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Self-improvement of Wes

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I introduced my friend to Girlschase and PUA and now he's starting to pass me with results. He's gotten 2 lays already and I've decided that I want to get serious about this again. Seriously.
I had a lot of hangups and insecurities before that I feel I've gotten over and I honestly feel like I've matured. The past few months I made an awesome female friend who shows me into the minds of women so I can understand them even better.
(Seriously, if women confuse the hell out of you get a female friend...don't worry about being friendzoned...learn as much as you can, you won't regret it. But keep in mind not to follow the dating advice of women (like Chase says). When it comes to dating advice, women don't want to give you anything that could turn you into a player so you'll find that their advice will only turn you into a "nice guy" who gets friendzoned or seen as the boyfriend candidate. Have a female friend to get insights into why women do the things they do and act the way they act, it's eye-opening)

Some things I've learned:

--Looks don't matter, but at the same time...they do. It depends on the person. Ultimatley, girls like guys for qualities they find attractive like dominance, leadership, etc... But if you don't have those things and you don't look very attractive, they will be offended that you're even bothering trying to hit on them. Here's the thing: They KNOW and UNDERSTAND that we mostly approach because of looks...there's no need to hide that. We're all shallow mothafuckas LOL. So if you're going to be shallow and only approach them BECAUSE of their looks, they're going to judge you on your looks as well. And if you're not good-looking and you don't have very good game, you get no chance. Get over it and go work on looks and/or game.

--I seriously need to work out. (I already knew this but my female friend told me that I should put it ahead of trying to get laid right now.) I'm a skinny/athletic ectomorph with skinny calves and no ass. Lol I have a bit of man-pecks and my quadriceps are getting better, but my biceps and triceps and calves and glutes need some work.

If anyone could be so kind enough to tell me about some of the post work-out foods they eat and their diet in general, that would be great.
Because of how I was raised, I stay away from pork and other animals that are decomposers so those are out of the question.

Next week, I'm going back out to start approaching again. Its going to be like starting from scratch because I've raised my approach anxiety back up. I'll take care of that in no time though.

Other updates: I'm 3 months off of porn now...so I'm getting over that addiction. And so far I've gone 2 weeks without masturbating and it really makes a difference. You can actually get hard by seeing a hot girl because you start imagining all the stuff you want to do with/to her. If the girl digs you, she can feel this energy and as a result get turned on by the fact that she turns you on. I'm going to try to train myself to only get myself off through lays, not masturbation. (only until I can consistently pull girls with game and it becomes easy)

That's all for now. Peace.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Like Casanova said, welcome back :)


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Thanks Casanova & Nick. This week, hopefully i'll be back out approaching. :)


My friend linked me to an RSD video of Alexander talking about how to hook girls every time. there's a simple acronym you can remember to know exactly how to do it:


ATTENTION- okay, this is the stage when you're first opening the girl, whether it be a direct opener or indirect direct...this is the thing that snaps them outta whatever world they're in and you get them focused on you. You have to get her focused on you...have her attention. If she's still walking away or not giving her full attention, you're not doing it right. I personally think that I can get as create as I want with this just to get a girl's undivided attention. I constantly come up with newer indirect-direct openers so things are always fresh and never get old. things like:
me: "hey, would you like to meet Channing Tatum?" (or whatever well-known male figure girls go crazy for...if its a black girl, I might say Chris Brown...Black bitches love Chris Brown. lol)
the point is to grab her attention. With this, I know a girl will be curious to know why I'm asking her if she wants to meet a famous person. Could I possibly be working for them and collecting groupies or something? ;) So she answers.
then I turn this indirect way of opening into direct:
her: YES!
me: haha I'm just kidding, I thought you were cute and I just needed your undivided attention.

By now you should have her interest/intrigue because you're a confident stranger who made her day with a compliment and a creative way of opening her that's different from how all the other guys talk to her on a daily basis. Make sure to switch up openers because one opener can get old very quickly. Once its cycled around enough, girls will no longer respond to it like they used to. I always try to get creative because sometimes I hear of other people using my shit. I also try to do a quick assumption/read on the girl for what the topic/subject of the opener should be because every girl is different. If a girl is walking past me wearing say...a Game of Thrones shirt. I'd probably be like: "YEA! Death to Joffrey!" to get her attention and a giggle. then I'd be like: "whoa stop for a sec...you have the most prettiest eyes I've seen all day!"

INTEREST- So you have her attention but that doesn't mean she's obligated to stay OR be hooked. You have to continue that initial "je ne se qois" about you that makes her feel like you're the different guy approaching her today. I would usually do a continuation of whatever I opened indirect-direct with so we can have a laugh at whatever she just fell for. This is the only time I care about being funny/entertainer-like because it keeps that ball rolling. If you're a good-looking guy with good fundamentals and cause girls to swoon for you right off the bat, you don't need to be funny. You can maintain a deep sexy bedroom voice and strong eye contact and just go into your process. If you're not, you have to rely on "qualities that make you cute" so you can appear like-able and socially calibrated in her eyes. Sometimes when I try to go straight into things talking in my bedroom voice and using strong eye contact, its still not enough because I'm boring to her...and its not like she can convince herself she's attracted to my non-existent huge biceps, nice body, and dominance. these are still things I work on constantly.
me: you totally got so excited when I mentioned Channing Tatum's name, didn't you? I bet you dripped a little bit in your panties ;) lol
her: haha ;) (sly smile)
me: so what would you say if I COULD get you to meet him?
-continues bantering-

DECISION- this is the point after you've had a short banter about whatever got her attention and there's a good energy exchange between you both. During the bantering, I might be bold enough to break the touch barrier then and there with whatever (playing with her fingers, twirling her to check out an outfit, touching an accessory she's wearing) I want this whole first few moments to be such a knock out of her daily routine that her day is literally made not just by the compliment (she could be getting compliments all day) but by a fun and engaging subject.
Then you put the ball in her court to make a decision if she wants to continue the interaction with you. Go for a move, or if in a hurry, number close. (or get her to comply and walk with you for a "moment".)
her: yea, Magic Mike was a good movie...
me: oh yea? hey, I'm about to go over there...you seem like a chill person. you should come sit with me so we can keep talking.
her: alright :) (if she has objections, we all already know what to do right?)

ATTRACTION- this is the stage where you just continue doing everything you've learned from Girlschase because she's hooked now. You can deep dive now without it seeming like you're asking a bunch of boring questions. I believe there's a difference between a girl whose hooked or not hooked when she being asked the same questions.
In one situation, every question you're asking has her like: OH MY GOSH, THIS GUY REALLY CARES TO GET TO KNOW ME. We have such great chemistry!
while in a situation where she's not hooked, the same questions will make her think: "This guy just doesn't get it...asking me a bunch of boring questions because he thinks he's "getting to know me" psh! He just wants to get in my pants. He probably follows one of those lame men's dating sites that tell him to ask me this..smh"

Overall, seduction is really easy as long as you know what to do when you've got a girl hooked on "the line". Everything on GC teaches us how to reel that fish in.

I felt the need to educate myself on hooking because I was finding that with the amount of approaches I was doing before my absence, I was beginning to get bored with approaching/seduction/the whole process and it became apparent that I had no passion or sincerity for what I was saying to girls. I like to switch things up to help MYSELF feel attracted to the girl as well so she's not just another number I'm using some routine on. I want our interaction to be a personal thing that's different from how my interactions go with other girls. Each interaction has its flavor.
Otherwise, I honest-to-God would not be able to get hard for the girl when the time comes because I'm just following a process in my head and not actually a genuine relationship with the girl.
I get turned on by the energy we both exchange with each other, the flirting. I feel like I HAVE to be playful or I won't get the chance to see how she flirts back. We have to vibe.

that's all for now. Peace.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012

The last "A" in AIDA stands for ACTION, not ATTRACTION.
So, I guess that's the stage where you do something. She made a decision and now you follow through with leading/getting her number.
I have a better idea...I'll just ask my friend to link me to the video and then i'll post a link here.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
My day was pretty full of being at the beach and seeing new sights. When I got back home, I was in a socializing state so I jogged to the Walmart down the road to practice.


this girl was still in highschool so I couldn't take it any further despite the fact that she hooked and was obviously enjoying my company. I'm not a pedophile so I'm staying away from that. Good practice though...AND I got myself to overcome approach anxiety.
I see her walking and she's wearing short-shorts showing off her nice thighs, and neon pink high socks up to her knees. Also a neon jacket. Grabbing my attention. I wanted to approach but I started getting really nervous. Then I voiced out my fears in a funny Cartman voice (from southpark):"ooh look at me, I'm Wes...I'm sooo scared to go and talk to a girl." Laughed at myself for thinking such thoughts and went for it.
I snap my fingers at her and say: YOU THERE!
she looks at me.
me: can you tell me why you're so damn attractive? Why are you doing this to me?
she starts blushing. She's all like: I'm not that cute, i'm ugly.
wtf? shut up. and I said just that too. I was making her feel sexy with the way I was looking at her and touching her. I literally felt up her leg and was like: mmm your legs are sooo sexy. She just blushed and let me do it. Plenty of sexual hugs where i grabbed her ass. She flinched at first and I quickly said: I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. she told me it was fine.
judging from how shy and excited she was being, she has probably never been talked to like this by a guy. She mentioned other guys hitting on her before and said they were creepy and that I wasn't (getting feedback)
the conversation wasn't all that..just the usual getting to know you process. I may have talked a little too much to keep there from being awkward silences...but hey...I'm getting back into things after a long break.
The way I was being was much like Julien from RSD. his and my personality all very similar and I find myself saying similar things to him without noticing.
this girl was all like: oh yea I like art (because we talked about graffiti at a local park.)
me: what kind of art do you make?
and she can't even give me a straight answer like she made that shit up or something. She ended up giving me some BS thing about how she can get any set of objects and make something out of it. whatever lol...at least she's qualifying herself to me.
me: what? you don't like art...I can't talk to you anymore. bye. (starts walking away) (then i laugh and go back when she starts trying to qualify herself to me)
cool things about her: she's a gamer...plays Call of Duty. I personally don't play but gamer chicks are awesome. Easy to talk to.
Anyways, got her number and told her I can be friends with her...so maybe one day, when she's no longer jailbait...I can see where that goes.


this girl has a kid and a bf...but as far as I saw, she was alone in the arts and crafts store. I figured if I wanted to find girls that I actually like, i'd find them in the arts and crafts store because they'd at least have a common interest. I went in to look for "tie-dye materials" (always have a reason you're somewhere so you're not just some creep walking around hitting on girls)

walked up and decided to freestyle.
me: hi...you caught my eye...and I normally wouldn't do this because sometimes I'm shy...but...you're cute...my name's Wes (in a spoken word type of voice)
her: haha what the heck? I've never heard that one before!
me: what are you talking about? you think i'm using some pickup line?
she's trying to fix what she said while I explain that i'm just being myself and I don't use pickup lines.
she's telling me that she's impressed with my confidence and "could never do what i'm doing" and "if I didn't have a boyfriend and a 3-month old son, i'd actually consider you"
and blah blah blah...no number close...but lots of feedback on the things i'm doing and "being myself" in a way while combining what I learn from GC, RSD, etc.

things I need to work on: switching into a low energy, low sexy voice for deep diving parts to turn girls on. I had originally planned on just bringing fun then getting them to comply with me and move with me. Then while at home, switch on the bedroom voice. whatever.

Also need to work on getting more compliance. I forget about it sometimes and get so caught up in the time we're having. I guess it has to be natural.

that's all for now. peace.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012

I've been doing so many approaches throughout this week at the campus. Here's what stood out to me.
I don't really feel like typing a long drawn out post so I'll try to keep it short.

Pear-shaped Pocahontas

I was practicing how far I can go with escalation on this one which explains why things went bad in the end. At least I learned.
I was walking around and I see this curvy plump girl sitting at one of the outdoor tables studying or something. She had long black hair down her back and an adorable face. And guess what...she's not you're typical skinny girl. That's right guys...I like all shapes and sizes as long as they're rocking it. But to me, there
's a difference between fat chicks and curvy girls. Fat chicks are just large but have no shape...they could be just fat arms, fat legs, fat stomach, and a weird flat ass. It looks disgusting and will never get me hard no matter how good her personality is.
Then curvy is just...eh...i'll just find a picture.

Like that. Wide hips compared to the shoulders. I fucking love wide "child-bearing hips". that shit calls out to me.
Anyway, as I was coming closer to where she was sitting contemplating approaching her, she got up and began to walk to class. I quickly caught up.
me: hey, I know you might be in a rush but I saw you sitting over there and I thought you were really pretty.
her: *blushing* aww thankyou!
me: What's your name?
her: (name)
me: oh wow, that sounds almost like my name...
her: (smiles) what's your name? (investing already I see?)
me: (Wes)
me: Are you Hawaiian?
her: no, I'm actually Native American.
me: Oh really? Cool...I've never really met a full on native before. I have cherokee in me just like evvverybody else :p Look how obviously native american I am.
her: (laughs)
me: you're freakin' beautiful...anyway, what class are you headed to?
her: human growth and development.
me: oh okay, well I don't want to hold you up...you should get going. quick...what's my name?!
her: *laughs* Wes!
me: I love you *hugs her* I just made your day, didn't I?
her: you sure did! *walks to class*

I walk around for a bit and then come back to find her sitting at the same table again with another girl whose just as big but not as shapely. who is that?
After the other girl leaves, I approach her again.
me: hey...I was walking past and I wasn't sure if that was you...haha I was like: damn, does she have a twin sister or something?
her: haha yea.
me: yea what?
her: I have a twin.
me: forreal?
her: yea, that girl that was just sitting here is my twin.
me: ohhh cool...wow...that's so weird...you have a twin too. Stop having so much in common with me, its creeping me out :p
her: *smiles* you have a twin too?
me: psh haha no...but people mistake us as twins all the time. we just go with it.
from then I try my best to deep dive but I can't find anything particularly interesting about this girl so most of my "relating" and "feedback" was contrived and fake. I need to collect more reference points so I could understand what she was passionate about. (I know she adores Avenged Sevenfold...I've never gotten around to listening to that band so that was unfamiliar territory.)
I was sort of distracted while talking to her and shifting my eyes around. I was not focusing my eye contact on her much and sped through topics that we talked about. All just me being nervous. I'm still working on it. Instead, I tried to escalate. First I was touching her hands and playing with her fingers, then I ran my hands through her hair commenting on how beautiful it was. Then I felt up her leg commenting how thick and sexy her legs were. She let me do all of that no problem. seemed to enjoy it.
Then I decided to get bold after I tried getting her to agree to go on a date with me. I told her to stand up for a second. She did. Then I sexually hugged her putting my hands on her ass and grabbing a handful of her ass cheeks. She awkwardly took my hands and moved them away and sat back down awkwardly.
I took a step back.
me: woah...I'm sorry If I made you uncomfortable...that was not my intention.
apologizing didn't do shit because she acted weird the rest of the time. I was finding it hard to come up with something else to talk about so I went back to trying to get an answer for a date. All of a sudden she pulls out this: Idk...I kinda have this guy I'm seeing right now.
me: oh, so you're "talking" to him? (damn slow-gamers...make a move or get out of the way. -_-)
her: yes...we've been on a few dates...
right when she's telling me this her sister is coming back. Idk if she possibly texted her sister to come save her but its very likely.
I immediately left this entire awkward situation. Ended up feeling pretty bad about being bold like that but I ended up getting over it. Too bad I had to go and become an "emotional-vampire" to a female friend of mine. My bad.

Learned a valuable lesson in gauging how ready a girl is for you to escalate to the next level..which ended up helping me with today's "almost" LR.

Pear-shaped Pocahontas happened yesterday while on Monday I was with a guy friend of mine catching up in the cafeteria when his female friend came to talk to him. This girl is also a pear-shaped beauty. Her freaking ass is UNBELIEVABLE...and she was actually giving me indicators of interest.
I ended up learning her name and thinking nothing of it. Then Today, I see her in the cafeteria again with my guy friend.
She immediately asks if I remember her name. I did...which was i guess some test of hers. then I ask if she remembered mine. She didn't so I challenged her to try to remember it. I took her hand and examined a class ring on her finger.
Then my brother came into the cafeteria saying we needed to go and that he wanted to go get breakfast at IHOP.
She was like: ooh I want IHOP!
I told her to come join us and she replied with unsure answers multiple times. We all were at our table just talking and not making any moves or decisions yet. She walked past me to go talk to a friend of hers and then I purposely shoulder bumped her like people do when they're trying to start a fight. She smiled at me and then when she came back, she went out of her way to bump into me as well.
Then my brother was like: okay well, let's go now.
and I gave her one last chance to decide if she wanted to come. I gave a pretty good case and then headed after my brother without looking back at her waiting for her to follow or not.
She comes running up beside me with her purse and says: You guys better not try anything.
haha whatever.
when we get to the car, I decide to sit in the back seat with her instead of taking shotgun. On the way, my brother and I are both asking her questions about herself and vibing to his music. She pulls out some gummy candy from her purse and starts eating them and offers us some. I thank her by touching her leg after reaching in the bag. She didn't mind me touching her leg at all so I kept trying to see what I could get away with. There was also obvious tension between us.
At one point, I grabbed her face and turned it towards me to get her attention. She was like: oh..I thought you were about to kiss me.
me: haha only If you want me to.
she smirked and looked away. (escalation window #1: missed...reason: fear and nervousness)
Then at another point of me feeling up her legs again (she wasn't stopping me) I ran my hand over her pussy over her leggings. She blushed, smiled, and said: ooh you're so nasty!
when we were getting out of the car heading into the restaurant, instead of leading her by the small of her back, I smacked her ass so she would walk forward.
Then at IHOP, we sat in the same booth together and she was pushing into me with her shoulder again. I pushed back at her and we had a short tug-of-war type of thing. She got up and went to the restroom a couple of times causing me to get out of the booth. I escalated further and straight up grabbed handfuls of her ass-cheeks as she scooted past me. Again, she did nothing. (this is all new to me so I was getting pretty excited with how much I was getting away with)
she came back and I escalated FURTHER, by running my hand on her pussy again underneath the table. This time longer, leaving my hand there and rubbing a little.
She was getting pretty excited and I smoothly handled little bits of conversation we were having.
I actually didn't even deep dive much at all. I stayed pretty surface level with content because a lot of the time, I ask the deep dive questions but everything gets answered so quickly that I run out of anything else to ask. kinda sucks because no connection or emotional comfort is being established between us.
blah blah blah, we eat...then we're going to go back to school when I tell my brother: Let's stop at home really quick, I left something there.
And he proceeds to drive us home. Along the way, more touching and playing with each other's fingers. My brother even tried to leave us both in the car for a couple minutes and he gave me a signal telling me I should kiss her..but it was just awkward and she was sitting too far. She ended up honking the horn for him to come back.
He came back and we drove home.
We got out of the car and she stalled and said something about waiting for us in the car. I persuaded her to come inside...by asking her to make kool-aid for us. lol
She freaking agreed to making kool-aid for us and got out. (of all things, kool-aid gets her to come inside XD)
I opened her door for her and sexually hugged her from behind with my freaking boner pressed against her ass...and we walked like this to the door. She pulled away when we got near my brother.
fast-forward...I get her to make kool-aid...she pretty much rushes through it like: there..happy?
I could tell she was just as excited and nervous as I was but she reacted by being difficult.
She wouldn't take off her shoes and she wouldn't come upstairs to my room.
She was rushing me to get the thing I came for and I told her to chill...
me: its humid outside, we're just chilling in here for a little bit. (oh yea, did I mention my grandma was home? yea, no fucks given.)
I showed her me and my brothers baby pictures to which she "aww'd" about. All this while my brother disappeared to give me more privacy.
While she was looking at our pictures on our refrigerator, I sexually hugged her from behind AGAIN, this time with my hands in between her thighs rubbing her pussy and I breathed down her neck.
her: oh my god! I'm getting felt up on over here lol
i whispered in her ear: mmm... I want to kiss you so freaking bad.
she blushed and smiled and gave me token resistance telling me no, I can't. Then she pulls away. Making this so very difficult. I just need her to stop making me feel like a rapist if I go any further but I'm pretty sure she wanted me to ignore what she was saying, take her face and passionately kiss her possibly shoving my hand down her leggings and rubbing her clit.
She was pretty much rushing us to get going so she could go back to school and my brother ended up making the call that we should go. I figured that I needed to get her more comfortable if she were going to let me DO anything...but I couldn't figure out in that moment what to do. I was blank in the head of things to deep dive about. (possibly because most of the blood from my brain was somewhere else)

long story short we went back to school and I didn't overcome her token(?) resistance. When she hugged me one last time before parting ways she said: Don't you dare think about kissing me. (escalation window once again missed....reason: taking this at face value instead of doing it. and nervousness)

So yup....this is my 5th time bringing a girl home and nothing happening. Getting past the nervous feelings of both me and the girls and overcoming token resistance still baffles me. In theory, I know what I have to do but my body just wouldn't do it. I have a huge fear of making the wrong call and getting in trouble for something that I misread.

Hopefully when I see her again, she hasn't lost all respect for me and still gives me a chance to bring this home. Hopefully she still flirts with me. If not, its going to be a temporary heart-pain seeing her being cold as ice to me all because I couldn't man up and close things out.

this ended up being longer than I originally intended. whatever. That's ll for now. Peace.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Hey Casanova, thanks for your feedback. Always nice to hear from you guys.

To answer your question, no my school isn't thatbig. In fact, I see girls that I've cold approached many times. Some of the time we just pretend like it never happened or we'd have a quick little "hey how you doing? okay cool well seeya"
But at the same time, my campus isn't a university so nobody actually lives on campus. Classes run from early in the morning all the way til 9pm so there's constantly new people coming in and going out each day. I know some people have probably talked about me going around talking to girls on campus but I think they don't care because most of the time, I make the girl's day...and I always try to switch up my openers so nobody thinks i'm using the same thing on everyone.
there's two types of guys here: the guys who are too scared to approach and would rather become friends with a girl and slow-game her.
And then the guys who cat-call and say things that make the girls uncomfortable.

and then there's naturals I guess. they're behind the scenes fucking all the girls underneath everyone's noses. lol

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
how to approach girls in crowded nightlife environments

I just came back from this monthly nightlife event that happens in my city and I tried a few things out with my approaches. Previously whenever I did the good ol' "i saw you from over there...thought you were [compliment]" in this scene, It never really hooked any girl. They'd just say thank you in a bored tone as if they were hearing the same thing word for word all night. I figured I need to bring value instead of taking value.
This time I saw two girls walking in the plaza while I was talking to my friend who was at his booth selling his artwork.
The taller one, a thin blonde smoking a cigarette and the shorter one a brunette both dressed in forever 21/urban outfitter-esque type clothing accentuating the curves and natural beautiful bodies they were genetically given.
I walked right up to them, arms widespread and took them under my "wings" to have a three-way hug. All coming from a place of confidence and non-neediness. I actually looked past them instead of looking at them so they wouldn't read any neediness on my face and I guess that did the trick. They went along with me hugging them and started laughing as I say: "You both are so adorable!" they thank me and immediately have their eyes locked on me widened. Hooked!
brunette girl had the words "California" printed on her shirt so instead of firing a bunch of questions interview style I just assumed she wasfrom California and said: Ah, so we have a California native here?
her: haha nooo.
me: have you ever been?
her: yes!
me: okay, well next time you go...I need you to stuff me in your suitcase and take me with you. Can you do that for me?
her: haha okay!
me: by the way what's your name?
her: (name)
then I turn my head to the blonde and ask her name.
The rest doesn't even need to be said because I fell right back into my old ways and started asking interview questions. -_-
I bored them right when that happened and the energy I initially created started disappearing.

I'm thinking that I should have been more playful with the whole "California" thing and get a ball bouncing back and forth between us of flirting. I try to take into account the advice of guys here on the forums of not being TOO entertainer-like and appearing like a clown...but let me just say there is a fine line you have to walk on for that.
If i'm not playful enough I'm boring (and my fundamentals are not up to a point where it doesn't matter yet)
If i'm too playful, nobody will take me seriously.
I think the trick is to be playful at the beginning, establishing rapport, bullshitting, and flirting and then move the girl...then deep dive while talking slowly and sexily in your bedroom voice. Get her talking about herself where you're not doing most of the talking. While she talks keep your eyes locked on hers
, never moving them around the room or scanning. Even occasionally look down at her lips...establishing sexual tension.
I need to practice this and have this consistently going perfectly and smoothly and then move on to leading to either a number close or instant date or if i'm feeling bold going to a private place, go for the makeout and lead to SDL. (which is all easy as pie but ultimately depends on me not pussying out when its time to close the deal)
What would really help is for me to know when a girl is open to me meeting her so I'm not wasting my time with these girls who don't invest in conversation (usually over the fact that they they have a bf, husband, or feel dedicated to some guy they're seeing)

Anyway, I ended up moving the girls by commanding them to follow me to an art gallery that was serving punch. I was leading the way to the gallery, we walked in, walked up one flight of stairs. They awed at the artwork on the walls. I commanded them to keep walking because we were almost to the top. As we were going to the second flight of stairs they complained that it was "too much walking" and turned around to go back down the stairs.
I reached out and tried to pull blonde girl saying: "no, its just right here...up these stairs" but she pulled away and they left. (maybe I came off a bit needy with that)
My guess is that they were just looking out for themselves given that things were starting to seem suspicious. There just happened to be NO other people going into this gallery so it looked like I was bringing them back to my "lair" to "lock them" in my "rape dungeon" and have my way with them and they'd never be seen again. LOL. They're so paranoid...but I get it...I didn't build enough comfort.

Other than that, I tried out my bed-room voice on another girl. Also getting used to the fact that girls DO NOT care that I touch their ass as long as I'm not doing it too early, being a creep, and they're enjoying my presence. I seem to be getting back into the swing of things.

P.S. my voice keeps cracking and going back to sounding high-pitched sometimes. I don't get why this still happens and I'm 21. Is there anything I can do about this because this is embarrassing? :/ women often think I'm younger than I actually am saying I must be 17 or 18 or something. Not cool.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012

I've been getting numbers lately but no dates and a few flakes. here's what stood out to me:

Me, my friend Victor, and another friend of ours were walking along the boardwalk of the beach at nighttime this past Mother's day. As we were walking, this group of girls once walking in the other direction towards us to squeeze past us on the sidewalk. One of them, a cute light-skinned black girl with dreads was holding eye contact with me. I immediately say: Hey how's it going?
her: its going good. (smiles)
and then her and her friends continue walking. I had a gut feeling that that was what "open" girls are like so before she got away, I turned around, found something to re-open her as quickly as I could...which happened to be her tribal design looking shorts.
me: hey! I like your shorts!
She turns back around smiling
her: oh thankyou!
and she walks right back over to me. her friends keep walking...my friends keep walking.
me: as a matter of fact, you are just so cute. what's your name?
her: (name)
me: I'm Wes...(looks at her Jamaican color earrings, grabs her face and pulls her closer) let me guess, you're Jamaican?
her: haha yea!
me: that's interesting. (very tempted to say: you're Jamaican me crazy lol) give me your number now. (pulls out my phone) Don't judge my phone. (my phone is a 2008 phone...I have to catch up with the times)
her: (laughs and tells me her number but my phone is dying right when I'm about to punch it in and shuts off)
me: damn!
her: just tell me yours
me: (I tell her mine and tell her that I have to pay my phone service before she can contact me)
she says okay and asks when I'll get my phone back on. I say, possibly the next day or the day after. She says she'll shoot me a text both days and hope for my reply.

Now I feel bad because I never got to get my phone on. I was supposed to wash a family member's car for the money but the weather interfered and I'm about to leave. The girl probably feels rejected :(
I'm happy I am finally picking up on the signs of a girl who is open to meeting me though.

next was the (and I never rate girls) HB9 brunette in the bookstore. This went so well.
I was on my way OUT of the bookstore when I see her in the Mystery section or something. She's stunning and makes my heart jump out of my chest for a section. I almost got approach anxiety but ignored the voices and turned my feet to head straight to her. Looked straight at her eyes. She looked up and sees me walking towards her locking my eyes on hers, smiling. She looks down quickly, then back up and meets my eyes again as I open.
I fumbled over my opener at first but got it out.
me: I could not take my eyes off of you, your are absolutely stunning.
her: (smiles) Thanks!
I don't remember what I said after but I've been watching RSD videos lately about how to never run out of content to talk about and how to be playful. One of the things that I learned is to just say anything out of the ordinary to snap the girl out of auto-pilot responses that she's ready to answer for EVERY guy who asks her the same things.
I was being playful, making her laugh at first and got her hooked. Then I switched into my sexy voice and said in a deep tone:
me: so what brings you here to the Romance section? (obviously we're not in the romance section ;))
her: This isn't the Romance section. haha
me: Oh, but you're going to make your way there eventually...you can't fool me. ;)
her: (laughs)
Then I briefly talk to her about Fifty Shades of Grey before deep diving. I find out she's a model for ads on the side of websites. (so who knows, maybe we've all fapped to a picture of her before lol) I find out what she's going to school for, where she's from, when she moved here, etc. Then I stop her from going too deep and say:
me: we should continue this conversation over a coffee date but I know that you're waiting on (something she mentioned earlier) and I've got a bus to catch so give me your number and we'll meet up sometime.
her: okay its (number)

I wrap my hand around her waist and pull her in, brush the side of my face against hers, hugging her while saying in her ear: it was a pleasure meeting you.
her: yea, you too.
We part ways.
This girl seemed so open and so hot that I didn't want to just let this go to waste. I wanted to do ANYTHING to close this out and fuck her.
I texted her from my brother's phone.
me: hey its Wes, I'll be contacting you from this phone since my service is off.
her: okay!
me: I apologize for being so straightforward but what's your schedule like this week? (I had mentioned to her earlier in the bookstore that I was leaving next week. This may have made me scarce in her eyes. works like a charm)
her: (tells me what she's doing the next day and Wednesday and mentioned in it that she's "going to church with her boyfriend"
At first this fazed me. I was sitting there looking at the phone like: wtf do I say to that? and WHY did she have this full on flirty conversation with me without ever mentioning a boyfriend? ugh.
Then I remembered...reactions vs results. She gave me her number, She even answered the first text...she's complying with me. Maybe her bf is some uptight religious guy who gives her no excitement. Part of me was thinking that her throwing in the "boyfriend' and "church' thing was a test to see how I would handle it and screen out a weak guy.

so I answer;
me: Does that usually work for you? (hoping that either I passed a test or she'll be like: what do you mean?)
her: haha pretty much!
me: Let me guess, you're Pentecostal?
her: no why? lol
me: because all my Pentecostal friends go to church on Wednesdays while I'm the oddball who goes on weekends.
her: oh lol well I'm non-denominational. Actually, I'm the Preacher's daughter.
me: oh snap...You didn't appear on that show "preacher's daughters" did you? :p
her: haha I wish!
me: don't lie..I think I may have seen you on there once.
her: you caught me ;)
me: We can talk all about your adventures on reality tv over coffee on Thursday, what do you think?
her: okay, but I have to ask my boyfriend.
me: lol what do you think he'll say?
her: ehh lol

this is when I was debating with myself whether I should use a "yes ladder" or ask her to just choose for her self. I went with...
me: well what do YOU want to do?
-no reply since-
I choseeeeeeee WRONG. lol
whatever...good for experience anyway. I should've gone with..
me: well, do you like talking to me?
her: yes
me: and you want to see me before I leave right?
her: yes
me: then let's meet at starbucks at...(time)

Then there's this other time when me and my brother and is friend were in the same town that Mr. Rob stays near. I was going to meet up with him but things didn't go as planned. I wanted to approach some of the military cuties on the base. (military chicks have some bangin bodies) but the military is big on a no tolerance for "sexual harassment" policy and I wasn't sure if any of the girls would take me approaching them the wrong way. Then I end up messing up my chances of staying in. From what I've heard, I'm going to get plenty of poon in the military anyway. So patience.

other than that, I approached a mom in another bookstore. Or should I say Wonder Woman because this lady had the body of Wonder Woman. Curves in ALL the right places, child-bearing hips, thick quads, tight ass, big boobs. Not only that she was as tall as an Amazonian. Way taller than me but it didn't stop me.
I walked over to her in whatever section she was in and opened.
me: You look like you know some awesome martial art from an action movie or something :)
her: (laughs) oh really?
me; yea, like if I were to come at you the wrong way you'd flip me and put me into a lock or something.
her: well, I am pretty dominant.
me: oh my ;) (thinking of S&M and bondage and all that.)
me: anyway, I know you might think I'm pretty young but I thought you were stunning and I wanted to come over here and meet you. I'm Wes.
her: I'm Karen. How old are you?
me: guess.
her: hmmm...well you said young so I'm guessing...18?
me: go up.
her: 19?
me: up.
her: umm...21?
me: ding ding ding!
her: oh well, I'm 9 years older than you, I have a husband and three kids.
me: ah I see, so he's the lucky one who gets to wrestle you for dominance every night...
her: haha well, I'm the lucky one...it took me quite a while to win him over.

In my head my internal mouth drops open. Are you serious dude? You had to think about getting with a chick like this? Well maybe she was the one pushing for a relationship/marriage while he was the one being the wild stallion that we're taught on this site to be. Good job dude.

This woman was way out of my league, married with kids so I parted ways and told her to have a blessed day. She thanked me for my compliment.

And that's about it. I leave with this and I'll be back on the forums and GC in 2 months with a new phone, money, steady job and my life getting together.
That's all for now. Peace.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
I didn't get a chance to read all of this but dude you got this shit in the bag.

The only thing keeping you from pimping mad bitches is putting more time into this shit. I know your going off into the military so you probably won't get much time at all but realize the only thing keeping you from getting your willy wet is your time you put into this.

Keep it pimpin, pimpin!

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Mr.Rob said:
I didn't get a chance to read all of this but dude you got this shit in the bag.

The only thing keeping you from pimping mad bitches is putting more time into this shit. I know your going off into the military so you probably won't get much time at all but realize the only thing keeping you from getting your willy wet is your time you put into this.

Keep it pimpin, pimpin!

Au Contraire, mon frère!
The military bases have clubs on them from what I've heard...I will be out practicing every chance I can. Things are about to change for me dude.
I go places with my recruiter (as he's dressed up in his blue camo uniform) and women are hitting on him and giving the most OBVIOUS approach invitations.
Whenever I get liberty (clocking off the job) I'm going to go out and practice my ass off.
Thanks for the comment bro, always nice to know I'm not over here talking to myself. lol


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
I put your I Have A Boyfriend counter reply in my "Tips and Tricks" thread. Hope you don't mind...

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
@ Eternity...I don't mind.

I know I said that the last post was going to be my last but I wanted to update on progress I've been making with the many girls of my church throwing themselves at me.
lol So my last day at church I was saying goodbye to all my friends of the youth group/young adults and then I guess this must've triggered something in these girls to get bold.

One girl who has a boyfriend (who I personally know and I'm cool with) always under the radar flirted with me and calls me "babe" at the end of every sentence.
She was holding me and we were being very touchy, feely. This isn't new though...she would always grab my ass whenever she saw me...and I'd grab hers back.
This time though, we were holding hands. (her bf wasn't at church either) I brought her outside in the parking lot and gave her one long sexual hug, picked her up, lifted her in the air as she giggled and squirmed and began kissing her on the neck. She must've been getting heated or something because she jumped down smiling and said: I'm going to miss you, babe.
me: me too.

I get home and she sends me a message on facebook asking for my number. (yea all this time of us flirting and I never got it. I didn't feel comfortable snatching a bros girl like that, especially in church. If she wants me, she needs to leave him first. idk..I just feel guilty.) Everyone at church has seen me grow from the shy uncalibrated guy I used to be to turning into a sexy seducer saying all the right things behind closed doors. They watched my wardrobe transform from my lame way of dressing to how I dress when I go to church now. All these girls are under the radar freaks and I LOVE it. the religious girls are the biggest freaks I've ever met. lol

They're reactions to my sexual innuendos and low tone sexy voice is PRICELESS. they're eyes widen, they're always throwing me compliments, and its as if they want me to pull them that very second in the church and fuck them. oh, the excitement they must feel doing it in such a "forbidden" place. lol
If I ever do this I have to be VERY discreet. The parents and adults are starting to notice my popularity amongst the girls and I feel like they've got their eye on me. I've gotta calm down with the public displays of affection.

Next is this British girl at my church who just got married in December. Ever since I turned 18 she's been under the radar flirting with me but I was still evolving. I've gotten her to kiss me once. She's felt me up many times, feeling my arms, touching my chest and stomach. Even now that she's married she STILL flirts with me...lol but whenever I try to take it anywhere physical she stops me and reminds me that she's married. She just wants to not have the guilt but she wants me badly.

Then there's this other girl who I grew up with. I've liked her for YEARS. one of the reasons I got into pickup was because I wanted to eventually make her mine. She is the most beautiful girl in the world (that I've ever met so far) and if she was ever mine, I'd be the luckiest guy on Earth.(she's Latina and Filipina so she's beautiful...but who cares about her looks. she is the sweetest, most charming girl I have ever met with a constant genuine smile on her face.) Her parents are cool with me because we used to car-pool to go to school. Her brother is cool with me. And she knows that I like her...but that was 4 years ago. I think she thinks that I got over her and moved on but I've always had my eyes on her. (well, everybody does really...there's not many of us so everybody's rotating between who they like like its a small social circle) I just so happen to be one of the closest to snatching her up now. But anyways, she went off to university/college and I've found out that she's losing a lot of her "innocence". She's out clubbing, partying with her sorority, and I found out that she smokes weed now.
I was flirting with her about this and told her that she just increased in attractiveness to me now. She was surprised that I tried it before and told me I should chill with her sometime. I jokingly said that she wants to shotgun the smoke into my mouth. Basically just getting her wet asf with all this stuff she would've NEVER expected me to say. Anyway, I'm hanging out with her at the beach today. This should be great.
See, at church, everyone is putting up this front of trying to look perfect. We make satirical jokes about it all the time but not many have actually taken action to changing the culture at church. Nobody feels comfortable being themselves so everyone is hiding things. I want to change that for my church one day. The point is that we all understand we're not perfect and we accept each other regardless but that's an uphill battle so one day.

If you're not religious, church girls can be tricky though. They're the biggest freaks but also they want someone who believes the same way as them. When I'm out approaching girls and I run into religious ones, they close themselves off because they think I don't relate to them. Their logic: good church guys who do the right thing and wait until marriage to have sex don't do this kind of thing.
They want the charming alpha guy but they want him to be a saint. lol.

As for anyone who thinks I'm a hypocrite, well I don't care. I've been fighting back in forth within my own mind about this for too long in the past and I've come to the conclusion that the lifestyle of trying to be perfect is a path of misery. "Ain't nobody got time for that"

Anyways, that's all for now. Peace. (And unless I miraculously get a lay today, I'll be back in 2 months.)

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Oh god...that last posts sounds really pathetic and I sound like a guy with one itis.
Update: I got out a month ago and now I'm doing medical training so I've been really busy. Mr. Rob was right.
Although, I've matured a lot this summer and I've learned a lot about myself, social dynamics, etc.
Once I can get a laptop, I'll come back regularly. Right now, I need to do good in school. I'm working on some of the girls here so maybe it'll be stories for later. Also, I kinda have a fling with a girl at the moment. We'll see how this goes.

Above all else, im finally putting goals first over girls. Getting my priorities straight and taking them off the pedestal.
That's all for now.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I'm starting to see that this journal really helps me when I fall out of the habitual approaching and gaming. When I re-read old posts and see myself at my "peak" or in state or what I'm capable of doing, it really helps me to persevere.
I don't even recognize the guy in my old posts sometimes.

So here is an update (to myself and to anyone who enjoys reading) of encounters I've had the past months.

Training school:

So in this college-like setting, everyone was horny as hell and hooking up. I thought it would be easy in a setting like this (and it was in a sense, girls were more open because they no longer had their abundance mentalities. Whatever guys were here were all they could really choose from) but it turned out to still be difficult for me because I'm not THAT good yet.
I assumed that this setting would make it where girls would fall on my dick and I wouldn't have to do any work.
I learned that to get laid, you have to put in work because women will not do it. They'll appear available and make themselves approachable but they'll rarely put in work.
(More on this later)

So when I first got out of basic, me and a couple of guys were already planning on hitting on thirsty chicks. A natural named Thomas wanted to help me out and he would command me to go approach certain girls and tell me his judgments on what I should do. It rapidly became clear that he didn't understand game though, and he was the type to throw shit on the wall until something stuck. He was attractive and charismatic so girls made it extremely easy for him.

I gave up eventually on our "class whore" who most of the guys were after (and girls were jealous of) and ended up becoming infatuated with a cute short but fierce Indian (punjabi) girl.
We clicked and I continued to escalate and hung out with her and another guy until we made him feel like a 3rd wheel and he eventually left us alone. I didn't see it at the time but she was dtf. Everyone always pointed out how cute we were together and kept asking if we had something going on. We both denied anything and I made it clear to her that I like to keep these things under the radar because people always come and fuck things up once they know.
This girl was also inexperienced, a virgin, not interested in sex or relationships and very spiritual with her Sikh beliefs (which I learned about by meeting her) I took everything she said at face value, got attached and considered being in a relationship with her before sex but I knew it was wrong.
We shared a late night walking around outside, talking and deep diving and then we sat on a bench and looked at the stars. I felt one with my masculine energy that night and one with the universe. I felt like a man and she felt like a woman. She rested her head on my shoulder and we talked every so often but sat in silence. I told her to look at me and cupped her chin in my hands. I wanted to kiss her but something didn't feel right. I never went for it and we went in for the night.
I tried to set a date up with her the next day but she flaked on me and I found out she went to hang out with my bunk mate/friend from basic. We'll call him Rob. (Not to be mistaken for Mr. Rob)

I find out all of a sudden that this entire time Rob was also talking to her and flirting with her but he did so with outcome independence and went about his school life trying to get good grades on the tests and studying instead of having a social life.
She went out on a date with him from flaking on me. That shit hurt.
For the next couple of weeks I'm watched them grow as a couple, constantly going on dates and doing fun things together while she rejected all my attempts to hang out with her again.
I should have closed that night was the overbearing regret I felt and I found it impossible to direct my attention elsewhere besides her. It fucking sucked. I could not figure out what she saw in him. He was skinnier than me. Shorter than me. Not that good looking. Had a high voice. And had no social proof.
And then I found out more of his backstory.
This guy was homeschooled his whole school life and then when he graduated senior year he took his inherited money, hopped on a plane and flew to Hawaii to live by himself and struggle and experience life.
In Hawaii, he experience almost every drug known to man, went to the craziest parties, raved, almost went to jail and you get the idea. Then he almost got married to a Muslim girl who was the only girl he couldn't fuck at the time which made him put in dedication to her. (He's also admitted to having a thing for brown/middle eastern girls.. They are his weakness)
He converted to Islam and from there has been turning his life around.
He always took the effort to preach to me about drugs, the party life, clubs, and hitting on girls.
He saw that I was having an awakening and thought it was best I learn from his mistakes before I "go down his path"
So what did this girl like about him? He was relatable. They both shared similar religious beliefs. He was exciting and spontaneous. Compared to the dates I'd offer, he took her out to play paintball, go skydiving, go on random adventures to a nearby town, and run track together.
She was so oblivious to her own attraction for him and denied anything besides her seeing him as a friend.
And he would not close her at all. He just kept taking her on date after date (which annoyed me)
And his plans were to have sex after marriage because that's what he does now. Eventually and obviously, her attraction for him expired and she ended up hated him. It was a complete 180.
By then I had gotten over my attachment to her by actively trying to talk to new girls and avoiding her as much as possible. She began showing me signs of interest again but I just wasn't as interested anymore.
I accidentally became infatuated with a lesbian friend of mine who I vented frustrations to.
It started out as us just venting to each other and then turned into us flirting and me deep diving her about being a lesbian and other things. We played this game at school where we had to punch each other if you look at this symbol made with our fingers. (If anyone is familiar with the show Malcolm in the middle, and remember that episode, it's that game)
I had many moments in class where I talked to her in my sexy deep voice very silently and opened her up further than anyone else would go. She told me that when I look at her it's like I'm staring into her soul. (Which became a thing. She'd comment on my "soul-gazing eye contact" every so often. My eyes are becoming dangerous)
Still, for some reason, she never agreed to go on any dates with me. She never complied. She never let me escalate or move things forward. People noticed that we seemed to be having a thing going on. Guys asked me if I tapped yet.
Rob told me to give up because she's a lesbian.
The whole time I knew I should've just moved on to other girls but I already put in so much investment into her just like I did with Indian girl. I fell into infatuation (and she knew it)
She began acting mean to me to push me away from her which confused me at he time. I thought she was horny and wanted me to act or playing hard to get. Nothing was working and had this giant wall up around me.
Then this guy from our class began flirting with her simultaneously while all this happened.
This guy was a Rico suave muscular "everything GC teaches us to be" type of man from Colombia.
So think Sofia Vergara but the man version who irresistible to women.
We'll call him Rico.
At first I didn't see him as a threat but then I noticed that he was making her laugh, getting compliance from her, making her invest and she was going out on dates with him. She saw me as her friend to talk about her girlfriend problems to so she admitted to me that she was falling for him. (Unaware of how that made me feel because I hadn't taken action yet or showed her my intentions)
We and a group of friends went out to town and she fucking invited him.
I decided to act cool and aloof and not chase her or act jealous. It sorta worked because she also kept flirting with me that night and kept touching me to initiate me giving her attention again.
Still I couldn't make anything happen and we split up and she went with him to the club while I went home.

She texts me a couple days later telling me she felt like shit and I decide to be a friend for her.
She cried to me because she "cheated on her girlfriend" and admitted to me that something went down after the club.
She didn't want to tell her girlfriend and kept it all secret.

I moved on from her. Rico was just too good. His game was miles ahead and they eventually were a couple.
I got heartbroken twice in 2 months.
Then came along a straight cold approach I did on "campus"
I posted a FR on her when I went out on a date with her. I almost had it but I fucked up.

What I don't have written down is what happened after the date with her.
(Obviously, I got infatuated again while trying to close things out that were unfinished.)
I still had a chance to close her but I fucked THAT up.
A couple days after our date and of us not running into each other or texting, I sent her a picture text of myself shirtless with a message: I lost my shirt, do you have one I can borrow?
I knew this text was risky and could go 50/50. Either she'd be turned off or turned on. I wanted to take the chance to see what would happen and what happened was....

She never replied. I couldn't figure out what she thought and I hadn't seen her days either. I was getting desperate for some answers.
I finally saw her walking into the "dorms" one day and said hi to her while sitting on a bench. She nonchalantly said hey wassup while continuing to the door and her faced glued to her phone.
Yup, that's not good. Normally she'd go out of her way and walk over to me, happy to see me.

I walk in after her and catch her stuck in a line to check in. Her faced glued to her phone and casually talking with strangers around her.
Me: hey, did you get my text?
Her: I don't want to talk to you. I'm mad at you.
Me: was it about that text I sent?
Her: yea, I'm not that kinda girl.

I felt like I got struck by a bullet. I felt nauseous and I ran outside to puke in the grass.

"Not that kinda girl"
So she thinks I view her as some slut whose another number to fuck? I mean, yea, she IS a slut (which isn't bad and I didn't really care) but even sluts need to feel like you love them.
I wanted to fix things and show her that I actually cared about her. (Because I did. As you can see I fall quite fast)
I composed myself after realizing no puke was going to come out and then went back inside. She was still in line but a little further progressed. I walked right past her avoiding eye contact and looking determined. I noticed her look at me charge pass from my peripherals.
I sat in a common area right before the stairs that everyone has to climb to get to their rooms. And waited.
She walked in while texting on her phone, looked up and noticed me and looked back down about to continue pass and climb the stairs.
I call her name in a commanding voice.
Me: come here! I have to talk to you!
Her: I can't. I have to put this food in my fridge.
Me: just come here, it'll only take a minute!
She sighs and comes over and sits next to me, her leg against mine.
I just start talking. I come up with the best sincere apology that I've ever said and surprised myself with how well I handled that. (Breaking through her walls and all)
She smiles at the end as if I told her everything she needed to hear and we look into each other's eyes and have this amazing sexual tension. In that moment I wanted to passionately kiss her.
She smelled so nice, I saw her soul in her eyes, I felt the warmth of her thigh pressed against mine.
I think she wanted me to kiss her too. But I wasn't sure, second guessed myself, got nervous and didn't take her in his moment.
She said everything was okay, she understands and forgives me and she can see that I really care about her.
(She made it sound like a good thing but I felt like it was a bad thing. I'm not supposed to have feelings before the lay)
I suggested we go on another date and she said we could once she has some free time.
Her schedule was stacked to go to a concert and hang out with a guy she's been seeing (fucking)
She told me she didn't want to go into too much detail because she could tell I liked her.
(She's a female player is what I learned. Master at picking up guys and making them fall for her)
This was bad. I'm too invested into her now. I regretted not taking her as my lover on the first date we had.
She was warm to me now and happy every time she saw me.
She'd see me and say in the sexiest voice: heyy you ;)
And she'd part ways with me always swaying her hips as if teasing me or taunting me of what I could have if I just took her.
She was, in those moments, the definition of a feminine woman. She once again made me feel like a man, one with my masculine energy. A lion kicked back effortlessly as his lioness put in effort for him.

I was too blinded by my desire to have her all to myself though. Instead of just escalating and taking her, I spent my efforts thinking about her, thinking about a future of us being together, and strategies to appear better than the other guys she was seeing. Infatuation truly blinds you to what you already/almost have. Never once did I text her to try to arrange anything, I just figured that she'll come to me when she's ready and I tried my best to get over her. I knew I needed to get out of my feelings.
Then one night I asked her to meet me in a secluded stairwell so we could talk. I wanted to tell her so much and possibly close things. She didn't want to come down at first, told me she was in her pajamas ready to go to bed.
I told her it'll be quick. She complied.
She comes down in short shorts and a tank top and make up still on her face.
I stand close to her, facing her, taking in her beauty, wanting again to kiss her in that moment. But it was my moment and not a moment she also shared. She was obviously upset about something and looked like she just finished crying.
Me: let's sit down.
We sit.
Me: you alright? (Letting her go first)
She vents to me about the main guy she's been fucking who she has feelings for and about how he's being a douche lately or some shit. I didn't fucking care. I'm not going to play into this nice guy best friend thing and gave her the same response I always gave whenever he was being a douche.
I tell her she can do whatever she wants and that a guy who calls her a slut and verbally abuses her doesn't really accept her for who she is or something like that. (Still a pretty friend-zoning type of response, I didn't know what else to say. It's not like I get in-depth advice on how to handle a girl venting to me) she dries her tears and says:

"Surprisingly, that makes me feel better"
And just like the other time in the common area she smiled and showed me her soul though her eyes.
It was a quiet moment. A moment that I didn't feel the overwhelming desire to kiss her in.
I could tell that she wanted me to though. I knew I had to...I just told her that everything was going to be okay because she was here with me and we don't think of things that upset us when we're together.
I just didn't FEEL it though. Where the hell was the vibe?
The silence played out and she got up and said thanks and goodnight

I missed the window.
Me: wait! Come back!
Her: I have to wake up early
And I let her go.
I shouldn't have let her go, I know.

The next few days I couldn't sleep because of a combination of my infatuated thoughts of her and my regretful thinking and beating myself up over opportunities missed. This was a rough time for my mind. The roughest yet.
I was finding myself going on more Buddhist meditation websites and attending Buddhist classes to understanding the mind more (and to have better control over my own)

She was still warm to me whenever we ran into each other. Always: hey wassup ;)
Or heyy you ;)
I was still blinded by jealously. Blinded by infatuation. I cleared the fog away sometimes and tried to make a date one night.
I sent her a text saying we should hang out again.
No reply. Wtf? And I took that as a sign to officially give up and move on.

The next day I'm at the smoking area with Rob (whose been helping through all these girls I've been infatuated with) and I'm telling him about how I'm moving on now as he smokes his cancer stick. Lol
Then wtf happens? She comes down to the smoking area to smoke.
She walks over to me and sits down next to me.
Her: Soo...you never answered my text last night.
Me: what text? You never answered mine.
Her: yes I did, see? ( she shows me her phone. It's our message history of me saying we should hang out and then her reply saying: when? :) )
I show her mine and she sees that I never got her message.
Me: wow, I thought you were ignoring me so I shrugged it off and went to bed. My new phone is being weird. (I just got a new phone a few days prior)
Then we were flirting in a soft tone so nobody could hear us. I made a sexual innuendo referencing the song "or nah" by The Weeknd. She had never heard the song or of The Weeknd and I told her it's a REALLY explicit song about eating a girls pussy out and that black girls get horny as fuck from hearing the song play.
I sang her the words: "do you like it when I flick my tongue or nah, you can ride my face until you drip in cummmm"
She started blushing and was noticeably horny.
Me: I bet you'd really enjoy that ;)
She blushed and I changed the subject (unaware at the time of such a thing called verbal escalation)

Then she went with me and Rob to the cafeteria to get lunch (which was a bad idea)
Things JUST started getting good and now:

I fell back conversationally and let her do some talking as she engaged Rob. He was being unintentionally charismatic and doing really attractive things though and I could feel her attention being drawn more to him.
(I tell you, girls have the attention span of a cat, getting drawn to the biggest light on the wall and chasing it around like it's real) I just stood back and didn't try to screw my chances up by interfering and looking needy.
She was listening to him chat up a random African (possibly Muslim) girl at our table and he was going deeper into revealing his beliefs. I could visibly see her start to lose excitement for him.
And with that she got up and left because she had plans.

I didn't know how to feel. I wanted to keep trying but I also knew it was a bad idea because of how much investment I've put into this girl. I kept feeling like all these chances were a sign from the universe telling me to keep trying.

I continued to try to move on. Ran into her again at the cafeteria and sat down to talk. She was telling me how the guy she's been fucking has been mad at her again lately and verbally abusing her and embarrassing her on social media or something. She said she's definitely over him and admitted to me the honest number of how many guys she's slept with at the school. Then she says: I know what you're thinking...slut alert.
I tell her she should know by now that I don't give a fuck what she does with other guys (even though I really do)
She smiles. And right when I'm about to verbally escalate this motherfucker.

THIS MOTHERFUCKING GUY THAT SHES BEEN FUCKING. The cause of ALL her heart ache and crying comes walking in and walks past to sit at a table alone in the distance.
She notices him and says: I have to go! I can't do this! I'm so sorry...you have great night, I'm so sorry!
She grabs her things and goes before her ever even saw her.
And she left me there.
I finished eating and left the cafe a few minutes after her.
When I walked back to the dorms I passed her talking to some random guy and it looked like she was giving him her number.
1) what the actual fuck?! Do I HAVE to see that?! All I want is to not be aware of the guys she's seeing since I obviously can't handle it.
2) can she stop being hoe for like one sec?! Lol

I decided to continue our conversation from the cafe and sat down on a bench further ahead.
She finished with the guy and continued walking towards the dorms and past me.
I call her name. She says hey wassup while looking up from her phone and continues walking.

Wtf? I should've just gotten over her. She obviously doesn't care as much as I thought and I should've just closed LONG ago. Fuck. I didn't chase after her. That response was all I needed. I was going to move on for good now.
After that I ignored her. I didn't make eye contact with her and I tried my best not to think about her. I went like that for a week or so. Then ran into her at school.
Her: heyy (in the same sexy voice that she used to do)
Goddammit! This girl is a master at fucking seducing guys...whenever I try to break away it's like she pulls me back. I'm supposed to be doing that to HER.

I gave in and texted her that afternoon. No reply. Fuck her...she's probably just stringing me along for her own satisfaction. She's just a flirt and I need to watch out for those. I'm done. For good. ( but not really)

Then I run into her on the stairs.
Her: Heyy :)
Me: pay! I knew you were going to ignore my text...(said under my breath)
Her: what?
Me: I said I knew you were going to ignore my text (in a louder and angry voice)
Her: (gasp) I-I-I haven't even checked my phone yet and so many people keep texting--you know what? Whatever! I can't do this! (And she runs back upstairs to her floor)
I call after her: wait! I didn't realize it was a misunderstanding! (I grab her arm and she yanks away)

I wait outside where I know she'll be so I can fix things.
She sees me and keeps walking. I try to stop her.
Her: Wes! Don't touch me Wes! Wes!
Me: ( me trying to get a word in)
Her: Wes! (She stops and looks at me like she's hurt by me and like she wants to murder me) not now Wes!
Then she keeps walking to go to the smoking area.
I flip shit and don't know what to do. My logic goes out the window and I figure I should just continue getting over her and ignore it all.
Later that night I run into her going into the dorms building at the same time as me. She seems to be feeling better but I still feel like shit. She looks at me ready for me to finally speak to her but I don't. I'm not feeling it. I need to move on.
And I let her go to bed with it all unresolved.
The next morning I see her and try to talk then. I ask if she's still mad at me. She says yes.
I say can we talk.
Her: there's nothing to talk about. (My actions last night showed just how important she was to me)
And I let her go. I felt nauseous.
2 more times this same thing happened where I tried to talk to her about it and she put up a giant wall and acted like the biggest bitch to me than any girl ever has. She became a demon. She was completely changed.
I was about to graduate and found it pointless to talk to any new girls around school and figured I'd just focus on school until graduation. I spent the last couple weeks still hurt by her. I know now I he to move on for good.

Sorry for the long post. That's how I learned my lesson to not get caught in my feelings this summer and fall. A major lesson for me this year. Gotta feel pain in order to grow.
I need to work on talking to girls without having an outcome in mind so I can lose all attachments. I still struggle with this and I assume all virgins struggle with attachment.

To be continued of more (and shorter) interactions from the past months.


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Okay so from the post above when I said "more on this later". I was talking about an observation I've made over the past months. All the girls who I talked to who got fucked by some other guy, they always talked about it like they didn't expect it to happen. They'd say things like: "well this weekend sucked but at least I got laid this weekend"
Stuff like that. As if they didn't even try to make it happen...it just happened by itself.
I realized this is also how women see sex... It just kinda..."happens". They're fine whether or not it does and obviously don't care about it as much as men do. But that's a minor lesson I learned. One I re-learn all the time in fact because I often forget.

Now on a much happier note (since that last post was kinda depressing)
Whenever I went out into town I went to this awesome 3 floored club and this gay club a couple of times. Finally sunk my teeth more into nightgame and I was learning fast and becoming a beast.

At the 3 floored club, I went with 2 of my classmates (one being Rob, the guy from the previous post) and thy both were ex bartenders. I told them that I've gotten drunk before but never really saw a difference and drinking doesn't seem to work for me. They ordered drinks for me and showed me what I was apparently missing.
I tried all sorts of shit and after a few I was feeling the music and wanted to dance and didn't give a shit what anyone thought. I started dancing next to a gogo dancer who was dancing on top of this platform. She noticed me and wanted me to place money in one of her straps on her legs. Fuck that. I moved on to the second floor.
One the second floor they're playing some dubstep electronic music or something and I just did what dance moves felt right to me which apparently is how people dance at raves (what Rob told me). He told me I would have so much fun at a rave and he was surprised I haven't been to one.
I was going so hard these two girls came and danced with me and it was a awesome moment where the lights kept flickering rapidly and I felt like I was high or something. Then I got really dehydrated and left to get some water.
Rob and the other guy practically praised my dancing and were amazed. They told me that the girls were really hot and I was lucky. I didn't even pay attention to them so I don't even remember what they look like.

See what happens when you have no outcome dependence, the bitches come at you because you provide value instead of trying to take (their pussies) value from them.

After I hydrated, I actually tried to hit on some chicks. This time was around Halloween so everyone was dressed in costumes and I saw this hot girl dressed in a Buzz Lightyear female version costume and she was smokin'
I thought of the quickest corniest opener I could, reached out my arm to her for her to take it and said: take me to infinity and beyond and dance with me :)
Her: no, I'm good.
I strugged it off and went around trying to dance with other girls but they kept rejecting me.
I got tired of trying and then the other two guys decided it was time to leave.

They told me outside that I was "trying too hard" and if I stuck with what I was doing earlier, I would've been fine but the moment I actually "tried" to get the girls, I became needy.

That was my 4th time at a club. The first 3 times were back home in Florida. I have a FR of my first time already. The other two were uneventful horrible nights before I left for basic.

I went back to the 3 floored tower club a couple more times then I went to the gay club all my classmates kept talking about. I never really wanted to go because it was a gay club but then I gave it a shot and let me tell you...that place is fun as hell. There's so many straight girls (trying to have a night out without guys hitting on them...or possibly open to a lesbian experience) and sometimes guys give you eyes if they think you're cute but I just made sure not to give any approach invitations. I never had any trouble there. There's also some very believable transgendered women there as well. They were hot but then I could tell they were men by their arms.

I took a couple shots and danced with friends, just having a good time. Then of course, girls start gravitating over and looking at me. Idk if it's because I have alcohol in my system but it just seems like once I'm giving no fucks and having a good time, the girls seem to want me.
This cute girl with somewhat of a skrillex hair cut is dancing by herself closer and closer to me. I move to her take her hand and then we both start dancing in a Latin salsa style together. I'm twirling her around and shit and she is laughing and having a great time. I pull her in and talk in her ear every once in awhile through the dance.
This is where I'm building rapport. We exchange names, dance, find out where each other are from, dance, I give her a compliment, dance, and then I kinda lost it from there. I was too in the moment instead of thinking of moving her off the dance floor to deep dive.
While we kept dancing she kept "pushing and pulling" me and teasing me. She'd drift away and then I'd take her arm and yank-twirl her back to me like: "I'm not finished with you yet"
God, she was so sexy and was turning me on by how she danced and swayed her hips.
I tried to dance closer because I was only thinking with my dick and I wanted to make out with her.
She kept pulling away and then made a comment about my dancing in my ear (I'm not sure if it was a compliment or and insult or what she even meant by it) she said: you move your hips a lot when you dance.

Okay? I feel like she was telling me I wasn't dancing in a masculine way and I needed to tweak it a little. We were salsa dancing and from the salsa classes I took in high school, I picked up a habit of it.
Eventually I noticed that I was chasing her and she was just stringing me along so I back off and went to the bathroom.
I come back and she's dancing with another guy and giving him nothing as well, stringing him along.

I watch as this guy comes back a couple more times and then leaves. Then I see another guy dance with her and observe how he operates. I spent a lot of the rest of the time people-watching and seeing how some of the guys handled the girls.
Then I saw one of my classmates on the second floor. I watched as he was dancing by himself to seducing this curvy Latina girl to dance Kizomba style with him. (YouTube search Kizomba and check that out if you don't know what it is. It's a really sexy way of dancing with a girl)
So him and her were close facing each other almost dry humping as she was sexily swaying her hips around. Then he pulled her off the dance floor and I could see him talking in her ear and her smiling. He went to the bartender and got her a drink then came back. She placed the drink down on a table and left it there(lol wasted your money dude!) and she gave him her number. Then he parted ways.
That's not how we learn it here but that was ver helpful to watch.
I met up with him and gave him dap, said wassup bro, and he told me about what happened even though I just saw the whole thing.

Didn't get much reactions or results after that and I needed up leaving after feeling really bored. It was also dying down.
I left that night with more confidence in nightgame and a deeper understanding on what I have to do.

Now I just need to nightgame in Japan and see how far I've come. ;)

So far I've only approached two Japanese girls and I haven't even gone to the city yet. One was a hired gun and the other was in the clothing store.
I haven't cold approached on the street or gone to a club yet. (And I want to go to Roppongi at some point)
1st girl in clothing store:

Me: excuse me, can you tell me what "kawaii desu" means? (Going indirect for obvious reasons)
Her: umm..kawaii desu? It means "you're cute"
Me: (smiles) yea (and I just look at her until she gets it and half smile)
Her: (looking confused) oh! Hahaha thank you! And she quickly rushes away.

They seem to be so shy to have social interaction if I'm ver direct like that.
But I like being direct. I suck at being indirect and it just doesn't feel right or congruent to myself after all the direct opera I've done since I first found Girlschase.

The second, the hired gun.
She was behind a counter and I walk over like I needed her help.
Me: excuse me, do you know what "kirei desu" means?
Her: (enthusiastic to help a foreigner) oh! It means "beautiful"
Me: but what does "kirei desu" mean?
Her: you are beautiful
Me: (I half smile and wait in silence but she seems slow to understand) yeaaa?
Her: (finally catches on) oh! Thank you (and then she changes the subject to telling me about what she's selling. She obviously seems flustered or uncomfortable)
Me: okay thanks! O namae wa nan desu ka?
Her: (name)
Me: I'm Wes.
(She still seems weirded out by the whole thing so I leave)

And that's it so far. I gotta be careful cause I don't want to end up like Julien from RSD. (And I wish I can see the full video of him in Japan so I know what works and what doesn't)
Hopefully the clubs will be different. Maybe girls won't seem so shy there.
I also need to scrap things I learned temporarily and adjust to being here and really learn some smooth indirect game.

That's all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Something I've noticed recently: GC can teach us everything we need to know about game but that doesn't necessarily mean we "get it".
Does that make sense?
See, I think we level up in phases (some faster than others)
At first beginners read (and understand) the basics of approaching women and how to have conversations and getting a girl talking but that doesn't necessarily mean it's sunk in.
When it sinks in, that's when it becomes a skill that you understand like the back of your hand and you can do it with ease.
For example: no matter how many breaks I take from gaming, I can jump right back in and cold approach a random girl, no problem.
While for others, no matter how long they've gone without gaming, they can come back and deep dive a girl like its nothing.
We have to practice til certain things become second nature.
That's like, when you're working out, some exercises feel awkward at first and you can't get the position down right. But after doing it so many times you do it with ease and you have muscles to show for it.
Every skill is like this. You have to break past the awkward stage.
If it still feels awkward/takes too much effort to do, you haven't mastered that aspect of game yet.

Things that are still awkward for me:
- sexualizing conversations with women (getting better at this. It should get to the point where just about everything she says seem to set you up for saying a sexual joke or an innuendo. I try practice listening out for some)
- the transition from opener to bantering/rapport to deep diving/connecting. (I still can't figure this one out. I have no idea where I'm going wrong with this or what angle I should come at it with)
-incidental and sexual touch (I still consciously think about when I'm going to touch a girl. I probably even look at my hands while I'm doing it too. There's no excuse for this but so far it's because I'm being a scared little bitch and being afraid of what the girl will think. Trying not to take risks but I HAVE to.)
-Kiss closing and closing in general. (I have many occasions where a girl obviously wants me to kiss her and I overthink the whole situation by being a little bitch. I've also brought girls home 5 times and it hasn't ended in a close yet. I just need to put more time into this.)

That's all I think I need to work on right now. Everything else seems simple like setting up dates and number closing and moving girls. Easy shit.

What also helps you get an idea of where your game is at is when you game an easy environment.
Like that article about westerners going to the east, where the men don't compete with women so it's easy to snatch up a girl from there country because they're unsuspecting of game.
You feel all powerful when you snatch up a girl without putting much thought of effort into it.
I've felt this way every single time I've been around younger girls or social circles who were not even in the same mental plane as me. (They didn't have as much experience or wisdom yet)
Part of it is because I don't give a shit what they think of me (so I portray confidence) like I do for my peers.
From my point of view, whether they get around or not, they look like "shy excited girls" and I just jump into my role as a man and show them the world on my magic carpet ride.

Obv I need to take that same "I don't give a shit" attitude and apply it when I'm around peers and elder folk.
When I'm around them, I become submissive and act like a respectful bowing Japanese man (in all honesty) and avoiding eye contact and caving in to social pressure.
I'm afraid of confrontation, of offending, of getting on people's bad sides.
I don't how to back myself up if I do honestly. I've never been in a real fight, only sparring.
Whenever I get into arguments, well I don't, I avoid them. I only argue when I have all my points in mind and know that I'm going to win and make the other person look foolish. And then I always try to get on people's good sides whether guy or girl because I don't know if I can emotionally handle being the most hated person ever (like julien from Rsd just became lol) I was hated by my whole 4th grade class long ago for speaking my mind as a child but then I changed.

That's all. I'm off to go socialize. Peace out!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Go to Gaspanic club in Roppongi, it's awesome. Full of hot JP women who want to fuck foreigners and practice English, if that doesn't work out then there are plenty of hot Latinas, black chicks, white chicks, Indian, ... from every country known.

Pay some attention to your logistics, see if you can get a hotel near Gaspanic club. But they fill up fast so book it soon :)

Try this as an opener: Kawaii to kizuiteru (I notice you are cute). Or: Gouka da to kizuiteru (I notice you are gorgeous... kirei is grammatically equivalent to gouka, both take "da" but I think gouka is a bit closer to what you are trying to say).

cheers, Ray

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Thanks Ray! I'll keep that in mind. A couple friends and I were going to go to Roppongi this weekend but they changed their minds and we're going somewhere else. I wish there were people here who are willing to be as dedicated to self improvement as I am.
