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Self-improvement of Wes


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Snipe has a wicked suggestion. Additionally, carry a pad and pencil for communication purposes, I have spent many enjoyable hours drawing stick figures of my family to explain how many brothers and sisters I have, etc, and inviting them to do same. You can communicate a lot about your life in pictures.

Volleyball gal: might have been good to accept her invite, if not counter suggest coffee or whatever. When she criticized you: "Oh well I guess you're pretty good at catching men on the volley... so is manhunting an official sport anyhow?"... hehehe.


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Hey guys, thanks for your replies!

I seem to be learning more Japanese. Basic phrases and sentences really like I've been brainwashed.
I had a dream last night where I was thinking in Japanese. Not completely in Japanese words but in the sentence structure. I guess my brain is getting used to it.

"Kore wa Yokohama station ka?" I asked a man yesterday without really thinking about it.(don't know if I was being impolite though, he was my elder.)
"Kagi kashite desu ka?"
Basic stuff.

Anyway, these journals aren't about Japanese, they're about seduction and improving my seduction skills.
So here are two interactions from yesterday. One at Queen' square mall in Yokohama and another at the station closer to where I live.

The first in the mall was no big deal. It was actually not even close to the usual stuff I say or do.
I've gotten pretty used to the girls here and I don't flip shit whenever I see them now. Every once in a while I'll see one that I absolutely HAVE to try to talk to because they're THAT beautiful. And it happened to high heels girl.

I was in a "sports authority" in the mall waiting for my roomate to finish trying on clothes (yea, I let him tag along with me for the day) and I saw this women in tight jeans and heels and long flowing hair and a cute ass that shook to each side when she walked.
"I want my penis in that" I thought. Lol
No not really. But I chased her down. She seemed to be in a rush and kept doing sharp turns and going everywhere. I couldn't angle myself to approach properly without scaring the shit out of her.
Finally, she and I both got to an escalator going downward and I let her go first. "Dozo"
At the end of the escalator I approach her.
She stops
"Eigo wakarimasen ka?" (English, do you speak it?)
She shakes her head no.
Now here I should've just said my compliment but instead I fumbled over my words and then started talking in English for some reason.
She looked confused and impatient so then I let her go since she was in a rush.
I was pretty bummed about it so I talked to my roomate about it like THAT was a good idea.
Fuck that shit, he keeps shaming me for going out of my way to talk to others. Saying it's "weird" and I "creep people out"
What a loser.
Once I learn to get around by myself, I won't need to go with anyone and I can do my thing.

Next girl spoke English. Like straight up modern day English with no accent.
She was leaning up against a wall while texting on her phone. I walk over to her.
"Sumimasen, eigo wakarimasen ka?"
"Yea, I speak English" (in a "what do you want?" Tone)
Oh, I just wanted to say that I thought you were really pretty.
She went blank faced and stared into the distance as if processing what I said and thinking how to respond. Then she just shrugged it off like "whatever". She reminded me of American girls. It was kinda a weird breath of fresh air.
It threw me off and I was a little stunned for a second. I gathered myself.
I was about to comment on how good her english was but then I stopped halfway and said how annoying that must be to hear that from people. She smirked and nodded. Then I went on some tangent about how I wouldnt like it if people made assumptions about me because I'm black then I cut it off seeing she had a bored face.
Then I asked her if she lived around here (completely forgetting introductions and such)

She told me she knew people at the base and goes there all the time.
Then it started sprinkling raindrops.
She was like: oh crap, it's about to rain...I'm going home.
Then she goes into the train station.
Me: nice to meet you I guess

The whole interaction she seemed closed off and a lite uncomfortable.
I was chill and not nervous at all. Nonchalant. I think my vibe throws these girls off. I give off this vibe like it's no big deal and that I do this a lot.
Back home, this vibe is fine. Girls would rather have a guy lead and know what he's doing then to approach then with their knees shaking and tail between their legs.

I feel like I scare Japanese girls.
Part of it may be because I dress like a bad ass with my leather jacket and rugged look.
Whether we like it on not, we get judged by out clothing choices as well.
I might need to seriously start dressed nicer as well. I usually wear t-shirts and jeans but may be I should break out some shirts and ties and etc. look like something off of fashionbeans.com

Another thing, if I'm being honest is that I'm becoming insecure about my skinniness. It's like I'm becoming awake lately and seeing what I really look like to other people.
I seriously do look like a starving African child with a head bigger than his body.
I've been working out but I'm not seeing much progress. With clothes off, I'm pretty muscular...like a "lean muscular"
Not like a "thick muscular". That's what sucks about being an ectomorph, it seems only fat girls like my body type.
Regular girls who like to be dominated want a thick massive bull to make them feel small and girly.

But I'm gonna stop letting insecurities talk and just keep working out. I'll get there.

On another note, I lost the lead of working on the married lady who works in the lounge. (The one whose husband cheats on her and is continually still doing so)
She doesn't make anymore abrupt sexual compliments to me anymore.
And every time I see her she comes over to me and takes it as an opportunity to vent and blab on non stop about things going on in her life and such. I set up the wrong frame and now she views me as her "venting buddy"
No sexual vibe or non platonic vibe of any sort between us.

Also reminds me that I need to start playing around with role playing and indirect-direct openers and put an official end to the direct "I think you're pretty, cute, beautiful" openers.
It's getting to point where it's being over said by everyone and girls are t thrilled to hear itike they were when I first started my journey of pua.
Maybe I'm just not saying it like I mean it anymore or what but it's time to add a little more personality to my approaches and spice up interactions.
I can imagine that as the times change different tactics in pua change as well. We entered a new stage or something where "mystery method"'is probably no longer played out and you can approach with "who lies more, men or women?" And not actually get eye rolls and complete rejections.
With this whole movement of guys learning game and taking over malls in Canada and the clubs in Las Vegas and all the RSD followers out in their boot camps, we're all starting to look the same to these girls and we. Edd to start standing out individually.
I can't imagine a single decent looking girl out there who hasn't been approached with "hey I thought you were cute so I had to come say hi"
The only ones winning that game are the guys with fundamentals on lockdown.

I'm thinking indirect-direct like:
Approach a girl after making prolonged eye contact.
Me: listen, this is really hard for me but...we have to break up
Her: (plays along) oh no! But we had something really good going!

And then you just role play it and lead and create the right vibe. Just apply all I've learned.
That'll at least male me FEEl like I have personality.
I don't even feel like myself with the former openers.

That's all for now
Until next time


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Mr. Wes said:
Fuck that shit, he keeps shaming me for going out of my way to talk to others. Saying it's "weird" and I "creep people out"What a loser. Once I learn to get around by myself, I won't need to go with anyone and I can do my thing.
Very important that you keep a strong mind here as after a while of being in that influence it will be hard to stop yourself from falling into it. Truth be told he's probably too scared to approach himself and doesn't want you to succeed to preserve his ego. A common thread with haters.

Mr. Wes said:
Next girl spoke English.
With this girl I'd wonder if her reception of you would've changed if you could've gotten her to laugh and break her out of autopilot. I mean genuinely laugh.

I can't tell if this is the same situation but I know a lot of times I'll meet a girl who's cold/standoffish and then I just amuse myself and say something ridiculous that gets her laughing her ass off and then she'll contribute more to the interaction.

Also sometimes I call girls out on their aloofness in a playful way and that will do the trick.

With regards to the fashion idea, change it up. Experiment with different vibes/emotional states as well until something clicks better.

Mr. Wes said:
I seriously do look like a starving African child with a head bigger than his body.

TylerRSD, though has ridiculous theories at times that aren't backed up by anything other than the way he views the world, talks about this a video I liked. Basically the hot "brand" of sexiness of what's the "ideal" look changes over the years and there's nothing other than the connoisseurs that say "this is hot, this is not" that dictate what "brand" of person is the most sexy. Then society just follows what the connoisseurs say.
What Tyler brings up is that you too can sort of mentally masturbate that the connoisseurs are full of shit and brainwash yourself to believe that your body type is the ideal.

Just remember 300 years ago the "ideal" hot girl was overweight and pale as shit. Paleness of skin meant that she didn't have to work and was rich. Fat meant she was well bred and fed thus more strong suited to survival (she wasn't going to starve) and thus better mating material.
These days we all want skinny and tan.

For all you know starving African children may be the ideal sexy body style trending 10 years from now... why not start the trend earlier? Own that shit as being awesome.

"Yeah girl I have so much sexual endurance that I just shed all the calories I eat. No man has sexual endurance like an ectomorph girl. Feel my ribs sticking out of my flesh.. so sexy! like miniature sex toys sticking out of my body waiting for you to grind on ;)"

I can't imagine a single decent looking girl out there who hasn't been approached with "hey I thought you were cute so I had to come say hi"
I honestly wouldn't know how to gauges this or not but I highly doubt the PUA community is so large to the point that soo many girls are getting hit on all of a sudden.

Regarding your openers getting stale, yeah that will happen if you use direct openers all the time without being congruent to them.

I think direct openers are good for newbies to display some sexual intent (since most newbies are really platonic) but once you can convey sexuality/intent through your subtext/nonverbal's you don't really need to go direct.

I only go direct these days if I see something that I genuinely actually think is sexy/cool and I'll complement it. Otherwise I'll go in indirect and throw out some subtle direct statements or even better go totally situation/indirect and get physical really fast with her and she'll know you have a penis for sure.

Role play's not bad at all, I did one the other day I stole from Chase's newsletter where if the girl is shopping you go up to her and role play as if your dating and she's bought the same food again for dinner as the past 3 nights.

"THis! Again? Babe I'm tired of eating the broccoli and chicken, why don't you make your famous dumplings you know I crave so very much!"

something along those lines.

Keep it pimpin Wes ;)


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
LMAO thanks Rob!
When the hell would I have ever find myself to say that "sexy starving African child" line.
But I get it. Confidence. Own this shit.

Japanese men here seem to be putting Us to shame in terms of fashion. Good thing they have H&M here.
Ialso I'll take everything you said to heart.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Okay, something changed in me today.
The whole weekend for Valentine's day, I was sick with the stomach flu so I was fasting for two days and sleeping on the floor, my bed, the bathroom floor, the toilet. Lol I was having these intense lucid dreams and shit and then this morning, I finally woke up and felt better. Really energized and cleansed and shit.
To make up for my lack of gaming and possibly getting laid, I went out.
Let's just say I got my second blowjob...and this time the experience was horrible. Painful actually.
The woman was not very attractive and she made me have the most painful orgasm that I've ever had.
I was literally sitting there like: I would not mind jerking my own meat til the day I die.
Of course that's a lie...anyway...
I thought about a lot of things afterwards.
I don't want to pay for bad sex.
I want to work my ass off and have GOOD sex as the reward...
BUT I want to do it with girls that I ACTUALLY like.
I don't want to go around putting my dick in every girl that has two legs and a working vagina.
I realized that the fact that I've been here on girlschase for so long was not just to improve my seduction skills but more or less to receive validation...to get approval from strangers on the web nodding their heads like: Wes, you da man!
I wasn't really doing it for myself. Not completely.
I first found GC when I was looking for articles on how to get my ex gf back when I was a junior in high school.
I followed everything every article said and immediately put it into practice. Pickup was my religion and Chase was my god. Lol
Article after article my previous beliefs were crushed.
At first, I wanted my gf back. I learned to get over her.
Then, I wanted to find a girlfriend. I learned that I can have options.
Then, I believed I needed to find the right girl to lose my virginity to. I learned that sex wasn't a big deal and I can have it with anyone.
So then I had my first few dates and almost lays. I was doing better those days.(even though it was all social circle game that I became very good at) Everything before the actual sex, I seemed to have down without really having the mindsets down. But I couldn't get the ending. I couldn't get the sex.
Then, in an attempt to figure out what mindset I'm missing, I fell off the horse.
At first, sex wasn't the reason I even did pickup. I did it to have better connections with girls.
I'd walk away from interactions without a number or without a date and still feel happy because I did something I never thought I could do. Then, I learned to be more results oriented.

I'm not saying that I want to quit pua.
I'm saying that I want to do it for myself.
Not for Chase. Not for all the guys reading on the boards so they can give me their approval.
Not for all the guys in my life to drop their jaws and be jealous over.
I think the only reason I started posting in the first place was to show guys: hey! Look what I can do! now wave fans at me while I sit upon my throne and drink wine and eat fruit! Worship me muthafuckas!

When I first found GC I went out and approached and never told a soul. I kept track of my progress in my head and kept reading articles. I think the boards at first was to document my progress but then turned into a dick comparing contest in my mind. (And there's nothing wrong with competition, we inspire each other to get better) so where along the road I started approached with the thought in mind of: I wonder what the guys on the boards will think of THIS!
and that's not doing things for my own amusement.

Idk if I'm leaving the boards...
I want to stay because I love getting advice and different points of views about things.
And guys here are pretty cool and funny and inspiring.
I need to think for a bit.
Or get my head straight.

I need to do this for the right reasons.
I don't even know who I am anymore.

That's all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Okay, I fnally found a decent method for getting up girls. Just speak half English and half Japanese. A guy told that they will understand me and if they don't they might be faking it (as long as I speak slow enough)
So I got this girls number today and now we're texting back and forth. I send messages in kanji and she sends back in romaji (Roman alphabet). I'll get to that in a bit...first I'm going to do document how my change in mindset helped me the past couple weeks.

After I was sick and had an epiphany, I felt different. It was like I chose to go out and do everything for myself. Some carpe diem shit.
I don't really know how to explain it...
I'm kinda falling off of it now though. I met up with an old friend in Yokosuka and I found myself accidentally bragging about my successes with girls and how much I've come along with Japanese language.

Other than that, it's like girls can sense that I'm not saying things to seem "cool" and I'm really authentically being myself.
I'm learning to accept myself as well. Learning a lot about myself.
Now I have this natural "idgaf attitude"
Anyways, I very proud of this line I said to a girl I met. She had a bf and she kinda stopped texting me but we had some good flirting going on when we first met. A sexual vibe so tangible, you could cut it with a knife.

Normally, at my job, if attractive women are there, I have to keep my thoughts to myself. And usually they're married or have kids so it's not like I can make anything happen or that they're interested.
So an 18 year old girl came in and I had to do an eyesight exam for her sports physical. The whole time we were laughing and flirting and I kept accidentally saying the smoothest things in between doing my job. Then I ask if she's single and she tells me she has a bf. I take her number anyway and even after she leaves, we're still texting back and forth.
Here's the line:
Her: I only took two years of Japanese so I know some :)
Me: I bet you only know the cuss words, admit it ;)
Her: yea, I know those too lol
me: I knew you were a bad girl...don't worry, I have 50 shades as well so I'm not judging

Unfortunately she didn't understand the reference. But I thought it was pretty creative. If I said it to a girl who was really into me, it's set up an innuendo and I'd be letting her know that I'm I judgmental of her sexual nature.

Other than that, I've been saying a lot of smooth things lately to a few crushes I have around that I'm slow gaming.
There's a girl who works in the cafeteria that I like
A Japanese girl at a clothing store
A Japanese women who works at the lounge

The smoothness is just coming out naturally...
I'm just in a mindset where I seek a connection with girls, not really sex.
I really want some major chemistry and flirting to be going on with girls that I sleep with. I want to feel electricity, tension.

Now for the OR from today:
I was in the Yokohama train station trying to get to the right line to get to Yokosuka.
I was asking a few girls for help but they just confused me so I posted up at a wall to text a friend or my roomate for help.
Just then, a cute jp girl approached heading her way to catch a train. She had a bounce in her step and seemed happy.
I stopped her and asked if she spoke English
Her: chotto (a little)
I didn't give a fuck and just spoke English slowly. Added a few Japanese words in there too.
She understood every bit of what I was saying and for one part that she didn't understand she said: wakarinai (I learned a new word
She even answered back in English a couple times and we kept switching from English to Japanese. She stood in close to me and our eyes met and I could feel a bit of a vibe. Then after she told me what I needed to know, I threw in my compliment and asked her name. Her name Nozomi.
Sheet me know that she was in a rush and had to catch a train to meet a friend.
I asked her to stay one moment and said: denwa bango. (Phone number)
She pulled out her phone and I typed my number in and gave her a call. Then she smiled and said she was going to a concert today and to call her.

Then I started sending messages in kanji to her number and she replied in English and now I'm waiting for this to hit or fall apart...
Patience is the key so I don't seem thirsty.
I'll just keep sprinkling all my seeds with water and let them grow.

Lastly, I need to hit the gym cuz I'm feeling weak. And losing muscle gain.
That's all for now

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
reached a new level of game today

I have to record this cause I've never done an interaction so smoothly. I'm going to keep this interaction in mind as a template for how my future ones should go.

Backstory: I met this girl unofficially a couple weeks ago on a Friday night. I happened to be at the lounge and ran into a girl I worked with. She suggested we play a board game or card game. Then two other girls joined in and another guy and next thing we know we have 5 people playing UNO.
That night playing UNO, I felt like a boss and it felt like all the girls saw me as a prize. I played into it and flirted with all of them, including this pretty, greened eyed -curvy girl, who I never got the name of that night. I could tell that she was also into me. I figured that I'll act on it later.
Well, today is that later. I was at the lounge again and she walked in. We locked eyes instantly and I walked over to her.
Before I could say anything she yells out to me that she loves my shirt. (It has a picture of a Happy Buddha on it.)
I say thanks and then:
Me: hey, let's have a rematch in UNO. (We both couldn't remember who won last time)
Before I let her give a full answer, I reached out my hand for her to take it and she did.
We locked hands as I led her across the room to a empty table where we pulled out the playing cards.
Along the way I got her name and she asked for mine.
I told her that I'm competitive and want to beat her this time.
We had a good playful vibe at the start, flirting and teasing and shit...then I changed it to a more intimate sexual vibe.
We sat close to each other and I looked at her with intensity with my "soul gaze" eye contact.
She looked very aroused. I slowed down my talking speed and made my voice deeper and talked to her in my bedroom voice. It worked because she was talking to me in the same voice as well. The tension was so thick, it felt like we would make out at any moment.
If I had a boner while just talking to her, I'm sure she must've been a little moist.
Then sudden this guy comes and asks if he can sit at our table with his laptop (and to plug in the laptop). I don't answer but she addresses him and says it's okay.
It didn't throw a wrench in our interaction. We just went on and pretended he wasn't there.
I'm getting over my fear of other guys seeing my game now. I really don't give a fuck anymore.
I could tell he was eavesdropping and he purposefully stayed out of our moment to listen to my skills.
We multitask while playing UNO while building rapport and getting to know each other.
She asked me a bunch of questions and I made sure to stay as mysterious as possible and redirect everything back to her.
I've been wanting to practice this thing lately: calling girls a pet name while I talk to them to establish that we're more than friends. Only problem is that it's unnatural for me and I figure I need to practice saying it often until it becomes normal and habit. I remember when complimenting girls and saying: beautiful or gorgeous felt unnatural. Now, I do it all the time.
I wanna get that way with "baby" "babe" "honey" "girl" cause I know it's a turn on. Women who naturally do that and call me "babe" whether they like me or not, has always turned me on. I feel wanted even if I'm not and I'm sure girls would feel the same way.
So I'm calling her "baby" and this whole interaction seems as if we already know each other. The eavesdropping guy probably thought we knew each other if I didn't give away that I didn't by saying: nice to meet you.

Remember, you've known each other for years. Act like it. If she plays along, game on.

So everything's going good, I get her number early on at a high point while talking about numbers in the UNO game.
Me: speaking of numbers, what's yours? (Whips out my phone)
She gives me this look like: "you sly devil"
Her: smoooth ;)
Then she gives me her number.
Everything's going good and then we get a few interruptions. One from a man who works at the lounge. He comes and asks her a question and has her attention for a moment. I don't freak out and just let her finish up with him. Then we get back to the game and talking.
Then this guy I think she works with comes over and hugs behind her. I know this guy as well but not well. I don't know his name but he's a regular at the lounge, playing video games and stuff. I also know that he's an annoying cockblock as he did it to me before. It wouldn't be so bad if he actually HAD game but he doesn't. He just seems like that guy friend of all these girls but he is very touchy feely with them. He makes fun of them and teases them and comes up behind them hugging them from behind or picking them up and acting like he's going to toss them across the room. The girls seem to love his attention and both be annoyed by him. I can't tell. They make their coy smile when talking to him but they also say that he's annoying and to get out of their face. Although they still hang out with him and text him.
I hate guys like that. He seems like he doesn't know how to lead and all he's good for is throwing a wrench in the plans of guys who know what they're doing.
So he asks her for help on the computer. (Which is about 10 feet across the room)
She looks at me as if asking permission if she can go.
I don't answer.
She says it'll be fast and she'll come back to me.
I let her go. She helps him for a while and I take off, take a piss, get a water bottle and then come back and play with my phone. The eavesdropping guy is just sitting there focused into his laptop and looks up, smiles and asks me if I'm alright.
He's trying to sympathize with me over the fact that I'm dealing with a cockblock.
She keeps looking back at me to make sure I'm still there and then she finally comes back and we finish our long game of UNO.
Not that it matters but, I won the first game, she won the second, and I won the last one. The last one lasted the longest and it was getting very competitive. We both had to keep drawing cards and re shuffling the deck because nobody was winning. After I finally won, she seemed like she lost a bit of attraction. (Maybe I should've let her win?)
Cockblock dude comes over right when we finish and hugs her from behind. Some real beta shit.
Dude can you stop trying to mark your territory on every girl that comes into the lounge? I get it...you know a lot of girls and they're all friends with you. -_-
I wanted to take the interaction further and move her but her attention was snatched away by this guy.
I had asked her earlier if she wanted to play pool (which would be perfect because there's SO many sexual innuendos to be said in a pool game) she declined and said that she sucks at pool. (I suck too)
I wanted to persist or figure out something and maybe eventually lead her to my room or something but I didn't have it all thought out. I was thinking as I went. Mostly living in the moment and not too concerned about the future.

So I left her with cockblock friend because I had to go to a Japanese class anyway.
I shot her a text message:
Hey hajimemashite, I'll see you again sometime

Her: definitely :)

And that's that.
So hopefully I can 2day this sometime and get her out on a date with me or get her back to my room.
There's a lot I still have to do. I need to paint myself as a lover. I need to deep dive her. I need to physically escalate because I only touched her hands and had my leg against hers the whole interaction.
We talked to each other like we were a couple and talked like we were having vocal sex but none of that matters if she's not comfortable with my touch.
I gotta stimulate her mind and bring her to orgasm. It all started from the moment I met her.

If anybody is reading this and has suggestions, feel free to comment.
I would love to bang this girl, she smells so good and her voice was very sexy talking in her bedroom voice. I suspect that we will have amazing passionate sex if I can make this happen.

P.s. I must've strained my mind trying not to be on autopilot for this interaction. I had to consciously THINK about everything I was trying to do like: voice, slow movement, intense eye contact, leading the interaction, and quick thinking.
I'm usually lazier when it comes to game.
Honestly, I have a slight headache like I pushed past a mental limit or something.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Pet names: I call all girls "hon", I'm not sure if this is helping or hurting but I like it, so I keep doing it.

Cockblocks: Be more of a boss. I had an interesting experience with this last week. Cute girl I met at a bar and grabbed number off, wanted to bring friend on our date. I said "if she is cute and adventurous"... was pretty close to pulling them both back to my place for a 3some but I changed my mind because I had a feeling she would be trouble and she was. She was reasonably good company but kept objecting to stuff etc, when all my girl wanted to do was hang with me and have fun. So anyway we patiently hung out with her for hours, snuggling up to each other whenever she went to the toilet etc... and then as the night wound down I got ready to walk my girl home and the other girl basically tells me to fuck off. I wished I had been more of a boss and got in first, cos obviously she didn't have the same scruples I did. Unfortunately my girl didn't support me, she was clearly DTF but basically participated in this shit test and I failed the shit test, missed window, now she won't reply my text. Oh well. Fuck them both, but I learned a valuable lesson: Be a boss. If you want to be alone with your girl, fucking make it happen. it does not matter if you tread on some toes. Conversation could be like this:
Eavesdropper dude: hey guys can I set up my laptop here?
Her; okay
You: actually you know what, it would be better if you could go somewhere else
Cockblocker dude: (hugs her from behind)
You: dude do you mind? stop trying to mark your territory, you can talk to her when I've finished with her

What do you think? I'm a bit new at this too.


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Yes, that seems like the natural and most logical response to cock blocks but I believe Chase put out an article awhile back about handling cock blocks that I still unconsciously follow to this day.
He says that we should let the girl address any interruptions and ignore anyone who comes in. Basically, keep your shit going like they don't exist.
By reacting to them, we come off as weak BUT if we have to react to them, there's a certain way we need to do it.
I don't quite remember because I haven't read the article in a while. I'll have to re-read it.

Anyway , I could've been like: dude, go away, we are busy! (Or whatever response)
And he could've fought me on it which could lead to the possibility of me slipping up and tooling myself.
Or let my girl handle it.
Perhaps I should've gotten compliance from her and asked her: fine, go help him but make sure he leaves us alone after that, k babe?

(Speaking of which, I need to build more compliance with her as well. I want her to call me babe or Papi or something so we can set up for amazing sex where she's moaning: yes baby! Yes Papi! Fuck me!
Shit that would turn me on so much :p)

Thanks for the reply!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Hey Wes enjoyed your latest report!

Mr. Wes said:
After I finally won, she seemed like she lost a bit of attraction. (Maybe I should've let her win?)

I think you missed an escalation window bud. Why did you spend so much time playing Uno when you had a massive sexual vibe going on that you BOTH wanted to do something about.

Hope she gives you another chance, and sounds like she will. If I were you I'd go on a "romantic" walk or some shit and then lead her to your room to get something and Bangtown Japan son.

Mr. Wes said:
I would love to bang this girl, she smells so good and her voice was very sexy talking in her bedroom voice. I suspect that we will have amazing passionate sex if I can make this happen.
Tell her that.

Keep it pimpin,


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Mr.Rob said:
Hey Wes enjoyed your latest report!

Mr. Wes said:
After I finally won, she seemed like she lost a bit of attraction. (Maybe I should've let her win?)

I think you missed an escalation window bud. Why did you spend so much time playing Uno when you had a massive sexual vibe going on that you BOTH wanted to do something about.

Hope she gives you another chance, and sounds like she will. If I were you I'd go on a "romantic" walk or some shit and then lead her to your room to get something and Bangtown Japan son.

Mr. Wes said:
I would love to bang this girl, she smells so good and her voice was very sexy talking in her bedroom voice. I suspect that we will have amazing passionate sex if I can make this happen.
Tell her that.

Keep it pimpin,


Hey Rob,
You were right. I did miss an escalation window. Should've just forgot about the game and moved her.
Things now aren't working out.
I ran into her a few more times afterwards.
I won't go into the boring details but it consisted of me running into her while with her guy friends. She still seemed pretty excited to see me but told me she was going out to Tokyo to "party" and she was staying out the whole night.
That told me: "I'm a freak and I'm DTF anyone whose fun enough or turns me on"
Typical party girl.

I'm not much of the fun creating type, at least not for long periods of time.
The other times I ran into her she still seemed happy but the attraction seemed dead or she seemed like she was lost in thought about other things. I tried to move her then but she kept rejecting my offers.
Then finally I ran into her at the lounge again and we played a boring game of UNO with all these other nerdy guys and gamers and I texted her while she sat across from me.
Me: let's get out of here.
Her: where?
Me: food...let's get mcdonalds
Her: I don't eat mcdonalds
Me: we don't have to eat.
Her: I want to stay here.

The whole game she seemed bored/mentally preoccupied. She was texting someone else with her phone and barely paying attention to me or the game.
Since I'm not down with chasing this girl around, I quit the game after one of the guys won and went home.

I figured, if SHE wants to make some magic happen, she better iniate cause the balls now in her court.
I'm not chasing you bitch.

Valuable lesson: when the interaction is at a high point, MOVE, ESCALATE, DO something.
Waiting around doesn't help anything.
You can't "save" girls for later. When you have them hot for you in that moment, take that moment.

I already beat myself up over this missed opportunity and now I learned a lesson from it. (Yet again, all lessons...no results)

Luckily, a girl I work with seems to have hots for me so I took this lesson and immediately escalated when given the chance. Things aren't escalated to the point where I get laid yet but basically, a few weeks ago, this girl probably would've never let me touch her because it's "unprofessional", now I have this man-to-woman vibe going when I talk to her where she becomes my little princess (looking at me with "doe eyes") and I'm her man.
She's even letting me rest my hand on her waist after pulling her in closer to me while we talk to each other.
She went from "butch woman who don't need no man" to being really feminine around me.

We'll see.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Also I would've escaped with the girl I work with sooner but we have to be very discreet because every time has been around coworkers and I've been trying to get her out alone with me.
Still working on a date.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Very important: when you notice a vibe going between you and a girl and you can tell "it's on", don't half ass the interaction. Commit to it.
I think I should do it in a way where I still seem like she hasn't "won" me yet so she chases, but it's my job to decide that I want to lead this to closing because she def will NOT.
Girls don't know what they want.

So the girl I've been working with, things have been escalating with her lately.
I notice this: I've become more natural with incidental touch/kino and find myself touching her without thinking on many occasions and she accepts it.
I find that she is accepting of the sexual frames I set and accepts the innuendos.
She is the type of girl where her emotions don't show on her face too much so it's very hard to read if she likes something.
I feel like her compliance is enough evidence to keep moving forward, so I continue.
Outside of work she's different. All the attraction I built up at work( that she has to hide) is apparent when I go to her room and knock on her door.
Two weeks ago, we had a conversation about how she's part Mexican and she can cook "real" tacos, not "the shameful shit at Taco Bell" lol
So she said if I bought her the ingredients, she'd make me some tacos.
I bought the ingredients and dropped them off to her while I had a female friend with me.
The look on her face was: oh, who's this girl?
So I got some preselection in.
She even asked about it later and I just ignored it.
When she finally had the tacos ready she texted me to come to her room.
She invited me in and we talked a bit. (That day I was very out of it)
She made remarks about how she trusts me and trusts that I won't do anything bad to her because she let me in her room. Escalation window?
I noticed it but had no idea how to react to it.
We had a very sexual vibe two weeks ago and somewhere during that time was my escalation window and I couldn't exactly figure out where it was.
Another one was when I came to her room, she opened the door and came and stood in front of her door facing me. Her hair was straightened and fell all the way down her chest. (I never saw how long her hair was since it's always in a bun)
She was in booty shorts and a tank top and she even has eye liner on. She looked stunning.
I looked at her in the most sexual way and locked eyes with her and moved in close...talked in my bedroom voice.
Me: wow, you look gorgeous. I've never seen you like this.
She was blushing. Then we talked about nonsense, I can't remember and I remember she was flirting with me and teasing me the way she does.

How she teases me: at work she tells me that she views me as her "little brother never had".
This is because since I'm new I go to her and others with a lot of questions and she helps me. She must view herself as a sort of mentor at work. I didn't fight her "little brother" frame though and played along with it like it were a joke and even made an incest joke. Lol I think I passed a test.
She has this joke where she says she'd trade me in for a puppy and even brings others in on it.
To this I usually say: shut up, you love me.
She laughs and says: I love you like I love Taco Bell (or some other thing she hates)
And last, she calls me skinny and I took Rob's advice and go with it.
She calls me a "lanky little string bean" sometimes. I just ignored it or go with it and never seem butthurt.

Anyway, I digress, two weekends ago, I wasn't sure when she gave me an escalation window and due to my newfound wisdom from past failures, I knew I had to do something before the attraction fizzled out. I can't keep missing these escalation windows and expect her to still be around.
So she told me after I was finished with my tacos, I needed to wash the containers she gave me and return them with food as well because it's appropriate in her culture.
So I returned her a cookie and a note. One the note I went full middle schooler and wrote: I like you, do you like me
And even put a box for yes and no.
At the time it seemed like a good idea. I thought she would find it hilarious and cute (she found it cute but not in the way I was expecting) I just wanted to try this out since I was never one to DO this in middle school and I wanted to see how it worked out.
I didn't get to know her reaction until a week later because we were both busy and other people would always be around when we were together. I figured she wanted to speak to me alone.
Then finally I see her at the lounge. We sit down together and talk.
Then she brings it up:
Her: so...I saw your note.
Me: ok.
Her: and next time...don't be like a middle schooler and tell me to my face!
But, I found it cute in a "little brother" kind of way. I was like "aww, that little string bean has a crush on me"
And sorry, I have a boyfriend.

The way she said all of this seemed unbelievable to me. My gut was telling me that it was a lie she made up because I didn't escalate the way she thought a "man" would. So she now views me as "not one of those guys" that she originally viewed me as. She now slotted me in her mind as "one of the guys who doesn't get it"

I didn't seem too butthurt by her little speech and I was I unfazed on the outside while I lamented internally
We went on and talked about other random shit them she excused herself and left me there.
Oh yea, she even mentioned: it's okay though, I won't treat you any differently.
Me: yea, I kinda figured you're a better person than that, that's why I chose to do it this way.
Then We had a moment of silence where she stared at my soul.

Now, these days she still flirts with me and I'm still touchy with her and last week I invited her out to go get some Krispy Kreme with me and she agreed.
Eventually, I cancelled my own plans because something else came up and I texted her that we'll have to do it another time.

Now I'm in a dilemma.
She seems like she's still into me, though less than before. But she won't invest in anything.
I find myself trying initiate things these days and then I pull back so I don't annoy her or seem like I'm chasing.
Then she initiates something. I reward her and continually try to escalate...the. It feel like too much so I pull back.
It just keeps going on like this and I do t know what's happening.
I haven't addressed whether or not she really has a boyfriend or not.
It might be true because she won't completely invest in me.

Idk. I'm stuck for now until I come up with some card to pull out for this game.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Read Chase's ebook on recovery from missed window. You need lots of attainability. But this can be a - value move and you need more of that too. Preselection helps in that area. You're on the right track in that missed window leads to a chasing dynamic which has to be avoided.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Hey Ray, thanks for the speedy reply.
What is the name of that ebook?

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Thanks Ray! I'm guessing that Ebook has a lot of things not covered in any of Chase's articles. A missing piece that every guy here needs?

Update: things are going pretty good with the former post's girl. I'm on a lunch break and this whole day has been going great so far. This morning we did a fitness test to get the maximum amount of push-ups, sit-ups, and run a mile and a half in as less time as we could.
My push-ups: 85
Sit-ups: 68
Mile in a half time: 11:02
Not as good as I would like but passing. Anyway, throughout the weeks leading up to this, people I work with have expressed that they didn't expect much from me (they view me as weak) and it was really great today when everyone was cheering me on for the push-ups.
I looked at her and she seemed impressed or maybe aroused and it seemed like something g changed with our whole dynamic. Now she's been flirting with me today.

But this update is not about that. Besides working on this potential lay, I have a few others.
The Japanese girl from Hawaii that me and my roomate met at Enoshima beach a few months ago has entered my life.
Turns out after me and my roomate got her number, he continued to text her and go surf with her and hangout with her.
He's expressed that he really likes her even tho he didn't seem that interested when we first met her.
So he invited me to this church him and her go to a couple weeks ago and I finally saw her since the last time the I saw her.
And we talked. And I couldn't help it but I was naturally gaming her without trying. I mean, she's attractive so it's just automatic. Lol
There was a sexual vibe there and she seemed like she was chasing me a bit. Wanting to see me more often.
I re gave her my number and texted her later to remember it this time.
My roomate later confronted me and asked if I "liked her"
Me: I'm not sure, I'm just getting to know her.
Then he told me about some personal issues she has and why he brings her to church.
Basically he's getting her help and let's just say, NOW I understand why she gives me stoner vibes.

So this past weekend he brought her over to our room. I walked in and she was in his room with the door open eating M&ms. She got excited when she saw me and jumped up and gave me a hug.
Then she wanted to see my room and insisted on seeing it. I opened my door and told her that it was messy.
(It's actually really clean but looked messier than usual with like a few things scattered around)
So she all impressed and shit that my room is cleaner than my roommates and decides to sit on my bed.
She is just asking me a ton of questions and we're talking while my roomate goes to the bathroom and does whatever else he was doing.
Then she sees my work clothes and decides to try them on. She immediately strips off her jeans and is down to her panties.
I'm just like: whoa! Or just take your pants off, that's cool.
Her: you don't mind haha
Me: true.

She has really nice legs and I was half tempted to shut the door, throw her on my bed and eat her out or something.
She put my work clothes on and wore my hat and told me to take a picture of her doing the worse salute I've ever seen. Lol
I used fixing her salute as a way of touching her and also buttoning the shirt.
Sexual tension here. Too bad my roomate was watching.
She spent a good time in my room before I had to leave and we said our farewells.
First thing on my mind was: is my roomate finally banging that?

If not, I was about to be pissed cuz I passed her up so he could have a shot and he's not even going anywhere with her.
My mistake.

I'll continue this story later
To be continued

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
So to continue where I left off,

I went and did my own thing that day and them came back later that night and started playing my music in my room, unaware that my roomate and the girl were in his room with the lights off.

I get. Text from him asking if I could turn my music down because he's in his room.

Me text back: you taking a nap?
No answer. I was also unaware that she was in there. I thought maybe he dropped her off at home already. Surely, this guy doesn't have that much game.

So I turn my music down and try to see if I can hear anything g in the other room.
Can't really hear anything. Okay?
I mean, if I had a girl in my room, I'd make sure she was screaming.
I'd make sure she announced to the whole floor how good I was fucking her. Lol
That's a little dream of mine I guess.
One day. One day, I tell you.

So I finally hear his door open and I peak out to see who it is and it's her running got the bathroom .
Her hair is messing but her clothes are all on and stuff.
Her: oh hey Wes.
My roommates door is still open. I walk over to him while she's in the bathroom and ask him...
Me: so...are you two...together now?
Him: it's complicated.
Me: was my music interrupting something?
Him: *scoffs* no, she was just getting really emotional so she went to the bathroom for a moment.

Then I go back to mine and text: what do you mean "complicated" ?
Because his lack of results is really starting to piss me off.

Him: she wants a family. She wants to get married and have kids and she wanted to know if I'll love her forever. I couldn't answer right away so she got really emotional and ran out.

Here's what I'm thinking: so that whole time you could've been banging her, you're in there talking? About getting married and you haven't even banged her yet?

So basically, he fell perfectly into a provider role while I have this whole lover role already in place with her.
It pisses me off. Now I feel guilty if I were to snatch her up from under his nose. (And I've had it happen to me plenty of times, people don't give a shit)
I'm also pissed that I was nice enough to back off and let him do his thing.
I'm too fucking nice.

Later she texted me that she wanted to see me at church more often.
I really just wanna hang out with her...
But I'll see how things play out.
Always keeping options open.
And eventually I need to head back out to Tokyo and see the nightlife.

That's all for now.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Interesting story, I probably would have handled it the same way you did, and then kicked myself for it later, as you did... haha... stop being such a nice guy.

The ebook vs. articles distinction is quite an interesting one in my view. The ebook is kind of an earlier version of what's in Chase's articles, it's also not as detailed because the articles are on a specific topic whereas the book has to cover the entire seduction process while still remaining a manageable read. Having said that, the ebook is really important because it strips things down to the bare essentials, and basically gives you a skeleton that you can hang further learning on.

By the way, what city are you in? I'll be in Osaka from Sunday for 5 nights. I am doing homeless pickup, which means I'll be on a budget of 10,000yen per day, so I cannot really travel intercity, but I am down to meet up (and maybe do some approaching together) if you can get yourself to Osaka within the timeframe. ;)


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
ray_zorse said:
Interesting story, I probably would have handled it the same way you did, and then kicked myself for it later, as you did... haha... stop being such a nice guy.

The ebook vs. articles distinction is quite an interesting one in my view. The ebook is kind of an earlier version of what's in Chase's articles, it's also not as detailed because the articles are on a specific topic whereas the book has to cover the entire seduction process while still remaining a manageable read. Having said that, the ebook is really important because it strips things down to the bare essentials, and basically gives you a skeleton that you can hang further learning on.

By the way, what city are you in? I'll be in Osaka from Sunday for 5 nights. I am doing homeless pickup, which means I'll be on a budget of 10,000yen per day, so I cannot really travel intercity, but I am down to meet up (and maybe do some approaching together) if you can get yourself to Osaka within the timeframe. ;)


Hey Ray, that's great that you're coming to Japan.
I was actually trying to go on a trip to Osaka April 18th and 19th.
It's more a free field trip to Universal Studios for me though but afterwards I think I'm free to explore Osaka. (That is if I can find a friend to cover my work hours)
What days are you going to be in Osaka? This Sunday coming up?
If I can't find someone to cover me, then I won't be going.