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Self-improvement of Wes

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I've been pretty busy lately so I wanted to post some kind of update while I have time and not so tired.

main points:
1) the girl i was trying to snatch from my roommate, I dropped that bitch. Basically, I was trying to get her to come see me again while my roommate was away and she told me she didn't think it would be a good idea because she didn't want to hurt him. And now apparently they're together now and she didn't want the possibility of anything happening between us. She even basically friend zoned me and said "I still want to be friends with you"
um,how about "no" bitch?
you're not going to just push me off to the side as some back up plan just in case you and my roommate don't work out.
should've seen this one coming. It all could've been avoided if I had just taken her that night me and her hung out.
Mistakes I made was letting my roommate join us in the first place and then letting him take control of spending the night with her. I assumed everything would still work in my favor but he came back from the shadows and made her his. I was pretty bummed about it last week...I hung out with a friend and he let me in on things I didn't know about the two.
Apparently, my roommate already had sex with her looong ago. Somehow that info made me feel better because I felt like I didn't lose to a weak man who didn't even know how to get laid when the signs were right in front of him. So from my point of view, he looked like he was timid and didn't know how to handle this girl...but really, behind the scenes, he had some game.
Regardless, i'm sure she was an easy lay.

2) I've been focused on my professional life more than personal life. I'm just at a point right now where I need to be improving in this field. Because of this, I didn't have a weekend, last weekend. Worked all weekend. Also, I've been pretty tired after working. I was too lazy to type anything up. I was too tired to watch any pua videos. I was too tired for everything.

3) throughout the busy week, I shot occasional texts to all the jp girls I've been talking to just to make sure they wouldn't forget me. I always got replies from Sara, the girl I went on a date with. She really seems to like me. She also really enjoys talking to me. I'm trying not to be a texting buddy.
Ruby, on the other hand, is a crazy party girl...Everytime she texts me, its late and she's usually apologizing because she was out with friends or partying or something.
Today, she sent me a response about seeing each other soon and apologized saying: I have a boyfriend now so I don't think it will be a good idea if we saw each other.
my response: I'll make sure you keep your hands off of me :p
her: I'm sorry :(

ignored the text.
that irks me....she was the hottest one and I didn't even get a chance to see her again either. :/
I may have moved up a level of consistently getting dates, But that doesn't mean I've figured out how to get girls to meet up 100% of the time. It was all mostly logistics issues...and from now on, I want to know the areas in and out of where I take a girl so that I can lead better.
I'm probably better off hitting the nightlife/club scene. (still working on it.)

Also, the last weekend of work, I helped with a fundraiser by selling American food at a festival. Whenever I took breaks, I walked around and talked to some jp girls.
The only one that stood out was this girl Rikako.
She was walking with her friend (who was not as attractive) and she was smiling and staring at me.
I immediately opened: konniwa! what's your name?!
she immediately stopped walking and locked in and we talked in english.
Her english was very good.
I asked her for her LINE info and we parted ways.
So far, throughout the week, she seems pretty excited to talk to me over LINE. The thing about the girls who are excited to talk to me is that Its hard not to become a texting buddy because they keep asking questions and are VERY curious about me.
I usually just answer hours later or the next day and its set this frame that I'm a very busy guy. She's even pointed it out.
her: I know you're pretty busy but how is your day going?

aw man, I love the chasing.
she lives closer to Mt. Fuji which is pretty far from where i live and we are still figuring out logistics.

finally, This weekend, I think I'm going to go out scoping the kawasaki area so that I can become comfortable with it and lead my way around.
The following weekend, I'm going on a field trip to go white water rafting and jumping off of waterfalls.
the weekend after is when Sara wants to see me again.

One last thing, I've been learning hiragana...
I'ts been two weeks and I've got almost all of the characters memorized although I still struggle with: na, ni, ha, wa, mi, nu, me, re, ne, ho, and mo
These ones all have a counterpart that looks too similar so it trips my brain up. I've got an app/game on my phone that has all these mnemonic pictures to go along with the characters, It really works well...although for the characters i've listed, the mnemonic isn't the greatest, making it difficult to memorize.

I've also got a game for the katakana characters but I'm not starting on it until i've finished memorizing the hiragana and the dakuten/handakuten version of them.
When I go out in public, I'm attempting to read any signs that are in hiragana just so I can increase my reading speed. After that, I'll be able to read japanese texts, thus learning new words, phrases and broadening my conversational japanese in no time.

That's all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Japanese girls are also lying whores

So I've been talking to Sara ( the one i've already been on a date with) over LINE for the past few weeks, just to keep up with her/figure out logistics for the next time we see each other.
I don't text her everyday or very often. I usually will shoot her a text when we're approaching a weekend but throughout the entire week, I'm silent.
We were texting last night about seeing each other at Kawasaki again.
long story short, She'd keep coming up with some excuse why she can't come.
"My mom won't let me go out"
"I have to study for exams"
then she'd flip and say that she can see me again.
it was weird.

rewind a few days ahead...
I was browsing through Facebook (she added me on Facebook so that we could get each other's LINE info) and I see photos of her on my wall.
The first one is of her looking sexy as hell...
scroll down.
the next two are of this other black guy carrying her in his arms as if he just lifted her. The expression on her face was of excitement
the next one is a picture of him trying to kiss her cheek but she's turning her face away but still smiling in excitement.
In the pictures comments section was all her japanese girl friends squealing in excitement asking her if it was her boyfriend (and other things that got lost in translation)
I ignored it, but it kinda hurt me a little to be honest.
When I'm pursuing a girl, I don't like to be reminded of the competition that I have, especially since I don't have abundance yet.
It really sucks to put your eggs in a basket that just goes off and betrays you.

So back to the texting. We had just finished settling our plans to meet at Kawasaki this Friday. Then I ask her: what are you doing right now?
Then I drift off to sleep.
I wake up this morning and see the text:I'm Facetiming with my boyfriend

What the hell?
Was my intentions not clear from the start...i'm pretty sure they were. I tried to kiss her multiple times when we last saw each other. We even held hands. If she had a boyfriend, Why didn't she tell me then? What's with the games?
not that the boyfriend thing would bother me, But now it basically tells me: "escalating to sex is going to harder for you now"
I KNOW I'm going to get a shit ton of resistance that I otherwise wouldn't have gotten.

My guess is that She's also been talking to this guy for awhile (6 months probably...I asked her how long she's had a boyfriend) and just now decided to start calling him a boyfriend because maybe something changed and she likes the way their relationship is going.
Idk, there's a lot of things behind the scenes that I have no clairvoyance or control over.

This really sucks because I just started to sneak in sexual topics during our LINE messages.
I told her she has 'jungle fever" and she was begging me for the meaning.
I told her it's obvious she really likes black foreigners.
and I tested the waters to see how sexual I could talk with her and she surprisingly responded well.

i just don't know what to do now...She was the girl I've had the furthest progress with and now I feel like I'm bad to square one because of this. I'm tired of the obstacles.
I'm tired of other guys getting in the way of my goals.
She said she stills wants to hang out this Friday but I don't know If I want to now...She just made me feel like shit.
What also pisses me off is that for 3 years now, I've taken the advice of not constantly texting a girl before I've had sex with her. I've avoided getting to know a girl too much over text and I've always used text as a way to further the interaction/set up logistics for a date.
The thing that pisses me off is that all these guys who are obviously NOT doing that. They talk to the girls all the time about whatever it is they talk about (and somehow still keep them interested) And then THEY'RE the ones who end up having the girl I've invested in.
I don't get it.
I feel like i'm missing something.

That's all for now


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
If she makes excuses not to hang out and doesn't suggest an alternative time, that's pretty much automatic NEXT in my book, she might be telling the truth so you can persist once or even twice, but try a soft NEXT... she messages you "I can't hang out on xxx because xxx", you wait 10 days before replying. This communicates you are results oriented and have no time for time wasters. Whereas you probably rewarded her with "ohh how come... can't you xxx or yyy... what about zzz instead..." and otherwise rewarded her with further text, attention and chasing.

I don't generally have text convo, my gf tried to initiate relationship talk over text the other day so I ignored her for 24h (I was already slightly annoyed with her over another matter although I had not shown it), then called her by voice and setup a coffee date. As we were about to hang up again she brought it up and I briefly listened and said we could discuss over coffee. It's much better to reward her with attention AFTER she makes an effort to meet up with you!

As to my gf in Japan I often have text convo but if I feel the investment level is in her favour I wait for her to initiate. I just ask general questions about her day... family or friends... etc and sprinkle in some flirting, but any real communication is by voice or Skype. I do make sure to always reward her for initiating, by having a brief chat if I'm not otherwise busy.

With these tips you should be able to improve your texting game and gradually reel her in over time if her logistics are not good for immediate meeting. I'd imagine both of them use Facebook (my main gf scrolls through it on her phone sometimes) but I have no interest in this, I have never looked at their pages and you shouldn't either. Also, "what are you doing now" is needy and invites the kind of response you got. If you asked "how was today...what did u get up to?" and she replied "face timed my boyfriend" she'd feel a bit stupid and petty... she might reply "hung out with my boyfriend" though. In such cases you can either give up or just game her as usual, it's up to you. Just don't be needy brother!!


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Yes, I should've avoided being needy. Now I ruined everything.

After posting that last post, I was still texting her.
I questioned why she never told me she had a boyfriend.
She said that she did.
I asked when
She said she told me when we went on out first date.
I said I don't remember her saying that and then asked if she was still okay with seeing me even if she had a boyfriend.
Then she suddenly said: ok I won't meet you again then.

So basically, I made her logically think about why she shouldn't hang out with me again and it worked.
I should've just ignored her comment about facetiming with her boyfriend and continue on. Now it seems like our plans for this Friday are cancelled.

Lesson learned.
Don't give a girl reasons not to be with you.
Have confidence in yourself and your connection.
I am deserving of beautiful women.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Just got back from a date

Things with Sara somehow worked out and we made plans to see each other today. I'm pretty tired so I'll stick to the main points.
Basically after she texted me: fine, we won't see each other then.
She texted back again: okay, let's see each other again.
I explained that I was only curious if she was okay with seeing me despite having a boyfriend. She basically told me she's okay with it.

I think that reads: I'm not completely satisfied with my boyfriend and I wanna see if you're more man than he is
or: I see you as a friend/language exchange partner that I hang out with sometimes.

I'm thinking/hoping its more of the first one. I mean, she IS spending her free time with me and NOT him. (and she doesn't get much free time)
I am somehow getting her out on dates with me despite her schedule.
So the plan was to go to Kawasaki again. She mentioned that she wanted to eat and see a movie.
I decided to start leading a bit.

Yesterday, Thursday, I went to Kawasaki alone and got myself familiar with the city surrounding the train station we meet at.
I found multiple hotels and even a Love hotel. The prices were pretty decent as well.
I was pretty confident with leading her around now.
I formulated a plan for how I would even escalate to sex in a hotel...then BINGO...Massage.
Over text, I got some sexual subjects in the convo (finally) Just testing how she would react. (Been trying this out recently to gauge reactions. I asked a japanese women I work with/ am somewhat friends with: how often do you and your husband have sex. Said in japanese using the word ecchi. She reacted saying I shouldn't use the word ecchi and that that was her private business. lol obviously...but I know some western women who'd have no trouble answering this if they were close to me.)
The way Sara reacted was very secretive and she gave me a lot of wink face emojis. and "Shhh" emojis.
I got her to send me pictures of herself.
Rewarded her by sending one of me. She loved it and complimented me. Then I got her talking about what she was physically attracted to.
long story short, We have a little bit a flirting arising in our texts. I even have her sending me kiss emojis. (although she won't do it in real life)

I then got some oil to massage with and looked up some massage tips to give an erotic massage and turn her on/ have her begging me to "put it in"

I got to the station a bit early and walked around the mall/shopping area to pass the time. She shoots me a text she'll be arriving 30 min late and keeps apologizing.
When she finally arrived, I led us straight to the theater and we tried to decide a movie to pick. All movies were too late at night and all the earlier ones were sold out. (apparently, she had to be home by 8:30)
no worries, I just led us to a diner where we sat down close to each other and shared some cheesy fries. I can tell she has grown used to my touch/presence because everywhere we go, it seems like we're all over each other. Either our arms are brushing against each other., Legs touching when we're sitting, standing close as we ride escalators. I love the vibe we have. (which also really attaches me to her because I have it with no other girl at the moment) the only thing about this time's date is that she wouldn't warm up to hand holding. She's always immediately pull away and shake her head.
The first time she'd say: boyfriend.
I showed a translated message to her on my phone: we're only holding hands, I won't kiss you.
then she kept asking: nande? (why?)
I'm just like....its not a big deal...
no worries...she might change once I get her behind closed doors. She may be the type who doesn't kiss unless she has romantic feelings for a guy, not sexual.
Before the date, I told her to bring her bikini.
She asked why and I kept teasing her telling her it was a secret. I didn't tell her about the massage until She was with me. She said she brought her bikini and cutely kept asking why I wanted her to bring it.
I thought that she may not be completely comfortable getting naked and laying on a bed for a massage so I had her bring a bikini so she can stay somewhat comfortable. And really? Are bikini's that hard to take off?
After eating I led the way to the first Hotel I knew of close by.
Went in with her. (which was probably a mistake) the receptionists told me that there were no rooms available and they were all booked.
I had a feeling they could've been cockblocking cuz they noticed her with me or they seriously have no rooms available.
I then led to the next hotel....this time I made Sara wait outside so the receptionist couldn't see her with me.
This one also told me that there were no rooms available. What the hell?
Tried one more and they said the same thing.
Sara started complaining about walking so much and then I remembered the "love hotel." My last hope... and no receptionists. You just pick a room, pay and go do your business. Although its quite obvious. And she figured it out as well.
As soon as we got close r to the hotel she started freaking out and talking really fast in in comprehensive sentences.
All I could understand was "not this hotel".
I asked her what was wrong and she says to me in japanese: DANGER.
I'm thinking: okay? Is this place run by Yakuza or something?
But it was clear that she wouldn't go anywhere close to the hotel no matter what. So we finally decided to go home.

there's a lot of frame setting and flirting that was happening in between but I'm just sticking to the main points.

I thought I had everything all planned out well but turns out, I should've gotten a hotel beforehand. The only reason I didn't is because I didn't want to spend my money and not have a guarantee that she'll meet me on the date, come back to the hotel, or even come to the room.
My plan was: buy room while she was here and then walk up to my room to "check it out" and then chill there for a bit, give her a massage and escalate to my first lay.
Of course, My luck...no rooms are available.
now the cat is out of the bag that I want to massage her...It may be hard keeping her interest.
I'm also curious to know If maybe the hotels were really out of rooms or just not offering me any because I didn't speak japanese.
They had no problem offering me rooms on Thursday though.
Oh well, I'm learning.

That's all for now


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Great going!!! You led. She cockblocked herself through irrational fear, you couldn't control that. It's also happened to me a lot. But if you repeat what you did, every date, while making yourself smoother and working out any kinks along the way (sounds like the hotels are fully booked on the weekends), sooner rather than later you're gonna get "Yes"es.

I can't rule out that there might have been some problem with that particular love hotel, but I highly doubt it, everything in JP is very organized and well run, so I would assume it's exactly like any other love hotel. The conversation you could have might be something like:
You: have you ever been inside a love hotel?
Her: nooo no way
You: I have, my previous girlfriend took me to one in blahblah city... it's just a really awesome hotel room
Her: noo I don't go in this place
You: its exactly like the Hilton only 10 times better, its a huge room with a massive bed, a huge flat screen tv, its own spa bath... would you like to see inside?
Her: NOOO!
You: just see the room, what harm can it do
Her: nobody goes in a love hotel just to see the room
You: honest, I would never want you to do anything you're not comfortable with... just see the room and if you're not comfortable you can go
Her: noooo! I'm not going in there
You: you're thinking it's dirty, right? it's not, it's incredibly clean, everything is sterilized, much better than a normal hotel. its just a normal hotel only ten times better
Her: noooo?
You: c'mon. (you grab her hand and lead her inside)
Obviously you won't always be successful, but persist to the bitter end, and if she eventually walks away leaving you standing there, don't contact her again. Time waster -- NEXT.

You may also want to work on your sexual vibe and dating process in general to make sure she's horny before you pull.


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Update on Sara:

Since the last date didn't go as planned, I'm thinking I'm going to try one last time but this time get a hotel beforehand so I know FOR SURE that I can pull her.
She didn't seem opposed to going into a normal hotel with me, just the love hotel. anti-slut defense.
Now, one more obstacle has moved out of the way...Her boyfriend.
but Its a little complicated.
see, turn's out Sara's boyfriend has been cheating on her with his ex gf. Sara just found out this weekend. She seemed very upset about it and was being dramatic.
She kept texting me and her girl friends: "I want to be dead." "I'm the most unhappy girl in the world" "there's no point in me being alive anymore"
Had me worried....but her girlfriend told me that that's just her personality and she's dramatic sometimes. (1 strike on the crazy scale)
I told Sara to just break up with him. but of course she kept saying: "I know, but I love him"
I will admit that I probably tried to comfort her a little too much and thankfully an acquaintance that I shared the drama with advised me to ignore her so I don't get friend zoned.
He said, If I haven't banged her yet, there's no reason to care if she kills herself or not.
sounded kinda fucked up but I get it...If I act like a friend, She'll see me as a friend.

I stopped texting and enjoyed my weekend. (I went white water rafting)

she texted me today asking how the trip was and we chatted a little and she didn't seem upset anymore.
Then now she sent a text that seems a little vague and could possibly lead to her luring me into talking about how depressed she is.
I'm just going to ignore this one.

It really sucks that my first instincts are to be caring and helpful to girls I find attractive. Not that that's bad but I usually end up giving girls advice and then they're off enjoying their lives without me being apart of it. But then, at the same time, I don't want to see them fail.
I think this is because subconsciously, The girls I want to sleep with, I also want to build something with them. I don't know what it is yet.

Any insights on how to not unconsciously friend zone yourself?

Currently all my other prospective girls have fallen off. There's too many hassles trying to get them out on a date and they aren't investing enough.
I need to work on getting jp girls to invest their time in me. Sara is a busy girl but she still came out to meet me twice.
So far, I really want things to work out with her.
And I don't really know how I should go about this boyfriend/breakup issues. I always screw it up by myself.
any insights into this? The proper pieces to play ad how to avoid being used.
I really don't want to be used to make her boyfriend jealous.

Is there anything I can do to increase the likelihood that she'll breakup with her boyfriend? Should I just stay out of it?
Isn't there rules against gaming girls in this situation, she'd be vulnerable now? And it makes me a bad person to take advantage of that?

This is all under the assumption that I would like to either take his place or actually build something with her.
If all I wanted was a lay, I wouldn't mind being used as long as I get the lay. I'd be a bounce back.
Regardless, If I want to ever build anything, I'd have to go for the lay first.

that's all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I just lost my virginity

That really wasn't that big of a deal. It wasn't perfect either. But I had a good time.
Honestly, I came after like two minutes....once she started moaning, it was over....I went into beast mode and finished inside her. (condom on)
Relaxed a bit and chatted...then I started to go down on her.
I slowly kissed my way down her thighs and got closer and closer to her pussy. Then I started kissing her pussy lips.
I didn't eat her out though because of little hairs and I was a little disgusted.
By that point, She wanted me to get back inside her so I put it back in semi hard and fucked her missionary position. I don't know how well I was doing with that. There were parts where I wasn't focusing on the sensations I was feeling and instead on using my energy wisely. I lasted a long time...I don't really know how long I was fucking her but I my forehead was sweating and I was getting tired. She moaned and squealed a couple times and I heard a wet squashing sound coming from her pussy but I'm not sure if that was her coming or not.
She told me she came twice. I don't know If I can believe her or not. How can I tell if I really made a girl cum?

I feel amazing right now...
Now I believe things are truly going to change.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
You sly dog, you! You've finally climbed the plateau you were snagged on. The feeling is a bit surreal after you've invested so much time and sweat, eh?

I remember after losing my virginity, I sat down at my favorite Mexican restaurant, bought myself my favorite burrito, and had a cold beer with it. My first time I ever bought alcohol without friends. I just felt so awesome.

Which chick was this anyway, man? Sara?



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Mr. Wes said:
I just lost my virginity



Fuck yeah dude you deserve it man! You've been steady going for two years now man be proud you have more strength of character than the average shmuck.

Great job dude


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
First time experiencing Blue balls

So yesterday I was physically escalating on this girl and this is how she gave me the worse feeling in my groin since being kicked in the balls. lol
here we go:

So, Here in Japan, there's a variety of sketchy places to fulfill your sexual needs and a lot of them don't seem to be open to foreigners/people who don't fluently speak japanese.
The most that I've gotten was a few blow job happy endings at this nuru massage place. But the women there are not...the most attractive looking. After they literally gave me this granny to come suck me off, I decided to quick going to these places and try to get sex on my own.
Then there are just plain massage places where the staff is actually really attractive and young BUT they never have sex with you or give you a happy ending. It'll be these erotic massages where they turn you on and you can try as hard as you want to beg them to have sex but its not going to happen. (maybe they do with locals though)
There's this place that I've only been to once and decided to go back to yesterday. The girl that I had last time was cute 5'1", black long hair, and cute body みゆき(Miyuki)
She was really nice and I could still communicate with her despite her lack of english and my little japanese.

This massage place's set up is this: the girl is wearing lingerie as she oils you up with whatever scent of your choosing in this room full of mirrors so you can watch her from different angles as she straddles you to massage your back and bends down to massage your legs. Oh and did I mention, this is all while you're wearing nothing but this little thong to cover you member. lol

Last time, when I saw Miyuki, I was still a virgin and I didn't really push towards sex...The most I did was blow kisses at her when I saw her glance at me in the mirror.
She would pretend to catch them and put them to her mouth then she'd blow one back at me. During the first time, I simply just practiced my japanese and got to know her a little

"kore wa shigoto wa suki desu ka?" (do you like this job?) (I basically just put words that I know together and form sentences and japanese people still seem to understand me. Idk if I'm breaking any grammar rules or not lol)
and we chatted a little until I could no longer understand what she was saying without a translator.

After the massage she gave me a little 1000 yen off card and told me to come back and see her.
Its been weeks since then and I finally decided to go back yesterday.

I chose her as my masseuse and she seemed really excited when she saw me. She was hugging me tight and clinging on to my arm as she led me to our room.
Then the massage...She was going through the normal routine...massage my butt, legs, and feet, first the right then the left...then she straddled me and massaged my back and shoulders, then she went back to my feet again.
Last time she did that as well...and I figured she was just rotated to pass the time since I chose a 90 min session.
This I time I decided to have some fun. As she rotated back to my legs again, I asked if it was okay to touch her. She said okay so I lightly ran my fingers down her back while she massaged my leg. I'd stop just before getting to her ass and then move to her waist and caress her there. Then she'd take my hand in hers, smile at me and move over to the other side while holding my hand. Then repeat on the other leg. Then she sat at the end by my feet and massage them while my foot was between her legs. I intentionally wiggle my toes to playfully tickle her crotch to which she'd giggle.
"suki desu ka?" (like it?)
"chotto" ( a little)
Then she sat on top of me reverse cowgirl style and ran the oil down both my legs while bending forward with her ass in my face. I couldn't resist...I started rubbing her ass and she didn't seem to mind.
Then she went back to my feet again...That's when I motioned for her to stop and did a "Come hither" motion with my hand. She stopped and then crawled slowly on top of me and laid on me. We gazed into each others eyes and started kissing. We cuddled and kissed for a few minutes then I lifted her and my self up and had her sitting in my lap, the front on her clot right on my boner.
I tightly held her close to me by her hips and started to slowly rock her back n forth on my crotch, having her grind her pelvis against mine. She started getting into it and I felt her doing it herself. I assisted her and picked up the pace. That's when she started closing her eyes and breathing heavy and trying to hold back moans. She'd put her fingers to her lips and go "shhhh". We'd kiss some more while gazing into each others eyes and holding each other's faces. Then I moved down to kissing her jaw and neck and then her breasts. But she wouldn't let me take off her bra. I just kept moving to other parts of her body and worshipped her with my lips and she silently moaned.
Then I started to rock her back and forth against my groin again while kissing her body. We'd alternate...first i'd kiss her then she would kiss my neck and chest and shoulders.
I told her that I liked this...and she said she likes it as well.
Then I whispered to her that she was beautiful in japanese...and she whispered thank you in english.
And we continued doing this multiple times as each time I'd escalate a little more and rub her inner thighs, inching closer and closer towards her pussy.
Then I rubbed my palm on her pussy over her lace panties. She felt warm and wet.
"Are you wet?"
she nodded.
I smiled and pushed pressure up against her clit and started rubbing....then I'd stop. I pulled my cock out of the little thong they gave me (which wasn't really containing it anyway) and then I placed her hand on it. She started stroking it a little and then put a finger to her lips and said "shhhh"
She stroked a little more and I began to grind my hips against her. Then she stopped and said that we can't
I nodded and agreed. In English, this would be similar to me saying: "don't worry...we're not having sex" so she doesn't feel like I'm forcing it and that way she is the one trying to make it happen.
Then we continued kissing and rocking back n forth a couple more times...each time I'd go back to touching her pussy and she my cock but then she'd stop it from going any further. Each time I grinded her against me, I could hear her squealing in ecstasy. Then I whisper in ear "shhhh"

It seemed like we were making love...(which I heard was different from just having sex...this was a lot of foreplay)
I wanted to be inside her so bad...but Eventually our timer went off. She turned it off and we kept going a little longer. Each time, she'd stop me when I'd pull out my dick again or try to take off her bra she'd shake her head and say no.
Then I tried to jerk myself off and she said no. (I'm assuming because they don't have anything to clean it up) So I stopped. (big mistake)
We went on a little longer and then The manager called on the phone in the room. She rushed to pick it up and apologized for going over the time...
She told me I have to go which was a long process as well because we KEPT GOING. I was not going to give up on getting her horny enough to have sex...but Unfortunately she stopped everything and snapped to her senses.
She whispered to me to come see her again ;)
I agreed and tried to get her LINE info or her phone number but she wouldn't give it to me.
Then I showered off and tried to jerk off in the shower, got dressed, made out with her a little more and went home with the most painful feeling in my balls I have ever felt.

Blue balls is a thing and God it hurts.
I think I'm going to vow to never let anything like that happen again and make it my personal mission to make sure to close. (or just jerk off on her regardless of what she says.)
Next time, I will bring a condom and see how she reacts to that.

that's all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I went back to see 美幸。(Miyuki)
this time, I brought condoms and I was prepared to escalate to closing...I was in for a surprise.

I went back to her on Thursday after seeing on the website that she was going to be working from 4-8pm.
She seemed pretty excited to see me and ran to me and hugged me in the waiting area. She told that she was happy I came back to visit her and she was feeling lonely. (maybe she doesn't get picked by customers very often? there's much hotter girls than her)
We walked to our room and this time, we didn't even do the usually massage...As soon as we closed the door we started kissing each other. I picked her up and held her by her ass as she passionately made out with me.
Then we sat down into our favorite position...and went at it. She started grinding her pelvis into me while I kissed her all over her neck, breasts and collarbones. Then I started to assist her with her grinding and used my strength to pull her deeper into me. She was getting really wet and had this lustful look in her eyes when she looked at me.
Her hair fell in front of her face like she was "the grudge" girl, and she almost looked possessed with horniness. It turned me on so much and I kept escalating.
This time, She let me pull out her boobs from her bra and suck on then. I loved as she twitched and jerked with each time I wiggled my tongue on her nipples.
Then I unbuttoned her transparent button up top and tossed it aside. She tried to grab it again but then I pulled out my phone and used my translator to tell her that we weren't going to have sex and I was only taking off her top. She was put at ease and left it alone after that and we continued going at it.

I know for sure that I made her ejaculate multiple times because she kept having these random involuntary twitching reactions once we picked up the pace and she started breathing heavy. afterwords she'd breathe out a sigh of ecstasy. Then we'd talk a little bit using my phone.
I asked her if she wanted me inside her
she replied saying: what would be the meaning?
my reply was lost in translation.
I told her that I wanted her and all the things I wanted to do to her.
I asked how often she has sex or masturbates ( I've been asking girls this a lot to get an idea of their sex drive. They seem surprised when I ask, but I ask it in a way where I sound like I know and I don't care that girls are sexual beings and they can be comfortable talking about these things with me. They seem to open up and tell me all kinds of naughty things when I ask this)
She told me she doesn't get to have sex very often because her boyfriend is always too tired when he comes home from work.
I told her I would never be too tired for her...I want to make her cum.
she told me she can't have sex with me because her boss would be angry.
I asked if there were cameras videotaping in the room.
She didn't understand the question. (lost in translation)
I rephrased it and then she said she wasn't sure.
I asked her how could anyone ever know if we had sex.
She said that some of the other girls might accidentally walk in on our room and it was a possibility.
I asked if the door had a lock on it.
She said it doesn't.
I could see that talking about all this was ruining the mood so I stopped and we started kissing again and it got heated and I gave her more ejaculations.
A few times I tried to take off her bra or I'd start rubbing my hand on the outside of her panties and she'd say: no. and try to stop my hand. Then I'd move my hand away...and try again after a little longer. She kept saying no and shutting me down as soon as i'd get in those areas and then I explained to her on the translator that I wasn't trying to have sex with her and I was only trying to turn her on.
She explained that she wouldn't mind but If anybody walks in, they'll assume we are having sex because her bra would be off or whatever. perception is reality.
Then I told her she should meet me outside of work one day. I told her I wanted to take her on a date.
She explained that when she got the job, she signed a contract saying that she wasn't allowed to date customers or have sex with them or have any relations with them (she obviously already broke a few rules with the fact that we kiss and fool around...she's only supposed to give me massages)
I asked her how anyone would ever find out that she saw me outside of her job. I told her it will be our little secret.
She looked at me with sincere apology and shook her head no.
every time I tried to find a way for us to be together she'd say no.
So I figured that she's a lost cause and I should just enjoy my time with her instead....we went back at it until the timer went off.
She asked me to come back and said in english: "promise?"
I told her i'll see her again...but Idk if I should...
She's being selfish...She won't let me finish, leaving me with blue balls, but expects me to keep coming back, paying MY money, to give her orgasms and get nothing in return.

I really don't want to be that guy who just cuts her off because she won't give me what I want...but I might have to.
I'm thinking I should continue to see her to either practice my skills in foreplay. (I'm getting really good at kissing now...and I've made progress by making her tremble and involuntarily jerk in pleasure)
Or continue to see her to see if I get lucky and can eventually "accidentally" move her panties to the side, slide it in and close this out.
She wasn't lying about the doors not having locks, literally anyone can walk in on us...and she could lose her job. She won't even kiss me when we are not in private.

I don't know what to do...but this all goes to show that I'm still not a master seducer and I have a lot to learn.
When I first started PUA I told my friend Victor that one day I wanted to be the guy that makes eye contact with a girl I'm interested in and just like that, that girl should've wished she didn't cross paths with me that day because she inevitably was going to be mine.

I'm making progress and starting to get a little abundance...But I don't have consistency in lays.
so far, I have two girls I'm working on besides Miyuki.
A girl I work with...(who haven't gone too in depth with lately)
and a girl I met recently on a zip-lining trip who is chasing me hard.
I feel like a king.
After losing my virginity, everything that I thought would happen, happened. I now have a devil may care attitude when It comes to girls...(cause really sex is NOT that big of a deal and I'm not interested in having sex with anyone who doesn't want to have sex with me)
I walk around like I'm the shit..
I walk around with a look on my face as if I know a secret that nobody else knows. I know that all these girls are little freaks and I know what to say to bring it out.
I feel like a prize.
I feel like girls around me can sense this and I feel them gravitating to me...chasing me, asking me out.
right this moment, the girl I met on the zip-lining trip is messaging me trying to get me to come see her and go to an amusement park with her.
She's scrambling for ways to get me to see her after our attempts at bungee jumping plans fell off.
I love this attention.

well, That's all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
So I went to DisneyLand in Tokyo on Sunday for the entire day and I happened to talk to a lot of people and girls there. Its was a lot of fun and I learned new japanese words, phrases and etc. I'm improving language-wise and pua wise.

Anyway, At first, I was going around stopping girls saying: Anata no youfuku wa suteki desu. (your clothing/fashion is fantastic)
and then I'd ask if I could take a picture as if I was some kind of japanese fashion blogger or something. They all mostly giggled and let me take a photo and then not too long after they start asking me questions in japanese and we're having a full on basic conversation.

here's what stood out:

I was standing in line for a ride and this big group of girls were waiting in line behind me and I was just listening to their conversation and heard the one directly behind me say: "ugh...atsui desu" (ugh...its hot)
then I joined in and said: hai, atsui desu ne.
the girls started giggling and continued with conversation and it was obvious they were snickering about me. Then I jumped back in and asked all of their names and while we stood in line, we talked the entire time.
The girl that stood directly behind me (and who was the cutest) could speak english and then I asked her why she didn't just talk in english the entire time and she started laughing.
Then she told me she was an english teacher and asked me what I did and so on so forth, got her LINE info and we rode the ride and went our separate ways.
At this very moment she's texting me trying to ask me out to get sushi with her.

Next was an interaction that I couldn't believe would ever happen in Japan.
So I was sitting down at an outdoor cafe underneath an umbrella siping on some hot cocoa as the park was coming close to closing. I saw this girl and her group of friends multiple times throughout the day but then I finally decided to approach her. She was standing with her friends talking and I walked over and told her her clothes were amazing.
She was wearing this tight fitting white dress and brown boots and had her hair in a ponytail. She had a nice little ass too, and a flat stomach.
She didn't understand my japanese at first and I repeated myself. Then she looked to her friend who repeated it for me.
Then she got excited and said thank you and I asked if I could take a picture. She posed and then her friend took my camera and told me to get in the picture.
I used that opportunity to break touch barrier and got in close.
Then I got all the girls names and They started asking me many questions while the girl who could speak english acted as a translator for all of us. The girls seemed to be trying to hook me up with the girl that I approached and they had no problem with me spinning her around, kissing her hand,and so on.
At one point I was complimenting her body and felt her stomach...(she had a tight stomach and abs....turns out she works as a dancer in Ginza)
then I poked her ass and slapped it. She got really excited and then I made her touch mine. She started giggling and looking at her friends like: he's got a nice ass
and they all nodded in approval. Then conversation seemed to be dying so the girl who could speak english invited me to walk with them to this show they were going to so I can spend time with my girl there.
We got there and it was already crowded so we couldn't really see Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse over the heads of many people in front of us. I grabbed my girl by her waist and lifted her in the air so she could see over everyone's heads. The energy was very high and fun.
Then we started salsa dancing together to the music and she asked me if I could dance. She let me have so much access to her body, I should've just pulled...
But I told her I had to go because My group was leaving soon and my phone was dying. She asked me if I had Facebook and I gave it to her. Then I got her Line info and we added each other.
Her and her friends asked me to come see them perform at their job in Ginza. They say its some kind of jazz dance place where they wear these fancy outfits and dance on stage while customers get served food. Runs at about 15,000 yen ($150)
I told them maybe and then She agreed that we'll definitely see each other again and we went our separate ways.

I need to formulate a plan to close this girl because this one seems like an easy lay. She was so into me.
I'll keep the journal updated.
currently 4 girls in the works.

That's all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Also, I forgot, this interaction was very bold....I forgot to mention that I straight up kissed her neck and left her with a hickey and all her friends freaked out. Its like they wanted to give her to me so I can get her laid.

alright now..

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I feel like a boss

So I finally fucked Miyuki...
I want to keep this short so I'll just give all the main details.
I went back to see her again.
We got to kissing and this time included tongue action. (this is my first time kissing with tongue so I guess I'm getting better/more experienced.
Beforehand, I put my condom on after taking the shower so I had a condom on underneath the thong thing they give us to wear.
I pinned her down by the arms and went from her neck down to her stomach, then her thighs, then I mouth her clot through her panties.
She twitched and squirmed with pleasure.
Then I rubbed the palm of my hand on the outside of her panties and got her really turned on.
Then I moved her panties to the side and wiggled my fingers on her pussy lips and clot. (mostly just trying to find the hole lol)
Then I slipped a finger in and started fingering her in the "come hither" motion and made her cum a little.
Her insides were so wet that I was hearing splashy sounds.
Then I slowly inserted my dick....and slowly pushed it inside of her. She covered her mouth to try to contain her squeals and moans.
I said "shhhhh" as I slowly moved my hips in and out of her.
She twitched and shook violently as I pinned her arms down and kissed all over her neck and breasts while I fucked her slowly.
I didn't get off but She did try to give me a hand job while I taught her how to stroke it right.
She was trying hard not to make noise so every time it was starting to feel good for me she'd stop cause my breathing was getting heavier.
I believe I made her cum 4-5 times.
She wouldn't give me a blow job. She seemed scared to do it. lol its whatever. I'll have to learn how to teach girls to give bjs.
Then our time was up and she told me she was happy that it happened and she loves spending time with me.
We talked a bit. I asked her if she does this with any other customers.
She said she doesn't and only gives massages.
She said the only reason she does this with me is because she wants to and because I turn her on.
If that's the truth, then that's a huge compliment.

Now, I just need to get lays from bar game or day game or girls I just met.
I won't count this one because I had to see her multiple times to finally get the lay.
Currently, I feel like I need to focus more on my professional/work life over my personal life, so I don't know If I can go out gaming soon.
I'm also trying to see if things work out with a girl I work with and I have a date coming up with one of the girls I met at Disneyland.

I never thought years ago that I'd be this guy getting all these girls. I used to be so nervous talking to girls, I always got friend zoned, I got heartbroken...
Now, I feel like a prize, I feel like a boss.
Thankyou GC, Thankyou all the members of the boards who support me.
Thankyou Chase.
I'm not done yet....
I'm going to master seduction.

that's all for now.

(and Happy Birthday America!)

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
It's been a long time and I'm thinking I should get in the habit of posting here again to get support and feedback.
Over the past month, I've began posting but then I erased everything I typed and scraped it.
I've had a few close encounters and many smooth number closes but I've been mostly spending time with my FWB Miyuki.
I had to end things with her recently. Reason being was that she was not down to meet outside of her workplace for fear of being caught by her manager.
I wanted to bring her to hotel so we can do our thing in peace and be as loud as we wanted but she wants to continue keeping in secret in our little room where she's supposed to be giving me back massages.
Being squeezed in that little room has us both holding back on a lot of things we want to do but can't, and as result the spark and passion is dying down.
I tried to save it but she won't comply with me so I ended things.

I've also had a lot of mental shifts since my last posting.
I'm now in this mental state where I easily NEXT girls....it could only be due to abundance or outcome independence or maybe an ego loss.
Beforehand, whenever Ray or anybody would give me advice to drop and girl and NEXT her, a part of me knew they were right but I was still too attached and held on until It was absolutely clear that the interaction was done.

so far, I've been to this large concert in Tokyo. Collected many numbers there but couldn't get any on dates. a few flakes and interesting texts exchanges that I'm too lazy to post.
Let's just say my text game is improving. Keeping it fun, sexual and exciting for the girl.

I climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji a couple weekends ago. While on the way up I met a white girl who I assumed was half japanese.
My opener was in japanese and she didn't speak it so she had no idea what I was saying.
Then I was like: oh you speak english...
and I continued the interaction speaking in my native tongue. which I believe I have much better game in anyway.
got her number, got her to kiss me. (been doing that a lot lately too. kisses are quite easy to get these days)
Turns out this girl is a model and has been in japanese commercials. I didn't let it intimidate me though. She seems to like that I don't treat her like a goddess like other guys do...and she seems to investing a lot into me. (texting me out of the blue and calling me)
Its a shame that she was only on the mainland for that weekend to climb and she had to fly back to Okinawa.
She told me she'll try to come visit me as soon as possible but In the back of my mind I'm expecting things to fizzle out. If this goes well, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Met another girl whose new to Japan.
when we first met it was at the lounge on base. I was with a few acquaintances watching this movie "Battleship" and laughing about how hollywood depicts the military and all the things they get wrong. She came walking in and then asked who I was while getting in my face nearly about to kiss me. I went with it and played along with her challenging me and I teased her and we ended up wrestling on the floor. I pinned her down by the arms and said: well, I've never met anyone like this before. Nice to meet you...I'm Wes.

A couple meetups ups later I led her back to her room and we talked and I deep dived her little. Then we moved to my room so I could "retrieve" something. Brought her in...we talked a bit and wrestled but she wouldn't let me kiss her. I don't know what the deal was because we both knew what was going to happen. Eventually she got bored and left.
I was frustrated with how close I was but whatever...I'm still learning. I'm guessing my new sticking point is LMR and sexual escalation.

Its easier to escalate with a japanese girl cause when they protest, you can act like you don't understand them and just step back then proceed when they initiate intimacy again.
with women who don't speak the same language, I find myself reading their body language more.
With english speakers, Its easier for me to take their words at face value instead of reading the sub-communication.
I need to work on that.

There's also one one girl that I've had a series of encounters with who also tried to friend zone me. I've come up with a pretty good response to when girl test you by friend zoning you. but I'll have to share it later because I have to get going.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012

I'm getting so close to so many lays but I'm not getting past that last bit of resistance that girls put up.
Over the past two weeks I've been bringing girls over to my room effortlessly. My sticking point is escalation to sex.
I'm new to this so I'm still figuring the ins and outs of getting them comfortable or initiating anything. I think its safe to say that I'm somewhat of an intermediate now and now on my way to advanced.
Many of the past issues I had as a beginner seem petty and I clearly understand many concepts.
Sometimes you have to go back to old content and re-learn it to grasp a different meaning you didn't have when you were less experienced. The wisdom of game doesn't change, You change. Your mind changes the more you try things out, get rejected,step out of your comfort zone and take many different approaches to achieving your goals. Eventually you find something that works and you stick with it and turns out, It works just about every time you do it. What works for you may not work for someone else so In actuality, we're all finding our signature way of gaming. All that matters is that you don't give up.
Keep going no matter how discouraging it gets...you WILL get better. Nobody improves over night. It's taken me almost 5 years just to get to this point.

So one of the girls that I'm working on right now tried to friend zone me a couple weeks back and I found a good go-to response for her test.
Basically, we were texting back in forth in a flirty manner while sitting on opposite sides of another guy while all three of us watched a movie.
I was using sexual innuendos and such and then tried to escalate when suddenly she texts: yea well I only see you as friend so that will never happen.
I was like: oh shit, not again....english speaking girls have been friend zoning me a lot lately even though we both clearly can feel the sexual energy. Its as if they're doing it as a test to see how I take it. To see if I handle it like every other chose who freaks out whenever he's been friend zoned.
So I respond: You think we're friends? Trust me, you don't want me as a friend...
her: why not? you seem pretty cool to me.
me: Trust me, I would not be a good friend to you. All i'm good for is giving you a good time and maybe a few orgasms.
her: why do you think that?
me: I'll tell you why later.... (switch subject, never went back to this topic again)

every time things get heated between us and she tries to use this again I just remind her of how much of a shitty friend I am.

I truly believe girls are adapting their way to game and coming up with new tests before they sleep with guys. Game is probably one of those things where the rules remain the same( don't be needy, be polarizing, escalate, move fast) but your style should always be adapting.

Eventually this girl invited me to come to eat with her but told me to invite my female friend while she invited some guy she just met. (she made it seem like a mutual female friend over text but it turned out to be this guy)
Him and her picked me and my female friend up with his car and we went to this close by yakiniku (grill your own meat) restaurant.
It seemed like this guy had some pretty good game and had already established good connection and rapport with my girl. I still was going to attempt.
may the guy with the best game win. But it seemed like she set this whole thing up on purpose to test out which guy was more alpha (who she should sleep with)
At first I seemed to have her undivided attention. I had her engaged and touching me, While he was forced to meet my female friend and make conversation with her.
When we arrived at the restaurant, He took the lead and sat by her on the opposite side of the table from me and my female friend. Regardless, I still had her undivided attention but I may have set myself up for failure by getting her too horny at the table. I make sexual innuendos apart of my daily interactions with women so the fact that I invited/set the frame that me and her could talk in that way, it gave him an opening to talk sexual as well (since my girl ws already doing it any way)

It seemed as if he hadn't even established a sexual aspect with her yet and he finally was through this dinner.
Once he got it, He was blasting off and was way better than me. He completely snatched her attention and she kept making comments about his tattoos going down his arm and his muscles and basically she was acting very inappropriately in front of me. Like, no consider for my feelings at all.
Then she started taking the lead and mentioning that we're all going to go back to his place after and do shots.
Since Me and my friend had work in the morning we were not down with getting drunk that night.
She made the decision that we go to this bar across the street and so the guy and her dropped me and my friend off at the bar to go park the car somewhere else. (no parking spaces)
I knew that the fact she stayed with him was enough evidence that she already made her decision who she was going home with that night. I didn't know if their was anything else I could've done without seeming try hard. My friend and I decided to just go back home and started walking home. We ran into them when we were heading back and they asked where we were going.
We let them know about work and then they decided they were going to go back to his place and "have shots" aka she's going to fuck him if he plays his escalation game right.
I gave it to him and went to bed.

I still don't know If he got the lay or not and I haven't talked to her since that incident.

Damn, my stories are beginning to get Anatman long and stuffed with too many details.
I have more stories from this week...really entertaining ones but Its just such a long story.

a (somewhat)TL;DR of one: A girl I met who basically metaphorically told me to fuck her has this other guy who also likes her (who happens to be in the closet bi). This girl has been all over me since we first met. Guy just met her recently, thinks he has more of a shot than I do. His game needs SERIOUS work. So many flaws. He becomes an asshole and pulls me aside to tell me that I suck at game and I'm "trying too hard to get the girl to like me" and " I have to wait for her to come to me". Then he goes behind my back and tries to AMOG me in front of her. Meanwhile, she complies with me, she follows me, she's already basically said she was down to fuck me. We talk about this guy behind his back while he's not around and decide to troll his ass. She plays along and starts "going to him" and acting like she likes him. All of a sudden, his head blows up and he's acting like he's the boss or some shit.
he's all like: where do you see this going?
and she's like: let's see where it goes.
him: I'm not really looking for a relationship
her: who said I was looking for one ;)
and she's basically acting super easy that we're both surprised he doesn't see that its all fake. Then She asks him about his sexual preferences and he confesses to being bi sexual to her. She falsely confesses that she's actually a transgender women who still has a penis and asks if he's down with getting pegged with her penis.
He says he's down and mentions that he also likes to be dominated.
both of us are cracking up laughing because this same guy was acting like this huge homophobe earlier and being an asshole.
She's basically going to go with it and break it off before he starts falling in love with her. (she is so evil lol)
He's basically tried to kiss her multiple times which she deflected. And he's tried to get her alone, which she made excuses for. Meanwhile she follows me everywhere, including back to my room today but I couldn't make anything happen. (she seemed nervous and we just stopped by my place for a quick second and left.)

So me and her are basically going to hell for being such evil trolls....and dude...if you happen to be into pua and also happen to be on this website, I am so sorry...lol You have so much to work on. You've got your process down but your inner game needs work. You brag too much, you're way too cocky, You also talk non-stop more than a girl does and she can't even get a word in. You're also kinda creepy (as told to me by many other females I know here) You're too intense....Tone it down...You talk like you're at a house football party. Work on your fashion. And lastly, Everybody sees you flexing in reflections and checking yourself out, come on! lmao.

I tried to make that a TL;DR but it didn't really work out.
Anyway, that's all for now