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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Me: Lofty (to make sure she had my number)
Me: did you get your friend home safe and sound?
HBSoigné: yes sorry i literally just woke up LOL
Me: all good. i was thinking of going to [ice cream shop near my place] later. you should come :)

good sign here as she apologizes for her slow reply. you're in a good position when she apologizes like this.

i noticed that velasco recommended you build up to asking her out. what you did was pounce on her with a direct invitation, when you should have given her some space and asked her a couple questions, screen her for her schedule before closing. like this:

HBSoigné: yes sorry i literally just woke up LOL
Me: wow chasing all the boys last night really made u tired
HBSoigne: LOL
Me: i have a question...
HBSoigné: what is it?
Me: what will you do if u win the lottery today?
HBSoigne: i will quit school and fly to hawaii right away. you?
Me: id buy a last minute plane ticket too. lets talk about it more when we meet next.
HBSoigné: sure! i'm gonna be busy until at least Wednesday i'm sorry. maybe later this week?

anyways, youre planning to go with "ill let you know" next which will keep her on the backburner till later this week while you focus on fucking some other chicks. that can go like this:

i'm gonna be busy until at least Wednesday i'm sorry. maybe later this week?
possibly, ill have to let you know... This week is crazy for me too.
HBSoigné: OK
i have good news and bad news about our plans
HBSoigné: What is it?
i found out i can meet you this week. hows your schedule?
HBSoigné: this weekend is best for me
Me: same, i can do saturday or sunday. what is your preference?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
This update will be more abbreviated as I need to get out there tonight. However, I will definitely return to posting more detailed conversations soon.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021
FR (Social Circle & Street Nightgame)

First off, I had a great talk with fog in the chat on Monday that I'll document here:
fog: lofty im gonna go back in some old field reports and look at it from that angle.
Lofty: Cool fog, could also be PPP fantasy dynamics in play
Lofty: “I have these issues that no man has solved and I want this new authority figure to transform me” 

fog: transformed in terms of?

fog: i see you mentioning NARCs in your journal lately
Lofty: Transformed of giving her an identity without those issues, linked to you
Lofty: Yes identifying NARCs and feeding their vanity has been a recent focus of mine
Lofty: I think with enough charm you maybe can transform anyone into a NARC around you. And then NARCs are easily manipulated
Lofty: At least that’s something I’ve been testing
fog: this compliment you gave HBczech was perfect for a narc lol
fog: You know, out of everyone here… I must say… that YOU are just the most intelligent. Out of EVERYONE. In fact, I so greatly admire your intelligence, creative-thinking, and dominant personality… that I think that you’re… BY FAR… the most likely to become the CEO of a big company one day. I can picture it now… your own office in a skyscraping building, penthouse downtown overlooking the shining lights of the city, money just flowing and flowing into your bank account, leading your company to glory…
fog: i agree...everyone has at least a little bit of narcissm in them that u can draw out
Lofty: Yes exactly
fog: have u experimented with calling them modest as a compliment?
Lofty: I’ve used “selfless”
Lofty: Do you like using modest?
Lofty: And yeah she can get lost in her own fantasy by feeding her ego and it’s linked to you, like you are the key to it
Lofty: Even the guy co-worker from Friday who started out as a cockblock and ended up giving me his approval to bang that girl
Lofty: I could tell he was a social guy but lacked confidence based on how he was just hovering around, letting me game his friend who he probably dreams of
Lofty: So he was disarmed by charming his egotistical desire to be THE guy... like me saying “oh my god everyone here knows you, you are so popular, it’s like you’re the king of this bar, what do you do for everyone to like you so much,” etc.
fog: he ate it right up
Lofty: Yup
fog: re: modesty. when i did all the cluster b research last year, a psychologist said the best compliment for a narc is "you are so modest - and great, at the same time"
Lofty: Amazing
Lofty: I will implement it
fog: but its not field tested, i havent done any focus on narcissimm
fog: or
fog: youre being modest - youre really much greater than that
Lofty: Sick
fog: guess u could run that if u do an ego pump and they start feeling comfortable to brag, idk
Lofty: I usually say this thing during immersion where it’s like “I have to tell you something... I can already tell how selfless you are, like you always put other people first. But what about you - isn’t it sometimes best to put YOU first... wouldn’t it be nice to do whatever YOU want for once?”
Lofty: Modesty frame can be built into this
Lofty: Combining modesty frame with deservance
Lofty: “You are SO modest... but I know how great and accomplished you are. You’re the type to really grab life by the horns and you earned ALL the pleasures that come your way... you deserve it.”
fog: yo this gambit be called the pussy dripper
fog: i can imagine going into themes of pampering and indulgence after that
Lofty: Sick

Social Circle

I was invited out for food with the social circle crowd, all including HBFoxxy, HBVerve, and HBCzech. A decently sized group in total. Going in, I know that there’s not really a great opportunity to pull here. Still, they are hosting a “formal” party on Friday, and this can serve as a decent primer. So I decide to go.

Of course, I’m late per usual. They met up at 7:00, and I arrived at, well, not 7:00. I wasn’t that smooth when walking in, but I pull up a chair to a table with HBFoxxy, HBVerve, 2 other HBs (but they are more towards the HB benchmark), and a NARC dude. If I had gotten there earlier, I could have sat right next to HBVerve instead of one seat away. C’mon, Lofty!

My mind is thinking that I should smoothly open the guy and then merge HBVerve into the conversation. So preoccupied is my mind, in fact, that I forget to even say hello. I catch HBVerve staring at me for a few seconds, then she’s like, “Hi, Lofty.”

*major facepalm*

Wasn’t the most calibrated start, but I weave into my verbals and get things rolling a bit. It wasn’t my best performance, but it was solid enough for the context. I charmed the other 2 HBs for more social proof in the future, and I think it worked okay.

The highlight was near the end of the gathering when HBVerve wants to take a picture with me. She gets really close, pressing the side of her breasts against me. Then she even puts her arm around me before I extend myself around her. There was significant liminality in this moment. When we separate and I lightly have my fingertips on the small of her back, our next bout of eye contact suggests that I could have made out with her right then-and-there. In front of everyone else. But that’s not too calibrated here, and she would probably get tons of FSC so no go.

As usual, she leaves with HBFoxxy. Whose presence is actually becoming a bit of a cockblock…

HBCzech and I only speak briefly once, and it’s not awkward or anything. Some sexual tension. She parties a lot and knows the deal.

Anyway, Friday night is a BIG opportunity to pull HBVerve. 99% sure that she’ll be coming with HBFoxxy. I must be prepared to take advantage of perhaps my last chance with her and isolate as necessary.

Did what I needed to do tonight with her, just kept her warm and reminded her of certain feelings.

Lastly, I tested a preliminary version of the "Modesty and Deservance/Pussy Dripper" gambit that fog and I discussed. Liked it alot and will continue to work with it.

Street Nightgame

I’m more or less ready to game afterwards, so I figure that I might as well spend the night on the town. I scouted out a few bars from the outside, but again, I just don’t see how it’s efficacious to pull in there. Loud raunchy college bars with very little space and seemingly all groups. And then also the thought how catching COVID would end my sexual escapades for the rest of the school year at this point.

With these thoughts in mind, I head to the bench. Now, I haven’t been out on a Tuesday in a while. I forgot how dead it was as a result. Overall, there are only two approaches.

The first is a considerably attractive druggie-type in pink sweatpants. She’s going somewhere and won’t sit down with me, but she hears me out. A strong likelihood that she was high. Advises me to tell Jada that it’s “Hot Girl Summer.” This girl would have been an awesome lay, but the logistics were just not there with her probably on the way to get fucked.

I don’t get another chance for a while, so I wander around next. After locating a lone bench on the way to the dorms, I test it out. Then, it flashes in my mind that this lone bench is in a weird place to begin with. It’s super uncalibrated to approach here. I cross that off of my mental checklist of post-up locations and move on.

Next, I find a crying girl sitting at the curb. Ah, crying girls. It’s been a while.

I hook, but it’s not a strong hook. Never reach immersion because she won’t get talking about anything – I was not successful in making significant influence on her state.

But she also hears me out. Once she gets on the phone, I eject amidst a friendly smile from a teary face. She said “nothing good happens in this town,” which clearly isn’t true because I’ve had sex here. But yeah, my pacing and reframing were not influential enough. Later, I see her viciously arguing with some dude.

It’s just super dead. Probably should’ve just went to any bar and at least been in-set, albeit a set with a lot of roadblocks instead of an already isolated girl like on the streets.

Later, I see a hot girl pass right in front of my usual bench while far behind her. Ah, not the best fortune. Additionally, it became quite cold and windy.

My last interaction of the night is when two ugly girls walk by. One asks if I have a ride. This is good because it shows that I look as if I’m waiting for a ride. I say yeah.

When they’re a few steps away, I can hear one of the girls mutter, “I’d give you a ride…” with quite the sexual undertone. The other giggles.

Upon returning to my apartment, I find a cockroach in my bathroom despite my place being super tidy. It appears that there’s a pipe leak, so hopefully that gets resolved soon because it’s not good for pulling.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Update #1 – (Social Circle & Texting Updates)

Social Circle

I get to my 8:00 AM class, and HBFoxxy isn’t there. Then I’m like, oh wait, HBVerve is also in this class. It wasn’t at the forefront of my mind because I don’t go often. I find her eye contact across the room. Cool. Projection of sexual state through the airwaves.

After class, our paths merge because it’s rather evident that we want our mouths on each other. She opens first with a “Hi” before I do a little RPO that was kinda lame. HBVerve pretty much frame grabs the entire time while walking together, and I never establish proper frame control. Her frame control is pretty strong herself. Doing better mental exercises and breathing would have been helpful before speaking.

Also inhibiting me here was the indecision whether to set-up a date or wait for the party on Friday. Don’t even have her number, just GroupMe. So I would’ve had to number close. And an insta-date wasn’t an option because she was going to work. I more-or-less flub up this conversation, but it doesn’t really matter. I’ll see her Friday night… hopefully a lot. And naked.

Texting Updates

Bacchus recommended that I do not journal about girls who hover about my texting clouds, so I haven’t. Yet, I’m working on my texting so I will note a recent conversation with HBStarmix here as well.

Update on HBSoigné: Sad Lofty. No further responses from her.
Full Texting With HBSoigné Through 4/21

4/18, 1:21 AM
Lofty (to make sure she had my number)

2:05 AM
did you get your friend home safe and sound?

12:25 PM
yes sorry i literally just woke up LOL

4:58 PM
all good. i was thinking of going to [ice cream shop near my place] later. you should come :)

7:48 PM
i'd really like that but I have a paper due tonight, tomorrow, and an exam :( i'm gonna be busy until at least Wednesday i'm sorry. maybe later this week?

4/19, 6:29 PM
possibly, i’ll have to let you know... this week is crazy for me too

4/20, 3:12 PM
Me: i have good news and bad news about our plans
Update on HBStarmix: Pretty much solidified herself as kinda annoying, but it’s good practice because she’s always responsive.
Texting With HBStarmix 4/19-4/21

4/19, 6:30 PM
Me: i have good news and bad news

6:50 PM
HBStarmix: Say more

11:10 PM
HBStarmix: ...

4/20, 12:28 PM
Me: fell asleep lol. which do you want to hear first

1:58 PM
HBStarmix: Either
*should’ve called here*
Me: good news is i still remember the feeling when we looked each other in the eyes
HBStarmix: Now the bad news
Me: bad news is we haven’t seen each other since
HBStarmix: Haha yeah I know
Me: more good news is that we can fix it. how's your schedule?
HBStarmix: I'm busy today and tomorrow I don't know about the rest of the week yet

4/21, 2:46 PM
Me: rest of the week might work, i’ll have to let you know... this week is crazy for me too

4:48 PM
HBStarmix: Lmao

Alright. Now out to game – going to test a new outfit and new locations.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Full Texting With HBSoigné Through 4/21

4/18, 1:21 AM

Lofty (to make sure she had my number)

2:05 AM
did you get your friend home safe and sound?

12:25 PM
yes sorry i literally just woke up LOL

4:58 PM
all good. i was thinking of going to [ice cream shop near my place] later. you should come :)

7:48 PM
i'd really like that but I have a paper due tonight, tomorrow, and an exam :( i'm gonna be busy until at least Wednesday i'm sorry. maybe later this week?

4/19, 6:29 PM
possibly, i’ll have to let you know... this week is crazy for me too

4/20, 3:12 PM
i have good news and bad news about our plans

thats too bad about HBSoigné. lets troubleshoot the, "ill let you know" text.

my previous suggestions take into account that she has good attraction and investment levels for you.

7:48 PM
i'd really like that but I have a paper due tonight, tomorrow, and an exam :( i'm gonna be busy until at least Wednesday i'm sorry. maybe later this week?

4/19, 6:29 PM
possibly, i’ll have to let you know... this week is crazy for me too

*no response from her*

2 factors played a role in her lack of response.


Reply time is big factor here. Here, you reply 24 hours later.

Next time you're in this plan-making/solidifying phase again through text, you can experiment with 2 different reply times to build your calibration:

1. same day reply
2. next day reply

if there's high attraction and investment: reply the next day
if there's low attraction and investment: reply the same day

i have found that responding the next day during this phase when plans are half baked and not fully cemented, can result in a ghost/lack of response with some girls. shit dies off during the 24 hour silence when more momentum was needed.

there's like...this certain checkpoint you need to get to when making plans before you can leave her on read in the middle of it. especially the first day of texting. if you don't get to this checkpoint, its not safe to reply the next day.

ill see if i can dig up an example.


the "ill let you know" text might not be responded to because.... its not necessary to respond to. same along the lines as if you text a girl "nice to meet you." after meeting her. she doesnt feel obligated to reply.

You can experiment with 2 different versions of this text to build your calibration:

lower attraction and investment: "I'll let you know" with confirmation question (this week is crazy for me too, so ill have to let you know. OK?)

high attraction and investment:
"I'll let you know" without confirmation question (this week is crazy for me too, so ill have to let you know)

not including a question in a statement is good for when you wanna amp up investment from her. she has to think of an answer

adding a question makes her feel obligated to reply, and requires no effort from her, which is good for when she has low investment. in this case all she has to do is reply back "OK." this is always a very safe route to go to ensure you are not left on read.

what do you think, could a same day reply to her text with a confirmation question included, have increased your chances of a reply from her?
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
what do you think, could a same day reply to her text with a confirmation question included, have increased your chances of a reply from her?
Thanks for the analysis and suggestions, fog!

Maybe... or maybe something else happened. Perhaps she got back with her boyfriend. Or since I set a lot of secret society frames with her, she expected more empathy and the text was a good text but just uncalibrated for the interaction. Or who knows?

But I do know that my text game is really improving with your help!

Very quick update here as I need to get ready for the party tonight. Which is very important and a big opportunity.

Please excuse any typos (I’ll clean it up later).

Thursday, April 22, 2021
LR- (Street Nightgame)

Wednesday's session was brief and meh. Only one approach opportunity – wasn’t that hot. Got a BF objection and worked through it for a bit for the practice, then ejected. Didn’t get another chance that night.

Out around 1:00 AM tonight in my dark green bomber outfit. Decent weather – not as cold as expected. The town has a good feel.

When I’m walking to my post-up spot, I notice a MFF set outside of a bar. An HB, her friend, and some dude the friend clearly wants to hook up with. The HB is talking about wanting to go home. Friend wants sex. This is interesting, so I post-up nearby and monitor.

After a few minutes, the HB gets frustrated and leaves her with the guy. She starts walking in the other direction. Now I pounce. I’m about to overtake her from the side and open when she literally walks into a pole. To no one, she says, “That was better than any dick I’ve gotten all year.”


She then notices me, or maybe she noticed me before. I do a little pre-opener about how most of my friends are girls and talk about how most guys flop around like fish in bed. Then tie it into a meta-pace about how it should instead be about the women’s pleasure.

This intrigues her a lot. She’s drunk, maybe a bit too drunk. Or maybe acting more drunk than she is. Anyway, I feel it out and decide to continue for further gauging. Overall, the girl is crazy and harnesses her FSC and stuff through comments about how she could beat me up. Even shoves my chest as hard as she can and stuff. Anyway, the sex talk was pretty good here, and I did try to pull, but I could not redirect her from the all-girls dorm. Make-out opportunity at the end that I passed up and no number close. Probably needed to be screened out anyway.

Second approach is a girl at a crosswalk. No hook. She was a little awkward and the interaction came off as uncalibrated from both sides.

Then I go to the bench. Bars are closing shortly. On the way, I intercept the route of a busty redhead named HBFlyer. Pretty tall wearing a little top revealing most of her chest and jeans. Pre-open with “How is your night going?” She responds with “Amazing!”

Do a little RPO from there about how she understands what the vibe of the night is all about. Hooked. Also work in “1-10” sequence and reframe. Stop her at the bench. Willingly sits down with me. Good compliance. Conversation starts off like Vibe of Tonight > Taking Advantage of the Now > Not Living With Regret > Taking Chances > Travelling > New Experiences > Social Standards, etc. And then topics hover around these themes. I work in music for the open loop.

Probably about 15 minutes of this stuff and she’s doing most of the talking. I bring up music – she plays the violin. Cool, so I could get an informed opinion about my music. She’s very down. I call the Uber. To my place. Show her my music and have her sit on my lap. Take her to the more comfortable bed, turn on my playlist and aromatherapy diffuser. Talk for just a minute. Have her guess the aromatherapy scent. She leans over to my nightstand and guesses lemongrass. It’s sweet orange but I tell her she’s exactly right. It’s an enticing scent. Out faces get close – makeout and she gets really into it. Her top comes off easy. Piercing on her right nipple. Pulls my hair and stuff, moaning.

She’s on her period and I’m not interested in that for a ONS, and she doesn’t feel comfortable with it either. Gives me a really good blowjob on her knees. Swallows. Spends some time looking up and me afterwards, wanting validation. Tell her how thoughtful she is. Gets some ASD/FSC. Talk to her, kiss, calm her. Roommate keeps texting her as well which also contributed to the ASD/FSC. Set nonjudgmental frames and tell her she can leave whenever she wants to. Kiss more and the friend just gets her location and starts driving over.

Walk her down, she does like a European kiss on both my cheeks, hug, wish her well. Should’ve number closed for the etiquette but didn’t Will in the future.

Pretty smooth pull and escalation – a good night and nice for the momentum.

Go back out and number close an HB in a two-set. Almost pulled but the friend made it difficult. HBVamp really liked me, said that I reminded her of some character she obsesses over in a TV show. Played some of my music for calibration purposes and she really got into it. Would’ve had a good chance if it was just her. Seeded date idea. Solid lead for a number close at 3:00 AM


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
good stuff :)
She’s on her period and I’m not interested in that for a ONS, and she doesn’t feel comfortable with it either.
The way i've found around the period objection is to just be super hyped about it ("omg yes are you serious? i love fucking girls with periods. turns me on so much seeing blood on my dick. makes the sex feel more primal.") that's ultimately what will make her feel comfortable about it. Works when they do have a legit period and when they are using it as a BS token resistance reason lol.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Works when they do have a legit period and when they are using it as a BS token resistance reason lol.
Got it, thanks!

The way i've found around the period objection is to just be super hyped about it ("omg yes are you serious? i love fucking girls with periods. turns me on so much seeing blood on my dick. makes the sex feel more primal.") that's ultimately what will make her feel comfortable about it.
@Velasco gave you some good advice for girls on their periods.
I know you two can be rather visceral, so don’t be too taken aback when I say that I actually don’t have interest in any bloody fucking right now. Though maybe in time.

It is also important for you to be more diligent with post-lay etiquette. . . why am I saying this again? Because you are currently a student who is seducing other students. You know that crushed dreams and disappointment creates a nasty cocktail. . . of body tension and negative emotions. Realize now that beings in this state seek release. . . and somebody in college or university is always willing to hear cad tales and listen to the woes of an attractive coed.
I definitely messed this one up here. I’ve had some good etiquette moments to be fair to myself – helping HBWildflower handle her boyfriend, giving it my all to resolve things with HBMarina, getting HBAzure her wallet back, walking HBStrawberryPrincess home in the cold and letting her wear my jacket after injuring my cock, accompanying HBBlueSparkle on the way back to her bad neighborhood at 4:00 AM, etc. This was not one of these good displays.

Etiquette is extremely important to me – an actually welcome remnant of conditioning. Thankfully, I got back on-track the very next day with HB2, a girl who I really endeavored to give a very nice experience from start-to-finish. So hopefully I will improve my consistency in this significant matter.

Countless men develop harmful patterns-of-behavior based on the circumstances that surround their sexual activities. . . especially when an ejaculation is involved. Porn addiction is one example. Looking for ego-boosts from post lay debriefs is another. The allure of eroticism is so subtly mesmerizing that it often goes unnoticed. . . while it hides behind the obvious promise of sensual pleasure. So do yourself a favor. Change your patterns before they become habits. Habits and the personas people build around them take serious undoing to unravel. . . but even those can be easier than childhood imprints to fix.
Working on it...

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Hi again.

Friday, April 23, 2021
FR (Social Circle) / LR (Street Nightgame)
I could write 5,000 words, 10,000 words, or over 15,000 words about that social circle party. Much was learned, and it helped me get better.

Went over an hour late and arrived around 10. It was a formal, so I was all suited up. Grey suit, grey tie, light brown belt, light brown chukka boots, silver lapel pin. Some random guys on the way over told me that I was looking clean… they might not have been lying.

Despite feeling great on the way over, I did not have the best start. My strategy was to SPAM to build social momentum before hooking HBFoxxy, HBVerve, or HBCzech, then immersing for a bit before ejecting. Then repeat. And maybe repeat again.

But yeah, had some good sets and average sets to begin – a little inconsistent. Weird set with HBVerve who joked about eloping with some guy, and I didn’t understand her in the slightest. HBCzech came with a date who felt very threatened by me, as he should’ve. Pacified him but he was a major chode. Though I knew that probably took out HBCzech for the night. Still tested out a liminality gambit with her and she was like, “Cool!!!” lol.

Wing for a guy but the girl keeps dragging me deeper into the set when I try to eject. It was kind of funny. After that, I went into a state of low momentum and became fairly frustrated. Saw a hot girl leaving early and tried to hook her as we walked out. No hook, damn, wasn’t my best. Consider just leaving entirely to go streetgaming, but I pull myself together and get back in there. Glad I did.

I really get going after this. Build my state back up, and then notice HBFoxxy chatting with some guy. She is looking FOXXY in a powder-blue slip dress. Had spoken to her once before in the night, and I was also introduced to the guy. I know that I can blow that set up. So what I do is SPAM my way over there, opening, hooking, and ejecting people on the way. Then induce an AI from both, open the guy, hook, and then redirect the conversation through HBFoxxy. Once she’s immersed, I completely ignore the guy who makes attempts to re-enter the conversation, but she also ignores him. Neither of us notice when he slinks off. It’s just me and her now.

It was one of my best sets ever. I gave it my everything. And in that moment, I was a seducer. I drove her state. Things really got going when I asked her if she ever had a thing with X guy. Then about how people always talk about her. She gets very curious. And then about how people always sexualize her. How life is harder for her as a woman. How building her career must be so difficult when all the men in her workplace treat her like a piece of meat.

Driving her state. Modesty gambit. Discuss her favorite memories of college and discussing how we can relive those exhilarating feelings right now. I am GAMING. She is flowing her left hand through her blonde voluminous locks, and I have done this long enough now to recognize what I’m doing to her. I’m seducing her. She is aroused.

A little bit more… you are so fascinating, HBFoxxy, like there’s another side of you that no one knows about… and a little bit more and a smiling look down from her… wait, HBFoxxy, look at me in the eyes – I have a very important question for you – you are always so selfless, but don’t you think that, just once, you finally deserve to blissfully indulge in YOUR desires, whatever YOU want, letting yourself go, basking in whatever you feel deep inside, and acting on it, right now, finally doing whatever YOU really, really want?

My left hand softly rests on the small of her back, her left hand keeps flowing through her hair, smirks and light touches, and the foxxy eyes intensify. Our bodies are close now… so, so close… and getting closer and closer… and so are our lips.

I did it, I really did it.

In no other moment was I more of a seducer. One of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen, the girl who I used to fantasize about, was now melting in my touch, and my tongue was about to be inside of her throat.

Suddenly heavy footsteps make loud thumps to our right. The crashing noise is startling. Our eyes are redirected upwards with our faces just inches away.


A blinding light wrecks every iota of liminality, that oh-so-strong liminality, the fruit of seduction, the finale to the beginning phase of my seduction career, the fleeting feeling of losing what I really wanted.

Some random guy just took a picture of us about to make-out. With the flash on.

HBFoxxy is super startled. Wait, oh my god, I was about to make-out with LOFTY? Oh my god, did anyone see us? Oh my god…

I know her thoughts. It’s FSC.

And then her rapid alarmed words with no eye contact and an awkward scurry away, “I… I… have to go.”

Then she’s gone.

What I also know is the significance of the at moment. The party is just about to end. That was my last chance with her, ever, as she’s graduating. That was it, and I had done it, and it was ruined by not me.

I look at the guy who is still holding his phone in the air. “WHAT…. THE… FUCK!”

“Oh, I’m sorry man…” he whimpers.


He says nothing.

The best thing for me to do… is to walk away. It takes a mustering of my energy, but I just storm off. Emotions blaring.

I just can’t believe it. I was so close. I drove her state. I was more than ever, a seducer.

And the dumbest of dumb wildcards took it away. But that’s life. That’s The Game.

Everyone is clearing out now. I wish some seniors the best of luck, and I leave, too. HBFoxxy nowhere in sight.

As I re-control my state and think of how I’ll need to change my clothes for street nightgaming, I catch the flicker of a powder-blue dress through the quickly-increasing raindrops. It’s her. A social circle guy is helping her take off her heels.

It’s a good opportunity. You see, you can’t give up in The Game. You have to be ready, and you have to trust in yourself no matter what happened in the last moment. What matters in The Game is The Now.

She sees me nearing and opens before I do. With a nervous tone. “… Lofty…”

“… HBFoxxy…”

There is not a single doubt of the memory that is plastered in our brains. That liminality, and The Look. Nothing can ever take that away from me.

But FSC now – I should’ve anticipated it more. She asks me about work.

Then I notice HBVerve, who also looks really hot in a turquoise dress. It looks rather silky.

Her arms are crossed. Her voice is emotional. Her pupils are wide.

Again, I’m not sure what’s going on.

We’re all walking now – the plan is to go to a bar. The raindrops keep falling.

HBVerve asks me to stop. We stop.

“Do you need a ride home?”


“Yeah, sure, I live so clos-“

“I’ll get you a ride home. Come on.”

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

We start walking in the other direction.

Is this really happening...?

“HBVerve, I live so close… it’s just a minute walk away. Here, all we need to do is turn down this street, and we’ll be there… and yeah, we can just keep talking… and I can hear your thoughts on some of my music.”

She stops again. Arms tightly crossed now.

“You need a ride home. I know someone who can get you a ride home.”

*whips out her phone and starts calling a social circle girl who was also at the party*

Ohhhhhhhh, fuck.

“Do you know that I’m in a very serious relationship?”

“Oh, no, I didn’t…”

“It’s a very serious relationship.”

“Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I hope you have a wonderful marriage and beautiful children.”

“…Thanks! Wait… I can’t believe you. I’ve never seen you like this. Are you drunk?”

*the group with that girl she was calling catches up to us*

“Hey Girl, Lofty is drunk. Please take him home.”

Then I’m still pretty confused but starting to piece things together. So HBVerve must’ve thought that I was trying to fuck her, which I was, but not as much as HBFoxxy. And then she probably saw me gaming other girls and almost making out with her BFF HBFoxxy, and that’s no good. On top of that, she may have felt arousal, but then FSC turns that into angry emotions because she can’t be aroused by Lofty.

I think. But I know that it has something to do with 1. How I was making her feel and 2. How I almost made out with HBFoxxy.

Girl then gets upset at me, and I know I’m social toast. So I just tell them how socially awkward I am and how I don’t understand things sometimes, which Girl becomes empathetic towards.

We all start awkwardly walking towards the bar where everyone is going, and HBVerve keeps walking in front of me and then falling back, only to walk in front of me again. Acting all upset and huffing, arms crossed. It’s all BS and an act, but I don’t want her to do something rash. So I just lose the ego, apologize for no reason to protect myself against any further social repercussions, and leave. Knowing that my social circle reputation will be shot and also that I don’t care that much because reputation is simply an extrapolation of middle-class societal values.

Everything I did in every set that night was VERY calibrated. But gaming all the girls there in-sequence… NOT CALIBRATED. I have extremely limited social circle experience, and it was a gaffe that I did not consider in the moment. Oh well. Again, nothing can ever take the liminality that I had with HBFoxxy away from me.

It’s all good. In the future in these settings, the girls most be gamed more in groups and then isolate the one that I want to target.
Subsequently, I return to my apartment, change clothes, level my state for a while, and get back out there.

Spend some time posting up outside of a bar and am met with my first approach of the night as the rain intensifies.

LR: Gimme Dat

Saturday, April 24, 2021
FR (Social Circle/Bargame/Street Nightgame)
It’s about 9:00 when I get a text from a friend. He asks me to come to a bar. While not part of my plans, he’s cool and I may not see him again. So I agree.

HATE paying for cover – forces a stop at the ATM beforehand and brings my arrival time to 11:00 ish. Lol. Type out a quick list of themes to keep my mind fueled while I wait in line:
Connection, liminality, indulge, guilty pleasures, breaking free from society, feels like known you forever, can learn a lot about people quickly, having fun, letting go, being your own person, what would you do if money was no object; traveling, channeling NARC, eyes, what her eyes say, adventure, spontaneity, what most men are like - groping, grabbing, selfish, not about the pleasure of the woman
Did something similar as I waited for HBMarina to let me inside of her dorm, and I like it is a quick warmup doing short waits.

My entrance is met with greetings from some guys that I have not hung out with in some time, and apparently they know a hot, tall curly-haired noirette. Who opens me as I merge into the group.

I immediately work to isolate her, and our faces are inches away from each other within minutes. It’s going very well until her friend comes by. I attempt to charm the friend, but the friend is not the sharpest… sorry… and she does not keep up with a pretty simple concept. Kills the burgeoning liminality and my target (obviously a social butterfly as it was) is dragged away.

Of course, all my friends have never seen me game before and are baffled. I should have been more careful throughout the night as it is not to my benefit for them to be aware of this side of me.

They all want to loaf around for a while, I practice winging with a guy – quick eject style – before seeing a girl I know. She’s hot but came with a FB, still nice to feel a hot girl hug me and build momentum further. The HB hasn’t seen me in a long time and notes how I’ve changed – I used to be so shy before, she says. I notice how she has to go tell her guy about how she knows me while I chat to her average friends. HB ejects with the guy to go grind on him to keep his spirits up, while I eject for better prospects.

Have a good set with a girl waiting by the bathroom. Hot, super slim blonde with a thick Southern accent. She gave me a BIG AI that I caught out of the corner of my eye and was happy to compliment my hairband when I walked over. Do a good job with her. Get her talking a lot… a lot… and a lot. A few of my friends pass by and provide social proof – she makes a comment about how popular I must be.

I’m thinking there’s a chance – I have my hand comfortably resting on the small of her back while she speaks closely into my ear – when her male (very feminine) friend comes out of the bathroom. He makes sure to note how she has a boyfriend. Blah blah blah. I charm him without much trouble. HB reveals plenty of red flags – how she was raped, etc. And the friend is going to make cheating hard for her. There are better opportunities in this bar. I amiably eject.

Rest of the night is pretty experimental. I begin using some on-the-spot RPOs to hook, but they are much more hit-or-miss than I was expecting. Lots of stimulation in the bar, and I learned that RPOs here need to really HIT in terms of their own understanding. Needs to be HER understanding that I can connect with, not the other way around.

Also am frustrated by a couple sets where the girls do not talk much, and I am just pulling everything I can out of my seduction bag. But they cannot verbalize more than agreement and simple answers. Those types of sets are not that fun for me, really. However, both my mind and mouth began moving too fast at times and that did not help my case.

One girl gave me a big AI. Did well to hook and immerse. Tension builds within minutes and I just make the pull attempt because I feel there’s a chance. Obvious FSC because I was not careful enough, and she says that she’ll leave with me later because she just got here. I recognize that I was too rash and focus on hotter girls instead.

Do one “You know who you look EXACTLY like?” opener for a lonely looking girl on a stool, who responds that she gets Miley Cyrus a lot. Never really hook strongly though. Not my best set and some guy hovers around her.

Interestingly see the HB that gave me LMR a while ago – forget what I called her, but she was the one who had her friends texting her in the LR--. Damn, really wish I would have stuck my dick in her mouth, which I definitely could have. Her pussy also felt great on my fingers – this is not something that usually stands out to me. She had a very athletic body as well and turned me on as a whole. If she hadn’t have seen her friends before I pulled her, I think it would have been really straightforward. Oh well. Anyway, we never really make eye contact, and her behavior suggests that she’s a regular around here. Best to let it go, I think.

Also interestingly, I see HBStrawberryPrincess in little tiny clothing. She is with some big buff dude who was also in her Instagram pictures. This is likely a boyfriend, probably the guy whose room her phone was left in. Her and I do make eye contact. Her nervousness is palpable, and I can tell that she does not want the guy to know about me. So I just give a little smirk and let both of our nights move on. However, I do remember how nice her titties felt. They were so soft.

Couple more sets and number close one girl as her friend drags her off to buy food. The bars are almost at close, so it’s time for me to go to the bench and take advantage of the freshly expanded bar scene.

Overall, the bargame taught me that my mid-game could use some work. Especially with girls who do not speak much. Remember that I’ve been working for quick streetgame pulls for a while now. Bargame allows these themes to be expanded further in many cases. But I did okay overall and isolated well.

To the bench. Starts drizzling. Actually, not that active out. Planning on testing a variation of the Jada attention grab sequence where I comment how she wants to get with me after breaking up with her boyfriend. Have a really hot girl in a MFF set open me – no hook as her friend redirects her.

Later, I notice how a guy opens an average two-set as they walk towards me. I open when they near. Guy seems like he’s happy to have help here, and I’m thinking that he might be capable enough to wing. Though it is disproven when he nervously ejects, leaving me to handle it. The girls comment to me how he had asked them home for sex earlier. Such a shame, I say.

They’re walking back to their place. I say that I’m walking to a friend’s apartment just past their place but am still deciding if I want to go or not because I see her all of the time anyway. Set some really good frames. They are sexually open and like my presence. One girl says that I’m one of a million. Do my best to pull to theirs, but it’s like 3:00 AM and massive FSC was triggered. Both ask for my number; I keep persisting to pull and lose some frame. Recover it with the Good Sex/Bad Sex theme and just number close for calibration purposes despite knowing that I’ll never see them again. Needed to focus more on the less hot one as I did not give her enough attention, but she was probably the key to making it work.

Texted the first HB that I number closed, but she only gave one response that night.

Then I see the really hot HB who opened me earlier and her friend. Hook, immerse, hold court. FUCK, this girl is HOT. Brunette, loose flannel shirt and black leggings. Druggy type that thinks I’m tripping.

We vibe extremely well. Actually, she might my favorite girl that I’ve ever approached. When I was meta-pacing about love at first sight with her, damn, I was feeling it. Honestly was beginning to contemplate if soul mates could be real. For the first time truly feel like I want to impregnate a girl and have her birth my children.

She has a boyfriend, friend asserts. No matter. She gives me a big hug, and I hold her in my arms. Whispering sensual things while my lips softly press against her right ear and the sweet hair gracing over it.

We’re all standing in a parking garage now. She love-bombs me, saying that “she loves everything about me.” Big internal conflict due to the relationship. The two are waiting for some dude friend to drive them home.

I do my best to pull. HBSoulMate becomes frustrated with me after I reframe her SnapChat close/request for the three of us to hangout later in the weekend. But I’d rather take my chances now – you know how it is, dear reader.

After a series of intimate moments with her friend hovering over us and my pull attempts coming short, the male friend comes. HBSoulMate sadly glides her head away from my chest… very sadly. That's how I feel, too.

Guy immediately is like, “HAH, she has a boyfriend! Better luck next time, BRO!”

Should’ve number closed but I try one last time to have her stay with me. It's bad for my social frame, and she sadly returns gentle words of best wishes and how she can’t cheat on her boyfriend, but she still loves everything about me. A final hug – she feels so nice – and that’s that. She knew that I was a fuckboy and would not be able to befriend me without sex. Could have and should have kissed her for the memories.

Very, very special girl.

Friday, April 30, 2021
FR++ (Street Nightgame/Bargame)
End of the school year has a high intensity workload-wise. So I was excited to get back out there. I’m out slightly past 12:30 with the intention of doing bargame to, at a minimum, boost my momentum.

But as I cross the street outside of my apartment, I notice a lone girl pretty far down the sidewalk from the side that I just crossed from. I know that she did not notice me cross the street, so I take a quick shortcut back to the other side and post-up at a bench outside of my apartment complex that she will pass. She comes by, get the AI, open, hook, have her sit next to me, reach deep immersion, nice.

Actually a fantastic set in many regards.

She’s intelligent and gets really into the conversation. Vibe is very good. The matter to handle is the friend group that she was walking to meet up with, but I think that I can work past it with fractionation and good framing. It becomes the plan. She plays the harp which also sets up an easy open loop transition to seed the plausible deniability.

Unfortunately, I encounter two sudden wildcards. First is that the cops end up arresting someone about 20 feet to our right. That breaks liminality. Then bang-bang after that is a sorority sister (who is HOT) and her boyfriend who walk by. They have an excited girl meeting. Apparently, the sister is the mentee of HB’s best friend. She asks if we are “on a date.” And of course, because ASD, HB is like no no no we just met!!!

And then the friend and boyfriend just stand there watching the guy getting arrested. Liminality is gone, girl number closes me (gives first and last name without prompting), says that she may be free past 2:00 AM, and ejects. In hindsight, maybe I should have just gone with her. Never will see her again – didn’t ever respond to my texts. But a great set to start.

This is followed by another great set with a girl posted-up outside of a bar. She’s cold at first, but I flip her and we’re deep in conversation while sitting on the curb in no-time. Her boyfriend is in the bar, and she’s waiting for him. Eventually she finds out that he already left the bar. HB is hot and cool but seems very loyal/conditioned. I’m willing to work with it, but I see another HB posted-up alone near a visible street corner. So I wish this HB well and eject. Also wonder if that was a mistake in hindsight. I think that I might as well have made the pull attempt.

Set up the approach with the other HB. Hook but she FaceTimes a girl and is like, “Look at my new friend!!!!!!” Yuck, it breaks circle, and she won’t get off FaceTime. On and on to her pixelated friend. A lone girl walks past us, and I eject to merge paths with her.

This one is not the nicest. One of the types with a lot of victim mentality. Do some reframes as we keep walking and she calls me “an angel.” But she makes the assumption that I must want to fuck her – she’s extremely vain. She makes several offensive comments that I handle but these are different than just soft, innocent frame grabs. She number closes me, but I am soured on her. Best to be screened from both sides.

See a girl on the curb. She’s not that hot, but I set-up the approach for momentum purposes and to not pass-up an opportunity. Hook, but it does not last long because her boyfriend comes out of a restaurant with a bag of their take-out. I keep it calibrated and we part ways.

Fucked up a moving set with a hot girl in pink dress. Not my best approach. Tried to move the interaction forward too quickly and made a few poor verbal transitions. Still get her to sit down with me outside of her apartment, but it’s ended when a guy she knows who also lives there passes. ASD – he goes inside, and so does she. Big, missed opportunity but whatever. There are always more.

Tried texting the first HB around 2:15 – no response.

An HB in an elevated (borderline too drunk?) state passes me while I’m at the bench. Hooked. She’s going to a bar apparently open until 3:00 AM. Should have redirected her, but I am not quick enough, and she wants to keep walking. Walk with her and think that I’ll just game her at the bar. Mistake as she might have been DTF from the get-go. LOTS of frame grabs. She maintains a tough frame. It is tough. A good challenge.

She thinks I’m too young, but I say that I’m a year older than her. Doesn’t believe me and she thinks that I’m not old enough to get in. Luckily, they don’t even check my ID at the bar entrance and it’s a non-issue. HAHA. Helped that it was so late, and the place was pretty much empty.

SO MANY frame grabs. She wants me to buy her a drink. I don’t. She wants a drink. I tell her to just go get a drink and then come back to me. She complies. More frame grabs on her return. Lots about age. Handle them OK but not great. Circle is broken when a bartender she knows starts yelling at a weird guy, saying that she’ll break his nose. HB goes and talks to her. I don’t chase and wait. Half keeping my frame and half experimenting to see how this girl responds.

She comes back again and asks me questions that she already asked before. I decide that she is too drunk at this time. Don’t like this place and eject. Notice that a guy opens her direct as I leave, asking her to fuck.

Post-up for a while. No opportunities, which is a bit frustrating. Try to keep my mind focused and not thinking about earlier sets. Wander around some. Past 3:00 AM I see a girl teetering on the HB borderline in a revealing black dress standing alone outside an apartment complex. There’s a guy walking in front of me. He looks back at me as we both notice her. Well, he keeps on walking. I don’t. I open when she gives the AI while the guy stares back at us.

Hook. She’s receptive, waiting for a friend to let her inside because she’s thinking of staying there for the night. A bit weird overall. After informing me that I seem like I’m from Philadelphia, which is not even close, she frame grabs by asking what I’d put on a cheese steak. No idea so I redirect, and I oddly lose frame with this girl because I don’t say her favorite topping of “Cheese Whiz” – yuck? And she’s from New Jersey, so I’m not really seeing what the obsession is here. But I redirect the conversation back into SOTs.

Her friend isn’t responding. Nice. Set-up the pull. When I do make the attempt, she objects because her parents apparently obsessively track her location and keep a list of spots where she could be at night, and she doesn’t want them to call the police. Ooooooookay.

So I try hers instead with the plausible deniability of us talking and sharing music. Greenlight. Nice.

We will have to stop at her roommate’s boyfriend’s place first to pick up her keys. Not ideal, but it is to be rolled with. Her narcissism really comes out on the walk there. Brags about her Louis Vuitton bag and closet full of Supreme clothing. Oh God. Gives my outfit a 7.5/10. What. Comments how “it matches” but could really use a Supreme shirt. Oh God.

Get to the roommate’s boyfriend’s place. She tells me to wait outside while she gets her keys from her. Fine by me. However, she invites me inside shortly thereafter. I accept for calibration purposes. The place is super messy. Make quick chat with the two new characters before I get us out of there. The roommate encourages us to “have fun!”

Alright, now we have to Uber to her place which is like a 15-minute Uber ride. In my opinion, I do not understand why a student would live where she lives because it is very isolated from everything else in this already small town. Maybe that is the perk, but probably not. Hmm.

She doesn’t want to wait for the Uber in the sketchy neighborhood that we were just in, and I agree. Move her towards the main street in town before calling the Uber. She comments how there should be no expectations, which I completely understand. Do my best to keep immersion while the ride comes, but it is honestly taking too long. I know that ASD is creeping in and fractionation will be a must.

Unfortunate wildcard when the Uber driver is unfriendly – he does not talk. That throws a hitch in my usual strategy to maintain the vibe. HB is also busy texting on her phone. The vibe de-escalates completely. I know that I will have some work to do when we get to her place.

We finally get there. She cannot get the gate to open, claiming that she usually doesn’t have to enter a PIN on the keypad. Uhhhhhh. Though her story is validated when we try a different entrance that opens without a PIN. I’m not feeling that comfortable with this girl by now. These are not feelings that I’ve ever felt before. Something feels off.

Inside to her apartment. It is also a mess. Food boxes everywhere. Granted, her own room is slightly neater and has a cool layout with album covers all over the walls. I ask if she has a Bluetooth speaker that we can play music from. Connect to her Alexa. We lay down on her bed, but she quickly goes into her closet to change. It’s not time for my instrumental playlist yet, so I draw for other hypnotic sounds. She takes a while in her closet and comes out wearing only a baggy grey sweatshirt. Once she hops onto the bed next to me, I have momentary visual confirmation that there’s just a thong underneath.

Next, she really pisses me off because she calls my favorite Smino song “lo-fi” and wants to play Lil Peep instead.

… the fuck.

... but if that’s what gets my dick sucked, then whatever. Banish the ego. I hand her my phone and encourage her to play whatever she wants before commenting on her “idiosyncratic and highly tasteful” Lil Peep playlist…

… and she’s like, “Isn’t that better?”


Whaaaaaatever. I refocus on conversational themes. Loosely was Music > Memories > Relationships > Sex talk.

On three occasions, she randomly stood up, told me to wait one second, and left the room. Closing the door and leaving me alone. Whatthefuck. It was really strange. Didn’t know what was going on. Each time, she eventually came back into the bed and snuggled up against me. Had my hand dancing into erogenous zones.

Get the sexual tension built back up, and I know that it’s time to physically escalate. Make-out and rotate to lay on-top of her. She’s super into it, moaning and grabbing my hair. I kiss her neck and do more sex talk. Trying to work slowly and be risk-averse to limit any re-emergence of ASD. Lightly brush my hands over her tits as we kiss. When I whisper things of sensuality into her ear, she tightly closes her legs around me. Take that as a sign to take off my jacket. The jacket does not come off smoothly, fuck. It takes a couple seconds too long as it gets awkwardly caught. Jacket comes off but there was a lapse in the tension.

Suddenly, she says that she needs to get up and will be right back. Leaves the room and closes the door behind her AGAIN. Really making me uncomfortable. After five minutes, I open the door and notice how she went into her roommate’s room – also with the door closed.

This girl is really weirding me out, and I am sensing that something is off. Off, off, off.

I consider leaving right then-and-there. After thinking for a few more minutes, I grab my jacket and begin putting my shoes on. She then re-enters the room, saying something about having to do something in her roommate’s room. Just strange vibes in the air, and my mind is telling me to get out.

Give her a hug, wish her the best, and do just that.

It’s like 3:50 AM now.

When leaving, I see a two-set standing in the hallway. These girls are hotter. One is wearing a mask. That is extremely strange in context. It is one girl’s birthday. Something did not go right on her day – maybe her hook-up went wrong. Hence why she’s standing in the hallway with her friend at 3:50 AM waiting for an Uber. The friend is extremely unfriendly, and I’m never able to break through to her. Which was necessary to isolate the other one here. If it was just my target, then I feel like something could have happened. Their Uber comes, and I finally order mine because I’m an hour walk along the highway from my apartment. And that’s not risk-averse. Sucks about the spending the money though.

No second thoughts about leaving. Never felt that way around a girl before, and I don’t think it’s for no reason.

Active night, strange night, one to learn from.

Saturday, May 1, 2021
FR (Street Nightgame)
Strange outing that was highlighted by me making two people make-out.

Got out late, and then caught in no-man’s land when in limbo between the decision of bargame and street nightgame. Did wear a new outfit with a white blazer, black undershirt, and the white AF1s. Maybe too rakish for this town.

The look of the bars was not attractive. Lots of groups sitting around – not looking to pay cover for that. Head to the bench instead. Encounter a WEIRD two-set on the way with some paranoid girl. Very peculiar, but at least I opened. Screen and GET AWAY.

Big opportunity missed when I see Mother Hen from Gimme Dat walking in the opposite direction in a large mixed group. I do not recognize her right away, but she recognizes me and stopping, happily says “Lofty!”

I think it had to be some unattractive girl that I accidentally opened on a bad night or something, and just say, “Hey, how’s it going?” as I keep walking. Then after about 45 seconds, I realize, fuck, that was Mother Hen and a fantastic opportunity to merge into that set with great social frame. Oh well.

Have one approach at the bench after waiting for a long time. A low energy girl who is drunkish. Hook and get her to sit down. Not the strongest hook. She’s pretty hot. Dirty blonde with an athletic figure. I messily transition, and she leaves shortly after. Missed opportunity.

Like 2:30 now. I can’t let the night end like this, so I walk to a bar that is supposedly open until 3:00 AM. Naturally, it’s closed when I get there. Back towards the bench.

On the way, I pass by a MMFF set where I recognize a guy from what feels like another life ago. He does not notice me pass. I make note to enter their set if I do not see another girl shortly.

I was walking in the direction away from my apartment, and if I’m going to take that shot, then I need to set myself up better. I circle around the block and don’t see an approach opportunity, so I come back by the four-set. The guy doesn’t notice me again. I open all surprised like “OMG JOSH HOW ARE YOU IT’S BEEN LIKE FOREVER MAN”

So he reciprocates the energy, daps me up, etc. I immediately proceed to NARC him up to the group, talking about how charismatic he is, how he lights up a room, how all the girls love him, etc.

One of the girls in the group clearly likes him. Her friend is attractive enough but seems pretty distant in this interaction. The other guy is his younger brother.

Social frame here is good, and I think that I can work this. To do so, I’ll build the sexual tension between my old friend and this girl. That will open up her friend to me, and I know that I can tactfully outcompete the brother.

I continue by being shocked that the two of them aren’t dating, asking them if they’ve ever kissed, articulating the sexual vibe between them. They’re like “Noooooo we’re juuuuust frieeeeeeends.”

Yeah right, they clearly want to fuck, but neither has ever made a move. I then start opportunities and challenges framing to FINALLY ACT NOW and giving some meta-time constraint. Pace and lead more, bring back the idea of them kissing, and the girl is finally like “OMG SHOULD WE??????”

I just give the most intrigued and encouraging expression ever. The guy is a little timid (he’s a really good and social guy but very conditioned), and with a little push he lets himself go. They passionately make-out.


Holy fuck, that was toxic as fuck.

I take a step to the side as they smooch. The brother excitedly daps me up for getting his brother a kiss and also because that was amazing. I both can and can’t believe it. It took about five minutes of toxic influential behavior. Whatthefuck.

Then I notice that the friend has started to walk down the sidewalk in the direction of my apartment. I quickly ask the brother how he knows her, and he responds that oh no he just met her tonight and doesn’t even know her name. Cool, I say, maybe I’ll find out. I eject and go approach this isolated moving target.


She has a pretty tough frame but is receptive. Before long I have my arm around her after she takes off her shoes because her feet are hurting. I am supporting her walk. Then the friend catches back up to us, and the friend nervously separates herself. The girl can’t believe that she just made out with Josh after all this time. She thought that he didn’t like her and doesn’t understand how it happened. Guess you two just felt something special and grabbed life by the horns, I say.

But she needs some emotional assurance as ASD and doubt creeps in – she does not understand the influence that I had in that interaction. Good, that means it was acceptably covert. I pace her and help her feel better. Keep trying to charm the friend. I think that she really likes me but has lots of FSC after she saw me work the social frame like that. She barely looks at me in the eyes, and her eyes quickly dart to the ground when she does.

I also know that I will need to pull BOTH to my place now to have a chance. Also, this kind of became social circle-esque, so I mustn’t be rash. As we notice broken glass on the sidewalk, I encourage the barefooted friend HB to hop on my back. It’s kind of dumb but also a good opportunity. She complies. I carry her for a while with her body grinding against my back. Then she hops off with the same nervous energy, claiming she was slipping.

Never fully break through to her, and we get to my apartment. They had previously asked where I live. I know that they both like me, but there is not enough juice for the pull. I stop them as we say our farewells and quickly gauge again. Nope, a fine interaction but not enough juice to risk the social repercussions. If it wasn’t the social circle type now, then I would have tried. But not now and it’s also past 3:00 AM.

The girl who kissed Josh yells after me to get home safely as I walk to my apartment about 20 feet away. Hmm.

Strange toxic night on the town.

Can you believe I did that?


Tuesday, May 4, 2021
FR (Street Nightgame/Bargame)
Town is not active at all. Quiet streets. Very quiet streets. Not a lot of bars open. Maybe a couple total in the whole town.

Find one with no cover – maybe 15 people total in there. I post-up for a minute before leaving knowing that it is a waste of my time. When I’m a few steps away, I notice a lone HB walking in my direction. Stop and hook with the “You know who you look EXACTLY like opener?” She’s a bit tipsy and pushes her tits into my right hand a couple times as I casually lean against a railing.

She’s going to that bar to meet up with friends. Would try to redirect but we are very close to the bar. Pretty futile and uncalibrated overall. She number closes me, but I go back into the bar with her. Meet her friend. Charm her. First HB separates for a moment as she joins other friends. I reassess the situation, and as I turn my head, there happens to be a hot dirty blonde sitting on the pool table right in my personal space. Hey, it’s the HB from Saturday that I messed up with. Not sure if she recognizes me.

I open, and things get going. She is TOUGH. FRAME GRAB FRAME GRAB FRAME GRAB.

Says my hairband looks dumb, and that I should take it off. I say, well, take it off. And then style my hair. She’s very happy to do so.

The entire bar stares at us as she meticulously styles my hair. When she’s finished, I have her take a picture to show me, then NARC her. She holds out my hairband and informs me that I can’t put it on again. I’m like yeah yeah, grab it, and put it in my pocket.

Onto SOTs. She is receptive but very unemotional. Highly difficult to read and assess. Sporadic with elicitation – sometimes she responds in-depth, sometimes with one-word answers. But I feel there’s a chance.

An interesting development occurs when she comments her perceptions of me. The comments are that I seem like the type of person who doesn’t know when someone doesn’t want to talk to them because I’m very persistent and stand very close. Hey, that’s good tech. She quickly qualifies it by repeatedly saying “but that has nothing to do with this conversation.”


She was scared of me talking offense. I reframe that I actually really appreciate her perceptiveness as most girls wouldn’t notice that, let alone try to help me improve.

I later mess up a topic turning point when I transitioned into talking about most guys being bad at sex but do not pounce on the opportunity, and the conversation is rerouted into less sassy topics. Damn.

HB continues to make comments about me in a negative light before using the same type of qualifier “but that it doesn’t have anything to do with this conversation.”


Vibe gets fairly escalated at points. I see little flickers in her eyes, but not the big ember yet.

I get thrown off when some dude comes by and she excitedly hugs him. Damn, vibe deescalates some after the circle was broken. And for some reason this girl has me slightly unsettled, though I have done okay to work through it thus far.

A big thing is that a few of her comments disturbed me because of the whole thing with HBVerve. Am I not as perceptive as I think? Am I not as calibrated as I think?

Conversation hits a stand-still. I make the mistake of filling in the open space with last-resort type of social frame material. Should’ve just tried to pull at that point honestly. Might’ve had a chance. After this, I feel a wave of discomfort and awkwardly eject to her surprise, and leave the bar.

Post-up at a new location. A girl passing in a two-set calls me hot. Cool. I begin to open when a girl passing in a different two-set calls that girl a whore. A spat ensues. Oh god. I stay out of it, NARC the girl after she wins the spat but do not hook.

One more streetgame approach with a girl who has a big victim mentality. Weak hook, no immersion.

I learned a lot and have a lot to reflect on.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Recent thoughts and activities

Since the last outing:
  • Was not able to approach due to logistics (family visiting)
  • Buzzed my hair off. Came to agree with that HB that the hairband look was hurting me more than helping me, and my long hair is always very difficult to manage. So I changed up the look and will field-test
  • Reflected on a recent switch to drop the “My Friend Jada” sequence to open in favor of a “Women Are Harassed During Nightlife” meta-pace. I like it better. It’s cleaner and is better for conversational routing. Also got tired of opening like that and reframing if the girl said she was not good at discussing relationships
  • Realized that bargame will essentially become social circle game with barely anyone still in town for summer
  • Altered my plans for the summer and will be staying here for now. If I go home, then I will be pretty much stuck in the house
  • Understood that this is a good time to practice relationship control
  • Gathered that NARCing girls must be done much more selectively because improper usage can come off as… gasp… DIRECT
  • Concluded that my mid-game needs work with girls who do not speak much. Also, these approaches are way less fun
  • Bargame has taught me that sometimes I need to slooooooooow down – energy verge, but most of the time, I DO NOT and SHOULD NOT work as quickly as I do on the streets. It is not good for FSC in these settings.
  • Allocated $200 to spend on summer clothing. Need to be selective and efficient with my choices
  • Refined career plans
  • Developed a better recognition of low-momentum state and hacks to replenish state
  • Broke a 27-day streak of no pornography. The relapse revealed that porn is generally not enjoyable anymore and CRINGE
  • Out of the past 29 days:
    • Went 17 of the first 18 without orgasm through masturbation (GOOD)
    • Went 4 of the last 11 without orgasm through masturbation (BAD)
      • However, I have been able to achieve orgasms of never-seen-before intensity… like EXORCISMS that leave me in a buzzing state accompanied by laughing, crying, and cackling. Also have needed to ensure I am in a comfy place as my body will enter a series of uncontrollable spasms after stringing together multiple orgasms
        • These sessions are more INTENSE than sex which concerns me somewhat
        • Masturbation is a threat because I have not been able to control frequency
  • Observed that it is much more difficult to not masturbate in the days immediately following an orgasm of any sort but especially a wet orgasm
  • Have been getting sporadic erections for the first time in months and much better erection quality! I must curb my masturbation to ensure that progress is not lost
  • Thought a lot about HBWildflower. I really liked this girl because she was just fun, especially when contrasted with some of the not fun girls I’ve approached lately. There are a lot of vivid, wonderful memories from this night, but a moment that I’ve especially relived in recent times is when she was sitting naked on my bed with her arms cutely outstretched, looking for a hug and asking if I’d be her boyfriend. Or how she started rubbing her pussy as I whisked her off to my bed, or how she begged to put my hairband back in while I stood shirtless in the cold, or how she apologized for being naked as we cuddled. What a night. And now I can say with absolute certainty that her blowjobs were truly elite – by far the best I’ve ever had. I hope she lives a wonderful life.
I need to make the most of these circumstances and continue to improve.

Mastery-oriented approach for the HOT GIRL SUMMER.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thursday, May 13, 2021
FR – Nightgame (Bargame)

Feeling of lethargy as I get ready due to low social momentum and an inactive week – I’ve barely spoken to a human being in three days.

I begin by scouting out the summertime bar scene which is generally terrible. Dedicated streetgame sessions are simply not possible due to minuscule volume. On top of that, each bar only has a handful of people inside. But where there are girls, there are lays.

Pretty not good start to the night as I leave two bars without an approach. I had posted-up in each and wasn’t getting the chances I wanted – groups at tables, groups standing around in closed off locations, etc. As I’ve realized, I must advance my game to handle these situations and make the most of this summer. Open groups > charm > isolate > pull will have to become a familiar process.

Got out around 12:45, and it’s about 1:40 now. Bars close at 2:00. Go back into the trashiest bar in town that just screams, “19-year-old Cluster B.”

Post-up for a moment, spot a two-set as I casually begin to walk around the bar, notice that one of the girls leaves for a moment, and that the other is consumed by her phone. I materialize in the open space next to her, feel that she notices me but don’t get the AI, and open with the “1-10” opener. HOOK and immerse.

It’s a really good approach overall, and I’m really proud of myself for pushing through a tough night to give this my best shot. Hot blonde German girl, tattoo artist, bored of bar scene and doesn’t come out much, likes music festivals and drugs.

Charm her until close. We then step outside. Make the pull attempt. She said she would come listen to my music on any other night but has to drive her friends home. Her friends call out from down the sidewalk. She number closes. Puts in her number, then wants to make sure that I have it. I scroll through Google Voice to find her number and can’t. She sees me and is like, “What is that?” I’m like, “Oh, my phone is jailbroken lol.”

Still can’t find her number, so she puts it in again and I text her right away with my name. Says to text her for tomorrow night. Hugs me twice and farewell.

Friday, May 14, 2021
Texting Update
FR – Nightgame (Bargame/Streetgame)

HBTattyGirl from last night is probably the best texting lead since HBMarina, and I hope to get her over tonight. She is a bad bitch but also gave off girlfriendy vibes – would be a good one for the summer.

Begin the texting in the afternoon.
Texting with HBTattyGirl

5/14, 2:03 AM

Me: Lofty

1:15 PM
Me: wondering something. does anyone ever say that you have super creative vibes?

1:18 PM
HBTattyGirl: Awww hi I have gotten that before and that's a huge compliment *white heart emoji*
HBTattyGirl: It was so nice talking to you last night and I'd love to hear your music sometime!

*should’ve responded right away/called/closed*

1:36 PM
Me: it’s like the first thing i noticed about you. that you weren’t like most girls
Me: i’d love to hear the thoughts of a fellow artist about my music! it sounds better on my speakers but want to hear a little snippet of what I’m working on rn?

2:29 PM
HBTattyGirl: I would love to!


*fog saves the day in the chat with a rockstar recommendation to recover*

3:32 PM
Me: ah i wanted to show you but my phone's being dumb and not sending this video… i’ll just show you when we meet, sound good? we can sit on my porch and listen :)
No reply...

Made a few mistakes here, obviously, because she never responded. First is that I should have replied right away to her first text after she only took three minutes. That was an opportunity to close based on her positive responses. Second is that I fell too deeply into my pre-planned structure of wanting to send her a snippet of my music to lead into the close. Not being aware of Google Voice’s limitations really hurt my social frame, and it looks like the damage was done.

It’s disappointing because I really liked her, and the lead looked good. Still, I want to get laid, so I know that I must prepare myself for bargame later.

Put on my white bomber when the time comes, but I think it looks kind of not good. So I go with a white long-sleeved shirt and my white AF1s, which I actually really liked the look of. The discovery of a new outfit was a nice touch to the night.

Getting out around 1:00, I know that I’ll have to be efficient. Unfortunately, I begin to feel somewhat sick and stop back in my apartment. Sit down, control my state, and start feeling a little better. Back out around 1:30. Damn, but a couple bars are open until 3:00 AM tonight so I’m all good.

Once again, it’s just so quiet in this town right now. Literally just a handful of people at each bar. It is a challenge and necessitates a LEVEL UP to my game. At least they’re not charging cover due to the low volume and very lax at the entrance.

Go into the first bar and don’t like the look. Though I do miss a chance to open a two-set. I’m out of there within minutes. Onto the next place where I met HBTattyGirl. This bar is so trashy that I’m really beginning to like it. It’s really just a small, dimly lit room with a beer pong table that takes up half the space with loud hip-hop playing. And 18+. Very trashy, super Cluster B oriented. Yum.

Once I arrive, there’s like 4 dudes and 1 girl in there. Cooooooome onnnnnnn. So I leave there and go back to the first bar. Get over there again and post-up. Some drunk dude starts talking to me – he’s very drunk and fairly uncalibrated, but it’s decent for social momentum. I politely eject after a while acting like I’m going to get a drink; instead, I post-up near the bar.

A lone girl walks by. Open, didn’t think she heard me clearly, but she stops. Open again with the 1-10 opener. Hook, immerse. She’s very right-winged and responds to my “Women Are Harassed During Nightlife” meta-pace with rants about how women can ruin the lives of men with false tape accusations. Opportunities and Challenges frame her and she brings up the idea of me taking her home and how she’s more trustworthy than those OTHER girls we discussed.

Bad logistics come into play as she has to pick up people from the airport in a few hours. It’s about 2:30 AM now. Pace and lead that I can completely understand and how she could just leave whenever she wanted, take advantage of the now, etc. No dice.

The bar closes around 2:40, so I try to keep an eye out for any girls at the final scramble. One decent girl in a group makes eye contact – a heavy AI – but I mess it up as I am not decisive enough with how to approach. Option 1 would have been just to wave her over, while Option 2 would have been just to walk over. Instead, she leaves with her friends. Would have had to been a quick isolation and charming of the group as well, but I should have done it.

Then back to the trashy bar, hoping it’s still open. It is. I sit at a stool near the bar. Like three girls in there – two in set and one ugly girl alone on her phone. Battle myself whether I should approach the lone girl or not… she was not attractive.

I decide to let that one go and instead plan on stealing one of the other girls. But then the bar closes, and I don’t get the chance. I know that not opening the ugly girl was probably a mistake even for social momentum purposes, so when she suddenly passes me as I lean against the wall outside, I open. She keeps on walking LOL.

Next, I walk back towards the first bar (which is on the way to my apartment) to see if there are any stragglers walking home. Nope, but I do see a guy and girl sitting at the patio of a closed restaurant, smooching. She’s not too attractive, either. Yet when she gives me eye contact as I pass, I know what I need to do.

I go over and open with a meta-pace. Hook the girl – the guy is like wtf. Charm the guy who is a massive, massive NARC. End up immersing both and controlling the frame for an hour, trying to calibratedly tool the guy while arousing the girl. I definitely arouse the girl, but it’s a crazy social frame to be working from. I do hit on interesting SOTs and sex talk.

It’s interesting when the girl calls me “wholesome” and “genuine” when the self I’ve created in this set was continually developed and catered to the girl as the interaction went on. Interesting, guess that means things were pretty covert.

I’m happy to have made this ambitious attempt, but in the end, the guy finally gets them both to leave amiably around 4:30 AM.

Good practice.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Hey @Lofty love reading the updates, as usual.

What is the opportunities and challenges frame? Not sure I’ve seen it linked before.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey @Lofty love reading the updates, as usual.

What is the opportunities and challenges frame? Not sure I’ve seen it linked before.
Hey @Kvothe,

Check out this link:


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Texting with HBTattyGirl

5/14, 2:03 AM


1:15 PM
wondering something. does anyone ever say that you have super creative vibes?

1:18 PM
Awww hi I have gotten that before and that's a huge compliment *white heart emoji*
HBTattyGirl: It was so nice talking to you last night and I'd love to hear your music sometime!

*should’ve responded right away/called/closed*

1:36 PM
it’s like the first thing i noticed about you. that you weren’t like most girls
Me: i’d love to hear the thoughts of a fellow artist about my music! it sounds better on my speakers but want to hear a little snippet of what I’m working on rn?

2:29 PM
I would love to!


*fog saves the day in the chat with a rockstar recommendation to recover*

3:32 PM
ah i wanted to show you but my phone's being dumb and not sending this video… i’ll just show you when we meet, sound good? we can sit on my porch and listen :)

lofty...you stoked her embers....and carried those embers from in-person into the digital world...nice one...

these were the texts i recommended that you use:

"my phones not working - ill just show you when we meet, sound good?"
"we can sit on my porch and listen"

they were not meant to be blended together, and i feel bad i didnt clarify this with you - because this combination of words resulted in a lack of response from her. the first one is what i wanted you to use...the second one was more of an afterthought for later down the close.

next time there will be more caution...just imagine this...you have fucked two girls in one night and you're texting the third to come over. It would be a hat trick...but a texting mishap happens and you end the night only having a 3some. i dont want you to have to turn blue with disappointment and rage when that time comes!

here's why it went wrong.
Lofty: my phone's being dumb and not sending this video… i’ll just show you when we meet, sound good? we can sit on my porch and listen :)

You jumped the gun.

The first text leaves it in "we'll keep texting and talking unless you show me you're hot for me right now.. then ill close" territory

the second text leaves it in, "gosh that jerk, he just wants to fuck!" territory, which as you can imagine is not a good land to be in

for reference, i use the "we can sit on my porch" line near the end of the close. and i use it very sparingly, because i do get resistance from it
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
these were the texts i recommended that you use:

"my phones not working - ill just show you when we meet, sound good?"
"we can sit on my porch and listen"

they were not meant to be blended together, and i feel bad i didnt clarify this with you - because this combination of words resulted in a lack of response from her. the first one is what i wanted you to use...the second one was more of an afterthought for later down the close.
I see, I see. Don't feel bad, this one is 1000000% on me.

It's all good, a worthwhile learning experience no matter the outcome!

You jumped the gun.

The first text leaves it in "we'll keep texting and talking unless you show me you're hot for me right now.. then ill close" territory

the second text leaves it in, "gosh that jerk, he just wants to fuck!" territory, which as you can imagine is not a good land to be in
Definitely needed to understand this. Unfortunately, I saw the message through my eyes instead of hers.

Question now... do you think I could have closed after her first texts?
1:15 PM
wondering something. does anyone ever say that you have super creative vibes?

1:18 PM
Awww hi I have gotten that before and that's a huge compliment *white heart emoji*
HBTattyGirl: It was so nice talking to you last night and I'd love to hear your music sometime!
What do you think might've happened if I sent something like, "maybe we can sooner rather than later... iirc you said you’re free tonight. what time works best for you?"

And that my attempt to send her a music snippet maybe was unnecessary to begin with after that positive double text, leading the conversation backwards?

Thoughts - was she hot enough after the approach and double-text, or did I have the right idea to add a little more juice?

Saturday, May 15, 2021
FR – Nightgame (Bargame)

I’ll start off this entry by sharing insights and assigning names to the bar venues that I've been scouting:
Venue Breakdown for Summer Bargame Based on Scouting and Research Through 5/15
(In order of proximity to my place)

-Nifty Bar:
Location: Across the street

411 (lol): This place is somewhat sleek-looking and looked to have very active nights during the school year, but it has generally been very empty in the early stages of the summer. So now the people who are in there usually are just sit at tables. I’ve never actually been inside – the one time I almost did was last month when they tried charging full cover twenty minutes before close. I do not see myself going there often, but who knows because of its great logistics?

-Squeezy Bar:
Location: 1 block away

411: Very small rectangular shaped room. Bar counter in the far corner, bordered by a stage for a band. Live music sometimes. When they do, it’s very, very loud – barely talkable. When they don’t, it’s still very loud and barely talkable. Pool table on the other side where frat boys loiter. Some chairs against the adjacent wall. One of more frequented venues in town, but isolating girls here is a tall order with very few post-up locations/isolating locations. Would need to build social momentum QUICK in this place or I become the uncalibrated alone guy in the corner. Can see every person in there as I walk by (can scan for quality). Usually start my outing with a walk around here to check for girls leaving and might post-up for a bit (e.g., Gimme Dat).

-Pubby Bar:
Location: 2 blocks away

411: The most popular place left in town. It’s two rooms with a pub-like set-up on one side, and an open “dancefloor” (LOOSE USAGE) on the other. Decent amount of areas to post-up. Sometimes charges cover but hasn’t been during the desolate summer. Probably will be the first or second stop each outing.

-Country Bar:
Location: ~5 minute walk

411: Just open a few days a week and have never been inside. Typically has a live musician (usually country) and apparently charged a hefty cover during the school year – not sure about now. Seems loud from the outside but appears to have decent spots to isolate. Will scout it out further.

-Trashy Bar:
Location: ~15 minute walk

411: Tiny little room with a bar on one side and a beer pong table set-up on the other. Somewhat hypnotic luminescent lights with loud hip-hop playing. Screams CLUSTER B. Very hit-or-miss. Might be three people in there, might be some hot girls in there. Though if there are girls in there, the propensity is high for them to be hot. Usually doesn’t even check for ID. Close to THE BENCH even though street nightgame is dead now, sadly.

-Homey Bar:
Location: ~20 minute walk (5 minutes down the street from Trashy Bar)

411: Pretty basic college bar that’s been around forever. Bar area and an outdoor patio with tables. Pool tables and darts scattered inside. Popular on Wednesdays. Not many good spots for isolation and is more conducive for groups. The logistics aren’t great and would necessitate an Uber for the pull, but I might make the occasional stop if I check out Trashy Bar.

Other possible locations:
-2 bars for locals near Trashy Bar (older crowd and very empty)
-Bar for locals near Country Bar (older crowd and very empty)
-New bar only open until 11pm near Country Bar
-Worlds unknown
Haven’t run into any issues at the entrances, nor do any of these bouncers seem particularly scrupulous. Again, it helps that these places only have a handful of people at them each.

As for this night, I’m out around 12:40 wearing a black longline tee, slim-fit jeans, and black suede PUMAs, necklace, bracelet. Solidly casual outfit.

The sounds of the night are more active than they have been, I notice, as I begin my walk. Nice. I make my circle around Squeezy Bar, and while it does have some activity, I do not see any girls inside to my liking Plus, it’s sooooo loud. I move on to Pubby Bar.

Do a quick scan around the place looking for any lone girls before posting up at this narrow strip between a booth and the bar counter. I’ve learned it’s probably the best place in here to catch girls who have momentarily separated from their groups to get a drink.

The method works pretty quickly, and I hook a decent HB in a red low-cut top and tight black skirt with the “1-10” opener > reframe > vibe of the night/why we come out (to let loose) > her ability to fight off creepy guys.

My first attempt to relocate her to nearby seating fails. Her rejection is because she’s meeting up with her roommate at the counter, who she then points to. That girl has been like five feet away this entire conversation lol. She’s just average – not much makeup. Does not seem like the type to come out often.

Okay, now the plan changes.

I ignore her compliance denial, and we gradually permeate over to the friend. Charm her, but she’s not talkative. Can tell she likes me, though, or at least I make her nervous. Build further comfort with the two of them and things began to look solid. However, I’m still weighing whether I should try to isolate this HBAnimal or work to pull both.

At one point when I have both in a liminal bubble, a guy runs up behind HB and puts his arms around her waist. The friend clarifies that he’s a bouncer here, and they’re just friends. I befriend him somewhat as it quickly becomes clear that he is just an orbiter – he offers to get all of us shots. The girls accept while I politely decline, citing how I’ve had enough to drink already. Haven’t had a sip, though.

The bouncer hovers around and playfully dances not with – but near – HB. I know I’m more of a sexual threat in HB’s eyes than him, so I just ignore this (a la Skills’ suggestion) while taking the opportunity to further charm the shy friend. It becomes abundantly clear that HB is a regular at this bar and really every bar in town. A graduate student who goes out nearly every night.

Not long after, HB scurries up to me with an unsettled energy in her eyes. She explains her interactions with the bouncer. How they’ve been friends ever since she bloodied the nose of an annoying girl, and he didn’t kick her out. NARC that, which is the impetus for her to enter a story about when grabbed this bartender by the ponytail and shoved her face into the counter.

This HB DOES NOT like vain sorority girls. Good for contrast framing, including the “smoke and mirrors,” “illusion,” and “living in the NOW – the REAL world” forays.

Little bit of kino as her body bumps into mine. Begin more frequent linking with hand gestures and light touches to her arms. The friend also leans her body against me at times. The bubble intensifies once more. HB used to work at an EDM club in Atlanta. Smooth transition to set-up my open loop, and she’s interested.

Circle is broken once again when she spots another guy she knows. Pretends to confirm with her friend... “OMG IS THAT KYLE??!??!” before running up to hug him. It’s like a super intense hug. She really does know a lot of people.

On top of that, I feel the bouncer’s eyes every single second. This pull would not be easy. And maybe not even worth it since I will frequent this bar over the coming months. I must remain in good terms. HB is attractive but not hot enough to sacrifice my reputation with rash behavior.

She comes back. I high-point before ejecting to “catch-up with my friends” when I’m looking for other targets in reality. Hugs me with a little bit of a disappointed look before I walk into the other room. Post-up there for around five minutes. Nothing doing. Return to the two-set who are both excited to see me again.

Re-enter immersion once more. It’s about 1:30 now. Been talking to them for what feels like too long. Couple dead spots that I let HB fill.

I also see two of HBVerve’s friends which throws me off a little because that whole situation did not end well socially.

The bouncer keeps coming back to us. I know that the risk to my social frame is too large to make this pull attempt. Probably will see this girl again in the future anyway, and it’s probably best just to live for another day here. I’d be better off stopping by Trashy Bar as it closes at 2:00.

This becomes my plan after HB briefly turns her back to hug yet another guy. I’m about done here, so I just leave. In hindsight, I probably should’ve said goodbye and number closed at this point. The interaction was too strong to disappear how I did. Even though it surely made her wonder.

Onto Trashy Bar. Get there right before close as I hoped. About five people total. No approach opportunities. Yikes. Eject to return in the direction of Pubby Bar and maybe catch someone on their way home.

See a lone girl who is slightly separated from her group walking in the opposite direction. Does not stop after the pre-opener for the relationships sequence. Can’t win ‘em all. Yet, I still should've drew for something stronger than a pre-opener.

Pass Pubby Bar on the way home. I’m surprised when I see HBAnimal’s friend from a distance hovering near the trash can outside of the place. Then she steps into a black SUV. Out comes HBAnimal to throw something into the trash can – I don’t think she saw me yet.

But she does soon enough. Opens me when I come closer. With a despondent tone (which I was not expecting), she asks, “Where’d you go?”

Should’ve just said that my friend Jada called, but instead, I say that I went to Trashy Bar. Her response is about how horrible Trashy Bar is and that I should never go there.

Anyway apparently her roommate had just vomited. I notice how that same bouncer friend is standing outside of the SUV watching us talk, waiting to heroically drive them home. He surely was glad to make this offer.

She continues regarding how she wasn’t expecting me to leave. This is when I realize that the way I left was not the best for my frame despite heightening her emotions. I remain nonchalant, knowing that this pull isn’t happening tonight.

Number close her. She gives a hug, wishing for me to get home safely. Follows by hugging me again about 10 seconds later, saying, “Seriously, I really hope you get home safely.”

Part of me recognizes her motivations for doing this. The other part of me recognizes how making the pull attempt is so NOT risk-averse with the eyes of her vomiting roommate and orbiter bouncer friend boring into us. So I wish her well and move on with my life.

Her tits did feel really nice against me, though.

But while I do adore cute hugs of departure, I’d really like them to be post-lay. Not post-number close which has been happening too much lately.

It’s time for LEVEL UP game.

Ad astra per aspera.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
do you think I could have closed after her first texts? What do you think might've happened if I sent something like, "maybe we can sooner rather than later... iirc you said you’re free tonight. what time works best for you?"
good time to close, yea

when you go for a super specific close like that by assuming shes free, theres a risk of negative compliance, which you never wanna get yourself into over text

what i do to avoid the risk is... soft close. she would have been cooperative in the plan making process so you coulda got her to volunteer her availability pretty easy without directly asking her. slowly logistically escalate and fill in the plans with her, getting more specific about details as you go along

some examples, highlighted

1:15 PM
wondering something. does anyone ever say that you have super creative vibes?

1:18 PM
Awww hi I have gotten that before and that's a huge compliment <3
HBTattyGirl: It was so nice talking to you last night and I'd love to hear your music sometime!
Lofty: we'll have to find some time
HBTattyGirl: Yessss hopefully soon
Lofty: agreed :) i can do tonight, tomorrow or the next day. any preference?
1:15 PM
wondering something. does anyone ever say that you have super creative vibes?

1:18 PM
Awww hi I have gotten that before and that's a huge compliment <3
HBTattyGirl: It was so nice talking to you last night and I'd love to hear your music sometime!
Lofty: we'll have to find some time
HBTattyGirl: Yeah! I think i might have some time this week
Lofty: same im mostly free in the evenings. what about you?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
I hook a decent HB in a red low-cut top and tight black skirt with the “1-10” opener > reframe > vibe of the night/why we come out (to let loose) > her ability to fight off creepy guys.

the part about her ability to fight off creepy guys specifically caught my eye

its an othering strategy to distinguish yourself from the other guys and separate yourself from them in her head. and it works well to enhance social frame because you are obviously not creepy in that moment with all the indirectness

but even though you may not be a creepy guy, you are still a guy and you're still part of the general group. and there is a chance of your behavior changing to become creepy. lots of girls meet guys who seem cool upon first impression but turn out to be super uncool. it seems a tad risky compared to, othering with a different factor that is less binary and fluctuating ie class

so, a couple of questions:

- whats your thoughts on this risk? and what are you doing to avoid it (ie stacking the let loose gambit before it)
- has a girl ever called you out for trying to separate yourself from the other guys when you're clearly a guy?
- what would you say in a situation like that if it happened?
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
the part about her ability to fight off creepy guys specifically caught my eye

its an othering strategy to distinguish yourself from the other guys and separate yourself from them in her head. and it works well to enhance social frame because you are obviously not creepy in that moment with all the indirectness

but even though you may not be a creepy guy, you are still a guy and you're still part of the general group. and there is a chance of your behavior changing to become creepy. lots of girls meet guys who seem cool upon first impression but turn out to be super uncool. it seems a tad risky compared to, othering with a different factor that is less binary and fluctuating ie class
Yep, spot-on, 200% agree. She had mentioned that she punched a guy in the nose, so that’s why it was set-up in this manner. My writing had become lazy, and it wasn’t clear. Yikes.
- whats your thoughts on this risk? and what are you doing to avoid it (ie stacking the let loose gambit before it)
If the girl is a badass, then I have NARCed these types by talking about how she probably beats up creepy dudes. Otherwise, there are definitely stronger contrasting frames that can be set.
- has a girl ever called you out for trying to separate yourself from the other guys when you're clearly a guy?
Nah, never – only time close to that is when a girl said that I was telling her what she wanted to hear. This happened because I tried to build her vanity without her giving a proper reason to do so. I rushed it, and she was, ironically, perceptive enough to tell that she had not done enough in the interaction yet.
- what would you say in a situation like that if it happened?
I would reframe it like, “I can completely understand why you might think that. Most guys are so manipulative – it’s as if they’ll do anything they can to get in a girl’s pants even if it means lying and deceiving. It’s just a shame that they’ll objectify you like that just for sex. Personally, I hate that. Most of my friends are girls, and they tell me that I should never lie to a woman, and I completely agree. With so many people scheming to take advantage of us these days, don’t you think that being genuine is like the most important thing in the world… because this is how you can truly connect with people, right?”

Friday, June 4, 2021

I’ve noted issues with my throat/tonsils dating back to October. A couple weeks ago, my tonsils badly flared up again to the point where they were almost touching. Apparently have chronic tonsillitis. Seen two different otorhinolaryngologists who have both said that I won’t be able to avoid a tonsillectomy even though I really, really do not want to have surgery. Also was recommended to have a septoplasty to correct a deviated septum and bone spur (see: nosebleed on HBMarina’s face).

If there is any good news, it’s that it is apparently completely safe for me to kiss girls according to the medical professionals. And that I can wait for a while to have the procedure. So that means that I’ll be gaming until that point, a point in which that I’ll be out for probably a month or two.

Also, I’ve been doing a remote internship that is taking up very much time. For the best, though.

Had my first night back in the field last week and fully intending to make the most of my summer. Sent a hail mary text to HBTattyGirl with no luck. Of note, no issues with fake ID so far.

Lastly, why didn’t anyone tell me that my dumb names for those bars are fucking dumb.

For my sessions since my return, I’ll just give a little peek into what my fieldnotes look like:

Friday, May 28, 2021
FR (Bargame)

Out around 1:58 - still quiet but there are cars - build momentum and make something wonderful happen!

Note: Thanks to Lobo for reminding me that seduction is FUN and that girls are FUN and that I was taking this all way too seriously!

Note: BAR closed at two

Note: really low momentum state / fix it

Note: $10 cover at BAR at 2:07 AM wtf - onto BAR

Note: no one’s idol - however good you think I may be, know that I’m not that good but still good - like I mean I document everything here so you should be able to tell. So maybe I am that good.

2:12 - onto BAR - let’s see what we can harvest from this still night!

Note: Open sets and guys if needed

2:20 – AREA is very dead - let’s see about BAR

2:24 - BAR closed - only chance seems to be BAR or around BAR - BAR probably closed too

2:27 - thought to post-up at red bench near BAR? Can try to sit her down with me or approach if I see her walking in the other direction

2:37 - at red bench - lone girl who was walking by on her phone - messed up the timing by a minute come on

2:39 - saw the lone girl look back - will try to catch up with her and see what’s up - that’s two looks back - three looks back - four looks back – five looks back - still on phone - she was in BAR - maybe should’ve just paid cover - still on phone - let’s go - let’s do it

Note: Was not able to catch-up to her due - was too far away and needed to remain calibrated given the hour especially

Saturday, May 29, 2021
FR (Street Nightgame)

Out around 12:46 - Get in state and let’s go

Note: Looks like decent activity

Alright set that I intercepted - $10 cover went in to continue set (social frame) - lost her then - maybe should have tried to redirect - lots of people - good vibe

Saw HOT GIRL I USED TO WORK WITH coming in - average hook - not really any immersion - didn’t make it enough about her as social frame was worked - was with big group, probably the right call to eject - posted up and seeing what’s going on now - get in set

Topics: spontaneity - semester over, time to have fun, let loose, relax, lose control, maybe should find that girl again, keep it monitored, open a set if needed, sex standards in women, plans for the summer, what to do/ having fun, lots of groups, not seeing many good chances here at BAR - kinda want to leave but that might be dumb - really need to find any set and open, really think that I should have tried to redirect that girl, new causal post-up spot by first door

1:11 - still at BAR - time to leave or patience, had one chance and fucked it up, needed to stop and pívot

1:14 - out of BAR - checking BAR – just groups at BAR

1:18 - about to check BAR - work the verbals - NARC - channel vanity - MAKE IT ABOUT HER - let’s go - BAR does not look good

1:25 - Very average girl walking out of BAR - could’ve probably approached but didn’t - not that hot at all, needed to open though, could have used relationship pre-opener, also thought she was SOCIAL CIRCLE GIRL at first so was thrown off

1:37 - checking BAR - remember - not like most girls - literally just two dudes at BAR wtf

1:42 - going to red bench - “do you think you could offer some advice on a relationship thing...?"

Saw that hot girl in black dress again on sidewalk going in opposite direction (girl from the first approach while walking to BAR) - hooked - decent verbals but not my best - joined her at SANDWICH PLACE - friend was already there – HBClassic - friend knew her number by heart – ate sandwich too slowly - lol - said she could keep talking to me all night - did not win friend over - could’ve asked for ride back - needed to ask revamped Golden question - a little rusty - but getting back into it - 1 on 1 - with that girl and I think that I could’ve made it happen - friend’s name was Meg? - very close relationship - known each other forever - from TOWN - went to HS NAME - Mom kept her in town (described her as angelic) - BAR was not open until 3 like she said - was concerned about a fake number as her friend put it in - originally said that they were going back to BAR - told them that I was a business major - really likes enneagrams - use that for next text - just getting out of relationship - believes in God - believes in fate and that things happen for a reason - did not describe myself that well - should’ve said “I want to be the guy that no one ever forgets" - should’ve tried to get her to stay and offer an Uber home - friend had car outside of SANDWICH PLACE - really probably needed to try and rehook her at the bar

Could’ve tried to hook average girl who gave AI in MFF set - saw that girl outside of TRASHY DINER - need to go back around and give it my best shot - gave AI again

2:44 - just hanging out at the bench

Realizing that there are people who want me to fail - do feel alone in the field now but all good

Thursday, June 3, 2021
FR (Bargame and Street Nightgame)

Texted HBClassic with no response after her first text back.

Out around 12:55 - all we need is one - beautiful night

12:57 - Will check BAR to start

Think of sprezzaturatic sitting locations to post up in BAR and BAR

1:01 – BAR looks solid - will give BAR a check and go to BAR if it is not good

1:04 - BAR is dead as fuck - getting out - walking AI from red-headed average girl that I saw before - she walked around me then went back - if she was leaving then I would have made something happen - wasn’t aware enough with phone prop

1:08 - posted up at red bench - looks like BAR clearing out - that girl in a pink dress definitely wants to be fucked - induce AI - pre-open - move her to bench - open-loop with plausible deniability - high-point - pull - could BAR also be a possibility to scout at some point? - have to open and build momentum - BAR open until 1:30 everyday until Sunday - could post-up at corner of BAR

1:20 - BAR not looking good

1:26 - Had an opportunity - really tough one but should’ve just gave it a try with relationship opener

1:28 - at the red bench - make something happen - build momentum back anyway possible - maybe ask pink dress girl if she’s at BAR often - face looks familiar - heard BAR make last call around 1:20 - not worth it to check BAR at this point - should I have left BAR or not? - doesn’t matter - do not want to develop a reputation near BAR - co-regulation - breathe - monitor posture for best situation to induce AI

1:38 - looks like there could be a couple girls posted up down the block - move or patience at the red bench?

Note: Will just have to try to approach first thing during an outing to build social momentum - have to figure out summer nightgame here

1:45 - BAR is closed

1:55 - open everyone mode

2:02 - is the bench still the best post-up location?

Note: maybe I am thinking about this wrong - maybe I should be trying to get to know people so that I can build social frame at the bars

HBSlimWife - met outside of the APARTMENT COMPLEX - was a little rusty - manager at RESTAURANT - 39 - almost turning 40 – would not have guessed (slim and HOT, probably used to be VERY HOT) - she asked if I was 22 – didn’t think that I could pass for any older than this so said yeah - knows bartenders at some places - so be careful - did not have enough sexual arousal themes - bad logistics - her mom was recently returned from the hospital and on her couch having blood clots – unusual wildcard - not the smoothest getting her stopped and sat down but did it – she wanted to be fucked but didn’t make it happen - probably needed to try and initiate her leaving to take me home - probably used to be pretty hot - pretty hot now - definitely fuckable - needed to do better with eye contact and building sexual tension - when she looked at me in the car was an escalation opportunity - maybe at least could’ve tried to make-out and started by articulating the vibe - likes bowling - doesn’t want to disappoint her coworkers so is taking more responsibility even though she knows it’s unfair - has two cats - said she works 8-3 - try to get her over tomorrow - first text tomorrow will be asking her WORK THEME – or focus on DRAMA THEME or being TIRED THEME - try to get her to ICE CREAM SHOP tomorrow? - doesn’t work on the weekends - could be a possibility - needed to command her eye contact - “the look in your eyes tells me that you’re not like most girls” - likes to feed the local animals and isn’t phased by anything - says that she has a roommate - think that this was one where making out would have helped set up seeing her again - should’ve said that I was like 24 and had my Master’s or something for better social frame but whatever - hooked on relationship gambit - rebellious and always has been - called herself stubborn - wants to go to Disney World - said she’d be on three hours of sleep for tomorrow - said her night was just okay - said she has a friend who makes music - started fumbling around in her purse after I tried to pull her upstairs after she drove me home - something seemed a little off about the number close - could I have incorporated more touch? - really needed to do better at escalating the vibe - could try to parlay this for social frame or the lay - said she knows a lot of the bar managers - seems like a regular around town - make a dating apps gambit? - likes bowling - said she started out bad but her high score is now 144?

Note: get out really early tomorrow - and go out about every night for some time at least to keep momentum up

Note: new opener variations to test: “OMG do you know you look really like? OMG you sorta look like a girl I used to date - it’s a good thing. Here, we definitely need to talk…” (move/isolate her)

6/4 Update – texted HBSlimWide with no response
Continuing focus is on frame control.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Friday, June 4, 2021
FR (Bargame/Street Nightgame)

The subtle humidity in the air warmly soaks my skin as one white AF1 steps before another. It’s 1:26 AM, and I am horny.

Per the routine, I make a quick circle around my area before heading off in further directions. When walking outside of BAR2, I see a HOT blonde in white jeans walking alone towards my apartment. So, I increase my pace to help me get close enough to open. I realize that I will not be able to catch her calibratedly. Accordingly, I raise my voice and warmly-as-possible say, “Hey, would it be alright if I asked you a question?”

She stops, turns around, looks at me, smiles, her eyes flash, and she says, “Yeah!”

My grin is wide and warm while I keep my right hand softly on my chest as I glide over. “It’s a relationship thing… it’s not for me, it’s for my best friend Jada. Do you think that you’d be able to hear me out on this?”

“Okay, but I broke up with my boyfriend three days ago.”

And we’re in action in Lofty World.

Before long, she tells me about how she’s an “astrology whore.” She’s a Sagittarius. Guesses that I must be an Aries or Libra because of how comfortable she feels after I approached her like that. Those were her words. Basically saying that she sees me as relationship-compatible. It’s been a few minutes after I opened her from down the sidewalk.

Alas, FSC. FSC. FSC. Because of how quickly I’m trying to work, I think.

After a group of people walk by, she begins to become super nervous. My sexual presence is making her nervous, and she feels an inherent need to regulate her state. She’s also a bassist, which provides a great opportunity for me to ask if she’d like to share her thoughts on my music.

At this point, her voice is shaking. The sexual tension is palpable.

“I… I… I… need to get home.”

I persist, but I am unable to redirect her state. Asks for my SnapChat. Just deleted all my social media. Pull attempt again. Should’ve set more non-judgmental framing. The liminality was great, after all. But didn’t.

Should’ve had her. As she walks away, I catch her looking back in my direction.

Whole approach was maybe less than ten minutes. It was an awesome approach. Drove her state and that was enabled by the co-regulation from the start.

Moving on. My own state feels great after this. Scope out BAR2 and BAR3. BAR3 has $10 cover, so I decide to post-up outside of BAR2. After a while, I see a two-set go inside. A cute Asian girl smiles and nods in my direction.

Wait for a few minutes, then head inside. Spot the HB at a table with three others. There’s a dude standing to her side, macking into her ear. Her body language is withdrawn. I know that he’s nothing to worry about. I find my own chair.

Sit in the chair for a couple minutes, calming my state. The guy slinks off. I stand up, put my line of sight into the bar counter in the distance, and move my feet forward. Her eyes turn towards me after a step or two. I catch her eyes, pivot, and stand where that guy just was.

Her eyes shoot down, and she smiles at the ground.

“I have a VERY important question for you.”


“If I were to ask you on a scale of 1-10 how your night was going, what would you say?”

Hook her and immerse. Elicit after the revamped golden question, but she is not that talkative. The friend she came in with notices us and pulls moves her chair over. I open her with intent to charm. She’s not that nice. Able to pull her friend away to go get drinks. HB repeats this to me. Eh, don’t want to wait around. Scan over the bar, don’t see any enticing possibilities, and leave. If HB was hotter, I would’ve maybe stayed. But intuition told me that there were better chances on the night.

About 2:20 now. Go to BAR3. There’s a different bouncer at the entrance. I just hand my ID to him and turn my body to act is if I’m ready to walk in without paying the cover. He doesn’t mention it, and I walk straight in after taking my fake ID back (this place is 21+). Nice. Probably was just because it was near close – will have to remember that.

The bar is pretty empty, but there’s some people inside on this Saturday night. Scout it out and post-up. See a MFF set. One of the girls is hot. I decide to open the guy to break into the set, thinking that I would need to charm him anyway.

Does not go as planned. The guy fully gets into conversation with me, and the girls walked away. Fuck. I eject and return to the streets.

New bench location that I’ve identified near BAR3. This is the red bench. Will get some passerby in this area, although maybe not much. It’s close to my apartment and can intercept them as they head in that direction, or re-route if they’re going the opposite direction.

Move after a while. Open a MMMMMMF mega-set on the sidewalk as I pass. “1-10” opener with weasel phrase after pre-opening. Wait for the girl to answer, then try to hook. I hold eye contact with her as she talks, and I increase my pace. She matches it. Soon enough, we’re walking in front of the group, and after a while, we’re considerably ahead of the group.

She starts calling me “Mister” and “sexy.” When I do the “Nightlife Groping” meta-pace, she giggles back that she doesn’t mind getting groped by guys she likes. Wink wink.

Needed to escalate the vibe quicker and especially at this point. And stop her somewhere as we were going in the wrong direction. Or screen if we were nearing her place.

I am too slow to do any of this. The dudes catch-up, and she is hit with a sudden bout of ASD.

Can’t recover.

Fantastic opportunity blown.

The night wanderer wanders around, wondering about wonders.

Next night, tomorrow, we try again.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
After a group of people walk by, she begins to become super nervous
Do you think she knew any of these people? Or was it a case of her being so emotionally engaged in the conversation that, when the bubble blew, her rational mind took over? It's weird that random people would change her state so suddenly


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Good stuff Lofty. What is the nightlife groping meta-pace?
What's up player, appreciate that.

This is a meta-pace that is a staple of my game. I sometimes use it to open, sometimes use it following a pre-opener, and sometimes work it somewhere into the early stages of the interaction. But I usually will deploy it in just about every set given how I’ve been gaming. It builds all three keys at once – and super importantly, introduces sexual frames and social frames when doing approaches late at night. This one is an evolved form of what I came up with in January.
Hey, you know, I’ve been thinking about something... have you ever noticed, like when you go out, that women don’t get the respect they truly deserve? It’s like all these guys just grope and grab, treating women like sexual objects... it’s such a shame because women must not want to be treated like pieces of meat... like they probably just want someone who actually wants get to know them at a deeper, more intimate level - someone who truly wants YOU for YOU, right?

And extension themes to this:

-And the crazy thing is that it doesn’t even make sense for the guys, you know? Like walking up to a girl and touching her up isn’t going to get her to like him, etc.

-Most guys seem to not even know how to talk to women these days, etc.

-How this behavior is reflected in relationships, etc.

-How the illusion of Instagram/society at large objectifies women, etc.

-I was out with my best friend Jada earlier, and she just broke up with her boyfriend, and it’s like every time she goes out to have a good time… and maybe meet someone new and interesting… it’s always so demoralizing for her to always be touched up all night by those creepy guys. But the thing we remind her is that there IS a certain special someone out there who will treat you exactly how you want to be treated – and deserve to be treated – and we just have to keep a tight grip onto that hope… and keep believing, right, because we might meet the perfect person at any moment, you know, and isn't that part of why we keep going out and searching for a fairy tale romance of our own?

-Lots more
Do you think she knew any of these people? Or was it a case of her being so emotionally engaged in the conversation that, when the bubble blew, her rational mind took over? It's weird that random people would change her state so suddenly
Hey Lover – congrats on the recent success!

First off, I think it’s important to note that I live in a town with a relatively small population. There are only occasional passerby even during the most active hours. So at 1:30 AM, seeing people walk by on an otherwise empty sidewalk can indeed be an attention grab as it is.

I reflected that it may have worked as follows. The approach raised her state quickly. Our liminal bubble developed strongly, and FSC was already lurking in the background due to how fast things were moving along. She was also facing outward towards the sidewalk while I was facing towards the buildings (would prefer if it was the other way around).

HB noticed the fairly uncommon occurrence of people walking through her line of sight. Which snapped the liminality, and as a result, she was reminded at a subconscious level that “Oh my god, I am supposed to be walking home and here is this guy I met on the street turning me on!”

Her mind works to re-regulate her emotions, and perhaps there was also some ASD when she realized that people saw us getting a little close with sexual vibing. Maybe it is possible that she knew them, yet neither party really engaged heavily with another.

So yeah, maybe it wasn’t necessarily the people themselves that were main dynamic at play. It's likely that it just broke circle, which broke the liminality, which triggered the FSC.
Or was it a case of her being so emotionally engaged in the conversation that, when the bubble blew, her rational mind took over?
Basically +1 to this, I think…


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Hey @Lofty

Do you have any tips for isolating girls from street game that are originally in groups?

I’d ask in chat, but this seems like a good question to document in an easier to find location. I’ve been doing street nightgame and can occasionally find girls who are either in pairs or waiting for a friend-almost never girls by themselves. I know you have some experience and just want to get your thoughts on the problem I’m experiencing.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey @Lofty

Do you have any tips for isolating girls from street game that are originally in groups?

I’d ask in chat, but this seems like a good question to document in an easier to find location. I’ve been doing street nightgame and can occasionally find girls who are either in pairs or waiting for a friend-almost never girls by themselves. I know you have some experience and just want to get your thoughts on the problem I’m experiencing.
Hey @Kvothe,

It is an understandable situation that you are experiencing. And naturally, street nightgame is going to have many environmental factors such as that where you live is a different place than where I live simply by a structural standpoint. Still - and I was telling @Lobo this - I had seen this video and was just like holy fuck at all the approach opportunities I saw (in relation to where I game). So I think that it's defintely possible.

Okay, so first, of course it is going to be quite rare to see a girl who is out by herself walking by herself. Very rare.

It's great if we encounter a girl like this, but it can't be relied upon due to the low probability. What I've understood to be pragmatic is instead turning our attention to lone girls who are walking home, to their car, or just separated from their friend group. As you've surely noticed, a lone girl walking home is waaaaaay more valuable than a lone girl about to walk into a bar. This is why post-up location, scouting, and logistics are among the most pivotal factors in street nightgaming.

So for example, my primary post-up locations are (and of note, I will be at these locations from an hour or two before bars close to an hour or two after):
  • A bench outside of a large apartment building, which is on the way to other large apartment buildings
  • A bench outside of my apartment building
  • A bench one block away from the most popular bar in town
  • Against the brick wall of a building on a well-lit side street right outside of a bar close to my apartment
  • Against the brick wall of a building on a street corner beyond a few bars and a block away from my apartment
  • Against the brick wall of a building between two popular bars
Maybe you're starting to see a theme here. All locations are designed so that I'll get some volume and a higher likelihood of a girl who just left the bar (and her friends) and is now walking home, to her car, or somewhere to wait for a ride. And solid, non-creepy, sprezzatura-filled locations that do not hinder my social frame provided I act like I'm waiting for a ride, just left my friends, trying to figure out what to do next, etc. Calibration/co-regulation is just so important during street nightgame - this cannot be overstated.

Furthermore, I've learned that it's just better to hang out at each location for a while before heading to the next. It may be counter-intuitive, but it's much more efficient than always walking around. And when you're walking around, you may encounter a target when walking in the wrong direction of your place which can make a pull more difficult social frame-wise. This is a factor you can control when posted-up, and it also gives you a clear spot to move her beside you as you immerse.

A lot of openers that I like to use in these scenarios typically follow the sequence of Induce AI > Pre-open > Attention Grab > Reframe her answer/Meta-pace > Move her next to me. These include forms of:
  • Hey, how is your night going? > Hey wait, can I hear your thoughts on a relationship thing? It's not for me, it's for my friend Jada > It's like, has your best friend ever been through a really dramatic break-up and you're just trying to help her through it? That's kinda like me right now.
  • Hey, how is your night going? > Hey wait, I've noticed something tonight and would like to hear someone's thoughts on this > I’ve been thinking about something... have you ever noticed, like when you go out to bars and stuff, that women don’t get the respect they truly deserve? It’s like all these guys just grope and grab, treating women like sexual objects... it’s such a shame because women must not want to be treated like pieces of meat, right?
  • Hi + smile and warm eye contact > Hey wait, I have a VERY important question to ask you > If I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10, what would you say?
Then perhaps say something like, "wait, here, come sit down with me" or if she is hesitant at all, "here come sit down with me... wait, you're not a serial killer or anything are you?"

Obviously each approach should be very fluid, dynamic, and based on the girl herself. Go for the girl, not the lay,

Now, we still may not find what we're looking for. That's part of the game.

Regarding girls who are waiting/going to meet up with other friends, the paths I see it are as follows:
  1. Game her well enough to convince her that since she surely sees her friends all of the time, she can just send them a text that she can't make it while you go for the pull. Something like that
  2. Act as if you were figuring out where to go next, decide to go with to meet her friends, charm the friend group, and isolate/pull
  3. (DISTANT DISTANT DISTANT 3) Number close
This scenario requires great amounts of charm and Machiavellian influence skills to redirect her, including lots of reassurances that she'll be fine, and her friends will be fine, and that her friends will know that she's fine.

Regarding two-sets or more, it's so much again about charm. You can open one girl or you can open all of them, but in the end, you more-likely-than-not have to win the majority of them over to have things go smoothly. I usually won't open groups of girls unless one (or all) give me a big AI, one of them is really hot, or it's getting late with poor volume so I know that I need to open every fuckable girl/set I see. Regardless, I will almost always throw out a "Hey, how are your nights going?" to both gauge them and also keep my social momentum up.

If I like what I'm seeing I may open with the same aforementioned style except it plural while distributing my eyes around them for engagement at first. Or I may notice something about they way they are moving - are they very giddy looking, etc - and do a quick pace or ruse depending on that. Lots and lots of freestyling.

In terms of isolation after hooking hopefully all of them, I can see it going like:
  1. Hook them all, and then start sexually projecting and working eye contact on the target. Get the group mingling and focus on your target - get her next to you and immersed. Try to have the group leave or amiably leave the group after you've won them over.
  2. Hook them all, and pull them all. Choose escalation strategy once you're inside with them (will you escalate on one, all, etc.)
  3. Hook them all, charm the group, and go where they're going. Isolate once there.
  4. (DISTANT DISTANT DISTANT 4) Number close the target or all of them for social frame
If the group is walking in the same direction as you, then I'd recommend opening all of them to get social frame in check, and gradually turn focus on your target once you're in and bounced off the group enough. Keep your eyes locked on her and build the liminality. Hopefully she's going home away from the rest, or yeah, we can make the attempt to redirect perhaps using an open-loop that was already set or go where they're going if she's really hot or whatever.

There's A LOT to this, and A LOT to isolating from groups in general. And A LOT of skills that are simply extensions of the foundations that have already been built. But overall, my preferred strategy is to make it so I DON'T have to isolate her from a group on the street, even though I WILL if necessary with gobs of charm.

My preference and recommendation to others is for placing oneself in scenarios where you are most likely to encounter girls who are on their way home and be super fucking calibrated when you do it.

If done right, I like my chances and I like your chances, too.
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