@ray dang dude, thanks for the tips!
So I feel so good right now because I finally had the chance to go out in town and explore. I approached and talked to one Japanese girl and it went really well. By the time we finished talking it was dark outside and there were nobody else to talk to. All the college girls went home.
So here's what happened:
I was walking down a main road in order to keep myself from getting lost and I started by nodding and saying konichiwa to strangers. Some said it back, others ignored me. I got stared at a few times by kids (who just walk around by themselves here because it's so safe) people generally avoid eye contact so I was a little afraid to break out and speak to people.
Then I came across this grocery store/clothing store and I went inside to check it out. Walking around the store were so many pretty girls in uniforms with knee- high socks and short skirts. I wasn't sure if they were in high school or not but they're cute either way. I kept seeing so many girls with thick volleyball player legs (which is a huge turn on for me) and I tried not to stare too much.
I avoided talking to at least 5 or 6 girls out of fear of what people around me would think.
I didn't want to offend the Japanese people by hitting on their women.
Then I left and walked further down the main road to this train station.
This gorgeous girl who was about my height and looked my age caught my eye and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was so pretty, so sexy. Again, volleyball girl legs, knee high socks. They all seemed to be in the same uniform like they all just got out of school. This girl noticed me looking at her and it seemed like she was giving me a death glare. I wanted to say "sumimasen" and talk to her but then she ended up splitting up and going down another road. I wanted to go after her but was still frozen from approach anxiety.
Went up an escalator and BAM! Two girls on the escalator with me. One in front who had the sexiest hips I've seen all day and another behind me who was a bit skinnier and was adorable as hell. Such abundance here! I love it!
Back home I was picky as hell and didn't get a lot of practice because I only tried to approach girls I was attracted to. Here, I can't walk block without some cute girl being in my radius.
Another thing that kept me from approaching was that nearly all the girls had earpbuds in so I was a little afraid of bothering them.
Then finally I see this cute girl with straight hair down to her shoulders, a beanie, same uniform, knee highs, and a short skirt, with earbuds in her ears. She turns and walks down this alley. There was nobody else around so I jumped on the opportunity. (And I didn't want to come home and not have a FR with an actual approach.
I walk after her and catch up
Me: sumimasen! (She doesn't notice me yet) sumimasen! (She looks through the corner of her eye) sumimasen! (I motion for her to take her earbuds out) I need help. (She stops)
Me: kawaii desu. (If said wrong I could've actually said "I'm scared" or "you're scared" or something. I might have actually said that by accident.
She looked confused so I said it again.
She smiled and kept walking. I kept walking with her.
Me: O-namae wa nan desu ka?
Her: Myu! (I thought she said Maya at first)
Me: Watashi wa Wesley. (I say it in a Japanese accent so she can understand because the "l" sound isn't in their language and hard for them to pronounce so I say: Weserry
She stops.
Me: do you speak English?
Her: a little (in Japanese)
Me: I can only speak a little nihongo so gomen nasai.
Her: ahh, (says something in Japanese. Then she starts investing and asking me questions)
Her: (in really good English. Her English voice was so cute) how old are you?
Me: oh! That was really good! How old are you?
She looks confused and looks like she is thinking.
Her: how old are you?
Me: you tell me first.
Her: (confused)
Me: you. How old. Are you?
Her: 18. You?
Me: 21.
Her: ohh so, so, so, so, so...
Me: lol hai so, so, so, so, so...so are you...in college? (By this point I'm speaking slow so she can understand but it's also creating some really nice tension as we look in each other's eyes. I can tell she's locked in and not going anywhere. She seems fascinated by me.)
Her: hai! Are you in college?
Me: ehh kinda. (I tell her what I do but she's confused)
She asks me more questions in English about where I'm from and what I'm doing in japan and I answer. She asks me if I'm studying Japanese. I tell her a little but I mostly know things from anime.
Me: do you like anime?
Her: Attack on Titan.
Me: ahh hai! Shingeki no kyojin! Give me a fist bump!
(She smiles but looks confused)
Me: fistu bumpu! (Holding out my fist) (she pounds it)
Me: yea, where I'm from we do that when something is sugoii
Her: ahh sugoii

awesome, cooru! (Cool)
Her: what anime do you like?
Me: just that and one piece.
Her: ohh.
Me: can I have... Your number?
Her: (smiling shyly) I don't... Give my numbers to strangers...(speaking Japanese) this is different. I'm scared.
Me: you? Scared?
Her: smiling shyly
Me: you...don't be scared...I'm nice person.
Her: (smiling) you should find another girl.
Me: hai but kirei desu.
Her: (blushing) arigatoo
Me: you are very pretty.
Her: you should find prettier girl. Perhaps prettier girl is around.
Me: I know it's weird...that I came an talked to you...in my country...in order to make friends...tomodachi...we have to talk to strangers.
Her: do you have friends where you stay at?
Me: yes... no Japanese friends though.
Me: we should be tomodachi.
Her: hai (nods)
Me: fistu bumpu! (Holds out fist) (she pounds it and laughs)
Me: nice...to meet... You.
Her: hai hajimemashite
Me: hajimemashite. Nani my namae?
Her: Wessery!
Me: good! Fistu bumpu! (She pounds it again and giggles)
Her: I have to go home now...
Me: nice to meet you.
And she leaves.
Afterwards I realized that she probably wasn't rejecting me completely she was probably just being polite. Maybe the fact that she invested into having a conversation showed that she was interested. I was too nervous and excited by the whole experience that I didn't pick up on usual signs that I see. If I kept trying I could've gotten something. She seemed to like me. I just needed to lead better. Maybe gave her a reason to give me her number like asking her on a date. I forgot.
Oh well. There's always more. There's an abundance of girls out here.
And now I have an idea of what sentences I need to learn in Nihongo next.
I need to learn how to ask girls on dates, basic bantering, deep diving questions, and many different ways of complimenting.
I'm not a fan of language classes that teach me a bunch of useless things that I wouldn't use. I try to find out how to say things I'd actually say and things that fit my personality. Also complete immersion and making mistakes and in no time the language barrier won't give me any trouble.
Already many people keep telling me my pronunciation is very good so I'm getting there.