I ever even came close to with number closing. There are many reasons for that, of course.


Let's not forget that ever again.


You know, I'm sitting here with a hampered state because of leads from October when I've gone 1-for-2 in a third of my last six COVID-era, street nightgame outings.

What has happened to me this week? I feel like something has happened to me this week.

Back at it now. Regularly-scheduled programming very soon.

3/19 4:38 AM UPDATE

Lol @ life

3/19, 4:38 AM
Thanks no worries sorry I was at work and I passed out as soon as I got home.
Also the highly politicized girl that I almost pulled from daygame in October, HBErudite, is open to a weekend meetup. #VelascosWorstNightmare
3/18, 8:13 PM
Me: hey, how’s life been for you in these crazy times?

8:41 PM
Oh lawdy, crazy. Hope you are well.

8:53 PM:
Me: yeah living in this world has really taught us how important it is to just make a little time for ourselves you know? i make music so that’s kinda what’s kept me sane haha. what are you up to?

9:21 PM: (didn't give a fuck)
Me: you down to hang out tonight? was hoping we could chat and reconnect

9:57 PM:
HBErudite: I'm actually working on invoices tonight to send out but I have some free time this weekend

10:37 PM
Me: sounds good. what day and time works best for you?
She must be horny as hell. Too bad I just had a porn relapse.

Once again spinning around the cycle of struggle and achievement.

3/19 10:44 AM UPDATE

State is normalized. All good again :p
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Outing from Saturday and texting updates.

Saturday, March 20, 2021
FR – A Line of Lust

A week with an elongated structure and elongated emotional upheavals came to a close on a night battered with bittersweet tang of personal growth.

Straight into it – I am horny, I am tired. This is a thought that I’d been having throughout the week during my texting escapades with HBMarina and HBStarmix. Sure, I’d like to bang these girls. But counterintuitively, those may be longer, more exhaustive efforts than going outside and going 20 minutes from approach-to-sex.

The new, logistics-based post-up location finally resulted in a tasty bite of an opportunity. As I’m turning the corner, a warmly-dressed blonde in leggings is revealed walking a few steps ahead of me. My apartment is just across the street, and there’s a strong chance that she’ll be passing right by. Hence the strategy.

With a few brisk-yet-calm steps, I’m about to reach her side when she stops for the walking signal anyway. I also stop just a half-step behind her and to her right side. Though I can tell that she’s aware of my presence, she does not look over – she has her upper body curled up fantastically, as if she’s writing me a letter of her body temperature.

If you’ve been following my recent reports, I’ve been testing super-sprezzatura pre-openers in situations like this, and that’s what I call upon here.
Me: It’s just a little chilly out, isn’t it?
HB (looking over with a slight smile): Yeah… just a bit!
Me: Hey, you know what though, I’ve already noticed something about you. You’re out here, walking, bearing the brunt of the brisk wind, and you’re doing that for a reason, right? Like the possibility of having a good time brought you outside tonight.
HB (smile and contact intensifies): You could say that! I’ve been walking for two miles already…
Me: Two miles already…? That must mean that you really want to have a good night :)

*we get the walk signal and cross together*

HB: I wish, but unfortunately it wasn’t the best night. I’m just trying to get back to my car now.
Me: Yeah, I completely get that. It hasn’t been the best night for me, either. But let me ask you this. Have you ever just been having a not-so-good night because of drama and whatnot… when all of a sudden… the tide turns and things just get so much better? I still kind of have that hope, like I haven’t given up yet, you know?
HB: Yeah, yeah. I haven’t either yet.
Me: Actually, I get that vibe about you. Like you’re not type to call it quits or whine about things other girls whine about like… INSTAGRAM…. ugh. Instead, you always just keep trudging through… like walking two miles on your own, wow… looking for a way to make things better. Is that right?
HB: Hey… yeah :)
Me: You’re actually really cool… something about your vibe. Does anyone ever tell you that you’re a little bit different… not like most girls?
HB: Well, not really… sometimes!
Me: Well, I’ll say that. You’re not like most girls… there's something about your vibe that stands out.
HB: Thanks :)
We are just a couple steps from my apartment building now
Me: Hey, since you have this different way of thinking… wait, you consider yourself pretty open-minded, too… right?
HB: Yeah I am!
Me: Okay, well I’m just about to wind down my night as well… I actually make music and was going to work on some melodies for a bit. My friends never make the time to listen and give feedback… would you like to help me out for a few minutes – I’d like to hear your thoughts.
HB: Sure! Play something!
Me: Oh… they’re only on my computer, though. You probably know how it goes with that stuff. I actually live right here - we should go check it out for a second… you can warm up, too!

*I stop, then she stops*

HB: I would, but I really need to find my car!
Me: Hey, that makes perfect sense. Around where did you park?
HB: [place a few blocks down the street]
Me: Oh yeah, that’s super close. You’ll be fine – we can hang out for a few minutes and I’ll walk you back with an extra jacket.
HB: I’m so sorry, but I really need to get back to my car. I’m sorry! Add me on Snap for another time?
Me: Trust me, I get it. You’re cold, don’t want to get towed, and are hoping to end your night in a relaxing way. And you don’t want to live with any regret, right, like no one wants that?
HB: I don’t but I really need to get back to my car… Snap me?
Me: I actually just deleted all of my social media… felt like it was consuming my life. It’s taught me how important it is to live in the moment, because without that, it’s almost as if we’re drones caught up in the never-ending scroll. If we hang out for a while longer, we can live in the moment together and you can leave whenever you want :)
HB: Sorry, sorry! I have to go, though. It was nice meeting you!
*turns and leaves*
Without the open-loop for the plausible deniability, the pull attempt fizzled out into the night. I should’ve been more cognizant of this when considering fast pulls in this location. However, I believe the correct solution would have been:
  1. Walk her to the car, then drive back to my place.
  2. Walk her to her car, then go to her place (“Oh, I can stream some of my music remotely with good Internet…”)
  3. Use an anti-logistics frame to pull ("I'm going to go to sleep very soon, but I can play one song..."
It’s frustrating to have been so close to my bedroom, but hey, onto the next one.

The time is getting late, so I go to the usual spot with a little more activity. Eventually there’s a girl at the curb, typing on her phone. She never gives an AI – the girl is focused on that backlit screen. So I open anyway. She’s startled, and while we talk for a few minutes, the hook was never solid, and she was already panicked about finding her friends. No sprezzatura and an emotional girl led to a poor opening phase. She leaves after a few minutes, repeatedly making calls to answering machines.

There are a series of moments when I lack patience. Wandering from my post-up spots, I miss a couple opportunities. The first is a girl who passed right by my usual bench and into a car just down the road. Ooof.

The second is when a MFF set approaches – they have sexual tension, maybe because they’re clearly drunk as well. They stop very, very close to me, too close to be random, and lean against the wall. A good opportunity. As I’m about to join in, a lone girl walks by. In a split-second decision, I decide to go for the lone girl. When I catch up to her, she’s reaching for the door handle of a streetside apartment. We talk for a couple minutes before she goes inside. When I return to the previous location, the three-set is gone.

The third is when I go back to the bench for a while, and then decide to move again. Of course, as I’m a few steps past the exit doors of the nearby apartment complex, a girl walks through them. We make eye contact over my shoulder and she smiles. An attractive blonde wearing a blue bandana, blue tank, and black leggings. Wild and Enticing.

Our eye contact broke as she turned in the opposite direction, and I redirect myself to make the most of the opportunity. With a raised-but-not urgent voice, I open her. She’s about 15 feet beyond me and unlocking her car, which of course is literally five feet from my usual bench.
Me: Hey there, I have a very important question for you and I’m wondering if you can help me out… it’s about relationships.
HBBlueSizzle: Is it about how you don’t have one? (HAHAHAHA that’s legitimately funny)
*I reach the curb as she gets into the driver’s seat but leaves the door open*

Me: Oh no… it’s not about me… it’s actually about my friend Jada. That’s why I was hoping to get a girl’s thoughts on it.
HB: Jadyn?
Me: Jada… a girl.
HB: Continue! *she reaches for her vape and turns on the radio*
Me: Well… you see… Jada broke up with her boyfriend recently…
HB: And you want her?
Me: … what? No! Women are soooo much more than sexual objects, right? Jada’s my friend.
HB: OH. MY. GOD. JADA WANTS YOU! *starts fluttering her arms excitedly*
Me: … you picked it up that quickly? Wow, I mean, if you put it that way… I’m super glad I’m talking to you… like you must be a wizard with relationship stuff.
HB: I am :)
Me: Okay, yeah… I mean I definitely can tell. So I’ve been trying to encourage Jada to go out… have some fun…. relax.. loosen up… meet some more guys… take advantage of college lif-
Cool, got the hottie stopped and engaged. She starts framegrabbing.
HB: Wait, how old are you?
Me: Hmm… take a wild guess.
HB: 19?
Me: Wait… how old are you?
HB: 20 - I’m a sophomore!
Me: Hey… me too... (lol every time with the age thing)
HB: Okay, don’t worry. We’re good :p *FFFFFFFUCK I AM AROUSED*
Me: o_O
HB: And what year is Jada?
Me: She’s a junior.
HB: Ohhhhhhhhhh, that can happen.
Me: Right? So tonight Jada finally met a guy… and it happened in such a strange way.
HB: Wait what HAPPENED?
Me: Well, she called me up and told me this… she was at a party… dancing… drinking a little... grinding on some guys… being flirty… she’s very flirty… when all of a sudden… this guy just comes up and starts grabbing and groping her! It’s such a shame that most men treat women like pieces of meat-
HB: I. know. all. about. THAT.
Me: I don’t doubt it for a second because we see it everywhere, all of the time! This is why I guess when you do meet a guy who’s a little different… who cherishes women for who they are deep inside… accepting her… cherishing every inch of her… that’s when you have to grab life by the horns and take advantage of it, it seems. Anyway, that’s what happened to Jada tonight as well...
Nice, nice, pretty nice.
HB: She finally met a guy?
Me: Yes! Spot-on again, you’re so perceptive :). A mysterious, charming guy apparently broke it up and whisked her away… apparently he is quite romantic and seductive… and really turned her on. So they went back to his place to dance and check out his artwork, but Jada was just texting me asking what I thought about it… if she should trust herself and go all the way… what would you say?
HB: Hell yeah! Oh, they’re already fucking, you can bet on it.
Me: Right? I told her to go for it and trust herself. Like if that’s the guy, then that’s the guy… and connections can develop so quickly… so why not just thrust ourselves into the thick of it and own the excitement that life gives us?
HB: You have to.
Me: Exactly. I think you’re the most open-minded girl I’ve ever met.
HB: I am SO open-minded.
Me: Yeah and the thing that I really like about open-minded people is that they live in the moment, you know?
HB: Definitely.
Me: So yeah… I think that maybe we should keep talking, maybe delve into this a bit more…
HB: Just so you know, there is NO WAY we’re getting in bed together tonight.
Me: Wait… what? I was just thinking that we could hang out somewhere warm, even just chill in your car, and keep tal-
HB: Wow, okay, good. Because that is just not happening. And wait, we can keep talking, but I can’t let you into my car.
Me: Oh, I completely get it. Like we said, most guys are creeps. You have to be careful with those guys.
HB: :)
HB: What did you want to keep talking about?
Me: Just that now my friend finally let herself free… do you know that feeling when it’s like… when will it happen for US… when will WE meet someone… when will it be OUR time… you know?
HB: Wait, do you need a ride?
Me: Yeah, that’s what I’m trying to figure out right now actually! My friends were being kind of lame… I’m sure you know how that goes.
HB: I can take you! Where do you live?
Me: [place].
HB: Dude, I cannot take you that far. I’ve had a few drinks tonight.
Me: Really? From our conversation, I would’ve never guessed because of how put together you’ve seemed. So where do you stay at?
HB: [place down the street from here]
Me: And you’re good to drive there? Like we could take an Uber and be extra safe…
HB: Oh no, I’m perfectly fine to drive there.
Me: Okay, yeah that makes perfect sense because it’s closer. So would you like to go there… and we can wind down… take in the night… get to know each other… maybe turn on some music… and just keep talking?
HB: Wait, I can’t do that. You can add me on Snap!
Me: I actually just recently deleted my social media… like it was just consuming my life. It’s retaught me the importance of living not in the fake world of social media but in the NOW. Does that make sense?
HB: Yeah, it does!
Me: So it would make sense if we hung out for a little while longer, then, right?
*quickly shuts car door and drives off*
I really wanted to fuck this girl, but, she was a little crazy. Yeah.

Thursday, March 25, 2021
Texting Updates

HBErudite went cold, unsurprisingly, really.

Re-engaging with HBMarina resulted in a tad of oneitis-ish symptoms. She’s a girl that I’d like to see again, but considering that semester is over in about 5 weeks, even working to establish a FB relationship isn’t very pragmatic. GFTOW. I’ll really be going for ONS over the next month or so in particular. Still, there were definitely a few solid high points in our text conversations, and I learned a lot from it.
3/16, 9:17 PM
I didn’t think I was going to respond to your message, and I know it’s been quite a while since we last spoke, but I appreciate how well you communicate your thoughts and feelings.

11:10 PM
it’s true that you changed me for the better. i’d like to show you but it’s not up to me. what happens next... it’s up to you!

3/18, 1:30 AM
*picture of my hammock*
Me: hoping to relax with my hammock once this crazy weather clears up. you know any good spots??

1:41 AM
Ofc I do.
HBMarina: [favorite lake that we were going to hammock at]

1:45 AM
omg wow that’s like the best idea ever!! do you know anyone who might want to come with me??

3/20, 1:09 PM
Me: HBMarina, i feel like you’re battling with yourself over something and i completely get it. if there’s something holding you back, you can always talk through it with me :)

1:22 PM
HBMarina: You’re right. I’m talking to someone right now, and have been for about a month now. That’s what I’m batting with myself over.

2:53 PM
Me: can i call you?

3/20, 2:20 AM
Me: so i did some research. apparently we want the cloud cover to be 30-70% for a magnificent sunrise. today will be 44% so it’s perfect. only thing is that i need a ride to [lake]. will you help me out?

3/21, 7:57 AM
Me: *a time-lapse I made of the sunrise from a pretty park*
Me: did a time-lapse of the sunrise today and it honestly came out kinda horrible but still kinda pretty *heart-eyes emoji*
Me: anyway good morning *sun emoji*

12:12 PM
HBMarina: Good morning
HBMarina: That time lapse is very pretty:) love how you did that!

3/22, 8:11 AM
Me: *pretty picture of the sunrise*
Me: sunrise pic from my walk earlier. new day, new opportunities :)
Me: and good morning HBMarina *sun emoji*

10:50 AM
HBMarina: Beautiful pic!! Good morning to you too
Me: have you ever been to this pretty park? it’s in [place]

12:54 PM
HBMarina: I don’t believe I have. Is that your “secret spot” you like going to?

2:01 PM
Me: good guess - it’s one of them! and ohhhh an adventurer like yourself must check it out. you can free your mind there on a sunny day or starry night *blushing emoji*
Me: we can even explore it together if you’d like. are you feeling spontaneous on this beautiful springtime day?

*Her text comes literally as I press send – this was a big turn. My last message was rushed.*

HBMarina: That’s one thing I miss about being in the countryside. The stars are so hidden by the lights on campus, but if you drive about 30 minutes away, they’re so bright and cover the entire sky
HBMarina: Well I’m done with my classes for today, but I’ve got a lot to catch up on with homework. I was also given two books by buddist monks on campus that I’m reading right now. If you’re on campus you should definitely get a few. They’re standing by [place]

*The “buddhist monks” she refers to are really more-or-less cultists that keep getting kicked off campus, but I play along because she’s excited*

Me: yes i completely get what you mean about escaping from the bright lights! life is so hectic and people forget how we need a break sometimes
Me: and oh yeah, those guys are super cool - thanks for the tip! i just picked up a book from them. i’m big into Eastern teachings - that’s where i learned a lot of the sensual breathing i did with you haha (she “loves” this message)
Me: okay, damn you reminded me that i actually have some homework as well. you want to have a super productive work session together?? we can hold each other accountable :)
HBMarina: I think I’m going to stay here to finish up my homework, and my sorority chapter meeting is at 5:00
HBMarina: You definitely taught me something new about myself when we were together. I never thought of myself as a “sensual lover” until I experienced your way of doing things. I love the delicate touches now. It literally gives me chills haha


Me: i love that you feel like this. and that was was only the beginning of the pleasure you can reach with sensuality. problem i hear is that most guys can’t or won’t be delicate and sensual to that degree though. doesn’t make sense to me because that’s what i cherish the most *heart-eyes emoji*

*She doesn’t respond for a while, and since I want sex on this night and don’t mind destroying this lead because I can just get another, I decide to work for it further.*

4:19 PM
Me: haha silly me, i didn’t answer your first text. completely understand how it would’ve been too small of a window anyway. so would you like to go for a walk after your homework and sorority meeting? it’s sooo pretty out and i feel like this beautiful energy just can’t be wasted, especially as it’s supposed to rain all week

6:45 PM
HBMarina: Aw man :( I didn’t know it’d rain all week
HBMarina: Well, most men I’ve experienced aren’t like that, so were definitely the most sensual man I’ve ever experienced!

*WTF. These aren’t really written in her voice – surely she received advising and felt some ASD. Not responding to these at this time.*
As for HBStarmix, I was trying to lay her last Friday, but it was too hasty. Again, I didn’t really care all that much if I wrecked this lead due to a quick sex attempt because I can always get another. So that’s why the texting on Friday is rather uninspiring. However, I pepped up and turned it around some lately.
3/14, 4:25 AM
HBStarmix: It’s HBStarmix

4:29 AM
Hey HBStarmix – cool meeting you tonight. Hope you enjoy those puppies
HBStarmix: I will
HBStarmix: Haha

5:03 AM
Haha you still up playing with them?
HBStarmix: Yeah and eating some breakfast

5:12 AM
So you’re a bit of a night owl then, yeah me too! I produce music so I’m just winding down doing some of that right now

5:25 AM
That’s really cool how long have you been doing that?

5:32 AM
About six years now! It’s my way to relax for sure. Do you like chill, vibey types of music?
HBStarmix: Yeah just depends on my mood

5:38 AM
Yeah I get that, me too actually. Like sometimes we wanna party and other times just chill. What’s your mood like rn?

6:03 AM
Tired lol
HBStarmix: I’m about to pass out

6:09 AM
Haha I can imagine, seemed like a pretty crazy night for you and your friends. Definitely deserve that rest lol

6:03 PM
Yeah you could say that. It was stuff that just shouldn't have happened.

3/15, 11:20 AM
It’s college haha. We all get in those weird situations sometimes. Just a learning process for everything you know?
Me: So what are you up to on this fine day off from class

11:22 AM
Feeling sick tbh have to go to the doctor to get a note because I am missing work

*note: no pull today*

11:30 AM:
Dang I hope you feel better soon *teary-faced emoji*
HBStarmix: Thanks

3/16, 11:14 PM
Did you feel any better today?

11:19 PM
Yeah I did. After I got a couple of shots and some meds yesterday

11:24 PM
Glad to hear it
Me: I have a question for you. Ready?

11:45 PM
HBStarmix: Go for it

3/18, 6:19 PM
Me: Haha oops, I fell asleep. Sometimes I can be a bad texter lol. I’ll just ask you that question when we hang out
Me: Actually, I should apologize for being dumb and inconsiderate - sorry! You have a really unique vibe about you and I hope I didn’t give the wrong impression. I hope you’re feeling all better now :)

3/19, 4:38 AM
HBStarmix: Thanks no worries sorry I was at work and I passed out as soon as I got home.

6:31 AM
Me: Hey there early bird. Haha I have a job as well so I completely get it. What are you up to today?

6:37 AM
HBStarmix: Nothing it's my day off so I'm planning on going back to bed for a bit then taking my dog to the park later if the weather is good

*Essentially an invitation to go with her to the park. But those are TERRIBLE logistics. I’m experimenting for a quick lay and don’t care much otherwise, so I see what’s possible… probably too lazily in hindsight, though.*

7:04 AM
Me: Sounds like a super relaxing day. So then are you down to hang out later, maybe around 2:00? We could meet up at my place, talk, chill, listen to music, and go from there :)

7:26 AM
HBStarmix: Maybe. Probably not today tbh because I haven't had a day off in a while. I don't count the days I got off because I was sick.

7:41 AM
Me: Makes perfect sense to me! If you can or would like some company at the park, let me know and we can work it out

12:46 PM
HBStarmix: I'll let you know I have just been waking up and falling back to sleep so I don't know when I'm going to go

1:17 PM
Me: Ok cool, yeah just dozing on an off day is the best haha. We could also meet up tonight if you want to rest now


9:49 PM
Me: Come over and we can chill together. You can even bring the pup if you’d like :)
HBStarmix: I have two
HBStarmix: One is 9 weeks old and the other in 9 months old they are extremely hyper
Me: Sounds super fun to me haha. Would it be easier if we chilled at your place then?
HBStarmix: It would be easier for me but no one is coming over to my apartment
HBStarmix: I honestly don't feel like doing anything tonight.
Me: Tbh me neither HBStarmix! That’s why I was thinking we could just have a really low-key type of night. But I know you’ve had a long week with being sick and working so I completely get it
HBStarmix: Thanks. Next time when I have a day off

3/23, 7:45 PM
Hey, just wanted to say I'm sorry if I seemed too pushy on Friday. You just had such an intoxicating vibe when we met that I was excited to hang out with you :)
HBStarmix: Haha how so? Looking like a hooker on the curb at 4am with a load of makeup on to cover up a black eye LMAO.

*HAHAHAHAHHAAHA that’s why she was wearing a lot of make-up. I noted how she was in the entry lol*

Me: To me your vibe was a fascinating mix of intelligence and adventure. There was something about you that just wasn’t like all the other girls here. That stood out way more than anything else tbh
HBStarmix: Lmao my vibe is just that I want something more then partying and I don't give a crap about what anyone else thinks about it or what I look like when I do it.
HBStarmix: I just don't really know what your vibe is. How would you describe it.
Me: Yeah that’s what most girls only care about. Partying and Instagram. It’s refreshing to meet a woman who sees beyond the smoke and mirrors
Me: A friend once told me that I’m the type of guy no one can ever figure out. Maybe you can though
HBStarmix: Intriguing
So that ended much better than it started. It’s still alive, something to work and test with. A busy week it’s been but gearing up for the thrills ahead.
Last edited:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
3/20, 1:09 PM
HBMarina, i feel like you’re battling with yourself over something and i completely get it. if there’s something holding you back, you can always talk through it with me :)

1:22 PM
You’re right. I’m talking to someone right now, and have been for about a month now. That’s what I’m batting with myself over.

2:53 PM
Me: can i call you?

^ this was awesome, finding out the objection and getting it out of her HOWEVER,remember that i told you, how to handle this, you made a mistake here with the "can i call you" translation on her part freaking out that i have a man now, i told you when this happened, to act exited and happy for her, and get some info on the relationship dynamics that way to exploit later...

The texting at 2:00 am after translates into booty call when she told you she has a man, another mistake, that is why she did not reply, (why did you text her at that time)

lol, see you are field testing the morning with the sun emoji lol, see she is responding without you having to come across chasing

also props on the soft closes, nicely done...

hbmarina, may have some friction (which is hard to overcome) cause she has a new boyfriend now, keep her around don't invest too much TILL, a window opens, (a fight, she is not feeling him, ovulation and the likes)...

with hbstarmix, exellent with the follow up conversational thread and calibration and soft closes BUT wtf "dumb and inconsiderate" this was unnecesary and too much, if you want to go into apologies or position of weakness, do it from a dominance point vs submissive accomodating subcommunications, for example you could just have said "my bad for blah blah" vs "dumb and inconsiderate" self deprecation, just a slight nitpick....

then you did some softcloses with hbstarmix which were great, then other days you did not do them and got lazy and skipped the sofcloses went into unnecesaries apologies (i know what you are doing, but just open without apologizing), and of course excuse... Try to keep doing the sofcloses, when you do them you do them perfect, try not to skip them... but do them when a HIGH note in the text convo, you have the right idea just slight errors here and there.... Strategic position of weakness, is from major fuck ups that will kill the interaction, it seems you are confusing with apology tours... women like dominance too many apologies comes accross soft and submissive subcommunication which is not to be confused with the strategic position of weakness hail marries...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Strategic position of weakness, is from major fuck ups that will kill the interaction, it seems you are confusing with apology tours... women like dominance too many apologies comes accross soft and submissive subcommunication which is not to be confused with the strategic position of weakness hail marries...
Wanted to make sure to say thanks for this Skills – you’re right, I was getting the strategic position of weakness messed up. Appreciate the clarification and support!

Thursday, April 8, 2021
FR+ - Social Circle and Street Nightgame

An absence of entries in this log – not without reason. This became a night rife of rushes, thrills, and personal growth, but first, is the pre-update.

Oh yeah, my last approach before this was a lay:

LR: Blue Sparkles Everywhere

In the following days, I spent time aplenty reminiscing on her fantastic blowjob and starry-blue eyeshadow. But also in the following days, my tonsils became really, really swollen. Beet-red and almost touching.

Now, I despise going to get checked out – especially after I received very poor advice from professionals in the fall. However, April is a month in which I must capitalize upon the remaining time before the semester ends. I made my stop by the university health clinic and was seen by some wacko who saw me for a total of maybe 75 seconds. So I cut to the chase and went to an ENT specialist shortly before the new month began.

I go in, and in typical Southern charm, he says, “Son, you in the competition for the ugliest tonsils? I’ve been here 38 years and you have some of the ugliest doggone tonsils I’ve ever seen.”

Basically, I had yet another case of tonsillitis and will need a tonsillectomy after the semester to prevent the reoccurring infections. For now, it meant 40 Cephalexin pills before I could kiss again.

At least there was some decent timing leading up to my in-field return.

4/8 Social Circle Part 1: The Set-Up

The story really begins on Wednesday. I walk into my 8:00 AM class about 15 minutes late. Per normal, I take my seat right in front of HBFoxxy. I’ve mentioned her before. She’s looking great in a pink blazer – she has strong sense of fashion and usually dresses well. I provide a hello to her bright, welcoming eyes. Throughout class, I notice that she adjusts her hair more than usual… after all, I can see her in the reflection of the plexiglass all over the classroom…

But the truth is that I haven’t considering gaming her in months. My focus has been away from social circle, and I can feel my development. There’s a time and place for everything, but considering how I can approach girls of similar quality and pull them in minutes, social circle doesn’t really pique my interest right now.

That is until I see another dude chatting her up after class. It leaves a bad, bad taste in my mouth. I give myself time to think about why.

Anyway, call this guy Slater. He’s a really good guy who has made plenty of attempts to befriend me, but I’m politely anti-social now. He's kind of an AFC but a really good guy. And he was talking to this hot girl, and I wasn’t? Not talking to her – even if I’m not actively gaming her – is a missed opportunity for my development, I realize.

Needless to say, I get a few extra reps into my workout later. While doing so, I hear a ping from my phone. It’s from Slater.
4/7, 10:36 AM
Slater: Yo Lofty if you’re not busy tomorrow night we’re having a little party at our house with a lot of people going to be there. [Address/Time (8:00 PM)]
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, I see.

He was probably inviting HBFoxxy to the party, hoping to get lucky as the host. Too bad for him, though, that he invited me!!!!!

At least that’s the first thought that enters my mind. I’ll do this, I’m calibrated enough, I can grow from this experience. Plus, nicely, that day marks my return to the field.

But hold on.

Actually, this story probably begins on Monday. When I received – and later declined – a party invite from an extremely kind but sexually unenticing girl named GirlDC, who is interested in me.
4/5, 10:09 PM
GirlDC: Hello Lofty! This is GirlDC
GirlDC: I wanted to invite you to a surprise birthday party for GirlDisney this Thursday

4/6, 1:17 PM
Me: hey GirlDC! absolutely love the idea but unfortunately Thursday is not a good day for me *sulking eyes emoji*
Neither of those girls are attractive, and I didn’t expect any other attractive girls to be there. Given Slater’s invite, though, I must clarify whether this is the same party as this is generally the same social circle. Slater hosting it definitely alters the party participants.
4/7, 11:59 AM
To GirlDC

Me: hold on… when/where is it?
*GirlDC loves this message*
GirlDC: It’s at Slater’s house tomorrow night!!
Me: cool, i can make it now. thanks for the invite
GirlDC: Omg! I’m so glad to hear it
GirlDC: See you then
*I like this message*
Alright! This will save my social frame. Would have been BAD if GirlDC saw me at the party otherwise.
4/7, 12:58 PM
To Slater

Me: cool, i’ll be there. thanks for the invite
Slater: For sure man
Not going to lie, the thought of gaming social circle girls makes me a little uncomfortable. Plus, I’ve barely, barely hung out with these people all year. Still, I’m excited to test how far I’ve come.

As I see it, there will be three potential targets (and my notes):
Notes on Potential Targets for 4/8 Social Circle Party

A. HBFoxxy (PPP):
Very attractive, blonde/blue eyes, “social circle queen” type, very good social frame, ~2 years older than me, unclaibratedly asked her out in pre-Lofty times after she started driving me around places, she didn’t really decline but it was AWKWARD, was a long road to recover social frame - still maybe haven't in full yet, worked with her on plenty of group projects, journaled about her before but have not spoken to her as much lately, she definitely is intrigued by me in some way, hangs with high social status men though NOT sexual with them.​
B. HBVerve (???):
HBFoxxy’s best friend and roommate – they've known each other 6+ years, brunette/blue eyes, ~2 years older than me, just as attractive as HBFoxxy, maybe even a bit more though without as good of social frame, very hard to read, mentioned her in my journal previously, volatile personality, have observed her being both charismatic and anti-social, worked with her and HBFoxxy on plenty of group projects, has some ear cartilage piercings that turn me on IMMENSELY, expecting her to arrive with HBFoxxy, intelligent + good academics + doesn’t party often = girlfriend-y type.​
C. HBCzech (PPP – NARC):
Blonde/blue eyes, closely follows fashion trends, spends a lot of time on appearance/makeup, very intelligent/ambitious – great student, 1 year older than me, Czech-speaking/lineage, has travelled internationally, PROMISCUOUS, know that she parties often, had a fling with some dude that I do not like, extremely flirtatious, knows what she’s doing around men, alluring at times (touching/eye contact), not as physically attractive as HBFoxxy or HBVerve but still in the upper-tiers in terms of HBs combined with a strong presence…​
*There is also a chance that the social circle HB that I pulled to my place in September could be there, which may hurt my social frame if I'm not careful.​
And here we go.

4/8 Social Circle Part 2: The Party

Slater’s house is only a 15-minute walk away. The party starts at 8:00, and I’ll plan on arriving sometime within the hour to let things settle some. I had wanted to wear my dark green bomber jacket, but the forecast is supposed to be nice and warm, so I go with my black tee/suedes outfit instead. When I actually walk outside, it’s cooler than expected. Probably could have worn the jacket, but it’s all good.

I walk up to his place around 8:40 after crossing paths with two black cats on the way. Hmm.

A girl I know who is attractive (but engaged) spots me while getting something from her car. She’s happy to see me and directs me to the backyard patio, commenting how excited that Slater will be that I came.

The venue is nice. Very college-like. Outdoor patio, lit by hanging lights on ropes, speakers blasting music, and containing maybe around 30 people total. Cool setting. When I walk in, I’m shocked by the gravity of the reception.

Again, I have not been a good social-circle person this entire year. Yet everyone goes crazy, and I hear a bunch of things like, “Oh my god, Lofty’s here!!!”

I’m dapped up by a bunch of guys as I briefly scan for my targets. Sweet – there’s HBFoxxy and HBVerve in the corner. I meet eyes with HBCzech across the patio who I can sense nervousness from. Interesting. No sight of the social circle HB that I pulled to my place in the fall.

My model for this party is inspired by Glow’s New Year’s lay report. My plan is to mingle and bounce around, building social momentum with hook after hook.

It begins with hooking the group of guys, including Slater, who have stayed circled around me. I really work it through a very intelligent, beer-loving guy I’ll call Lawton. Knowing he’s really into investing, I elicit him on current market trends, holding court while also spreading the questions around to the rest of the academically-savvy group - including a very affable guy that I get along great with called DB. After a few minutes, I let Lawton take over the conversation and sneak out.

My feet take me to the natural destination. The corner, where HBFoxxy and HBVerve are, partly because they’re glued at the hip, and partly because most of the guys are afraid to talk to them. They’re both looking GREAT. HBFoxxy is in a soft-looking white shirt/jeans, while HBVerve is in a soft-looking black shirt/jeans. When I near, they spot me with smiles, and HBVerve is like, “LOFTY!!!!!!!!!”

Which, again, the reception really surprises me considering how much I’ve just been doing my own thing. HBVerve meets me with a hug, and her body feels soooooooo niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. I let my hand momentarily linger on the small of her back while I open.
Me: HBVerve… HBFoxxy. Nice to see you two… you know, I’m kind of actually wondering something about you now…
HBFoxxy (smirking ‘cause she always likes my verbals): What :)
Me: It’s just that the connection between you two is… SO, SO, PALPABLE… like you always have a trusting confidant right by your side, and in fact… I think that you two have the greatest friendship that I’ve ever seen.
*they’re both smiling*
Me: So has it always been like that from the get-go, like when you first met and you just knew, or has your very special connection been something that’s been forged over time… through the thick and thin of college life?
Okay yeah, that gets them talking. I know that I’ll be talking to them several times tonight and really need to expand the immersion stage, so that’s what I’ll be aiming for. As for now, I elicit them on their friendship, hobbies, and personalities for about 20 minutes. It’s a good talk. I get HBVerve opening up and learn that what she really likes to do is give gifts because she loves making other people happy. It becomes clear that she’s of the OCP/SUB blend.

They both have a drink in hand and try to get me to take some shots, but I cite how I’m trying to cut back on the alcohol and drugs as I also mentioned to the first group of guys.

After a discussion on the pressures of Instagram – which both of them agreed to give up for Lent - HBFoxxy spots the freshly-opened box of cookie cake on the nearby table. I’ve noticed FSC from her so far, like I sometimes do… because remember how things were awkward between us for a while. Now her brain is darting all over, and the cookie cake presents a good opportunity for this.

HBVerve goes with her after a moment, offering to grab me a piece. I oblige. They return with three plates, and the conversation continues for just a couple more minutes before everyone gathers around to sing GirlDisney her birthday song despite the cake being almost all gone already.

As the crowd merges, I’m opened by GirlDC who notes how happy she was to see my text. I say that my schedule opened up, and I’m also happy to be here with everyone. Then I feed her ego and extrapolate on how much I admire her intelligence and thoughtfulness. Which she eats up.

When the song begins, I notice that someone else has manifested to my side. It’s HBCzech. She’s looking good as well. Dark denim jacket, black tank, black jean shorts, blue eye shadow, lots of makeup. After we sing, and the speakers start playing again, I see that she’s hovering around, pretending not to notice me. Again, I sense some nervousness from her towards me. Or maybe she is projecting some feeling purposely?

My left hand is softly placed on her left shoulder, and she very quickly rotates her body and gets right into my face. Again, she is a NARC. Also, I’ve been focusing on my hand gestures (emphasizing things, linking, etc…) and my practice with that continues here. We’re also right by the speakers, so the loud music provides a great excuse to get even closer.
HBCzech (getting very close): Oh my god, heeeeey Lofty! I haven’t seen you in foreeeeeever!
Me (getting even closer, acting like the music is too loud): Yeaaahhhh… it’s good to see you because I have something VERY important to tell you.
*She perks up noticeably*
Me: You know, out of everyone here… I must say… that YOU are just the most intelligent. Out of EVERYONE. In fact, I so greatly admire your intelligence, creative-thinking, and dominant personality… that I think that you’re… BY FAR… the most likely to become the CEO of a big company one day. I can picture it now… your own office in a skyscraping building, penthouse downtown overlooking the shining lights of the city, money just flowing and flowing into your bank account, leading your company to glory…
HBCzech (BEAMING): Oh my god, thank you sooooo much!!!!!!
Me: I mean… I can definitely picture this for you… can you picture this for you?
HBCzech: Yeah, that’s like my dream!
I just keep on feeding her hungry ego while eliciting her on how she’s so amazing at everything she does, what she really likes to do (makeup), and travelling. Without prompting, she whips out her phone to show me pictures of all of her travels through Europe. I tell her to imagine that we’re there and walk me through the cities, describing everything. Then describe how being in these places of true escapism made her feel.

I’m also field-testing more kino and linking here along with the gestures. Lots of tiny little graces onto her, soft-palming to my own chest, and directing bad things away. She also often touches my arms and chest. We had to have been immersed for 25 minutes or so, and there were definitely plenty of make-out opportunities. She’s really turning me on, too. Like I said, she is no stranger to building male attraction.

She bumps her waist into me a few times towards the end of this interval before trying to get me a drink. I politely decline as well. She goes to get one, saying that she’ll be back soon. I mingle with the nearby guys for a moment before using the opportunity to check in with HBFoxxy and HBVerve. At this time, I think that I have a really good chance to take home HBCzech. Also, I know how difficult it would be to isolate one of these two considering how they came together. Still, I need to keep working these sets.

It’s around 10:00 now. This party will go pretty late, but I’m not sure how late. Additionally, I must be aware of where each of these targets is and what they're up to.

These two are still in the same corner. Actually in really deep conversation amongst themselves. They’re like best friends forever. They’re locked in, and I begin to notice how uncalibrated it would be to interrupt. This throws me off-guard, especially when HBFoxxy looks up and says hi.

I’ve already been dealing verbals for a long time now. Really, it’s been the longest I’ve ever dealt game in this mingling style.

Yet, I still can’t believe it when my words aren’t flowing and I just sputter out,”HBFoxxy… HBVerve… how are you?”

Luckily, some guy walks up and asks me how the cookie cake is. This is good because that was not a proper time to enter their set. Instead, it just seemed like I was passing by before getting entrenched in more conversations around the patio.

I take a few breaths, clear my mind, and refocus. In, and out. Then, I mingle with some guys to build my momentum back. It works. Eventually, I spot HBCzech giving me a daring bout of eye contact while she stands around this bar-thing in the other corner. She’s chatting with another girl, HBCouture (who has a dashing sense of Southern-girl style). There are maybe around seven or so HBs here, but I’m only concerned about the top 3.

HBCzech’s eye contact brings me over. I’ve gotten the sense that HBCouture likes me, and she shifts around upon my entrance. So, I charm her up some. Then redirect back to HBCzech. Eventually, travel and adventure come up again. HBCouture mentions how she really likes Jamaica and will be going there for a wedding this summer. Mentions how she might need a “Plus-1.”

This serves as a perfect chance to transition from weddings > relationships > sexual standards > casual sex.

By the time that we’re talking about relationships, HBCouture obviously can tell that HBCzech and I are very, very… flirtatious, as one might say. She morphs into winggirl mode. Cool. She clarifies about my relationship status. I’m not all that prepared for this question. I want to be attainable but also social proof/sexually prize myself. So I say that I broke up with my ex a few months ago. HBCzech then asks how long that we were dating.

I just say, oh, like six months or something. She’s like, “Oh, that’s actually a pretty long time. I usually just do short flings and recently ended it with some guy last week… he was really nice though.”

Dammit. I should have done better there. Could’ve redirected the question to HBCzech and then mirrored her response. Or just said that I’m not serious with anyone right now. It’s different dealing with these dynamics in a social circle setting, and it’s also a more concentrated path to sex talk.

Even though that was a little gaff, I then do my contrast framing on sex and how most guys don’t understand. It works well, and at this point, HBCouture smiles, slides her hand across my upper arm, and slips away.

Okay, now HBCzech and I are talking about sex. She is really into casual sex and stuff, so it becomes about escalating the vibe. Arousing and tempting until I KNOW that I can pull. I also should have screened for her logistics but didn’t. That ends up hurting me badly.

The sex talking is going pretty well. I’m feeling like I have very good chance to bang her tonight. I field-test more kino during immersion than I ever have, brushing my hand against her and around her waist. Numerous puppy eyes, make-out moments. But I don’t let myself do it. Eventually, she transitions the conversation into mentioning some people that she doesn’t like. She can get kind of snarky like that. NARC after all.

This list also includes some girls that she’s worked with. I just pace her here and try to be careful while looking to transition away, alhough I also do a little Us vs. Them framing.

I try to segway through the medium of warm, friendly people that she’s worked with. Name-dropped is a friend of mine that I’ve mentioned before named HBRitzy.



So that doesn’t go over well. I rapidly save myself by then acting like how I don’t know what happened between them. Then pretending to be just flabbergasted by how horrible HBRitzy actually is. Turns out to not be not-that-big-of-a-deal. Phew. And the conversation gets back on track.

We hit another high note after I talk about how my sexual intentions are always on the women’s pleasure. Suddenly, she purses her lips before taking my arm. HBCzech says, “Here, let’s socialize!"

It meant merging me into an all-dude set with Lawton.

She promptly ejects from this set. I see her go straight over to HBFoxxy. There’s little doubt what she’s asking her about. HBFoxxy knows me the best out of anyone here. She needs the final social frame push from her.

No idea how that talk goes.

After that, she hurries over to GirlDC. They’re very good friends. Probably discussing similar things.

Next, she finds my friend DB and starts getting handsy with him. I catch her look over to me more than a few times. Trying to make sure that I’m noticing.

If this is what I think it is – that old-school, I’m going to make him jealous tactic – then it’s actually really working. I am losing my cool a little. I’m barely staying in set here. HBCzech has really turned me on, and I want to fuck HER tonight.

Something else in play is a fascinating dynamic that I’ve read from Bacchus. In a way, I was also seducing myself this entire time. Hypnotizing myself. I became too lost in my own mind, and as a result, my infatuation with HBCzach just kept growing and growing.

DB is a bit awkward with girls and visibly loving the attention from HBCzech. I KNOW that this is a game from her, but it’s psyching me out regardless. One other HB merges into this set with Lawton, and she knows who I am. Don’t know her. She explains how she knows me. Cool. I hang around for a moment before ejecting.

After I eject, I’m then opened by another girl who I don’t know. She goes for the handshake. Cool. I politely eject following a couple sentences, saying that I’ll have to circle back later.

Being horny and inexperienced in this domain, I then float into HBCzech and DB’s set by opening DB. Who happily daps me up again. HBCzech is all too glad. I fell into her charade and showed neediness. But I also didn’t want to have sexually aroused her and then had another guy benefit... defintely lost my cool here. It was a dumb notion to consider.

I weave the conversation through DB until he leaves. Once he does, I strengthen our bubble with a reality-pace about observing the energy at the party. She likes it. The time is about 11:30. The bars in this town have recently re-opened and apparently vastly reduced their seating and mask restrictions. I’ve heard murmurs of people organizing plans to go bar-hopping. I do not want that. If I were to go another venue, then I might as well be approaching other girls. So I decide that I have to build to the pull.

GirlDisney comes over to us with her long-distance boyfriend on FaceTime. It’s cute. I say a few words, but HBCzech gets really into it. While she’s talking, I notice how there’s a two-set over my right shoulder. It’s HBVerve and a frat guy who I don’t like much. I had seen Slater talking with HBFoxxy earlier (and not getting anywhere), but this is the first time that I’ve seen HBVerve separated from her BFFL. The guy is really drunk and not doing much verbally. He slinks away.

In hindsight, here comes my worst mistake of the night.

After the guy leaves, HBVerve opens me while HBCzech is still on FaceTime. She says, “LOFTY!!!!! How are you doing?!!!”

Excited and smiling.

Goddammit, brain. HBVerve is hotter than HBCzech. HBVerve is really hot. And she’s way sweeter than HBCzech. She’s actually awesome. Like, this girl would be an amazing, amazing lay.

HBVerve starts asking about if I’m going to the bars (which I push aside, saying I’m thinking about it), then saying about how she hasn’t been out in like two years because of her job as a nanny, and then she super happily starts showing me pictures of the kids.

This is so, so perfect. What a beautiful opportunity. I probably can’t isolate her from HBFoxxy at this party, but I probably could if I joined them at a bar closer to my place - a clear exception to my earlier thought. She would be well-worth it.

But I’m feeling this gravitation to HBCzech. I can’t help thinking about how much I want to fuck her. Was it because of my own investment? Did I, in effect, seduce myself? Was it HBCzech’s girl game/social frame?

I’m not completely sure, but what I do know is that I am not properly projecting nor carrying conversation with this wonderful girl who is doing everything possible to hook me. Although, I’m pretty tired mentally and verbally by now...

In time, she limply – and sadly – ejects to go find HBFoxxy. I feel a wave of relief so that I can get back in-set with HBCzech.

…what was going on?

I return to HBCzech, and when I do, GirlDisney leaves. The vibe between us escalates further. I talk about how I produce music to relax and wind down. She doesn’t know about this. Conversation continues for about 10 minutes. It was not the most dexterous open-loop, which should have been set earlier.

Noticing the patio, clearing out (including HBFoxxy and HBVerve), I think that I need to make the pull attempt with our bodies centimeters from touching.
Me: Yeah… so you know how I was talking about how I really liked to make music to… relax… wind down… and take in the night?
HBCzech: Yeah…
Me: Well… I actually have been working on some new melodies, just really trying to practice something new… different… and a little exciting… and my friends have been so lame recently… and they haven’t come over to give it a listen… you’re so perceptive and insightful… I’d actually really like to hear what you think. Honestly… I think that we should escape for a bit and give it a listen with my nice speakers…
HBCzech: Okay!
Me: Alright, I live just a few minutes away… let’s go. We’ll talk, relax, and listen... just kind of taking in the night.
HBCzech: Sure :)
*We take a step*
HBCzech: Wait… can you just send them to me?
Me: Wait… do you know how music production works?
HBCzech: Oh, not really?
Me: Yeah… so they’re the studio files. They’re only in the software on my computer so you can keep making those perfect little adjustments and everything. I’ll show you all how it works… like just imagine hearing beautiful sounds just reverberating from the speakers, drowning out all the noise of our lives… like Covid… school… and drama… and instead replacing it with happy… pleasurable emotions that just put your mind at complete ease :)
HBCzech: ...Okay, sure, I'll go.
*We take another step*
HBCzech: Wait… I told GirlDC that I’d go to the bars tonight – aren’t you going?
Me: Nah… that’s not really my vibe. It’s like… why go to a packed, rowdy, mask-filled bar… when you can have relaxing little creative explosions of melodious harmonies, you know?
HBCzech: Well, that’s not really my vibe. I’m going to find GirlDC.
*She quickly turns away and leaves. Not to be seen again tonight*
Well, I othered myself like a motherfucker there. She was excited to go to the bars. Othered myself badly. And more FSC. Yiiiiiiikes.

I attempt to process all of that while briefly chatting with DB. He’s going to a different bar and encourages me to go with. I don’t want to pay for the cover. He says he’ll pay for me. Okay, might as well give it a try then as a growth experience. I have a fake ID now, so I should be able to get in anywhere.

While walking over, we get separated when a car drives by with other people from the party. There is just one spot left in the car. They know DB – they don’t know me. He gets in the car with them, and I’m left with two other guys who are pretty cool.

We get to the bar, and I see DB way up in the line. There goes my cover. I hear the cover price and how they’re requiring masks and tabling still, so I eject out as the clock extends further into the midnight hour.

Time to find my bench and streetgame.

It’s a mix of emotions while walking over. At first, I’m disappointed at not pulling HBCzech after I had her ready-to-go at many stages throughout the night. Then, I’m disappointed at wasting a really good chance with HBVerve. That was far worse in reflection. Lastly, I’m really proud of myself for doing things that used to be simply imagination.

Street Nightgame

Alright, so I’ll be a bit brief through this now.

Didn’t hook with my first approach on my way to the bench. Moving target, pre-opener, new intrigue bait opener. She was on her phone and going somewhere. No biggie, it happens.

At the bench now. Decent HB comes by. We’ve heard of girls talking themselves into emotional stimulation. But have we heard of girls also talking themselves into sexual arousal? Well, that’s what happened here.
Me: Hey there. How’s your night going?
HBTreatise: Okay. You?
Me: Well… it’s been dramatic. Hey… are you the type of girl who can help me with a relationship thing? It’s not for me – it’s for my best friend Jada.
HB (stopping): Alright, sure! I’ll try
Me: Cool – I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Here, sit down… *open-handed gesture to the open space beside me on the bench*
*she sits down*

Me: So do you know the feeling when your best friend breaks up with her boyfriend, and you’re just trying to help her through it? That’s kind of like me right now…
HB: Yeah, oh my god!
Me: Yeah… and here’s the thing. There’s this other guy that she likes and is talking to… but you know… there are all of these social pressures just weighing down on women… it’s so unfair… like slut shaming… ugh… and it’s causing her to be hesitant… as if she’s holding herself back and not doing the things that her body is telling her to do. And I want to push her forward because she deserves all the pleasure in the world… if you were me, what would you tell her to give her that little extra push?
*HB goes into long, long, long talk about sex standards and how girls should sleep around to know what they like, etc.*
After that, I don’t do much talking except for “yeah” and “exactly” and “right.”

This girl just talks herself into emotional stimulation AND sexual arousal. Apparently she really likes to sleep around. She’s not that hot, by the way. Just across the HB borderline. So fuckable.

Her legs and knees come to touching mine, and I practice lightly touching her when she says things that I really like. Keeping the linking hand gestures going as well. She just goes on and on for around 20 minutes. I had briefly set up the open loop and make the pull attempt to mine by way of an Uber. She says that she would, but her friend is having a life crisis and that’s why she left the bar in the first place. Her story seems legitimate.

I persist and even try to go with. She insists on the number close, which I keep neglecting as I keep fractionating back to the pull. It's a logistics problem and maybe some FSC for her, I think. Eventually, she begs for my number and I just give it to her. She hugs me and brings her face very close to mine, wanting to kiss. I’m super horny, so I just go for it knowing that I’ll never see her again anyway. She leaves, bouncing and smiling.

Next set is the about the same opening sequence. This HB is hotter. Never sits down and asks me to walk with her as she tries to find her boyfriend at some bar. I wouldn’t have done it except for the fact that it was on the way to my place, so I aim to recover the social frame elsewhere.

Undoubtedly a Cluster B, she talks about her long-time boyfriend cheating on her before questionably sharing other red-flags.

Once it becomes clear that there aew probably better sets, we amiably separate as she walks into a bar. I return in the opposite direction to the bench. As I walk back, I notice her peeking back at me while she’s around the bar entrance.

Shortly after I sit down, she comes all the way back down the street and promptly sits next to me. Upset. “I CAN’T FIND MY BOYFRIEND,” she says.

The horniness ecourages me to take this further for now despite my concerns. I put my arm around her, saying that these things happen and we’ll talk it out. Within a minute she asks where I live. I tell her and screen if her place is closer. It's not. So I just begin ordering an Uber to my place, thinking that I should de-escalate the vibe a little here due to her volatile state.

As soon as I order the Uber, she abruptly stands up.

She proclaims, “I’M A BAD BITCH. I DON’T NEED YOU.”

Then begins to walk off. I let her go. Yeah, that girl needed to be screened out.

Last approach of the night is next. An okay HB.

Also, it’s absolutely unbelievable that I didn’t get laid.

Same sequence as she walks by. Stop her, get her to sit down. Goes great and there are plenty of make-out opportunities within 10 minutes as she tries to press her forehead against mine. I do not. Order the Uber to my place and she’s down with plausible deniability. Then she mentions how she can’t "because she has a pet."

I say no problem – we’ll just go to your place and I can meet him. Her response is, “I’d really like that.”

Her place is pretty close (but maybe should've just Ubered), and we walk there with my arm around her waist. She’s NARC and I feed the hungry ego monster. This girl can’t get enough of it. Furthermore, my dick is finally feeling buoyant again! I’ll have to detail some of the health-related stuff I’ve been doing soon…

We’re walking into her apartment complex when we’re met by a group of girls. Remember, this is a college town with many of these buildings housed by predominantly college students. So happenchance encounters can happen.

Which is what happens. One of the girls runs up and hugs her. It’s like her best friend or something. Oh my god.

Then one of the other girls comes right up to me. I don’t think I’ve seen this girl in my life, but it's another girl who knows me! Apparently we have a class together.

I’m like, “Haha nah, there are a lot of people at this school. Maybe you’re thinking of someone else.”

So she names the class. Which is a class that I’m in. And the same professor, and the same time. Moreover, she remembers my hairband. And my real name. And apparently how I gave the best presentation that she’d ever seen and how it “really set the tone.”

Fffffffffffuck. I pretty much only show up to that class when I have to present. Of course.

Since I use an alias and a fake age when seducing, this really hurts my social frame with the HB. Additionally, her best friend is a complete… meanie. Who sets out to cockblock me at all costs. The girl who knows me actually seems to really want to talk to me, yet she’s rather average. Nice girl, though.

Anyway, all the other girls (especially the best friend) become all like “we’re taking her with us.” The HB has little frame control over the mother hens, and the ASD would be tough for her. I’ve at least made some attempt to charm, but yeah, they just take her away.

Sigh. Guess that kind of stuff is just part of the game.

A stolen lay.

Saturday, April 10, 2021
FR+ - Street Nightgame

Thunderstorms on Friday left me excited for Saturday.

The return of loosened bar restrictions has made things a little livelier. Not a lot livelier, but a little livelier. We’ll take it. I’ll have to scout out more of this revamped bar scene soon, but tonight is for the streets.

Out a bit late past midnight. First approach is a girl walking in the opposite direction. She’s not that receptive, and I’m not liking her vibe. Mutual ejection.

I see a two-set standing at the curb – they’re both average but I do it for the growth opportunity. Hook, immerse, and realize that they’re really weird. Eject.

At the bench now. A hot girl with a dude draped around her walks by and gives a loving compliment to my hairband. Teevster has explained this dynamic – she has dick; hence she can be flirty as so. Also, I see HBKaylee from Occhi Blu in a large mixed set passing by. We make brief eye contact – I almost didn’t recognize her with all the makeup and fancy garb. It happened quickly, or else I would have called her over and see what could happen. All good.

The next approach reminds me of the make-out approach on Thursday. Same sequence. Girl is just passable. Won’t call her an HB. Average looks. Already have her hooked, so might as well run with it.

She’s really touchy and everything. It’s not long before she repeatedly tries to make-out. Open-loop > quickly fractionate > pull attempt. She agrees. I order the Uber. Our ride is almost there when she backs out. Says, “I would go home with you, but I’m the glue between my friends and told them that I’m on my way.”

I try to handle the objection by saying that she can just text her friends, that her friends can text if they need her, how her friends would want her to be selfless for once, etc. She likes it all, but it never handles it in full.

At one point, I tried to flip the pull to her place. But she wants to stop at her friends and “take a bong rip.” She invites me, but I am attempting to stay off alcohol and drugs. The bigger thing, however, is that I’m finding her extremely annoying.

The Uber driver is here and starts texting me where I’m at. This girl is increasingly irritating, and I’m mad that I just wasted money.

She wants my number. I don’t care.

Then she practically launches herself at my face and slams against my lips, which honestly could have been a sexual assault by definition. I’m pretty glad when she begins to walk away – saves me the trouble of doing so. I’d rather try to approach a hotter girl than waste any more time with this rude one...

I wait around for a while, but it’s getting late. No girls walk by. So I walk around some and check out my other post-up locations.

The most attractive girl of the night is the next approach. Hot girl and really cool. Same sequence that I’d been using from pre-open to hook. She was walking in the opposite direction and I isolated her over to the side of a building. The immersion stage is really good. We are vibing. Thing is that she’s on her way to her boyfriend’s. Of course, this is another thing that I don’t care about.


She starts talking about how much she loves him and how good he is to her, etc. This was a really strong hook and immersion, but her comments begin to instill some doubts. I know that I can handle girls in relationships in a nice, mutually beneficial way. After all, it wasn’t that long ago when I was sucking on HBWildflower’s nipple while she was on the phone with her overprotective boyfriend.

It’s different here, though. I’m getting the sense that this is the “I’ll get suicidal if I cheat on my amazing boyfriend type” of girl. Despite wanting to progress the interaction, I keep getting reaffirmations that doing so could be trouble. So even though our bubble is strong, I eject. Could have been a small manifestation of conditioning, and maybe even some narc… but truthfully, I don’t think that was the case. I’ve thought about it a lot. I think that it was the right call to make given her behavior. It was an intuitive feeling.

Really good-feeling approach, still. Leaves me in a solid state for the next approach, which I also think went very well.

It’s past 3:00 AM now. Very late for this town. Hardly any people around, and every approach must be super, super calibrated.

Soon, I see an attractive blonde in purple leggings walking in the opposite direction on the other side of the street. In purple leggings, walking a dog. Pretty strange in this context.

But yeah. Could be my last chance for the night, so I do what I can to set it up. Crossing the street still a ways behind her, I very gradually increase my pace while giving an extremely intent stare into my phone. Mirrored by extremely intent finger tapping. I have to look occupied and sprezzaturatic or else the calibration could be a major issue.

I’m probably about 25 feet behind her when I realize that I’m not going to catch her in a calibrated fashion. Therefore, I ask to pet her dog with a gently raised voice. She stops and turns around. Mentions how her dog doesn’t like guys. I ask her if the dog even doesn’t like guys who are really good with dogs, to which she doesn’t have an objection for. She says that I can pet the pup and see if we like each other.

The dog is very strange and squeamish, but a soft, welcome vibe projection does the trick.

Now we’re stopped and talking. I mostly bounce off of her – pacing, reframing, and eliciting. Going very well. She’s a night owl and just out for a walk, inviting me along with her.

Okay, so we were walking in the same direction… but it’s in the opposite direction of my place. And if I don’t keep walking in this direction, then it’ll be extremely uncalibrated. So I make the plan to continue with her while attempting to pull to the pretty spot where I took HBWildflower.

While we’re walking, we brush shoulders. Her hip even graces against the backside of my hand at times. She asks my age – I check hers first. 23. Okay, me too! “Good, I thought you were like 18 or something,” she says. “You’re not too young for me!”

Eventually, she gives some objections to my attempts to redirect our route. This is because it’s revealed that she’s actually on her way to her FB’s frat house to smoke weed and get fucked.

She actually invites me with to hang out, but I know that spontaneously showing up at a frat house with this is just asking for trouble in this situation. Even though it would be really funny. But that’s a house of drunk frat guys against lone Lofty. Isolating her now is a better plan, I think.

This girl will be HBCosmic because of the Sun-Moon-Stars shirt that she was wearing. A few of the comments she makes are very interesting. She mentions how “we can definitely make this work” and how she does want to have sex with me… but not tonight. She wants the weed from this guy.

So I just stop her as we near this frat house. I put both hands on her shoulders and have her look me in the eyes. And I articulate the vibe – “it’s as if the vibe between us is a sparking ember of mysterious passion – how would you describe it?”

She’s all smiley and giggly, plus a little touchy to my chest and forearms. HBCosmic struggles to maintain eye contact and repeatedly looks at the ground.

I just do a quick open-loop > high note about her (also has NARC tendencies) > pull attempt. She really likes electronic music, so I just say that my music has influence from electronic music and I’d really like to hear her expert opinion. We can even Uber and take the dog with us.

FSC, FSC, FSC, and she asks for the number close. It’s a tough task to redirect a girl in this situation. The guy keeps texting her, asking her where she's at. I make sure to clarify how he was just a guy to her… and not the guy

Still, I can’t persist too much because it’s like 3:30 AM on dark sidewalks and everything. While I’m pretty proud of the attempt that I made, I let her share her digits. She even asks for me to text her to make sure that she has my number, and I do so.

We talk for a minute or two more before she takes the turn down the street. She makes a request for me to text her when I get home and compliments how great of a conversation it was.

Ah yeah, sure, sure. Maybe there’s a chance to see this one again.

On my way home, I see a girl and a guy without pants trying to get inside of a building.

These crazy nights keep on coming, just as I always wanted them to.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Lofty Is a lot to read so forgive me if I get stuff wrong.... at times and is the number 1 cause of club fights, I almost last week almost got caught in it, women will have a date or a dude they are interested in and will porpusly shit test him by giving aggressive approach invitations to other dudes or talking, dancing, flirting with other dudes the dude will get super excited of all that fake attention and get needy and start acting overly exited like your friend DC, what you do and you did wrong is get that other girl you dissed exited and into you, target will come back.. and/or get excited and help DC hook up, "omg you guys make a cute couple, dc would make an awesome boyfriend, I can see you 2 in a long term relationship blah blah" she would get turn off... another point you have premature pullation, the pull at times is not there and low odds again you pre close fine, but she hesitated you didn't address objections and double down hard close....


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Lofty Is a lot to read so forgive me if I get stuff wrong.... at times and is the number 1 cause of club fights, I almost last week almost got caught in it, women will have a date or a dude they are interested in and will porpusly shit test him by giving aggressive approach invitations to other dudes or talking, dancing, flirting with other dudes the dude will get super excited of all that fake attention and get needy and start acting overly exited like your friend DC, what you do and you did wrong is get that other girl you dissed exited and into you, target will come back.. and/or get excited and help DC hook up, "omg you guys make a cute couple, dc would make an awesome boyfriend, I can see you 2 in a long term relationship blah blah" she would get turn off... another point you have premature pullation, the pull at times is not there and low odds again you pre close fine, but she hesitated you didn't address objections and double down hard close....
Hey Skills, I see what you're saying here. Thinking back, I definitely understand how these would have been much better strategies. Really like your explanation of why this happened as well. Noted!

Yeah, the timing of the pull was off for sure. I knew coming in that I'd have to mingle around and open these targets multiple times throughout the night, but I didn't account for all the dynamics of doing so. Like, I was feeling really good about my chances after the first set with her. But in hindsight, I think that I spent too long in that first set and operated it too much like how I would on the street, such as working quickly.

So when I opened her and my friend in that second set, I didn't fractionate back enough and allow for the necessary time for things to get brewing again. On top of that, I didn't handle her logistics/objections correctly like you point out. This could have been avoided through improved screening and time management. Probably should've seeded the open-loop/plausible deniability in that first set with her, too.

In all, it was a good challenge for me given my inexperience with social circle. It's looking like I'll have another good chance with this crowd next week, and I'll look to apply these learnings then!

And lastly, yep... I know that I write a lot here. Bismarck was encouraging me to become more concise in fact... it's just that I like to clear my mind out and feel like it really helps me to relive the outing moment-by-moment. I'll spend more time thinking about how to keep this effect while making my writing better.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Miscellaneous Update

Overall, I'm really glad that I pushed myself to attend the party last week. It was actually really fun even though I missed some chances to take a girl home. As mentioned, it seems like this social circle will be putting together a big event for next week and that'll give me another strong opportunity. My target then will likely be HBVerve, a girl who is really growing on me.

The remainder of this post will be dedicated to logging some of the things that I've been doing away from the field to help me in the field:

Workout Routine

My workouts were simply not consistent enough in the fall. Increasing my consistency became even more important after I lost weight from mono in December.

So I started a new workout and cataloging plan in January. I played a lot of sports through high school and always kept a lean build, but I feel like I'm in even better shape now. It's exciting progress.

My goal isn't really bulk with my frame - I just want to get as defined and vascular as possible. It was always tough for me to get to the gym with work/school, so I've doubled down on resistance and bodyweight exercise at my place. I source my workouts mostly from this YouTube channel and predominantly do HIIT now.

Generally do 6 days/week with a structure like:
Mon: Chest/Back/Abs HIIT​
Tues: Legs/Shoulders HIIT​
Wed: Biceps/Triceps HIIT​
Thurs: Chest/Back/Abs HIIT​
Fri: Legs/Shoulders HIIT​
Sat: Biceps/Triceps HIIT​
Which was really just adopted from the guy on the channel. I top it off with a quick set of forearm curls, push-ups, and pull-ups daily. Noticed if I drop below 6 days/week, then I start missing workouts as it becomes less routine. Also, I walk a few miles to work/school practically every day, so I figure that's enough cardio considering what I'm looking to do.

Overall thoughts:
A really good implementation.

Nutrition/Supplement Stack:
Overall thoughts:
Noticeable improvements to hair, skin, nails, and libido. Increased erection quality as well, which I'm really happy about. Happy with all products.

Overall thoughts:
Also extremely happy with these products and routines. The leave-in conditioner is amazing and gives just enough hold for my hairband while leaving my hair with good sheen and health. Open to upgrades for moisturizer. My skin does get blackheads but the scrub is truly amazing - my sister and I have tried MANY products over the years as we dealt with acne and this is the best without comparison. Think the linked version is discontinued, but I'll just purchase it third-party for now rather than try the new version. Beginning a dermarolling routine has greatly benefited my facial appearance.

Addressing ED
  • Nitric oxide booster as mentioned
  • Switched to Skyn condoms which have been the best I've tried so far (will be trying others as well - h/t Chubadoo)
  • Maintaining a daily log of orgasm and ejaculation counts with a focus to reduce both (same spreadsheet as workout for convenience)
    • Highlight: once reached 7 orgasms without ejaculation
      • This left me laying motionless on my bed for about 4 hours with my head absolutely buzzing
        • Felt as If I lost all sense of everything except for sexual ecstasy
          • Felt somewhat dangerous
            • Probably shouldn't do this often
              • Tantra is cool
                • Overall just trying to keep a max of 1 dry orgasm per every three days
                  • This is very difficult for me
                    • But we are improving
  • Reduced porn consumption (also tracked daily)
  • Using restorative cream on my dick daily because my sensitivity is fucked
Overall thoughts:
If you ever have a son, please prevent them from porn and masturbation addiction :D

Overall, Overall thoughts:

I live very minimally in terms of food, housing, lifestyle, etc., so spending money to improve myself was difficult at first.

But it's definitely been worth it and these costs can be minimized through efficacious purchases...

Anyway, let's have a good rest of the week. And all the weeks after.

Time is of the essence.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thursday, April 15, 2021
LR-- (Street Nightgame - 2 pulls, no lay)

Out around midnight. Just the right temperature to wear the bomber jacket. As I’ve mentioned, there have been recent changes to the bar restrictions and accordingly the area is livelier.

Leaving my apartment, I see a very attractive girl in a pink dress on a bench. Looking at her phone. Induce AI, open, pretty much the same sequence as I’ve been doing with slight revisions. Quickly transition the complete focus to her. She is another actress/studying acting. Call her HBBellissima.

She was at some party – no guys there were of interest. Also sings. Strong hook and work into immersion phase. Friends keep calling her, she ignores them to keep talking to me until she asks me if she can pick up the phone. I say yeah, just let them know you’re fine and we can keep talking. Good compliance, but these are apparently old friends who are visiting and at the bar across the street. They are very persistent about getting her to come over. Still, she’d rather talk to me for now.

Set-up the open-loop for plausible deniability. It was a double-horned open-loop: about music and film as I showed her a clip of a short film that I’d also like her thoughts on.

She’s down but her friends keep pressuring her. I persist until it would be uncalibrated to do so. She number closes, literally stands there until I text her, and promises that we’ll hang out. I seed the idea of getting coffee, and she loves the recommended café. Hugs me, says how happy she is that I talked to her (and how most guys seem to be scared to talk to girls), and walks away smiling. Good approach and solid lead by nightgame standards, but I’ve been around the block long enough now to know that chances are slim. Maybe could have tried to go with to the bar, but it was clear that it would have been a low-percentage, hellacious time to isolate again.

I’m typing up my notes when I see a girl nearing the stairs of my complex. I redirect myself so our paths verge right as we meet the next set of stairs. Was on my phone the entire time. She’s not bad, wearing a sage-colored slip dress. Some dudes really like this type of girl as the type who is just a little thick... not necessarily what I prefer but whothefuck cares as long as she is HB-level, which she is. HBLiv.

I hook her at this spot by the stairs, same sequence about my friend breaking up with her boyfriend and worked towards sexual standards. I’ll quote topcat when I say that my hoe-dar is going off.

She frame-grabs A LOT, including when a claim is made that I’m “wearing an elastic headband made for 8-year-old girls.” No, actually, it’s metal, and I have her touch it to make her feel dumb because that was not my favorite comment in the world.

Probably about 10 minutes of this before I pull to my place after the open-loop/plausible deniability of hearing her thoughts on my new music. I had framed her as extremely insightful and she is excited to give constructive criticism as she is NARC. It’s around 12:30 and she says she has until 1:00. So enough time. Also makes a comment about how we are not having sex. I agree.

Turns out she lives literally next door. Neighbor I hadn’t met. That’s both good and bad but again, whothefuck cares. She really tries to give good feedback on the music – recommends a female vocalist. Says she danced in high school so knows all about beats lol. We then sit together and talk with her body against mine – zero resistance to my hand occasionally gracing her legs/shoulders. Plenty of non-judgemental frames.

Within a few minutes she begins making token time objections and how she needs to charge her phone. I just take her phone and plug it in. Back to happy girl. Transition further into physical escalation – she’s DTF generally but lots of FSC. The straps of her dress keep falling down her shoulders and she’s trying to be flirty with it. We almost make out, but she just starts giggling, backing off. I create another conversational thread to fractionate and then later the same thing. I keep trying to handle her time objections but don’t push into uncalibratedness and let her go next door after she asks for my number. That girl probably needed to be screened out anyway, and I’m not going to text her.

I’m scouting the bars from the outside when I see a MFF set. Remembering what Bacchus said, I just open and hook the girls. Guy is threatened and a dick. Frame-grabs, tells me to get lost. I make him seem like a chode after saying that most kind people like his friends would be open to giving relationship advice. But as I get a closer look, the girls aren’t HBs regardless. I stay long enough to have them question the guy’s character – he makes some laughable threats. I give the girls a confused look and they are also uneased by the guy now. Then I eject.

The bars do not look good for pulling. Not sure how efficacious it is to attempt to pull from large groups at a table. Don’t see how the bar scene I saw is a better strategy than isolating lone girls on the streets…

But maybe that’s just rationalizations because I don’t really want to go inside, pay cover, and increase my chance of catching COVID (don’t care about catching it – I care about not being huddled in my room for two weeks).

Or maybe it was an accurate observation.

To the bench for tonight.

Next approach there is an attractive, athletic girl. Grey tank. Jeans with lots of big rips. Good one that I really want to lay. HBFit.

Hook and immerse with the same shebang, and she gets really into it. Then I hover around some SOTs, her hobbies, open-loop, elicit her, then pull with an Uber. She’s down and our vibe says that we will fuck. Of note, she made comments about being depressed and having anxiety despite being a rather confident-appearing girl during this interaction. Also admits that she really wants a boyfriend.

The Uber says 8 minutes, but it takes like 20. That was not good because around minute 15, the bars close. As people walk home and pass us, she sees a group of her friends. Including some guys. They all ask her to come with to wherever they’re going, which she knows about, but she brushes them off and stays with me instead. I didn’t even need to say anything. It seemed like a further indication of her investment, but it also told her friends that she was going home with a guy they didn’t know.

Finally, the Uber comes. I talk to the driver. HBFit rapidly texts on her phone non-stop. Surely it is the friends that we saw.

Into my place. I have her sit on my bed. Put on a song. Then sit next to her, closely. Describe how music can make you feel. She melts and is ready-to-go. Enthusiastic makeout. She kisses very well. I lift her some and rearrange her body under me, so her head is on the pillow and I’m lying on her.

I sex talk and prize, trying to add an extra dose of hypnotic language. Such a happy girl. I kiss her lips and her neck for a while. Teasing her. Eventually, I say, “I’m taking your shirt off now." She helps me take it off.

Okay, lots of nipple-sucking, She’s moaning and super into it. I think that I’m in really good position. I’m down to my boxers. Feel her pussy through the jeans, and she admits how wet she is for me. I go to unbutton them and am shocked when she says, “no.”

Okay, whatever. Back to kissing, nipple-sucking, and feeling her wet pussy through her jeans. I sex talk – 8 orgasms and Submissiveness gambits as well. The Submissiveness gambit may not have hit that well.

I can actually reach into her pants through a big hole in the pantts, and I gradually do so. I slowly work two fingers into her pussy and she’s enthusiastically moaning. At a high point, she abruptly asks me to stop, and as her pants are still on and I don’t have that much leeway as a result, I sensually remove my fingers and stick them in her mouth.

Fractionating back upwards, we’re being very sensual. I’m still not that concerned. Then out of nowhere, she transitions from viciously tonguing me to “I should go now.”

I persist and she doesn’t give any objections besides literally “I should go now” and “…my friends.” She smirks when she says it because she is well-aware of the BS-ness of those words.

Do more opportunities and challenges framing because it really resonated before. She wants to be more confident.

Staying here, talking with me, listening to music, and trusting herself is that opportunity. We make out sporadically, but she eventually gets up, puts her shirt on, sends off a few texts, and says that an Uber is coming. In hindsight, it could have been her friends who sent one this way. She keeps randomly assuring me that I did nothing wrong and it’s just that she has to go now.

I still don’t give up, but yeah… ineffective. Uber is just a minute away. Walk her out, number close, two make-outs, feel her fit booty because I know that I’ll never see her again, and turn around as she walks off. Wish I would’ve at least had my dick in her mouth, and I know that she would have also like this all the way until that final point of LMR.

Haven’t faced anything more than token LMR ever, really, so this was quite sad.

Frustrated, I wander around but there’s no one out anymore on this Thursday.

So I had two different girls in my bedroom on the same night, but no lay.

Obviously it’s not necessarily the easiest to recharge the mental state after such occurrences but this is what needs to happen.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
These were both token resistance. here's how I'd go about tackling both individually

Girl 1:
Transition further into physical escalation – she’s DTF generally but lots of FSC. The straps of her dress keep falling down her shoulders and she’s trying to be flirty with it.
She frame-grabs A LOT
wanted you to overpower her. She resist and shit tests you cuz that's what gets her off (can't stop a man from taking what he wants and destroying her shit tests).
* dress strap falls down*
"Here let me help you with that" * bring strap further down with index finger revealing her right/left tit*
Her: *gasps* lofty!
smirk. then get in her space and makeout with her
Her: you cant just do...
*bring down other strap and suck on her tits
Her: omg....-> horny. take off her dress.

Girl 2:
She’s down and our vibe says that we will fuck.
I go to unbutton them and am shocked when she says, “no"
"Were not gonna fuck. I just want to see how wet you are" -> take pants off -> "oh my god. look how wet you are right now" -> play with her clit while dirty talking her about wanting your dick inside her-> fuck her.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
These were both token resistance. here's how I'd go about tackling both individually

Girl 1:

wanted you to overpower her. She resist and shit tests you cuz that's what gets her off (can't stop a man from taking what he wants and destroying her shit tests).
* dress strap falls down*
"Here let me help you with that" * bring strap further down with index finger revealing her right/left tit*
Her: *gasps* lofty!
smirk. then get in her space and makeout with her
Her: you cant just do...
*bring down other strap and suck on her tits
Her: omg....-> horny. take off her dress.

Girl 2:

"Were not gonna fuck. I just want to see how wet you are" -> take pants off -> "oh my god. look how wet you are right now" -> play with her clit while dirty talking her about wanting your dick inside her-> fuck her.
Got it - thanks Velasco. I definitely could have been more ambitious with my physical escalation, especially with the first girl. As long as I did it smoothly, I could always fractionate back if needed and keep the "arouse and tempt" concept in place.

I'll keep an eye out for these opportunities in the future!

Friday, April 16, 2021
FR (Nightgame - Street & Bars)

There was a lot of personal growth on this night. No sex, but personal growth.

I’m out around midnight on this evening after waiting out the rain. Same bomber jacket outfit – I really need a couple more outfits. My previous style of athletic streetwear is cool, like the Puma clothing I often gamed in, but it simply works to other me in this context. And it really isn’t congruent with how I move these days.

Regardless, it’s fine as it’s rather unlikely to see the same crowd on consecutive nights with streetgame. Though if I begin to game the bars more in these final weeks of the semester, then a variety of outfits will start to matter.

It’s the most active night I’ve seen in months, and my thoughts go towards using my “The Vibe is Back” RPO. On my way to the area with the most activity, I spot a two-set ahead of me. I plan on catching-up and opening them, but they turn around and open me anyway. They start reciting the lyrics of some mainstream rap song and asking if I know it. Cringe.

I don’t, but I hook them as we walk. Both are HBs. One of the girls is particularly hooked. The other just hovers in front of us while I game my target. They’re going to a bar and invite me with. Eh, if she wasn’t hooked as hard I’d let it go… but it’ll be a good opportunity to check out this new bar scene. Plus it’s one of the few places without cover.

They’re not even checking IDs and I get in without issue. We meet up with a third girl who was waiting for them, which I did not know about. My target is still really hooked and immersed now, but once the other two realize what’s going on, they take her away. My target promises to be back in a second, but I know what just happened. If I wanted to keep it going, I needed to charm the other two before isolating her again in order to prevent the cockblock.

That was in the outdoor patio area – now I go inside to check it out.

I’m disappointed with what I see. Just all large groups around tables and stuff. I’m all up for challenges, but this is just not conducive to gaming… and I’m really understanding why Bacchus heavily emphasizes the necessity of developing skills with lone women first before entering these settings. There’s a lot going on, and a lot to handle. Like the cockblocking friend, the stimulating setting, and many other wildcards.

I post-up for a few minutes and don’t see any opportunities. Wonder whatthefuck I’m doing and wasting time. I leave the bar for better opportunities.

I’m thinking that if I get out early, then I can perhaps try the bars for momentum. And then also around close. Otherwise, I do not see it as a good venue to pull in the current environment here.

When reaching the bench, I realize that the benches are wet. Yeah, that’s because it just rained, Lofty.

So that will not do for now. I return to the primary street with all of the bars in hopes of catching a lone girl outside, and I identify a few new post-up locations as well.

The street is loud and raunchy – the hodge-podged music reverberates around the air.

My next two approaches are duds. I make two attempts to open an older-looking girl who doesn’t open her mouth either time. From the girlfriendy-scene a couple minutes later, it’s clear that she was waiting for a guy. Next one is when I open a moving target with a “Hey, how is your night going?” pre-opener. She says, “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME.”


But this is a good thing because it helps me understand the dynamics in play. See, this main street is the domain of the grabbing and groping guys. She’s likely already had to deal with plenty of cat calls and the like. Her guards are up as she’s going wherever she’s going. Plus, there’s a lot of simulation from the noise and surrounding bars.

Helps me realize that this spot is NOT a good place to approach until the rush after closing time. And if I do approach, then I have to bring the full firepower at the opener.

I rebound with two solid approaches in a quieter section down the street. One moving target and one waiting for a ride. Both are worked into the immersion phase, but I soon remember how quickly I must work at this setting. The first girl leaves after being bombarded by phone calls from friends, while the other has her ride arrive. Each before I made the pull attempt. Point is that there are many threats to break liminality in these locales.

Now, I head over to the bench. It’s dry enough and won’t be knee-jerk for a girl to sit down, so that becomes the plan per usual.

My next approach is a really good one. She had originally passed me, but I baited her back and she sat down. HBPoly.

This girl is a bright red-haired polyamorous bisexual professor who is “on recovery from substance abuse.” She’s distraught because she just ended things with one of her partners because he took acid in front of her, which apparently tis raumatic due to her previous addiction.

Yeah, I did a lot of pacing and relatability stuff to open her up. Made up a story about how I’ve been clean from drugs for three months now. This makes her happy. Lots of sex talk, etc. A good opportunity albeit the red flags.

One mistake I make is when I elicit her on polyamory. Good sexual frames were set, including sexual exploration, but I also transition into talk of kink. The bubble loosens because as she makes sure to explain to me, polyamory is not necessarily related to kink. I didn’t say that it was, though the messy transition apparently created a faux pas and I’m othered. It’s okay in the end after I take a fascinated interest in her explanation and passion to enlighten.

I do make the pull attempt with plausible deniability. It’s not done cleanly enough. Says that she has to go home for “self-care.” It’s not something that I really persist too much with considering the dangerous signals that she emits. Overall, she was very happy after our conversation and gave me many compliments. She especially like when I complimented her magical charisma and idiosyncratic insights about the world.

Offered her number and I take it, but I don’t intend on doing much with it. There may have been a social frame issue with the age gap as well, although she never questioned my age.

I see a three-set with a bawling girl who lost her snakeskin jacket, but she’s really, really crying. And there’s no use for me to stick around unless I want to essentially end my night looking for it. Which I don’t.

Also see the guy and girl from the three-set that I passed up last month. Looks like they got together after that. Hmm. A reminder of what I’ve been working on.

My following approach is very interesting. A girl in a white car is trying to parallel park about 20 feet away. I intend on opening her once she gets out. However, a guy passes her, and she asks him through the open window if her car is straight. He gives her directions, and they get to chatting. Fuck. I may have to blow that set up.

Yet, my job is made easier after I hear him ask, “Trying to hook up?”

Which her answer will be no, and he’ll be forced away in moments. I can then approach her and other the guy with secret society framing.

Naturally, he leaves with a phone number. The guy smirks at me while passing and says, “Fucking bitch.” I smirk back.

She leaves the car and starts to walk in the opposite direction. So I stand up, catch up to her, and open with the Jada routine and talks of how most men objectify women. She LOVES to talk about relationships. Of course, of course.

HBShine starts getting a little handsy very quickly. It’s about 2:40 AM – the last of the bars close at 3:00. She’s hoping to go for last call. I’m feeling that there’s a very good chance here.

I aim to redirect her to my place, but before I get the chance to do so… we pass one of her co-workers on the street. Come on. They’re both bartenders at a fancy hotel. He invites her to last call at the bar at the street corner.

But she’s so hooked by me that she tells him to wait until our conversation is over. Lol. He backs off into a different bar while I keep running game. I did not break circle in that interaction.

About five minutes later while I’m working towards the pull, he pops back out. Seeing that we’re still talking, he just awkwardly stands to the side. I still do not break circle and the girl is very emotionally stimulated by our conversation. I’m hoping that the guy just slinks away.

He stands there for a while longer before tapping her on the shoulder. She’s like, “Yeah, yeah, one second, we’re talking!”

She does want a drink, however, and she grabs my hands asking for my number. Attempting to pull with an Uber now would be incongruent and premature.

I say that I’ll just come with to the bar, which makes her happy. Still have not acknowledged the guy.

When we get there, the two of us sit at the bar while he stands to the side, again. They also didn’t even check IDs here. Lol.

Anyway I now charm the fuck out of co-worker. Win his approval. He backs off completely.

I’m really working arousal frames now, and even though it’s not too loud in here, we basically have our cheeks touching while talking into each other’s ear. I also have my hand on the inner part of her leg. Thinking that the chances are still really good, and how I need to pull as the bar closes.

I set-up the open loop + plausible deniability and make the attempt. She’s hit with FSC/ASD. Says that she has an older brother and knows how guys may not mean what they say. Perhaps an indicator that I am emitting massive fuckboy vibes. I say that I completely understand how she needs to be careful as a women because of all these creepy guys, and how instead she must just really have to take advantage of the opportunity when she meets someone who is different. Who wants you for you.

HB gets very nervous, and I try to bring calm vibes. Seeing how the open-loop to pull did not work, I remember how she drove here. I hint how I would have kind of a far walk and would need a way to get home.

She understands. FSC, FSC, ASD. Largely, I assume, because her friend would know that we’d be having sex. From her perspective, I get how it could be a lot to process considering she sees him daily and does not want him to know about her sex life. He is friend-zoned.

Accordingly, she talks about how she would drive me but is too drunk. It’s BS – remember how she just drove here and parallel-parked. Tries to social media close me. Then tries to number close. She persists for my number, but I do not give it. This one is SNL or bust.

We’re forced out of the bar and keep talking outside. The guy hovers around. I’m attempting to handle the FSC through opportunities and challenges, non-judgmental framing, and meta-pacing the feeling of not wanting to have regrets. At one point, the guy quickly brings her off to the side. He really likes me now. So much so, in fact, that he tells her it’s okay if she wants to hang out with me more.

Thanks, but it appears to simply increase her ASD. Then some old guy jumps into the conversation. He’s a little strange and has tried to talk to me on the streets before. I recall his life story and charm him. He talks about how beautiful of a couple HB and I would make and how we need to take advantage of being young.

Again, thanks, but now there’s a lot of pressure on her to spread her legs with everyone knowing about it. Her repeated response is that we just met. I use my connection gambit and everything, but it’d tough to break through. If we had never met the co-worker, I think we’d have already been in bed together.

But what happened is what happened, and I’m pretty proud of myself for seeing it through, disarming him, and challenging my abilities.

The final straw is when another guy she knows passes us on the street. He won’t go away. If I understand correctly, he’s her close friend (clearly also friend-zoned). The guy white knights AS FUCK and promises to make sure that she gets home safely.

HB again requests for my phone number, and maybe I should have given it. Would have been a solid lead by nightgame standards. I don’t, though, and we just hug. Our eyes tell each other that we both realize just how close we came to fucking. After informing the two guys that she didn't want to drive (she didn't even end up getting a drink at the bar, by the way), they order her an Uber.

The friend and co-worker wait like bodyguards at her side while the Uber comes, and my shadow fades into the darkness of the night.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
I set-up the open loop + plausible deniability and make the attempt. She’s hit with FSC/ASD. Says that she has an older brother and knows how guys may not mean what they say. Perhaps an indicator that I am emitting massive fuckboy vibes. I say that I completely understand how she needs to be careful as a women because of all these creepy guys, and how instead she must just really have to take advantage of the opportunity when she meets someone who is different. Who wants you for you.

HB gets very nervous, and I try to bring calm vibes. Seeing how the open-loop to pull did not work, I remember how she drove here. I hint how I would have kind of a far walk and would need a way to get home.

She understands. FSC, FSC, ASD. She talks about how she would drive me but is too drunk.
The way I see it, your response to her "guys may not mean what they say" is what triggered this downfall.

What her ASD prison guard wanted to hear is, "he's NOT actually sure yet about the sex being a done deal and the listening to music spiel is actually legit". Instead, you keep trying to find solutions to making it happen ("well....you drove here so you can just drive me to my place :) " (same thing in your previous field report, where the girl was giving you bs about needing to charge her phone and then you solved it for her. Her prison guard is walking over to her cell and is looking over skeptically but shes like, "no no look see we cant have sex cuz I need to do this!!. No sex is happening here sir. Nope." and then when you solve it for her, so so doesnt have any bullshit to show her ASD prison guard when he walks by again that you're not trying to have sex, so she panics). Which she has to give you a bullshit reason for why she cant do that).

I'd start off by asking her to clarify her statement, so that I can better calibrate/tailor my response to it with a, "what do you mean"? So if she goes, "well i mean I know you want to fuck but blah blah blah." and so that I can deny THAT part by pacing it with some truths first, "honestly I think your very attractive. obviously. *smiling* (not denying THAT part cuz it would be incongruent to say otherwise with all the kino that's been going on for the past 20-30 mins or so), I think we have amazing chemistry (further pacing she can agree with), but...can I be honest with you? *get in her space*, I have this thing where like. And i don't want to freak you out, but like I can't really fuck a girl that doesn't want to fuck. some guys might be able to do that, but i just can't. you know what I'm saying? its weird when only one person wants it. in my opinion, sex is only good when BOTH people want it. idk maybe i'm crazy for thinking that way. so i mean if you don't wanna fuck, we're not gonna fuck. simple. Cased closed. You know what I'm saying? *as I'm hugging her* (now that that's taken care of, lets make the music excuse sound more legit) honestly...right now, I'm just down to hang out. maybe play some of my music for you and you can tell me what you think. that sounds good to you? you wanna go do that? *sound enthusiastic/hype about it* alright alright lets go lets go" -> comfortable coming home with you. Coworker won't stand in the way cuz you've already won him over. Gay dude outside I would imagine was called over via text by one of them (he just so happened to be there lol) after she became very nervous.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Instead, you keep trying to find solutions to making it happen ("well....you drove here so you can just drive me to my place :) " (same thing in your previous field report, where the girl was giving you bs about needing to charge her phone and then you solved it for her. Her prison guard is walking over to her cell and is looking over skeptically but shes like, "no no look see we cant have sex cuz I need to do this!!. No sex is happening here sir. Nope." and then when you solve it for her, so so doesnt have any bullshit to show her ASD prison guard when he walks by again that you're not trying to have sex, so she panics). Which she has to give you a bullshit reason for why she cant do that).
Damn, yeah, very true. I've been too logical during my pulls as of late. Even when I set up the open-loop, it may almost seem too smooth and that isn't doing the trick for this prison guard. I can think back to that recent near=pull when instead of going to my place, I got it done by saying that I could "meet her pet" at her place. The flash in her eyes at that time - that was the prison guard unlocking the door. I'll be more cognizant of this and most of all, make sure to be highly attentive to her and her needs in the moment.

I'd start off by asking her to clarify her statement, so that I can better calibrate/tailor my response to it with a, "what do you mean"? So if she goes, "well i mean I know you want to fuck but blah blah blah." and so that I can deny THAT part by pacing it with some truths first, "honestly I think your very attractive. obviously. *smiling* (not denying THAT part cuz it would be incongruent to say otherwise with all the kino that's been going on for the past 20-30 mins or so), I think we have amazing chemistry (further pacing she can agree with), but...can I be honest with you? *get in her space*, I have this thing where like. And i don't want to freak you out, but like I can't really fuck a girl that doesn't want to fuck. some guys might be able to do that, but i just can't. you know what I'm saying? its weird when only one person wants it. in my opinion, sex is only good when BOTH people want it. idk maybe i'm crazy for thinking that way. so i mean if you don't wanna fuck, we're not gonna fuck. simple. Cased closed. You know what I'm saying? *as I'm hugging her* (now that that's taken care of, lets make the music excuse sound more legit) honestly...right now, I'm just down to hang out. maybe play some of my music for you and you can tell me what you think. that sounds good to you? you wanna go do that? *sound enthusiastic/hype about it* alright alright lets go lets go" -> comfortable coming home with you. Coworker won't stand in the way cuz you've already won him over. Gay dude outside I would imagine was called over via text by one of them (he just so happened to be there lol) after she became very nervous.
Okay cool - building in the honesty frame with a sweet variation on the Good Sex gambit. Followed by an assumption that she's down like with the "alright let's go" and just continuing to lead her - again, I've been a bit too logical with my pull attempts this weekend. Thanks for the reminder and tips!

Compeltely agreed that the other friend must have been called over. He was giving me "protective gay friend" vibes but thought in hindsight that I probably shouldn't speculate too much his his sexuality haha, so I edited that. Probably was the case, though. But yeah 100% agreed that someone must have called him over now that you point it out.

Saturday, April 18, 2021
FR+ (Street Nightgame)

I get a little a bit of a late start – I’m out around 12:45. Things look relatively active for these times. As my walk begins, I spot two girls near the curb. They open me, asking for a ride. They want an Uber because apparently one girl sprained her ankle.

They’re both HBs. However, they are rather weird. It doesn’t take long to realize that 1. They are trying to get a free Uber and 2. They need to be screened out anyway.

So I eject that set and continue my walk. There’s a pretty group that slows down my pace as they block the entire sidewalk and adjacent grass. All guys except for one girl, although she may not be part of the group. It is difficult to tell. She may have just been held up by the traffic.

I naturally catch-up to them before hovering to the side of the girl. She senses my presence – I can tell. Once I notice a quick glance over at me, I pre-open as with a slight grin as we silently acknowledge how the people in front of us are walking very slowly.

HBSoigné is a very slim, delicate looking brunette. On her body is an oversized t-shirt and cool white sneakers Fine facial features and enticing lips.
Me: Hey, how is your night going?
HBSoigné: Not good. I just broke up with my boyfriend.
Me (concerned/empathetic look): Oh… my… god… *I lightly touch the back of her arm*
HB: Yeah, he made out with another girl in front of me and that ended it.
Me: He made out with another girl in front of you…
HB: I know!! It was some blonde. He thought I was in the bathroom, but I wasn’t!
Me: You won’t believe this, but my best friend Jada just caught her boyfriend cheating on her, too, and they just broke up. Wow. You know, that makes me think of something. Let me know if you agree with this… *established relatability and now I know that she needs full attention on her and her situation*
Me: It’s like that epitomizes the horrendous mindset that most men have towards women nowadays. They treat women like sexual objects… but strong women like you are so much more than pieces of meat. You’re human… with thoughts, feelings, and emotions… and that guy’s actions tonight show that he had a complete lack of courtesy for someone who cared a lot about him… it’s such a shame. But the past is the past, and the now is the now, right? And with an open-mind, our lives can get better in just an instant…
This makes her very happy. She just explains how she felt so disrespected and how she tried soo hard for the guy. They visited his family last weekend, she dyed her hair forum, always tried to look pretty, etc. I tell her that I can tell that she’s a mature and independent woman with a special ability to articulate her thoughts and feelings. And yeah, she wasn’t a part of that big group. Just a lone wolf like my slowed down by slow walkers.

Says that she’s walking to her car, which is parked at her boyfriend’s place. I say that I’m going in the same direction. We keep talking – well, it’s mostly her talking and then me pacing, reframing, and eliciting. She’s a junior and comments that at least she’ll be able to have fun all of next year – gives a hint that she’s maybe looking for a rebound. A good opportunity.

The conversation continues, and she is visibly feeling much better. Eventually, long-gone are the thoughts of the ex as we rhapsodize about sex, relationships, and the wonder of personal connection.

We reach her car. Thanks me for talking to her, and says how much she enjoyed it. Hugs me. I could already tell from the burgeoning glisten in her eyes that she wanted more though, and the embellished look when we look at each other confirms it. Puppy eyes… and make-out. I know, I know, probably should’ve have let her.

It’s fantastic make-out. Very passionate, and she gets handsy. Tugs on my necklace, which I love when girls do that. A really good kisser. She compliments me as well.

I say how fascinating she is to talk to and that we should continue this pleasant experience while listening to music at my place (no time for the open-loop here…). She unhesitantly agrees that she wants to come with me – all she has to do is pick up her drunk roommate, take her home, and then she’ll drive to my place.

Hmmmmmmmmm. I offer to come with when she picks her up. Doesn’t work. I say that we could quickly stop by my place and then her friend can be picked up – she’s probably fine anyway. Giggles but no dice. Asks for my number. And reassures that if we don’t see each other again tonight, then we’ll see each other tomorrow.

It’s tough, but her make-out was SO convincing. I should know better, but I let her take my number. We have another great kissing session in-between. We make sure that the text goes through, and she leaves. I tell her to text me once she drops off her roommate.

What are you doing, Lofty? How could you let her go? At least try to bang in the car?

But yeah, I was thrown-off by the beautiful moment we had there. Sigh. I know that I can’t count on it. There is a chance, though, that she texts me. Still, I need to try and find another target.

I go to the bench for now. While it was active earlier, things have really died down early tonight. A bit strange – maybe everyone just got started earlier on this nice Saturday.

An unattractive, larger girl approaches me. Basically, asking for sex. Claims that she doesn’t have a way home and lost her keys. Now is looking for help. I can’t do this one and wish her the best.

The clock extends past 2:00 AM. I know that I shouldn’t text HBSoigné. But at the same time, I’m trying to get laid tonight. Tell myself that if I don’t hear from her and am not in-set by 2:05, then I’ll compose a text.

Yeah, no approaches and this time comes.
First texts with HBSoigné

4/18, 1:21 AM
Me: Lofty (to make sure she had my number, h/t Velasco as I've been doing this all semester) – note: she put in her first and last name without prompting

4/18, 2:05 AM
did you get your friend home safe and sound?
Alright, now here was the plan. If she was to respond, I’d expect a yes. And then considering our talks about how selfless she was, and always wanting to take care of other people, I’d ask her if she could come pick me up as she knew that I had a long walk home (I told her that I was meeting up with some friends at a place).

Her response doesn’t come for now, though, and I do not find another set for the rest of the night. Seriously, it was ugh. That’s life gaming in this environment.

It’s been a crazy weekend, and it’s not over yet.

Also a quick note that I’ve built in two potential additions to the “My friend Jada” gambit:
  1. Noticed that a lot of times they’ll repeat “Jada?” as in looking for a last name or something. I’ve even had a few guess at who she was. So given the opportunity, I’ll say something like “Jada Taylor... she's from Atlanta.”

  2. I also say that when Jada and I go to the bars, there’s all these guys groping and grabbing – that kind of stuff. So it makes her really long to meet a guy who is different. The type that wants YOU for YOU. This addition – which can be built in whenever or not at all – provides the opportunity to essentially merge this gambit with the sentiments of the “My Friend at the Bar” gambit

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Woke up this morning without a text from HBSoigné, which was expected. I really should have known better. I fall back asleep.

When I wake up again, I see a text from her.
Full Texting With HBSoigné Through 3:40 PM

4/18, 1:21 AM
Me: Lofty (to make sure she had my number)

4/18, 2:05 AM
Me: did you get your friend home safe and sound?

4/18, 12:25 PM
HBSoigné: yes sorry i literally just woke up LOL
So there’s a chance to see her today.

Cool. What to say?

Drafted this up because I get the sense it can be worked quickly here:
no worries - glad you got some well deserved rest. what time are you able to come over today?
Thoughts? Hoping to send off a text by 4:30...

Maybe there is a little shimmer left in this weekend.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Asks for my number. And reassures that if we don’t see each other again tonight, then we’ll see each other tomorrow.
Cool. What to say?
no worries - glad you got some well deserved rest. what time are you able to come over today?

Your response assumes she's currently in the same state that she was in last night (DTF). She likes you, but you're gonna have to build up to that state again (shouldn't be difficult). I'd let her know that you were planning on checking out to barX (obvi within walking distance) later to get a drink and that she should come join you. discuss time, then agree to when she's free and meet her there.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
no worries - glad you got some well deserved rest. what time are you able to come over today?

Your response assumes she's currently in the same state that she was in last night (DTF). She likes you, but you're gonna have to build up to that state again (shouldn't be difficult). I'd let her know that you were planning on checking out to barX (obvi within walking distance) later to get a drink and that she should come join you. discuss time, then agree to when she's free and meet her there.
Got it - I remember fog has also pointed out that these states can't be assumed. In fact, making these assumptions were the cause for some bad texting mistakes with HBMarina. Thanks for catching it here!

Building up her state, okay. Will do. Honestly I'm trying to stay sober for now, but there are a lot of good substitutes around here. An ice cream shop right by my apartment for example.

Time to make this weekend end with a bang.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Update #2

Well. Got a message back from the HB in question.
Full Texting With HBSoigné Through 7:50 PM

4/18, 1:21 AM
Lofty (to make sure she had my number)

4/18, 2:05 AM
did you get your friend home safe and sound?

4/18, 12:25 PM
yes sorry i literally just woke up LOL

4/18, 4:58 PM
Me: all good. i was thinking of going to [ice cream shop near my place] later. you should come :)

4/18, 7:48 PM
HBSoigné: i'd really like that but I have a paper due tonight, tomorrow, and an exam :( i'm gonna be busy until at least Wednesday i'm sorry. maybe later this week?
Sigh. Could recommend a study session at my place tonight but that is low percentage. Probably best to plan on Wednesday? But she says "at least Wednesday" which does not bode well...

Thinking of responding with this:
aw. wanted to see you tonight but understand it’s a busy time of year. let’s plan on Wednesday then
Or just not responding...

Also followed up with the other recent leads and nothing.

Can't believe that I didn't get laid this weekend. 2 pulls in the same night with no lay, cockblock, fucked up with a DTF girl, and a flake.

Has to be the most frustrating weekend of my seduction career :(

But no worries!

Will reply with "i'll let you know" tomorrow night (h/t fog)
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